621 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Production & Appearance / One by One
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Nate Leipzig Sixth Method Aces vanish from deck, reappear via Slap Aces
Variations 1909 219
Louis Lam The El-El Four Ace Production
1939 10
Nate Leipzig The "Slap" Aces Aces vanish from pack and reappear
1940 244
Passe-Passe Aces with transformation/transposition element
Variations 1940 250
Edward Marlo, Hank Nowoc Four Aces Again Aces lost in deck, four packets cut to and dropped, top Ace turns over
Inspired by 1940
Early Marlo (Issue Pasteboard Presto)
Edward Marlo Sensitive Fingers Aces are located apparently by sense of touch, using a short card with broken corner
Also published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Edward Marlo Sensitive Fingers Aces are located apparently by sense of touch, using a short card with broken corner
Also published here 1941 20
Edward Marlo Imitation of Scarne thumb digs in deck and drags card out
1942 7
Edward Marlo, Martin Gardner Casanova Card Trick two at a time production of Queens when two halves are rubbed face to face
Related toVariations 1942 5
Harold Denhard A New Deal In Poker by naming four numbers between ten and twenty & twenty and thirty
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1942)
Edward Marlo Perplexo Aces with Surprise Transposition
1945 22
Paul Morris Are You Sure? instead of the chosen card, four Jacks are found, chosen card appears in the end
Also published here 1945 25
Roger Barkann One Plus One Equals Three
Related to 1945 122
Arthur H. Buckley An Ace Introduction Experiment No. 29
1946 189
Arthur H. Buckley The Hindu Aces Experiment No. 42 - Ace production followed by assembly, for credit information see "Marlo Writes Again" (p. 7)
Related toVariations 1946 211
Arthur H. Buckley The Four Bandits Experiment No. 43 - Jacks are produced, inserted in middle and come to top, deck is separated in reds and blacks
1946 213
J. B. Bobo Four Ace Routine (a) four piles build by shuffling and being stopped by spectator, Ace on top of each
(b) Aces lost, number cards selected and their value used to count down to Aces
(c) "Cutting the Aces"
1947 65
Paul LePaul The Gymnastic Aces Aces leap one at a time out of the deck when shaking incompletely shuffled deck
Related toVariations 1949 207
Al Leech, Edward Marlo, Martin Gardner Elusive Jacks
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1949 12
Al Leech Super Ace Control finding the Aces by their sound, while riffling through the deck, riffle count
1949 22
Dai Vernon, Jack McMillen Just Injog plunger Aces, handling
Also published here Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 191)
Lin Searles Paging the Aces Aces are lost and found again
1950 3
Arthur H. Buckley The Homing Aces performer cuts to the four Aces, followed by an Assembly, switch already during production sequence
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, April 1949
1950 62
Ande Furlong Ande's Aces spectator deal cards on table to find Aces, last Ace is spelled
  • Variation
Variations Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Harry Levine Ande's Aces Addition spectator deal cards on table to find Aces, last Ace is spelled, using numbers on bill
Inspired by June 1951 802
Jean Hugard Thirty Two, Twelve (3212) four Threes are produced by counting and spelling, one by one
July 1951 818
Al Leech Ace Location
Variations 1952 25
The Slap Trick uncredited LePaul production
Related to 1952 52
Walter Behm Allerlei mit Karten story trick, four Aces are produced during the routine
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Dr. William Weyeneth Unglaubliches Fingerspitzengefühl deck in hat, performer finds Aces
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Billy O'Connor O'Connor's Four-Ace Trick 10-20 force to find four Aces one by one
1956 20
Edward Marlo Shuffling the Aces after every (in-)shuffle, an Ace is on top
Variations 1958 16
Carmen D'Amico C. As Production of Aces Aces appear one by one face up on pack
1959 75
Al Leech Routine Royal
Related toVariations 1959 18
Al Leech No Crimp Ace Cutting with the charlier cut
1959 24
Cliff Green A Technical Refurbishing of the Hugard-Braue Passe Passe Aces with transformation/transposition element of red-black Aces
Related to 1961 116
Buckle False Count also as Ace production
1961 46
Neal Elias Athletic Aces Aces produced in different flashy ways
Related to Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Nate Leipzig Slap Four Ace Routine Aces disappear and reappear on deck one by one
Related toVariations 1963 42
Norman Houghton Aces to Order Aces appear on bottom of deck one by one as they are named
Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Edward Marlo Ace Finders values of four unknown cards locate Aces
1964 42
Edward Marlo Any Four - Repeat any value called, four of this kind is produced, riffle cull from new pack order stack
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 4 Transfers)
Harry Lorayne Any Four of a Kind strategy for producing any four of a kind named by spectator while only setting up three sets
Variations 1965 41
Karl Fulves The St. Nicholas Aces black Twos are pushed reversed in deck twice to locate Ace, the next time the sandwich cards become the last two Aces
Related to Dec. 1965 12
William P. Miesel Passe-Passe Aces two red Aces cut to one by one, then two indifferent cards, red Aces change to black and indifferent cards to red Aces
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Jack Avis Slippery Aces Aces produced, then lost and produced in named order
1967 177
R. Sid Spocane II The Royal Lovers four of a kind appear one by one between sandwich cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 86
Harry Lorayne 1-2-3 Aces different cutting sequences to produce the Aces
Variations 1967 111
Harry Lorayne Flying Aces Aces fly out of deck one by one
1967 140
Edward Marlo Vanishing Aces one at a time, then found one at a time
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
John Benzais Bewilderment four-of-a-kind shoots out of deck one by one
1967 66
Piet Forton Lucky Seven Routine Four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1967 14
Edward Marlo, Harry Riser A Logical Procedure Aces cut to, change to Kings, Aces from pocket, inspired by "Riser's Aces" (Expert Hocus Pocus), two methods
1968 132
Tom Batchelor From Behind the Back Jacks and Queens are lost in the deck, performer selects one value and performer produces them with one hand, other hand behind back is show to hold the other four-of-a-kind
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Piet Forton Glückszahl 7 four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1968 13
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Rapid Aces Aces lost and found
1968 27
Frank Pemper PIRA "Pemper's Improved Riser's Aces" (Harry Riser from Expert Hocus Pocus), aces cut to, change to kings, aces from pocket
1969 101
Mel Brown Combination four indifferent cards turn into Aces, are lost and found again, then lost and found once more
1969 137
Karl Fulves Locating The Aces tabled Ace production with riffle shuffle revelations
Variations 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Riffle Shuffle Controls)
Roy Walton Aperitif four Aces are produced, two color changes and last two Aces found sandwiched between other two
Also published here 1969 11
Roger Smith Aces Up
1970 18
Gene Nielsen Four on the Floor shuffling and cutting and produces Aces one at the time, last Ace is wrong and placed to the side, spectator cuts deck and finds wrong card, tabled card is now missing Ace
July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 21)
Derek Dingle The Flying Kings Kings lost and produced by shooting them out of deck
1971 210
Karl Fulves No Sliding sliding block revelation
Variations 1971 44
Derek Dingle Open Sesame
Related toVariations 1971 10
Roy Walton 1929 Aces Aces turn face up in the center of the deck, one by one
Also published here 1971 19
Roy Walton Whistle and I'll Come sliding production, one by one
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1971 51
Al Leech Easy Aces
Also published here 1972 52
Frank Garcia Anytime Four Aces
1972 54
Derek Dingle, Walter E. Cummings, Eddie Fechter F.C.D. Aces sliding production
Related toVariations July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Mike Rogers Whistle/No Sliding sliding production
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo The Pickups Queens produced from incomplete riffle-shuffled deck, Triumph with Kings, then Queens transpose with Kings
Related to 1972 64
Edward Marlo The Hard Way alternative production from incomplete riffle-shuffled deck
Inspired byVariations 1972 71
Marvin Johnson Shift Spell spelling to the Aces
Oct. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Paul Morris Are You Sure? instead of the chosen card, four Jacks are found. Chosen card appears in the end
Also published here 1972 129
Jerry K. Hartman Uppercutting the Aces Aces are cut to one at a time, last Ace changed from an indifferent card, two variations
  • Same as original, flourishy production of Aces (Lorayne move)
  • Jokers to Aces (see p. 2)
Variations 1972 1
Jerry K. Hartman New Faces #3 four Aces change to Kings, “this routine is a highly simplified approach to an idea suggested by Father Cyprian”
1972 7
Jerry K. Hartman Cut-ups Aces produced in different ways
Related toAlso published here 1972 40
Jerry K. Hartman Ace Chaser Aces produced in different ways
1972 47
Paul Rosini, Sam Leo Horowitz Rosini's Wrinkle For Four Ace Trick No. 366, "I think it is Horowitz", during Ace production a wrong card is found, then its value is used to count to Ace
1972 102
Paul Rosini Rosini Aeroplane Aces No. 368, Aces leap one at a time out of the deck when shaking incompletely shuffled deck, same as Gymnastic Aces
Related to 1972 102
Aces To Kings Gamblers Routine Wrinkle No. 480, Kings find Aces in different ways, short outline
1972 134
Ace Fanning Color Effect No. 507, four cards change to Aces of same suit as the card that changes one by one
1972 141
Dr. Jacob Daley Acme Four Ace Routine In Fan No. 532, four Aces lost in fan and found, without multiple shift by placing Aces at specific positions
1972 149
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp Use For Leipzig's Matching Up Trick No. 552, card chosen, other three found, unclear if transformation is part of it
1972 154
Al Leech, Frank Garcia Ace Faroleros lost and found Aces, change to Kings, Aces found again
Inspired byVariations 1973 59
Frank Garcia A Lady In My Sleeve four Queens, two travel up sleeve, two are produced from deck
1973 64
Frank Garcia Flourish Discovery
1973 112
Frank Garcia Riding the Aces
Related toVariations 1973 196
Harry Lorayne HaLo Again four Ace production
Variations 1973 138
Gene Castillon Gourmet Slide Aces
  • FDC Discovery Method #1
  • FDC Discovery Method #2
  • FDC Discovery Method #3
  • FDC Discovery Method #4
Inspired by May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Herb Zarrow 4-Card Catch
Also published here Mar. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 20)
Philip T. Goldstein Satisfaction four-ace production
1974 8
Patrick Page 9. The Four Aces (Again?) idea, finding four aces with color changes, no method
1974 8
Roger Smith The Fabulous Faro Finder incomplete Faro Shuffle and half stripped out again, one card sticks out which is an Ace, repeated to produce all Aces
Variations 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Steve Saunders, James R. Hicks Four Aces 1,000,001 Aces vanish and are found again by spelling the cards
Inspired by 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Martin A. Nash Aces For Experts Only any Ace called for
Related toVariations 1975 58
Martin A. Nash Spinning the Aces see p. 444 for additional crediting
Also published here 1975 93
Jeff Busby Travelling Transmutators Aces twisting phase, r/b transpo phase, transformation, reproduction of Aces
Related to 1975 73
Piet Forton Ace Popper pop-out move
Mar. 1975
Epilogue (Issue 23)
Karl Fulves Snap Out Aces two rubber banded halves rubbed, Aces snap out one by one and are caught between packets
1975 179
Roy Walton Command Appearance four Queens are produced with the paintbrush change
Also published here 1975 17
Edward Marlo No Trace Aces named aces at named number, multiple minus bottoms
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Paul Harris Open Revelation aces or selection appear one by one between two one-handed fans
Variations 1976 26
Nick Trost Four Ace Opener four Aces found one by one via flipping packets over on top of the deck, like a Cut Deeper Force
1976 17
Nick Trost Four Ace Disclosure simple four Ace production
Also published here 1976 18
Al Leech Easy Aces German adaption
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Frank Thompson Phase 1 - The Flash Ace Opener four Aces cut to one by one, with variations on p. 6
Variations 1976 1
Edward Marlo Suggested Routine Aces are lost, found, dissappear
1977 250
Edward Marlo Marlo's Routine aces are lost, found, dissappear, found again
1977 251
Karl Fulves Slick Ace two packets, two Aces on top of each
1977 284
John F. Mendoza Cutting the Kings
Variations 1977 16
David Carré The Card Expert multiphase routine, fullstack
Feb. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Paul Harris Revised Revelation Aces produced on table from two one-handed fans
Inspired byVariations 1977 30
Harry Eng Machine Gun Aces Aces shoot out of the deck
VariationsAlso published here 1977 111
Roger Smith Revolvo Aces tabled Aces production
1977 35
Nate Leipzig, Andrew Pargeter, John Muir, Jack Avis Simplified Spin Pass Aces twirl cut (see reference), each time an ace appears. based on "Spin Pass Aces" by John Muir in "Abracadabra No. 1027", for credit details see Pabular 4/9, p. 571
Related to Feb. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Paul Harris OverExposure
1978 52
Frederick Braue Dealing the Aces four aces found at numbers called for
Related to 1978 24
George H. Pittman Four Ace Fooler ace production with red-black transposition surprise
1978 28
Karl Fulves Looking Glass Poker
1978 1090
Christian Scherer Die Asse des Magiers four aces are produced several times, then they transform in a named quartet and help to locate another named quartet
1978 33
Christian Scherer Braue Reversal Ace Production two and two
1978 33
John F. Mendoza Lightning
Inspired by 1978 31
John F. Mendoza The Automatic Deck sliding block production
Inspired byRelated to 1978 78
Doug Edwards Abra-Card-Abra production of four Aces, Royal Flush Kicker
1978 41
Eddie Fechter Choice Aces aces are lost and reproduced, spectator makes some decisions how
Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
A. Berkeley Davis Rapid Fire Shotgun four aces handling
Inspired by 1979 17
Harry Lorayne Manipulative Aces flourish cut sequence four times
Related to 1979 47
Harry Lorayne An Amazing Revelation-Display one-hand revelation-display of eight cards
1979 95
Harry Lorayne The (N)Eye(N) Popper production of Nines that flip over in various ways, tabled, motivated by Tally-Ho Card Case
Related toAlso published here 1979 108
Harry Lorayne, Reinhard Müller Four-Card Catch
1979 197
Richard Kaufman Fantasy Cull Ace to Four are lost and found, the Fours appear
1979 30
Richard Kaufman 4-5-6 Aces different cutting sequences to produce the aces
Inspired byVariations 1979 70
Al Smith Where Have All the Aces Gone?
Variations Aug. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Animation I card pushed into deck, Ace moves out in weird way, z-gaff
1979 1
Piet Forton Glückszahl 7 four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Earl Nelson Exploding Aces tabled productions
Also published here 1979 26
Earl Nelson Sleeve Aces
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1979 53
Father Cyprian, Edward Marlo, Audley Walsh Factory Guaranteed Opener 1. Magician locates four Aces from blue deck (Marlo sequence)
2. Spectator locates four Aces, backs of Aces are revealed to be red (credit to Audley Walsh)
3. Aces are placed into card case with the Joker, the Aces change into blue backs
1979 2
Derek Dingle Riddle's Aces Ace cutting, to Kings transformation, Aces in pocket
Also published here 1980 15
Frank Garcia Ubiquitous Aces aces found by fake riffle cull, aces vanish one by one on deck, produced again
1980 41
Camilo Vázquez Camilo's Deceptive Four Ace Reveal hindu force handling
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 47
Peter Kane, Frank Garcia The Miracle Worker Returns aces cut to, change to royal flush
Inspired by 1980 71
Father Cyprian The Spectator Cuts the Aces performer cuts to Aces really, "painting" the Aces on spectator's hand (friction), color changing back kicker
1980 21
Father Cyprian Four Ace Quickie
1980 38
Father Cyprian Roll Your Own without rolling
Inspired by 1980 51
Gene Maze Change of Menu chosen card, changes in a sandwich into the Aces one by one and vanishes in the end
1980 68
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Fantasy Aces Aces appear on table
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 19
John F. Mendoza Cutting the Kings Re-Visited Aces produced as kicker
Inspired by 1980 25
John F. Mendoza Easy Ace Cutting tabled
1980 66
Martin A. Nash Spinning the Aces
Also published here 1980 5
Jimmy Ray Bermuda Aces Aces vanish and appear when their names are spelled, Aces are lost again and found with different methods
1980 21
Jimmy Ray Ace Color Change cutting to four Aces, then backs change color
1980 28
Harry Lorayne Four-Ace Opener
1980 2
Al Smith Perpetual Ginsberg four Ace production using the poke action
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1980 14
Scotty York Impromptu Card Sequence routine with four Aces, several references to other published Ace routines, ends up with selection on ceiling
1980 6
Jean-Jacques Sanvert, Edward Marlo Snap Aces Out tabled
Inspired by July 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Richard Kaufman Triple Slice Popup Aces in-the-hands Ace cutting
Variations 1981 28
Richard Kaufman, Harry Lorayne One-Hand Mechanical Aces
1981 33
Harry Allen Sawing the Lady in Half? four Aces found and selection as well
Variations 1981 70
Karl Fulves Hard Core Aces several cards spelled to, then spectator spell to all four Aces, posed as problem
Related to 1981
Interlocutor (Issue 46)
Simon Whitby Revolver ace cutting sequence, in the hands, half always turned over and back
June 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 2)
David Britland Acepell four Aces are produced, first by spelling a cut to card
July 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Ben Harris Free-Fall-Aces Aces appear on table
Inspired by 1981 45
Walt Lees Jumping Jacks black Jacks produced, they change into red Jacks when two halves are rubbed together, black ones found again
1981 12
Camilo Vázquez Hindumischen mit Abziehen von unten Hindu Force variation
  • Das Verbesserte Hindu-Forcieren mit Erläuterung des Abziehens von unten
  • Das Forcieren mehrerer Karten mit Hilfe von Visitenkarten
  • Variante mit signierten Karten
  • Asse-Finden
Also published here 1981 18
Steve Beam Ace Cutting Routine
1981 19
Roy Walton Aperitif four Aces are produced, two color changes and last two Aces found sandwiched between other two
Also published here 1981 1
Roy Walton 1929 Aces Aces turn face up in the center of the deck, one by one
Also published here 1981 65
Roy Walton Whistle And I'll Come sliding production, one by one
Also published here 1981 102
Roy Walton Command Appearance four Queens are produced with the paintbrush change
Also published here 1981 159
Ray Grismer Glaces Herbert Milton trick, where Aces appear in front of deck inside glass, briefly covered with handkerchief, ungaffed version
Variations 1981 ca. 1
Derek Dingle Open Says Me II featuring Open Says Me Revelation
Related to 1982 71
Derek Dingle Fechter/Cummings/Dingle Aces sliding production
1982 74
Derek Dingle Triple Color-Changing All Backs Aces
1982 202
Ray Goulet Drop Kick Aces flashy production one by one
Oct. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Peter Kane Kabbala Aces aces lost and found, ending with wallet
Sep. 1982 4
Harry Lorayne Ace Sandwich Four aces are lost and found with sandwich cards
1982 26
Harry Lorayne Ace Sandwich Four #2 aces are lost and found with sandwich cards
1982 33
Harry Lorayne Easy Slider Walton/echter/Cummings/Dingle sliding production
Variations 1982 205
Eddie Taytelbaum Produce Four card appears outjogged in fan
1982 291
Frank Garcia The Equestrial Discovery of the Four Aces
1982 32
Ian Land Proteus vaguely based on Piet Forton's "Chroma-Zone"
Related to Dec. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Phillip Young Kings on a Ladder
Inspired by 1982 13
Phillip Young Fat-Free Sandwich chosen card sandwiched between red Aces, then changes into a black Ace, eventually fourth Ace is visibly catched
1982 24
Christian Scherer Purzelbaum-Asse four aces in the deck are produced again
Related to 1982 14
"Magic" Christian Stelzel 4 Queens four of a kind is produced
1982 6
Roger Curzon Wipe Out the Aces incomplete faro, deck is brushed on close-up pad, Aces appear face-up
Mar. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Reinhard Müller Ideas using the 3-Card Catch, either sandwich card transform or caught card
  • Catch-Switchers 1
  • Catch Switchers 2
  • Catch Switchers 3
Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Meir Yedid Make it Snappy! four reversed Aces lost in the deck, four times deck is cut and an Ace flies out, uses Slingshot Snap Out
1982 68
Peter Kane The "Kabbala" Aces four Aces signed and lost, reproduced and last Ace from wallet
1982 82
Mike Bornstein Paint Brush Poker deck shuffled face up into face down, Royal Flush is produced, triumph ending
1982 39
Edward Marlo Bite the Buillet Aces are found with the teeth (!)
Related to
  • an effect in Linking Ring (described by Stephen Minch)
1983 35
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Color-Ace-tion in 4th Ace production, then backs of Aces change visual
Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Michael Skinner Up The Ladder Aces Aces shoot out during tabled cutting sequence one by one
Variations Dec. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Stephen Tucker Under Control Aces are cut to, two selections are found instead of the othe Aces, transposition
Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Ross Bertram The Shoot-Out four aces shoot out of deck one by one, tabled
1983 107
Karl Fulves Hardcore Aces borrowed deck, performer spells to four random cards in various languages, then spectator to all four aces
Related to 1983 1
Karl Fulves Opposite Illusion aces produced between jokers one by one, without method
1983 4
Phillippe Warein Four Ace Discoveries
1983 143
Ian Land Still Counting on a Triumphant Finish
Inspired by Oct. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 30)
David Britland Flipover Cut cutting sequence in which an Ace appears face-up on the deck, last Ace first wrong and then changes
Also published here 1983
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Marc Russell Any Which Way You Can cross between All Backs and Sleeve Aces
Inspired by 1983
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Frank Simon Benihana Aces
1983 51
Piet Forton Double Ace Production variation of part of previous routine
1983 57
Michael Powers Four-Tune Hunter named four-of-a-kind produced
1983 16
Ken De Courcy Visible Changing Aces Change card at the face of the deck into Aces, one at a time
1983 10
Ken De Courcy, Dropped Aces Drop deck, Ace turns face up. Do it four times, basically air-pressure turnover
1983 11
Ken De Courcy Blind Aces Blindfold peek to locate Aces marked on their backs
1983 14
Ken De Courcy Penetrating Aces Aces pass through handkerchief while deck is wrapped
1983 18
Ken De Courcy Devil's Aces Shuffled deck dropped into Devil's Handkerchief, magician pulls out Aces
Related to 1983 19
Ken De Courcy Changed Aces Deck dropped into Change Bag, magician pulls out Aces
Related to 1983 20
Ken De Courcy Glass Aces Deck placed in glass, Aces rise out of deck, uses mirror glass
1983 21
Ken De Courcy Down Under Down Under deal four times to produce four Aces
Related to 1983 22
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Revelation de quatre as four Aces are found, using cut deeper procedure
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 4)
Father Cyprian Aces - Chicago Style deck is riffled, spectator stops the riffle at an Ace, done four times for four Aces
1983 9
Earl Nelson Ace Production Sequence
1983 27
Edward Marlo While They Argue - Tip tip for routine on page 205
1984 198
Art Altman, Edward Marlo Marlo's Four Ace Production
1984 200
Edward Marlo Spin Out Aces alternative to Benzais' cut with less hand movement
1984 200
Edward Marlo While They Argue aces fly out of deck, see tip on page 198
1984 205
Jerry Sadowitz The Persuaders kings appear one by one between sandwich cards, then a selection
1984 2
Peter Duffie Royalty In Your Pocket four queens are produced, then reds and black change places and selection is found sandwiched in between red queens
Variations 1984 51
Karl Fulves Flip Top No. 8, air pressure turnover to locate an Ace, with top and also bottom card, also as switch of top card
Related to 1984 10
Shiv Duggal Freight red Aces found, they visually change into black Aces, red one found once more
Mar. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Peter Duffie Ghost Hunters Ace through Four of Diamonds appear one by one and their values are spelled to to find random cards, those cards are shown as four blanks and then change into the Ace through Four themselves
Inspired by
  • "Chiefly Yourselves" (Roy Walton, Linking Ring Parade)
1984 1
Juan Tamariz Aparición Real deck shuffled by spectator, Kings are produced
1984 68
Richard Kaufman D.H. Revelation Aces cut to two at a time
Inspired by 1984 7
Richard Kaufman Slap Happy Aces disappear from top of deck, then are reproduced one by one
Inspired by 1984 10
Larry Jennings About-Face Gymnastic Aces aces jump out face-up
Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
Walter E. Cummings Match Game quick production sequence
Variations 1985 326
Walt Maddison Computer Style incomplete faro sliding block revelation
1985 341
Randy Wakeman Ace Cutting Collectors Ace production followed by collectors
1985 31
Ian Land Quaternity
May 1985
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Nate Leipzig, Charlie Miller Leipzig Four Ace Slap Aces, as described by Charlie Miller (1939)
  • Miller Routine
1985 25
Frederick Braue Plunger Aces packets pushed through deck to produce aces
1985 26
Frederick Braue 4 Ace Gambler Routine (1960)
1985 15
David Britland The Eyes Have It "An old gambler reveals his most precious secrets"
four Aces appear during the spelling and dealing of the word Mississippi
Inspired by
  • "Mississippi Aces" (Joseph K. Schmidt, Modern Close Up Card Problems)
1985 33
Eric DeCamps Showboat Aces four Aces lost and found one by one
1985 3
Roger Crosthwaite Dealer's Choice open prediction, then other two cards of same Value are produced at named number and by spelling card
1985 21
Larry Jennings Any Ace Called For spectator announces in which order the Aces should be produced
Variations 1986 138
Ben Harris Angel Aces production of four Aces
Also published here 1986 6
Meir Yedid Card Appearance production of four Aces, empty hands only Aces
1986 33
Meir Yedid Royal Deuces four cards are produced, then they change into a Royal Flush
1986 39
Ben Harris Angel Aces
Also published here 1986 3
Val Andrews Patter for the Ace production
1986 58
Justin Higham One-at-a-Time Aces four indifferent cards dealt on table, replaced on deck and dealt again, now one is an Ace, repeated three more times until all are Aces, three methods
Variations May 1986 40
William Goodwin Hold the Mayo four Aces appear between two black Kings
VariationsAlso published here 1986 11
David Regal Unusual Assembly Marlo's "Imitation of Scarne"
1987 255