317 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Stabbing Routines / In the Deck
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Moyen sur de gagner un pari aux cartes, en faisant sortir avec la pointe d'un couteau, une carte que les spectateurs croient être sous le jeu finding a card with the tip of a knife, sucker element, spectators think the card is on the bottom
1786 172
Das bezauberte Messer No. 21, card named above knife pushed-in by spectator, bottom card dragged along
1895 26
Das Nennen jeder Karte im Spiel oder das bezauberte Messer borrowed pocket knife stabbed into borrowed deck, performer repeatedly names card above knife, bottom card glimpsed and slipped to stabbed spot
Jan. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Das bezauberte Messer spectator stabs knife into shuffled deck, performer names card, bottom card slipped into position
1896 28
John Northern Hilliard The Transfixed Pack deck wrapped in paper, knife thrust between selections, two methods, for credit information see Parrish reference
Variations 1909 52
Charles T. Jordan The Stabbed Pair No. 6, spectator stabs knife in paper-wrapped deck between two selections
Also published here 1920 14
Eric F. Impey Stabbing Location
1928 1
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Now We'll Show You knife inserted into deck, card in center with break
1935 18
Divination Supreme out-of hand selection, one-way back
Related toVariations 1937 139
Cutting the Pack with a Knife svengali deck
1937 249
The Wrapped Pack with knife, svengali deck
Related to 1937 249
Crimp Location Trick card inserted next to selection, or two sandwich cards around selection
1938 59
H. Adrian Smith It's in the Bag - Effect No. 4 spectator places reversed card between two selections, performer really blindfolded, short card
1938 466
Billy O'Connor Two Card Discovery card stabbed in deck by spectator next to two selections, short card
Variations 1938 469
Frederick Braue A Spectator Stabs the Cards two selections, with knife, deck wrapped in newspaper, metal gimmick
1939 38
Dr. Jacob Daley Two Cards in Fear two spectators stab two knives in deck wrapped in newspaper
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 85)
The Great Merlini Behind the Eight Ball
  • Effect #1: Top card changes into selection
  • Effect #2: Another selection comes to top
  • Effect #3: selection is stabbed to with another card
  • Effect #4: Magic Thrust
  • Effect #5: spectator seals card in envelope (glimpsed with alcohol)
The Jinx (Issue 114)
Frederick Braue The Score Card Scores ad card used to stab next to selection
Variations 1940 46
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Dig with a Spade performer pushes card next to selection for real, stripper deck
1941 19
Eddie Joseph The Hooded Hew deck with selection in handkerchief that is held like a bag, spectator stabs knife into deck through handkerchief next to selection, bent card
1942 45
The Two Card Stab spectator stabs with knife
1943 269
The X-Ray Knife spectator stabs knife into deck
Related to 1943 274
The Magnetic Knife spectator stabs knife in pack
1943 277
Louis Tannen Simplified Stabbing Trick spectator stabs knife into pack
1943 279
Russel Walsh The Flash Card Stab deck wrapped in flash paper
Variations 1943 282
The End Stab
1943 289
George Boston Boston's Stabbed Card stripper deck
Variations 1943 291
Frank Kelly Double Double prediction of two cards on double blank card, card is inserted in the deck next to the predicted one's
Related to June 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 63)
Edward Marlo Simplex Card Stabbing two selections with wrapped deck and knife
Also published here 1945
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Edward Marlo V. Double Lift
  • A. From the Peek
  • B. Key Card
  • C. Imperfection
  • D. One Hand
1947 37
Edward Marlo Card Stab card vanishes, then deck is wrapped in newspaper and card stabbed to
Related to 1947 38
Frank Garcia Garcia's Grand two cards are found, with napkin and knife, reinvention of "The X-Ray Knife", see also p. 515
Related to June 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 127)
Robert A. Nelson Flap Stab cards in deck, spectator pushes flap in deck, next to selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Arthur H. Buckley Stabbing Between Chosen Cards in Wrapped Pack
1948 153
Jack Yeager Unique Card Stabbing with a card
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Eddie Clever The New Vaticination blank card with prediction is used to stab next to selection
  • An interesting variation
Inspired by July 1949 563
U. F. Grant Zella Card Stabbing stabbing into run of Spades in paper-wrapped deck, value then is used to count to selection
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1953
Mar. 1949 14
Joe Stuthard Knife Trick stabbing next to selection in paper-wrapped deck
1949 17
Joe Stuthard Star Item No. 2 stabbing next to free selection in paper-wrapped deck
1949 20
Lewis Ganson Phase 3 card stabbed in newspaper-wrapped deck
Also published here 1950 34
Vynn Boyar Blindfold Miracle Card Stab named card is stabbed after deck has been wrapped in paper, performer blindfolded
1951 1
Nate Leipzig Card Stab
Related to 1952 7
Nate Leipzig, Victor Farelli Using a "Key" Card Leipzig Card Stab with short card
1952 19
Edward Marlo Two Card Stab deck wrapped in newspaper, knife
1952 103
Edward Marlo The Stabber stabbing into run of Spades, value then is used to count to selection
1952 109
William Larsen Peek Stab with napkin
July 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 260)
Bill Simon Card Affinity someone names a suit and another spectator names a value, mostly two knives, one finds correct value and the other the suit
Related to 1952 51
Bill Simon The F.B.I. Card stabbing the deck with a card, finding the selection above, with second deal
1952 87
Al Leech Wild Deuces Twos are lost and found
Also published here 1952 18
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #1
  • miniature deck from sealed cigarette pack
  • selection rises from cigarette pack
  • card stabbing, wrapped in paper
Mar. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 276)
Mark Fitzgerald Sword Play with plastic sword from drinks
May 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 281)
Dr. Ben B. Braude Simplex Card Stab
Variations Nov. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 293)
Karrell Fox A Direct Stab
1954 23
Nick Trost A Stab in the Dark with deck wrapped inside newspaper, with two cards, one card chosen by performer, reflection of knife used
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Lu Brent "U-Find-It" Spectator stabs face-up card in deck behind the back, found next to the selection
Related to 1956 20
Edward Marlo Card Stab
1957 54
Edward Marlo For the Purist spectator stabs
1957 56
Nate Leipzig, Dai Vernon Nate Leipzig's Card Stab
1957 143
Charles Hudson Sorcerer's Seven performer talks about the number seven, spectator puts a card in the deck, cards next to it equals seven, variation where all four cards are stabbed into the deck (Rusduck), see credits in No. 8
Related toVariations June 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 3)
Edward Marlo Faro Fooler #8 using natural estimation
Related to 1958 56
Bert Allerton Card Stabbing Trick any named card
Related toVariations 1958 36
Hans E. Trixer (9) Card Stab any card is named, and the pack stabbed at that card
1958 155
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's Thought Card Stab inside envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Neal Elias Mental Count Three-spot card pushed in reversed in deck, it is next to peeked-at selection or used to count to it
  • Alternate Procedure (a card reversed in the center, it's the selection or leads to it)
  • Stab Trick - a variation (card stabbed to in paper-wrapped deck)
Variations Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo The Miracle Spread deck spread on table, spectator inserts indicator card into spread next to selection or force card, card secretly moved underneath spread
  • First Method (card culled to under spread on table with help of crimp)
  • Second Method (card starts on bottom)
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Next To It deck spread on table, spectator inserts indicator card into spread next to selection, different handling for Miracle Spread starting with side-jogged card near top
Inspired by May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Spectator Location spectator inserts card reversed in his own hands, it is next to previous selection
May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Basic Move Application deck spread on table, spectator inserts indicator card into spread next to selection
Inspired by May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Charlie Miller Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 3 stabbing between to cards in wrapped deck, stabbing by spectator suggested
1961 10
Cardini Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 8 spectator locates card by stabbing joker in pack
1961 19
Card Stabbing wrapped in newspaper
1961 51
Edward Marlo Mental Stab performer places Four spot card next to thought-of card
Related to 1962 55
Edward Marlo Super Mental Stab thought-of card is always above a face up indicator
1962 57
Edward Marlo Miracle Card Stab Location estimation
Inspired byRelated to 1962 59
Edward Marlo Marlo's Favorite Out
Related to 1962 60
Edward Marlo A Marlo Miracle card vanishes via double push-off deal, then it is stabbed in paper-wrapped deck
1962 64
Edward Marlo Marlo Miracle "Stop" Stab deck wrapped in paper, estimation, faro
Inspired byRelated to 1962 65
Harry Lorayne Stab-Two between two selections, deck wrapped in paper, estimation
Also published here 1962 39
Francis Carlyle, Harry Lorayne Personally Yours three cards are located by stabbing business card in deck one by one
1962 125
Harry Lorayne Reverse Location spectator finds two selections via stabbing in fan
1962 179
Stabbing in Newspaper
Also published here 1962 13
Edward Marlo The Tilt Stab "Fourteenth Effect", card stabbed next to selection by performer
1962 22
Nate Leipzig Card Stabbing two selections, with newspaper
1963 54
Ronald B. Edwards Stranger in our Midst odd-backed card is stabbed next to thought-of card behind back by performer, Stop When Ready type disclosure
Related to Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Ace Gorham Three Way Mentalism several decks used, brainwave and forcing deck, card found reversed and other by stabbing knife next to it
May 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Lu Brent Card Stab Outdone with knife, card split in two sheets
Related to Oct. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Tony Kardyro Adytum Joker with predictions is stabbed in the pack, cards next to it are predicted
Aug. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 64)
Victor "Astor" Jamnitzky Ein "Kartenstechen" stabbing knife next to selection in deck, whole deck corner-shorted
1967 (ca.) 7
Paul Swinford The Joker is Wild not really tossed..., two selections
Variations 1968 16
Al Koran Encore Card Stab stacked, estimation, apparently by Patrick Page, see "Magic Page by Page" for credits
Related toVariations 1968 57
Paul Swinford The Cabalistic Pair not tossed, Joker is found between two chosen cards after faro shuffles, CCCC
Nov. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 4)
C. J. Brown My Favorite Card Trick card thrown into the air lands next to selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Paul Swinford The Cabalistic Pair not tossed, Joker is found between two chosen cards after faro shuffles, CCCC
1971 59
Sid Marshall Super Stab with small dagger in squared deck, using faro placement
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Carl Sten, Arnold Furst Once in a Knife Time knife stabbed into pack from back, penetrates cards until selection
1971 62
John Cornelius Stabba-Dabba-Doo face up card is stabbed in deck, next to selection, duplicate
Magick (Issue 15)
Stewart Judah Sneaky Card Stab described by John Brown, wrapped in paper and stabbed by spectator, using a Pop-Eyed Eye-Popper / Nu-Idea forcing deck
Magick (Issue 20)
Frank Garcia, Bert Allerton Miracle Stab stabbing any card called for, stacked
1972 73
Frank Garcia Once In a Knife-Time spectator stabs
Also published here 1972 77
Right About There card inserted next to selection
1972 4
The Stabbed Card wrapped din newspaper
1972 5
James G. Thompson Jr. Under the Knife
1972 94
Eddie Joseph The Hooded Hew wrapped in napkin
1972 95
Billy McComb The Williamised Close-up Card Sword with small sword
1972 159
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Reverse Finder No. 172, top card (really back-to-back double) placed reversed into deck wherever spectator wants, it ends up next to selection
1972 42
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Stabbing Card Trick No. 303, newspaper-wrapped deck, two cards with two knifes
1972 78
Knife Force Location No. 432, not enough details
1972 125
For Knife Cutting Location No. 453, peeked card is stabbed with knife in paper-wrapped deck, simply a step
Related to 1972 128
Double Peek Knife Location No. 506, peeked cards is stabbed with knife in paper-wrapped and rubber-banded deck, two steps
Related to 1972 141
Dr. Jacob Daley Think Card Trick No. 580, card peeked, another card selected and pushed into deck face up next to peeked card, bottom deal placement/reverse-cull
1972 161
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Reverse Card Discovery No. 603, top card taken and deck spread over it to place card next to reversed card
1972 168
Arthur Finley Finley's Knife Cut Location No. 700, with glide
Related toAlso published here 1972 188
Karl Fulves Notes On The Handling - 5.
1973 53
Dick Zimmerman Impromptu Card Stab with a telescoping pen
1973 10
Roy Walton Color Flite a card from red and blue deck are chosen, jokers pushed in deck of other color, they're supposed to be next to selections, but change in actual selections
Inspired byAlso published here June 1973 632
Jerry K. Hartman Under The Influence Red card stabbed into blue deck, next to matching card
1973 58
Frank Garcia Once In a Knife-Time spectator stabs
Also published here 1973 8
Gene Maze The 'Mazing Card Stab with knife in deck
1973 51
Karl Fulves An Infinity Of Footnotes application of the Stevens Control with crimps (1), edge marks (2), stabbing (3), as a cull (7), and more
1975 108
Jon Racherbaumer The Stabbing Myth card is stabbed between two selections by spectator
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Arthur Finley Two Card Discovery indifferent card stabbed into deck to find two selections, glide
Related toAlso published here 1975 213
Jerry K. Hartman Two-sooth Prediction written on blank file card, stabbed into deck. Predicts the two cards next to the file card.
Related to 1975 36
Charles T. Jordan The Stabbed Pair spectator stabs knife in paper-wrapped deck between two selections
Also published here 1975 82
E. Leslie May Spotting the Spot card stab with paper-knife, the card found is blank and the value is now on the paper-knife
Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Bernard Bilis Joker Finder Joker inserted into deck, inserted in between two selections
1976 20
Karl Fulves Card Problems - (1) deck wrapped in newspaper, card stabbed with knife, rest of deck vanishes, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 10)
Gene Nielsen Congruence card is stabbed next to mate, slip force
Magick (Issue 151)
Patrick Page Stabatwin stabbing pocket knife next to twin of chosen card
VariationsAlso published here 1976 83
Gaëtan Bloom Occamitis card is found with the aid of a razor blade
Jan. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Karl Fulves A Rare Find two cards removed, one remembered, both put wide apart in deck, performer stabs another card next to the selection, miscalling
Variations 1977 66
Roy Walton Color Flite a card from red and blue deck are chosen, jokers pushed in deck of other color, they're supposed to be next to selections, but change in actual selections
Also published here 1977 70
Ken Krenzel The Finger Stab finger stabs in pack
1978 49
Kartenstechen II with napkin, card is pierced
1978 51
Karten-Kartenstechen card is found by stabbing another card next to it
1978 78
Jerry K. Hartman Ghost Right Blank card stabbed into deck between two cards, the names of the two cards appear written on the blank face
Also published here 1978 43
Jerry K. Hartman Crystal Clear Prediction written on face of card, card is inserted between the two predicted cards
1978 52
Jerry K. Hartman Mod Quad Card selected is stabbed into deck, prediction shown to be mate, and then card is shown to be stabbed between the other two mates (describes two methods)
Inspired by 1978 53
Bruce Ikefugi Lightning Stab Change indifferent card is stabbed in deck face up and at that moment changes into selection, lapping
Related to Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Timothy Wenk Stabbing Locator card is pushed next to selection by performer
1979 62
Richard Kaufman Flotation Stab card stabbed between two selections
1979 113
Karrell Fox Once in a Knife-Time deck wrapped in napkin, jog
Inspired by 1979 83
Jochen Zmeck Der Damaszener Dolch selection lost, spectator locates four cards by stabbing a knife in the deck, they are the selection and its three mates
Inspired by 1979 23
Greg Miller The Humble/Arrogant Card Trick stabbed indifferent card changes to selection, variation: stabbed card transposes with card above it
Aug. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Simon Aronson Ad-Jacent advertisement card is used to stab between selections in tabled spread
VariationsAlso published here 1980
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Chris Ball A Colorful Trick deck starts to bleed
1980 11
Al Smith Combo: Two spectator stabs a King into the deck between two other Kings
Related to 1980 8
Bill Wisch Fab-Stab spectator stabs his selection with a knife, deck wrapped in newspaper
1981 15
Allan Ackerman Ultra Sucker Insertion Ace of spades changes into selection with stabbing-presentation
1982 180
Thomas Alan Waters Pointalism a knife is stabbed in tarot book and one in a tarot deck, page describes card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Card Stabbing with napkin
1982 5
David Britland Face to Face two selections, joker stabbed into the deck next to first selection, then joker turns into second selection
June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Larry Becker Grand Opening while deck is in case, crimp
June 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Jerry Sadowitz Prone to Live Dangerously sucker effect in which performer stabs card next to selection which can be seen on face
Related toVariations Mar. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Paul Hallas, Jerry Sadowitz, Theodore Annemann More Dangerous
Inspired by Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
J. B. Bobo The Ultra Stab! with Tarot cards, wrapped in paper
Nov. 1983
Magick (Issue 325)
Cartas Encontradas con el Cuchillo No. 7, deck stabbed with knife, wrapped in paper
1983 9
Michael Powers Half-Pass Stabbing Force deck starts reversed under top card
1983 16
Robert Gardner Stab-ility using double deal from center and impromptu double backer
Mar. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Ken Krenzel Variation on Stab-ility see Afterthoughts
Mar. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Jerry Sadowitz Prone to Live Dangerously performer places ace of spades next to selection, sucker effect
1984 6
Thomas Alan Waters Pierception with box, thought of card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Cardiact)
Dick Koornwinder the poor man's Card Stab with scissors into deck that's wrapped in paper napkin
1984 14
Eddie Adams, Jon Racherbaumer Mexican Stab card side-jogged for half its length, switched for top card as top half is levered over, two handlings (Adams & Racherbaumer), see also "Credits and References" at end of book
Related toAlso published here 1984 78
Dick Koornwinder Smart Scissors card stabbing with a pair of scissors
Nov. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Robert Bengel Signatures Attract business card finds selection, prediction on business card
1985 131
Steve Beam Double Prophecy two cards stabbed in the deck, value is used two find two selections, see p. 160 for corrections
Related to 1985 132
Rolland Hamblen Card Location Ten Card Location routine
1. Say Stop
2. Spell Out
3. Spring Location
4. Stabbed Card
5. The fifth card
6. Stabbed Cards
7. Card through handkerchief
8. - 10. catch from shower
1985 17
Larry Jennings Fan-Stab-Stic spectator stabs in fan
1986 195
Jay Sankey Split Ends selection is stabbed and its cardboard layers split, then restored
1986 64
Edward Marlo Stabbing Back spectator holds deck under the table and places a card face up inside the deck, cards next to it are named by performer
Inspired by May 1986
Magick (Issue 371)
Thomas Alan Waters Stableau with tarot cards, two spectators stab two knives in deck, signed cards
Also published here Sep. 1986
Magick (Issue 377)
William Goodwin Joker Stab spectator stabs Joker between two selections
1986 6
Randy Wakeman Teflon Card Stab paper wrapped deck, slick card
1987 21
Thomas Alan Waters Stableau with tarot cards, two spectators stab two knives in deck, signed cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1987
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue T.A.R.O.T.)
Lamont Ream The Double Card Stab with knife in wrapped deck, no crimps
Mar. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Karrell Fox "Short-Cut's" with small knife or dagger, two phases, locator card and count in second phase
1988 64
Edward Marlo The Opportune Miracle joker stabbed next to selection in fan, using forcing gaff with part of card stuck to back of joker, four handlings
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Mar. 1967
1988 268
Edward Marlo "P.D. Mental Stab" "Pull Down", card placed face up in deck by performer, it is next to thought-of card
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Apr. 1968
1988 363
Eugene Burger A Card Stab Routine the second time the spectator stabs
1989 60
Al Koran, Karl Fulves A Stab in the Pack No. 90, deck wrapped with dollar bill, knife next to selection
1989 132
Father Cyprian The Act four cards chosen and signed by four spectators
  • Part I: Torn and Restored Card (first selection torn and flash-restored, "Nostalgia Torn & Restored Card")
  • Part II: Card Stab (other three selections replaced, two found by stabbing the paper-wrapped deck with a dagger)
  • Part III: Card in Wallet (last card found in wallet)
Related to 1989 1
Steve Beam Have It Your Way card selected and replaced, deck is in new pack order and card put in proper position of the sequence
VariationsAlso published here 1991 727
Jerry K. Hartman Ghost Right blank card stabbed into deck between two cards, the names of the two cards appear written on the blank face
Also published here 1991 649
Elmer Deffenbaugh A Psychic Experience three decks, card at named number matches card stabbed to with knife and reversed in third deck
1991 30
Peter Zenner Stabbed in the Pack -- Twice spectator and performer look at a card, both are found using two knives stabbed in the deck
1991 67
Charles T. Jordan The Stabbed Pair No. 176, spectator stabs knife in paper-wrapped deck between two selections
Also published here 1992 213
Alex Elmsley, Richard Himber Cold Steel knife is stabbed between two selections
Variations 1994 440
The Card Stabbing Trick (Pack Wrapped in Paper)
Related to 1994 1213
Paul Gertner The Vanishing Card Stab wrapped in paper napkin and stabbed with knife, deck vanishes as climax
1994 103
Mike Schwartz Stab Stab Stab deck rests on edge on table, performer stabs joker quickly into side a few times, last time next to selection
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Roger Crosthwaite The Sultan Stab spectator throws indicator card into dribble, shown to be next to King, indicator card changes into King as well as:
  • The Chutney Change
1994 14
Justin Higham Phantom Aces position of Aces announced after spectators shuffle the deck, one-by-one production, last one stabbed with another card by spectator
Inspired by 1994 166
Simon Aronson Ad-Jacent advertisement card is used to stab between selections in tabled spread, rewritten description
Also published here 1994 173
Robert Parrish The Card Stabbing Trick rubber banded and paper wrapped deck, stabbed with knife
Inspired by 1995 81
Karrell Fox Stabracardabra knife stuck into napkin-wrapped deck, napkin torn away and selection sticks to knife
1995 32
Steve Beam Have it Your Way card selected and replaced, deck is in new pack order and card put in proper position of the sequence
Also published here 1995 93
Edward Marlo The Moveable Card spectator thinks of a card, performer places reversed card next to it
1995 52
Edward Marlo Miracle Card Stab Location peeked at card is stabbed by performer
1995 55
Edward Marlo Mental Stab Again spectator thinks of a card from top third, performer places reversed card next to it
1995 65
Dr. Zina Bennett Stabbing 1 carte with named card, deck in paper
Related to 1995 99
Claude Rix Subtilité pour magiciens et profanes stabbing routine repeated, using memorized deck and faro shuffle
1995 101
Claude Rix Stabbing suite. ou le tour qui trompa stabbing two selections, half forcing stack and memorized deck
1995 101
Jerry K. Hartman Hot Thought two spectators think of a card from deck, one spectator "think-spells" to his card as performer removes cards from deck and card on last letter is his card, second spectator uses tiny sword to stab into deck next to his card, multiple decks needed
Related toVariations 1995 265
Michael Skinner A Needle in a Haystack joker placed next to thought-of card under challenge conditions, thirteen extra cards behind back
1996 74
Michael Close The Card Stab stabbing to any named card, memorized deck
Inspired by 1996 154
Karl Fulves Fork Lift stabbing with fork into deck
1996 105
Karl Fulves Named-Card Stab shiny blade
1996 148
Bob Driebeek Sherlock Holmes oder: Das ökonomische Kartenstechen deck wrapped in paper
1996 65
Peter Duffie Blade Runner knife stabbed in deck, one card impaled, it's the wrong card and changes into correct one
1996 20
Bert Allerton, Ken Krenzel Stabbing to Any Named Card deck wrapped in napkin
1997 173
The Wrap Stab deck wrapped in newspaper or flash paper
1997 14
Tony Bartolotta Gang Related deck cut, top two cards removed and placed in center, corner of next card torn off, performer stabs it into the center behind his back, between selections, three-way force deck, for details see Informant reference
Related to 1997
Underworld (Issue 6)
David Solomon Breaking Up Ad-Jacent spectator stabs odd-backed card next to two selections one by one
Inspired by 1997 203
Bruce Cervon The L.C. Stab
1998 85
Bruce Cervon Son of L.C. Stab
1998 86
Jack Avis Rara Avis Card Stab knife stabbed into top of deck so that a small block is stuck to tip of knife, bottom card is selection
1998 123
Al Koran Miracle Card Stab exact center
1998 123
Ken Simmons Simplex Locator Card top card turned over and put face-up into deck where spectator stops during riffling, it is next to selection
  • First Method
    • Second Handling
    • Third Handling
  • Second Method (Countdown Version)
  • Third Method (Bluff Version)
July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby Chapter 10: The Texan Card Stab intro with credit information
1998 89
Jeff Busby Pack Stabber I selection stabbed to in rubber-banded deck with bill wrapped around
Inspired by 1998 92
Jeff Busby Pack Stabber II card stabbed to in bill-wrapped deck, value then is used to count to selection
Related toVariations 1998 94
Jeff Busby Pack Stabber III card stabbed to in bill-wrapped deck, value then is used to count to selection, fair conditions
Inspired by 1998 95
Bob King Transfixion pocket knife is stabbed next to peeked-at card
Inspired by 1998 16
Peter Duffie Key Largo two cards chosen, one found by stopping spectator's dealing and second card is stabbed to, twenty-seventh location
1998 4
Tony Bartolotta Time Trap half the deck used, spectator cuts off some cards and counts them, a selection made, packets combined, spectator remembers card at his number, selected card stabbed next to it below table by performer
Related to 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
Ellis Stanyon (b) stabbing location
1999 198
Ellis Stanyon The Master Mystery Forcing Pack No. 25, three banks divided by long cards: 1-0-1 with force cards, alternating pairs, 1-0-1 with different force card
  • To Produce a Card at Any Number
  • Knife Thrust between Two Chosen Cards
1999 206
Ellis Stanyon The Pack Is Wrapped in Paper and a Knife Passed between Two Chosen Cards No. 26, twenty-six force pairs
1999 207
Karl Fulves Stabbed By Thought "Three Trix"
  • The Double Stab
  • The Thot-Card Stab (thought-of card from three cards is stabbed to when named)
2000 112
Robin Robertson Triple Simon deck cut in halves, one card chosen from each half and stabbed into it, it ends up between two cards of same value and suit as selections
June 2000
Onyx (Issue 11)
Robin Robertson Double Lucky two predictions made, spectator chooses one and stabs it into the deck, it ends up between the cards of same suit and value, other prediction matches the other suit/value combination
Inspired by
  • "Chance" (Aldo Colombini, The Linking Ring, Apr. 1986)
2000 40
Karl Fulves Steel To Ink knife stabbed in deck next to selection, then it is seen that the blade is printed on this card and only the knife handle remains, posed as a problem
2001 201
Mark Lewis Stabbing Trick #1 with knife in the deck
2001 30
Mark Lewis Stabbing Trick #2 with knife in the deck which is wrapped in a paper napkin
2001 31
Jamie Badman Sideways Stab spectator stabs card into deck between two selections
July/Aug. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
David Regal Crazy & Lazy face up stabbing variation
2002 50
David Regal Stabbed with extreme Prejudice Joker stabbed next to selection
2002 145
Basil Smith Stabox deck with selection cased, small dagger/knife stabbed into bottom end of card box, selection impaled
Also published here Mar. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Al Baker Stabbing Card Trick
  • Improved Stabbing Card Trick
2003 739
Karl Fulves Knife Edged spectator cuts deck, counts off packet, remembers last card, replaces and cuts again, card stabbed by performer, edge mark line
Inspired byRelated to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Remember & Stab one of two outjogged cards remembered, it is stabbed to with knife before it is named
Off The Books (Issue 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Contrary Toss-In invisible card tossed into deck by spectator, a card appears sticking out between two selections
2003 106
Luis H. Trueba Carta Apuñalada cards wrapped in sheet of newspaper, signed selection is really stabbed
2003 47
Al Leech Wild Deuces Twos are lost and found
Also published here 2004 21
Ron Frost Twisted Aces, Subway Style Twisting the Aces combined with finding a selection, Ace is inserted into the deck to find selection
2004 112
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Mag(net)Ic Kings put on table, one used by spectator to stab to an Ace, other Kings change into Aces as well, using BMT
Variations 2004 10
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Road four Kings are stabbed into deck one by one to find Queens, using BMT
Inspired by 2004 13
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Combined Forces two selections lost, a Five used to stab next to one selection by spectator, then five cards down is the second selection reversed, using BMT and Henry Christ Force
Related to 2004 14
William Goldman Card Stab
2005 10
Rafael Benatar The Favorite Cards of my Friends two favorite cards named, performer removes his own favorite card and it is stabbed into deck between named cards
Mar. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 3)