1,221 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transformation / Single Card / Front
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Faire qu'une carte choisie par un premier spectateur, et mêlée dans le jeu par un second, se trouve la première qu'un troisième spectateur choisira librement; la métamorphoser en une autre carte au gré d'un quatrième, & la faire reparaître un instant card turns several times into the cards that other select or name
1786 175
Prof. Robert Hellis To "Change" a Card - Fifth Method "To change a card without the aid of the Pack"
in context of effect in which wrong card changes into selection
1876 32
To Change a Card drawn haphazard to the Chosen Card long card or stripper
1876 63
A Card having been Secretly Thought of by one of the Audience, to place two Indifferent Cards upon the table, and to Change such one of them as the Audience may select into the Card thought of using psychological force
1876 111
To change a drawn Card into the Portraits of several of the Company succession
1876 115
Visible Change of Rising Card mechanical card
1876 143
Prof. Robert Hellis Hellis' Change, No. 1 "To change a card without the aid of the Pack"
in context of effect in which wrong card changes into selection
1889 23
To Slip a Card with transformation effect
1889 25
A Card being freely Chosen from the Pack, replaced, and the Pack shuffled, to make any Given Card Change to the one Chosen control, palm & top change
1890 40
Das verwandelte As No. 5, black Aces and Ace of Diamonds shown, those three cards given to spectator, Diamonds changed to Hearts, pip covered by black Aces so Ace of Hearts poses as Diamonds, Ace appears to be in the center which makes covering unclear
Related to 1895 7
Die verwandelte Karte No. 13, glide in which the spectator is asked to pull out the bottom card
1895 17
Dasselbe Kunststück in anderer Ausführung No. 14, Nine of Diamonds changes into Ace of Diamonds, pips made from powder can be shaken/rubbed off
Related to 1895 18
Eine gezogene Karte zu verwandeln No. 38, selection put on top, another card is on top when checked again after putting hand on top of deck, sticky hand
1895 45
La carte du diable No. 47, top card shown, spectator removes it from deck, it changes, half card covers half the face card
1895 56
Die Kartenpresse No. 7, money press for cards
Related to 1895 72
Die sich in der Hand eines Zuschauers verwandelnde Karte card placed on spectator's hand changes, pips made from powder can be shaken/rubbed off, detailed explanation
Related to Feb. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Die Verwandlung einer Karte
1896 46
Der Kunstschütze pip is shot out of card in air with pistol
1896 64
Point-Sieben verwandelt sich in Point-Acht multi-pip principle with ungaffed Seven that changes to Eight
1896 133
Einfache Bilder-Klappkarte
Related to 1896 139
Die neue vierfache Verwandlungskarte card changes three times
Related to 1896 141
Die Bilderschiebekarte "Carreau-Dame verwandelt der Künstler in Pique-Dame"
with sliding section inside card
Related to 1896 144
Neueste Verwandlungskarte card changed into other card that is ungaffed since a cover slide is palmed off
Related toVariations 1896 150
Die Verwandlungs- und Verkleinerungskarte Queen changes in a Jack, shrinks to half its size and vanishes
1896 151
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die alte und neue Tintenkarte ink changes to clear water, a card is used to proof that it's ink
1896 159
Die Kartenpresse money press for cards
Related to 1896 202
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Kartenmagneta two selections, deck in a glass, one selection rises out of deck and floats to other glass and in midair changes to second selection
Related to 1896 213
Die vierfache Verwandlungskarte "Mechanische Karten"
card taken from the deck and transformed three times
Related to Apr. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 8)
The Appearance of Desired Cards top card of shuffled deck changes into any named card
Related to 1897 64
The Queen of the Air card rises from pack and floats to glass goblet on other side of stage, transforms in midair
Related to 1897 69
The Changing and Diminishing Card card changes, shrinks, then disappears
1897 229
The Changing and Enlarging Card
Related to 1897 230
A Mysterious Transformation Ace with other pips put with vermillion onto it, changes into Ace
Related to 1897 254
Triple Change Routine face card changes three times
Apr. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Festina lente spectator remembers card and its position, performer tables a card which changes into the selection, originally tabled card taken from envelope, patter by Conradi
July 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Martignoni Die Verwandlung einer Karte selection clings to another card via moisture, tossed in the air and caught before unload on deck
Apr. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Transformation via Top Change wrong card changes into right one via top change, short routine
Apr. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Die Verwandlung der obersten Karte des Spieles in einer von einer fremden Person gezogene und wieder in das Spiel gemischte Karte "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
top card shown, it then changes into selection
Aug. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Die verwandelte Karte No. 11, four Aces shown, one transforms into Nine of Diamonds, other Diamond pips covered by other Aces
1900 161
A. F. Kessler Die Verwandlung einer Karte double card shown, face card brought into back palm, for changing it back the card is replaced again
Dec. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Michaelis Hermann Card changes in Ink card put in glass of ink, when taken out it is dry and changed into selection
1903 159
A. J. Die magischen Asse combination in which an Ace is chosen, it changes to another Ace, vanishes and reappears, then a chosen Ace travels into a wooden card case, then all Aces from deck into a pocket
June 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Die Vermehrung der Points Three of Diamonds, point number changes multiple time to Five, Ace, Nine, then blank, using sleight-of-hand as well as multi-pip card and powdered pips
Nov. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 12)
C. O. Williams A Simple Card Discovery card placed in glass, covered with glass, then selection is face card of deck
1904 47
Harry Houdini Houdini's Torn Card Trick card with torn-off corner changes into other card
1909 94
Henry Hardin The Card and Hat spectator notes top card of deck, it's covered with hat, then top card changed
1909 127
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gleiche Gedanken (Zweite Ausführung) two selections shuffled back, performer locates first card from another deck in his pocket, it changes into second selection which is given away
Also published here 1910 178
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Das Herz-Ass
Also published here 1910 188
To change a drawn Card into the Portraits of several of the company in succession picture cards change into portraits of spectators
1911 112
Stanley Collins The Spider pips of card vanish and appear on paper, pip eating spider
Related to 1915 67
Louis F. Christianer The Double Reverse from hand-to-hand air-pressure turnover with top card, then with a double so the first card transforms into the second
1919 17
Louis F. Christianer The Four Kings four Kings lost in deck, face card of deck changes into the Kings one by one
Inspired by 1919 19
Louis F. Christianer An Improvement top card of lower half is shown not to be selection, later it is appearing there face up, using slip transfer
1919 24
Stanley Collins The Lay of the Last Minstrel But One three cards under newspaper two are removed and card under newspaper changes into other card
Related to 1920 36
Charles T. Jordan The Demon Color Change No. 3, multiple consecutive changes, second and rear cards remain the same, using glued triple cards
VariationsAlso published here 1920 7
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Bunte Blätter multi-phase card routine, card stab, color change of cards, card through handkerchief and rising cards from wooden box
1922 65
Louis F. Christianer An Effective Card Trick card chosen, it appears face up on the deck, is chosen again, face card changes into selection which is placed on floor, another chosen card is the same card, card on floor is an indifferent one
1923 15
Oswald Rae The Impossible Possible using a Spirit Box, name of card written down on paper and locked in box, blank card in envelope changes to that card
1926 22
Jack Merlin Three Card Force and Floor Change card is forced several times, then put under foot of spectator who thinks all cards are the same, then card under foot changes and deck is normal
1927/28 11
Oswald Rae Slap It "A Novel Colour-Changing Routine"
face card of deck changes several times, slapping on the deck, last in slow-motion
1928 4
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die verwandelte Karte transformation of bottom card, glide
1930 65
Eric F. Impey The Flyaway Card selection placed reversed in deck, it changes into another card, selection no longer in deck, reappears reversed
1931 2
Ralph W. Hull A Trick Exposed, But How? color change apparently exposed, but card turns out to have vanished and is brought from pocket
1932 16
Harry Houdini The Houdini "Bluff" Change apparently top change is done
1933 71
Victor Farelli The "Left-About" Change snap-over change presentation
Variations 1933 72
Up His Sleeve card in sleeve appears on pack, in sleeve is now selection
VariationsAlso published here 1933 89
A Spectator Does It Downs Change
1933 33
Ralph W. Hull Hull's "Never Miss" Card Trick selection appears at chosen position, repeat with apparent failure and transformation
  • reverse count and packet turnover bluff
  • slip-back deal count
1933 19
Frank Shepard Color Change two-phase transformation
1933 3
T. Page Wright Card reproduction top card shown as indifferent becomes selection, confusing description
1933 8
T. Page Wright Three of hearts change to two in hands of spectator
1933 18
T. Page Wright Drop Change card shown and dropped to floor, changes during drop
1933 19
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card, see page 99 for improvement by Charles W. Fricke
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Tom Sellers A Comedy Card Interlude color change routine with mismade cards (like half changed card)
1934 18
An Unwitting Wizard card used to stab next to selection becomes selection
Related toVariations 1934 53
Laurie Ireland Goofy Deck changing into a black eight of diamonds
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1934)
Orville Wayne Meyer The Ribbon That Made Good ribbon attached to wrong card, when pulled out is right card, sticky card
Also published here 1935
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Louis Lam Find the Lady money card changes into card with business information on front
1935 20
Laurie Ireland A Surprising Explanation for the Color Change double facers
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1935, "New Card and Coin Manipulation")
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant An Easy Color Change face card of rubber-banded deck changes, pass
1935 34
Eddie Clever Only an Image some card names written down by spectators that think of any one, one of them selected, blank card first becomes wrong card (re. Elmsley gag, someone might be thinking of that one or not), then right card, fainted card (Larsen idea), see page 166 for credit correction
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 26)
A Startling Transformation side-jogged double turns over during spring flourish, Cascade Change
1936 134
Sundry wrong card rises and transforms into right one, double facer
1937 131
U. F. Grant A Changing Card wrong card turns over and changes into right one in sandwich, double facer
1937 136
U. F. Grant A Spirit Message writing appears on card, double facer
1937 137
Edward Victor The "Deo-Ace" Trick four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection
Variations 1937 29
Joe Berg Mistakes Will Happen card is lost face up in deck behind performer's back with a few more reversed cards for confusion, card should travel to pocket but wrong card travels, it changes into right card, riffle shuffle with key next to a reversed card
Variations 1937 6
Joe Berg An Amazing Card Location top five cards are shown not to be the selection, number up to five is called, card at that position is now selection, imperfection principle
1937 9
Bob Haskell "I'll Take Coke" card chosen and put aside, the name of the card appears in the bottle cap and chosen card is blank
1937 2
Another Method card changes in any named card
1938 326
Joseph J. Kolar The Card and Ribbon Trick wrong card is attached to ribbon with a sticker and put in deck, when pulled out it is now selection
1938 505
Harlan Tarbell The Card and Stamp Mystery stamp is glued partially onto wrong card and put in deck, when pulled out it is now selection
Variations 1938 508
Nishan Andounian, Joe Berg The Enchanted Card Slide card transforms in slide (wallet-like prop with slits)
1938 510
Tom Bowyer For a Dime weird traveling effect in which a 6H becomes a 6H with black hearts pips
Jan. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 40)
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Black Brand wrong card transforms into card with picture of performer with card on forehead
Also published here Nov. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 50)
Louis Lam The "Enormous" Four Ace Presentation chosen Ace transforms into previous selection, Ace from spectator's pocket
1939 12
c card changes into selection and back, application for Curry Turn-Over Sleight
1939 8
A Color Change Story story presentation in which face-card changes multiple times to fit story
1939 48
The Top and Bottom Changes suggestions for uses as simple changes
1940 166
Boy Meets Girl story presentation
1940 297
Rub-A-Dub-Dub transformation and vanish
Related toVariations 1940 301
The Hocus-Pocus Card apparently mistake is made
Related to 1940 390
Theodore Annemann A Card in Hand card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation, backdated for ten years
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 80)
Karl Germain The Flash Card Change deck in glass
Variations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 98)
Oscar Weigle Not at These Prices! ace assembly started but instead of aces gag message appears on cards
The Jinx (Issue 99)
R. M. Jamison Optical Illusion odd backed card in play, face changes
1940 37
Paul Morris The Question is ...... reversed card changes into selection, reversed card then in pocket, miscall
1940 52
Laurie Ireland Card Control card transformation, ends up in pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Edward Victor A Move for the “Rising Cards” (Sleight of Hand Method) wrong card rises from deck changes into selection, finger pushes cards up from back, for applications see references
Related toVariations 1940 ca. 15
Edward Victor A "Fan" Card Change wrong card found is changed into selection
1940 ca. 22
The Change-About Card three wrong cards, chosen one changes into selection
1941 223
Frank Stobbart Sympathetic Pips blank card with loose pips placed in envelope, pips arrange themselves onto card to match selection (which for no reason travels to pocket)
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 141)
Tom Sellers An Easily Worked "Stung" Trick in an envelope, sucker trick
1941 14
Hans "Severus" Ernst 5 Minuten Sylvesterzauber Seven of Hearts changes to Six of Hearts, Five of Hearts and eventually to the Four, then selection is found by dealing into two piles, last two cards are selection and card with drawn figure, using a double facer with fake indices on both sides
  • Die fliegenden Herzen
Dec. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Clayton Rawson No Corpse for the Coffin crimping selection, then "There It Is" with unload for transformation of wrong card into selection
Inspired byVariations July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 14)
Walter B. Gibson Getting Away From Card Tricks while explaining a color change, a whiskey glass appears
Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 25)
Eddie Joseph The E. J. Color Change with Cards color change sequence in which the face card is palmed one-handed before it is seen
1942 17
Eddie Joseph The Sticker large sticker attached to wrong card halfway, when card is pulled out of deck, it is now the signed selection
1942 88
John Scarne John Scarne's Master Change card put in envelope changes
Related toVariations 1943 217
The Black Ace and Card Through Handkerchief single Ace penetrates handkerchief, changes to selection, Ace in pocket
1943 252
Mystery of the Glass House x card in glass, envelope put away, card in glass changes into selection, x card in envelope
Also published here 1943 257
Paul Morris Are You Sure? - A Quick Trick with a Novel Finish four Jacks are cut to, then one Jack transforms into selection
Also published here Dec. 1943 26
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Kofrapla blank card placed inside card box changes one by one into four selections and back to blank card, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 1)
M. A. Reasoner Jack Becomes an Aviator story trick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Herb Runge Rising Sun Set card with flag, flag changes from a sun to the american flag, WW2 theme
July 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 64)
Clyde Cairy Metamorphoses card rubbed to thigh changes several times, back palm
Oct. 1944 77
Tom Bowyer The Upside Down Six six spot turns into nine spot
Variations Dec. 1944 87
Jean Marc Bujard Il est minuit photo with watch is signed, two cards are chosen to form an hour, handles on photo moved to match cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Eddie Clever Only an Image some card names written down by spectators that think of any one, one of them selected, blank card first becomes wrong card (re. Elmsley gag, someone might be thinking of that one or not), then right card, fainted card (Larsen idea)
Also published here 1944 306
Karl Germain The Flash Card Change in glass while covored with handkerchief
Related toVariations 1945 116
Joseph J. Kolar The Kolar Card Trick wrong card is attached to ribbon with a sticker and put in deck, when pulled out it is now selection
1945 20
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card
Also published here 1945 128
Tommy Dowd A New Card Change during demonstration on how spectator should put his hand on top
Related to July 1945 132
Arthur H. Buckley One Hand Crimp - Your Card? featuring bottom card longitudinal crimp
1946 90
Arthur H. Buckley Do You See Red? Experiment No. 3 - one of four black cards changes to red and back
1946 153
Arthur H. Buckley Simplicity Experiment No. 11 - face card changes to peeked card
1946 161
Arthur H. Buckley The Mysterious Marker Experiment No. 19 - locator card transforms into selection
1946 171
Clayton Rawson 2: Magic Taught in One Easy Lesson card transforms into selection, apparently spectator does the transformation
Also published here Feb. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 100)
Frederick Braue For Clubs and Lodges wrong card changes into selection with top change
Feb. 1946 196
Milbourne Christopher Christmas Conjuring ideas for Christmas themes magic
  • Card in Ball
  • Walnut Wizardry
  • Mistletoe Magic
  • Christmas Card Trick
Related to Dec. 1946 277
A. Vantur La carte imprimée sur le foulard silk in tube, chosen card turns blank in envelope, followed by german translation "Das Seidentuch mit aufgedruckter Karte"
Also published here May 1946 5
Bert Allerton Missing Deuce one of four Twos transforms into a selected card
Also published here 1946 53
Edward Marlo That Joker! joker thrown in hat changes to selection
Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 137)
J. B. Bobo Color Change with gambler's flat palm steal from back & presentation
1947 27
Clayton Rawson The Two-Faced Stranger selection turns over, then wrong card turns over, transformation to correct card in the hand of spectator
Oct. 1947 360
Clayton Rawson The Obliging Queen visual transformation when card is pushed through deck, adding half card to borrowed deck
Dec. 1947 378
The Observation Test
Variations 1948 56
The Trey transforming card into "tray"
1948 146
The Changing Card top change
1948 218
George G. Kaplan The Chameleon Card giant card transforms into selected card, using Monte sliding gaff
Also published here 1948 141
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Hallucination two spectators look at the same card which is placed on one hand, they have seen different cards and the card changed to a third one, suggested with Walt Disney cards
1948 14
Charles Aste Jr. Coming Thru card changes into selection when pushed through deck
July 1948 438
Tony Kardyro Two Ace Change one of two Aces changes into selection
Variations 1948 4
Arthur H. Buckley Slap Cards cards peeked at, deck shuffled, the cards appear on the face of the deck one by one
1948 127
Paul LePaul An Unexpected Climax deck split into two and each half placed inside pocket, two selections are found, first selection changes to third selection as climax
Variations 1949 155
Bruce Elliott Elliott's Card Change does the same as glide
Related toVariations 1949 22
Al Leech Ace Elimination
Related to 1949 16
Louis Tannen Squeeze 'Em two of diamonds turns into ace of diamonds
Nov. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 189)
Stanley Collins Lightning-Flash Card Change card can be seen through flash paper, card changes when paper is ignited, Clubs to Spades
June 1949 547
Joe Stuthard Transformation wrong card changes into selection
1949 17
Dai Vernon The De Kolta Change sleeve rubbing cover, pips of card change to suit clothing
Variations 1950 450
Jean Hugard Natural Magic wrong card changes into selection while boomeranging it into the air
Dec. 1950 734
Paul Rosini Change in Hand card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation
Related to 1950 17
Paul LePaul Ace Delusion Ace of Hearts poses as Diamonds, spectators see through this, then it really is the Diamond, sucker
Related to 1950 39
Paul Rosini The Peek Trick spectator peeks a card, performer asks whether she really saw one as misdirection to control it, another is peeked, second found, changes in first
1950 46
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Okito Card Control (and a Trick) display pass, as top, center and bottom cards are shown, with trick in which wrong card changes into selection
1950 50
Dr. Jacob Daley Lipop card is pushed in center and comes out by itself transformed, it helps to have a belly
Related toVariations Apr. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 226)
Bruce Elliott Tipsy Turvy
Related to Sep. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 238)
John Hamilton The King two black kings, chosen king changes into selection
Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 243)
Nate Leipzig Leipzig's Opener
Related toVariations 1952
Stars of Magic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Al Leech Match-A-Card magician matches unknown card incorrectly, correct after change
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Arthur Hastings D. F. C.
Inspired byRelated toVariations Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 265)
John Murray Surrealistic Sorcery card with pin in center is spinned on table and transforms into selection
Nov. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 269)
Stewart Judah Not There spectator gives color of his card, performer takes out five of opposite color and changes one of them in selection
1952 24
Audley Walsh "Dammit" wrong card is tossed onto deck and changes into correct one, back-to-back double
1952 39
Al Leech Spots to Spare Spot is removed
Related to 1953 8
Edward Marlo That Joker! joker thrown in hat changes to selection
1953 10
Edward Marlo The Late Arrival top card changes to selection, turned over by spectator before and after transformation, four methods (with and without stripper deck)
Variations 1953 85
Snap Over Change carp flipped over quickly with a snap on sleeve
Related toVariations 1953 17
Edward Marlo A Variation with Effect... Card with paper clip on changes
1954 9
Al Koran Perfection - Do As I Do performer and spectator both remove a card from a different deck, they match, one card is switched and the other card changes to match
1954 165
Jack Chanin Card on the Line indifferent card attached to ribbon with needle, it changes into selection
1954 207
Louis Zingone, Tony Kardyro Zingone and Kardyro card reverses, then changes
Related to
  • Louis Zingone's "The Surprise Reverse"
1955 27
Tony Kardyro "The Magician's Best Friend" Joker appears reversed in deck and changes into selection
1955 28
Stewart James The Open Prediction #16 double facer ends up next to face-down card, fake explanation (for cleaning up) with another prediction and first card changes into second card
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Leonard Austin No Beer sucker trick with three cards, one with a glass, one with a bottle and one with an bottle opener, glass apparently vanishes in handkerchief, version of Stung
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Clayton Rawson 2. Magic Taught in One Easy Lesson card transforms into selection, apparently spectator does the transformation
Also published here 1956 153
Jerry Andrus A Flourish Used With a Double Lift card dragged along and through one-handed fan to affect change of card
1956 24
Jerry Andrus A Transparent Miracle card wrapped in transparent wax paper changes, lapping
Related to 1956 124
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico A Classical Quickie reversed card in deck changes into selection
  • First Method (saliva)
  • Second Method (sticky or all faced roughed)
  • Third Method (center reverse)
  • Fourth Method (side palm)
  • Fifth Method (hide-out)
  • Sixth Method (faced deck)
  • Seventh Method
Variations 1956 1
Edward Marlo A Miracle with Cards four spectators each cut off a packet, remember the bottom card and shuffle the whole packet, performer looks at each packet and finds the selections, secretly counting the packets, last card from pocket
  • alternative in which the last wrong card changes into selection
Related toVariations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Henry Bihari Jumbo Card Trick deck in pocket, jumbo card produced from it which matches selection, changes into later second selection, Chicago Opener structure
1957 16
Jack Avis All Fair Surprise card held by spectator turns into selection
Also published here 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Jerry Andrus "How It's Done" wrong card produced, it changes into right card with Roner Change (not explained)
1957 5
Norman Houghton OWOOOooo-o-o-o! routine with "wolf pack" (erotic images), spectator repeatedly selects the Joker in different ways, spectator names card which is taken out and given to spectator, performer takes named card out of his pocket and spectator has Joker again, another card is selected and given to the spectator in an envelope as souvenir (it's normal when he looks)
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Bert Allerton The Missing Deuce one of four Twos transforms into a selected card
Also published here 1958 28
John Derris Aces in Hand from four Aces spectator eliminates three, last one changes into selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Max Giebe Eine Kartenkombination single card prediction, card which was dropped on the floor changes to selection
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 5)
Alex Elmsley Switchy-Coo card a chosen number is reversed, then changes to previous selection
Also published here Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Al Leech Ace, Three, Five Ace changes in a Three and a Five, with sucker part
1959 14
Al Leech A Triple Discovery first card rises to the top and transforms in the second and third selected card
Variations 1959 17
Al Leech One Among Four
Related to 1959 20
John Gannaway Personalized Multipurpose Envelope Cards one of three cards transforms into other card with different back, special envelope cards handling
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Weihnachtskarten-Trick card changes to blank card with Christmas message
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 5)
Matt Schulien The Professional Touch spectator finds the wrong card and sits on it, there it changes to the selection
Variations 1959 37
Matt Schulien Put It Back in the Deck spectator finds wrong card, when he turns it over it has changed surprisingly into selection
1959 38
Matt Schulien The Slam and Flip Over wrong selection changes into selection in the performer's hand as right hand slaps deck on table
1959 41
Matt Schulien Matt's Ribbon Spread Trick wrong card placed face down on ribbon spread which is flipped over, card jumps into other hand and turns over and has transformed into selection
  • Matt's current handling
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Jan. 1949, p. 293
1959 44
Bill Hendricks The Haunted Deck after Haunted deck ghost on card, then drawing changes to reveal selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
James Steranko Card Eclipse Chapter Eleven, The Ultimate in Color Change Routines
three routined changes on top of deck, then card vanishes from hand and reappears in deck
1960 76
Jack Avis Surprise card held by spectator turns into selection
Also published here Dec. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 352)
Karrell Fox Lost and Found matchbook as card easel, wrong card changes into selection when deck is riffled against it on easel
Related toVariations 1960 9
Phil Conner Die Hoa-Hoa Voraussage marked card turns to blank card in breast pocket of spectator
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Second Effect clean handling
1961 29
Edward Marlo Rub-A-Dub Change motivated handling for tabled switch
1961 35
Cliff Green The Snap Change featuring a double lift unload
1961 53
Dai Vernon A Vernonesque Quickie one of two indifferent cards changes into selection
1961 152
Charlie Miller Color Change sucker
1961 44
Charlie Miller Color Change peeked-at card appears on bottom of deck
1961 44
Charlie Miller Rubbing Off the Spot
1961 61
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Prison Card in Box cards in card case secured with rubber bands, card visible through window cut from card case changes into selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Paul Marcus Almost a Miracle Three of spades sandwiched between two other cards turns into a Three with black spotted hearts and different colored back
Nov. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 363)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der schwarze Brand wrong card transforms into card with picture of performer with card on forehead
Also published here 1961 88
Harry Lorayne The Little Card That Wasn't There five cards are removed, none the selection, one changes into selection
1962 221
Dai Vernon Edgewise bottom card of deck changes
1962 57
Edward Marlo Appearing and Disappearing Selections on face of deck
1962 19
Don Tanner A Simple Revelation blank card inside card box turns into selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Arthur Rasper Der halbe Zauberspruch three Tens of Hearts, one changes to a King, then it changes back half-way (divided card is shown openly), then back to a Ten
1962 9
Edward Marlo Another Classical Quickie "Eighth Effect", card(s) pushed into center changes directly or delayed into another card
Inspired byRelated to 1962 16
Edward Marlo Tilted Classical Quickie "Twenty-First Effect", reversed card in center changes into selection
Related to 1962 27
Nate Leipzig Colour Change Routine card on deck transforms four times
1963 38
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) a) Trick with a chosen card doing locations while retaining the top stock, example in which a wrong card changes into the selection
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Ken Beale Everything Easy card vanishes, another card changes into vanished card and that other card is found in pocket
Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Harry Lorayne Color Quickie spectator finds card that matches odd-backed prediction, then prediction changes to another random card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1964 31
Jerry Andrus Novel Card Test four indifferent cards shown, one changes into selection and flips face-up from another card with a flourish
1964 1
Jerry Andrus Handkerchief Card Change card wrapped up in handkerchief changes
1964 1
Robert E. Olson Wash Out card becomes blank and transparent
Apr. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 395/396)
Peter Alexis Aces selection transforms into an Ace
Variations July 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 397)
Arthur Hastings Metamorphosis wrong card reverses, reversed card in deck changes into selection
Inspired by Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Paul Stadelman Watch the Ace sucker effect, Three changes to Ace and back, then it changes inside spectator's pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Edward Marlo Card Flight card on tabled deck changes with coin on top, hole in card, tosheroon
Related toVariations Aug. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Charlie Miller If At First performer doesn't find card, even when its corner is torn off
Related to
  • p. 82 for Fred Higgens odd-backed variation
Oct. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Ali Bongo Jail Break cards with pictures of a prisoner, prisoner vanishes and appears on other card
1966 43
Tony Kardyro A Perfect Accord card peeked at, spectator indicates any card from the back and it is shown to be selection, also face up and then it changes into selection
  • Second Method
1966 2
Stephen Fernandes Glide-iator card under hand transforms into selection, second selection found reversed in the deck
Apr. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 48)
Harry Lorayne The Magic Step a card changes repeatedly after a weird cutting procedure, at the end two cards change places
1967 30
Harry Lorayne To Change a Card on tabled pile
1967 147
Piet Forton Ching Chang Chung, the Never Dieing Chinaman Figurine of Chinese man beheaded when card trick goes wrong - card is changed to correct selection, head is restored
1967 4
Conrad Schmoranzer, Jochen Zmeck Die Kontrollkarte cards put in glass, spectator selects card that are added, the pairs do not match, then they do, partial rough-smooth
Inspired by
  • "Die Kontrollkarte", MAGIE, 4/1963
1967 17
Stephen Fernandes The Lady is a Joker card changes
Jan. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 57)