531 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to Pocket / Single Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Card to Pocket as Out for Classic Force
1889 133
The Card in the Pocket card at a number is remembered, counted to and vanished, in pocket
Related to 1897 94
The Lost Ace ace travels to pocket
Related to 1897 133
Der "Pick-Pocket" Trick "Schule der Magie"
one or more selections travel to trouser pocket, shown empty by pushing the card up in the corner, also for spectator's pocket
Jan. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Seelenwanderung der Karten four-of-a-kind placed in square formation in a napkin, two card covered with cardboard, they travel upwards one by one through the napkin, preliminary phase in which every Ace does a trick (comes to top, travels from pocket to pocket, to pocket, appears at any number) to switch the ungaffed cards for double facers
Jan. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 1)
C. O. Williams The Artful Card wrong card found behind back, then selection produced from pocket
1904 46
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der forcierte Gedanke (Zweite Ausführung) card removed by performer and wrapped in handkerchief, card thought of from second deck vanishes and travels to pocket, wrapped card is also thought-of card
VariationsAlso published here 1910 82
Donald Holmes Effect No. 1 card chosen, performer divines it and it travels to pocket
1913 12
Louis F. Christianer Where's the King? two spot cards and a King, King changes into another spot card, King found in pocket, suggestion by John E. Fowler
Inspired by
  • "The Disappearing Queen" (Magicians' Trick, Hatton & Plate)
1916 21
Louis F. Christianer The Five Cards one of five cards is selected and put into fifteen-card packet, it travels into pocket, five duplicates
1919 15
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Card No. 5, one of six cards vanishes and appears in performer's pocket
1920 12
Charles T. Jordan The Master Stop Trick four cards are selected and placed back in the deck, spectator deals through the deck and performer stops him at the selections, except the last one which is found in the performer's pocket
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
The Clock Trick chosen card vanishes from twelve-card packet and is found in pocket
1928 6
Joe Berg A Mysterious Change face-up card inserted half-way in deck, card above it remembered by bending the half up, top half plus face-up card put on table, card vanished from face and is removed from pocket
1930 17
Joe Berg A Card, A Case, And a Vanish card shuffled back, deck put in card case, selection vanishes from cased deck and is removed from pocket
1930 23
Laurie Ireland Aeroplane Card to Pocket
Variations 1931 28
Ralph W. Hull A Trick Exposed, But How? color change apparently exposed, but card turns out to have vanished and is brought from pocket
1932 16
Victor Farelli, Tom Sellers The "Sandwich" card travels from sandwich to pocket
1933 89
A Double Surprise performer and spectator remember card and its position in their halves of the deck, cards taken out, performers card is shown to be a double backer (!), spectator's card is an indifferent card and brought from pocket
1933 91
The Original Card to Pocket lazy man's card to pocket, spectator remembers card and its position
1933 93
Victor Farelli For Conjurers Only version of lazy man's card to pocket
1933 93
Victor Farelli Pure Bluff version of lazy man's card to pocket
1933 93
Les Gilbert A Card in Transit! double end card
Dec. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 3)
Tom Sellers A Card From Pocket Trick
1934 4
Dr. Jacob Daley Card in Pocket card and its position remembered, lazy man
Related to 1935 110
Thought Card to Pocket several duplicates
Related to 1935 16
Laurie Ireland Sucker Card Trick sucker gag sequence
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1935, "New Card and Coin Manipulation")
Laurie Ireland On the Bottom, on Top and in the Pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1935, "New Card and Coin Manipulation")
Pellet Trick No. 23, about ten cards freely chosen and written on pieces of paper that are crumpled up, selections sealed in envelope, one of those papers is chosen and that card vanishes from group of selections or travels to somewhere like pocket
Related to 1935 25
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Another Card Trick spectator remembers a card and its position from the bottom, performer takes deck behind back, brings forward wrong card, selection then found in pocket, card slipped up the jacket from behind back
1935 25
Theodore Annemann Named Card to Pocket Jukebox Principle
Related to Mar. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 18)
Victor Farelli Three Sevens Variation on 21 card trick, card ends up in magician's pocket, meant to catch knowledgeable spectators off-guard
1936 20
Franklin M. Chapman A Gag Five of Clubs selected, Six of Clubs produced from pocket (with obvious palming, sucker), but one spot is missing when full card is shown
1936 7
Tommy Tucker The Card Miracle - Certain: 1. Tucker's Version spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, card is on top or in pocket in this handling
Related to 1937 37
T. Nelson Downs 3. The Nelson Downs Original. spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, card is on top or in pocket in this handling
Related to 1937 38
The Mene Tekel Deck - 5. basic application, card travels from one pocket to another
1937 257
Card Into Pocket. A Second Method Menetekel Deck
1937 258
C. O. Williams The Card from the Pocket card at thought of position is remembered and found, lazy man
Related toVariations 1937 342
S. H. Wimbrough Card from the Pocket - Another Presentation lazy man's card to pocket, pocketed card in beginning is later selection
1937 342
Card on the Wing card vanishes from deck and appears somewhere else, double ender
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Louis Lam The Ace of Spades Ace of Spades and indifferent card shows, Ace changes to regular card and is reproduced from pocket, inspired by McDonald Aces performance
1937 14
Robert Parrish Selective Card In Pocket selection travels into a pocket selected by spectator, variation with spectator's pocket instead
1937 35
Joe Berg Mistakes Will Happen card is lost face up in deck behind performer's back with a few more reversed cards for confusion, card should travel to pocket but wrong card travels, it changes into right card, riffle shuffle with key next to a reversed card
Variations 1937 6
William H. McCaffrey Card in the Pocket. II
Related to 1938 255
Paul Rosini Saliva Sorcery. II card vanishes from packet and reappears in pocket
Related toVariations 1938 260
Chosen Card Passed Into Vest Pocket menetekel deck
1938 439
Charles A. Leedy Cards Plus Jugglery card travels from long-short glued forcing deck to pocket
1938 452
Orville Wayne Meyer To Do a Miracle psychological force, spectator hopefully names the card that has been over-exposed earlier in a routine
Related to Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 68)
Hal Haber Perambulating Pasteboards indifferent card placed under spectator's foot, another on his hand, previous selection now under foot and foot-card on hand, other card in pocket
1939 19
A Card for Pegasus card to vest
1940 270
A Card for Pegasus card to vest
1940 307
C. O. Williams, Lazy Man's Card to Pocket
Related to 1940 313
The Torn and Restored Card double facer, thumb tip
1940 359
Tricky Quickie card at known number travels to pocket, see p. 412
1940 384
Card to Pocket tip for the selection process for Lazy Man's...
1940 412
B. B. Low Tram Card card vanishes underneath handkerchief, reappears in pocket, using index
Related toAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 96)
Henry Hardin The Appearing Card in the Pocket showing pocket empty with card in corner of pocket
The Jinx (Issue 97)
B. B. Low Traveller
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 99)
Theodore Annemann A Card to Pocket using Xkwizit gimmick
The Jinx (Issue 117)
Charles Hopkins Think-a-Card thought-of card to pocket, ten-card set-up
Related to 1940 39
Paul Morris The Question is ...... reversed card changes into selection, reversed card then in pocket, miscall
1940 52
Charles Hopkins 28 - In performer's pocket.
1940 43
Louis Lam An Addition one of four thought-of, travels to pocket eventually, OOSOOM
1940 5
Samuel Berland, Bob Hummer Card and Ribbon ribbon with gummed sticker in pocket, selection vanishes from deck and is found attached on ribbon
Also published here 1940 9
Edward Victor The Four Mental Cards spectator thinks of one of four cards that are returned to deck, whichever one he names, magician can produce it (top, bottom, reversed or pocket)
1940 ca. 35
A Psychological Impossibility thought-of card to pocket
Related to 1941 205
The Great Merlini Name Your Poison spectator decides how selection is found: turns over, is spelled to or travels to pocket
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 132)
Louis Capiaux Cartes Mechant card to pocket or wallet with lengthy sucker presentation in which an obviously palmed card vanishes from a handkerchief
The Jinx (Issue 139)
Frank Stobbart Sympathetic Pips blank card with loose pips placed in envelope, pips arrange themselves onto card to match selection (which for no reason travels to pocket)
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 141)
Fred Rothenberg A Double-Dyed Swindle wrong card reverses, selection rises to top, previously reversed card jumps in pocket, double facer
1941 46
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Hallucination several spectators remember a card, all the same which is produced from pocket
1941 29
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue No It Isn't
Related to 1942 5
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue "Well, I'm D----d!" double facer and duplicate
Related to 1942 5
Walter B. Gibson One Good Trick...
Related toAlso published here May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Eddie Joseph Thought Transference five card mental force, card to pocket out with four duplicates
1942 23
Eddie Joseph Gone Beyond Recognition spectator peeks at a card with a knife, that card vanishes, reproduced from pocket
1942 28
Tommy Dowd Card in the Pocket inside pocket, using Kelly bottom placement
Related toAlso published here 1943 188
The Black Ace and Card Through Handkerchief single Ace penetrates handkerchief, changes to selection, Ace in pocket
1943 252
Clyde Cairy Ode to The Jinx three piles, one card from one pile selected and packet counted, card is found in performer's pocket
Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 47)
Worth Knowing named card to pocket, three cards which are mostly named
Related to 1943 17
William S. Houghton "Cards to Pocket" Wrinkle one of five cards thought of, that one travels to pocket, following gaze/eyes in five-card fan
1943 28
Warren Wiersbe This Card gets Around! (Wiersbe's version of Everywhere and Nowhere), impromptu
1944 2
R. M. Jamison Speedy card vanishes from deck and raises from coat breast pocket
Dec. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 74)
Edward Marlo Card to Pocket Surprise same surprise as in Eddie Fechter's Routine
1945 13
Edward Marlo Rub Away with rub vanish
1945 14
Ned Rutledge Well, Well! face up ace should find spectator's card
Related to 1945 31
Robert A. Nelson Wrinkles and Subtle Touches
  • named card in pocket
  • do as i do, with mindreading presentation
  • making envelopes see through
1945 60
Herb Runge Time Will Tell cards laid around a watch, hour and card is selected, card vanishes and appears in pocket
Variations June 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 85)
Neal Elias On the Card to the Pocket palmed card transferred to inside pocket
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1946 4
Frederick Braue Psychological Note card to hip pocket
Mar. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Ten Card Effect card in ten-card packet and its position thought of, card travels to pocket after some counting in that packet
1946 62
Francis Carlyle Homing Card
Related toVariations 1947
Stars of Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
George Sands Gone! signed card travels from case held by spectator to performer's pocket
Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 131)
J. B. Bobo Card to Pocket card instantly produced from pocket
1947 46
A Vested Interest actually card to vest
1948 105
Russell "Rusduck" Duck No Misdirection trick to play on people who want to show performer a trick, heckler gag
July 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 154)
Art Lyle Cock-Eyed card to breast pocket , visible/ invisible ploy
Oct. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 162)
Franklin V. Taylor Shoulder Card card to inside pocket or wallet, no palming
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Tony Kardyro Strange, Very Strange two cards in two halves thought of by two spectators at an agreed-upon small number, they are the same card, card is shown to have vanished and is reproduced from pocket
1948 5
Paul Curry, Bill Woodfield Pocketed card to watch pocket, with reflex beginning
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 191)
Paul Rosini The Missing Card spectator pulls out some cards, remembers bottom card and drop cards onto deck, performer fails to locate card behind back, it is found in pocket, pushed up behind back to under arm pit
1949 25
Eddie Joseph A Clean Vanish and a Location selection vanishes and appears in pocket, and a card is revealed with some other cards
1949 ca. 8
Eddie Joseph Pocket Load from lap to inner jacket pocket
Related to 1949 ca. 9
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dr. Stanley Jaks, Audley Walsh, Lee Noble, Bobby Baxter, a card to pocket and a rainbow deck gag by Gerald Kosky
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 205)
John Scarne, Johnny Albenice Selected Card Vanishes to Pocket No. 71, Essentially identical to Lazy Man's Card to Pocket
Related to 1950 130
Paul Rosini Was It There? one of five cards named, it vanishes from the five-card packet, it appears face-up in the deck, repeat with another card which reappears in the pocket
Related to 1950 9
Paul Rosini Somewhere in the Deck one of nine cards is thought of, it travels to pocket
Related to 1950 11
Paul Rosini With a Short Card performer fails to find card behind his back, it is then found in inside coat pocket
1950 58
Edward Marlo Cutting the Aces Routine Charlier Cuts, last Ace from pocket
1951 4
Al Leech A Sandwich
1952 23
Al Leech A Quick Theft instantly pulled from pocket
1953 17
Edward Marlo Repeater Selected Card to Pocket
Related toVariations 1953 57
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico A Future Classic four cards removed from spread by spectators, one changes into an Ace, then the other three as well, card is peeked, three cards dealt on Aces, spectator choses unknown card which is put in pocket, Ace packets lost one by one and selection shown on top and dealt on table four times, the four "duplicates" change back to Aces, selection removed from pocket
Related toVariations 1953 1
Edward Marlo Streamlined Classic card is chosen and lost, performer finds selection four times and tables it every time, those four "duplicates" change to Twos, selection removed from pocket
1953 15
Cy Endfield Signed Card to Pocket simple center steal
1955 20
Edward Marlo Repeat Card to Pocket
1956 19
Edward Marlo Selected Card to Pocket using Misdirection Palm
1956 23
Carmen D'Amico D'Amico's Peeked Card from Pocket Cull Palm application from break
1956 26
Walter B. Gibson One Good Trick Deserves Another selection is put in pocket by performer behind bak, card is predicted on a slip too
Also published here 1956 101
Franklin V. Taylor Shoulder Card card to inside pocket or wallet, no palming
Also published here 1956 165
Paul Curry, Bill Woodfield Pocketed card to watch pocket, slit, with reflex beginning
Also published here 1956 169
Lu Brent Double Trouble Spectator and magician each select a card. Performer's card is found reversed in the deck, then jumps to pocket, and the spectator's card is now reversed in the deck
Variations 1956 18
Jerry Andrus Disappearance from a Handkerchief lapping, card to pocket
Related to 1956 129
Edward Marlo A Miracle with Cards four spectators each cut off a packet, remember the bottom card and shuffle the whole packet, performer looks at each packet and finds the selections, secretly counting the packets, last card from pocket
  • alternative in which the last wrong card changes into selection
Related toVariations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo Card to Pocket Direct Rear Palm application
1957 32
Norman Houghton OWOOOooo-o-o-o! routine with "wolf pack" (erotic images), spectator repeatedly selects the Joker in different ways, spectator names card which is taken out and given to spectator, performer takes named card out of his pocket and spectator has Joker again, another card is selected and given to the spectator in an envelope as souvenir (it's normal when he looks)
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Edward Marlo Mini-Classic (1st method) selection lost, it is shown on top, bottom and reversed in center, the three cards are shown as all alike, card then taken from pocket, deck shown as all selection
Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo Mini-Classic (2nd method) three cards change into selection, then selection taken from pocket, card then taken from pocket, deck shown as all selection
Related to Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo A Sixy Effect three cards change into selection (a Six), then selection taken from pocket, card then taken from pocket, deck shown as all selection, all four Sixes produced from pocket, puns in the patter
Related toVariations Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo A Variation to a Sixy Effect variation of the ending with a pocket transfer sequence, passing a Nine as a Six
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo B. As an Exchange second deal
1959 137
Edward Marlo A Monte Vanish during a Three Card Monte the money card vanishes and appears in pocket, it then transposes with one of the other cards
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Dai Vernon Card from Pocket Inside Jacket Pocket
Related toAlso published here 1961 28
Cliff Green The Vanish signed card vanishes from face of pack, reappears in pocket
1961 58
Cliff Green A Challenge Special Delivery peeked-at card to any named pocket
1961 68
Cliff Green A Follow-up for "Special Delivery" card divination wrong, then "really? but that card was in my pocket all along..."
1961 70
Cliff Green The Peek Crimp in context of card to pocket/wallet/...
1961 75
Cliff Green Carduplication card peeked at, five cards including selection removed, selection vanishes, odd-backed duplicate from pocket, changes back to match deck
1961 154
Charlie Miller, C. O. Williams The Card in the Pocket number thought of and card at position remembered, vanishes and appears in pocket, lazy man
1961 37
Charlie Miller Version of Selbit's Cards and Tray out-of-hand selection of two cards, one from pocket, one caught from thrown up deck
1961 30
Gene "Phantini" Grant Phantini's Thought Card to Pocket one glued long short card
1961 28
Harry Lorayne Sensitive Touch first sentence: "There may be better ways than this of getting a chosen card into your pocket"
1962 151
Jochen Zmeck Das Mene-Tekel-Spiel roughed short/long menetekel and applications
1. card to top
2. card through table
3. divination
4. rising card
5. card to pocket
6. card travels between two slates
7. having multiple cards chosen
1962 21
Ken Beale Everything Easy card vanishes, another card changes into vanished card and that other card is found in pocket
Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Jerry Andrus Card to Pocket card and its position in small packet remembered by spectator, card ends up lapped after one deal-through
1964 4
B. B. Low Tram Card card vanishes underneath handkerchief, reappears in pocket, using index
Also published here Jan. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Paul Stadelman Pocket to Pocket signed card travels from one of performer's pockets to another
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Edward Marlo Effect 3 two selections, first jumps off deck, transforms into second, first from pocket
1968 26
Aldini Cards to Pocket Thought of card vanishes from packet of four cards, travels to pocket
1969 36
Eddie Joseph The Mystery of the Autographed Card clean card to pocket, using mirage holdout
1969 332
Edward Marlo Card to Pocket lapping
1970 152
Laurie Ireland, Dai Vernon Bluff Card to Pocket Aeroplane Card Trick
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1970 13
Roy Johnson (1) Card to Pocket to right inner jacket pocket
1970 18
Ray Grismer Ray Grismer on C. O. Williams card at thought of position is remembered and found, lazy man, see p. 32 for comment by Dai Vernon
Inspired by Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Jules Lenier One More Card to Pocket published as Hakim Sardis, spectator selects a suit and a value, cards from suit are removed and chosen card vanishes and appears in performer's pocket
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 30)
Edward Marlo Laser Card to Pocket no palm, Bean Shooter type pull
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Gerald Kosky To Believe in the Unbelievable peeked card ends up in performer's pocket, then spectator plays part of magician and performer's card ends up in spectator's pocket
Magick (Issue 17)
Kirk Stiles Gambler's Goldmine card to pocket with "four card monte" presentation
1972 155
It was in My Pocket
1972 4
William H. McCaffrey Card in the Pocket signed
Related to 1972 21
Tommy Dowd Card in the Pocket using Ovette Master Move
Also published here 1972 22
Clayton Rawson Name Your Poison spectator decides how selection is found: turns over, is spelled to or travels to pocket
Also published here 1972 134
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Mental Effect No. 143, two cards peeked, they are the same, card not in deck but found in pocket, cryptic
1972 38
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Telepato Trick No. 154, card peeked is found in vest pocket, or travels into odd-backed deck (cryptic)
1972 40
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note No. 182, two cards chosen, one penetrates handkerchief, other one travels to pocket
1972 45
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note - 6) No. 247-6, no details, only reference
Related to 1972 62
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Uniflight (Smart Magic) No. 279, card peeked at in one half is found in other half that has been in pocket via stop procedure
Related to 1972 70
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Double Steal Effect No. 294, two spectators select a card from one half each, performer also writes down a card, all three are the same and card is found in pocket
1972 75
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Card To Pocket No. 331, card control demo (Aces on top during riffle shuffle, then card at position near top, then deeper down) that lead's into Lazy Man Card to Pocket
1972 92
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Double Key Mystery Card Trick No. 348, spectator pockets some cards and remembers a card, performer divines number of pocketed cards and selection is produced from performer's pocket
1972 97
Variation Of Everywhere - Nowhere No. 493, selection appears in three packets, then from pocket
1972 137
Dr. Jacob Daley Packets Of Five No. 578, two five-card packets, one card travels to pocket
1972 161
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Second Steal No. 617, card controlled to second position, top card shown not to be selection, then top two cards palmed to produce card from pocket
Variations 1972 172
Arthur Finley Finley's Effects: 2) No. 701-2, ploy to get rid of extra card in pocket by first getting wrong card to pocket
Also published here 1972 189
Joseph K. Schmidt The Card Thought Of spectator looks at card in spread (effectively one of three), it is reproduced from pocket
  • No-Palm Method
see also p. 648 for credit information
Aug. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Lin Searles Quick Classic Aces change into selection one by one, then selection from pocket
Inspired by Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Jeff Busby Royal Runaway Jack, Queen and King of one suit are in (Himber) wallet, chosen value travels to pocket, then from deck back to wallet, turns over, back to deck
1973 1
Steve Spillman Card to Pocket Plus mates of selection turn over in the deck, selection is found in performer's pocket
1973 13
Steve Spillman Foot Flight signed card placed under spectator's foot and deck on top, card travels to magician's breast pocket
1973 27
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Ghost Card card travels to pocket twice, duplicates
Magick (Issue 95)
Peter Wilker Trick with Cards and Dice trick without title, die can be opened, inside is a note that card is in performer's pocket, duplicate
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 1)
Tenkai Ishida Vanish of Thought-Of Card one of ten cards, spectator remembers card and position, card vanishes an appears inside pocket, Lazy Man
1974 47
Walt Lees, Edward Marlo, Derek Dingle, Frank Garcia The Perpetual Elevator Routine ten minute act
  • 1.) The First Elevator (based on "Penetration")
  • 2.) The Cold Elevator
  • 3.) Triumph Plus (see also "Super Subtle Shuffle")
  • 4.) The Small Packet All Backs (based on a Derek Dingle Routine)
  • 5.) Finale (Elevator again with card in pocket finish)
Inspired byRelated to Nov. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Peter Kane Fiver! selection to pocket, then changes into bill
Related to 1975 1
Steve Miaco Miaco card to pocket, brief idea
1975 112
Horace E. Bennett Selected Card to Pocket card to pocket, repeated phase with named card out of two cards
Inspired by 1975 85
Gerald Kosky To Believe in the Unbelievable card appears inside performer's jacket pocket, repeated with performer as magician, card appears inside his inside pocket
1975 30
Charles T. Jordan Master Stop Trick four cards are selected and placed back in the deck, spectator deals through the deck and performer stops him at the selections, except the last one which is found in the performer's pocket
Also published here 1975 18
Charles T. Jordan The Climax card chosen, duplicate of it is seen by spectator in a deck scattered face up on a table, it vanishes from there and appears in performer's pocket, layout in which appear to be the four Sixes but they are composed from Sevens and Nines
VariationsAlso published here 1975 109
Dai Vernon, Laurie Ireland Dai Vernon's Aeroplane Card
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1976 15
Edward Marlo No Way previously tabled card turns out to be later selection, becomes second selection, first from pocket
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Jerry Andrus Card to Pocket seated, with handkerchief
Related to 1976 34
Paul Harris The Infamous Tap-Dancing Cards selection from one half travels reversed in other half, then transforms into second selection after being sandwiched, other card from pocket
Inspired byVariations 1976 44
Tom Gagnon Visual Quickie one of four kings transforms into selection, then back, selection from pocket
Also published here 1977 160
Paul Curry Concept Of A Classic
Inspired by 1977 77
Harry Lorayne Strange Voyage wrong card changes into selection, indifferent is in pocket, opener
Also published here 1977 96
Harold E. Haber, Jr. Ein Wunder für Phlegmatiker five selections are signed and put in envelope, names of cards are written on billets and put in hat, one chosen and that card vanishes from envelope and appears in pocket or elsewhere
Also published here July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Dan MacMillan Thot Card to Pocket Variation lazy man's card to pocket
1977 39
Danny Korem Korem Card to Pocket single card visually vanishes, removed from pants pocket, pendulum holdout
1978 12
Karl Fulves Finished at end of transposition sequence the two cards transform and original cards are in pocket and wallet
1978 66
Frederick Braue Middle Deal Demonstration with reversed indicator ace and slip cut, last ace to pocket
Variations 1978 25
Rolf Andra Black-Out-Bluff card is divined in the dark, then performer locates it and puts card into pocket
1978 117
Doug Edwards Emersion - Card to Pocket in context of Emersion
1978 40
Roy Walton Fleeting Image two cards peeked at, two random cards turned over in different parts of deck, they come together to find first selection, then one travels back down and changes into second selection, then comes from pocket
Also published here 1978 5
Roy Walton Past And Present no-palm card to envelope in pocket, all cards from named suit removed in order, one chosen and that one travels, is already gone
Inspired by
  • "Thought Foretold" (Nelson Downs letters, Linking Ring, Apr. 1971)
Also published here
1978 29
Reinhard Müller Eine Doppelrückenkarte kann Karten Austauschen und damit verbunden zum Verschwinden bringen using a double backer to switch or vanish cards
  • Grundhandlungen
  • Anwendung 1 der Situation 3
  • Anwendung 2 der Situation 3
  • Anwendung 3
  • Anwendung 4
Related to Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
José de la Torre The Jumping Queen Queen of Spades vanishes from packet an appears in pocket, multiple phases, whole packet becomes Queens of Spades
1978 40
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm handling for "card to pocket" using a side steal
July 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm card to pocket without palming, open demo with double card
Related to Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Steve Beam, Don Morris Just Joking based on a Paul Curry idea from Magician's Magic (?), card vanishes and appear in pocket, with Jokers, as an Out
1979 12
Francis Carlyle Ingenious Signed Card to Pocket
Related to 1980 41
Father Cyprian Psychological Card to Pocket
1980 30
Samuel Berland, Bob Hummer Card and Ribbon ribbon with gummed sticker in pocket, selection vanishes from deck and is found attached on ribbon
Also published here 1980 11
Ken De Courcy A Routine for Frank Garcia's "Five Card Stunner" black Jack and four red cards, Jack vanishes and travels to pocket, repeats with fewer cards
Inspired by
  • "Five Card Stunner" (Frank Garcia)
1980 11
Ken De Courcy Card Snooker card travels to chosen pocket, then it is shown that the card is in every pocket and the deck is a forcing deck, gag
1980 19
Don England Phase 51 deck vanish to pocket
Variations 1981 15
Ken Simmons A Triumph For You two selections, Triumph with one selection face-up in center, cards re-spread, now second selection in center and first in pocket
1981 31
Ken Simmons Another Card to Pocket lazy man's card to pocket, spectator remembers card and its position
1981 48
Paul Harris Thumb-Break thumb squashed flat against card, then card to pocket
1981 69
Peter Duffie Pocketed one phase ambitious card with Ace, then card travels to pocket
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Walt Lees Hofzinser/Jennings with two selections, one of which ends up in the pocket
Inspired by 1981 21
Horace E. Bennett Comedy Card to Pocket or Wallet
1981 61
Juan Tamariz La Prisionera Romantica only three cards, card vanishes from between jokers and appears in pocket, lapping
Also published here 1981 40
Edward Marlo, Danny Korem Next To Impossible Card To Wallet from deck to pocket
Inspired byRelated to 1982 158
Dr. James Nuzzo Dr. James Nuzzo's Bonus Idea sticky tape on body for cards
1982 18
Dr. James Nuzzo Nuzzo's No Tape Alternative card to under sleeve
1982 19
Edward Marlo Marlo's Combinations cards from under arm and pocket, sticky tape as holdout
1982 20
Dr. James Nuzzo Simplex card to back pocket, sticky tape
1982 21
Card in the Pocket - Version One palmed out and removed from pocket
1982 17
Card in the Pocket - Version Two dummy card in pocket
1982 18
Tom Gagnon Visual Quickie one of four kings transforms into selection, then back, selection from pocket
Also published here 1982 27
Roger Smith The Card in the Pocket
Inspired by 1982 2
Jon Racherbaumer Marlo Card-to-Pocket Items in Print list of 21 of Marlo's card-to-pocket tricks in print
Facsimile (Issue 1)
Stephen Tucker Behold odd back card in pocket is signed card
Inspired by
  • Horace Bennett's "Comedy Card to Pocket" in "Bennett's 4th Book"
Dec. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 32)
Edward Marlo Card from Pocket from Clip Palm
1984 157
Philip T. Goldstein Sans Fronds without palming
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 96
Felix Fabian Single Card Double Color Change and Vanish "This is one of the finest effects of pure sleight-of-hand in existence."
  • Snap Change with back-to-back clean-up
  • Snap-Over Change
  • False transfer and removed from pocket
Also published here
  • Sphinx, July 1924, p. 164
1985 9
Lost Card Subterfuge card to pocket as out for lost card
1985 23
Think of It! one out of five, travels to pocket (1937)
1985 17
Frederick Braue Card to Pocket card vanishes from deck via Gardner's method
Related to 1985 14
Ben Harris Card and Coin to Pocket coin vanishes and reappears in pocket, so does a selection, then coin appears next to selection in deck
1985 49
Ben Harris Madman's Card to Pocket #1 slit in jacket under arm
1985 85
Ben Harris Madman's Card to Pocket #2 card ends up under shirt collar under jacket
1985 90
Ben Harris Madman's Card to Pocket #3 card bonded to jacket between shoulders
1985 93
Rudolf Braunmüller, Francis Carlyle Heimkehrer-Karte
Inspired by Oct. 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Francis Carlyle The Homing Card - Updated two phases
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 ca. 1
Laurie Ireland, Dai Vernon The Aeroplane Card Trick with repeat version
Inspired by 1987 144
David Regal Holding On with lapping
1987 57
Hippie Torrales Pocketed! card travels to pocket, than all card except selection travel to pocket
Oct. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 10)