155 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Shuffle Forces
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Backs Up forcing a picture card by placing all other picture cards to bottom ("take the first picture card" after riffle shuffle)
1937 76
Hindu Shuffle Force
1937 136
Charles T. Jordan The Wonder Force forcing the first red card in riffle shuffled deck, two methods
Related toAlso published here 1937 200
Theodore Annemann The Hindu Force dropping from bottom of right hand to left hand packet
May 1939
The Jinx (Issue 56)
Hindu Force
The Jinx (Issue 88)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Hugard-Braue Stripper Force hindu shuffle & stripper deck
1941 10
Hindu Force
1942 28
Hindu Force mentioned as " The Fetsch Force"
1945 88
Arthur H. Buckley Hindu Shuffle and Cut Location
1946 77
Jean Hugard Card Magic -- Continued
  • Ninth Overhand Shuffle
  • Tenth Overhand Shuffle
  • The Lift Shuffle Force
Related to Feb. 1947 297
Lift Shuffle Force
1948 119
Hindu Shuffle Force
1948 193
Hindu Shuffle Force
1948 17
Tony Kardyro Hindu Shuffle Force bottom two cards released onto bottom half
Related to 1948 11
Hindu Shuffle Force
May 1949 12
Al Leech Hindu Force Variation hindu shuffle face up, then turning both packets over
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Al Koran Hindu Force with preliminary display face in which bottom card changes
1952 76
Hindu Shuffle Force
1953 6
Hindu Shuffle Force
1953 48
The Hindu Shuffle Force
1954 15
Tony Kardyro T. K's Hindu Shuffle Force No. 2 block dropped onto left pile when stopped
Related to 1955 17
Edward Marlo Shuffle Stop Force spectator stops during overhand shuffle, timing
1957 26
Howard Albright A Different Version of the Hindu Shuffle dropping cards from right-hand pile as cards are drawn from top so that bottom card always changes, convincer
  • To force a card from the bottom
1959 21
John S. Frazee The Shuffle Force spectator shuffles top card to bottom in small packet overhand shuffle
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Vol. 26 No. 2, April 1946, page 56
1962 33
John S. Frazee Shuffle Force principle that spectator shuffles top card to bottom in small packet overhand shuffle
1964 15
Hindu Shuffle Force
Aug. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 392)
Edward Marlo Lift Shuffle Force spectator says stop during shuffle
1968 75
Finessed Hindu Shuffle Force bottom card changes
1969 75
Ellison Poland Nu-Hold Hindu Shuffle Hindu Shuffle work from overhand shuffle position
1969 71
Hindu Shuffle Force
1969 7
Tom Hubbard Multiple Card Forces hindu shuffle force with multiple cards
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Larry Jennings Hindu Shuffle Force Variation with turning over of packets
Also published here Dec. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 43)
Hindu Shuffle Force
1972 14
Russell T. Barnhart, Harry Lorayne Two Hindu-Shuffle Forces of More Than One Card
Related to 1972 128
Edward Marlo Lift Shuffle Force spectator says stop during shuffle
Related to 1972 9
Lift Shuffle Force Handling
1972 18
Slip Shuffle Force
1973 138
Trevor H. Hall Overhand Lift Shuffle as a:
  • small packet control
  • location and control of a single card
  • a force
  • complete false shuffle
1973 28
Edward G. Brown Say Stop riffle forces and other forces, where the spectator has to say stop
1973 188
Edward G. Brown The Top Card is Used After a Shuffle
1973 194
Edward G. Brown The Use of the First Red Card, Black Card or Picture Card
1973 194
Barry Govan Banker spectator stops the performer four times during overhand shuffle, bottom cards of those packets are Aces, slip shuffle
1975 55
Charles T. Jordan The Wonder Force forcing the first red card in riffle shuffled deck, two methods
Also published here 1975 162
Overhand Hindu Shuffle Force
1976 13
Hindu Force with break
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Larry Jennings Hindu Shuffle Force for color changing deck
Also published here 1977 44
Hindu Shuffle Force
1977 9
Hindu Shuffle Force
1977 1
Harry Lorayne The Hindu-Shuffle Force
  • First Method (showing bottom card)
  • Second Method (dropping bottom card of top half when spectator says stop)
Related to 1977 76
Overhand Lift Shuffle Force
1978 6
B. Hindu-Shuffle-Force with Stripper Deck
1978 35
Hannes Höller C. Neuartige Hindu-Shuffle-Force with Stripper Deck, spectator looks at top card of shuffled pile
1978 35
D. Noch einmal Hindu with Stripper Deck, spectator looks at top card of shuffled pile
1978 36
Slip Shuffle Force retaining bottom card
1979 10
How to tell what card he sees on the bottom, when the same card is shuffled into the stock. bold force of bottom card, Richard Kaufman's transcription of Reginald Scot's card section
Related to 1979 64
Camilo Vázquez Camilo's Deceptive Four Ace Reveal hindu force handling
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 47
Hindu Shuffle Force face up
1980 8
Hindu Shuffle Display all alike, backs, and force
1980 20
Lift Shuffle Force
Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Camilo Vázquez Hindumischen mit Abziehen von unten Hindu Force variation
  • Das Verbesserte Hindu-Forcieren mit Erläuterung des Abziehens von unten
  • Das Forcieren mehrerer Karten mit Hilfe von Visitenkarten
  • Variante mit signierten Karten
  • Asse-Finden
Also published here 1981 18
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Stripper Force hindu shuffle
1982 3
Stephen Tucker Explanation of Sleights used all very brief
  • Hindu Force
  • The Glide
  • Switch of the Eraser
  • The Break
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Jon Racherbaumer Notes various notes on the material
Related to 1983 44
John Carney Hindu Force Handling
Related to 1983 27
Hindu Shuffle Force with convincer
1984 75
Hindu Shuffle Force brief
1984 5
Lift Shuffle Force
1985 1
Eric DeCamps Hindu Shuffle Force Handling
1985 23
Roberto Giobbi Hindu Shuffle Force Handling
1987 100
Overhand Shuffle Stop Force
1989 14
Force 2: Die Hind-Shuffle-Force hindu, bottom card dropped when stop is called
1989 79
John Carney Hindu Force Handling
Related to 1991 48
Bob Gill Hindu Shuffle Force Handling
Oct. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Larry Becker Slop-Psy Turvy using the Slop Shuffle to force a card, first card that is face down
1992 289
Charles T. Jordan The Wonder Force No. 100, forcing the first red card in riffle shuffled deck, two methods
Also published here 1992 125
John S. Frazee Shuffle Force spectator shuffles top card to bottom
1993 130
Doug Edwards Two Hindu-Shuffle Finesses
  • Hindu Shuffle Force Finesse
  • Hindu Shuffle Control Finesse
Also published here Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Harry Lorayne Hindu Shuffle Force Handling second card from bottom
Sep. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Charles T. Jordan, Vanni Bossi Charles Jordan's The Wonder Force forcing the first red card in riffle shuffled deck, with commentary by Vanni Bossi
Related to 1993 11
3.- El Forzaje por Mezcla Hindú hindu shuffle force, with finesse by Juan Tamariz
1993 145
Hindu Shuffle Force
1994 194
Jack Avis The Hindu Shuffle force
1994 192
The Hindu Shuffle Force
1995 158
The Magus Card spectator cuts to a card that matches a mysterious prediction
1995 166
Robert Parrish Hindu Shuffle Force Handling
1995 58
Ken Beale The V Force "Three Impromptus"
bottom card of top half is transferred to bottom half with bottom placement angle jog as it is placed offset on it
Underworld (Issue 1)
Jerry K. Hartman Delayed Hindu Shuffle Force subtle nuance added to standard Hindu Force
1995 49
Hindu Shuffle Force dropping block at "stop"
Nov. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Hindu Shuffle Force
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Curtis Kam Timing Hindu Shuffle Force not the usual bluff
1996 61
Hindu Shuffle Force
1996 40
Pick-Up Shuffle Force lift shuffle
Sep. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Larry Jennings Hindu Shuffle Force for color changing cards
1997 115
Larry Jennings Hindu Shuffle Force for color changing deck
1997 120
Hindu Shuffle Force Version
1997 2
Jack Avis Siva Hindu Force force card dragged out with left fingers
1998 42
Francis Carlyle The Mishmash Force makes use of a double-faced card (SBS)
2000 801
Hindu Shuffle Force
2000 31
John Carney Hindu Shuffle Force Handling
Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)
Doug Edwards Two Hindu Shuffle Finesses
  • Hindu Shuffle Force Finesse
  • Hindu Shuffle Control Finesse
Also published here Sep./Oct. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 3)
David Regal Hands-Off Force & Shuffle spectator shuffles piles, yet top card of deck is force card
2002 109
Overhand Shuffle Force spectator calls stop
2002 188
Camilo Vázquez The Dragon Shuffle hindu shuffle force, bottom card changes several times
2004 192
Camilo Vázquez Dragon Aces four Ace production, incorrectly described in Garcia's book
Related toAlso published here 2004 194
The Hindu Shuffle Force: Bottom Card
2004 22
The Hindu Shuffle Force: Top Card
2004 23
Ron Frost The Rondu Shuffle Force Variation on Hindu Shuffle Force, small packet
Inspired by 2004 24
Allan Ackerman Overhand Shuffle Stop Force
Also published here 2005 36
Hindu Shuffle Force
2005 17
Jack Avis Jack Avis Ideas - 2. overhand shuffle stop force, hindu force type bluff
2006 73
Jack Avis A Discourse on a Force Procedure lift shuffle force
2006 158
Jack Avis Thoughts on my Hindu Force Variation forcing multiple cards
2006 161
Doug Edwards Two Hindu Shuffle Finesses
  • Hindu Shuffle Force Finesse
  • Hindu Shuffle Control Finesse
Also published here 2006 16
Hindu Shuffle Force
2007 293
Francis Carlyle Mishmash Force
2007 90
Miguel Gómez Hindu Shuffle Force Variation forcing two cards, showing different card in between
2007 32
Die Lift Shuffle Force
2008 19
David Regal Hindu Force Finesse
2010 56
Roberto Giobbi The Lift Shuffle - A Study in the Polyvalence of a Sleight
  • Control the top stock in one shuffle
  • Control top and bottom stocks in one shuffle
  • Force one or several cards
  • Control a selected card
  • Eliminate cards that lie on top of a wanted card
  • Invert the order of individual cards on top of the deck
  • Invert the order of two groups on top of the deck
  • Bring a card from the top to a specific number
  • Key Card Placement
  • Cull one or several cards to the bottom of the deck in a single overhand shuffle
  • False shuffle the entire deck
Also published here 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue Jan 19)
Edward Marlo Lift Shuffle Force "Haymowie-Wowie Force"
Mar. 2011
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Francis Carlyle, Darwin Ortiz Mishmash Force Handling
2012 137
Hindu Shuffle Force
2013 17
Tomas Blomberg Hindu Interlock force, switch and control of a card
2014 112
Simon Aronson The Milk Load, and the Funsky Force Milk Shuffle Force (overhand), combined with subtlety Cross Cut Force
2014 14
Simon Aronson The Funsky Force Milk Shuffle Force combined with Cross Cut Force
2014 17
Marcello Truzzi, Michael Weber Double Face Force
Inspired by 2015 14
John S. Frazee The Shuffle Force spectator starts with a single run when shuffling small packet
Winter 2015
Quarterly (Issue 1)
Steve Beam Ground Control combination force and control based upon Hindu Shuffle Force
Related toAlso published here 2015 53
Alexander de Cova Verbesserte Hinduforce demonstrating first that bottom card changes
2015 216
Alexander de Cova Forciermethoden on forcing methods that can be used blindfolded
  • Hinduforce
2015 185
Roberto Giobbi The Hindu-Shuffle Force for stand-up use
  • Hindu Force from a Distance
  • Forcing Multiple Cards with a Hindu Shuffle
2016 68
Steve Beam Ground Control combination force and control based upon Hindu Shuffle Force
Also published here 2016 10
Steve Beam Ground Control combination force and control based upon Hindu Shuffle Force
Also published here 2016 8
Paul Vigil Tabled Hindu Force tabled running cut, with "top or bottom?"-decision
2017 97
Hindu Shuffle Force
2017 21
Steve Beam Ground Control combination force and control based upon Hindu Shuffle Force.
2017 44
Johnny Thompson Tabled Hindu Shuffle Force
2018 201
Harry Lorayne Much Better H-S Force Hindu Shuffle force, bottom card dropped during tapping gesture
Related to 2018 106
Hindu Shuffle Force
2019 40
Steve Beam Flash Cards hindu shuffle force, showing various different cards at the bottom of the pack first
2020 121
Bob Macey Looking Up hindu shuffle force convincer, face-up shuffle
2020 123
Bob Macey, Steve Beam 52 Proof hindu shuffle forcing a card directly after Macey's Looking Up, two methods
2020 123
Jeff Altman Hindu Shuffle Force Finesse
2020 125
Steve Beam Force Multiplier hindu shuffle force for multiple cards
Related to 2020 126
Steve Beam The Doubly Discrepant Force procedure to control and force a number of cards, using the hidnu shuffle
2020 135
John S. Frazee Shuffle Force spectator shuffles top card to bottom, with tip by Lee Asher
Output (Issue 7)
Larry Jennings Hindu Shuffle Force
2020 373
Roberto Giobbi The Lift Shuffle - A Study in the Polyvalence of a Sleight
  • Control the top stock in one shuffle
  • Control top and bottom stocks in one shuffle
  • Force one or several cards
  • Control a selected card
  • Eliminate cards that lie on top of a wanted card
  • Invert the order of individual cards on top of the deck
  • Invert the order of two groups on top of the deck
  • Bring a card from the top to a specific number
  • Key Card Placement
  • Cull one or several cards to the bottom of the deck in a single overhand shuffle
  • False shuffle the entire deck
Also published here 2021 145
Hindu Shuffle Force dropping bottom card
June 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 6)
John S. Frazee Shuffle Force spectator shuffles top card to bottom in small packet overhand shuffle
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2008
2022 791
Dai Vernon Hindu Shuffle Force
2022 21
Jon Racherbaumer Autonomously Sly
  • Exhumations
on the John S. Frazee Shuffle Force (spectator shuffles top card to bottom in small packet overhand shuffle)
Related to Mar. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 3)
John S. Frazee Shuffle Force spectator shuffles top card to bottom in small packet overhand shuffle
2023 33
Allan Ackerman Overhand Shuffle Stop Force
Also published here 2024 123
Roberto Giobbi, Martin Michalski Simplex Shuffle Force and Optional Control spectator remembers bottom card after shuffle, in-the-hands riffle shuffle glimpse
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Dec. 16)