64 entries for Hideo Kato
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Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Bill Simon | Call to the Colors | 1952 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | "Over Here, Of Course!" | Winter 1969 |
The Hierophant
(Issue 2)
Roy Walton | Gone To Earth | Summer 1970 |
The Hierophant
(Issue 4)
Edward Marlo | Fly Me To The Moon | Summer 1970 |
The Hierophant
(Issue 4)
Hideo Kato | Strange Transposition | May 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jules Lenier | The Lair | May 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Hideo Kato | Kato on Trapped | June 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 16)
Hideo Kato Issue | Oct. 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 33)
Hideo Kato | Sleight of Finger | Oct. 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 33)
Hideo Kato | Under Your Hand | Oct. 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 33)
Hideo Kato | Double Penetration | Oct. 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 33)
Hideo Kato | A Change with Kato's Card Happening | Oct. 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 33)
Hideo Kato, Jon Racherbaumer | Hands Off Reverse | 1975 |
The Hierophant
(Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Obie O'Brien, Hideo Kato, Edward Marlo | Proof Of The Pudding | Oct. 1980 |
(Vol. 3 No. 10)
Hideo Kato | Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Le Ballon Coupe et Reconstitue | 1980 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 41 No. 4)
Meir Yedid | The Invisible Poker Hand | 1982 | ||||||
Ken Simmons | Hands Off Reverse...er, Vanish | 1987 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | A Flourish to Reverse | 1988 | ||||||
Edward Marlo, Ken Simmons | Marlo Improves Simmons | 1990 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | The Kato Kount | 1990 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | The Amazing Dream Glass | 1990 | ||||||
Edward Marlo, Hideo Kato | Nameless "It's Over Here, Of Course" | Apr. 1992 |
The Olram File
(Issue 11)
Hideo Kato | ラリー・ジェニングスのプロフィール | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | はじめに...... | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings | 2人の会話 その1 | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | スローイングカードスタブ | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings | 2人の会話 その2 | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | ボトムトップチェンジ | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings | 2人の会話 その3 | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings | 2人の会話 その4 | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | 東京湾の“水と油” | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | コメディダンバリーディリュージョン | 1993 | ||||||
Vicente Canuto, Hideo Kato | Vuelta Dentro del Estuche | 1993 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | Open Add-On | 1994 |
(Issue 10)
Tom Frame | Reversal Of Fortune | Aug. 1997 |
(Vol. 6 No. 12)
Jon Racherbaumer, Hideo Kato | Bux Stop | 1997 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | Prelude To Oil & Water | Apr. 1998 |
(Vol. 7 No. 8)
Hideo Kato | Call To The World | Apr. 1999 |
(Vol. 62 No. 4)
Hideo Kato | Piano sans Keyboard | May 2000 |
(Vol. 63 No. 5)
Hideo Kato | Kato Count | Jan. 2003 |
(Vol. 12 No. 5)
Hideo Kato | Multiple Down Under | Jan. 2003 |
(Vol. 12 No. 5)
Wesley James | The Moon is Made of Blue Cheese | 2004 | ||||||
Peter Duffie | A Lessen in Dishonesty | 2005 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | Kato's Card Happening Flick | Aug. 2007 |
(Vol. 70 No. 8)
Mel Bennett | Spend and Save | 2008 |
(Issue 5)
Jon Racherbaumer | PSI Con Carte | 2008 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer, Hideo Kato | Hermetic Penetration | 2009 | ||||||
Daniel Garcia | One Point Production | 2009 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Telekinesis | 2011 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | Piano Sans Keyboard | 2013 | ||||||
Nick Trost | Eighteen Card Poker | 2015 | ||||||
So Sato | Quartet Shuffle | 2016 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer, Hideo Kato | Hands Off Reverse | July 2017 |
(Vol. 1 No. 1 (Summer #1))
Nick Trost | Very Happy Couples | 2017 | ||||||
Mike Helmer | Errata | 2018 |
(Vol. 1 No. 1)
Hideo Kato | Stud Finish for Eighteen Card Poker | 2019 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | Ten Card Poker Prediction | 2019 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | Prelude to the Ten Card Deal | 2019 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer | I Never Touched the Cards | Nov. 2020 |
(Vol. 83 No. 11)
Jon Racherbaumer | The Whispering Lady | June 2021 |
(Vol. 84 No. 6)
Hideo Kato | Kato Count | 2022 |
Talk About Tricks
(Issue 1)
Hideo Kato | Multiple Down Under | 2022 |
Talk About Tricks
(Issue 1)
Gary Plants | It's Not Here | 2022 | ||||||
Griffin Watt | Thanks to Hideo | Sep. 2023 |
(Vol. 86 No. 9)