359 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Red Black / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
All Red - All Black with electric deck
1890 20
Charles T. Jordan A Wonderful Color Divination colors openly separated, red card placed in black packet by spectator is predicted, repeated, "Smoothly worked, this goes big." (in the original advertisement there was "Vanishing Court Card" instead of this effect)
VariationsAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The Perfect Guesser performer knows whether cut-to card is red or black, blacks short and reds narrow
Related to 1928 10
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The Perfect Guesser performer knows whether cut-to card is red or black, one-way alternating
Related toAlso published here 1928 22
Arthur H. Buckley, Charles T. Jordan The Red and the Black card chosen and shuffled back, cards dealt, all are red except selection
1933 38
Theodore Annemann A Matter of Policy story gag trick with twenty giant cards, ten democrats and ten republics, see page 54 for further comments and page 99 for improvement by Max Holden, see page 172 for improvement by Andrew Brennan
Related to June 1935
The Jinx (Issue 9)
Charles T. Jordan Color Divination colors separated, spectator moves red card in black pile, card is predicted, repeated
Also published here 1937 26
William Larsen The Perfect Guesser performer knows whether cut-to card is red or black, one-way alternating
Related toAlso published here 1937 160
Red or Black deck of all black cards becomes all red, face-up face-down alternating cards as impromptu rough-smooth principle
1937 231
To Separate the Red Cards from the Black basic stripper deck application
1937 263
E. L. Whitford Red or Black cards are shown all red or black, or all blue backed, then red backed, also rough smooth, end stripper deck
Related toAlso published here 1937 281
Jack Vosburgh Stalemate
The Jinx (Issue 113)
Walter B. Gibson Pay Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 1)
Bob Hummer Little Stranger spectator places some red cards in his left and right trouser and jacket pockets, performer divines numbers
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1945 1
J. B. Bobo "Out of this World" Followup - Effect Number 2 decks with colors separated is mixed, yet the colors stay separated
1947 55
Arthur H. Buckley Separation packet of black cards shown, some change to red, then some more, finally all
1948 75
Arthur H. Buckley Red or Black deck shown all red, then all black
1948 135
Dr. William T. Palchinas Skill-Nil! combination of several routines, here as Palchanis
  • Pay Off (Walter Gibson)
  • One Good Trick (Walter Gibson)
  • A Total Mystery (Tony Kardyro)
  • Total Mystery / Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Tony Kardyro)
  • Card-Incidence (Charles Terraneau)
Related to Aug. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 183)
Stewart Judah Black and Red Prediction red and black cards separated, some cards from one color are used to count to a card in the other color which is predicted
1949 37
John Scarne Scarne's Six-Way Baffler No. 107, Magician can divine number of cards, and red and black cards in two spectators' packets
Related to 1950 206
Martin Gardner Red-Black Riffle Shuffles
  • The Center Pull Out
  • The Center Lever Out
  • Cutting Colors
  • Naming Colors
July 1950 679
Walter B. Gibson Pay-Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Also published here 1956 97
Jerry Andrus Color Changing Deck when riffling through deck it is shown mixed or all red, all black, fine incomplete faro condition
Also published here 1956 170
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 32
Brother John Hamman The Chameleon Colors reds and blacks separated, some red cards change to black and back, then halves transpose
Variations 1958 37
Jack Avis Right Card - Wrong Color card chosen, wrong color proclaimed by magician, cards separated in reds and blacks, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Inspired byAlso published here 1958
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Ronald B. Edwards Mazes-Phase Down variation that starts with two honest riffle shuffles (interlocking chains), suits separated, some dealing procedure that affects the red/black distribution
  • Phase II (dealing into chosen number of piles, sympathetic values)
Inspired byRelated to July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Stewart James The Message of Didah card chosen by spelling a random item, red and black cards in deck code the selection via morse alphabet
  • First Alternative
  • Second Alternative
Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
John Hamilton Thanks Norm after riffle shuffle performer recites the red/black order of half the deck with his back turned
Inspired by
  • Ron Edwards's handling of Magnetic Colors in The Linking Ring
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Charlie Miller Red and Black Packets selected cards from red half and black half transpose
Related to 1961 56
Al Mann A Mental Puzzle cards are put in a bag, spectator removes some, performer too and the rest is given to a second spectator, performer divines amount of red and black cards each spectator is holding
Related to 1961 26
Edward Marlo Technicolor Prediction spectator turns over one card behind back, reversed card was predicted and has different colored back, several methods
Related to 1962
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Harry Lorayne Red & Black Fantasy spectator pockets some red and black cards, performer divines how many
VariationsAlso published here 1964 11
Harry Lorayne Hummer Addition spectator reverses some cards, below table magician reverses more so named total is achieved, as kicker all are one color
Inspired byAlso published here 1965 30
Dick Koester Nuchromancy 3 spectator select cards, total and amount of red and black cards is predicted
Aug. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 40)
Mike Rogers From the Desk of Mike Rogers idea for Kirk Styles Boy Meets Girl cards, cards join in pairs
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Karl Fulves The Bet without Odds Problems with Cards - No. Three
one red card in black pile and vice versa, spectator should choose a pile and find a black card, but he chooses black pile and the only red card therein
for solutions see references
Variations June 1966 39
William P. Miesel Named Red Card in Black Packet as a problem
Variations June 1966 41
Edward Marlo The Bet without Odds - Solutions three methods, see also p. 47
Inspired byRelated to July 1966 45
Edward Marlo Named Red Card in Black Packet solution to Miesel's problem
Inspired by Aug. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Roy Johnson The Bet without Odds solution
Inspired by Sep. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Bruce Cervon The Proposition black card in red half, spectator should remove a red one, whole packet changes to black
Inspired by Oct. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Tony Slydini Prediction in Red spectator gives packet of cards to performer who names the amount of red cards in the packet, repeated
1966 47
Karl Fulves Black Magic effect about matching pairs of red and black, related to Gilbreath Principle, fifty-two double facers (!)
Related to Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
Peter Alexis Red Magic spectator places some red cards in his left and right jacket pockets, performer divines number
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1967 103
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control
  • Part One: pairs attract each other after riffle shuffle (RBBR-RBBR-...)
  • Part Two: spectator lays out pairs on table, performer knows which ones are black and which red
  • Part Three: number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1967 111
Bruce Cervon, Earl Keyser Red Magic Variation spectator places some red cards in his left and right jacket pockets, performer divines number
Inspired by Oct. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Philip T. Goldstein Piper transposition of red and black halves
May 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 61)
Victor "Astor" Jamnitzky The Astor-Deck als Svengali Spiel deck riffled through as all-black or all-red, whole deck corner-shorted
1967 (ca.) 9
Karl Fulves The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two card location
Related toVariations July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Gene Finnell Color Prophecy performer predicts which red-black pairs will match when two halves are dealt after a shuffle
Also published here July 1968 189
Karl Fulves Riffle/Reverse Notes combination of riffle shuffle and reverse faro, related to Gilbreath Principle
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue The Triple Faro)
Karl Fulves Black Magic Notes effect about matching pairs of red and black, related to Gilbreath Principle, see also Addenda on page 60
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue The Triple Faro)
Gene Finnell Influential Pairs Variation some red-black matching occurs, gilbreath
Inspired by Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Edward Marlo The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two-card location
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Rick Johnsson, Walter Rollins Colors Revealed after a riffle shuffle, the spectator sorts deck in multiple stage in colors and pockets piles in six different pockets, performer knows number of cards in each pocket
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Roy Walton Influence some red-black matching occurs, two stacked decks, faro
Inspired byAlso published here Nov. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 7)
Roy Walton Cheaters Galbreath "Cheaters Gilbreath", twenty cards with square and circle, performer matches order
  • Alternative Presentation
Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Galbreath color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Galbreath "Again" color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
  • Alternative Presentation (no seconds required)
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Martin Gardner The Compleat Gamester Addition red-black betting game with eight cards
Inspired by Mar. 1970 324
Larry Jennings Even Money pairs of cards given to spectator, he finds it impossible to guess color of any card, see also p. 420 for comment by Trevor Dawson
Inspired by July 1970 347
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Also published here 1970
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Paul Swinford, Norman Gilbreath Gilbreath Revisited deck cut in three piles, one pile looked over, performer knows number of red and black cards in other piles, handling for Gilbreath's "Separating One Deck With One Shuffle" (Linking Ring, July 1958)
1971 44
Ron Ferris Girl Happy two cards chosen from two halves each - four Queens
1971 22
Karl Fulves Unmatch five reds and five blacks mixed, spectator points to any five, removed as block, cards from both piles simultaneously turned over, always one red and one black, see also p. 460
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Roy Walton Travellers in Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
VariationsAlso published here 1971 22
Roy Walton Long Shot four spectators select the only red cards from about half the deck
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Steve Spillman Follow-Up twenty cards used to write ESP, number named and card is only odd-colored card, nine force
VariationsAlso published here 1972
Magick (Issue 61)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Red And Black Packets No. 115, small numbers named, performer deals packets of those sizes, top cards are all of one color
1972 34
John Scarne Scarne's Guess Red Or Black No. 674, number of red and black cards in cut-off packet from shuffled deck predicted, guessing and false count
1972 184
Charlie Miller Variation No. 717, perhaps: selected cards from red half and black half transpose
Related to 1972 192
Roy Walton The Bridge transposition of red and black cards
Also published here May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Robin Robertson Etcetera variation of Long Shot
Inspired by July 1973 640
Karl Fulves Attraction after riffle shuffle cards are dealt in pairs, matching red or black pair is always followed by pair of other color
Related to 1973 3
Karl Fulves Chromatic Telepathy spectator lays out pairs on table, performer knows which ones are black and which red
Related to 1973 3
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted after riffle shuffle
Also published here 1973 4
Karl Fulves Black Magic effect about matching pairs of red and black, related to Gilbreath Principle, fifty-two double facers (!)
Related to 1973 6
Gene Finnell Color Prophecy performer predicts which red-black pairs will match when two halves are dealt after a shuffle
Also published here 1973 12
Karl Fulves The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two card location
1973 16
Edward Marlo The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two card location
Inspired by 1973 67
Rick Johnsson, Walter Rollins Colors Revealed after a riffle shuffle, the spectator sorts deck in multiple stage in colors and pockets piles in six different pockets, performer knows number of cards in each pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 72
Roy Walton Influence some red-black matching occurs, two stacked decks, faro
Inspired by 1973 75
Karl Fulves Unmatch five red and five black cards, spectator choses five, when turned up in pairs they always are one red and one black
Also published here 1973 80
Charles Hudson Match Up
Inspired by 1973 91
Steve Spillman Chameleon Colors deck consists of only black cards, then they change into red cards and eventually into normal deck
Inspired by
  • Andrew Shivas "Colorblynd" in Will Goldson's "Tricks of the Masters", 1942.
1973 6
Steve Spillman Follow Up twenty cards used to write ESP, number named and card is only odd-colored card, nine force
Also published here 1973 25
Edward Marlo, Karl Fulves Pointed Up Wager proposition plot (problem by Fulves): one black card in a packet of red cards, spectator cuts to single black card, six methods
1974 102
Paul Curry The Red And The Black spectator arrange the deck, cards are in red/black pairs except the Aces
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 53
Roy Walton Obsolete Prediction four packets of four cards with different order of red and black cards, chosen one matches the prediction
  • E.S.P. Version
Also published here Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Robert Connelly "Say Red" betting game whether next card is red
Jan. 1974 702
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Trick #8 cards openly separated into suits, then reds shuffled together and blacks, halves put together, they magically mix
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Aldini Mind Bender spectator cuts a packet and deals cards on table, performer predicts on a card when spectator is out of cards and whether his last card is red or black
Magick (Issue 107)
Phil Wye Obsolete Encore
Inspired by July 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Kane, Gustave Southall Gil's Game spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select groups of one color
Related to
  • New Pentagram, June 1970
VariationsAlso published here
1975 4
Karl Fulves Red/Black Mystery 4&4 alternated, separated in four and four, a fifth card added to each group makes whole group red and black
1975 10
Karl Fulves Calculated Colors 3&3 or 4&4, weird mixing procedure, "mathematical oil & water"
Variations 1975 208
Peter Kane, Gustave Southall Gil's Spiel spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select groups of one color
Also published here June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan Color Divination colors separated, spectator moves red card in black pile, card is predicted, repeated
Also published here 1975 30
Nick Trost The Lone Stranger Spectator locates own card by unknowingly placing it with a group of cards of a different color
Also published here 1976 5
Nick Trost Color Match-up spectator able to colors of ten pairs of cards
1976 10
Nick Trost Weighing the Colors Tell how many red/black cards there are in each pile
Also published here 1976 20
Karl Fulves Quinary Colors five reds and five blacks are shuffled, one color penetrates table
1977 214
Karl Fulves Black on Blue spectator shuffles small packets, all change to black, four change back color
1977 255
Kevin Davie Red-Black Surprise see p. 531 for corrections
Inspired by Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Harry Lorayne Matching Thought two halves, two odd-colored cards selected from red and black halves
1977 145
Karl Fulves Mass Transit spectator choses card from black pile, performer finds it from red pile which turns out to be the black pile
1978 56
Karl Fulves Flim Flam chosen red card is only red card in black poker hand and vice versa
Variations 1978 1117
Stephen Clark Curious deck shuffled face-up/face-down, two suits named, cards of those suits corresponds with remaining reversed cards after they are removed
The Chronicles (Issue 12)
Karl Fulves Card Problems (D) packet with divided red and black cards, spectator inserts joker, exactly at dividing point, posed as a problem
Interlocutor (Issue 17)
Harry Lorayne Rot-Schwarz Fantasie spectator pockets some red and black cards, performer divines how many
Also published here July 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Ron Ferris Ribbon Candy spectator finds red cards in black pile and black cards in red pile, alternating set up
Variations Sep. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Karl Fulves All Blacks when some reds and blacks are mixed together, the cards will always become black, multiple phases
Related to 1979 19
Jerry K. Hartman, Dr. E. Brum-Antonioli Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Aug. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Principle Prism 4&4, reds and blacks are mixed and they still alternate, weird effect, two phases
Inspired by 1980 13
Karl Fulves Ultra Mix red-black routine comprised of the following tricks
Related to 1980 31
Karl Fulves Whereabouts four cards immediately turn face down and change color
1980 32
Karl Fulves Interspace notes on "Ultra Mix" routine
Related to 1980 34
Karl Fulves Unmix Problem some reds and black mixed, spectator choses which color comes to top one by one, posed as problem
Related to 1980 34
Bob Hummer Hummer's Little Stranger spectator places some red cards in his left and right trouser and jacket pockets, performer divines numbers
Related toAlso published here 1980 6
Ken De Courcy The Red and Black Computation spectator places some red and black cards in his left and right trouser and jacket pockets, performer divines numbers, with selected card
Inspired by 1980 21
Steve Spillman Follow Up twenty cards used to write ESP, number named and card is only odd-colored card, nine force
Also published here 1980 70
Richard Kaufman Red-Eye Special red selection becomes only red card in deck, all other change to black (or vice versa)
1981 64
Roy Walton Letters three suggestions for effect: red selection becomes only red card in deck, all other change to black (or vice versa)
1981 68
Ken Krenzel Scene: August 23, 1980 suggestion for this effect: red selection becomes only red card in deck, all other change to black (or vice versa)
1981 71
Harry Lorayne Scene: September 8, 1980 suggestions for this effect: red selection becomes only red card in deck, all other change to black (or vice versa)
1981 72
Karl Fulves Turncolors four reds and four blacks are shuffled and four cards of the same color turn over one at a time
1981 79
Karl Fulves By Two And Two one riffle shuffle, then pairs turned up, when odd-colored, the next pair is also odd-colored, when match, then the next is match
1981 54
Ken Simmons Color Transposition ten red cards, ten black cards, selection travels into other packet
1981 27
Karl Fulves Checkers "Two Tricks"
three reds and three blacks alternated, dealing procedure to separate colors or turn every other card over
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Roy Walton Travellers in Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here 1981 69
Peter Kane The Red/Black Blues after a riffle shuffle the deck is separated in packets, red/black distribution predicted
Inspired by 1982 77
Paul Curry Rot und Schwarz spectator arrange the deck, cards are in red/black pairs except the Aces
Also published here July 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Larry Jennings, Roy Walton Morlock's Revenge red-black shuffle, Triumph, single ambitious phase, time-travel presentation
Inspired byVariations 1983 56
Paul Harris The Perfectionist red and blacks are apparently mixed but remain separated
Related toAlso published here 1983 55
Paul Harris Transposed Perfectionist reds and blacks transpose
Also published here 1983 61
Paul Harris Mixed-Up Perfectionist reds and blacks mix themselves
Related toAlso published here 1983 64
Ellsworth Lyman A Color Changing Trick asymmetric stripper-type preparation, when riffling through the deck the cards are either all red or black, see also p. 58
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, November 1907
1983 4
Chung Ling Soo No-Gaff Svengali Deck outjogging every other card a bit, then riffling through the deck and show them all red or black, see also p. 11
Also published here
  • Goldston's Magazine of Magic, July 1915
1983 14
Andrew Shivas No-Gaff Svengali showing all red or all black, incomplete faro
Related toAlso published here
  • Tricks of the Masters (Goldston, 1942)
1983 113
Karl Fulves The Market In Futures four reds and four blacks, spectator thinks a black, it ends up being only black in red backed
1983 117
Chromatic Caper No. 13, coincidence with number of cards of given suits in a face-up/face-down shuffled deck
1984 19
Norman Gilbreath Magnetic Colors No. 34, "This routine was independently devised by Gene Finnell, Norman Gilbreath and others"
1984 46
Self-Matching Colors No. 35, alternated red-black stack shuffled, when a pair matches, the performer knows the color, kind of opposite Gilbreath
1984 47
A Devilish Secret No. 36, deck riffle shuffled once, pairs turned up, when a color match occurs, the next pair is a match of opposite colors
1984 47
Gene Finnell Color Prophecy No. 38, performer predicts which red-black pairs will match when two halves are dealt after a shuffle
Also published here 1984 49
Roy Walton Blind Choice No. 39, first publication, spectator and performer successfully guess colors of four-card packets that are handed out after one riffle shuffle
Variations 1984 50
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control No. 42, number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted after riffle shuffle
Also published here 1984 54
Karl Fulves Flim Flam No. 69, chosen red card is only red card in black seven-card poker hand and vice versa
Inspired by 1984 103
Peter Alexis Rot-Schwarze Magie spectator places some red cards in his left and right jacket pockets, performer divines number
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Bob Farmer Mixdemeanor 4&4, oil & water in reverse
1985 430
Martin Gardner Paradox Papers No. 9, paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, then all even numbers are one way and the odds another, application with card values on paper or card layout (chosen card turned over is only odd-colored at the end)
Also published here 1985 18
Roger Crosthwaite Sepearations Effect 1: Reds and Blacks
four hands dealt, and two cards placed on table, performer matches color sequences of all hands by dealing cards as well, reds and blacks are dealt and eventually colors are separated
Inspired by 1985 38
Edward Marlo Olram's Clarified Routine ten red and black cards, one card travels from packet to packet, then packets changes places, eight methods
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1986 3
Karl Fulves Pristine after riffle shuffle pairs are dealt, all have matching colors
1986 6
Karl Fulves Memory Mix after riffle shuffle performer memorizes order, deck dealt into two heaps, performer announces number of matching color pairs in one heap
Related to 1986 8
Karl Fulves Smart Modem twelve red and twelve black cards, cards shuffled and dealt into two heaps by spectator, paper slips with "match" and "no match" used to predict whether pairs match in color, with variations:
  • Smart Alek (getting some pairs wrong on purpose)
  • Which Colors? (predicting colors as well)
  • Machine Dream (incorporating money machine prop)
  • Read This First
1986 12
Karl Fulves Colorite after riffle shuffle and deal into two halves, performer divines color of top card of spectator's pile, repeated for all cards
1986 20
Steve Beam Well Shaken deck removed from the deck is in order, then shaken and cards are mixed, see also p. 294 for additional ideas
Related toAlso published here 1986 257
John Bannon I. Shake Well Before Using red-black-separated cards instantly mix, faro fan
Also published here 1986 22
John Bannon IV. The Cleaved Deck Discovery combination of previous routines, openly red-black separated deck, card location, instant mixing finale, faro fan
1986 25
Randy Wakeman Needed a Jump ten red and black cards, single card jumps from packet to packet, then packets transpose
1987 26
Roberto Giobbi Die Zeitmaschine red-black shuffle, Triumph, single ambitious phase, time-travel presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 16
David Britland Alchemy four red cards change one by one to black cards, always one red card placed between two black cards
Inspired by May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Harry Lorayne Hummer Addition spectator reverses some cards, below table magician reverses more so named total is achieved, as kicker all are one color
Also published here Oct. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Karl Fulves R5B5 five black and five red cards, card selected from each, they end up being in the opposite packet
The Chronicles (Issue 35)
Roy Walton Long Shot four spectators select the only red cards from about half the deck
Also published here 1988 13
Roy Walton Obsolete Prediction four packets of four cards with different order of red and black cards, chosen one matches the prediction
  • E.S.P. Version
Also published here 1988 16
Roy Walton Match Maker six four-card packets are tabled, spectator makes three groups of two packets each, those turn out to have the same red-black order each
1988 25
Roy Walton The Bridge transposition of red and black cards
Also published here 1988 83
Roy Walton Second Thoughts On Gilbreath color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
Also published here 1988 130
Roy Walton Second Thoughts On Gilbreath "Again" color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
  • Alternative Presentation (no seconds required)
Also published here 1988 134
Roy Walton Influence some red-black matching occurs, two stacked decks, faro
Also published here 1988 148
Karl Fulves Red Handed three reds and blacks, one exchanged, spectator also exchanges cards and they're separated again, posed as problem
1989 55
Karl Fulves Dream Detective card chosen from four red and four black cards, they're odd backed, some cards outjogged and injogged from deck
1989 4
Karl Fulves Read No Evil two old pieces of paper, deck cut in three piles, coincidences occur
1989 42
Karl Fulves Gambler's Dream five red and black cards, one chosen from each, open stacking procedure, two hands dealt and the selections are exchanged
1989 26
Juan Tamariz The Triple Colors Routine reds and blacks separated, one card chosen in each half, identified, cards change places, then whole packets change places (one in pocket)
1989/91 159
John Bannon Shake Well Before Using red-black-separated cards instantly mix, faro fan
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 26
Edward Marlo I'll Do It Again! two halves on table, face-up card travels from half to half, repeat, red and black sections transpose, three stranger cards
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Letter to Simmons - Case of the Shuffles red and black cards shuffle themselves, full deck
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
Al Smith Colours On Demand
  • Cutting The Colours
  • Dealing The Colours
  • Deckspertise
1991 9
Peter Duffie Miracolour red cards are shown to have "red" written on their back and blacks "black", spectator cuts and shuffle and deals two piles, yet both piles end up in same order
Related to 1991 22
Karl Fulves Counterfeit seven high red and one low black cards shuffled, performer claims to weigh out the odd card in several stages, it's red and all other cards changed to black
1992 48
Karl Fulves Balancing Act spectator places some blacks in pocket, performer places some more there, number of pocketed blacks equals number of reds in a packet, varied repeat
1992 50
Peter Duffie A Piece of Fred spectator shuffles and cuts into three piles and takes one, performer names the number of red and black cards in his pile
Inspired by 1992 5
Charles T. Jordan Color Divination No. 55, colors openly separated, red card placed in black packet by spectator is predicted, repeated
Also published here 1992 64
Peter Duffie Game, Reset, and Match deck riffle shuffled, twenty-six cards placed back-to-back to other half, pairs pulled off by taking top and bottom cards, pairs are distributed into piles on the table for red-black separation/matching surprise
Inspired by
  • "Regimentation" (Roy Walton, The Linking Ring, Oct. 1968)
1992 10
Steve Beam Gentleman's Bet bet, red / black or pairs, performer wins always, gilbreath
Variations 1993 7
John Riggs Unbeatable red / black or pairs, performer wins bet all the time, is able to let spectator win on his demand, gilbreath
1993 9
Steve Beam Scaling the Cards three packets are cut on the table, performer weighs two and announces amount of cards, then he reveals amount of black or red cards in those packets
Inspired by
  • Mike Roger's "Trost and Us" in "Genii" October, 1971.
1993 13
Karl Fulves Cheap Trick "Two Tricks with Dice" No. 1
red and black packet, two cards chosen with dice throws and packets combined, the chosen cards transpose
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Guess Again eight cards are placed outjogged into tabled spread, cards dealt in pairs, color matches with out-jogged cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
David Harkey Chromacon fine incomplete faro shuffle, deck cased, deck taken out and shown all red (or black) except a selection
1993 22
David Harkey Chromacon Plus fine incomplete faro shuffle, deck cased, deck taken out and shown all red and then all black except a selection
1993 24
Dan Tong Stacked Fantasy spectator pockets some red and black cards, performer divines how many, no memory work and no sleight-of-hand version
Inspired by Sep. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Alex Elmsley A Delicate Balance freely removed selection's color is named repeatedly, edge-mark in center
1994 45
Philip T. Goldstein Chromagnon memory demonstration of red/black order
1994 121
Karl Fulves Cleaver performer removes red and black cards, performer forms two packets behind back with same number of reds and blacks each
1994 21
Karl Fulves Unthought cards chosen by spectator in 4x4 layout find color-matches, other cards don't
1994 76
Gene Maze Odd Man Out spectator stops at only black card in 15-cards-packet or red cards
1994 66
Roy Walton Suitcase four-card groups made after shuffling procedure, they all contain one of each suit
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1994
Profile (Issue 18)
Aldo Colombini Can't Play Your Game ten red and black cards, two selections are told to transpose, packets transpose instead
Related to 1994 28
Walter Rollins Weigh-Ahead Color Divination after a riffle shuffle, the spectator puts the top thirteen cards in one envelope and the bottom ten in another, rest in third envelope, performer divines the number or red and black cards in each envelope
Related to Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Peter Duffie The Vegas Connection red cards are shown to have "red" written on their back and blacks "black", spectator cuts and shuffle and deals two piles, yet both piles end up in same order
Related to 1995 190
Martin Gardner Packet Parity color prediction with chess pieces, also with cards (color of a card is predicted)
Arcane (Issue 14)
J. W. Sarles Red or Black? performer cuts and ask the spectator red or black and how many (one, two or three), and the bottom cards of the top half fulfill this property, repeated with real riffle shuffles, method not given
1995 2
Steve Beam Well Shaken deck removed from the deck is in order, then shaken and cards are mixed
Related toAlso published here 1995 59
Aldo Colombini Magnetic eight packets made that are shuffled face-up/face-down, in the end all red cards are face-up with black selection and vice versa
Inspired by
  • first effect in David Jones's notes "Note Closely"
1995 87
Paul Cummins The Trick that never happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 7
Lennart Green Out-of-Sweden first OOTW effect, two piles, then all cards are black, then red (blacks have vanished)
Spring 1996 60
Paul Harris The Perfectionist
  • The Perfectionist (red and blacks are apparently mixed but remain separated)
  • Transposed Perfectionist (reds and blacks transpose)
  • Mixed-Up Perfectionist (reds and blacks mix themselves)
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Kinda Guy)
Martin Gardner Color Magnets card cut into deck attracts a few card of same color, based on fact that at least four card of same color are together in most shuffled decks
Related to 1996
Underworld (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie Metathesis packet with red cards and with black cards, two thought-of (mathematical procedure) cards transpose
Inspired by
  • "The PallaD Principle" (Peter Duffie, Cards in Principle)
1996 8
Karl Fulves Jekyll-Hide six red and 6 black cards, a black card chosen, but it isn't among the 6 black cards suddenly but among the 6 reds (identified by spectator with special glasses on)
1997 22
Peter Duffie Different Class Joker stabbed into pack to select a card from two halves of a deck each, reveal that card selected is the odd colour out (e.g. all cards are red except black selection)
Inspired by 1997 28
Peter Duffie The Master Cards Spectator and magician each have five cards, card selected in each packet, packets combined and re-dealt; each packet is now four of same color and one of the other color, odd card out is the selection
Inspired by
  • "The PallaD Principle" (Peter Duffie, Cards in Principle)
1997 30
Doug Edwards Jumping Colors Deck shuffled face up and face down - suddenly all the face up cards are black except one red card which is the selection
1997 21
Karl Fulves Ruse et Noir No. 2, as many red in one pile as there are black in the other pile
Variations 1997 6
Karl Fulves Ruse B impromptu method
Inspired by 1997 9
Karl Fulves Ruse C another method
Inspired by 1997 9
Karl Fulves Ruse D another method and comment
Inspired by 1997 10
Karl Fulves Touch For Color No. 4, two packets made, four red cards removed from packet A and any for cards moved from packet B to packet A, number of reds in A equals blacks in B
Related toVariations 1997 11
Karl Fulves Unequally Equal No. 5, follow-up to "Touch For Color" with similar effect
Inspired by 1997 12
Karl Fulves Balance of Trade No. 6, piles made and some cards exchanged, black cards in pile A equal number of black cards in pile B
1997 13
Karl Fulves The Dark Force No. 7, two piles made with a secret number, performer moves some cards from pile to pile, number of reds in one pile equals black in other pile
Variations 1997 14
Karl Fulves Color on Contact No. 11, after some dealing and calculation, the number of red cards in two packets match
1997 19
Ramón Riobóo Six Murders & Six Cops two phase routine, six red cards and six black cards, after cuts and shuffles always red/black pairs
Related toVariations July 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Edward Marlo The Lost Integrated Deck long-short Si Stebbins stack and ideas with it
  • Showing Cards To Be One Color
  • The Lift (double lift from long-short deck)
  • Calculating The Position Of Any Card
  • First Effect (calling all cards from a cut-off and shuffled packet)
  • Second Effect (like before, as memory demonstration)
  • Third Effect (divination of selections with help of Joker)
  • Fourth Effect (divination, pseudo x-ray deck procedure)
  • Fifth Effect (naming color of cards at named number)
  • Sixth Effect (spectator chooses only red card)
  • Seventh Effect (deck changes to all-red/all-black)
1997 140
Karl Fulves A Magical Effect think stop, then in next effect the color of all cards in top third are named
1998 2
Karl Fulves Profiling number of red cards in one pile corresponds with number of black in another
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Cheat Feat twenty-card packet, two cards selected in spectators's own hands by dealing two poker hand and remembering top card, selections and up as only red in black half and vice versa
Inspired by
  • Peter Duffie trick
Related to
1999 4
Ellis Stanyon A Card of Either Colour Found at Any Number No. 48
1999 83
Karl Fulves Hunt To Kill two piles, red and black, one card moved from one pile to other and vice versa, position determined by die, exchanged cards are instantly sandwiched
2000 192
Lewis Jones Red Alert Two deck is cut in halves, performer turns over card of his pile and guesses if color in other pile matches
2000 161
Lewis Jones Red Alert Three performer guesses if colors are red or black
2000 162
Peter Duffie Colorosity two cards selected from packet, packet dealt into two piles and each has one odd-colored card, the selections
Variations 2000 8
Peter Duffie Matching Gilbreath after one riffle shuffle, pairs are turned up and shown with one card of each color, pairs tabled, later shown to be red-red and black-black pairs
2000 18
Roy Walton Color Cocktail number of red and black cards in chosen amount of cards is predicted
Dec. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 12)
Rudolf Braunmüller Schwarz-Rot-Mirakel introduction to collection of red-black tricks
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Ken Simmons Another Clarified Routine ten red and black cards, one card travels from packet to packet, then packets changes places
Inspired by Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Jack Avis Colour Match II ten-card sequence of spectator matches cards dealt out by performer from bottom of deck in its red-black sequence
Inspired by 2000
Discoverie (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Transposed Thoughts No. 65, packet sorted in blacks and reds by spectator, two spectators remember bottom card of their pile, all assembled, performer transposes the two cards at their positions behind his back
2001 98
Karl Fulves Guess Again No. 67, eight cards pushed in deck by spectator and left out-jogged, all cards are paired with odd-colored card when cards are dealt off in pairs
Also published here 2001 101
Karl Fulves Compatibility No. 3, number of red cards in one pile corresponds with number of black in another
Also published here 2001 7
Karl Fulves Card Roulette No. 19, two cards chosen by two spectators from small packet, cards counted through and spectators' cards do not show up, prime principle
Related to 2001 38
Karl Fulves Red Control an Ace and a Two on the table, single cards dealt on Ace, pairs on Two, performer and spectator take one of the dealt piles each under the table, performer is able to match spectator's colors
Inspired by 2001 160
Peter Duffie Black Sheep two cards chosen in packet, a reversed card has them on either side and they are the only odd-colored cards
2001 2
Roy Walton Back Into Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here 2001 8
Jerry K. Hartman Faromatic deck is shown to have reds and blacks separated, deck is cased, spectator shakes case and deck is shown to perfectly alternate red/black
Related toAlso published here Sep./Oct. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 3)