111 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Cards / Pocket or Envelope Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jumping Card from Deck card sleeve with rubber band in deck, rubber band locked until needed, then card jumps out
June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gleiche Gedanken (Zweite Ausführung) two selections shuffled back, performer locates first card from another deck in his pocket, it changes into second selection which is given away
Also published here 1910 178
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Pocket Card for Transformation
1910 178
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Das unlösbare Impromptu ring to inside playing card which was torn and restored before
Also published here 1910 181
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der verschwundene König card vanishes in deck, then rises (= is pulled from) from behind another single card
Also published here 1910 186
Charles T. Jordan Joker Monte No. 6, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find Joker
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1920 13
Charles T. Jordan Optical Monte Move Variation with three cards and a gaff
Also published here 1920 14
Edward Bagshawe The "Decepta" Three Card Trick with a hinged card, jumbo cards
Related to 1924 27
C. R. Mawe "Like Mawe Makes" fake corners for cards, two card transform in two envelopes
Mar. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Interessantes Kartenentdecken finding card behind back. envelope card made from two cards and tape
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Crocker Xkwizit! two hinged cards in deck to keep cards together while shuffled freely
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 117)
Eddie Joseph Drunk or Sober? card travels, monte them, one card ends up on chair
1940 ca. 16
George Armstrong Avatara borrowed deck, card is selected one is thought of, selected is burnt, and the other card vanishes from borrowed deck, both appear in a nest of envelopes in the performer's wallet held by spectator
Oct. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 93)
Dr. William Weyeneth La carte dans la pomme de terre miniature card of freely chosen selection is found in potato, followed by german translation "Die Karte in der Kartoffel"
Jan. 1947 2
Eugene Gloye Vanishing Lady sucker trick, jumbo card in envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
John Gannaway Personalized Multipurpose Envelope Cards one of three cards transforms into other card with different back, special envelope cards handling
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Tom Sellers An Unusual Prediction prediction of a card and a town
1960 54
Peter Kane Finn Change card to bill, pocket card
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Edward G. Brown The Diminishing Cards
1973 99
Karl Fulves Second Method billet switch with gaffed playing cards
1974 49
Bob Driebeek Bob Driebeek On The 'Witchdoctors' with a pocket card for the small cards, second idea with magnet cards
Related to Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Jack Avis The Wishing Envelope gimmick envelope, including three routines with it
  • The Wishing Envelope
  • The Jokers Wild
  • Transposed Marlo Reverse
Also published here Oct. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Peter Kane Fiver! selection to pocket, then changes into bill
Related to 1975 1
Peter Kane, Edward Marlo The Sentimental Swiss Signature Switch two cards signed on stickers on face by spectators, signatures transpose
Inspired by 1975 24
Jan Torell Trick with 3 Giant Cards three jumbo cards, silk is produced and back of one card changes color
1975 16
Charles T. Jordan The Poker Shark - Method #1 performer's hand transforms repeatedly to beat the other players, gaffed
Also published here 1975 166
Charles T. Jordan Joker Monte three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find Joker
Also published here 1975 177
Charles T. Jordan Optical Monte Move Variation with three cards and a gaff
Also published here 1975 178
Peter Duffie, Roy Walton Canibal Land
July 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Paul Curry, Terry Morgan Simply Miraculous corner is torn from card, card vanishes from deck and appears in envelope, gimmick for switching corners, pocket card
1977 1
Karl Fulves Final Red Notes notes on "Color Quik" and using two cards stuck together with tape hinge
1980 16
Lewis Ganson Three Card Fooler corner pocket
1980 31
Ravelle, Andree Two Blacks-One Red extra card in pocket card
1980 32
Rovi Are You Colour Blind? two cards taped together, used like a pocket card
Related to 1980 6
Jean Merlin Zündhölzer, Karten und Geldschein spectator reverses card behind back, it matches prediction, card torn up and burned except one piece, another card changes into bill, in wallet are the matches and in match book the restored card
VariationsAlso published here
  • Genii, Sep. 1974
Mar. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Wayne Dobson Tunnel Vision Queen between Jokers is paper clipped and changes into Joker
Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Ron Massey Influence one of six playing cards is selected, when lifted up a piece of paper is under it as a prediction
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Roger Curzon Deathtrap
Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Stephen Tucker Bad Backs cards turn blank and are found folded in miniature card case, duplicates
June 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 26)
"Magic" Christian Stelzel, Frank Gordon Christian's 4 Ace Matrix with two Jumbo cards
1983 36
Charles T. Jordan Joker Monte three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find Joker
Also published here 1983 11
Ellis Stanyon Elusive Joker
Related to 1983 14
Karl Fulves Sub Trap two cards, third card underneath, it is instantly between the other two cards, partial envelope card
Inspired byVariations 1983 16
Karl Fulves Trapped While You Watch variant handling
Inspired by 1983 18
Karl Fulves Experimental Submarines different gaff idea
Related to 1983 35
David Britland June - The Second Effect two cards with narrow open slits, signed chosen card sandwiched and penetrated with other card
Inspired by 1984 6
Jack Yates Winston prediction in envelope, card touched and put on bottom of ribbon spread
1986 24
Gaëtan Bloom The Card on the Human Wall deck thrown on a styrofoam board hung on spectator's back as a human wall, selected card is left stuck on wall. Card then changes into second selection
1986 6
Karl Fulves Undercover pocket card, "high card wins" presentation
Inspired by 1989 30
Karl Fulves The Gathering No. 83, coin travels from under one playing card to another
1989 117
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition II card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 4
Sveroni Der radfahrende Joker und die Münze joker on card vanishes, then complete card, then a card shrinks and a coin transforms into a jumbo coin
1991 37
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition II card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Also published here 1991 2
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1992 127
Credit Card Repeat with pocket cards and paper credit cards
1992 16
Steve Dusheck Me Three monte, winning card changes and is removed from pocket
1992 113
Peter Kane Fiver! selection to pocket, then changes into bill, pocket card
Also published here 1992 5
Peter Kane Kane's Patent Card Finda special odd-backed card made from two hinged cards in deck, selection is found inside it, faro
Inspired by 1992 14
Peter Kane The Amex Aces 2&2 mini oil and water routine with Aces, then one Ace changes into a bill and the other in a credit card
1992 16
Charles T. Jordan Joker Monte No. 81, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find Joker
Also published here 1992 101
Charles T. Jordan Optical Monte Move Variation with three cards and a gaff
Also published here 1992 101
Karl Fulves "Joker Monte" Notes No. 82, different gimmick with two cards taped together
Inspired by 1992 102
Charles T. Jordan Poker Shark II No. 189, performer's hand transforms repeatedly to beat the other players, gaffed
Also published here 1992 226
Dave Campbell Duplicity signed card vanishes from small packet and reappears under jumbo card, repeat, then small packet transforms into duplicates of selection
Also published here Jan. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Steve Dusheck Six Easy Pieces one of six puzzle pieces chosen, it's the one missing
1993 64
Jim Steinmeyer Smaller and Smaller
  • Conjuring
Feb. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Alexander de Cova Triple Transposition two card transposition with one card in wallet, repeat, then card becomes bill, in wallet are matches and in matchbox the folded card
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 53
Alexander de Cova Triple Transposition two card transposition with one card in wallet, repeat, then card becomes bill, in wallet are matches and in matchbox the folded card
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 28
John Carney Method Four with deck in hand
Also published here 1995 7
Tommy Wonder, Crocker Xkwizit - Card Hold-Out in Deck to keep some gaffed cards together in deck
Related to 1996 127
Baltazar Fuentes Fuentes Gaff hollow card from which a step-gaff à la Fan-2-See slides out to simulate a four-of-a-kind
1996 23
Bob Driebeek Acrobatic Monte using diagonal flap card
Inspired by 1996 49
Peter Duffie, Charles T. Jordan, Dick Zimmerman Jumbo Jeopardy signed jumbo card torn into quarters, one quarter under wallet, other quarters put under other jumbo cards on table, those vanish and card is restored under wallet
1996 4
Karl Fulves Red Moon card second from top in hand, covered with handkerchief, movement, card now on top, gimmick with two hinged cards
1997 27
Karl Fulves Optikal Illusion three-card fan, in mirror only two cards are seen but simultaneously three from back
1997 97
Richard Bartram, Jr. Queen's Sore Ear four cards travel under Jumbo card
Inspired by 1997 15
Peter Warlock Mentasma hinged envelope cards, red/blue double backer
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 7)
Jack Avis Wishing Envelope small envelope with one corner cut off, card inserted, a "corner shell" simulates another card being in it, followed by three applications
Also published here 1998 127
Jack Avis The Wishing Envelope two cards chosen, indifferent card put in envelope that has a corner cut off, it changes into one selection, then into the other
1998 129
Jack Avis The Dissected Joker card put into envelope that has a corner cut off, card and envelope cut into quarters, it transposes with another card, using "Wishing Envelope"
1998 129
Jack Avis Transposed Marlo Reverse card turns over in envelope that has a corner cut off, changes into selection, using "Wishing Envelope"
1998 130
Ellis Stanyon The "Portfolio" Card No. 25, two cards hinged together, selections put between them, spectator can shuffle
Related to 1999 15
Ellis Stanyon Got 'Em All Beat No. 23, two selected cards fairly shuffled back by spectator, yet found behind back, two cards hinged together, selections put between them
Related toVariations 1999 169
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on the hinged pocket card, also for vanishing a card
Inspired by 1999 169
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Card Appears Between Two Others on a Thread No. 41
1999 182
Karl Fulves Vampire Slayer Ace of Spades with paper clip is used to turn Four of Hearts over on table, Four of Hearts now is duplicate Ace of Spades with another clip on, with alternate gaff
2000 169
Jeff Sheridan Tearing Up DeLand card chosen, it is torn up and quarters placed in center of deck, deck is spread and card is seen restored
Variations Mar. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 3)
Don England d/Warp unfolded Card is pushed through the pack
2001 119
Iain Moran A Colourful Triumph color changing deck climax, two cards taped together, used like a pocket card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Oct. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Pocket Card for Transformation
2002 129
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Insoluble Impromptu ring to inside playing card which was torn and restored before
Also published here 2002 131
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Lost, Stolen, Strayed - A King card vanishes in deck, then rises (= is pulled from) from behind another single card
Also published here 2002 137
Dave Campbell Teleportation signed card put in four-card packet of blank cards, it vanishes and appears under tabled jumbo card, repeat, then blank cards change into duplicates of selection
Also published here 2004 229
Dave Campbell Cards Through a Newspaper one cover, all cards face up
2004 317
Peter Duffie Fusion Assembly quarter pieces travel to under wallet one by one and assemble there one by one, credit information
2004 124
Iain Moran Colourful Triumph color changing deck climax, two cards taped together, used like a pocket card
Also published here 2006 37
Paul Romhany Making the Cards
2011 5
Paul Romhany Repeat with the Devil six card repeat presentation
2011 17
Paul Romhany Bunny Repeat five card repeat presentation with rabbit images
2011 23
Max Nelson Super Duper Card gaffed card that is thick, double backer and has a rising card gaff built into it
  • Thick Card
  • Double Backer
  • Rising Card
  • The Card That Selects You (selection shoots out of deck)
  • Switch-a-Roo
  • Big Bullet (card shoots out from incomplete faro condition)
2012 10
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition II card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Also published here 2013 8
Alan Shaxon Find the Lady on Stage with huge cards
Inspired by
  • an idea by Oswald Rae in Will Ayling's "Genii Presentations"
2014 144
Alexander de Cova Inner Sanctum bill travels to inside of a playing card
Inspired by 2015 89
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Also published here 2015 110
Alexander de Cova Pocket Card Variation rubber band loops around corners hold cards together
2016 33
Max Maven Thirteen at Dinner with Eugene transformation kicker
Inspired by
  • "Thirteen at Dinner" (Robert Neale, Life, Death and Other Card Tricks, 2000)
Also published here
Oct. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 10)
Max Maven Thirteen at Dinner with Eugene thirteen red cards counted, one removed, thirteen remain, repeated, all change to black cards as climax
Inspired by
  • "Thirteen at Dinner" (Robert Neale, Life, Death and Other Card Tricks)
VariationsAlso published here
2019 9
Michael Eaton Two-Card Monte Payoff variation of DeLand's Two-Card Monte, bill appears at the end
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
John Carney Method Four with deck in hand
Also published here 2022 14
David Regal David's Delivery Service
  • Material Concessions
selection appears signed in sharpie marker pen
Dec. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 12)
Mortenn Christiansen The Jumbo Five of Hearts Card Trick jumbo card as prediction, card freely chosen is matching, featuring a switch with the jumbo card, Smart-Ass selection procedure
Inspired by
  • Smart-Ass, Bill Abbott (marketed item)
2023 10