1,480 entries in Mental Magic / Effects / Divination
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri Decremps Le Cygne ingénieux. swan in basin moves by its own, moves to letters to form chosen word, anagram method with words on cards (variation of Guyot's method)
Related to 1785 262
Divination d'un montant d'argent Divination of an amount of money contained in the purse of a spectator
1786 29
Divination d'un nom Divination of a name
1786 36
Divination du montant d'argent expliqué Divination of an amount of money contained in the purse of a spectator from p. 29 explained
1786 78
Divination d'un nom expliqué Divination of a name explained
1786 82
C. H. Wilson The Tell-Tale Trick No. 2, spectator removes cards according to the birth date, performer then divines the birth date
1877 16
To name the Article taken by each of Four Persons four objects pocketed while performer is out of room, but linked to four memorized punch-marked cards
1890 87
Dr. Lynn The Thinkophone name on paper is divined, using changing ladle
Related to 1890 255
The Box of Numbers four numbered blocks put in closed box, performer divines arranged number, magnetism
1890 257
Modernes Gedankenlesen one of six knifes chosen and a target selected, medium or performer comes into room and divines knife and target, secret signs
May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Die dressierte Fliege fake fly divines things by moving on a board that has a grid with the alphabet and letters, secret (small) assistant behind board and magnet
Related to Mar. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Hänsel Kastner Die drei mystischen Zahlen one of three numbers thought-of and predicted or divined, index with three predictions
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Anna Eva Fay The Anna Fay Method apparently Fey's method of billet reading, spectator keep the billet, medium is under a sheet or blindfolded, impression device in tablets and electronic transmitter (like a phone), with assistant
1911 25
Charles T. Jordan The Letter-Mailing Mystery No. 7, stack of chips with numbers, set of envelopes, envelope and postage chosen with stack of chips are divined
Also published here 1920 17
Charles T. Jordan The Mesmerized Alarm Clock No. 1, alarm clock set at any time by spectator and covered with napkin, hour divined
Also published here 1920 3
Charles T. Jordan The Impromptu Mind Reader No. 8, sixteen words written on numbered papers, one chosen and divined, with memory system for sixteen items
Also published here 1920 16
Edward Bagshawe The Educated Ribbon slate is covered and put on a stand, a ribbon moves up from under the cover by itself and is then shown to be in the configuration of a previously chosen design of a set of design cards
Variations 1924 19
Edward Bagshawe "Thought Precipitation" stage version, slate is covered and put on a stand, a ribbon moves up from under the cover by itself and is then shown to be in the configuration of a previously chosen design of a set of design cards
Inspired by 1924 84
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das zweite Gesicht. No. 7, seven words or questions are written down and sealed in seven numbered envelopes
1926 29
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mit Röntgen-Augen one of four different colored pencils is placed inside a box, divination of the color
1927 54
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Hellsehen three different colored cones, covered with thimbles and colors are divined by performer
1927 82
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die magischen Radiokarten ring, watch and coin are taken by spectators along with playing cards, performer divines who has which object, mathematical
1927 142
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Gedankenlesen Age Cards / Calculator Cards
1927 154
Oswald Rae Psycho-Analysis performer divines card and thought-of name of a spectator by holding his wrist, then spectator divines thought of card from the performer and decided upon by another spectator
1928 77
Joe Berg Telling the Time spectator sets time on a wooden clock face and covers it, performer divines time
1930 28
Joe Berg Chewing Gum Vibrations spectator chooses one of five chewing gums, performer divines it, aroma is identified from spectator's hand
1930 28
Tom Sellers Oriental Ashes assistant names color of burnt paper ashes, coding
1931 17
Stuart Robson Mental Coloring Telepathy in Silk six handkerchiefs, one is selected, medium enters room and knows which one
1931 49
Theodore Annemann The Color-Tell Billiard Balls several different colored balls, one is placed in a box and held by performer behind back, he divines the color
1931 51
Theodore Annemann Jimmy Valentine Opens a Safe performer cracks the code of a safe where his assistant is locked
1931 61
Tom Sellers Spook Pencils four pencils of different color, spectator writes with one of them and performer knows which color has been used
1931 5
Lu Brent A Test for Cigarettes Blindfolded magician able to tell which cigarette was selected apparently by its smoke
Related to 1932 33
Lu Brent A Test for Cigarettes Method No. 2 Same effect, different type of coding system
Related to 1932 35
Tom Sellers Pin Divination spectator pushes pin in any cigarette in a box and turns it over, cigarette found by performer
1933 5
Tom Sellers An Amazing Dictionary Feat word selected as performer is out of the room is divined by him, secret message inside pencil
1933 13
Apple, Egg and Orange spectators take objects and a number of cards each according to rules, performer then knows who has which object
1933 8
Paul Rosini The Mystery of the Blackboard information written on blackboard is divined blindfolded, see name index for attribution
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Stuart Robson Horrors!!! binary coded cards, word divined, see page 164 for comment by William Larsen and page 172 for improvement by L. Vosburgh Lyons
Also published here 1935
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Fred DeMuth A Divination with Matches number of remaining matches divined, see page 99 for improvement by Herbert R. Hood
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 11)
Tom Sellers Novel Telepathy medium divines things in boxes, one ahead
1935 18
Theodore Annemann The Telephone Drama name and telephone number are divined
Variations 1935 7
Theodore Annemann Telepathy Plus written question and name are divined ends with a picture duplication
Related toVariations 1935 13
Theodore Annemann The Mirror Reflector peeking a drawing on a slate while covering it with a handkerchief
1935 20
Theodore Annemann Pencil Reading method and two routines, divination of a calculation and spectator and performer always write the same number down
Related to 1935 23
Theodore Annemann Greta Annemann's Eyes of the Unknown writing of three face down cards is revealed in darkness
Variations 1935 8
Theodore Annemann The Impromptu Mind Reader center tear
1935 14
Fortune Telling Trick No. 21, spectator writes a question on a small card and seals it in an envelope, spectator does some cutting procedure with cards and those are used to divine the question
1935 23
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant A Trick From a Little Shot spectator puts a combination of black and white shots/pearls in a (bottomless) container, performer divines the content
1935 30
Bertram Adams The Krazy Kode word from text selected with role of dice, use of progressive anagrams
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 31)
Theodore Annemann, Percy Naldrett The Phantom Artist celebrity chosen, large paper sheet is folded and cut, silhouette of chosen person is seen
Related toAlso published here 1937
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Oscar Weigle Alias Divination several spectators write names on slips which are later correctly assigned, one of the names divined as well
1937 11
Robert Parrish Strange Interlude words from magazine and dead name divined, subtle impression device use
1937 15
A Match Divination number of matches in matchbook divined after tearing some out and adding digits
1937 88
Dr. Edward G. Ervin One Man Blackboard Test dead person is written on a billet and burnt, name is divined
Inspired byAlso published here 1937 29
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Billet Test dead person is written on a billet and burnt, name is divined
Variations 1937 31
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Telling the Time on a Watch time on wrapped watch divined
1937 53
Theodore Annemann Mental Mysteries With Bills three bills folded and put in handkerchief, one is selected and the serial number is divined, the Accessory
Related to 1937 56
James G. Thompson Jr. Who Killed Mr. X? written name is divined with story presentation
Also published here Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
Hen Fetsch Travel Thought cities on map are thought of and written on paper, divined by medium in the dark, carbon paper
Also published here Dec. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 51)
Tom Sellers An Old Trick Simplified three spectator select a color disc and an amount of business cards, all is divined
1939 20
Theodore Annemann Mental Dollars three bills folded and put in handkerchief, one is selected and the serial number is divined, the Accessory
Related to 1939 10
Bob Weill Corker three corks with names of drinks on them, one is selected and performer divines drink while holding cork behind back
June 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Frank Kelly A Telepathic Experiment number and geometric design divined
1939 116
Stewart James Pin Divination orientation of pin in closed container divined
Also published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 75)
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart The Spectre Slate chosen object is divined, with slate, hard and soft chalk
May 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Joseph Ovette Slate Message Reading three pieces of information are written on a slate and divined by performer
1940 24
Eddie Joseph Mystic Rectical picture cards with different symbols and letters on the back, alphabet is called and cards touched, last card is chosen symbol, repeated with more cards
1940 ca. 1
Tom Sellers Telepathy Simplified spectator writes something on a piece of paper and later burns it, the content is divined
1941 11
Tapping Table Objects spectator thinks of one of seven objects, performer taps them while spectator spells silently, at end of word performer taps thought-of object
Also published here 1941 12
Dr. Stanley Jaks Duplex performer divines name written on billet, switch with thumb tip
Aug. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Lloyd W. Chambers L-W-C Telepathy three objects are divided between three spectators, magician knows who has what, stooge codes using pencil’s position on table
1941 1
Lloyd W. Chambers Impossible Spirit Test with lights off, magician divines names written on cards sealed in envelopes
1941 13
Al Baker The Celebrity Feat stooge codes celebrity name with playing cards
Also published here 1941 100
Al Baker The Polish Psychic number coded through name over phone
Also published here 1941 101
Paul Curry Smoke Signals card and word written on billets, then burnt and divined
Also published here 1941 9
Paul Curry Pay-Off bill folded and put in envelope, serial number is divined
Also published here 1941 17
L. Vosburgh Lyons Call It A Puzzle six discs with a different sign on each side are thrown and turned over while spelling a word, then one disc is hidden and performer turns back, he reveals which side is up on the hidden disc
Related toVariations May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
James G. Thompson Jr. Blackout Magic writing of three face down cards is revealed in darkness
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
James G. Thompson Jr. Builder-Upper revelation of a writing, luminous paint
Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
Eddie Joseph The Masked Helper blindfolded spectator takes coins one by one, performer divines dates, one ahead, with gag sequence in which spectator holds on to dummy wax hand without knowing
1942 63
Eddie Joseph The Writing on the Wall card chosen and some personal information written on paper, card reverses and information divined, impression with daub
1942 69
Martin Gardner Are You Psychic? performer and spectator each write down three words from a list of ten words, they match
Also published here 1943
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1943)
Walter B. Gibson 91¢ Miracle three spectators select a different color envelope each and can than put one coin out of five in it, when performer turns over and sees the remaining two, he knows who chose which coin
Related to Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 44)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Key Chart to the 91¢ Miracle
Related to Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 48)
James G. Thompson Jr. Duo-Finale three spectators think of something, write it down and seal their thought in an envelope, performer divines all three
Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 51)
Ronald B. Edwards Travel Thought two cities are divined, with cards and a map, mutus nomen principle
Dec. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 74)
John Mulholland Wrong Way for the Answer spectator memorizes serial number of one of five bills, all five are placed in magician’s pocket and he is able to remove the four bills the spectator is not thinking of
1944 66
John Mulholland A Matter of Luck discs, each showing a different word on them, are mixed and spectator chooses one, they are mixed up in hat, magician can blindly pick out correct one
1944 82
Theodore Annemann, Percy Naldrett The Phantom Artist celebrity chosen, large paper sheet is folded and cut, silhouette of chosen person is seen
Also published here 1944 116
Hen Fetsch Travel Thought cities on map are thought of and written on paper, divined by medium in the dark, carbon paper
Also published here 1944 118
Stuart Robson Horrors! binary coded cards, word divined
Also published here 1944 125
Stewart James Black Pin Idea orientation of pin in closed container divined
Also published here 1944 127
Bertram Adams The Krazy Kode word from text selected with role of dice, use of progressive anagrams
Also published here 1944 131
Fred DeMuth A Divination with Matches number of remaining matches divined
Also published here 1944 132
James G. Thompson Jr. Who Killed Mr. X written name is divined with story presentation
Also published here 1944 162
Theodore Annemann, Paul Rosini The Mystery of the Blackboard information written on blackboard is divined blindfolded, see Jinx for attribution
Also published here 1944 253
James G. Thompson Jr. Mephisto Thot medium divines things written on papers
Also published here 1944 259
Conrad H. Haden Whose Name? No. 15, assistant (or stooge) write freely chosen name on frame of slate and blindfolded performer then divines it
1944 20
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Is It Telepathy? No. 21, letter, figure and geometrical design divined by performer
1944 24
Rapid Mental Transference divination of anything written and put in envelope, slit in envelope
1945 211
Wilbur T. Kattner The Perfect Pitch Test chords are transmitted, people hold fingers on piano keys and think of the sound
1945 206
Stewart Judah Sealed Billet Reading De Luxe card, number and city written on cards which are put in sealed envelopes, all are divined
1945 8
Fredric Kolb Dead Name Duplication name is written on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer does the same, and they match
Related to 1945 10
Dr. H. Walter Grote Telepathy vs. Coincidence thought of card and unknown selected card is divined, written on paper
1945 11
Jack Vosburgh Colorvoyance shape or number is written down with one of three colors, both is divined
1945 25
Dr. Edward G. Ervin One Man Blackboard Test dead person is written on a billet and burnt, name is divined
Also published here 1945 28
Harlan Tarbell Postal Inspection card is placed in envelope and divined, peek envelope
Also published here 1945 30
Al O'Hagan Frame Of Mind empty frame, person is written on paper and divined, powder and glass impression device
1945 31
Dr. H. Walter Grote Try This On Your Piano on a piano
Inspired by 1945 32
R. N. Lee Dictionary Diabolism word from dictionary is written on a card and divined
Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 77)
Don Medley This Is It! reading mind over phone, see Back Room #96 for correction
Related toVariations Oct. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 94)
Albert Cohn Mental Marvels with general comments on mentalism, two numbers thought of and divined (psychological forces), last number or word always is right
Related to Dec. 1945 171
Bob Hummer The 'snappy' Thirteen Cent Trick two nickels and three pennies, spectator can turn one sort of coins over while performer's back is turned, revelation of which coins are turned over
Also published here 1945 1
Bob Hummer The Moon Die Mystery number from one to six is thought of, three sides of a die are shown to spectator and he is asked if he sees his number, repeated three times and number is divined, without performer ever looking at the dice
Also published here 1945 2
Milbourne Christopher The Action Test actions written on slips, action of unknown chosen slip is performed by magician
Apr. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor Billet Catching thought divination
Nov. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 139)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Devious Digits serial numbers from bills are put together and multiplied with a number (selected playing card), medium on phone divines total
1947 5
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Pennies, Nickels and Dimes two spectators remove a handful of coins from a bag with pennies, nickels and dimes, performer divines the exact amount of each
1947 18
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Date Divination assistant collects several different coins in an envelope, all dates are divined, clever subtlety
1947 32
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Tests in a Gold Fish Bowl fifteen spectators write a simple task on a paper, seal it in envelope and sign it, envelopes are selected and names read aloud, performer does the tasks
1947 38
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Behind the Eight Ball several spectators draw a colored ball from a box and spectator divines them, electronic box
1947 66
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Crime Doctor several spectators select a crime and write it down, performer divines all
1947 69
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Telepathy with Your Favorite Stars photograph of a celebrity is selected and hidden in a box, performer divines the celebrity by drawing him, electrical method
1947 77
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Open Window divination of a city, written on paper and sealed in envelope
1947 90
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Written Messages several thoughts are divined, sealed in envelopes
1947 92
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Better Than Rabbits spectators initial billets, on which they wrote song and book titles, performer divines all
1947 94
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Holding the Bag thought written on a billet and sealed in envelope is divined
1947 96
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Impressions that Stick thought divination
1947 98
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley No Privacy in a Gold Fish Bowl multiple thought revelation, written on billets in fish bowl
1947 101
Bob Hummer Instruction Sheet for Improved It's Murder with rotatable disk, spectator selects murder and victim while performer's back is turned, both are divined
Related to 1947 1
C. L. Boarde Living and Dead - Variation B with revelation of name
1947 79
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation D number, word and simple design
1947 85
C. L. Boarde Dead Name Duplication - Variation A divination of name written on billet
1947 86
C. L. Boarde Dead Name Duplication - Variation B duplication with pocket writing, divination of name on billet
1947 87
C. L. Boarde Dead Name Duplication - Variation C divination of name, spectator writes name down after performer
1947 87
C. L. Boarde Dead Name Duplication - Variation D divination of name on billet
1947 88
C. L. Boarde Telephone Tests - Variation A person called, performer divines name, using billets and telephone book
1947 91
George G. Kaplan The Trance Quick-and-Dead Test living and dead test with divination of name, torn edge marking
1948 200
George G. Kaplan A Capitol Problem spectator writes name on business card which is put between two others and then in an envelope, performer divines name, hole in card for glimpse
1948 204
George G. Kaplan The Three-Billet Test No. 3 three different categories
Variations 1948 226
James G. Thompson Jr. Pocket Seance blank cards, name is divined and message appears
May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 150)
Wallace Lee Spelling Thoughts divination of thought object in the room, performer points to things while spectator has to spell his object
Oct. 1948 474
Don Tanner One in Five five design cards chosen, then one of those chosen, assistant comes from other room and knows which one, code via position of match in match book
Oct. 1948 12
Bob Somerfeld Unsigned - Sealed - Delivered spectator sends design by mail, inspired by Annemann's "Cat Card" (?)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Bob Somerfeld Thumb Fun duplication of letters, drawing and figures, with slates
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
John A. M. Howie Eyes Right spectator writes his name on a paper and balls it up, performer divines name but written reversed and when the paper is opened the spectator's name is also reversed with his handwriting
Related to July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 182)
George B. Anderson "Easy Money" Mindreading matchbook and carbon paper
Variations 1949 9
George B. Anderson Torn Center Deluxe apparently failing, spectator has to write the word again, almost the same as Somerfeld's idea
Related toVariations 1949 11
George B. Anderson The "Truth or Consequences" Prediction comedy routine, prediction what spectator A does to spectator B, and performer knows their names
1949 29
The Whispering Queen Queen of Hearts whispers to you identity of person who was secretly chosen by audience when you left the room
1949 15
Paul Morris Shame On You! - Telepathy Or?? divination of object, touched by spectator while performer looks away
Jan. 1949 500
U. F. Grant Coin-Ception three coins taped onto cardboard by spectator, put in envelope and then thumb tacked on wall, performer divines order of coins, gravity/balance
Jan. 1949 6
Don Tanner The Dead Return spectator writes question on card which is put in envelope, envelope burns in a flash and question is now on other side of envelope
Apr. 1949 11
Cliff Lesta Smoke Rays Handling
Inspired by June/July 1949 13
Don Tanner Triple Threat spectator writes current time, bill number and city on a board, blindfolded performer divines all, assistant at back of room writes same info on large slate (good luck)
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Eddie Joseph Thought Interception (or Starology) chosen word or object is divined, among several objects one is chosen and on a chart with different letters spectator has to check in which column first letter of his object appears (binary method), several variations
  • Close-Up Presentation "A"
  • Close-Up Presentation "B"
  • Close-Up Presentation "C"
  • Close-Up Presentation "D"
  • Close-Up Presentation "E"
  • Club Presentation
  • Stage Presentation
  • Two Person Presentation
  • Additional Effects
  • "Think of your Age"
1949 1
Ein magisches Silversterdiner nine cards with names of different food, chosen one is divined, picture stack type
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Harris Solomon Solomon's Minds in envelope, psychology of the divination
Mar. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 198)
Milbourne Christopher In the Crystal divination of written number
Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Bob Somerfeld The Sands of Time sand of different colors, chosen one is divined
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Hen Fetsch Simulacrum spectator pushes needle through doll, performer knows where, voodoo
Related to Aug. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 236)
Hen Fetsch Date Man Duplication day on calendar sheet is encircled, divination
Related toVariations Sep. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 238)
Bill Pugley Bill Pugley's Sight! peek method with index cards, stack with a hole
Oct. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 240)
Bob Somerfeld Ripping! envelopes with items inside, selection with back turned is divined, sound reading
Related toVariations 1951 1
Bob Somerfeld Centear movie presentation, ruse for tearing the paper
Related to 1951 6
Bob Somerfeld My Word! ABC cards, spectator takes four and has to form a word, word is divined
1951 14
Ormond McGill Mental Impulse spectator sit in a circle one is touched on the forehead, performer knows which one, non-contact mindreading
1951 19
Ormond McGill Transmitting Images of Playing Cards spectator look at a card and transmit it to the performer, who tries to guess it several times, no trick, esoteric
1951 20
Ormond McGill A Theatrical Mindreading Act divination of an ESP sign and start of Q&A act by getting a spectator's full name with just having the initials
1951 17
Fred Fletcher The Circle or Pass the Cards ten people are standing in a circle, all are holding a playing card and while performer looks away, spectators can pass their cards along, divination of how many passes
Feb. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 248)
Gerald Kosky Under-Hand Coin spectator puts some coins on the table and starts turning them over one by one then one coin is hidden and performer turns back, he reveals which side is up on the hidden coin
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 260)
Edward Clinkscale, Franklin V. Taylor Extra Sensory Prestidigitation three phase ESP routine, matching with ESP signs drawn on pieces of paper, mind reading of one as climax
Aug. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 262)
Milton Tropp A Coin Tipp simplified version of Under-Hand Coin
Inspired by Sep. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 264)
Ray Hyman Concepts Never Die center tear handling
Variations Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 266)
Milbourne Christopher Guided Thoughts two lists with rivers, performer and spectator mark all but one wit an X
1952 3
Bob Somerfeld On Second Thought spectator named dead person before the show, later envelope with dead name is found by performer and name divined
Related to 1952 5
Eddie Joseph The Calling Cards business cards with names and letters written on them, chosen one is divined
1952 29
Bob Hummer Politicians Puzzle 6x6 checkerboard, three checkers put on three D's for Democrats or three R's for Republican, spectator can spell a word with the three checkers, moving them for each letter, back is turned and politicians can be divined
Also published here 1952 (ca.) 1
Bob Hummer Mom and Pop Puzzle six checkers on a checkerboard, mom and pop are spelled several times, when performer turns over last spelled word is divined
Also published here 1952 (ca.) 2
Milbourne Christopher Bases Loaded selected name of a vip is divined, performer writes names on billets and one is selected, see also p. 1115 for ideas by Vin Carey
Jan. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 273)
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #3 performer blindfolded, spectator writes things on blackboard which are divined, sound reading
Mar. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 276)
Aage Darling A Thriller different colored cards with several words on it, spectator thinks of a word and puts all cards down, where the word does not appear, performer divines the word by reading from a crime novel, last word is the thought of
1953 16
Aage Darling Pin Up Girl Test five men select a picture of a girl and put them in envelopes, medium divines who chose which picture
1953 22
Jack Yates Clip Line newspaper clipping, some lines from top and bottom are cut away and the cross total of the remaining lines leads to a line which is divined
Related to 1954 7
Jack Yates Perfected Publicity word from publicity sheet is divined, extended anagram
1954 14
Jack Yates Astral Digit after some easy arithmetics, spectator and performer have the same number written on a slate
1954 17
Jack Yates Object in Mind divination of one of three objects, mathematical principle
1954 25
Milbourne Christopher Special Delivery several names of the members of the audience are noted, one is selected and put in envelope, performer hands envelope to owner
1954 8
Milbourne Christopher Bill Larsen's Problem numbers from one to ten on big cards, performer removes the one a spectator is thinking of
1954 13
Dr. Stanley Jaks Taped selected objects, one selected and put in a pill box which is attached to an index card with scotch tape, object is divined
Also published here Mar. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 303)
George Sands An Oddity paper slips with numbers on each side are arranged by the spectator, see 2022 reference for credit information
Related toAlso published here July 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 312)
Eddie Joseph Sensitive Touch three marked cigarettes placed in handkerchief bag, performer divines cigarettes by touch and gives them back to owner
1954 14
Eddie Joseph Individualism borrowed business cards are divined under table
1954 21
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein Hellsehtrick famous people are named and written on pieces of paper by performer, one is selected and divined
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 5)
Gene "Phantini" Grant A Miracle Mental Routine messages in envelopes reading routine, drawing duplication as climax, blindfolded
1955 1
Gene "Phantini" Grant Million Dollar Sealed Message Test
1955 8
Gene "Phantini" Grant Mental Music performer divines thought of song
1955 9
Gene "Phantini" Grant Miracrypto several object are laid out, thought of is divined
Related to 1955 20
Leslie P. Guest NeCRomancy white carbon paper
The New Phoenix (Issue 328)
Fitch Cheney Magic Montes divination of a chosen card, cards with months written on it
Dec. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 334)
Bob Hummer D-D-D Dial A Date Deal two rows of eight cards are dealt on the table, some face up and some face down, spectator selects a name on a sheet and turns cards over corresponding to the number next to the name, performer's back is turned and when he looks at cards name can be divined
Related to 1955 (ca.) 1
Allessandro Divine Touch twelve Reader's Digit magazines, month divined behind back
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Jack Yates Thoughts Direct medium reads mind of spectator
Related to 1956 13
Jack Yates Operator Calling cards with names and telephone numbers, medium divines several numbers
1956 21
Walter B. Gibson Clip Color four different colored cards are cut into different amount of pieces and sealed in envelopes, chosen color is spelled and found
Also published here 1956 200
James G. Thompson Jr. Two Minds Get Together several things written on business cards are divined by performer, living and dead test
Also published here 1956 37
The Nine Mystery coins placed in a Q shape, spectator counts clockwise and anticlockwise, predict the endpoint of the count
VariationsAlso published here 1956 59
Bob Hummer Hummer's Checker Trick Spectator moves three checker pieces around on the board via spelling, magician can divine the starting positions of the checker pieces
1956 62
Bob Hummer Hummer's Three-object Divination Three objects switched around, spectator then thinks of one and switches the other two, magician can divine thought of object (Mathematical 3 card monte 1951)
Variations 1956 63
Jack Yates Yates' Four-Object Divination three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Inspired byAlso published here 1956 66
Franz Holl Der Spiegel als Hellseher three spectators select object while performer is outsider, divination of each, using playing cards
Also published here
  • in "Aladin"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Lane Bateman Arizona Quickie Mental Routine 20 pictures cards, some are selected and divined, code using assitant
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Allessandro Color Divination wooden dowels with different colors, colors are divined behind back
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Don Tanner, John Murray Street Guide Test with street guide booklet, thought written on piece of paper and wrapped up in book
Apr. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 344)
Tony Corinda (1) "Get-outs Gallore" written word is divined, with outs
1958 33
Tony Corinda (2) Reconstructed Evidence a thought of shape is drawn by a selected color, both are divined, blindfolded
1958 36
Tony Corinda (3) The Whispering Buddha revealing facts of a person, that were whispered to a Buddha statue
Related to 1958 37
Tony Corinda (2) Paranormal Precognition one of five symbols is drawn on a blackboard and divined by the spectator
1958 41
Tony Corinda (1) Sujan Location colored card is divined
1958 43
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Note Under Cups three cups, bill hidden under one and the cups exchanges after a pattern
Inspired by 1958 140
Tony Corinda (4) A Gem of Mental Magic blindfold and center tear
1958 149
William P. Miesel Vacation Time imaginary trip
July 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 10)
Dr. Spencer Thornton Thorntonism people write information on different billets, selected one is divined, method to switch billets with a magazine
1958 1
Dr. Spencer Thornton Transmission by Contact divination of drawing, slate
1958 25
James Torry Slated for Action ideas with children's toy called Magic Slate
  • ESP Revelation
  • Before Your Eyes
  • Suggestions
Related to 1958
The New Phoenix (Issue 348)
Werner Krämer-Orlano Mentalzeichen cards with symbols and colors and box with two wheels with same attributes, wheels are turned to select card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 5)
Tony Corinda (2) The Centre Tear (Corinda Variation) in depth instruction
1959 166
Tony Corinda (1) The Lady is a Mindreader medium gets thought of card, date on a coin and date of birth
1959 263
Tony Corinda (7) The Third Man two telephone books, with medium
1959 268
Tony Corinda (27) Cryptopsychism medium reveals word, code
1959 298
LaVerne Duvall Four Count Telepathy three spectators write different things on a paper and seal them in an envelope, while performer is not in the room, when he returns he divines the content and the spectators who wrote it
Related to 1959 13
Ernest LePell Mental Pad Idea price tag idea for Nelson's Mental Pads
1959 18
Robert A. Nelson Fortune Telling by Cards with gypsy fortune telling cards, card is divined
1959 30
Robert A. Nelson Publicity Feature object put in safe are described
1959 33
Sydney Bergson Psychiatrix comedy drawings, stack some are selected and divined
Inspired by
  • Roger Price's Droodles
1959 33
Jack Yates Vier Gegenstände three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Fredric Kolb Dead Name Duplikation name is written on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer does the same, and they match, simplified from original 1945 publication
Related to 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Cyro Brighton Think of a City several cities are written on a slate, one thought of and performer divines it by marking an X next to it, moving part
1960 60
Len Belcher Radiopathy writing duplication on slates by medium, slates in bags
1960 62
Tom Sellers One Ahead Number Effect five spectators write a number and their initials on cards, cards are put in a box performer divines all
1960 67
Corvello Caught Thoughts thought is divined, written on cigarette paper, carbon in cigarette box
1960 75
Gerry Findler Those Mystic Signs Again eighteen signs, with easy number mnemonics
1960 95
Howard A. Adams Gruesome name chosen from list is divined
Variations Dec. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 352)
Harlan Tarbell Postal Inspektion card is placed in envelope and divined, peek envelope
Also published here 1960
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Lane Bateman Some Ideas on Tricks on Ultissimo and Loki's Locket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Robert A. Nelson Life Savers with an ESP Flavor bag with different flavored Life Savor candies, spectator takes one and eats it, performer divines taste
1961 11
Robert A. Nelson Nelson's Notes brand of cigarette is divined
1961 11
Fredric Kolb Business Card Telepathy symbols drawn on business cards, selected one is divined
1961 15
The Amazing Maurice Mental Currency one of four bills is put in an envelope, performer divines which, olfactory method
1961 17
The Amazing Maurice Maurice's Handy Andy impression method with envelopes and a note pad, carbon paper
Related to 1961 20