1,560 entries in Mental Magic / Effects / Prediction / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri Decremps Sur un Vers Latin qu'on Peut Retourner de Plus de Trois Millions de Manieres, on Fait une Opération par laquelle il Semble qu'il Est Possible de Prévoir ou de Contraindre la Pensée d'autrui. "Autre Opération Mystérieuse Sur Deux Cents Mots, Dont les définitions réunies forment un logogryphe très - scientifique." (title continued)
box with latin words, words are arranged and order is divined as well as one word is predicted, with other word with bigger choice is divined with an optical box, multiple out prediction, Van Estin anecdote
1784 104
Henri Decremps Tour des trois Bijoux rendu plus simple & plus merveilleux. three objects (jewelry, watch, cigarette case) are selected by three people and all get some playing cards which are added after some rules, performer divines who has which object
1785 235
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magisches Fin de siècle one of six colors, coin, domino brick and playing card are chosen, all things predicted in envelope, mix of forces and indexes
Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Hänsel Kastner Die drei mystischen Zahlen one of three numbers thought-of and predicted or divined, index with three predictions
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVIII. Prädestination (Vorherbestimmung)
  • 1. Die Karten (prediction of chosen pile, cards can be divined, Koran type)
  • 2. Die Blumen (name of chosen flower appears on paper in sealed envelope, half forcing deck)
1903 174
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Geheimnis der Uhr. No. 11, pocket watch placed under silk, contains prediction of name, selected card and total of numbers
1926 39
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Rätselhafte Vorausbestimmung prediction in envelope, envelope switched with chair servante
1930 52
Theodore Annemann A Prophecy of the Koran multiple prediction on business cards, sealed in envelope
1931 58
Theodore Annemann An Original Faked Envelope with a Publicity Angle three compartments, election prediction application
Also published here Dec. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 15)
Theodore Annemann The Act longer routine of The Master Mind, several times cards are predicted on billets
1935 17
A Prediction Effect No. 13, two spectators choose cards and use their value to count to a celebrity in a written list, it is predicted
1935 16
Al Baker Numero! end sum also predicts name of spectator
VariationsAlso published here July 1936
The Jinx (Issue 22)
Theodore Annemann My Own Swami Test predicting anything, pocket writing
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 37)
William Larsen Boutonniere four packets of garden seeds, one is selected and some seeds poured in hand, they vanish and written on the palm is the name of the flower, as a climax the flower appears
Aug. 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Sid Lorraine Prediction method for sealed prediction envelope
Also published here Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 65)
Tom Sellers The Spirit Guide thought of number vanishes from a card, this number was predicted as well
1939 5
Tom Sellers The Winner name of racehorses in envelopes, one is predicted
1939 22
Theodore Annemann 'Number, Please' prediction of a name in a telephone book, the Accessory as a number force with counters
1939 11
Paul Scheldon Unter Magischem Zwange two piles with different amount of matches, selected one is predicted
Related to 1939
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Stewart James Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 134)
Eddie Joseph Predicting the Spots die placed in match box and rattled, number predicted
1941 20
Franklin M. Chapman Stunner No. 8 total of three rolled dice is predicted
Also published here 1941 5
Franklin M. Chapman Stunner No. 9 card with text mailed to spectator who is told to underline any word, it is predicted on another card
Also published here 1941 6
Franklin M. Chapman Stunner No. 10 date, color and city predicted, "The effect is identical with that featured by Alexander in his full evening show."
Also published here 1941 7
Theodore Annemann Forecast three people think of a word, medium writes them on separate papers, numbers them and throws them in a hat, clever one ahead routine
Related to Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 5)
Walter B. Gibson Sooth Sayer with different colored paper instead of numbered slips
Inspired by May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
George Armstrong What's On Your Mind? word from a book is predicted on a billet
July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 14)
Martin Gardner Are You Psychic? performer and spectator each write down three words from a list of ten words, they match
Also published here 1943
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1943)
Hen Fetsch Future-Hue card selected, thought of and unseen are all predicted board with three different colors
Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 33)
E.E. Hammill Websterian Wizardry prediction of a chosen word from a dictionary
Aug. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 41)
E.E. Hammill, Frank N. Dodd, John Scarne Cleromantic Chicanery page of newspaper is crumbled and page number is the prediction, three dice are stacked and the hidden numbers added
Related to Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 45)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott Gold Seal Mystery coins, objects and colors are chosen and predicted, in an envelope and the coin in a box and inside wool
Apr. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 59)
Louis Tannen Tri-Umph prediction of a number, written on paper in envelope
May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 61)
Jean Hugard, Herbert Hood Dice Production and Tricks 1. Production of a dice (with a handkerchief)
2. A mind reading trick (with a handkerchief)
3. Dipping into the future (prediction on a business card, by Herbert Hood)
Aug. 1944 64
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Der Prophet two piles with different amount of matches, selected one is predicted
Related to 1944
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Theodore Annemann News Event Prediction three compartments, election prediction application
Also published here 1944 38
Nat Scherzer A Neat Publicity Trick address chosen from different envelopes is predicted
Also published here 1944 45
Theodore Annemann My Own Swami Test predicting anything, pocket writing
Also published here 1944 145
Sid Lorraine Prediction method for sealed prediction envelope
Also published here 1944 170
Stewart James Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Also published here 1944 204
Walter Baker, Al Baker Numero! end sum also predicts name of spectator
Also published here 1944 207
Franklin M. Chapman At The Bar No. 9,
total of three rolled dice is predicted
Also published here 1944 16
Franklin M. Chapman Long Distance Telepathy No. 10, card with text mailed to spectator who is told to underline any word, it is predicted on another card
Also published here 1944 17
Franklin M. Chapman The Swami Test No. 11, date, color and city predicted, "This effect is identical with that featured by Alexander in his full evening show."
Also published here 1944 18
Conrad H. Haden You Think As I Think No. 13, named number or digit is predicted, repeated
1944 19
Conrad H. Haden A Pinch Hitter No. 14, three three-digit numbers are predicted, stooge that nail-writes them in
1944 19
Ralph W. Read Via Telephone No. 19, a prediction is made, then any person is called via telephone and the amount of money he has in his pocket is predicted, different nail writing based methods
Also published here
  • Ralph Read's instruction sheets for nail writer gimmick
1944 22
Ralph W. Read Music In The Air No. 20, musical tune predicted in envelope
Also published here
  • Ralph Read's instruction sheets for nail writer gimmick
1944 23
Grady S. Nicholson Thought Projection Test named city in envelope, multiple out
1945 326
Bruce Elliott Change! Thought! Coincidence! card selected, thought of and unseen are all predicted on three different colored cardboards
1945 38
Hen Fetsch Future Hue card selected, thought of and unseen are all predicted board with three different colors
Related to 1945 44
William Larsen Subtle Prediction Idea prediction in envelope, held by assistant
1945 49
Steve Eskow The Card Slates business card with prediction appears between two playing cards
Jan. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 76)
C. L. Boarde Prepositions word and position is predicted in a newspaper, spectator can chose publishing date
May 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 84)
Jerry Sorensen No Swami in envelope, slit
Variations Oct. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 93)
Milbourne Christopher The Name Appears names of presidents on slips of paper, put in performer's pocket, one chosen and burnt, ashes rubbed on cigarette, name appears
Dec. 1945 172
Edw. C. Jochens One, Two, Three prediction of one out of three, in envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Ronald B. Edwards Box Fight Prediction with bill tube
Oct. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 113)
George B. Anderson Words and Music prediction of a selected music record
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Bruce Elliott Chance Stunt prediction of three psychological forces (color, number up to ten, flower) with appearing writing, white on red writing on red cardboard under red celluloid filter
July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 129)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley It's A Small World spectator marks any place on a globe, prediction, envelope switch behind chair
Related toVariations 1947 9
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Projection six spectators write something on a blackboard, everything was predicted in an envelope
1947 15
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Baseball Prophecy baseball game result is predicted, carbon envelope
1947 35
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley As Far as You Like performer predicts list of words correctly, words are completly free selected, carbon envelope
1947 57
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Spirit multiple prediction on a record
Related to 1947 74
Milbourne Christopher Prediction Chest idea for problem of prediction boxes, large box and small billets
Nov. 1947 367
Jean Marc Bujard Ipsophone card revealed using answering machine, Ipsophone
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
Howard A. Adams Cheap Look into the Future flap
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 149)
Dr. William Weyeneth L'enveloppe spirite prediction, using chair to load smaller envelope behind larger envelope, followed by german translation "Das spiritische Couvert"
Related to Aug. 1948 5
Joseph Vyleta Knock Out Prediction prediction of boxing match, wallet and envelopes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
U. F. Grant Lady Luck multiple prediction, coins heads and tales, sum of thrown dice and selected card, tossed out deck
Related to July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 181)
Robert Lund A Story Goes With It one of four match boxes is predicted
Sep. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 186)
George B. Anderson The "Truth or Consequences" Prediction comedy routine, prediction what spectator A does to spectator B, and performer knows their names
1949 29
George B. Anderson The Ultimate Prediction - A "No Smudge" Swami prediction in envelope, secret writing method
Related to 1949 44
Mental Prediction three psychological forces, 37
1949 31
Felix Korim Publicity Stunt Prediction low tech
Apr. 1949 4
Dr. William Weyeneth Das tanzende Skelett prediction of names words in glove hanging from ceiling, with appearing skeleton
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Al Baker Co-Incidentally spectator writes the same name as performer did earlier, centre tear
Also published here 1949 18
John Hamilton Loaded prediction of a word in a book
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Cy Endfield Jack in the Box triple prediction, selected color, number on penny and card on top of the deck
Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 221)
Bob Somerfeld Whose Hue prediction of two words
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 225)
Stylesmith Predictor tripple prediction, three envelopes on big black board, different colored crayons
Inspired by Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 242)
Bob Somerfeld Threediction triple prediction on blank cards, number, name and city
Related to 1951 9
Bob Somerfeld, Ted Messenger That's the Spirit name is predicted and writing appears
Inspired by
  • Ted Messenger's "Fourth Dimensional Enterprise" in "Coven"
1951 12
Hamid Sayani Wire-Less recorded prediction, radio
May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 254)
Howard A. Adams Prescience prediction of card and sign
Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 265)
Theodore Annemann My Original Swami Test number and color are predicted on business card in envelope
1952 12
Ken Brooke A Clean Prediction prediction put in hat, then three items borrowed and one chosen, it is predicted
Also published here 1952 47
Albert Verity, Malcolm Davison Prediction with Pocket Writing variation
Also published here 1952 49
Walter Essman S.R.S. prediction of two selected words, forcing device, paper with hole is moved on longer paper with words written on it
Feb. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 274)
Don Tanner Mental Opener brainwave deck with number cards, thought number is reversed
Oct. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 291)
Bruce Elliott The Die is Cast invisible die is thrown and outcome predicted with a matchbox, see p. 1185 for additional ideas by Frank Huck
Related toVariations Oct. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 292)
Yellowstone Phono Graft phonograph and specific side is chosen, prediction of song
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Jack Yates Merchant Mentalist cards with objects written on it are arranged in a circle, prediction of selection
1954 19
Jack Yates Who's Fooling Whom? gag prediction printed on a promotion card, people can do for their friends
1954 22
Milbourne Christopher A Record Prediction chosen record and song are predicted
1954 7
Milbourne Christopher Postcard Prophesy chosen postcard is predicted, X on the back
Variations 1954 12
Gene "Phantini" Grant Psychic Phone Book Test prediction of a selected name
1955 11
Gene "Phantini" Grant Delphic Divination prediction on a slip, in envelope
1955 14
Gene "Phantini" Grant Projecto prediction in an envelope, carbon
1955 16
Gene "Phantini" Grant Shades of Cassandra multiple prediction, billet in envelope
1955 17
Ernest W. Brady A Tale of Twenty One Cities prediction of a city
Nov. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 333)
Tot O'Regan Super Ultra Perception cards placed on slate-disc, prediction of selection, with plastic Houlette
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
James G. Thompson Jr. Two Minds Get Together several things written on business cards are divined by performer, living and dead test
Also published here 1956 37
Louis Jaeger Match Book Divination imaginary die is thrown, number revealed with matchbook
Inspired by Feb. 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 341-2)
Don Tanner Attendance Prediction prediction of amount of people in room, Brain Wave Deck with Numbers
Apr. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 344)
Robert Zürcher Ei-Ei Ein Spiegelei prediction of one of four dishes, production of fried egg
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 3)
An Opening Effect of Mentalism number is predicted, written on a card
1958 9
Tony Corinda (c) The Carbon Impression Technique for sealed envelopes, also with "No Carbon Required" paper
Related to 1958 12
Tony Corinda (e) Preparation of the Prediction for window envelopes and other swami predictions
1958 13
Tony Corinda No. 4. Straight to the Point thought of number or amount of change is predicted
1958 18
Tony Corinda No. 5. A Stage Trick color, city and date are predicted on three numbered cards
1958 18
Tony Corinda No. 6. spectator is selected with ping pong ball, named place is predicted in an envelope
1958 18
Tony Corinda No. 9. A Close up Quickie date of a coin is predicted
1958 19
No. 11. A Mediumistic Effect message from a dead person
Related to
  • Joseph Rinn's " Searchlight of Psychical Research", 1954
1958 20
Tony Corinda No. 12. Time and Space, An Informal Effect imaginary trip
1958 20
Tony Corinda, Eric Mason No. 13. The Card in Glass card with prediction put in a glass, hole in glass
Related to 1958 21
Tony Corinda No. 14. The Week Ahead Prediction window envelope in second envelope, sent prediction
1958 21
Tony Corinda No. 15. Another Publicity Stunt sent prediction of the name of an audience member
1958 22
Tony Corinda No. 19. The Sex Detector sent prediction of the sex of a baby
1958 23
Tony Corinda No. 21. Topical Effects prediction of sport results
1958 23
Tony Corinda No. 22. A First Class Newspaper Test selected word of a newspaper is predicted
1958 23
Tony Corinda No. 23. Dartboard Prediction prediction of the total score
1958 24
Tony Corinda No. 24. Matches or Cigarettes prediction of the amount of spectator's cigarettes or matches
1958 24
Tony Corinda (5) The Swami and the Pencil performer writes a prediction, spectator writes the same
1958 34
Tony Corinda Part One: Introduction on predictions
1958 85
Tony Corinda Part Two: Technique several techniques for predictions
1958 86
Tony Corinda (1) The Billet Pencil loading a billet in an envelope
Related toVariations 1958 86
Dr. Stanley Jaks (2) The Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
Related toAlso published here 1958 87
Neville Sackville (3) The Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
1958 88
Tony Corinda (4) The Impromptu Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
1958 88
(11) The Prediction Chest brief
1958 98
Tony Corinda (12) Trickery with Envelopes
1958 98
Tony Corinda (a) The Carbon Prediction Envelope
Related to 1958 98
Tony Corinda (b) The Nest of Envelopes loading something in the middle envelope
1958 99
Tony Corinda Summary of Technique predictions, comments and tips on presentation
1958 100
Tony Corinda (1) A Million to One blindfolded spectator pushes a pin through a map, closest city is predicted
Inspired byVariations 1958 101
Tony Corinda, Joseph Dunninger, Maurice Fogel (3) De Profundis a color, number and city are predicted in a clear box attached to a rope, held by spectator
Variations 1958 105
Tony Corinda (4) The £75,000 Test prediction of numbers, carbon impression envelope
1958 107
Tony Corinda (7) Novel Adaption of the "Card in Balloon" prediction of a number is inside a balloon
1958 113
Tony Corinda Part Four: Predictions for the Drawing Room introduction
(9) Step One (Swami): No. 4,5,6,7,12,22 and 24 are possible for the drawing room
1958 114
Tony Corinda (10) Mind Over Matter prediction pellet is put on any card, which is the same as prediction
1958 114
Tony Corinda (11) My Word! spectator writes three numbers for a page, line and position, word in book is predicted
1958 115
Tony Corinda (13) The Lottery Routine lottery prediction three numbers are selected and predicted in an envelope, assistant
1958 117
Tony Corinda (14) The Prophesy card is selected and predicted in a letter
Variations 1958 119
Tony Corinda (16) Double-Impact Prediction card is named and a position, the position is written on an envelope and the card is inside
1958 120
Tony Corinda (17) The Matchbox Mystery amount of matches are removed, the reminder is predicted
1958 121
Tony Corinda (18) The Mystery of the Chest seven keys are numberer by spectators, one key opens the box, in the box is a prediction with the number given to the key that opens the box
1958 121
Tony Corinda (19) X - Marks the Spot prediction of one card, spectator marks one card on the face behind his back
1958 122
Dr. Spencer Thornton Mind Over Mind chosen symbol is predicted in a clip, bulldog clip to switch billet
1958 8
Dr. Spencer Thornton Anytime, Anywhere - For Newspaper Publicity prediction of personal information is written in front of a person, put in an envelope and mailed to the spectator
1958 14
Dr. Spencer Thornton Minds In Unison a city and an auto license plate are selected, they match and were predicted too
1958 18
Bobby Bernard Original Close Up Magic. Demonstration Effect. Magic Music. brief, chosen tune on paper cannot be burnt
1958 7
Jochen Zmeck Prediction as Jochini, prediction of one of ten chosen symbols
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 2)
William P. Miesel A Day at the Races prediction of imaginative horse race
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Tony Corinda It's a Record music catalogue is torn, and a piece selected, prediction in form of a record
1959 191
Al Koran "Inexplicable" spectator writes city on a billet and a clipped with a bulldog clip, several more billets are introduced, when touched with a cigarette they vanish, except one on which the same city is noted as on the spectator's billet
Related to 1959 195
Tony Corinda, Robert Harbin Ultra-Modern Mentalism prediction of a word, with tape recorder and assistant
Related to 1959 215
Eric Mason (5) Misdirectional Womentalism card, number and city are predicted with beautiful assistant and bra-trick
1959 266
Tony Corinda (26) "Yes-No" Slate Gag comedy prediction, yes/no gag
1959 298
Prof. R. J. Hofemann Thought Control spectator can manipulate objects on a table, result is predicted
1959 16
Jochen Zmeck Clairvoyance as Jochini, prediction hanging from ceiling, with chair, Okito method
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Stewart James Party Line stack with thirty-six wod cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always the same three
Inspired by Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Bill Hendricks Mentalissimus several spectator throw a pair of dice, they each repeat up to twelve times and all the numbers are added, prediction based on probability
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Menta Ad prediction is stabbed into album with different advertisements, duplicate of chosen one is found in prediction, svengali book
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Tony Corinda Personal Column Advert Stunt prediction in newspaper, anecdote with David Berglas
1960 378
Tony Corinda Registered Letter Prediction
1960 379
Jack Cook Phenomenal Forecast sum prediction, envelope is hanging from stage, switch with chair
1960 16
Dr. Stanley Jaks Mental Flashes triple prediction, huge cards with numbers from 1-3 predictions are written on the back of the cards
VariationsAlso published here 1960 18
Tom Sellers An Unusual Prediction prediction of a card and a town
1960 54
Tom Sellers Discs of Diabolo prediction of three digit number, six spectators write a number and paper is put in a box, selected box matches prediction
1960 69
Rupert Gilbert Precognition sixteen designs on a board, number is chosen and selected design has already been predicted
Related to 1960 86
Len Belcher Mesmerental chosen design is predicted, several designs on several cards
Related to 1960 88
Bert Linnell Colour Easel stand to force a color
1960 109
Fred Crowson Colour Counting Frame frame to force a color, mathematical principle
1960 112
Dr. Stanley Jaks Omar's Prophecies treatise on the one-ahead triple prediction, sheets labeled with A, B & C
  • Part II (replacing force with known data)
  • Part III (on the selection of people, apparently random)
  • Part IV (staging the routine)
  • Part V (staging for Brainwave)
  • Part VI (handling for the Billet Knife)
  • Part VII (handling for Chuck Smith's M-T Pad)
Related toVariations 1960 1
Jochen Zmeck Prediction one of ten symbol cards is chosen, prediction on a stand matches, pocket index
1960 25
Jochen Zmeck Der Bogenschütze spectator shoots three times with small toy bow and arrow, score predicted
Inspired by
  • "Four-Score" (Howard P. Albright, Tops, July 1948)
1960 31
Robert A. Nelson The "Impossible" Prediction prediction of anything named, on a piece of paper, two versions
1961 8
Robert A. Nelson Color Vision Outdone die with different colors placed in box, selected color is predicted, with Nelson Mental Gimic
1961 13
Dr. Spencer Thornton Predicted Action prediction of any actions a performer wants to perform in front of the audience
1961 36
Clettis V. Musson Predicto cards with four digit numbers, two numbers added, sum was predicted
1961 45
Gerald Kosky En Rapport Psychic Thought deck with names of famous people, selected name is found on named number and was predicted earlier
1961 54
Howard A. Adams Predictremens two predictions, with stack of coin envelopes and business cards
Also published here Oct. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 362)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Gedankenblitze triple prediction, huge cards with numbers from 1-3 predictions are written on the back of the cards
Also published here 1961 62
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks bester Mentaltrick classic one ahead routine, three billets, card selected at last
Related to 1961 80
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die unglaubliche Voraussage Jaks Billet Knife, loading a billet in an envelope
Related to 1961 103
Jack Yeager Silk-N-Cups six cups with different colored silks, chosen colored silk has a knot
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Don Tanner Prediction card box used for two-way out prediction
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Edward Marlo Technicolor Prediction spectator turns over one card behind back, reversed card was predicted and has different colored back, several methods
Related to 1962
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Edwin Leist-Bernini Welche Miss gefällt Ihnen am besten one of four pictures is predicted, various outs
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 4)
Dr. William Weyeneth Auto Suggestion cards with traffic symbols, prediction on paper
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 5)
Lubor Fiedler Meister des Zufall's triangular prisms with different colors on each side, matching and prediction routine
Also published here
  • "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 5)
Felix Greenfield Extra Special Prediction 4x4 square with different ESP symbols, forcing symbol using freely chosen number
June 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Dan Tong Prediction in Balloon without title, balloon inside plastic bag with prediction inside
July 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Sid Lorraine Prediction method for sealed prediction envelope
Also published here Mar. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 23)
Stewart James, Don Nielson On Nielson's "Problem in Prophecy" three colored cigars/cigarettes, three bowls, one of each selected and predicted
Inspired by Dec. 1965 10
Paul Curry Chapter Eleven: Of Things to Come on predictions
1965 193
U. F. Grant Infallible Prediction ping pong ball is placed under one of three cups, different colors, prediction
Variations Jan. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 394)
Karl Fulves Infallible Prediction Variation golf ball placed in one of three cups, prediction in form of a second ball in chosen cup
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 395/396)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Daumenspitzen (Fortsetzung) various brief ideas using a thumb tip
  • Für Menthalisten
  • Erstaunliche Prophezeiung
  • Der Geldschein im Schnapsglas
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 2)
E. Leslie May Extra Spectra Mental three cardboards with colors are arranged, matches prediction with knotted silks, Ed Mellon's Spectra-Mental used
Feb. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Felix Greenfield The Time Will Come when someone asked the time performer points to watch and a piece of paper is apparently printed with the exact time
Mar. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Jesse J. Langston Jr. Assassination prediction of murder weapon and where victim was hit, similar to voodoo doll
June 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 38)
Joseph M. White Bennu prediction of chosen colored disk, with sucker moment, paper change bag
Oct. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 42)
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther, Don Nielson On Nielson's "Problem in Prophecy" using sponge balls
Inspired by Feb. 1966 20
Ben Christopher Satan's Seal coins predicted, then date
Variations Apr. 1966 27
Robert Parrish On Nielson's "Problem in Prophecy" close-up version
Inspired by Apr. 1966 28
Chan Canasta Oops 1: Fifty years of history Numerical force to select a particular card on a grid of twenty cards, based on an important year to the spectator
1966 4
Chan Canasta Oops 2: Strange distant cities Predict which city reader will think of from a list
1966 6
Chan Canasta Oops 3: Matches and loose change Grid of sixteen cards, spectator chooses cards one by one while eliminating all the cards in the same row/column as the card. Then add up values of the cards, and total is predicted
1966 8
Chan Canasta Oops 4: Matches not for burning Some matches placed in three equal groups on the page, moved around according to instructions, predict how many matches in the middle group
1966 10
Chan Canasta Oops 5: Pieces of cards Picture of random cut-up cards, reader thinks of one, then it is predicted
1966 12
Chan Canasta Oops 6: Writing on the wall Clock trick disguised with random symbols
1966 14
Chan Canasta Oops 7: Dear old pals List of five names, reader thinks of one name and is predicted
1966 16
Chan Canasta Oops 8: Mystery of undamaged pips Reader chooses one of four cards with holes cut into them, then it is predicted
1966 18
Chan Canasta Oops 9: Look out for a number 1089 force, prediction is 6801 on the page, must flip upside down to reveal prediction
Related to 1966 20
Chan Canasta Oops 10: Making a sentence of nonsense Form a nonsensical sentence from short lists of words e.g. BOB HATES BLUE COW, is predicted
1966 22
Chan Canasta Oops 11: Pick a card of fortune Picture with random numbers and suits, spectator pick a number and a suit (e.g. 5 and Spade) and prediction is Five of Spades
1966 24
Chan Canasta Oops 12: Crosses to touch twelve crosses in a rectangle, predict which one the reader will point to
1966 26
Chan Canasta Oops 13: Think of a number Think of a number between 49 and 98, both digits even, not the same.
1966 28
Chan Canasta Oops 14: Put in a word or two Picture with random alphabets everywhere, reader tries to construct three 6 letter words from them, choose one word, prediction
1966 30
Albert Spackman Voodoo cards with outline of a person and x-marked on different places, spectator choses one of the cards where the person is injured, prediction
Related to 1967 167
Dennis Patten Footnote
1967 168
Sydney Bergson Patter for Voodoo text
Inspired by 1967 169
Frederica Spiritune a tune is selected and predicted with a music box, when the music box is opened, it's found empty
Variations 1967 171
Georg Heubeck Pavel You Say! two spectators select one of three silks, predicted, with variation by Fulves
Inspired by
  • a silk prediction (Pavel, Abra #1107)
Oct. 1967 130
Lou Derman Sound Prophecy animal from set of cards predicted with moo sound box, see p. 258 for idea by Jim Snapp
Dec. 1967 145
Ned Rutledge Payola name from telephone book prediction, box with numbers to select name
Also published here 1967 49
James G. Thompson Jr. The "Good Republican" prediction of future president, humorous routine
Also published here 1967 65
Hans "Mr. Bogo" Boginski Mr. Bogo und der Weltmeister headline prediction, envelopes in box, promotion stunt
Related to
  • "Magie" Nr. 2, 1967.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 3)
Arthur Setterington The First Post cards with sights of London, chosen one is predicted, half forcing stack
1968 16
Dr. William Weyeneth, Hanns Thielemann Magisches make-up three words from telegram are chosen and form a message, using cross sum force
Inspired by
  • Hanns Thielemann's "Hellsehen per Telegramm" in "Magische Welt" Jan/Feb 1968, p. 23
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
George B. Anderson Find the Killer five people select a weapon, spectator gets dowsing rod and finds person with weapon that matches prediction
Variations 1968 27
George B. Anderson A Flash Prediction roll of paper unrolled on stage as prediction, name in telephone book, number
1968 42
Albert Spackman Noted Number prediction of the total of the last four digits of four bills
1969 61
John Bragoli Transversale prediction of a spun number which was added to an other number, with mini roulette set
Variations 1969 68
Mike Morhman Red Dragon five symbols, chosen one predicted (in an odd way)
Related to Feb. 1969 239
Music Box Prediction cards with songs, one chosen, music box produces this song and then turns out to be empty, "suggested in Great Britain a few years ago"
Related to Dec. 1969 308
Alan Stuart Dictionary Mind Reading prediction of word in book, add-a-number pad
1969 8
Tom Waldon Book Magic prediction of word in book, business card is put in book
1969 9
James Auer Mental Masquerade five men on stage, names written down on cards and one selected, same man is selected by other spectator by covering him with a covering sheet
Also published here 1970
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny I Predict: You Pock prediction of two cards, one written down and one is spelled to
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Roy Johnson Mental Card in Wallet - Two Variations on a Theme multiple prediction in wallet, written on playing and visiting cards
(1) Happy Holidays
(2) The "Lucky Box" Prediction
1970 49
Martin Gardner Are You Psychic? performer and spectator each write down three words from a list of ten words, they match, see also p. 348
Also published here July 1970 345
Don Nielsen, Karl Fulves Colorvision Revisited two color vision sets, three-phase matching routine
July 1970 349
Roy Walton Controlled Fate number, day of the week and color chosen and predicted, see also p. 402 for ideas by Kenn Eastin and Greg Moore
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1970 390
Jack Kent Tillar 7621 prediction is sum of three chosen years
Magick (Issue 3)
Bascom Jones The Tell-Tale Tarot prediction with character reading, tarot cards
Magick (Issue 10)
Roger Rittner Hang It! hanging prediction, loading prediction behind envelope, using a chair
Inspired by
  • a routine by Glenn Gravatt in "Genii".
Related to
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 28)