149 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Stabbing Routines / Magic Thrust & Variations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Ralph W. Hull (4) Spectator's Name Spells Card performer stabs reversed card in deck behind back, from that point on the spectator's name is used to spell to card
1932 12
Victor Farelli The "Do-it-Yourself" Discovery spectator stabs top card reversed next to his selection behind the back
1933 95
Behind Back Stabbing Force
1933 8
Place the Pack in Back of You No. 37
1935 34
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Behind The Spectator's Back spectator stabs top face-up card between two selections behind his back
1935 35
Theodore Annemann The Magic Thrust
VariationsAlso published here 1937 34
Lu Brent U Find Your Card
VariationsAlso published here 1937 34
Double Backed Card Force odd-backed card stabbed into deck next to force card, red-blue double backer
1937 123
Satan Behind You double backer
1937 125
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan
Also published here 1937 339
A Reversed Card Discovery spectator pushes reversed card next to selection
1938 40
Dai Vernon Trick Wherein a Card is Thrust Beside a Predicted Card two methods, one by Vernon
1938 113
The Magic Thrust. I spectator pushes card reversed next to selection behind back
1938 261
Al Baker The Magic Thrust. II spectator pushes card reversed next to selection behind back
Also published here 1938 262
Theodore Annemann The Magic Thrust. III spectator pushes card reversed between two selections behind back
1938 264
Orville Wayne Meyer The Magic Thrust
Related toVariations 1938 18
Purvis W. Miller The Two Jokers two jokers shuffled into deck, reversed card thrust in deck by spectator - between the jokers
Also published here 1938 19
Robert Brethen Known Before card on both sides predicted
Variations July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
Paul Curry Lost and Found two spectators remember cards and their positions, shuffle, two other cards find selections by stabbing the pack behind back
1939 36
Theodore Annemann One-Hand Cutting Trick
Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Herb Runge "Two-Faced" Force spectator stabs behind back, using duplicate
The Jinx (Issue 98)
The Great Merlini Behind the Eight Ball
  • Effect #1: Top card changes into selection
  • Effect #2: Another selection comes to top
  • Effect #3: selection is stabbed to with another card
  • Effect #4: Magic Thrust
  • Effect #5: spectator seals card in envelope (glimpsed with alcohol)
The Jinx (Issue 114)
Orville Wayne Meyer Location of Consequence using "Instanto" deck, named card version of Annemann's Magic Thurst
The Jinx (Issue 115)
Clayton Rawson Ghost Writer card reversed behind back, name appears on slate
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 147)
Paul Curry Next! the selected card is found next to a card with the message "Your card will be next"
Also published here 1941 5
Paul Curry Double Prediction card is selected turned over and behind spectator's back, pushed into the deck, both cards are predicted
Also published here 1941 13
Paul Curry Two Card Routine
  • Effect No. 1: Joker and Ace of Spades change places
  • Effect No. 2: Joker on top, Ace on the bottom vanish and are found together in the center
  • Effect No. 3: Joker and ace pushed in the deck, travel to top and bottom
  • Effect No. 4: two numbers are called, counted and the cards found at those positions are Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 5: Joker and Ace reverse in the deck
  • Effect No. 6: spectator reverses one card behind his back, it is the Joker
  • Effect No. 7: two selections are put face up into the deck, next to them the Joker and the Ace are found
  • Effect No. 8: selections transform into Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 9: two cards clipped by four paper clips are removed from the pocket, Joker and Ace
Also published here 1941 27
Lu Brent Site-Unseen three selection are found by stabbing an unknown card reversed into the deck , cards next to the card and reversed card itself are selections
Also published here June 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 12)
Gerald Kosky The Biter Bit Magic Thrust as an out when someone challenges performer to find thought of card
Also published here Oct. 1944 74
Clayton Rawson Ghost Writer card reversed behind back, name appears on slate
Also published here 1944 211
Paul Curry Next! the selected card is found next to a card with the message "Your card will be next"
Related toAlso published here 1945 75
Paul Curry The Perfect Miracle
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 130)
J. B. Bobo Two Backward Cards performer stabs card reversed between two selections behind his back
1947 42
J. B. Bobo Double Discovery performer stabs card reversed between two selections
1947 48
Jean Hugard How Did I Do That? two cards in two halves are selected, one selected by performer and one by spectator, deck is completed and spectator reverses card behind back a which lands next to selections
Nov. 1947 369
Jack Miltour La carte retournée entre deux cartes choisies spectator revolves one card behind back, chosen cards by spectator and performer are found next to reversed card, followed by german translation "Die umgekehrte Karte zwischen zwei gewählten Karten"
Inspired by
  • Jules D'Hotel "La Prestidigitation sans Bagages" trick nr. 339.
Mar. 1947 13
George G. Kaplan Dial two (forced via thrust stabbing procedure) cards are revealed over the phone
1948 181
Lyle Laughlin Synthetic Sorcery
Feb. 1948 397
Mike Kanter "U-Find-Our-Cards" spectator and performer remember a card, spectator pushes a reversed card between them behind his back
1952 22
Stewart James The Open Prediction #21 indicator card stabbed into deck behind back and card next to it is later dealt face down
Inspired by Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Stewart James The Open Prediction #22 indicator card stabbed into deck behind back and card next to it is later dealt face down
Inspired by Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Stewart James The Open Prediction #23 indicator card stabbed into deck behind back and card next to it is later dealt face down
Inspired by Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Lu Brent "U-Find-Our-Cards" Spectator stabs face-up card in deck behind the back, found between two selected cards
Related to 1956 21
Lu Brent "U-Predict-Them" Pretty much identical to "U-Find-Our-Cards", except card is stabbed between two other cards, the two cards are predicted
Related to 1956 23
Lu Brent Sight-Unseen Magician stabs card face-up into deck, finds three selections
Related to 1956 24
Henry Durkin The Spectator's Force spectator reverses card behind back and remembers card next to it
1957 17
Tom Ransom Sibling two prediction cards, spectator stabs a card reversed into deck behind his back, prediction cards predict the card above the stabbed card via suit and value, and also the one below
Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Edward Marlo Spectator Location spectator inserts card reversed in his own hands, it is next to previous selection
May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Physical and Mental performer places physical selection next to mental selection (one of twenty-six), two phases, half forcing deck, faro fan
Related to 1964 68
Karl Fulves The St. Nicholas Aces black Twos are pushed reversed in deck twice to locate Ace, the next time the sandwich cards become the last two Aces
Related to Dec. 1965 12
Al Koran, Alton Sharpe Borrowed You Find It two methods: sticky card and belly-stripped card
1969 93
Aldini, Tenkai Ishida Remote Control Randomly placed card placed face up into deck, found next to previously selected card
1969 36
Ned Powers No Chance card selected behind back, card used to stab into deck reversed behind back, it changes into selection
Feb. 1970 321
Jules Lenier Toss! card with name of other card is tossed in the deck next to card written on it
Apr. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Karl Fulves A Card Is Found card is stabbed next to selection in pocket, duplicate
1971 22
Tony Kardyro Locomaster Joker joker stabbed in deck next to selection by performer
1972 16
The Magic Thrust (I)
1972 47
Robert Brethen The Magic Thrust (II)
1972 48
Sheldon Levy A Double Surprise with a kicker
1972 48
Theodore Annemann The Magic Thrust (III) with two cards
1972 82
Lu Brent Site-Unseen three selection are found by stabbing an unknown card reversed into the deck , cards next to the card and reversed card itself are selections
Also published here 1972 86
For Reverse Locator No. 451, card stabbed between selection behind back
1972 127
Jerry K. Hartman Thought Thrust Toothpick thrust into deck next to thought of card
Also published here 1973 68
Stephen Minch A Solar Happenstance with tarot cards, card is between his two lucky cards
1974 38
Jerry K. Hartman Finger Flinging card is tossed into the deck right next to selection
Related toAlso published here 1974 7
Jerry K. Hartman Taking Turns spectator turns over card behind back, apparently exactly the same as performer a moment before
Inspired byRelated to
  • notes by Fulves on p. 243
Epilogue (Issue Special No 1)
Francis Carlyle Carlyle's Remote Control
1975 86
Al Baker Al Baker's Version stabbing force
1975 87
Gerald Kosky The Bitter Bit - An Effective "Out" performer is placing known card next to thought of card, as out for question "What card am I thinking of?"
1975 41
Carl Herron Marksman Extraordinary with business card, two signed selections
Apr. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 8)
John Smetana Caster and Pollux two decks, two spectators, both put card between same cards
1976 8
Nick Trost U-Find-It Spectator locates card by stabbing face up card into the deck
Also published here 1976 24
Nick Trost Compute-a-thot Three spot in inserted into packet, selection is found by spelling or counting or next to Three
1976 33
Jon Racherbaumer The Stabbing Myth spectator stabs card between two selections
1976 14
Burling Hull The Double Force spectator pushes card reversed in deck, cards on either side are forced
1976 50
Karl Fulves Boggled card vanishes with fun sucker presentation about the spectator taking a card from between the aces and pushing it magic thrust like between to aces, sleeving
1977 23
Harry Lorayne Mental Message
1977 134
Gerald Kosky Glide Out Magic Thrust as an out when someone challenges performer to find thought of card
Also published here 1979 11
Rolf Andra Man kann auch so 2 Karten Forcieren cards above and below are named, behind back
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 4)
Howard A. Adams Encircled ESP cards divided in two piles, two spectator select a card each and turn them over in the pile, performer stabs a card next to the selection behind his back, packets encircled with rubber band
OICUFESP (Issue 4 - esp card & mental miracles RETURN)
Howard A. Adams Australian ESP multiphase routine with ESP deck, matching cards using several down-under-deals
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Karl Fulves Double Thrusts behind the back stab of two cards
1981 59
Jack Avis Optical Notes variations
Inspired by 1981
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Horace E. Bennett The Spectator Does a Trick
1981 68
Arthur Setterington What's in a Name? blank cards, performer and spectator sign one each, they're stabbed next to each other behind back by performer
Feb. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Purvis W. Miller Joker Sandwich - 4. Lösung two jokers shuffled into deck, reversed card thrust in deck by spectator - between the jokers
Also published here 1982
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 2)
The Great Phone Mystery No. 24, spectator turns top and bottom card over behind his back and pushed them in, the cards face to face with the reversed cards are removed and one of them named by medium on phone
1984 34
Tom Bowyer Svengali Routine selection made, card divined, then it turns over, then appears at named number and at randomly spelled card, spectator stabs next to it
1985 28
David Britland Sagittarius out-of-hand selection, performer stabs reversed card next to selection, Henry Christ Force inspired
Related to 1986 20
Pedro Pedro in Magic
Gimmick (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo "Mindreading Queen" Ace through Ten of Spades, spectator thinks of one, performer places a Queen next to thought-of value behind his back, repeats, with notes, six methods
Also published here
  • The New Tops, May 1964
1988 67
Ken Krenzel Thrust and Parry
Variations 1990 10
Jerry K. Hartman Flinging Fingers card is tossed into the deck right next to selection
Also published here 1991 312
Jerry K. Hartman Thought Thrust Toothpick thrust into deck next to thought of card
Also published here 1991 451
Jerry K. Hartman Thinker's Whim
Inspired by 1991 641
Jerry K. Hartman Foreseeing is Deceiving using a pencil
1991 642
Hideo Kato スローイングカードスタブ (Throwing Card Stab) Card stabbed into dribbled deck, stabs right next to selection
1993 61
Gary Dudash Fate Mate odd-backed card is placed next to freely thought-of card
June 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 12)
Frank Lane Stick It In Yourself spectator stabs reversed cards next to selection after magician fails
1994 1063
Theodore Annemann Magic Thrust Variations - A.
1994 1208
Fred Furman Magic Thrust Variations - B. duplicate
1994 1209
John Northern Hilliard Magic Thrust Variations - C. short card and two double backers
1994 1210
Gene Maze Face-Up Locator spectator stabs card next to selection
Related to
  • "Stabbed in the Pack" (Michael Skinner, Professional Close-Up Magic video 2, 1998)
1994 112
John Scarne, Joseph Dunninger Ace Finds Ace No. 8, two halves under table, one reversed and put into other, it turns out to be an Ace and is next to another Ace
1995 13
Larry Jennings Depth Thrust I spectator stabs behind the back, two cards sandwich selection
Variations 1997 100
Larry Jennings Depth Thrust II spectator stabs, two cards sandwich selection
1997 102
Karl Fulves Parallel Time two decks, red-backed JS on face of blue-backed deck, spectator inserts JS in center behind her back but it's back on face, repeated with other deck, repeated but it now jumps back to other deck, "ambitions card done with the deck in the spectator's hands"
1997 94
Nick Trost Ein wahrer Knockout spectator stabs card next to his selection behind back
Also published here 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Theodore Annemann The Magic Thrust Face up card stabbed in the deck by spectator behind their back, stabbed next to selection
Also published here 1999 23
Lu Brent U Find Your Card Like Magic Thrust, but with some subtleties. Top card is not used, second card is reversed and stabbed in deck by spectator, next to selection.
Related toAlso published here 1999 24
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan Seems identical to U Find Your Card
Related toAlso published here 1999 27
Paul Curry, John Scarne, Myles Lyons, Theodore Annemann Two-Card Routine
  • Effect No. 1: Joker and Ace of Spades change places
  • Effect No. 2: Joker on top, Ace on the bottom vanish and are found together in the center
  • Effect No. 3: Joker and ace pushed in the deck, travel to top and bottom
  • Effect No. 4: two numbers are called, counted and the cards found at those positions are Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 5: Joker and Ace reverse in the deck
  • Effect No. 6: spectator reverses one card behind his back, it is the Joker
  • Effect No. 7: two selections are put face up into the deck, next to them the Joker and the Ace are found
  • Effect No. 8: selections transform into Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 9: two cards clipped by four paper clips are removed from the pocket, Joker and Ace
Also published here 2001 45
Paul Curry Double Prediction card is selected turned over and behind spectator's back, pushed into the deck, both cards are predicted
Also published here 2001 212
Paul Curry Next! card with message "your card will be next" is put into the deck and is found next to selection
Also published here 2001 288
Paul Curry The Perfect Miracle
Inspired by
  • Lu Brent's "U-Find-It" in "Five Super Card Mysteries"
Also published here
2001 296
Karl Fulves Name An Ace aces face-up in different parts, they sandwich named black ace, presented as Thrust effect
2001 3
Karl Fulves A Remote Locator card returned to one half, AS inserted in other half finds selection in that half
2001 9
Karl Fulves Strange Interlude odd-backed indifferent card inserted in deck next to selection behind spectator's back
Inspired by
  • "Take A Card" manuscript (McMillen, Brown)
2001 11
Karl Fulves Stab At Nothing two jokers thrust into deck by spectator, not near the two selections, third joker appears next to selection, one of the jokers changes into selection
2001 15
Karl Fulves X Finds X card marked on back lost, another card marked on back is stabbed in deck next to itself, it transposed with other card
2001 18
Karl Fulves Future Thrust reversed card at beginning changes into later selection
2001 25
Karl Fulves Stabbed By Memory two cards next to stabbed in joker remembered, one found by stabbing, joker put in wallet, then is back in deck next to other selection and in wallet is first selection
2001 29
Karl Fulves Background Magic Thrust credit information
Also published here 2001 45
Karl Fulves Orderly Conduct deck in new deck order, named card removed and placed on top, spectator inserts this card behind his back in center, it is back at its correct position
Related to 2001 194
Karl Fulves O. Henry Tale card chosen, Ace of Spades pushed face-down in face-up deck where spectator wants, it turns out that the card changes into selection and found the Ace of Spades instead, two methods:
  • SameBothSolution (SBS Ace)
  • Impromptu Method
Inspired byRelated to 2001 206
Karl Fulves William, Tell two red Aces face up in deck, spectator pushes card in deck behind his back, it's between the Aces
Related to 2001 214
Karl Fulves Magic Thrust Credit Information
Also published here 2001 216
Al Baker The Magic Thrust spectator stabbs card next to selection
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Contributions)
Al Baker Sympathetic Cards selection next to reversed card
2003 743
Al Baker You Do as I Do with One Pack
2003 764
Stewart James Package Deal Card is inserted into a packet of nineteen cards at random spot by spectator, will form four hands of poker for four straights
Variations 2007 189
Karl Fulves The Neutral Zone spectator turns over two cards behind back with cutting in between, they are Aces and next to the other Aces
Variations 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Four In Hand same effect, four-way forcing deck
Inspired byRelated to 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Finder's Feat two spectators push reversed Jokers behind back next to selections
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Named Magic Thrust two cards named, two cards pushed in reversed behind back next to them, roughed marked deck
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Angelo Carbone Blind Date spectator signs a Jack, then he pushed it anywhere in the center out of sight, it is found next to the matching Queen, using Crystal Card
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Ken Krenzel Back Stabber
2009 187
Stephen Minch Who Do You Thrust? credit information essay on The Magic Thrust
Also published here Oct. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 10 (The Jinx - 75 Years))
Nick Trost The Magic Thrust Repeated to locate the Aces
  • A Variation
Inspired by 2009 366
Stephen Minch Who Do You Thrust? credit information essay on The Magic Thrust
Also published here 2009 11
Ian Baxter Trustworthy spectator stabs reversed card next to his selection
  • Thrust You Were Fooled 1
  • Thrust You Were Fooled 2
Dec. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 12)
Tony Cabral Two In The Hand two selections, one spectator stabs Ace of Spades next to selection, second spectator stabs and Ace transforms into selection
Inspired by 2014 22
David Britland Fool's Mate
  • Cardopolis
spectator signs a card on the back and performer writes prediction underneath, card stabbed face-up into deck by spectator, it is next to prediction
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 2)
Karl Fulves U-Thrust spectator stabs odd-backed Joker in deck between two previously chosen cards
Errata (Issue 1)
Pit Hartling Close Encounters three cards inserted by spectator from another deck lie next to their duplicates
2016 48
Nick Trost The ESP Magic Thrust ESP symbol thrust into deck and cards above and below removed, repeated, five stars are found
Inspired by 2017 1565
Edward Marlo He Did It Again! one of six cards is chosen by spectator, spectator reverses his selection in the packet himself, then the cards are mixed and he chooses it again
Inspired by
  • Jon Racherbaumer routine in New Pentagram, Sept. 1979, Vol. 11 No. 7
July 2021
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Special Chicago Issue #1)
Jon Racherbaumer Thrust and Countdown spectator pushes card reversed into deck behind back, its value is used to count to selection
Jan. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 1)
Andi Gladwin The Gladwin Thrust spectator stabs card reversed next to selection under the table
Inspired by 2022 84