205 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Cards / Double Backer / Different Colors
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Nelson Hahne The Cards With The Color-Changing Backs card named, that card is removed from blue-backed and red-backed deck and placed face-up on the odd-backed deck, the two cards transpose
1930 34
Transposition Extraordinary between two odd-backed decks, red-blue double backer
1937 119
Theodore Annemann Remote Control odd-backed unknown card signed on back is chosen from face, red-blue sticky double backer
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • "Remote Control" (The Sphinx, July 1929, Max Holden's column, description without method)
1937 121
Dai Vernon Chameleon Backs two odd-backed cards, back color transposes, red-blue double backer
1937 125
Jess Kelly The Sympathetic Card blue backed card changes to red when rubbed on red deck, red-blue double backer
1937 129
Charles T. Jordan One Ahead mexican turnover prediction with red-blue double backer
Also published here 1937 284
Movie Color Cards two different colored decks change places, two red-blue double backers
1937 287
Dr. Jacob Daley Frontier Fantasy red and blue backed Four of Spades transpose, red-blue double backer
The Jinx (Issue 85)
Bob Spencer Card Filtration red backed card travels to blue backed deck, red/blue double backer
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Bob Spencer Back to Back red/blue double backer
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Fred Fletcher Cherry Red Blues same card from red and blue deck are exchanged and put reversed in the other deck, then they travel back to the original pack, red-blue double backer
Aug. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 111)
Jean Hugard Insulted! back of chosen card changes to odd card and back to normal
Variations Mar. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Milton Kort Color Change & Follow Up Two red decks, one changes to blue, and then a Chicago Opener style routine is performed (blue card placed in red deck, spectator picks it out from face up spread), red/blue card
Related to Aug. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 288)
Stewart James Touchosen red/blue doublebacker, see also p. 48
May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 306)
Everett Lyda Color Change Illusion With Cards back of selection changes, then changes back
1956 8
Lin Searles The Covered Vanish with red-blue double backer
1958 7
Dai Vernon Chameleon Pack red-backed and blue-backed cards transpose
1959 14
Red and Blue Transposition
1959 15
Ken Brooke Colour Change Pack
1959 16
Edward Marlo Technicolor Thought "Technicolour Thought", any Ace named, it is reversed, and then it is shown to have a different back color as well
  • Commercial Version (with envelope)
    • Buckle Handling
  • Second Version
  • Third Version (double backer added behind back)
  • First Procedure
  • Second Procedure
  • Third Procedure
  • Fourth Procedure
  • Fifth Procedure
  • Sixth Procedure
  • First Four Card Method (no extra card)
  • Second Four Card Method
  • Third Four Card Method
  • Method from Deck
Related toVariations May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo Spur of the Moment named card is reversed and odd-backed, ends with normal cards
  • The Obvious Method (pocket index)
  • [unnamed]
  • The Memory Method
  • The Concentrate Method
  • Concentrate Again
  • Swivel Change Method (optional red/blue double backer, sticky)
  • The Chute Method (a card is dropped through sleeve from inside pocket)
May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo Double Brainwave named or in some methods chosen card is reversed and odd-backed, missing card found reversed in second deck
  • The Commercial Version (two brainwave decks)
  • Second Method - Mnemonic Version
  • Third Method - Pre/set Version
  • Fourth Method - Impromptu Version
  • Fifth Method - Flip Action (4th Switch) Method (for Flip Action Switch see Linking Ring, Sept. 1959, p. 74)
Related toVariations May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo Additional Brainwaves named card has different back color in normal deck
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Inspired by May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo Additional Double B. W. named card is reversed and odd-backed, missing card found reversed in second deck
  • Sixth Method
  • Seventh Method (ungaffed)
Inspired by May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Irv Weiner Beyond Belief seven cards placed face up on stand, card with different back is shown and and it matches card freely chosen from the selection on the stand
Oct. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Arthur Monroe 3 Card Money monte, proposition bet with double backers (red-red, blue-blue, red-blue) shuffled in a bag and one is selected, bet on color of the other side.
Inspired by
  • item by Stanley Ogilvy in "Scientific American" September, 1950.
Dec. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 32)
Jochen Zmeck Geistino-Perfekt brainwave effect with different deck, twenty-six double facers alternate with twenty-six red/blue double backers, partial rough-smooth
1967 5
Philip T. Goldstein The Little Palmed Card That Wasn't
May 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 61)
David Bornstein You Find One! card with odd back placed on table
Inspired by June 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 62)
Dan Tong Spectator ESP two ESP deck, one face up and one face down, same symbols are chosen
Inspired by Nov. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 67)
John A. M. Howie Brainwave Bet odd-backed unkown card inserted in deck, spectator names correct card, clean-up anti-climax follows, red-blue double backer
July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Juan Tamariz, Jaime Morella Zekri 10 roja y 10 azules o 'El mal matemático' ten cards from a red-backed deck and ten from a blue-backed deck are counted and always one card removed, card then is missing from other color etc.
1970 79
Juan Tamariz, Sainz de los Terreros Cartas blancas e inter-cambio one of four red backed blank card chosen and turns into blue backed signed selection
1970 85
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela Sinfonía en color four phases
1970 90
Juan Antón, Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela La premonición de la estrella three card prediction with different backs, using a card star
1970 96
Juan Tamariz ¿Es Azul? ¿Es Roja? ... Es Sorpresa backs of red backed card and blue backed card change places, then they change into two different colors
1970 101
Jules Lenier Matched as Hakim Sardis, red backed prediction in envelope
Variations Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jules Lenier Easy ESP using two sets of ESP cards
Inspired by Apr. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up color changing Triumph, red-blue double backer, including "Non-Gimmicked Method"
1971 3
Roger Smith Twisting the Red Aces (Blue) color changing back finale, deck changes color as well, red/blue double backer
1971 17
David Morse Choose Your Label red / blue double backer
Magick (Issue 42)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Interchango No. 179, two cards with different backs, the backs transpose
1972 44
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Chango Supreme No. 180, changing back of a card twice
1972 44
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Double Cross No. 188, wrong card found, first back of card is changed, then face is changed into selection, then back changes back to original color
Variations 1972 45
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Another Double Cross No. 189, back color of several cards changed one by one, they change back to original color
Inspired by 1972 46
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Double Backer Effect No. 194, odd-backed prediction card on table is shown to be selection with Mexican turnover (odd back not mentioned, but doesn't make much sense otherwise)
1972 47
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Simplified Coloratura Effect No. 257
1972 64
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Coincidence No. 591, card chosen in one deck is reversed in other, then cards transpose between two decks and backs change again
1972 165
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz Notes No. 593
1972 165
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Handling Of Tunnel Effect Shown By Vernon No. 613, some kind of reverse with odd-backed card, unclear
1972 170
Derek Dingle All Backs Aces lost and found in process, color changing backs kicker, twenty red-blue double backers
Related to Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
North Bigbee Mexican Miracle two decks, card prediction, red/blue double backer
Magick (Issue 106)
Charles T. Jordan One Ahead mexican turnover prediction with red-blue double backer
Also published here 1975 182
Derek Dingle All Backs Routine aces lost and found in process, color changing backs kicker, twenty red-blue double backers
Related to 1975 (ca.) 13
Edward Marlo The Mental Secret thought-of card matches card chosen from another pack, rough/smooth red/blue menetekel, and "Marlo Deck" (roughed with every other card red/blue double backer)
Related to 1976 204
Edward Marlo Think as I Think with thought of Cards, gaffed, red-blue double backer, red-blue menetekel, three approaches
1976 208
Edward Marlo Cased-In Technicolor Thought gaffed
Inspired by 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Peter Kane The Blushing Jokers four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then blue again, red/blue double backer
Variations 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Edward Marlo More Technicolor Thought named Ace in Ace Packet is reversed and odd-backed
  • R-B Double-Backed Think Ace
  • Swindle Technicolor Thought
  • Four-Card Technicolor Thought No. 1
  • Four-Card Technicolor Thought No. 2
Inspired by 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Jon Racherbaumer Macho Matcho card placed on table, matches freely named card from other deck, roughed red-blue menetekel, red-blue double backer
Inspired by 1976 22
Juan Tamariz La Carta Magica blank blue card changes face and back to match selection, face changes into picture of performer
1977 76
Dai Vernon, Sam Leo Horowitz The Second Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, extra card
Also published here 1978 4
Sam Leo Horowitz The Third Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, extra card
1978 6
Sam Schwartz The Fourth Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, extra card
1978 7
Sam Leo Horowitz The Fifth Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, no extra cards, double index Aces
1978 8
Philip T. Goldstein Contrasting Prediction red/blue double backer
Related to 1978 5
David Britland Turncoat twisting with four Jacks of Diamonds, one red and three blue backed, back situation reverses, red/blue double backer
1978 12
Jerry K. Hartman Second Blush Blue jokers change to red, then change back
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 72
Simon Aronson Red See Passover
Also published here 1978 78
Paul Curry The Color Changing Deck one red/blue double backer
Also published here 1978 1
Bruce Jensen, David Stahl Simplified Color-Changing Deck chosen card is only odd card, color changing deck
1978 3
Thomas Alan Waters Synchroincidence two decks, same card is selected, red/blue
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle backs of four cards change color, red/blue double backer
Related toAlso published here 1979 2
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle Exchange daley's last trick with color changing back kicker
Also published here 1979 3
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle Twist twisting four cards, one by one, with color changing back kicker
Also published here 1979 3
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle Elevator packet elevator with color changing back kicker
Also published here 1979 5
Jon Racherbaumer The Blue Intruder Strikes Again! spectator choses only blue card in red back, using brainwave deck
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Jeff White Out of the Blue blue backed chosen card vanishes from between two red backed Jacks and appears face up in the deck, then back of selection changes to red and back to blue
1980 23
Philip T. Goldstein A Fine Mesh two selections between three odd-backed jokers vanish, then a joker finds the selections in deck on either side, red/blue double backer
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1981 1
Philip T. Goldstein Quasimodo three jokers and one normal card are mixed, monte type premise, normal card's back changes red and then blue again with comedic presentation, red/blue double backer
Variations 1981 3
Fred Castle The Lovely Queens Four red backed queens turn over one by one, then shown to have blue backs, and then the faces have changed into photos of "glamorous" ladies
1981 6
Karl Fulves Synchro red-blue double backer
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Jochen Zmeck J. Z. - ESP - Voraussage ESP prediction, five rough-smooth pairs
1981 3
Two-Card Monte Move
1981 5
Geoffrey Latta The Reuniversal Card odd-backed Joker changes to match three selected cards one by one, in four-card packet
1981 1
Derek Dingle Poor Charlie gaffed, rainbow backs
Variations 1982 126
Peter Kane The Court Jesters four blue-backed Jokers change to red-backed Jokers, red/blue double backer
1982 145
Edward Marlo Color Changing Backs first packet, then full deck follows, red-blue double backers
1983 24
Theodore Annemann Remote Control reprint of original instructions, red/blue double backer, see only p. 45 for effect description by Max Holden from July 1929 Sphinx
1983 50
Dai Vernon, Sam Leo Horowitz The Vernon-Horowitz Method red/blue double backer
Also published here 1983 93
Bill Worsley, Archie Palmer Intrigue: 2 back color change, red-blue double backer
Related to July 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Philip T. Goldstein, Stephen Tucker Muster odd-backed blank card becomes (open) red-blue double backer, simplified version of Stephen Tucker's "You Must Be Psychic" (Cardiac-Arrest)
Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
John F. C. McLachlan A Test of Flirtatiousness four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then blue again
Inspired by 1984 36
Dan Tong Thaumaturge two ESP decks with different backs, performer and spectator select same symbol
Oct. 1984
Magick (Issue 341)
Reinhard Müller Markierte Karten packet trick with four Jacks, color-changing backs, jumbo cards
Inspired by 1984 3
Reinhard Müller Die "Wundersamen" Karten three cards vanish (two of them gag value cards) in an odd-backed packet and reappear in another packet in sandwich configuration, jumbo cards
Inspired by 1984 8
Philip T. Goldstein Drop Contrast only red-backed card in blue-backed deck is found by spectator, red/blue double backer
1985 1
Color Changing Pack red-blue double backer, "running-cut optical illusion"
1985 22
Philip T. Goldstein Drop Contrast only red-backed card in blue-backed deck is found by spectator, red/blue double backer
1986 3
Peter Duffie No Case to Answer odd-backed mystery card, Jacks produced as well, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 1987 93
David Neighbors The Denver Opener red/blue double backer
1987 21
Pat Conway The Colour Change Pack with changing card case
1987 48
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1988 14
Philip T. Goldstein Drop Contrast only red-backed card in blue-backed deck is found by spectator, red/blue double backer
1988 6
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1989 28
Philip T. Goldstein Spectacle two holes appear in card a climax (image of glasses), red/blue double backer, optional twisting phase
1989 35
Philip T. Goldstein Drop Contrast only red-backed card in blue-backed deck is found by spectator, red/blue double backer
1990 5
Philip T. Goldstein A Fine Mesh two selections between three jokers vanish, then a joker finds the selections in deck on either side, red/blue double backer
Also published here 1990 26
Philip T. Goldstein Five-Card Polka poker story, red/blue double backer, marketed in 1976
Related to 1990 55
Philip T. Goldstein Tiny Water 2&2 cards, red/ blue double backer, marketed in 1975
1990 99
Michael Powers The Nightmare Card odd-backed version of the Dream Card Plot where the card apparently stays on the table in full sight, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 1990 5
Michael Powers Incredible Coincidence card freely chosen, prediction card in pocket is same card, optionally odd-backed, red/blue double backer
1990 23
John Bannon Tattoo You spectator's initials are transferred from red to blue card, red/blue double backer
Variations 1991 38
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 1991 20
Jerry K. Hartman Second Blush Blue jokers change to red, then change back
Also published here 1991 610
Jerry K. Hartman Middle Joint signed card fuses with card from different deck
Variations 1991 628
Ray Mertz Mirror Twist twisting four-of-a-kind, backs change and as a kicker backs are mirrors
July/Aug. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 6)
James Swain The Capitulating Queens packet trick where four Queens change to different colored backs (Based on Gardner's "All the Conformists")
Variations 1992 49
Arturo de Ascanio Azul, Rojo, Blanco (Análisis de una Construcción) all backs, normal, color changing back and nudist deck as climax
Also published here 1992 125
Charles T. Jordan One Ahead No. 188, mexican turnover prediction with red-blue double backer
Also published here 1992 224
Simon Aronson Red See Passover
Also published here 1994 76
Wayne Kyzer Memorable Magic one red/blue double backer and blank card
Inspired by 1995 57
Karl Fulves Little Alice mate coincidence with odd-backed cards in two packets, one handled behind back, red/blue double backer
Inspired byRelated to 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Harry Riser Cheating the Cheater backs of packet change multiple times
Inspired by 1996 217
Basil Horwitz £100 Challenge Mind Control Test cards from red and blue deck match, red/blue double backer
1997 54
David Solomon Odd Backed Aces To The Fourth Power every Ace has a different back, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 1997 128
David Solomon Post-it Prediction prediction on post-it note on red-backed Joker, put in blue-backed card by performer next to the prediction, red/blue double backer
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Sept. 1992
1997 196
Pete Ottaviano, Richard Bartram, Jr. Brainstorm Intruder red/blue double backer, unknown odd-backed card is found with open prediction procedure from face
Inspired by 1997 100
Peter Warlock Mentasma hinged envelope cards, red/blue double backer
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 7)
Bob King Catch Two card removed invisibly from one deck and caught face up on top of another deck where it visibly appears (Flippant)
Inspired by 1998 25
Milton Kort Kort's Color-changing Deck Two red decks, one changes to blue, and then a Chicago Opener style routine is performed (blue card placed in red deck, spectator picks it out from face up spread)
Related to 1999 65
Bob King Challenge Card Across red/blue double backer
1999 19
David Acer Color Scheme sandwiched card visibly changes back color, then back to normal, red/blue double backer and red/red double backer
1999 132
Karl Fulves Wrong Game
  • There Was A Crooked Man
cards turn over one by one to display a poker hand, backs change color, then faces change into better hand, credit information on packet tricks
Inspired byRelated to 1999
Charlatan (Issue 1)
Ed Andres The Second Deck card chosen from red-backed deck, signed and left out-jogged, blue-backed deck shown, selection pushed in and immediately blue deck is spread with one red-backed card: the selection
Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Don England The Full Molly monte routine with several phases and back changes
1999 140
Randy Wakeman Stolen Thoughts thought of card matches card chosen from another pack, rough smooth menetekel
Related to Mar. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 7)
Tomas Blomberg Homing Twist
  • Colorful Variations (backs change color)
    • Variation 1
    • Variation 2
    • Idea 1 (red/blue double backer)
    • Idea 2 (double facers for transformation)
2000 18
Steven Hamilton Stressed Out Card in-the hands, deck changes into rainbow deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 19
Paul Curry The Color-Changing Deck one red/blue double backer
VariationsAlso published here 2001 71
Sam Schwartz Color Changing Jokers back of four cards change one by one from blue to red, chosen card then back to blue, red/blue double backer
Related toVariations 2001 199
Karl Fulves Joker Monte color changing backs, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2001 202
Rob James Red & Blew
Inspired by July/Aug. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Christopher Faria New Wave Tidal Wave impromptu brainwave, one deck used as two decks, deck peeked in blue deck which is cased and pocketed, red deck taken out and selection shown reversed
Inspired by July/Aug. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Sam Schwartz The Magician ten red-blue double backers are openly shown, then one side changes to letter cards spelling MAGICIAN
2002 252
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Back to back to back four cards change and twist, with color changing backs into rainbow, red/blue double backer
  • Twisting the blue
  • Twisting the red
  • Twisting the rainbow
2002 154
Dan Fleshman Magic Cards With A Color Change three odd-backed cards are shown to be duplicates of a selection, then they change into a second selection, then a third, then deck changes color
Inspired byRelated to June 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 10)
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Color (Y una versión "impromtu") triumph with Aces, color changing back kicker
  • Perdiendo los ases
  • Mezclando
  • Transformación
  • Notas
  • Versión "impromtu" sin cambio de color
2002ca. 32
Dai Vernon, Roberto Giobbi, Juan Tamariz The Color-Changing Deck red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2003 1333
Dave Campbell Direct Transfer selection signed on face, odd-backed card signed on back by performer suddenly has the spectator's signed face, red/blue double backer, partial roughing
Related to 2004 341
Dave Campbell An Open Prediction red/blue double backer, partial roughing
2004 347
Jay Sankey The Blues red-backed deck changes into blue with help of a blue stone, red/blue double backer
2004 160
Derek Dingle Poor Charlie gaffed, rainbow backs
Inspired by May 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 5)
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 2006 58
Jack Avis Blind Choice performer reverses two cards in blue-backed deck, spectator reverses two cards behind back in red-backed deck, they match, two red/blue double backers
Related to
  • "Blind Choice" (Jack Avis, The Gen, June 1962, p. 44)
2006 25
Jack Avis Thoughts on Vernon's Handling of the Ten Card Trick using odd-backed prediction card, perhaps red/blue double backer
Related to
  • Row of Ten Cards in Revelations (Dai Vernon)
2006 38
Jack Avis A Variation on the Diary Trick red/blue double backer
2006 46
Jack Avis The Fulves Problem Universal Card Plot, odd-backed, red-blue double backer
2006 70
Jack Avis Scarab without a Brainwave "A way of using Jaks' Brainwave Presentation"
card selected, odd-backed card as prediction in another deck, red-blue double backer
Inspired by 2006 199
Michael Powers Red Shift four blue-backed jokers, turn red one by one, then whole deck is red-backed, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2006 152
Doug Edwards A Question For You selection is found with red back and question mark, then back changes back to blue
Inspired by 2006 98
Andi Gladwin, Jack Parker Symphony in Blue Major visual change of deck from red to blue
2006 21
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 2007 31
Dani DaOrtiz Problema de Hofzinser - Carta y Reloj on Hofzinser's card problem 11. Card and Watch, prediction of time and card, watch drawn on card using duplicates and red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Arturo de Ascanio Blue, Red, White: A Constructional Study all backs, normal, color changing back and nudist deck as climax
Also published here 2008 251
Jon Allen One Trick Two Names odd-backed signed mystery card
Inspired by 2009 92
Karl Fulves Zwindle card changes into right card in z-fold wallet, red/blue double backer
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
Steve Dacri Color-Changing Deck
2010 40
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle backs of four cards change color, red/blue double backer
Also published here 2010 160
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle Exchange daley's last trick with color changing back kicker
Also published here 2010 161
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle Twist twisting four cards, one by one, with color changing back kicker
Also published here 2010 162
Philip T. Goldstein Cycle Elevator packet elevator with color changing back kicker
Also published here 2010 163
Chris Westfall Cheeky Triumph color changing deck + Triumph, uses variant of Cheek-to-Cheek deck with twenty-five red/blue double backers
Related to
  • Genii Speaks (Richard Kaufman, 2011)
  • "Technicolor Cheek to Cheek" (R. Paul Wilson, Aldo Colombini, marketed)
  • "Spectrum" (R. Paul Wilson, 2005, marketed)
Also published here
July 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 7)
Chris Randall Red Rising odd-backed ambitious card visually appears on top
Sep. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 9)
Tony Cachadiña, John Bannon Cazador de autógrafos spectator's initials are transferred from red to blue card
Inspired by 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
Tyler Wilson Grimace three decks used for color changing deck / transposition combination, riffling through red/blue alternating deck to simulate a purple deck
2012 43
Patrick Lehnen Blue Hot Mama hole deck changes as a climax, blue-red double backer, see also Luke Dancy “Chicago Closer“
2013 17
Chris Westfall Cheeky Triumph color changing deck + Triumph, uses variant of Cheek-to-Cheek deck with twenty-five red/blue double backers
Also published here 2013 9
Steven Hamilton Stressed-out Card in-the hands, deck changes into rainbow deck, red/blue double backer
Inspired byAlso published here 2013 70
Dominique Duvivier Double Mental two decks, performer and spectator each choose a card, they are the only odd-backed cards and one is shown to be written on the back of the other, the decks transpose, twenty-four double backers
June 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 6)
Nick Trost Marked Kards blue-backed deck, four Jokes are removed and backs change to red with Xs on them, then whole deck changed back color to red with Xs, twenty-six red/blue double backer
Inspired byAlso published here
  • marketed ca 1987
2013 746
Wild Card Move turnover
2013 749
Nick Trost Double Cross four Jokers shown on both side, large Xs appear on their backs
Inspired by
  • "Marked Cards" (Jerry Mentzer, marketed 1976)
2013 765
Alan Shaxon Neither Has This One back of one selection temporarily changes color
2014 98
Bob Farmer I Predict a Red Backed Card odd-backed tabled card turns out to be later thought-of card, red/blue double backer
  • The Spectator Picks the Mystery Card
2017 24
Bob Farmer The Magic Red Card of Mystery odd-backed card is put on deck and vanishes, turns out to be later signed selection in center of deck, red/blue double backer
2017 27
Bob Farmer Double-Back Vanish with odd-backed card, red/blue double backer, see page 31 for credit information by Max Maven
2017 28
Jason Ladanye Cheaters Aces are apparently marked, special glasses presentation, Aces stacked and during deal change back color, then change back, red/blue double backers, faros
2018 223
David Solomon, Jordan Cotler Dually Noted two cards predicted on post-it note on back of odd-backed Joker, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2018 88
Scott Robinson Manifold red-backed Ace of Spades sandwiched between two red Kings transposes with selection, ending up at the designated position that selection occupied in deck
Inspired by 2018 148
Jan Logemann Doppelt hält besser two odd-backed signed cards are torn, two halves each fuse together back to back, red/blue double backer
2019 18
Matthew Martin Again, Hofzinser Spins In His Grave odd-backed, red/blue double backer
Output (Issue 1)
Ramón Riobóo Double Magic Trip Selection travels from blue deck to red deck, then repeated by making selection (which is now signed) jump back
2019 327
Patrick G. Redford Hot Travelers Named and selected cards travel from a red deck to a blue deck, multiple phases
Inspired by 2019 56
Simon Aronson Simon Aronson's Solution card signed, quarters torn out one by one are replaced quarters from odd-backed duplicate, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature, red/blue double backer
2021 99
Sylvain Juzan Color Correction selection's back changes in middle of deck, then back to deck's color, faro, red/blue double backer
2021 20
Ken Niinuma Prismatic Jacks turn down one by one, then up at once, then backs change colors
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2010
2022 920
Vitaly Shevtsov Russian Chameleon
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2011
2022 1068
Ben Daggers Technicolour selection is palmed and turns invisible and visible again, then the cards turn over while talking about how the magician glimpses cards, rainbow deck kicker, with variation
  • Phase One: Palming
  • Phase Two: Glimpsing
2022 145
Scott Baird Techni-Lean Travellers spectator selects four cards, they are shown to be a four-of-a-kind, their backs change color, then an Open Travelers routine is performed with them
Inspired by Apr. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Scott Baird Card Vanish false transfer and ditch on deck, red/blue double backer
Apr. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Scott Baird A Nightmare in Red and Blue named card from one deck is signed and lost, another deck is uncased and signed card found inside, its back changes to match the second deck, "same deck" approach
Inspired byRelated to
  • "A Scarf Called Moebius" (Roy Walton, Pentagram Vol. 12 No. 4, Jan. 58, p. 25)
June 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Friedrich Roitzsch Luminous Readers performer removes Aces from face-down deck apparently by help of special glasses, spectator wears glasses and apparently can now see marked cards which are red-backed cards in blue-backed deck, then they change into blue backed cards, sucker moment
Inspired by 2023 16
Dale Moore What the Actual Freak twisting routine with a Royal Flush with rainbow back finale
Inspired by
  • "What the Actual Fcuk" (Paul Gordon, Card Foolers, 2023)
Feb. 2024
The Hermit (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Christoph Borer Only the Half of It back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 2024 10