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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Terpsichorean Card card stands upright on table, then even dances to music
Related to 1897 92
Theodore Annemann Pseudo-Psychometry personal items in envelopes, see also page 404
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1935
The Jinx (Issue 9)
Mel Stover Days of Force calendar number force
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 77)
Bill Simon The Simon Fan Steal perpendicular position
Related to 1952 102
John A. M. Howie John Howie's "Ring and Ribbon" ring falls off ribbon, wax
VariationsAlso published here
  • John Howie's "Thanks to Ellis" in "Pentagram" Vol. 3, No. 8. 1949.
1952 6
Al Koran Koran's Miracle Blindfold Act multi-phase routine performed genuinely blindfolded, comprised of the following effects
Variations 1952 72
Tony Corinda (12) The Third Choice one of five cards is predicted, cards put in envelopes and eliminated until one remains
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 116
Harry Lorayne Coincidentally Yours three four of a kinds are produced via some layout and counting procedure
Related toVariations 1962 44
Fred Becker Out of this World Variant really shuffled
Related to July 1967 110
Lu Brent Card Stab Outdone with knife, card split in two sheets
Related to Oct. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Who's Hockley Biddle type stop force
  • Method One
  • Method Two
Inspired byRelated toVariations Summer 1970 205
Karl Fulves Four Gone 4&4, oil and water type routine, unequal transpo kicker
Variations 1973 53
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the popularity of ESP symbols, Stephen Minch, Micky Hades, Robert Schwartz
Magick (Issue 74)
Stephen Minch Forward
1974 3
Stephen Minch The Magician's Choice 21 card trick, with tarot cards
1974 5
Stephen Minch The Telling Talisman of Theodoris coin is wrapped in paper and out on tarot deck, then it's burnt coin vanishes and appears above selection
1974 7
Stephen Minch The Yin-Empress and the Hermit of Yang twelve cards, two are predicted
1974 10
Stephen Minch King of the Thought Ways
1974 12
Stephen Minch The Heavenly Gambit prediction of eight cards
Variations 1974 13
Stephen Minch The Tryst do as I do with tarot, emperor and empress
1974 15
Stephen Minch Traveling the Ethers ten cut to cards are divined, the a reading with selcted cards, eight kings stach with Minor Arcana
1974 16
Stephen Minch The Justice of the Gypsies face down cards are named, then a reading, Si Stebbins stack adopted to Major Arcana
1974 18
Stephen Minch The Lonely One card from the Major Arcana is predicted
1974 20
Stephen Minch The Wheel of the Heavens combination of zodiacs and tarot cards
1974 21
Stephen Minch The Force of Fate tarot card is named before the dealing starts, with Minor Arcana
1974 23
Stephen Minch A Prudent Pause glide
1974 25
Stephen Minch Death's Grip card is found with small skull on chain (Skull-ocation)
1974 26
Stephen Minch The Temperance of the Elements four tarot cards matching the elements are selected, four pieces of paper where a writing appears, with the elements theme too
1974 28
Stephen Minch The Satan's Pendulum card is found by pendulum
1974 30
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from a tape recorder
Related toAlso published here 1974 31
Stephen Minch The Star Crystal selected tarot card is seen in crystal ball by second spectator
1974 34
Harry Lorayne, Stephen Minch A Lunar Fating "Coincidentally Yours" with tarot cards
Inspired by 1974 35
Stephen Minch A Solar Happenstance with tarot cards, card is between his two lucky cards
1974 38
Stephen Minch The Judgement of Twin Souls two spectators think of the same tarot card
1974 39
Stephen Minch Psychometry Worldly Rampant Pseudo Psychometry with tarot cards
Related to 1974 40
Stephen Minch Fortunes of a Wise Fool based on an idea by Ed Mellon, matrix force
Related toVariations 1974 41
Stephen Minch Epilogue
1974 44
Stephen Minch Bibliography tricks using a tarot deck
1974 45
Stephen Minch A Note on Credits
1975 5
Stephen Minch Introduction Martin A. Nash - The M.A.N. and his Philosophy
1975 9
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Book of Thoth by Stephen Minch 1975
Interlocutor (Issue 2)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on exposure, Stephen Minch, Pete Biro
Magick (Issue 142)
Stephen Minch Forword
1975 7
Stephen Minch Some Preliminary Remarks and Opinions of the Performing of Psychokinetic Effects in Particular and Mentalism in General also on disclaimers
1975 9
Stephen Minch Mental Metals nail bending
1975 13
Stephen Minch PK Plant galvanometer in leaves of plant buzzes when certain actions are done to plant by spectators
1975 15
Stephen Minch Pipe-Plex heavy iron pipe rolls back and forth, plate lifter
1975 17
Stephen Minch Psychic Sculpting lump of initialed clay or dough changes shape in box
1975 19
Stephen Minch Powers that Shatter glass drop shatters at will, Devil's Tears
1975 22
Stephen Minch Nutty-Kinesis inside of chosen walnut is shredded with mind power, verified after opening
1975 23
Stephen Minch Confusing the Compass needle of compass dances, knee magnet attached after searching of performer
1975 26
Stephen Minch "We Interrupt this Program" running radio is made to malfunction with mind power
1975 27
Stephen Minch Burning Thoughts magazine chosen, page number chosen from bag with numbered discs, chosen page is burned
1975 29
Stephen Minch Jumping Jehosephats Jehoshaphats, borrowed small object place in box by spectator, tapping heard from inside box, rapping can be controlled and answer questions, gaffed table
1975 32
Stephen Minch Nervous Matches small items on table move, invisible thread
1975 35
Stephen Minch St. Vitas' Table and Pendulum pendulum inside glass bottle starts to swing
1975 37
Stephen Minch Poltergeisties! rocking chair starts to rock, pictures on walls tilt, objects move on shelves, books fall over, plates tip, MO wire
1975 39
Stephen Minch Television Telekinesis television picture wiggles and splits with mind power
1975 41
Stephen Minch Turn of the Century Tiltings and Tappings balsa wood tear shape under glass dome starts rocking, then screwdriver moves under the jar
1975 43
Stephen Minch Wilting Coinage bending borrowed coin visibly
1975 47
Stephen Minch Black Thoughts water instantly turns black, chemical details, yellowish variation
Inspired by
  • "Think Ink" (Orville Meyer)
1975 51
Stephen Minch In the Name of Historical Curiosity introduction to PK effect from sphinx
1975 53
Fred Robinson (reviewer) Ever So Sleightly by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Ever So Sleightly by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) 1976
Interlocutor (Issue 12)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Mind and Matter by Stephen Minch 1976
Interlocutor (Issue 12)
Raymond Hafler Window to the Mind six symbols on a board, one is selected and divined by performer
Related to
  • "The Direct Look" (Hugard's Magic Monthly, May 1960)
Magick (Issue 147)
Stephen Minch Mind-Link! object in box makes rapping sound, microphone used
Magick (Issue 162)
Stephen Minch Introduction - A Second Helping of the M.A.N. and his Work
1977 141
Stephen Minch A Left-Handed Foreword written for left-handed magician
1977 7
Stephen Minch Anthropophagic Jacks Jack put on card, card becomes blank with bone picture, more cards become blank between two Jacks, rubber-banded Three become miniature card, card with fly picture vanishes, Jacks transform in flap card case, partial rough-smooth
1977 11
Stephen Minch Bookleaf Change center card of sandwich changes, here with double facer
1977 19
Stephen Minch Added Note on the Bookleaf Change face-up card between two face-down cards changes into selection, see also p. 19
1977 21
Stephen Minch A-Ten-Tion prediction on table, three cards removed, two spectators are shown the cards, one sees three Threes of Hearts, the other three Sevens of Hearts, prediction card is Ten and the three cards change to other Tens
VariationsAlso published here 1977 23
Stephen Minch, Edward Marlo Quick Three-Way Display alignment move, with extra card
Also published here 1977 24
Stephen Minch Variations on the Showing-Three-as-One Swindle Quick Three-Way type, with or without extra card
1977 31
Stephen Minch Small Packet Double extracting double from center of four-card packet
1977 31
Stephen Minch Prediculous cards dealt face-up, all cards are seen to be Kings of Hearts, only odd-backed card is stopped at
Also published here 1977 34
Stephen Minch A Light Fandango selection rises from fan, wiggles and goes back down, then vanishes from deck
1977 37
Stephen Minch Fan Steal
Related to 1977 39
Stephen Minch Swami Fly comedy routine with mind-reading plastic fly, buzzes at correct card from three cards, joy buzzer
1977 43
Stephen Minch Fly-Catcher plastic flies in amber-colored plastic, two in the hands and one in the pocket routine, plastic frog finale
1977 49
Stephen Minch Cups and Flies balls change into plastic flies one by one, plastic spider final load and bug aerosol can
1977 53
Stephen Minch The Torn and Restored Fly miniature newspaper is torn and restored, with sucker explanation with falling pieces
Also published here 1977 58
Stephen Minch Out of the Flying Pan... card chosen and put in pan, fire made, lid closed, giant flapping fly inside, it holds selection
1977 63
Stephen Minch The Match Monster animated acrobatic matchbook, eyes stuck to it, thread
Variations 1977 69
Stephen Minch The Ribbon That Was Something Ellis ribbon, small metal ring appears, penetration routine
Inspired by 1977 76
Stephen Minch Milo the Magnificent comedy routine with puppet, comedy wands
  • ball & cone phase
  • milk pitcher
  • finds card after many failed tries, puppet assistant brings jumbo card
1977 87
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Any Second Now by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 25)
Stephen Minch Time Will Tell! revealing a number or a word with a digital watch
Magick (Issue 197)
Stephen Minch Quatrain four ESP cards are predicted, spectator deals and stops
VariationsAlso published here 1978
Magick (Issue 215)
Anthony Raven A Visit With Anthony Raven on Syd Bergson, Bob Shetler, Dick Hughes, Tony Andruzzi, David Douglas, Phil Goldstein, Bascom Jones, Stephen Minch
Nov. 1978 6
Anthony Raven A Visit With Anthony Raven on Stephen Minch, Micky Hades, Ted & Debbie Balante
  • The Use of the Association Name
  • Plagiarism of Advertising Copy
Dec. 1978 6
Stephen Minch Introduction - The Final Course
1979 293
Stephen Minch, Harry Lorayne Spread Lapping from tabled spread
1979 376
Stephen Minch Toward a Unified Mythology or The Dutch Boy's Lament additional crediting for the series
1979 441
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Triple Triumph red black kicker and four king production
Related to June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Stephen Minch Introduction to the Ceremony on performing those ceremonies, story-telling magic
Also published here 1979 i
Stephen Minch The Setting
Also published here 1979 v
Stephen Minch The Stigmata of Cthulhu stigmata marks appear on skin of spectators
VariationsAlso published here 1979 2
Stephen Minch The Fungi from Yuggoth ceremony where life from another sphere is created, fungi from chosen star appears in pan, chemical
Also published here 1979 6
Stephen Minch The Eye of Alhazred chosen symbol appears chemically on paper, with fire
Also published here 1979 11
Stephen Minch Pickman's Model stain appears on table under statue, then statue moves and disappears
Also published here 1979 16
Stephen Minch The Silver Key haunted key on second finger, key also turns on spectator's finger, signet is found by using key as pendulum, then key vanishes in box
Also published here 1979 21
Stephen Minch Dreams in the Witch-House water turns to blood (chemical) and back to water when stirred with a bone, coin travels to cloth bag in locked box, case moves on table uses Joseph Fenichel's "The Crawler"
Also published here 1979 27
Stephen Minch The Music of Erich Zann séance performance, metronome starts moving and violin and music box start playing under glass bowl
Also published here 1979 36
David Britland (reviewer) Sleight Unseen by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Sep. 1979
The Talon (Issue 5)
Stephen Minch Introduction: The Puerto Rican Gambler Unmasked on Daryl and his magic
1980 5
Stephen Minch Falling Leaves variation of Jon Racherbaumer's "Penetrating Sandwich"
June 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Stephen Minch The Act intro
1980 1
Stephen Minch The Act intro
1980 1
Johnny "J.J." Johnston Cointraption reverse coin through table, small trapdoor, spongball kicker
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Stephen Minch My Typing-Machine's An Old Woman
1980 7
Stephen Minch Genesis prediction of named ESP card, with deck
Inspired by
  • J. G. Thompson Jr.'s "Extra Sensory Perfection"
1980 11
Stephen Minch Genesis II performer reverses ESP card under table, spectator names a symbol and it matches the prediction
Related to 1980 14
Stephen Minch Secret Chauvinists two spectators select an ESP card from a deck, performer divines both
1980 16
Stephen Minch Either/Or two cards from ESP deck, spectators think of a number and count to card
Also published here 1980 20
Stephen Minch Doppelgänger spectator and performer have five ESP cards, matching routine
1980 22
Stephen Minch Quatrain four ESP cards are predicted, spectator deals and stops
Also published here 1980 24
Stephen Minch Pentapody performer finds all five duplicate ESP cards from face down spread, matching selection
1980 27
Stephen Minch Contact performer finds selected ESP card, one way key card
1980 31
Stephen Minch Retro-Cognizance spectator thinks of an ESP symbol and goes through deck deck, performer stops him five times at the thought of symbol
1980 34
Stephen Minch Random Retro-Cognizance spectator selects four ESP cards and order is noted, performer stops spectator while dealing the cards one by one four times, same cards in same order
1980 37
Stephen Minch A Cut Above prediction of freely cut to ESP card, Svengali type arrangement
1980 39
Stephen Minch Rapid-Fire spectator cuts to an ESP card, after shuffling the deck performer removes all five duplicates
1980 42
Stephen Minch Espimation several spectators cut an ESP deck and remember the symbol, after shuffling the cards performer divines each symbol
1980 43
Stephen Minch Menephysics divination of one ESP card, impromptu Mene-Tekel stack
Also published here 1980 46
Stephen Minch Megaphysics performer finds matching ESP card of two spectators, by stopping spectator deal cards, impromptu Mene-Tekel
Inspired by
  • Nick Trost's "Metaphysics" in "ESP Card Session", 1965.
1980 50
Stephen Minch The Sure-Fire Shuffle Challenge number is named, performer predicts an ESP card, then spectator shuffles deck and prediction is correct
Related toVariations 1980 53
Stephen Minch Bibliography A Brief Survey of the Literature Complete with Author's Biases
1980 57
Stephen Minch The Act intro
1980 1
Stephen Minch The Minch Ken two cards from ESP deck, spectators think of a number and count to card
Also published here 1980
Magick (Issue 255)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Christine Mignosa, Romark, Stephen Minch, Ray Hyman
Magick (Issue 256)
Stephen Minch Choice Beyond Chance psychological force with five different objects
Magick (Issue 265)
Stephen Minch Mind Runes four rune sticks with one spot on one side and two on the other, stick thrown and card at spot-sum position in Tarot deck noted, number and card predicted as well as spot configuration on rune sticks
1980 1
Stephen Minch Scoop Switch one of four rune sticks at table edge
1980 5
Stephen Minch Interpreting the Runes list of actual meaning of different throw designs
1980 8
Anthony Raven (reviewer) Rule of Thought by Stephen Minch, Arthur Setterington Jan. 1980 5
Robert Cassidy Special Note on Stephen Minch
Feb. 1980 7
Stephen Minch Satire
June 1980 4
Stephen Minch, Anthony Raven Stephen Minch - Born Again Mentalist humorous interview
June 1980 4
Stephen Minch San-Sub
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Leo Kostka Psychic Stigmata ESP sign appears on hand of performer and on various spectator, sugar cube as stamp
Inspired by 1981
Magick (Issue 285)
Stephen Minch In Praise of the Lowly Flourish essay
1982 5
Peter Marshall Apocalypse Variations Or Additions peeling stop trick
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Ovation by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Jacks or Better by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) For Your Entertainment Pleasure by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Stephen Minch Aces Over Teakettle
1982 522
Stephen Minch Force Feed biddle count, spectator says stop
Related toVariations 1982 528
Thomas Alan Waters Quintasense some tarot cards are selected via the matrix force, reading, written on paper matches the selected cards
Inspired byRelated to 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Stephen Minch The Robin Hood Caper three cards are selected and spectator throw Aces in the deck, first spectator is close to his selection, second throws card next to his selection and third pierces his selection
Related to 1982 2
Edward Marlo Bite the Buillet Aces are found with the teeth (!)
Related to
  • an effect in Linking Ring (described by Stephen Minch)
1983 35
Jon Racherbaumer Surprise Blue Intruder any named card turns blue, two selections are found on both sides of it, using index in lap, faro
Inspired by
  • "Blue Intruder" (Nelson Hahne)
Related to
1983 78
Paul Harris Screwed Deck deck (cut in two parts) is screwed together
Related toVariations 1983 76
Bill Kalush Trapped Triumph combination of Triumph and Sandwich effect, deck in order with card in correct position, with variations
Related to 1984 28
Don Tanner, Trevor Lewis, Philip Reed Willmarth Six Card Mental Test Again! billet in envelope prediction
Variations 1984 20
Stephen Minch Preamble on blindfold work
1984 v
Stephen Minch The Effect description of blindfold card act, genuinely no vision, consisting of the following individual effects
Inspired by 1984 1
Stephen Minch Preparation punch locator, all black cards
1984 4
Stephen Minch Think Stop No. 1, card selected, performer deals face-up through cards, stops at selection, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 9
Stephen Minch Dealing Location No. 2, card selected, performer deals through face-down card and stops at selection, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 11
Stephen Minch Double Location No. 3, five black and five red cards removed by spectators, two cards exchanged, performer finds them, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 12
Stephen Minch Divination No. 4, spectator stops during riffle, the card is divined by performer, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 14
Stephen Minch Blind Poker No. 5, two poker hands dealt, performer divines card in one hand and help him play, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 15
Stephen Minch Card Prediction No. 6, during routine envelope with number and card prediction is opened, when counted down to number it is correct, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 17
Stephen Minch Blind Out of this World No. 7, with two spectators simultaneously and shuffled deck, one color punched, performer genuinely blindfolded, see also page 24
Related to 1984 17
Stephen Minch Color Separation No. 8, performer separates colors by touch, punch, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 21
Stephen Minch Fine Points and Final Thoughts
1984 23
Stephen Minch Bibliography of Other Blindfold Card Acts
1984 27
Stephen Minch Foreword
1984 7
Stephen Minch Mindcast written on six pieces of paper, non-forcing method
1984 9
Stephen Minch Étoile D'Éventualité sealed prediction in wallet, two cards that match two selections, first card is stopped at and second selected by throwing a die, Himber wallet
Related toAlso published here 1984 25
Stephen Minch Whatever's Right coin is hidden in hand, performer matches decision of spectator
Related to 1984 33
Stephen Minch Coda - On the Problems of the Negative Outcome in Mentalism essay on accepted positive results over rejected negative ones
1984 35
Stephen Minch New Wave Precognition prediction of a record and its prize, list with sixteen bands
1984 39
Stephen Minch The Rosebud Prophecy prediction of torn piece of newspaper, Koran deck with Newspaper
1984 45
Stephen Minch Plagiarists three predictions of symbols on a board, humorous and clever presentation
Inspired by 1984 49
Stephen Minch Introduction - Sketch of an Unmet Omnium-Gatherum
1984 1
Stephen Minch Foreword
1984 8
Stephen Minch Author's Introduction
1985 6
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) The New York Magic Symposium - Collection 4 by Stephen Minch Summer 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 28, 29 & 30)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) The New York Magic Symposium - Collection 5 by Stephen Minch Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
Harry Lorayne Stephen Minch mini bio
1985 461
Stephen Minch Main Attraction any named card turns blue, two selections are found on both sides of it
Inspired by 1985 462
Stephen Minch Force Feed
1985 468
Stephen Minch About the Limits of this Volume's Ambitions
1985/87 i
Stephen Minch Two Bluff-Insertions
1985/87 54
Stephen Minch Ambitious Gimmickry
1985/87 98
Stephen Minch Four Finals
1985/87 110
Stephen Minch An Index to the Ambitious Card in Print Potter Index
1985/87 123
Stephen Minch Introduction
Stephen Minch Author's Introduction
1987 viii
Stephen Minch Alignment Move credit information
1987 154
Stephen Minch Feed Force as cards are biddled in other hand
1987 34
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Colors on the March by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Kings Incognito by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Neoclassics by Larry Jennings (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Stephen Minch The Vernon Chronicles about the books
Mar. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Thomas Alan Waters Stacks tarot stacks
Related to 1987
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue T.A.R.O.T.)
Stephen Minch Introduction
1987 1
Stephen Minch Prediculous cards dealt face-up, all cards are seen to be Kings of Hearts, only odd-backed card is stopped at
Also published here 1987 2
Stephen Minch Unbalanced two black cards on table, four red cards in spectator's hand, one red card moved to black pile, now four red cards on table and black in spectator's hand
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring Parade, July 1981
1987 4
Stephen Minch A-Ten-Tion prediction on table, three cards removed, two spectators are shown the cards, one sees three Threes of Hearts, the other three Sevens of Hearts, prediction card is Ten and the three cards change to other Tens
Also published here 1987 7
Stephen Minch, Edward Marlo Quick Three-Way Display alignment move, with extra card
1987 8
Stephen Minch The Torn & Restored Fly miniature newspaper is torn and restored, with sucker explanation with falling pieces
Also published here 1987 11
Stephen Minch Either/Or two cards from ESP deck, spectators think of a number and count to card
Also published here 1987 15
Stephen Minch The Smaven Synthesis spectator moves hand over tabled spread of face-down ESP cards and stops where he like, card predicted, 1-0-1 stack
1987 16
Roger Smith, Stephen Minch Ribbon Spread Range Force
Inspired by
  • Ultimate Card Book No. 2, Roger Smith
1987 17
Stephen Minch Menephysics divination of one ESP card, impromptu Mene-Tekel stack
Also published here 1987 19
Stephen Minch Étoile D'Éventualité spectator deals cards face up and stops, that card removed, die rolled and to that number counted to from stopped spot, both cards predicted, Himber Wallet
Also published here 1987 22
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from written scroll
Also published here 1987 27
Stephen Minch The Silver Key key turns on hand, then on spectator's hand, the key on chain swings by itself over selected disk, then key is wrapped in paper and vanishes in flash of fire
Also published here 1987 31
Jamy Ian Swiss, Stephen Minch Critical Mass routine, tube becomes solid as finale
1987 1
Jamy Ian Swiss Hidden Assistance card in matchbook, animated matchbook phase
Inspired by 1987 36
Stephen Minch Author's Introduction
1988 v
Stephen Minch Push-Off Count and Pull-Down Move credit information
Related to 1988 22
Stephen Minch Foreword
1988 ix
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) Feb. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Steve Beam Leftovers on David Copperfield, Harry Blackstone Jr., Stephen Minch
1988 384
Stephen Minch, Roy Walton, Victor Marsh, Bruce Barnett, James M. Boyd Letters
Interlocutor (Issue 50)
Ian Keable-Elliott, Bobby Cann, Stephen Minch Contents Bobby Cann, Stephen Minch, Piet Forton, Roberto Giobbi
Apr. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 8)
David Britland (reviewer) Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) June 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Stephen Minch Riffle Force with credit information
1989 xv
Steve Beam Leftovers on Ron Bauer, Stephen Minch, The Precursor, Don Morris, Jim Culver, Gary Jennings, Harry Riser, Chris Kenner, Gordon Jeppesen, Dan Garrett
1989 544
Richard Webster The Witches' Runes - Part II
  • Casting the Runes
  • Reading the Stones
  • Answers to Questions
  • Mental Use
  • Phan-A-See
  • Twin Keys
  • Runic Madness
Inspired by Feb. 1989
Magick (Issue 417)
Stephen Minch On Lisa Menna short biography
1990 3
Stephen Minch On Rudy Coby short biography
1990 9
Stephen Minch On Geoff Latta short biography
1990 15
Stephen Minch On David Regal short biography
1990 27
Stephen Minch On Jay Sankey
1990 31
Stephen Minch On Louis Falanga short biography
1990 35
Stephen Minch On Ray Kosby short biography
1990 41
Stephen Minch On Bill Goodwin short biography
1990 51
Stephen Minch On Richard Kaufman short biography
1990 55
Stephen Minch On David Solomon short biography
1990 59
Stephen Minch On Paul Cummins short biography
1990 63
Stephen Minch On Tommy Wonder short biography
1990 71
Stephen Minch On Daryl Martinez
1990 85
Stephen Minch On David Roth short biography
1990 89
Stephen Minch on Peter Samelson short biography
1990 95
Stephen Minch On Mike Montgomery short biography
1990 103
Stephen Minch On Jeff McBride short biography
1990 109
Stephen Minch On Finn Jon short biography
1990 111
Stephen Minch On Rocco Silano short biography
1990 115
Stephen Minch On Michael Rubinstein short biography
1990 119
Stephen Minch On Ray Grismer short biography
1990 135
Stephen Minch On Gary Lee Williams short biography
1990 139
Stephen Minch On Jonathan Pendragon short biography
1990 149
Stephen Minch On James Dimmare short biography
1990 157
Stephen Minch On Rick Anderson short biography
1990 165