751 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / Off-beat Predictions
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Spirit Envelope three selections, slip of paper with their names appears in previously empty envelope
Variations 1897 173
Prediction in Notebook by Spectator
June 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Die Geisterschrift in Verbindung mit "Hypnose à la Hansen" No. 5, card chosen and pushed into book, name of chosen card and page numbers appear on previously empty slates, book with same page numbers on every double page
1900 120
Louis F. Christianer A Card Discovery name of card appears in red on the back of the performer's hand, stamp
1919 22
Charles T. Jordan Reverse English on the X-Ray No. 5, x-ray deck openly shown, card from another deck inserted, spectator looks through hole at index, card predicted, repeated
Also published here 1920 12
Joe Berg The Blank Cards of Psyche two blank cards are initialed on both sides by the spectator, then tied together, name of selection or another word appear on the card
1930 15
Theodore Annemann The New Nightmare Effect selected card vanishes and turns out to be card previously removed
Inspired byRelated toVariations Apr. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 7)
Theodore Annemann Higher Magic! throwing stamp on ceiling, with prediction application
Related to Oct. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 13)
A Prediction Effect No. 13, two spectators choose cards and use their value to count to a celebrity in a written list, it is predicted
1935 16
Edward Bagshawe The Message That Can’t Be Read random jumble of letters reveals prediction of playing card’s name when a “windowed” card is placed over it, multiple window cards
1936 ca. 37
Charles T. Jordan Thought Foretold a card of a chosen color is burnt unseen and then deck is examined - one card missing, it is predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1937 207
Norman Ashworth Before your Eyes message on slate becomes name of selection when wiping over it, idea by Charles Nyquist on page 270
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Arthur Monroe Voodoo hole coin on string is put in box and hidden, lights turned out, in glowing light performer is seen to have box again and coin drops off cord, combined with card divination on blank card
Related toAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Al Baker With Prepared Cards "Albaka", name of a red card is written on every black card in stacked deck
Related toVariations 1938 343
Stewart Judah The Three Heap four heaps of cards on table, spectator choses one which is predicted
1938 555
Harris Solomon Nomolos force deck shown, card chose, prediction says different card - correct, similar to McCombical Prediction
May 1938
The Jinx (Issue 44)
Stephen Simpson Criss-Cross performer and spectator each write down card and number from one to twenty-six, when counted down in two halves it matches, option to end clean by switching the half with duplicates
Feb. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 53)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Tri-Predicti envelope cut in deck, card above and below predicted, repeat
Variations Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
Robert Parrish A Prediction to End Predictions playing card, word and date on bill are predicted
1939 9
Do As I Do - A New Presentation with prediction kicker
1940 393
Walter B. Gibson Before Your Eyes Improvement improvement
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Stewart James Two Fearless Feats - 2. name of selected card appears on tissue paper (via Tarbell's "Phanteario")
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 98)
Del Cartier Weird Coin coin borrowed, half deck dealt in four piles, top card correspond with year of coin, sum counted down, card predicted
The Jinx (Issue 132)
Herb Runge He Fools You! spectator cuts deck to match prediction in suit and value
The Jinx (Issue 138)
Lloyd W. Chambers Coingo inside mini vase, card is covering a penny, penny vanishes and card prediction is in vase
1941 15
Milbourne Christopher Tavern Trickery card index appears in bottle cap
1943 75
Theodore Annemann The New Nightmare Effect selected card vanishes and turns out to be card previously removed
1943 74
Theodore Annemann, Kenneth Chamberlain A Cute Publicity Stunt name of chosen card appears printed in newspaper
Related to 1944 43
Arthur Monroe Voodoo hole coin on string is put in box and hidden, light turned out, in glowing light performer is seen to have box again and coin drops off cord, combined with card divination on blank card
Also published here 1944 127
Stewart James Prophetic Tissue name of selected card appears on tissue paper
Also published here 1944 140
Norman Ashworth, Walter B. Gibson Before Your Eyes message on slate becomes name of selection when wiping over it
  • Walter Gibson Method
Also published here 1944 188
Charles Nyquist "Before Your Eyes" Business Card message on business card, name of selection appears
Also published here 1944 309
Walter B. Gibson A Spooky Message flap, "Before Your Eyes" wipe-away prediction
Related to 1945 402
Edward Marlo The Bonus Effect spectator fingertip-peeks at only reversed card
1945 14
Hathaway As You Desire a stand with 6 different color cards, spectator choses a color, spectator's card is behind
1945 14
Henry Weisl, Robert Greene Letters of Fire card value burns itself into paper stretched in a frame, paper index on back of cards
Related to Nov. 1945 166
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
VariationsAlso published here 1945 1
A Baffling Card Stunt The Trick That Fooled Einstein with cards
1949 18
Magic Card Revelation Pull out cards from pocket that always add to selected card
1949 34
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Prime Presentation two decks, one card is selected and both decks dealt until same card is found in other deck, card found at same position as mate of selection is named and its mate is not found in other deck but in envelope, repeated with written prediction inside card case
Related toVariations 1949 1
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Two prediction printed in newspaper
1949 3
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Three cards sent in advance to spectator as prediction
1949 3
Audley Walsh Improvisation card signed on back, improvisation to find it from the face
Related toVariations 1949 50
Audley Walsh, Bert Allerton Prepared Improvisation card signed on back, with stack to force card from face via counting, 1-0-1
Inspired by 1949 51
Bill Woodfield Automatic Writing automatic writing turns out to be the selected card, way to write in mirror writing, see also p. 842
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 210)
Paul Clive Egg a la Card No. 9, name of card appears written on hard-boiled egg after it is peeled
1950 21
Martin Gardner, Bill Simon It's a Natural No. 11, Spectator tears out matches from matchbook, performer uses number of matches to select card from seven-card packet, which is correctly predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1950 23
Paul Rosini Secret Writing performer writes the name of a card on the face of another card, that predicted card turns over in the deck
1950 60
Edward Marlo Fifty-Fifty ace is sandwiched in pack and spectator guesses its correct color
1953 43
Edward Marlo The Spectator's Prediction spectator writes the prediction, posed as a problem
Related to 1953 189
Stewart James Dateaser list with five dates shown, when the months and days are converted to letters of the alphabet they spell out a selection
1954 15
Don Alan Sneaky Card to Pocket two cards selected, the first is not found but mentioned in an insurance policy, the second card appears in a sealed envelope
Related toAlso published here 1956 6
Jerry Andrus A Folded Surprise long paper with message appears from between cards
1956 133
P. Howard Lyons The Negative Miracle any card slid out of red-backed deck and shown, in second deck all cards are in new deck order and the selection is blank
  • Finger Flinger Method (one deck only, chosen card becomes blank card)
Related to Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Dr. Reuben Ligan A Prediction spectator selects cards, on it is written a card in envelope, bad
1957 3
Norman Houghton Shears invisible scissor is used to cut off two strips from a piece of paper, sight gag, two applications:
  • design of chosen card is cut from newspaper
  • ribbon in change bag is cut invisibly into as many pieces are the spectator chooses
Related to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Order of Aces magician predicts order of aces in freely shuffled deck
1959 115
Stewart James The Message of Didah card chosen by spelling a random item, red and black cards in deck code the selection via morse alphabet
  • First Alternative
  • Second Alternative
Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Karrell Fox "Hum-Bug" Prediction cardboard piece (with bug drawing on one side and prediction on other side) rides along as spread is flipped over on table
Related to 1960 7
Karrell Fox Card in the Turban turban is made of giant card silk
1960 8
Karrell Fox This Works - As a Rule name of selection on back of ruler
Also published here 1960 19
Robert Parrish Coptic Enigma automatic writing turns out to be the name of selection, when looked at in mirror
Inspired by 1961 7
Eugene Gloye, Billy McComb Surprise Prediction McCombical Prediction variation, with slate
Apr. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 356)
Harry Lorayne The Moving Pencil card signed on back, psychological face-up spread force
Related toVariations 1962 158
Harry Lorayne Blackout! spectator finds card that is marked on back, can only be performed in totally dark room
1962 183
Karl Fulves Penultimate Prophecy two cards and positions predicted with amusing prediction
May 1966 33
Tony "Doc" Shiels "XNIJ" spectator cuts deck, on card is written "You will cut the deck here"
Apr. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 60)
Paul Swinford Alpha and Omega faro thing, odd backed climax
1968 27
Paul Swinford Fantasia number of red/black cards drawn by spectator are predicted, new deck order
1968 40
Alton Sharpe Merely a Coincidence number arrived at with dice is counted down, heart flush and Twos show up which fits prediction
Related to 1968 72
Alan Brown Speak of the Devil initialed blue backed card wrapped in paper, card chosen from red deck turns out to be same blue-backed card
Related toVariations Aug. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Interface Technique - Example 17 spectator shuffles deck and deals cards out in blocks of four, suit of face card of any packet and value of next packet's top card are combined to represent a card, this is predicted
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Riffle Shuffle Techniques)
Karl Fulves Halving The Prediction presentation idea, see also following item
Inspired by 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Riffle Shuffle Techniques)
Karl Fulves Prophet's Loss cards shuffles and dealt off in groups of five, words are written on backs that combine e.g. to "The next matching cards will be jacks" and in the next pile of five cards this is verified, repeated
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Riffle Shuffle Techniques)
Joseph M. White Phonomenon comedy prediction with Phoney Phone in pocket
1969 75
Roy Walton Stepping Stones solution for a problem posed by Fulves, several variations
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1969 21
Karl Fulves The Closed Prediction spectator removes card from sixteen-card packet, performer faro shuffles and finds mate
Mar. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 8)
Bill Taylor To the Point deck on cork board, spectator throws dart, hit card matches prediction, for clarification see p. 372
Variations June 1970 342
John Hamilton Down & Out Tantalizer type routine with cut-off packet, card predicted and one of same value is on top of discard pile, see also p. 373
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Roy Walton Devilish Die die wrapped in flash paper is rolled, paper burned, rolled number counted down to, card predicted on paper piece underneath die
Related toAlso published here Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Milton Kort Off Color Prediction card chosen (cannot be explained like), it is predicted on a piece of paper, paper changes color, then back of card as well
1970 49
Al Portwood Talisman Prediction prediction of chosen card, holding card with holes over a text in Talisman magazine, free choice of card but not exact prediction
Related to July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 19)
Stan Blumenthal '71 Sorcery - 'Rigoletto, the Wonderful Wizard of the West' gags, jumbo card of selection on back of clipboard
Nov. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 39)
Marconick Impossible Cards three blank cards get printed with text that reveals selected card
VariationsAlso published here 1970 1
Allan Ackerman Minuscule Deck prediction with deck vanish (and optional reproduction)
Inspired byVariations 1971 8
Paul Swinford Predicto Pair prediction of mates at named positions
1971 27
Harry Lorayne The Magic Eraser deck in new pack order, card named, its face vanishes leaving a blank card
Related to 1971 42
Karl Fulves Ultra Mentalia spectator removes three-of-a-kind from sixteen-card packet with a reversed card, reversed card turns out to be fourth matching card, faro, see also Problem (B) of reference
Related to 1971 8
Karl Fulves Future Minus prediction is placed between sandwich cards, selection as well, they turn out to be the same
  • A Variation in Handling
Inspired byRelated to 1971 12
Sam Schwartz Working Against Time egg timer with miniature card on bottom used, card under egg timer change into selection with "the card under the timer" line
Related to Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Prediction Surprise & Clock Combination card chosen with cut & count procedure has odd back, re-counting force, ambiguous color changing deck
Related to 1971 10
Roy Walton Twice Two prediction vanishes from between two Queens as it is the same as the selection, then appears between the Queens of opposite color
  • Alternative Procedure
Related toAlso published here 1971 33
Herb Runge X Equals Five text is folded and visible letters form card
1972 84
Gerald Kosky Oriental "Decoder" Prediction three cards
1972 93
Richard Himber Try this for Size off beat prediction of position 14 3/4
Related toAlso published here
  • "Try This For Size" (Richard Himber, MUM, Sep. 1969)
1972 62
Just an Old Chinese Custom chinese prediction, comedy
1972 63
Chester Morris As a Result of an Error off-beat prediction, two pips of seven are missing to predict a five
1972 100
Norman Ashworth Before the Eyes Variation message on paper becomes name of selection when wiping over it
Related to 1972 142
Billy McComb Extension to "Miko" gag prediction with Three-and-a-half of Clubs, Fourteen of Spades and mis-spotted die that does not add up to seven on all sides
1972 17
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Spread It Card Trick No. 323, prediction packet on table, card chosen, tabled packet contains card of same color, suit and also actual selection
Related toVariations 1972 84
Slate And Spirit Trick (Jinx #32) Improvement No. 471, how to write, idea of using flap
Inspired by 1972 132
Dr. Jacob Daley Spread It Card Trick Improvement No. 554, prediction packet on table, card chosen, tabled packet contains card of same color, suit and also actual selection
Inspired byVariations 1972 155
Dr. Jacob Daley Roterberg Spirit Card Effect No. 696, three selections, names appear on paper in envelope (or so it reads)
Inspired by 1972 188
Karl Fulves Margin For Error card from under mat to deck, prediction presentation, also as transposition (see Note 1)
1973 72
Karl Fulves Can't Fail prediction in card case is wrong, then whole deck is produced from box one by one
1973 55
Juan Tamariz ¡Fabulosa Prediccion! gag prediction, all cards of the deck
1973 90
Herb Zarrow Swindle Mates matching order of two suits, swindle switch
July 1974
Epilogue (Issue 21)
Paul Curry A Swindle Of Sorts
Related toVariations 1974 7
Roy Walton Obsolete Prediction four packets of four cards with different order of red and black cards, chosen one matches the prediction
  • E.S.P. Version
Also published here Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Teaching the Future "Two Down-Under Routines"
spectator ends up with only card with an X on its back
Jan. 1974 699
Jack Potter Prophet by Post card predicted by sending letter to host previously
Aug. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Aldini Mind Bender spectator cuts a packet and deals cards on table, performer predicts on a card when spectator is out of cards and whether his last card is red or black
Magick (Issue 107)
Roger Smith Signature Prediction free selection ends up with signature of performer, using the Faro Flip Out Index Card Steal
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Jochen Zmeck Der J. Z. Karten-Zauberstab paper strip wrapped around stick, letters on paper then form name of selection
1974 22
Karl Fulves Ultra Die strange card prediction, chosen by rolling a die
1975 410
Karl Fulves Lightning Dice using Stevens Control, card at position derived by two dice is predicted
1975 106
Bruce Cervon, Dai Vernon The Viet Nam Trick card and number are predicted by two cards (value and suit, then values added to count to selection)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Phil Wye Obsolete Encore
Inspired by July 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Open Ended Prediction card placed in half envelope so it sticks out and is seen for half its length (as gag), wrong card chosen, when prediction is removed it changes into selection, two methods
1975 65
Karl Fulves Centrifugal Force two cards predicted on both sides of selection, humorous presentation
1975 220
Roger Smith The Mentalist at Last Laughs Last card selected, comedy mind-reading, then card is seen to be stuck to wall from beginning
1975 2
Philip T. Goldstein A Hunch... or What? thirteen cards of one suit, chosen one is only not from this suit
Inspired by 1975
Magick (Issue 135)
Karrell Fox Noch ein Gag name of selection on back of ruler
Also published here 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 6)
Charles T. Jordan Reverse English on the X-Ray x-ray deck openly shown, card from another deck inserted, spectator looks through hole at index, card predicted, repeated
Also published here 1975 81
Charles T. Jordan Thought Foretold a card of a chosen color is burnt unseen and then deck is examined - one card missing, it is predicted
Also published here 1975 102
Nick Trost Coincidence of Two Numbers and a Prediction
1976 14
Nick Trost A Prediction and a Date - Updated Cards dealt to any year called for from 1900 to 1975, plus predict a card
Variations 1976 16
Nick Trost The Ultra Date Trick Extension to year 2000 for A Prediction and a Date
Inspired by 1976 17
Three on a Match No. 33, three spectators select a card with down-under-deal from the same small packet, all have the same and it's the only red card
1976 52
Slim Chance No. 53, "You will choose a red card", spectator chooses only red-backed card
1976 81
The 3½ of Clubs No. 56, ungaffed with Three of Clubs and half dollar
Related to 1976 86
U. F. Grant, Burling Hull Grant's "Predicto" Book and Card Test number up to fifty-two named, that card value used to count to a page and word in book, word written on reversed card in deck
1976 65
Roy Johnson The Boy Friend "A close-up trick with Ladies in mind"
card with names, one chosen, that name appears on previously empty small mirror written in lipstick
Also published here 1976 4
Karl Fulves Lottery spectator chooses right card to fill a 21 hand
Related toVariations 1977 258
Stephen Minch A-Ten-Tion prediction on table, three cards removed, two spectators are shown the cards, one sees three Threes of Hearts, the other three Sevens of Hearts, prediction card is Ten and the three cards change to other Tens
VariationsAlso published here 1977 23
Stephen Minch Prediculous cards dealt face-up, all cards are seen to be Kings of Hearts, only odd-backed card is stopped at
Also published here 1977 34
Tommy Wonder Card-Puzzle blocks in a box with pip symbols arrange themselves magically to match selection
Also published here 1977 12
Roy Walton Der Teufelswürfel die wrapped in flash paper is rolled, paper burned, rolled number counted down to, card predicted on paper piece underneath die
Also published here Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Peter Wilker Die vergessene Vorhersage gag, blank card at position, blank prediction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Fifty Fifty card stopped at is predicted in different ways
  • Mark 1 (jumbo card in envelope)
  • Mark 2 (52-on-1 card with actual prediction on back)
  • Mark 3 (black Two of Hearts)
1977 47
Karl Fulves Celestial Navigation odd-backed prediction card is signed on back and put in wallet, selection from another deck turns out to be same card
Related to 1978 4
Larry Becker The 13th Card double prediction, prediction written of card found when spectator's card is spelled to, and duplicate of spectator's card in pocket
1978 63
Steve Beam Comeback off-beat prediction, same back design
1978 22
Richard Cawolsky Card Revealation "Card Revelation" typo, name of card appears written on balloon, it's wrong but changes into name of selection
1978 37
Edward Marlo Date Prediction variation of "Spectator Cuts And Counts To The Aces", date on coin is prediction
1979 331
Charlie Randall Evening The Odds prediction reads: "there will be an even number of packets containing and odd number of cards"
Oct. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Looy Simonoff, Norman Ashworth Rub Out! gag prediction is erased, name of card remains, using Eraser-Mate Pen
Nov. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Scott Weiser, Darwin Ortiz, Les Shore Cutting Remarks coin cut, then spectator chooses any card and this one is predicted on back of coin
Related to 1979 125
Marv Long Extra Climax Card to Wallet all cards have signature on the back except the chosen one, to wallet
Nov. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Type Casting face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related
Related toAlso published here 1979 23
John Carney Stand Up Miniscule prediction in which only four-of-a-kind remains and deck vanishes
Inspired by 1979 14
Bob Brook R & B selection matches odd-backed prediction, than the back colors change of deck and prediction
Inspired by 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 17)
Karl Fulves One-Hand Tenkai card distributed on table, yet performer finds a specific card, featuring one-handed Tenkai palm
The Chronicles (Issue 23)
Karl Fulves The Trap comedy prediction in which five from six cards are in rat traps, then traps in bag, performer reaches in and gets his hand in the trap multiple times, comedy routine
Interlocutor (Issue 33)
Karrell Fox Guaranteed Future comedy fortune telling routine in which current date comes out, spectator gives kiss to performer
1979 111
Karrell Fox The Gift of the Magi invisible deck and table, spectator names a card, it is the only jumbo card in the pocket
Variations 1979 279
Steve Beam, Don Morris Complementary Out out, card with same value and same suit are removed from pocket
Inspired by 1979 11
Roy Johnson The Boy Friend "A close-up trick with Ladies in mind"
card with names, one chosen, that name appears on previously empty small mirror written in lipstick
VariationsAlso published here 1979 7
Marconick Les cartes impossibles three blank cards get printed with text that reveals selected card
Also published here 1979 18
Wes Emberg, Allan Ackerman, Edward Marlo Overkill
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 73
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 14
Stephen Tucker Velleda Variations sentence is erased, name of selection appears, erasable ink
Inspired by 1980
The Talon (Issue 6)
Fred Lowe Die Teleskopkarte spectator selects Eight of Hearts, Ace prediction is pulled long until there are eight pips, gag card
Aug. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Jean Hugard Die Maske Cagliostros blank slates shown, blank piece of paper put in envelope, card selected, all cards appear written on slates, in paper appears a message and pattern with holes, when pattern is placed on slate the correct card is visible through holes
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 18 No. 3, 1960
Nov. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Ken Brooke, Corvello The Blonker Cards of Ken Brooke eleven-card packet, spectator names number up to ten, card at that position is removed, performer finds mate, all other cards are blank
Also published here 1980 140
Ken De Courcy Card on Plate performer enters while spinning a plate with one hand, with other hand he has a card chosen and replaced, finally on the plate is shown a prediction of the selection
1980 30
Ken De Courcy I've Got it Taped spectator takes five cards and follows down/under deal instructions from tape recorder, last card named by recorded voice
1980 52
Theo Doré Ein kleiner Irrtum gag, removing indices from card to match prediction
Also published here
  • "Abracadabra" 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Mike Bornstein Bet-A-Buck prediction on dollar bill changes to fit selection
Also published here Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Scoring card game is played, score is predicted printed on a card
1981 47
Martin Gardner An Up/Down Bet packet of cards is shuffled face-up/face-down and then cards discarded according to rule, orientation of last card is predicted
1981 20
Karl Fulves Twogether two eleven-card packets with Ace through Jack from two decks are dealt, predicted value matches in position and backs transpose
The Chronicles (Issue 29)
Bob Couttie Under-Hand prediction in form of miniature card under hand
The Talon (Issue 7)
Roy Walton Stepping Stones
  • Additional Climax
  • Alternative Method
Also published here 1981 11
Roy Walton Twice Two prediction vanishes from between two Queens as it is the same as the selection, then appears between the Queens of opposite color
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here 1981 82
Paul Harris Torn and Restored Mentalist flap of card case with prediction is torn off and restored
1982 15
Charles Hudson Sum Hummer Ace to Ten packet, mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Variations 1982 105
Thomas Alan Waters Insight Straight performer takes one card out and puts a poker chip on it, then sixteen cards are laid out in a matrix and a spectator can put four chips on cards, those four cards added to the card put away earlier form a straight Ten-Ace
Inspired by
  • Larry Becker's "The Little Black Book" in "Mentalism for Magicians"
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Karl Fulves Chaser card that spectator removes from half a deck is apparently predicted
Related to 1982 47
Al Mann Five-Star Headlines selected card is found on the headline of a newspaper, or selected word
1982 16
Stephen Tucker My Mistake with jumbo card in envelope, odd backed cards
Mar. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 11)
A. R. Mousley Bewitched Board reversed card appears on top of deck when deck is stroked with a board, selection written on board
Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Comedy Five of Clubs Seven of Clubs cut off so that only five pips show
1982 12
George McAthy, Joe Berg Die halbe Karte Four of Diamonds is selected, deck is riffled and Eight of Diamond appears but it is only half the card to match selection
Also published here
  • in "Genii" vol. 11, Nr. 5. P. 151.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 6)
Michael Weber Floored Al Koran Five-Star Deck, prediction is jumbo card on the wall when an elevator is left
1983 33
Terry Seabrooke Keyring Card
Related to 1983 37
Stewart James Polychromatic Wheel strange force involving a wheel layout on the table
Arcane (Issue 10)
Stewart James Kardtu using the "52 on One Card" gag
Arcane (Issue 10)
Stewart James Domore Discovery counting procedure in Si Stebbins stack produced coincidence/prediction
Arcane (Issue 10)
Simon Aronson Donald Duck and Deal chosen number of cards is removed from deck, spectator does deal-duck-procedure, remaining card has picture of Donald Duck ("Your audience should quack up!")
1983 13
Roxy Zig Zag Prediction half card as prediction, some more half cards in envelopes, selection with die
Related to Feb. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 8)
John F. Mendoza The Strange 20 Card Coincidence some cards dealt, dealt packets, selection and prediction make up a royal flush
1983 167
Stephen Tucker, Paul Brignall Anatomy Deck name of called out card is found written on a selected card
Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
David Britland Four Thought four cards turn into quarter of a jumbo card which match selection
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Stephen Tucker Pin-Up 52 on one card gag, card in pocket, named card is pierced
June 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Karl Fulves Ah Ha two blank cards under spectator's hand fuse into one with drawing of named card, mirror writing
1983 107
Paul Curry Mixmaster Ace through King apparently mixed according to spectator's wishes, but order is original one, except two predicted cards
Also published here
  • Genii, Dec. 1981
Jan. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Marconick Ein unmöglicher Karteneffekt three blank cards get printed with text that reveals selected card
Also published here 1983 22
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm using HL initials as prediction gag (7 H)
Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Michael Close, Stewart James Prose Duplex based on "Inverse Duplex" from New Tops, strange prediction effect involving numbers, automatic placement for two selections
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Thomas Alan Waters Wipeout before your eyes as a multiple out
Inspired by 1984 562
Steve Beam The Human Eraser message on paper becomes name of selection when wiping over it or when spectator tries to erase it, rubber cement
Related to 1984 53
Steve Beam Pieces of 8 cards with numbers, selection does not match prediction, prediction changes to correct number, rubber cement
1984 54
The House that Jack Built No. 50, card house folded with three cards, card chosen, it travels to case and the house is made from its three mates, duplicate
1984 70
Al Smith, Stephen Tucker In the Masters' Image card selected, the other three cards of the same value are shown to be in different pockets, multiple methods
Mar. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Thomas Alan Waters Quintastic spectator cuts deck and places top cards in five different pockets, performer shows that he did the same beforehand, cards match
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Frederick Braue Bazooka Card Trick writing appears on card that can be seen in red cellophane envelope (1943)
1985 13
Karl Fulves Correcting Fluid No. 77, wrong prediction on paper construction changes to correct one
1985 137
Karl Fulves Magic with Paper Magic No. 81, this book is a force-book with "tricks" as every fourth word at the start of each chapter, complicated force with cards, word and a card value predicted
1985 146
Gene Nielsen Card Backs various cards in zip loc bag, its back is predicted
1985 3
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Squiggle spectator marks card, marking, pen color and card are predicted
Variations 1986 25
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Red Prediction signature travels onto odd-backed prediction
1986 31
Karl Fulves Nexto two positions in deck decided upon by spectator and performer, after riffle shuffle those positions are counted to and the prediction that one is of each color is verified
1986 7
Karl Fulves Roller Out using roller apparatus that changes blank paper to money for prediction
1986 29
Wayne Kyzer Night Writer prediction, blank card, writing is seen with flashlight, see also p. 264 for additional ideas by Phillip Young
1986 240
Tom Craven The Match miniature card of selection is found in matchbox
1986 254
Mike Schwartz Never Miss Card Trick instructions on tape recorded, humorous revelation of card
Nov. 1986
Magick (Issue 380)
Mark Vincent The "First-Wrong-then-Wright" Prediction prediction changes into correct card
Gimmick (Issue 7)
Howard A. Adams, Rudolf Braunmüller Neunundvierzig number card chosen from 123-deck predicted, using spelling
Inspired by
  • Howard A. Adams effect in Genii
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Terri Rogers T.T.F.N. (or The Gambler's Cure) "Tri-Tetra-Flexagon"
card put in flexagon himber type wallet, spectator also puts a signed selection in the card, the first card is shown to be signed selection and spectator's card has funny message
Also published here 1986 64
Reinhard Müller Verwandlungsvorhersage "4-Karten-McCombical"
four-card version of McCombical prediction, with jumbo cards
Inspired by
  • "Billy's Triumph Revisited" (Hubbard, S.B.J. 1984, came with New Tops 24, Dec. 1984)
1986 7
David Regal A Failsafe Prediction two phases, deck changes into one-way-forcing deck
1987 205
Karl Fulves (B) Jogged Thot thread method to make a back-jogged card any named card, posed as a problem
1987 48
David Regal Peaks & Valleys "A Complete Routine For The McCombical Prediction Deck"
Also published here June/July 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Philip T. Goldstein ESPrit property about order in ESP deck predicted after shuffle
1987 9
Karl Fulves Pocket Predict card placed in spectator's inside pocket, same card then comes from performer's pocket, spectator's pocket is empty
1987 5
Stephen Minch Prediculous cards dealt face-up, all cards are seen to be Kings of Hearts, only odd-backed card is stopped at
Also published here 1987 2
Stephen Minch A-Ten-Tion prediction on table, three cards removed, two spectators are shown the cards, one sees three Threes of Hearts, the other three Sevens of Hearts, prediction card is Ten and the three cards change to other Tens
Also published here 1987 7
Jerry Sadowitz Courtroom number from one to twelve named, card at that position is only number card amongst picture cards, then situation reverses and there is only one picture card amongst number cards
Inspired by 1987 48
Roberto Giobbi SuperLative Lover kiss appears on face of selection, its back becomes red
Inspired by
  • "Latin Lover Opener" (Tony Binarelli, Playmagic, 1976)
Related toAlso published here
1987 99
Peter Wilker Die vergessene Vorhersage performer seems to have forgotten to write name of card on prediction, selected card is blank
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Dai Vernon, Bruce Cervon The Vietnam Trick card and number are predicted by two cards (value and suit, then values added to count to selection)
Also published here 1988 19
Kennichi Kuroki Counterfeit when bill is held against light, shadow of card index shines through
1988 53
Ray Grismer Two-Named names written on back of cards
July 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Jerry K. Hartman Write On not really prediction
Also published here Oct. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 10)
Gary Kurtz The Name is the Same prediction, at the end spectator's name appears on back of card
Related to 1988 20
Steve Beam Armchair Painter toy letters on a slate forming a message, some fall down and forming name of selection
1988 428
Karl Fulves Connect the Dots card layout on table, number cards are used to designate some of those cards, they're connected and the resulting line forms a letter that the spectator chose from a deck of alphabet cards
The Chronicles (Issue 35)
Karl Fulves Letter Perfect prediction visible under clear glass changes when glass is removed, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 50)
Karl Fulves Four-Way Prophet No. 59, one of four cards forced, some face-up cards added together to arrive at same card in another deck
1988 176
Karrell Fox The "Just Right" Prediction "You are right" on prediction changes into name of actual card
1988 96
Karrell Fox "Front Page Finish" full-page image of card in newspaper as prediction
1988 98
Tom Ogden Geschäftsversicherung insurance policy
Also published here
  • Genii
July 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Terri Rogers The Spirit Moves divination with Ouija Board and dry erase writing on it
Also published here 1988 34
Scotty York The Sawed Deck two jumbo decks are used, one card is selected from a red deck and placed in an envelope, other deck is sawed in two with a toy saw and two halves are selected, card in envelope is a split-faced card matching both halves, credit information
Inspired by
  • "Banana Split" (Repro Magic marketed item)
Also published here
1988 1
Roy Walton Obsolete Prediction four packets of four cards with different order of red and black cards, chosen one matches the prediction
  • E.S.P. Version
Also published here 1988 16
Roy Walton Strange Prediction four cards set aside as prediction, card chosen and lost, the four cards are shown to have the same shape, back color and thickness of selection and the last one is the selection
Related toVariations 1988 49
Roy Walton Great Minds Think Alike three spectators choose a value and a suit by counting down, they all end up with the same card
1988 114
Mike Bornstein Polaroid Card Trick card chosen and lost, two signed labels are put on each side of a dollar bill, miniature duplicate of selection appears on one side of the bill
Variations 1988 12
Mike Bornstein Perfect Prediction label on dollar bill with card prediction, prediction changes to match selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 16