612 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Sandwich & Co / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Bewildero the Second! selection ends up between two Aces after lots of counting
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Victor Farelli, Tom Sellers The "Sandwich" card travels from sandwich to pocket
1933 89
T. Page Wright A Reverse Location two cards on either side of selection reverse
1933 15
Theodore Annemann Twentieth Century Cards selection is hole-punched and appears between 2 other punched and threaded cards, see page 99 for improvement by R.M. Jamison
July 1935
The Jinx (Issue 10)
Edward Victor "Sign, Please!" signed sandwiched selection, transposes with card in performer's pocket, duplicate
Variations 1937 27
Crimp Location Trick card inserted next to selection, or two sandwich cards around selection
1938 59
The Aces and the Criminal aces sandwich selection
Related to 1938 241
Purvis W. Miller The Two Jokers two jokers shuffled into deck, reversed card thrust in deck by spectator - between the jokers
Also published here 1938 19
Kent Arthur Faker! one of four cards is signed and they're cut into deck, then three cards reverse with face-down in between which turns out to be signed card, medium/seance situation
Aug. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 59)
George Delaney Three in One card openly reversed in deck, then cards on either side reverse instead
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 62)
Charles T. Jordan Bewildero 2nd selection ends up between two Aces after lots of counting
Also published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 77)
Martin Gardner Sympathetic Decks unknown card sandwiched in red-backed deck with red Aces, red Aces also placed together reversed in blue deck, duplicate appears between Aces in blue deck
1940 19
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Cut and Come Again two cut-to selections come to either side of reversed card
1941 27
Arthur H. Buckley Next to Yours! Experiment No. 12 - two cards are placed above and below selection
1946 162
Carmen D'Amico Toss Over Card card is thrown invisible between two reversed cards in the deck
1948 86
Dr. F. W. van Klaveren Die betrogenen Betrüger story trick, a guy apparently got heckled, Aces found together in the deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. 2&3)
Arthur H. Buckley The Burglar two cards are pushed through the deck, a third card (previous selection) is then found between it
1948 146
George Delaney Perplexity No. 37, Selection is placed face up in deck, reappears face down between two black Aces in middle of deck
VariationsAlso published here 1950 67
Bob Nelson Simplicity Discovery two cards on either side of a selection turn over
1952 55
Cy Endfield "Blackie is with us!" jacks travel together in center, card appears between them
1955 24
Francis Haxton The One Between two unknown selected cards are pushed back reversed in the deck, one card is found between , that matches in value and suit with other cards, composite card
Related to 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Jerry Andrus Hide Away Card selection appears between two file cards in the deck
1957 1
Laurie Ireland, Carlton King Kidnapped top eleven cards are stacked to tell a story involving a card in an envelope that later shows up elsewhere and transposition and sandwich of various cards, and cards traveling to the performer's pocket
Also published here
  • Exclusive Magic from our Notebook, Ireland & King, ca. 1933
1957 18
Edward Marlo Fourth Fooler two cards selected, a card turns face-up between selections, see also page 55 for two further notes
Variations 1958 52
Edward Marlo Uses of Partial Faro Check - Faro Fooler #9 face-up card is sandwiched by two selections, or used to count to them
1958 57
Harry Lorayne Four More four cards separated in deck, come together to form sandwich
1964 17
Harry Lorayne, Al Leech One-Eyed Jack Sandwich card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1965 4
Karl Fulves The St. Nicholas Aces black Twos are pushed reversed in deck twice to locate Ace, the next time the sandwich cards become the last two Aces
Related to Dec. 1965 12
Edward Marlo Named Card Sandwich named card appears between isolated Jokers, posed as a problem
Aug. 1966 51
Harry Lorayne, Al Leech One-Eyed Jack Sandwich card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection
Also published here 1966
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 2)
Tony Kardyro Ace Blood Hounds Supreme spectator pushes two Aces into the deck so they sandwich one card, that turns out to be a previous selection
1966 5
R. Sid Spocane II The Royal Lovers four of a kind appear one by one between sandwich cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 86
John Benzais The Missing Ace triple transposition of sandwiched card with tabled card and selection in deck
1967 56
Paul Swinford The Cabalistic Pair not tossed, Joker is found between two chosen cards after faro shuffles, CCCC
Nov. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Mental Giant deck as calculator, 3D and 8D, sum or difference appears between them
Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Bruce Cervon Think and it's Trapped one of two cards is thought of and appears in sandwich in deck, various versions:
  • First Version
  • Second Version
  • Third Version
  • Fourth Version (Pitfalls of Thought I)
  • Fifth Version (Pitfalls of Thought II)
Variations 1969 109
Jon Racherbaumer Marlo Stalks the Ultimate Sandwich credit information on sandwich effects
Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Harry Lorayne Half a Faro Onward three cards peeked from Incomplete Faro Condition, random cards turned over, they sandwich selections after faro
Related to 1969 30
Stephen Fernandes Jacks - Or Better! one of five cards changes into selection, mate in deck between jacks, full house completed with card in pocket
1969 83
Milton Kort A Change of Filling three selection, red twos face up in the deck, first card appears in between, then the card changes twice into the other selections
Variations 1969
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Fred Lessor Multiple of 2 Aces find two selections in two sandwiches, faro
Mar. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 8)
Fred Lessor Nice Recovery four Aces vanish in sandwiches, reappear in deck via spelling
Variations July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo Pre-Determined Four four effects, magically reversed card is used to locate two selections (neighbors or by counting to them)
1970 106
Allan Ackerman Joker Sandwich thought of card in sandwich in deck
Inspired byVariations 1970 6
Jerry K. Hartman Twin Twist two selections, red Aces tabled face down, black Aces sandwich two cards in deck which turn out to be the red Aces and tabled cards are the selections
1970 15
Jerry K. Hartman Instant Sandwich black Aces are buried together in middle of deck, red Aces are placed face down to top and bottom, they instantly travel into deck between black Aces
  • Variation: red Aces travel from pocket to middle of deck between black Aces
Related to
  • “Trap and Trade” (Jerry K. Hartman, Card Devilry, 2017, p. 45)
Also published here
1970 20
Edward Marlo Another Tip card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection, easy handling
Related to Nov. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 37)
Paul Swinford The Cabalistic Pair not tossed, Joker is found between two chosen cards after faro shuffles, CCCC
1971 59
Harry Lorayne Half a Faro Onward three peeked cards are sandwiched between three pairs of face up cards, faro
1971 136
Harry Lorayne Faro Quickie & Follow-Up two face up cards find selection peeked at, followed by challenge location with nail nick
1971 254
Karl Fulves It's A Trap red Threes find selection, but selection is a red Three, sandwich cards change to black Threes
Related toVariations 1971 11
Roy Walton Twice Two prediction vanishes from between two Queens as it is the same as the selection, then appears between the Queens of opposite color
  • Alternative Procedure
Related toAlso published here 1971 33
Frank Garcia, Bill Simon Peekaboo Revelation peeked card between face up aces in deck
1972 71
Karl Fulves Illusion Aces Aces turn over one by one between two Jokers, change to Kings
Inspired byRelated toVariations Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Francis Haxton Nice Recovery - 2 four aces vanish in sandwiches, reappear in deck via spelling, stand-up handling
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Roy Walton Card Number spectator counts off some cards to make a selection, it ends up sandwiched by cards of the same value as the number of cards originally counted off, faro, inspired by a plot by Gene Nielsen
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here Mar. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Theodore Annemann The Aces and the Criminal aces sandwich selection
Related to 1972 128
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Sign Please - Another Variation - Better No. 312, sandwiched selection transposes with card in performer's pocket
Inspired by 1972 80
Edward Victor, Dr. Jacob Daley Ed Victor's Sign Please No. 355, signed sandwiched selection transposes with card in performer's pocket, handling without duplicate
Inspired by 1972 100
Karl Fulves Sneak Sandwich Incomplete Faro peeked card is sandwiched
1973 102
Howard Schwarzman, Frank Garcia, Ken Krenzel Plunger Discovery selected card appears between Kings as pushed through
1973 27
Karl Fulves Named Trap red Aces on top, any card named, shuffled between Aces, posed as a problem
1973 20
Karl Fulves Trapped With The Zarrow any card named - type sandwich
1973 21
Karl Fulves Jack Trap as a sandwich effect
1973 78
Gerald Kosky 3-Card Catch selection is found via Three-Card Catch, simplified procedure
Inspired by Mar. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 17)
Karl Fulves Theory Transpo unknown card on table, Ace between Jacks, Jacks vanish and card on table turns out to be the two Jacks
1973 25
Jerry K. Hartman One Good Turn Aces placed between the Jokers will reverse itself
Inspired byVariations 1973 20
Jerry K. Hartman Hip Switch Two Jacks find three selections - finds first selection, then transposes with the other two selections
Also published here 1973 44
Jerry K. Hartman Sandwhichever Red Aces placed on top of deck, black Aces on bottom, two selections appear between them, spectator chooses which Aces they should appear between
Variations 1973 47
Gene Finnell Trapped selection made, three cards of matching value are trapped with two faros
1973 30
Gene Finnell Birds of a Kind card chosen, cards of same value found with faro sandwiches
1973 44
Roy Walton Kings Go Forth two halves, two selections travel from packet to packet and are found sandwiched between Kings
Also published here 1973 21
Karl Fulves Heavy Traffic prediction vanishes from between two jacks twice, then the chosen card appears between the jacks
Related toVariations 1974 2
Karl Fulves Second Method prediction vanishes from between two Jacks twice, then the chosen card appears between the Jacks
1974 4
Philip T. Goldstein, Ken Miller Alternate Route red-backed named card transposes with blue-backed duplicate, both sandwiched by jokers
Inspired by
  • "Queens in Flight" (Ken Miller, Abra #530, 1956)
1974 4
Jerry K. Hartman Center of Attention red Aces placed on top and bottom, random card is shown in middle, red Aces move into deck and sandwich it
Also published here 1974 3
Ken Krenzel, Harry Lorayne Square Reverse Routine three cards peeked at, two reverse themselves and sandwich selection
Related to 1975 97
Jerry K. Hartman Switch on a Switch black jacks on table transpose with red jacks reversed in deck
Epilogue (Issue Special No 1)
Roy Walton Carousel
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Half Tilt black aces with sandwiched selection in center, red aces as well, red card with selection appears in hand via throw production
1975 14
Karl Fulves Topological Trap sandwiched card penetrates sandwich cards, a corner secretly folded
Variations 1975 109
Karl Fulves Illusion Aces VI Aces turn over one by one between two Jokers, change to Kings
Inspired by 1975 147
Karl Fulves Eye Witness two red Fours together in deck, spectator remembers card above pair, another card below pair, they name the same card which is then shown not to be in deck, then appears sandwiched between Fours
Inspired byVariations 1975 165
Alex Elmsley Fake Sandwich Insertion card inserted between sandwich cards one of which is secretly missing
1975 193
Karl Fulves Trap Loading Technique
1975 221
Karl Fulves Escape card vanishes between sandwich cards in middle of deck
1975 4
Roger Smith Simplified handling to Faro Ace Plunger effect itself not described, Aces seem to appear face-up around selection
Inspired by 1975 6
Jerry K. Hartman Between Tricks Queens progressively appear between two red Aces as the Kings are tapped on the Aces
Also published here 1975 52
Roy Walton Königsgeplänkel two halves, two selections travel from packet to packet and are found sandwiched between Kings
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Charles T. Jordan Bewildero - 2nd selection ends up between two Aces after lots of counting
Also published here 1975 41
Harvey Rosenthal O. Henry Sandwich mates around card transform, original mates in wallet
1977 131
Karl Fulves Jumper Up from deck to mates
1977 265
Karl Fulves Note 3 card on top, mates appear face down around it
1977 281
Gene Maze Vanish From Sandwich card is palmed out as sandwich is shown
1977 312
Philip T. Goldstein Twisted Location with finding a selection as a kicker
Also published here 1977 13
Karl Fulves Boggled card vanishes with fun sucker presentation about the spectator taking a card from between the aces and pushing it magic thrust like between to aces, sleeving
1977 23
Bernard Bilis Pair-A-Noic spectator cuts off cards, two cards turn over in rest sandwiching selection and values total number of cut-off packet, set-up
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Martin A. Nash The Earl's Dilemma long sandwich combo
1979 380
Edward Marlo Vanishing Sandwich card appears between Aces two times, then Aces change to Jacks and ace sandwich reappears in deck
1979 340
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Color Sandwich color changing back of sandwiched card, using Trevor Lewis' Twist Switch several times
Variations Sep. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Tommy Ellison A Case Of Black Jack sandwich/transposition/traveling thing with some cards in the case
Dec. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Woody Landers Open Faced Sandwich card appears visually between sandwich cards
1979 81
Harry Lorayne Ace-Istants two red aces on table, one changes into assistant, then to black aces, sandwich in deck
1979 38
Harry Lorayne Flip On Rye card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection
Inspired byVariations 1979 83
Wayne Dobson Joker Sandwich card vanishes from sandwich and appears face up in the deck
Apr. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Brian Glover The Red Aces
Apr. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Sneakers sandwich placed in case, sandwich card vanishes and reappears in case, flap-flap
1979 32
Karl Fulves Flap Notes uses for flap-flap gimmick, loading sandwich in case, named ace vanishes from case
1979 36
Karl Fulves The Nyria Effect Ace of Spades in case, Ace of Clubs sandwiched between red Fours outside, then visual transposition so red Four inside and black Aces sandwich with other four outside
1979 50
Karl Fulves An Expansion Sandwich two poker size cards sandwich a bridge size card which expands to poker size
1979 10
Karl Fulves Expansion of Matter bridge card sandwiched between poker size cards expands
  • Brutus Method
  • Sit-Down Approach
  • Sneak Attack
1979 13
Philip T. Goldstein True Blue sandwich with odd backed kings
1979 5
Karl Fulves Four Card Catch catching two cards between 2 sandwich cards
Inspired by 1979 11
Reinhard Müller, Karl Fulves, Harvey Rosenthal 3-Card Catch
1979 3
Roy Walton Count Me In
  • "Two Tricks"
between sandwich cards appear as many cards as the value of the selection, numerical set-up
The Chronicles (Issue 15)
Roy Walton The Smiling Mule two parts, first gag then surprise twist, named card ends up sandwiched between aces in the middle of the deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 13
William P. Miesel All-Fair Moving Collectors odd backed mates find two cards and then transform
Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Michael Farmer Port Authority Transit selection vanishes from sandwich, other transforms into first selection
Sep. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Martin A. Nash The Earl's Dilemma long sandwich combo, shorter description
Inspired by 1980 7
Edward Marlo Split Sandwiches odd-backed sandwich cards put in deck, they split and are next to two selections, including "One Deck Variation" and suggestion by Danny Korem
Inspired by 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Edward Marlo Insertion Subtlety displaying sandwich while hiding the color of one of the cards
Related to 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Karl Fulves The Optical Trap sandwiched card is suddenly no longer between other cards when three-card-spread is turned over, see also Cervon Monte
Related toVariations 1980 8
Karl Fulves He's Back red card with invisible back changes instantly into black card with back
1980 42
Karl Fulves Back Bay Blues two rubber banded sandwiches, the sandwich cards themselves transpose
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Harry Lorayne Magnetic Pull selection travels next to out-jogged reversed card, optional sandwich follow-up
Also published here 1980 4
Ben Harris Slip Locators sandwich cards find selection and then change into selections
1980 33
Al Smith Stebbinside unknown card pocketed by spectator, another card is sandwiched via faro, it's the mate
Inspired by
  • "Si Stebbins Hits The Trail" (Al Smith, Abra)
1980 3
Karl Fulves Push Out simple ribbon spread hide-out application
1981 8
Jon Racherbaumer Trapped Transposition sandwiched card in center of deck transposes with card in hand, three methods
Inspired by 1981 66
Philip T. Goldstein A Fine Mesh two selections between three odd-backed jokers vanish, then a joker finds the selections in deck on either side, red/blue double backer
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1981 1
Ken Simmons Here, There and Back two selections travel to 2 sandwiches, then vanish, then sandwiched again in deck
1981 37
Alex Elmsley Prayer Vanish card vanishes from sandwich
1981 19
Juan Tamariz La Prisionera Romantica only three cards, card vanishes from between jokers and appears in pocket, lapping
Also published here 1981 40
Roy Walton Twice Two prediction vanishes from between two Queens as it is the same as the selection, then appears between the Queens of opposite color
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here 1981 82
Roy Walton Kings Go Forth two halves, two selections travel from packet to packet and are found sandwiched between Kings
Also published here 1981 122
Roy Walton The Smiling Mule two parts, first gag then surprise twist, named card ends up sandwiched between aces in the middle of the deck
Also published here 1981 175
Daryl Martinez Passing a Sandwich card in hand transposes with sandwiched card in the deck, visual
Related toVariations 1982 37
Daryl Martinez The Snowshoe Sandwich comical second deal demonstration, card flies out of deck between sandwich cards
Variations 1982 69
Louis Falanga Ace Trap aces turn over, sandwiching selection
Mar. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Harry Lorayne Ace Sandwich Four aces are lost and found with sandwich cards
1982 26
Harry Lorayne Ace Sandwich Four #2 aces are lost and found with sandwich cards
1982 33
Harry Lorayne Sandwich Ramblings sandwiched card in deck changes place (visibly) with isolated card, eleven methods
1982 43
Tom Craven Three By Two pair of mates find three selections
1982 159
Harry Lorayne, Reinhard Müller "Snap" Sandwich handling for the 3 Card Catch
1982 175
Harry Lorayne, James Swain Vanishing Aces Explored additions for Swain's effect:
  • The Card Between
  • Kings Between
1982 301
James Swain Innov-ace-tion aces pushed in deck separatedly, one to top, one to bottom, one reversed, on sandwiched between to previous selections
1982 307
André Robert Treasure Hunt aces show up face up and sandwich selection, faros
1982 324
Jon Racherbaumer Mutual Aid Sandwich two selections sandwich a third selection
Inspired by 1982 348
Robert Walker Surface Sandwich two cards appear one by one between sandwich cards
Variations 1982 436
Tom Craven Rising Sandwich card peeked at in bottom half appears between sandwich cards in top half
1982 441
Peter Marshall, Gene Maze Troika two wrong cards sandwich actual selection, inspired by a Gene Maze routine
1982 465
Harry Lorayne Between Four four Aces trap selection
1982 531
Steve Beam Jack Stabbers wrong sandwiched card changes into right, then is lost again and caught with sandwich cards during spectator's dribble
1982 24
Karl Fulves Rocket Trap card is inserted in incomplete faro packet, red deuces as well and flicked, black deuces spring out with the selection in between
1982 11
David Britland A 4th for Dinner selection placed between two Jokers, teeth marks cut out, it vanishes and reappears
Variations July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Reinhard Müller, Jerry K. Hartman Three-Card Catch Handling
Related to July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Purvis W. Miller Joker Sandwich - 4. Lösung two jokers shuffled into deck, reversed card thrust in deck by spectator - between the jokers
Also published here 1982
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 2)
Mike Bornstein Sandwich Triumph sandwich cards end up reversed with selection in between, after triumph
Variations 1982 24
Philip T. Goldstein, Jim Lee Area Code three cards appear between sandwich cards one by one, surprise kicker by Jim Lee
1983 27
Jon Racherbaumer Surprise Blue Intruder any named card turns blue, two selections are found on both sides of it, using index in lap, faro
Inspired by
  • "Blue Intruder" (Nelson Hahne)
Related to
1983 78
Edward Marlo You Can Always Do Better three cards in different positions, two of them come together face up, then selection appears between them
Related to Feb. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Al Smith Fresh Sliced sandwich/triumph combo
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Opposite Illusion aces produced between jokers one by one, without method
1983 4
Stephen Tucker We -3- Kings two selections, four Kings produced instead, selections appear sandwiched and Kings in case
Jan. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 21)
David Britland Unbeatable spectator selects card twice, put between two jokers, then entire deck consists of jokers
Also published here Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
David Britland Tunnel Sandwich sandwich cards pushed through deck perpendicularly, card appears in sandwich
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Infront Traps comment on instant visible sandwich effects
1983 15
Karl Fulves Sub Trap two cards, third card underneath, it is instantly between the other two cards, partial envelope card
Inspired byVariations 1983 16
Frank Simon Toss the Sandwich two face-up cards tossed into dribble catch selection
Inspired by 1983 23
Frank Simon The Informers cards on either side of selection turn face up to sandwich it
1983 35
Reinhard Müller Three-Card Catch
1983 18
Karl Fulves Jacks Exchange red jacks sandwich black jacks, situation reversed, block transfer
1984 172
Richard Vollmer, Christian Scherer Jacks Down Under off-beat sandwich effect, faro
Apr. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Frank Simon Two-Bit Sandwich card and coin transpose in sandwich effect
Inspired by July/Aug. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 23 & 24)
Jerry Sadowitz The Persuaders kings appear one by one between sandwich cards, then a selection
1984 2
Roberto Giobbi, Shiv Duggal 1, 2, 3 and 4 Queens a card is selected, three cards produced (Ace, Two, Three) and of them is chosen, the card reverses and changes into the selection, as a kicker the other three mates of the selection are produced
July 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Stephen Tucker Empress Blue deck sandwiched between two random cards, the two random cards end up sandwiching selection, rest of deck turns red
1984 45
Ian Land Scratching the Surfaces two cards appear one by one between sandwich cards and then transpose
Inspired by 1984 92
Stephen Tucker Mystery Room two selections, another card is used to find them by tossing it in the deck between selections
Mar. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Jerry Sadowitz All Things Must Pass selection lost in tabled half, Aces lost face-up in the other half, when tabled half is spread the Aces are seen sandwiching the selection
Variations 1984 36
Jon Racherbaumer Surfer Sandwich visual catch as tabled spread is turned over
Related to Oct. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Richard Goldshot Deck Patrol sandwich location with some matching cards, distant key, faro
Dec. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Bruce Cervon The '66 Vanish three cards, sandwiched card disappears
Variations Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Edward Marlo The '66 Vanish - Alternative Method three cards, sandwiched card disappears
Inspired by Summer 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 28, 29 & 30)
James Swain O. Henry Selections
Related to Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
Mike Gallo Direct Jack Sandwich two separated cards come together to sandwich selection, odd-backed sandwich cards
Inspired by 1985 20
Jay Marshall, Mike Gallo Same-Color Direct Jack Sandwich two separated cards come together to sandwich selection
1985 26
Stephen Minch Main Attraction any named card turns blue, two selections are found on both sides of it
Inspired by 1985 462
Edward Marlo, Randy Wakeman Surprising the Seven Suspects multiple cards sandwiched, down under elimination, quartet kicker, faro
Inspired by 1985 57
John Riggs Sandwich Spread jokers placed on spread, spread is flipped over and jokers caught with right hand, selection is found sandwiched in between
Related to 1985 128
Ben Harris Flying Sandwich two red Queens vanish on deck, spectator tosses the invisible cards into deck one by one and they are shown one by one, they sandwich selection
1985 42
Ben Harris K.M. Sandwich card appears in sandwich
Related toVariations 1985 129
Larry Jennings Switching Sandwiched Card sandwiched Ace is switched for a different card with two riffle shuffles, Daley Sandwich Switch problem
1986 105
Ben Harris Spending Spree multi phase sequence with borrowed credit card in deck that finds two chosen selections
1986 70
Mitchell Silverman Alluvium Deposit three-card-sandwich changes into four Aces, double facer
Related to June 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 6)
Salomon Cohn Alluvium Deposit #2 ungaffed
Related to June 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Alluvium Deposit #3 ungaffed
June 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 6)
Bob King Ace Catch Aces change back color and find selection
Also published here Nov. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 11)
James Swain Trapped Again
Variations Dec. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Edward Marlo 53 Cards Won't Do three card peeked from incomplete faro position found by three sandwiches, secretly preserves order
Related to 1986 47
Ben Harris Outflashed Jack Card placed in between Jacks changes places with another card visually
1986 57
Ray Kosby Sandwich Vanish sandwiched card vanishes via a one-handed palm
Inspired by 1986 9
Ben Harris Super Sally Sandwich three selections, finishes with two selections sandwiching third
1986 5
Philip T. Goldstein Traptych red Threes find selection, but selection is a red Three, sandwich cards change to black Threes
Inspired by Nov. 1986
Inside Out (Issue 1)
David Regal Royal Treatment card jumps from deck to between sandwich cards
1987 89
Jon Racherbaumer Fuddle Aces black and red aces do some tricks and then sandwich selection
Feb. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Evert Chapman Wiped Out card are magicalle "wiped" blank, they return, they change, get sandwiched, and so on
Apr. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Ian Baxter Gold Diggers of 198? selection jumps out from between selection cards
July 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Jerry Sadowitz Comfortably Numb four Kings sandwich selection in deck, five-card sandwich then changes into four Aces and Kings with selections are found in wallet
1987 59
Jerry Sadowitz The Daleks Aces appear between two black Jacks one by one, smiling mule gag phase
Related to 1987 107
Karl Fulves Backup card appears at right angles between two sandwich cards
Related to 1987 7
J. W. Sarles Side Trap featuring palm-replacement into center in break
Related to 1987 69
Edward Marlo The Effect multiple sandwich with queens, change to kings, they vanish, queens and kings in four pockets
1988 53
Edward Marlo And That's Your Card sandwiched card transposes with card on table, ala Leech
1988 251
Mark Sicher Rubberband Sandwich
Inspired by Mar. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 3)
Randy Wakeman Unfuddled Fuddle Aces Ace Transpo plus Sandwich
Sep. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Larry Jennings Long Distance Sandwich sandwiched card from beginning becomes later selection
1988 14
David Britland Spring Heeled Jacks sandwich cards are rubber banded and cut into deck, they leap out with selection in between
Related to 1988 7
Ben Harris Invisible Sandwich sandwich cards thrown onto table from in-the-hands spread and selection appears between them
1988 51
Edward Marlo The Mental Sandwich spectator sandwiches and card, it turns out to be thought-of card from a group of five
Also published here
  • The New Tops, June 1964
1988 73
Philip T. Goldstein Guarded Moment tabled selection is sandwiched with black Aces, they become red Aces and black Aces are face-up in center sandwiching a second selection
Inspired by
  • "Changing of the Guard" (Stewart James, The New Tops, Jan 1988)
Apr. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 4)
Roy Walton Kings at Large card peeked at, black Kings cut face-up into deck, top half turned over, rest of deck turns over and Kings sandwich selection
Also published here
  • in Austrian magazine in 1970
1988 12
Roy Walton Card Number spectator counts off some cards to make a selection, it ends up sandwiched by cards of the same value as the number of cards originally counted off, faro, inspired by a plot by Gene Nielsen
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here 1988 22
Roy Walton Carousel
Also published here 1988 95
Reinhard Müller The Incredible Cardcase Sandwich box flicked out of deck
Related toVariations June 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Doug Edwards Kingly Sandwich using cardcase
Aug. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Interspace nine-card packet, spectator turns a pair over anywhere, performer places card between them behind back
Variations 1989 41
Karl Fulves Rivalry black kings catch two Aces, then red kings catch four Aces and previously found aces between black kings are gone
Inspired by 1989 16
Karl Fulves Non-Symmetric Trap selection lost in deck, two red Jacks with x card cut in deck, black Jack cut in deck and other black Jack left on table, red Jacks now have two black Jacks sandwiched and tabled card is selection
1989 29
Karl Fulves Jackhammer Finish alternate finish to "Run Around", deck with two Jacks sticking out hammered on card case, selection eventually sandwiched in between them
1989 40
Karl Fulves Kixback prediction card on top of deck between sandwich cards, card selected and put back, it was the prediction card which is still sandwiched
Related to 1989 41
Karl Fulves Transitrap card transposes with sandwich pair
1989 10
Karl Fulves Overshift two cards in different parts come together to trap selection, overhand shuffle & multiple shift combo
Variations 1989 45
Karl Fulves OS II sandwich placed in different parts of deck, later it is back together but with different selection
Inspired by 1989 47
Bob King Ace Catch Aces change back color and find selection, reprinted from reference
Also published here 1989 35
David Britland, Rudolf Braunmüller Ein Viertel zu Diner selection placed between two Jokers, teeth marks cut out, it vanishes and reappears
Inspired by Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Justin Higham Mistaken Identity Joker stabbed in deck, spectator remembers card above Joker, another card below it, they name the same card which is then shown to be reversed in deck between two Jokers
Inspired by Oct. 1989
Inside Out (Issue 7)
Juan Tamariz The Romantic Prisoner only three cards, card vanishes from between jokers and appears in pocket, lapping
Also published here 1989/91 137
Geoffrey Latta Deadlier Than The Male three very visual sandwich phases, featuring a visual ambitious card rise
Related toVariations 1990 15
Harry Lorayne Rhythmic Sandwich Change Routine two selections and four-of-a-kind are found
1990 102
Harry Lorayne Aces To Catch sandwich cards find four Aces one by one
Related to 1990 234
Jay Sankey Trio two cards are stapled and placed on deck, vanish and trap a selection, still stapled
Related to 1990 27
Ken Krenzel The Thought Stealers named card appears between two Jokers that are pushed through deck ala tunnel
1990 152
Philip T. Goldstein Twisted Location with finding a selection as a kicker
Also published here 1990 15
Philip T. Goldstein A Fine Mesh two selections between three jokers vanish, then a joker finds the selections in deck on either side, red/blue double backer
Also published here 1990 26
Philip T. Goldstein Naked Lunch Aces turn over one by one between two Jokers, backs change climax
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "M-U-M" June, 1980.
1990 45
Michael Powers Merlin's Answer four Twos shown, they change into four black Twos, then into Kings, Twos shown in deck sandwiching a selection
Inspired by
  • "Metamorphosies" (Jacob Taub, CardTreats)
1990 28
Chris Power Meine Karte, Deine Karte, Jedermanns Karte card under case, stop trick, two blank cards with messages on them show up and selection appears between them, folded card in case finale
  • Phase 1 - Die Karte wandert unter das Etui
  • Phase 2 - Ihre Karte, Meine Karte, Jedermanns Karte
  • Phase 3 - Und wieder wandert die Karte unter das Etui
  • Phase 4 - Die Karte im Etui
Inspired by
  • routine in Eric Mason's "Stuff"
1990 3
Dan Fleshman Triumphant Sandwich at the end two sandwich cards are found face up with a selection in between
1990 74
Alex Elmsley Double Finders four packets, face up Ace on each, all put together, two sandwiches with selections are visible when spread
1991 234