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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
S. W. Erdnase Bottom Dealing featuring the Erdnase Grip
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1902 52
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Psychic Writing appearing writing on paper card answers question
Related toVariations 1935 4
Ladson Butler The Whispering Queen deck is shuffled and dealt in four heaps, bottom cards divined
Related toVariations 1937 24
Edward Victor The "Deo-Ace" Trick four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection
Variations 1937 29
The Pencil-Line Detection one-way via edge mark
Related to 1938 65
T.J. Crawford Migratory Coins coins on corners of black cloth, with two postcards
Variations 1938 705
George Sutcliffe, Tom Sellers Repel-Attract matches move apart between fingers, rubber tubing
Variations 1939
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Frederick Braue The Flip-Over Palm attributed to Fred Braue in "Vis à Vis"
Related toVariations 1940 58
Multi-Spelling Trick "The repeat Spelling of Mentally Selected Cards"
Variations 1940 347
Edward Marlo Surprising Transposition card in pocket with card at chosen position
Related toAlso published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Edward Marlo Surprising Transposition card in pocket with card at chosen position
Related toAlso published here 1941 16
Bluey-Bluey Bluey-Bluey's Method
Related to 1941 ca. 131
Heisey Heisey's Hindu Rope Trick
Related to 1941 ca. 169
Warren Wiersbe Military Mixup
Variations 1944 8
Paul Curry Linked two ropes hanging on performer's shoulder link, see also ring & tape sequence in "Sefalaljia"
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 123)
Dr. Jacob Daley The Cavorting Aces
Variations 1950
Stars of Magic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Paul Rosini Double Reverse spectator and performer each chose selection from half the deck, they end up reversed
Related toVariations 1950 53
Jack Avis The Jokers ten cards on table, selected one is predicted the others are jokers
Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 242)
Arthur Hastings D. F. C.
Inspired byRelated toVariations Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 265)
Jack Avis Loops Entwined under handkerchief
Inspired byAlso published here Feb. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 275)
Jack Avis Demented Dice
Feb. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 275)
Jack Avis, Al Koran The Cards of Pegasus initialed Joker in sealed in envelope, five cards chosen and initialed, one card is chosen, transposes with the Joker, chosen card is now in envelope
Also published here 1953 33
Jack Avis Message from Hades freely chosen card predicted, pocket writing
Related to 1954 221
Jack Avis Your Choice Again coin transposition, one coin in handkerchief
Inspired by
  • "Your Choice!" (Jack Avis, Pentagram, Feb. 1953)
May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 308)
Peter Warlock Take a Bow, Jack Avis transposition of two coins, with handkerchief
Inspired by
  • "Your Choice!" (Jack Avis, Pentagram, Feb. 1953)
1954 47
Al Koran, Jack Avis, Roy Walton A Pound For Your Card signed card placed in nest of three envelopes, bill borrowed and serial number noted and then put in purse, card and bill transpose
Also published here 1954 139
Jack Avis All Fair Impromptu Spell mental spelling, imperfect card principle
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Jack Avis All Fair Count Down card from group is selected, value used to locate card
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Edward Marlo The Clip Steal l.h. Steal during Overhand Shuffle
Related to 1956 18
Edward Marlo Separating Aces (4th Method) four Aces are placed in the center face-down, deck spread and Aces have distributed in the deck and turned face-up
Inspired by Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Jack Avis All Fair Card Transposition card in pocket with card at chosen position
Related to 1956 10
Jack Avis All Fair Hallucination card chosen and returned, deck riffled in front of another spectator and he names a card, it is the first selection, faro, only odd-colored
Inspired by
  • "Hallucination" (Lloyd Jones)
1956 13
Edward Marlo The Bold Steal while showing that selection is not on top or bottom and other handlings, see Note 3 on p. 58
Related to 1957 9
Jack Avis Safety Cut linked safety pins put into paper cover, cover cut in two pieces, held together again and pins still linked
Also published here 1957
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Jack Avis All Fair Surprise card held by spectator turns into selection
Also published here 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Jack Avis Card Switch behind fan
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Jack Avis, Cy Endfield, Roy Walton Three From Three
  • Effect No. 1: three card location, one reversed others next to it
  • Effect No. 2: off-beat card location, pocket
  • Effect No. 3: multiple transformation
Related toVariations 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Norman Houghton Shears invisible scissor is used to cut off two strips from a piece of paper, sight gag, two applications:
  • design of chosen card is cut from newspaper
  • ribbon in change bag is cut invisibly into as many pieces are the spectator chooses
Related to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Jack Avis Tip for "Shears" invisible scissor sight gag
Related to Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Jack Avis On the Seven-Principle
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Jack Avis A Short Brownwave card selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and the selected card is at same position as card with a message
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Jack Avis A Simple Brownwave card selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and the selected card is at same position as card with a message
Inspired by Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Jack Avis Delayed Brownwave card selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and at one point a prediction card appears with the message "count ten more cards", that's where the selection is
Inspired by Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Jack Avis Cards of Sympathy four quartets show up, transform, transpose
1957 11
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 32
Jack Avis Right Card - Wrong Color card chosen, wrong color proclaimed by magician, cards separated in reds and blacks, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Inspired byAlso published here 1958
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Henry Christ Henry Christ Spread Switch see Elmsley book for Tony Kardyro credit information
Related toVariations 1959 23
Edward Marlo Mechanical Seconds effect application: Aces change to Kings
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1959 90
Tony Corinda, Al Koran Centre Tear (One Hand Variation)
Related to 1959 171
Jack Avis The Birthday Card Trick card is found a position of a wished month
1959 312
Jack Avis Suit Force with down-under-deal
1959 313
Jack Avis Stamp of Approval card marked with stamp is used to chose two cards, prediction of the two selections
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Jack Avis A Card Exchange unconventional handling
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Jack Avis Seven and Eleven Transpo four Aces and three Sevens, when Ace is put with Sevens the other three cards transpose
Also published here 1960
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Jack Avis Surprise card held by spectator turns into selection
Also published here Dec. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 352)
Jack Avis The Devilish Die two card selected with top and bottom numbers of rolled die, both are eventually located
Variations Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Jack Avis A Switch Move
Also published here 1961
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Jack Avis Diencidence three chosen cards reveal two numbers chosen with a die and total
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Jack Avis French Reverse
Oct. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 362)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der mysteriöse Scarabäus card is selected with scarab and same card is reversed in second deck, with different colored back
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1961 47
Piet Forton 24th annual convention at Hastings 21. - 25. Sept. 60 on David Haggarty, Fred Lowe, Francis Haxton, Gus Southall, Peter Warlock, George Blake, Edward Victor, Jack Avis, Devano, Ron Mc Millan, Claude Rix, Mystic Craig, Jerry Andrus, Jack Miller, Al Koran, Johnny Geddes, Tom Harris, Alan Alan, Mila Trnka, Roberta & Hella
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Jack Avis Repartition 4&4
  • Part One (using Glide)
  • Part Two
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Jack Avis The Finger Clip Cull
Also published here 1962
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Jack Avis Coincidence-Again
Also published here 1962
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Jack Avis The Jumping Thought card peeked at, deck shuffled by spectator, card divined and it comes to top
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Jack Avis The Two and Eight Coins transposition of a half dollar in closed hand and penny on back of the fist
May 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 369)
Jack Avis Put Back Aces with Biddle counting
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Edward Marlo Excerpts From Two Letters "The Total Principle"
two card selected with two numbers, both are eventually located, or named
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Nate Leipzig Twirl Cut
Related to 1963 170
Edward Marlo Thoughts on Blind Choice two selections from one deck match two reversed prediction cards in second deck, four methods with different gaffed decks (Ultra Mental Deck, deck with twenty-six different cards duplicated, Audley Walsh's Dream Deck / Koran Deck)
Inspired by
  • "Blind Choice" (Jack Avis, The Gen, June 1962, p. 44)
1964 67
Jack Avis All Fair Challenge Location divided deck and faro
Related to Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Mel Brown, Tom Harris, Robert Lund, John A. Beck, Charles Kalish, Paul Curry, Bill Simon Letter Column
Related to Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Jack Avis Sensitive Fingers naming card when feeling them behind back, then cards on either side of a selection
Variations June 1966 38
Robert Lund, Robert Stine, Dan Fowler, Jack Avis Etcetera how Dunninger fooled Dr. James Elliott, magic as art
Sep. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jack Avis Poker Dice Coincidence poker dice match dealt hand, posed as a problem
Related to Sep. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Dai Vernon Three Break Control
Related toVariations 1967 132
Jack Avis Slippery Aces Aces produced, then lost and produced in named order
1967 177
Jack Avis Spin Cut Production
1967 178
Jack Avis Exchanged three of four Aces are switched
Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
John Benzais Benzais' Spin-Out
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 67
Jack Avis Houdini Ring ring off rope
Related to 1967 325
Fred G. Taylor, Clayton Rawson, Jack Avis Etcetera hobbyist vs professionals
Aug. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Peter Kane Single Shot card shoots out of incomplete faro deck, card gun
Related toVariations 1967 12
Piet Forton Piet Forton's Visible Ace Popper Move Inspired by Jack Avis and Eddie Taytelbaum
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1967 12
Jack Avis "Wandman" Transpo card moves from one position in deck to another, by throwing dice, using Walter Wandman dice box
May 1968 175
Jack Avis, Larry Jennings To Lie Or Tell The Truth see also p. 840 for idea by Cushing Strout
Related to
  • p. 179 for further references
VariationsAlso published here
May 1968 175
Jack Avis All Fair Mygratory Coins four coins & three cards
Also published here May 1968 177
Jack Avis Check Cop Move coin steal
May 1968 177
Jack Avis Tip & Load Move
May 1968 177
Jack Avis Hidden Power card selected via Automatic Placement procedure moves to named number
Variations May 1968 177
Jack Avis An Ace Locator Aces distributed as key cards
Related to
  • p. 179 for further references
May 1968 180
Jack Avis Houdini Card deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief, p. 241 for further reference, p. 246 for idea by Harrison Beale
VariationsAlso published here Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Jack Avis Loops Entwined Curry's linked behind handkerchief
Also published here 1968 122
Jack Avis Multiple Glide
1969 17
Jack Avis Two - Four - Six - Eight - Find named number corresponds to distance between spectator's and performer's selection
Related to 1969 120
Jack Avis Gathering of the Clan
1969 121
Edward Marlo Air Mail Prediction featuring finesse for a Henry Christ force beneath table
Related toVariations Winter 1969 65
Norman Osborn Opposites card selected with invisible dice, they become visible and with them the card is found, see p. 288 for suggestion by Jack Avis
May 1969 260
Jack Avis, Martin Gardner, John Brennon, Peter A. McDonald Etcetera
Oct. 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Roy Walton Money Power from twenty-card packet, two set of mates are found with spectator, making up four-of-a-kind
Inspired by
  • Jack Avis problem
Related toVariationsAlso published here
1969 14
Roy Walton On the Side of the Angels packet cut off half the deck and counted, two cards remembered (one using the number), they end up at the same position in two piles
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Jack Avis 3-Way Split transposition of two card with a third card (joker) on the table
Oct. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Robert E. Neale More Lies thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Related toVariationsAlso published here Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Roy Johnson Sensitive Fingers naming card when feeling them under table, then cards on either side of a reversed card are predicted
Inspired by 1970 41
Jack Avis The "Lost Ace" Trick
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 11)
Jack Avis The Siva Count
Mar. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 11)
Jack Avis Introduction
1971 3
Martin Gardner Paradox Papers paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, then all even numbers are one way and the odds another, application with cards, Steve Shimm suggestion, tapestry handling, see also p. 521 for Gene Nielson handling, H. E. Dudeney
Inspired by
  • Henry Dudeny puzzle from "Modern Puzzles" (1926)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
July 1971 429
Lin Searles Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles, see also p. 486 for comment by Charles Hudson
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1971 430
Karl Fulves Mexican Monte monte/twist combo with unexpected/funny cards appearing
Related toVariations 1972 8
Ben Christopher Unlimited Elevator four Kings buried in deck, four queens one by one placed on top and attracting its King
  • Impromptu Method
Related toVariations Oct. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Bill Logan Perfect Packet Spell spectator removes a couple of number cards, performer arranges them instantly so they spell out in wanted order one by one
Variations Dec. 1972 576
Roy Walton Strange Assembly assembly, but instead of the Kings the four Aces are found in the last packet and the Kings reversed in the deck
Related toAlso published here 1972 2
Dai Vernon, Stewart Judah Vernon-Judah Poker Demonstration No. 89, same set-up dealt over and over for two players
VariationsAlso published here 1972 27
Jochen Zmeck Chipwanderung one of six chosen chips vanishes from paper bag and appears in a box
Inspired by
  • "Poker Chip Chicanery" (Al Koran, Jack Avis, marketed ca. 1953)
1972 16
Karl Fulves Imp Cop card lapped from riffle shuffle or put in a position where it is held at a corner at the table edge
Variations 1973 40
Jack Avis Topsy Turvy triumph with ambitious phases and four-of-a-kind kicker
July 1973
Epilogue (Issue 18)
Harvey Rosenthal Ring Off see p. 608 for comment
Inspired by
  • "Ring" (Ray Grismer, Genii, May 1971)
Mar. 1973 601
Carl Newton Inspiration from the French two cards selected from ten-card packet, cards in row on card stand and a piece of tissue in front of each, tissue touched with cigarette, bright flashes at selections
Related to Mar. 1973 603
Robert (Bob) Hess Focal Point one of ten cards, OOSOOM
Inspired by
  • Hull's "Mental Discernment"
May 1973 625
Jack Avis Impromptu Unlimited four Kings buried in deck, four queens one by one placed on top and attracting its King
Inspired by Sep. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Jack Avis, Roy Walton Siva Count "show four cards as four, concealing none"
1973 11
Karl Fulves The Optical Force (chapter 33-A added to 1975 edition, see "13 Prophets", p. 20)
two spectators choose cards: mates
Variations 1975 408
Roy Walton The E.J. Count "Elmsley Jordan", Siva Count, see "Vis à Vis" for credit information
Related to 1975 187
Jack Avis The Siva Count
1975 187
Jack Avis The Sport Trick four blank cards, on one a picture of a girl appears and vanishes
Also published here Mar. 1975
Epilogue (Issue 23)
Jack Avis Four Tricks: Random Speller
July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Jack Avis This Is My Card
July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Jack Avis Siva's Nightmare one-way deck
Inspired by July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Jack Avis Five Card Do As I Did
July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Larry Jennings Royal Triumph four Kings instead of selection
Variations 1975
Epilogue (Issue Special No 3 (Part 1))
Jack Avis A Spirit Detection drinks and countries are divined
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Fred Robinson Focus on Ken Hawes, Ken Brooke, Jack Avis, Ascanio, Fred Kaps, Uri Geller, David Berglas
Apr. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Jack Avis The Wishing Envelope gimmick envelope, including three routines with it
  • The Wishing Envelope
  • The Jokers Wild
  • Transposed Marlo Reverse
Also published here Oct. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Jack Avis Spirits appearing writing on paper card reveals selection
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Simplified Psychic Writing" (S. H. Sharpe, Bagshawe's Magical Journal, Dec. 1928)
July 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Jack Avis Focal Point II one of ten, OOSOOM
Inspired by July 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Jack Avis Siva Count show four cards as four, concealing none
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Deal Switch thought-of card appears between tabled mates, featuring a switch
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 1
Fred Robinson Focus on Walt Lees, Fred Kaps, Ken Brooke, Harry Lorayne, Jack Avis, Rand Magic Circle, Ricky Jay, Derek Dingle, Peter Becker, Cyril Faranoff, Frank Farrow, Jack Yates, Ron McMillan
Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Jack Avis Spin Cut Aces cut and production, originally published in "Pentagram"
Sep. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Fred Robinson Focus on Fred Kaps, Ricky Jay, Richiardi Junior, John Fisher, Ali Bongo, Ken Brooke, Jack Avis, Paul Stone, Nick Bolton
Nov. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Paul Harris The Bizarre Twist! card perpendicular between two other cards turns visually over, color changing back kicker ("The Bizarre Routine")
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 73
Jack Avis, Matching Matches No. 12, two spectators take some matches and count them, they remember cards at their corresponding position, performer makes two piles and both cards are in same position
1976 21
Jack Avis Sensitive Fingertips No. 36, cards divined behind back, two more when deck is in spectator's hands
1976 56
Jerry L. Christensen Pyramid Aces
Related to Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Jack Avis The Siva Count five cards as four, center one hidden
1977 48
Ken Krenzel Caught Red-Handed "Magic Bullet" with color changing back kicker
Variations 1978 82
Nate Leipzig, Andrew Pargeter, John Muir, Jack Avis Simplified Spin Pass Aces twirl cut (see reference), each time an ace appears. based on "Spin Pass Aces" by John Muir in "Abracadabra No. 1027", for credit details see Pabular 4/9, p. 571
Related to Feb. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Fred Robinson Oasis on Johnny Paul, Vic Pinto, John Fisher, Fred Kaps, Ricky Jay, James Randi, Geoff Ray, Walt Lees, Gaeton Bloom, Bob Read, Gordon Bruce, Alex Elmsley, Steve Freeman, Peter Warlock, Jack Avis, Obie O'Brien
May 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Jerry K. Hartman Ex-specter Writing appears on paper card, revealing two selections
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 50
Roy Walton Second Time Around three cards chosen, found reversed, other cards on either side
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 11
David Stahl Maxi-Twist IX Twisting the Aces, then they change to Ace, Two, Three and Four
Variations 1978 5
Jack Avis Siva Count
Feb. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Dai Vernon, Jack Avis, Brother John Hamman, Jay Malbrough The Pinochle Caper four cards change several times
Inspired byAlso published here June 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Karl Fulves The St. Regis Sleight card selected from incomplete riffle shuffle, color forced
Variations 1979
Robin Robertson Robin's Riffle two cards chosen from incomplete Riffle Shuffle position with smaller packets, in the end cards dealt from two piles and selections turn up at same position
Variations 1979 22
Karl Fulves Stopped Twice two prediction cards placed in deck during dealing by spectator end up next to their mates, "Gemini Twins"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 2
Edward Marlo Psi Color deck is shuffled and spectator can guess if top card is red or black, he is always right
Related to 1979
Magick (Issue 243)
Al Koran, Jack Avis, Roy Walton Ein Pfund für Ihre Karte signed card placed in nest of three envelopes, bill borrowed and serial number noted and then put in purse, card and bill transpose
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Karl Fulves Six Quik 3&3, reds face-up and blacks face-down, could be odd-backed, separation in stages, then at once
Related to 1980 3
Karl Fulves The Optical Trap sandwiched card is suddenly no longer between other cards when three-card-spread is turned over, see also Cervon Monte
Related toVariations 1980 8
Andrew Galloway, John A. M. Howie A Trick For Jack Avis two selection in two packets change places and end up on top of the other packet
1980 15
Sam Schwartz All Red 2&2, two reds and two blacks mixed, they all change to black, repeated with another set of red and black cards, then all eight cards change to red
Inspired byVariations 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 25)
Jack Avis Siva Count five as four
1980 6
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Mathematical 3 Card Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
Related toVariations 1980 35
Bob Hummer Mind Reader's Dream cards dealt according to thought-of card, with Dreambook to transfer number to card
VariationsAlso published here 1980 42
Jon Racherbaumer Wired Hidden Power card remembered at total of cut-off packet
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 26
Thomas Alan Waters, Jack Avis The Occultear secretly tearing the center
  • Writing Materials
  • The Area of Writings
  • The Fold
  • The Tear
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Triton a red, white, and blue billet are in a bulldog clip, which select a category each, aspectator selects one of three categories and choses a word from that category, which he writes down, the word is predicted on one of the three billets
Inspired by
  • Jack Avis' "Chronokinesis" in Peter Warlock's "Pentagram", Vol. 8, No. 4. P. 25.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Jack Avis Impromptu Mexican monte/twist combo with black aces and black five, then all change to red Aces and red five, then all four Aces
Inspired by 1981 62
Jack Avis The Elmsley-Jordan Count to Show Four Aces Siva Count basically
1981 8
Jack Avis Optical Notes variations
Inspired by 1981
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Jack Avis Loops Entwined No. 43
Also published here 1981 52
Jack Avis Siva Count
1981 119
Jerry Sadowitz The Whisperers four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Related toVariations 1982 8
Edward Marlo Open-Air Ace Assembly no extra card
Variations 1982 194
Jack Avis Siva Count
Nov. 1982 19
Frank Thompson Thompson False Cut
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1982 45
Brother John Hamman The Pinochle Trick ungaffed, Gemini Count
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Jack Avis Mexican Bingo No. 74, sheets with numbers, some numbers arrived at are used to spell-count down in deck, four Aces found
1983 97
Karl Fulves, Jack Avis A Letter from Jack Avis
Related to 1983 13
Dr. Jacob Daley, Jack Avis Notes on Dr. Daley's Strip Out Shuffle culling of cards at known position, short Ace cutting sequence with riffle shuffle placement, all very brief
1984 112
Jack Avis Place-Name-26 place and obtain the name of the twenty-sixth card, faro shuffle
1984 124
Jack Avis Three Zarrow Techniques
  • 1st Z-Technique
  • 2nd Z-Technique
  • 3rd Z-Technique
1984 124
Jack Avis, Dr. James William Elliott On Dr. Elliott's Run-Ups
Also published here 1984 139
Jack Avis, Bill Reid, Alex Elmsley The Casual False Shuffle four jogged packets
1984 158
Reinhard Müller Out of the Escorial II sorting in four suits
Related to 1984
Arcane (Issue 11)
Daryl Martinez Diamond Bar
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here July/Aug. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 23 & 24)
Jack Avis To Lie or Tell the Truth No. 12, impromptu
1984 16
Jack Avis Houdini Card No. 79, deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief
Also published here 1984 118
Jack Avis Coin Switch coin scooped up with card
1984 43
Daryl Martinez Daryl's Psychological Assembly "or The Jolly Jumping Jokers"
twelve red spot cards, four three-card packets put on table, then four Jokers distributed among those packets, Jokers assemble
  • #1. The Easy Way
  • #2. The Cardman's Version
Variations 1985 1
Jack Avis The Center Double Lift
1985/87 37
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Farb-Chips Mental four different colored chips in a box are dumped in spectator's hand, color is selected by choosing a card and corresponding chip is found missing in hand and back in box, with variation
  • Meine mental-magischen Farb-Chips
Inspired by
  • Jack Avis & Al Koran's "Poker-Chip-Chicanery"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 3)
Jack Avis Siva Count
1986 51
Dai Vernon No Sleight Triumph
Related to 1987 105
Jack Avis Court Spell named court card spelled from packet of picture cards
Also published here 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 36)
Kevin Reay No-Touch Transposition two selections lost, red Aces pocketed, Aces appear on deck and selections in pocket
Related toVariations Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Roy Walton On The Side Of The Angels packet cut off half the deck and counted, two cards remembered (one using the number), they end up at the same position in two piles
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 30
Karl Fulves MacCount four cards, Ace travels from pocket back to packet, featuring count that shows all cards but changes order
Variations 1989 3
Jack Avis, Cy Endfield Twist And Vanish five cards, one of which is selection, wrong cards turn over one by one, then selection vanishes, Biddle Trick
Inspired byVariations May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Jack Avis Siva's Twist And Vanish five cards, one of which is selection, wrong cards turn over one by one, then selection vanishes, Biddle Trick
Inspired by May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Gary Kurtz All Together Four of a kind in Spectators palms
Variations 1990 79
Jack Avis Siva Count
1990 70
Jack Avis, Justin Higham Twisting In The Nineties with Ace through Four, one extra card, spreads instead of counts
Inspired by
  • "One To Four" (Ed Marlo, Linking Ring, Sep. 1963, p. 65)
Sep. 1990
Technomagic (Issue Extra No. 1)
Alex Elmsley Everchange Count four as five while hiding one
VariationsAlso published here 1991 74
Alex Elmsley Brownwaves I two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and the selected cards are at the same position
Related toVariations 1991 333
John Bannon Directed Verdict III
Related to 1991 110
Jack Avis One Hand Switch for two dice
Swindle Sheet (Issue 5)
Jerry K. Hartman Ex-Specter Writing appears on paper card, revealing two selections
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 485
Jack Avis Avis Deal Switch kind of one-handed second deal with break, credit information
Related toAlso published here 1992
Swindle Sheet (Issue 10)
Jack Avis Left Litte-Finger Push-Off
Related to 1992
Swindle Sheet (Issue 10)
Jack Avis Four-Ace Routine
Swindle Sheet (Issue 10)
Jack Avis Avis Deal Switch on doing it left-handed
Related to 1992 1
Tom Daugherty Triple Whammy
Variations Aug. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Jack Avis Eight Bytes Is Enough thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 32
Bob King Second Guessing Your Weight performer cuts off same amount as spectator, then to selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1993 2
Jack Avis Eight Bites is Enough thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Dean Dill, Allan Ackerman The Gem-Money Cards bills are put next to Aces, Gemini Twins
Related toVariations 1994 18
Jack Avis Avis Spread Switch credit information
Inspired by 1994 58
Alex Elmsley, Bill Reid Direct Link featuring Bill Reid's "Automatic Discovery", named number corresponds to distance between spectator's and performer's selection
Related to 1994 329
John Scarne Fast Shuffle #2 "Scarne Shuffle Systems"
three Aces for five-handed game for dealer, crimp
Variations 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Jack Avis Jack Avis on Scarne's Run-up Systems
Inspired byAlso published here 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 10)
Jack Avis Foreword
1994 xviii
Jack Avis Cull & Triple Peek Control deck face-up in dealing position, left thumb riffles, three cards marked off and controlled
Inspired by 1994 133
Jack Avis, Cy Endfield Twist and Vanish biddle trick, five-card twisting routine, cards turn over one by one, selection vanishes at the end
Related to
  • Inside Out No. VI (1989, Justin Higham, p. 14)
1994 174
Jack Avis Siva's Twist and Vanish biddle trick, five-card twisting routine, cards turn over one by one, selection vanishes at the end
1994 178
Jack Avis Upright Count
Inspired by
  • "Perfect False Count" (Brian MacCarthy, Modern Sleights, 1934, p. 10)
1994 179
Jack Avis Another Call, Another Place bottom deals instead of second deals
Related toVariations 1994 186
Jack Avis The Bottom Deal comments on the Erdnase Bottom Deal
Inspired by 1994 187
Jack Avis Flip Up Put Back Count cards counted off the top of the deck, left thumb flips the cards up one by one
  • The Genuine Count
  • The False Count
  • The Force
1994 188
Jack Avis A Change of Identity four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1994 190
Jack Avis Siva Display Subtlety
1994 191
Jack Avis The Hindu Shuffle force
1994 192
Jack Avis The Lap Addition Christ force under the table
Related to 1994 192
Jack Avis Under-the-Table Reverse getting ready for Christ type force under the table
1994 193
Justin Higham Identity Cards alternate handling, whisperers
Inspired by 1994 198
Jack Avis British Twist four blue-backed Fours of Clubs, cards turn over and change to Ace through Four of Clubs one by one, then backs change to red
Inspired by
  • "Hyper Twist" (Bob Walker, marketed 1974)
Aug. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Barrie Richardson Knave Detector one hand is a liar and one tells the truth
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Walter "Sonny" Day The Day Double Lift interesting push-off
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1995 247
Bob King Subway
Inspired by 1995 8
Jack Avis Siva Count
1995 60
Jack Avis, Roy Walton Four-card Siva Count displacement, does not hide any surfaces
1995 200
Daniel Cros Cros Twist "An Enhancement for the Bizarre Twist", one-handed version
Inspired byRelated to 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Las Vegas Close-Up)
Edward Marlo Shifting, Whispering Thoughts two cards and their positions thought of in ten-card packet, both divined
  • Preferred Handling (ten memorized cards)
Inspired by 1996 12
Larry Jennings Houdini Card Escapes Again interesting structure
Inspired by 1997 79
Jack Avis Siva Count brief
1997 10
Jack Avis Foreword from 1997 L&L reprint
Jack Avis Over Under Spell Jacks on table, three cards placed on three of them, all collected, Jacks spelled out, one vanishes and is removed from pocket
Inspired by
  • "A Knavish Trick" (W. G. Graigen, 1948)
1998 211
Jack Avis Pinnacle "Unsolved Mysteries"
linked safety pins, linked section wrapped in paper, torn apart and they are unlinked, then linked again, posed as a problem
Related toVariations 1998 234