313 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Riffle Force
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Slip Force
1919 10
Louis F. Christianer An Improvement top card of lower half is shown not to be selection, later it is appearing there face up, using slip transfer
1919 24
Slip Riffle Force
1928 1
Nate Leipzig A Clean Slip
1933 64
Theodore Annemann Peek Force Card glued long short card
Apr. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 7)
Single Card Force thick card
1937 127
Short Card Force
1937 384
Theodore Annemann Riffle Force with break
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Theodore Annemann Riffle Force with break
The Jinx (Issue 95)
The Slip Change slipping card from one half to other with left fingers
1941 203
The Riffle Force short card
1941 268
Riffle Force with Unprepared Cards
1941 270
The Riffle Force with break
1941 11
Eddie Joseph Heel Break Riffle Force one-handed
1941 3
Eddie Joseph Slip Riffle Force one-handed
Related to 1941 4
Theodore Annemann Peek Force Card glued long short card
1943 74
Edward Marlo 1. As a Force Bluff Pass Handling
1945 3
Theodore Annemann Riffle Force with break
Feb. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 100)
Bob Miller Slip Force
1947 41
Slip Force
1947 67
Conny Steffensen Magische Lektionen / Leçons magiques brief explanations of various techniques to control a card, followed by french translation
  • Reflektor
  • Sehen des Indexes an der gewählten Karte
  • Wo im Spiele befindet sich die Karte?
  • Abzählen von der untersten Karte
  • Die X-Strahlen Karte
  • Die berührte Karte
  • Auffinden einer Karte mit Hilfe von Wachs
  • Wie verfährt man, um mit dem Spiele zu rauschen?
  • Forcierung durch das "Rauschen"
  • Ein Forcierungs-Spiel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
Backslip Force slip type
Variations 1948 110
Riffle-Break Force
1948 208
The Riffle-Force - A New Angle separation of the packets from the back
1948 27
The Riffle Shift riffle slip force
1948 94
The Spectator's Location spectator riffles through cards and stops anywhere, performer stabs card (double) into separation and selection is found there
1949 55
Dr. Jacob Daley Riffle Force break
Stars of Magic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Slip Riffle Force
1950 91
Don Alan Corner Riffle Force by Timing
Also published here 1951 6
Forcing The "Short" brief, short card
1952 19
Riffle Force with injogged card, spectator remembers card which can be seen
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 4)
Riffle Force spectator glimpses at one card
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Cy Endfield Slip Cut Force
1955 44
Tony Kardyro T. K's Flip-Over Force No. 1 riffle force, top half rotated onto right hand and top card given to spectator, bold and illogical
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1955 16
Theodore Annemann Riffle-Force break
1956 155
Jerry Andrus A Flourish for the Back Slip Force spectator pushed card into one-handed water fall cascade to select card
1956 104
Bert Allerton On The Slip Force
1958 34
Slip Cut Force
1959 30
Dai Vernon Riffle Force Break
1960 72
Dai Vernon Back to Back Force
1960 74
Edward Marlo Half Card Force & Vanish half card attached to borrowed deck for force and instant vanish
1961 23
Gene "Phantini" Grant Phantini's Thought Card to Pocket one glued long short card
1961 28
Edward Marlo The K. M. Force
Related to 1962 16
Nate Leipzig Riffle Force timing on break, spectator puts finger in deck
1963 167
Victor "Astor" Jamnitzky Das Forcieren einer Karte riffle force to corner-shorted card
1967 (ca.) 6
Edward Marlo Variations of K. M. Move Force variations, slip force
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Art Altman Art Altman's Handling slip force
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Harry Lorayne Lorayne Flip Force
1972 57
Slip Force
1972 377
Sydney Bergson Another Force bottom slip force with beveled deck
Related to 1972 112
Riffle Force to break
Aug. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Theodore Annemann Riffle Stop
1972 49
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Reverse Anneman No. 148, Annemann typo, unclear but a guess: one-handed riffle stop force to broken corner
Related to 1972 39
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Fake Riffle Force No. 161, bluff pass as riffle force
1972 41
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's New Force No. 178 (entry No. 177 is missing), in-jogged card as impromptu short card for riffle force
Related toAlso published here 1972 44
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note - 2) No. 244-2, in-jogged card as impromptu short card for riffle force
Also published here 1972 61
Bob Spencer Spencer's Riffle Force No. 420, Bob?, break
1972 114
Harry Lorayne The Half Force slip force handling
1973 18
Edward G. Brown Say Stop riffle forces and other forces, where the spectator has to say stop
1973 188
Jerry K. Hartman R. S. Throw Forces Variations on the Riffle Force
Also published here 1973 4
Steve Spillman Riffle Force!
Also published here 1973
Magick (Issue 80)
Steve Spillman Riffle Force 1st Method break method
Related to 1973 5
Steve Spillman Riffle Force 2nd Method break method, top half is spread face-up
1973 5
Riffle Force brief, break
1974 8
Jerry K. Hartman Push-off Riffle Force outer right corner is riffled upward from bottom to top
Also published here 1974 1
Jerry K. Hartman Push-off Riffle Peek Force similar to above, done on a more vertical plane for a spectator-peek force, used in “Double Crosstrick” p. 51
1974 1
Jerry K. Hartman Two For The Seer Saw riffle force to break with delay, here as prediction of two cards, see also Fulves' notes on page 242
Related toVariations 1975
Epilogue (Issue Special No 1)
Karl Fulves Covered Slip Cut for riffle force, possible with stranger card
Related to 1975 4
, Bert Allerton Slip Force
1975 111
Charles T. Jordan Half Pass Force riffle & stop, bottom part secretly turned over, no details
Also published here 1975 149
Riffle Force break
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Riffle Force slip
1976 40
Harvey Rosenthal Quick Change Force switch at top of deck
1977 143
Dai Vernon The Vernon Slip Force
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #7)
Nate Leipzig Riffle Poke Force spectator pokes finger in deck during riffle, timed with break
1977 11
Roger Smith Outjog Force force card starts injogged
1977 10
Ken Krenzel Force-Eps
Related to 1978 173
J. C. Holt Rocking Chair Force
July 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Dai Vernon Force-Able force card starts injogged below center
Nov. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Covered Slip Cut brief
Related to 1978 19
Riffle Force
1978 5
Jerry K. Hartman Two for the Seer Saw Extension of the original move in case spectator stops before the break
Inspired byVariations 1978 11
Jerry K. Hartman Moving Indicator Card stabbed in deck secretly moved between two force cards
Also published here 1978 11
Doug Edwards Riffle Force done in right hand, all cards reversed but top card
1978 20
Riffle Force break
1978 46
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm rantings about the slip-cut force
Mar. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Riffle Force with injog
1979 114
Riffle Force
1979 118
Riffle Force
1979 2
Gary Ouellet The Rotating Slip Force
1979 19
Daryl Martinez Bluff Pass Handling
1980 42
Jerry Streicher One-Handed Bottom Deal Force Throw Bottom Deal
Related to 1980 68
Edward Marlo Bluff Sandwich bluff pass force, dribble finesse
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Andrew Galloway The Bluff Force forcing a card with bluff pass
Variations 1980 18
Jimmy Ray Side Peek riffle force with thick card, routine simple reverse
1980 15
Steve Spillman Bogus Multiple Selection riffle force method to control several cards for multiple selection
1980 29
Riffle Force break
1981 32
Revolve Force revolving top half, discrepant
1981 70
Derek Dingle Slip Force Handling
Also published here 1982 149
Somersault Riffle Force bold discrepancy
1982 183
Rovi Double Force application
Inspired by Feb. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Riffle Force brief
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Riffle Force break, brief
May 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Dai Vernon One Hand Slip Force
1982 90
Daryl Martinez Bluff Force Handling
1983 128
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Bluff Bottom Placement as force and control
June 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Riffle Force from break
1984 20
Rainer Teschner, Roberto Giobbi The Riffle Force "A Study in the Execution and Handling of a Classic Sleight"
1984 20
Pascal Monmoine Forceful Revelation
May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Revolve Force revolving top half, discrepant
1984 111
Riffle Force with Ovette / Kelly Move
1984 135
Stephen Tucker Cover Blown Christ Force without cover card, starting with top card secretly reversed above eye-level, also as key placement
1984 5
Stephen Tucker Rifforce delayed riffle force at break, first apparently spectator stopped at wrong card
1984 6
Riffle Force to break or to corner short card
1984 15
Riffle Force break
1984 28
J. C. Holt Holt Rocking Chair Force
Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Bluff Bottom Placement as a force
1985 43
Ian Baxter So Simple - So Good
Inspired by Apr. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Lin Searles So Simple
Apr. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Art Altman Slip Force Handling
Variations 1985 358
Art Altman Riffle Force
1985 359
Frederick Braue FB Card Control riffle force with break or key card placement
1985 29
Slip Pass riffle force handling in which both hands turn over during slip of top card to center for cover
1985 3
Frederick Braue Braue Backslip top half removed towards front (1944 & 1959)
1985 17
Die Abschleif-Force slip
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Die Umklapp-Force bluff, top card given to spectator
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Edward Marlo An Updated Force
June 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Karl Fulves RC Force Riffle Shuffle Control force from incomplete riffle shuffled deck
1987 19
Richard Sanders Combination Force/Control selection outjogged, pushed in and top card pushed forward when hand is raised, bold
Related to 1987 5
Riffle Force to break
1987 102
Rainer Teschner Riffle Force Handling to break
1987 49
Bruce Cervon Flip Over Force slip type, one handed
Related toAlso published here 1988 193
Darwin Ortiz Riffle Force break
1988 90
Stephen Minch Riffle Force with credit information
1989 xv
Riffle Force
1989 16
Riffle Force to break
1989 4
Force 1: Die Riffelforce break
1989 79
Edward Marlo Marlo Slip-Cut Force
1989 85
Father Cyprian Double Roll-Over Force top half rolled over completely, bottom one as well, one card from each half thumbed off
1989 27
Gary Kurtz Slip Force Handling
Variations 1990 26
Harry Lorayne Flip Force three forces based on discrepancies when splitting at the stop-point
Related toVariations 1990 206
Sydney Bergson Bottom Slip Force here credited to Sid Lorraine
1990 7
Steve Spillman, Doc Eason Bogus Control
  • Spill's Bogus Multiple Selection
  • The Evolved Handling
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Riffle Force
1990 568
Bruce Cervon Flip Over Force one-handed riffle slip force
1990 86
Riffle Force
1990 51
Slip Force
1990 162
Hen Fetsch Force & Vanish gaffed, similar concept to Geiger Gaff
1991 5
Stephen Tucker The Shuttle Force
Apr. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Slip Force
Related to 1991 194
John Bannon Minus One Force here credited to Sid Lorraine
Related to 1991 39
John Bannon Bottom Bluff Force see also page 61
Also published here 1991 59
Sydney Bergson Bottom Slip Force here credited to Sid Lorraine
1991 70
Edward Marlo Bluff Pass Riffle Force
1991 4
Stephen Tucker One Hand Top Palm Ideas
  • The Force
  • The Switch
  • The Sucker Effect
  • The Visible Rise (visual ending for Ambitious Card)
1991 1
T. Page Wright The One-Handed Riffle Force slip
Related to 1991 96
T. Page Wright The Riffle Force break
1991 100
Riffle Force break
1991 25
Jerry K. Hartman Throw Force Variations on the Riffle Force
Also published here 1991 76
Jerry K. Hartman, Tony Kardyro A-D Revolving Force riffle force, top half rotated onto right hand and top card given to spectator, bold and illogical
Inspired byRelated to 1991 84
Gary Ouellet The "Tray" Force
Feb. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Spin on the Revolving Aces spectator stops four times and locates Aces, Christ's Force
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
Larry Becker The Becker Bevel bevel force, with bottom card openly reversed
VariationsAlso published here 1992 131
Charles T. Jordan Half Pass Force riffle & stop, bottom part secretly turned over, no details
Also published here 1992 41
リフルフォース (Riffle Force)
1993 119
Riffle Force to break
1993 127
Jon Racherbaumer Slip-Less Clip Force
Related toVariations Mar. 1993 17
Riffle Slip Force
1993 128
Vicente Canuto 3.- Por Hojeo Frontal y ¡Alto! riffle force
1993 151
Charles Reynolds Force of Thought deck riffled in front of spectator who thinks of a card, bank of duplicates in center, see p. 16 for variation by Dennis Marks
Apr. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 10)
Larry Becker The Bevel Force side is riffled
Also published here Mar. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Alex Elmsley Finessed Riffle Force
1994 211
David Neighbors Riffle Force
Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Rainer Teschner, Roberto Giobbi Riffle Force Handling
1994 224
Bluff Pass Riffle Force
1994 55
Riffle Force from peek position, using break
Labyrinth (Issue 1)
Horace Goldin The Goldin Force bold, riffle force and top half is flipped over twice
Related to 1995 88
Rainer Teschner, Roberto Giobbi The Riffle Force
1995 224
Dennis Marks The Marksman Force
Mar. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Herb Zarrow Stop at an Ace No. 17, four chosen cards via cuts or stopping at riffling turn out to be the Aces, consecutive Christ Forces
1995 29
Karrell Fox Fox's Fabulous Fickle Finger Force riffle force, right first finger apparently drags out center card but takes top card instead
1995 47
Riffle Force break
1995 48
Riffle Force break, see also p. 21
1995 19
Riffle Force break, brief
1995 24
Jerry K. Hartman Fastidious Force riffle force handling where break and force card are above the stopped-at point,
"incorporates the mechanics of the Drop Force (used in reference) into a riffle selection"
Inspired by 1995 49
Jerry K. Hartman Moving Indicator stabbing force, trick application: spectator inserts three cards into deck one at a time and each one is inserted directly next to its mate
Also published here 1995 51
Jerry K. Hartman Bluff Force
Inspired by 1995 124
Tom Gagnon Riffle-Toss Force using Outward Bottom Deal
Inspired byRelated to June 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Corner Short Riffle Force corner short
1996 48
Riffle Force
1996 44
Bruce Cervon One-Handed Flip Over Force
1996 76
Arthur Finley Riffle Force
1997 320
Joe Rindfleisch Card Force
Related to 1997 1231
Riffle Force brief
1997 85
The World's Easiest Riffle Force roll-over, discrepant
1997 28
Ariel Frailich Riffle Force break, retention-of-vision subtlety
1997 53
Chris "Doc" Dixon Fly Finesse slip force finesse
1997 50
Bruce Cervon The CF FOrce
1998 90
Bruce Cervon Flip Over Force slip type, one handed
Also published here 1998 95
Wesley James The WJ Riffle Force with break
1998 13
Joe Rindfleisch Riffle Slip Force Handling
Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Guy Hollingworth The Riffle Force and Control
1999 9
Riffle Force break
1999 33
Conrad C. Bush A Cut Above three cards chosen with riffle procedure and shown to spectators one by one (bold riffle force of bottom card), then found, done one-handed
Variations 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
David Acer Lethal Force unusual riffle force handling, card starts reversed at second position
1999 105
The Riffle Force break
1999 140
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force No. 30, with thick card
1999 18
Ellis Stanyon To "Cut" the Pack at the Chosen Card No. 10, riffle force, slipping bottom card along with thumb when cut at separation
1999 23
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force with an Ordinary Pack No. 4, step or thick card
1999 193
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force No. 5, long card or step
1999 216
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force with Double Card No. 9, thick card
1999 274
Flip Over Force forcing one of two selections
Related to 1999 46
John Bannon The Bottom Bluff Force
Also published here 2000 803
Baltazar Fuentes The El Paso Subtlety giving a choice when riffle forcing and having a duplicate face in play
2000 25
Chan Canasta Audience Involvement psychological riffle force
Variations 2000 75
Chan Canasta Riffle Force Variations spectator glimpses at one card, it is the same as previously selected, two slightly different reports
2000 88
Don Alan Corner Riffle Force by Timing
Also published here 2000 201
Riffle Force
Related to 2001 199
Karl Fulves Reverse Master Move Force bottom slip cut
2001 36
Karl Fulves The Recalcitrant Spectator out when spectator does not stop at jog for fingertip peek force, counting distance
2001 108
Chan Canasta Effect 8 spectator choses same card as second spectator has mentally selected, from Fred Taylor's notes
2001 23
Riffle Force break
2001 39
Lewis Jones The jog slip force top half removed towards front
2002 15
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Rollovers "a theme and twelve variations", on the bold rollover force
  • Theme
  • Variation 1: Avoiding the flash
  • Variation 2: Doing without the preliminary peek
  • Variation 3: The multiple rollover
  • Variation 4: Rollback
  • Variation 5: The slipped rollover
  • Variation 6: With a face-up marker
  • Variation 7: With the face-up deck
  • Variation 8: The two-spectator force
  • Variation 9: The two-in-one force
  • Variation 10: The locator
  • Variation 11: The transverse locator
  • Variation 12: The rollover control
2002 34
Edward Marlo Riffle Force Handling break
2002 90
Aaron Fisher The Covered Back-Slip Force
Also published here Dec. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 12)
Charlie Justice The Put Force palmed card loaded into spot where spectator says stop in Charlier pass configuration
Also published here Feb. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Joshua Jay Expertalk: Joshua Jay on the Riffle Force in-jogged card
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Christ/Annemann Alignment Force & Set-Up
2003 4
Riffle Force
2003 330
Aaron Fisher The Covered Back-Slip Force
Also published here 2003 26
Joel Givens Mechanical Force using Mechanical Reverse
Also published here Feb. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Wesley James A Refinement for the Bluff Shift lifting no cards
  • The Bluff Shift as a Control
  • The Bluff Shift as a Riffle Force
Inspired by 2004 398
R. Paul Wilson, Frank Thompson, Edward Marlo The Blink Force
2004 48
Riffle Force to break, brief
2005 9
Bold Swing Cut Riffle Stop Force discrepant
2005 27
Riffle Force
2006 145
Paul Gordon No- Force-Force using slip force for "card at any number" effect
2006 144
Edward Marlo, Bob Nelson Marlo's Slip Cut Force
  • As An Exchange
Also published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 13 No. 2, June 1957
2007 63
Edward Marlo Variations of K. M. Move Force slip force
Also published here 2007 66
Art Altman Art Altman's Handling slip force
Also published here 2007 69
Jerry K. Hartman Push-Off Riffle Force combination of a Riffle Peek Force and a Riffle Force
“This sleight was explained in an earlier and inexact form in Super Dupes” (see reference)
Also published here 2007 9
Bluff packet cut essentially a Bluff Force on yourself, tabled
2007 326
Joel Givens Mechanical Force using Mechanical Reverse
Also published here 2007 xxvi
Arthur Finley, Riffle Force break
2008 280
John Bannon, Bill Abbott Bottom Bluff Force Handling
2008 13
Justin Higham One Handed Flip-Over Force
Inspired by 2008 20
Justin Higham False Throw-Cut Force Using False Swing Cut as force after riffle stop, uses Fourth Method of Single False Cuts (Marlo's Magazine vol. 6)
Inspired byVariations 2008 20
Justin Higham Illogical False Throw-Cut Force
Inspired byRelated to 2008 20
Justin Higham Illogical Riffle Force Riffle Force done upside down, where the two packets are openly transposed
VariationsAlso published here 2008 21