299 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Other Stacks / Full Deck
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The "Alternate Card" Trick with a Complete Pack apparently mixed deck comes out in order via down-under deal
1890 42
Das Vorherbestimmen mehrerer gewählten Karten deck dealt into four piles, one chosen, all cards in this pile are predicted
May. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Prädestinationsgabe two decks, spectator remembers one and its position in one deck, then he counts down in second deck from position to previously predicted number, selection is there
Related toAlso published here 1896 111
Das Umzählen on the reverse counting of decks and packets
Variations 1896 124
Die Unzertrennlichen deck shown mixed and taken under a handkerchief, performer brings out all fours-of-a-kind one after the other, two methods (stacked stripper deck, deck switch)
Feb. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Prädestinationsgabe two decks, spectator remembers one and its position in one deck, then he counts down in second deck from position to previously predicted number, selection is there
Also published here July 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Predestination two packs, one spectator thinks of card and its position, predicted number is counted down in other deck, card there matches first selection
Related toAlso published here 1897 192
Mr. Blak Das Ordnen der Karten deck shown mixed, down-under deal performed to sort deck in new deck order
Variations Sep. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Hugo Schrader Neues mathematisches Kartenkunststück one of thirty-two cards thought of, eight packets of four cards each given to spectator who should remove some cards that match his value or suit, card found
Apr. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Arthur Toskana Das Riesengedächtnis order of shuffled deck read to performer who can repeat it, deck switched for "memorized" deck with easy system
Related toVariations Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Emil Clauß Das Riesengedächtnis rhyme to remember value sequence of all eight values
Inspired by Nov. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Eduard W. Lufa Die Lieblingsfarbe three or four pairs of cards chosen, placed on small table, suit chosen, all cards change into that suit
Mar. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Die magische Einwirkung two packs, one spectator thinks of card and its position, predicted number is counted down in other deck, card there matches first selection, translation by John Willmann
Also published here Apr. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 4)
A. J. Ueber künstliches Mischen slow shuffling method that re-organizes the cards, working backwards, with tables for different numbers of cards that show how the cards change positions with each shuffle, see p. 166
Related to Nov. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Charles T. Jordan Coluria No. 25, thirty-two-deck of cards is cut and dealt into six piles, two remaining cards pocketed, colors of top cards code bottom cards and cards in pocket, done out-of-room
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 68
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 70
Charles T. Jordan Change Your Mind? No. 27, one of two cards thought-of, replaced, deck dealt into two piles (some face-up, some face-down), performer picks out correct card, four groups are marked with dots
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 72
Charles T. Jordan The Card and Number Mystery No. 29, spectator deals piles, selects one, adds values, counts down to number and the card there is predicted
Also published here 1919/1920 76
Charles T. Jordan Transcendental Vision No. 10, stacked, one-way backs, "do you see a card of the same value in this pile?"
Also published here 1920 22
Charles T. Jordan The Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan Fate and the Joker card selected by stabbing joker, card named, stacked deck
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan Recycling by Dealing dealing deck in seven piles, then six, then eight, then seven piles restores order
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Suitability out-of-hand selection of three cards, they all name the suits, performer then divines all cards
Related to 1928 28
Victor Farelli Arrangement of the Cards stack in which the cards above and below any card indicate the selection by value and suit, for forty-eight cards
Inspired by
  • "Card Control" (Bagshawe, marketed 1928)
1931 3
Victor Farelli A Strange Coincidence card freely chosen with knife stab, then position chosen and card above and below knife denote earlier selection with suit and value
Variations 1931 5
Victor Farelli The Reversal card chosen with knife stab, another card pocketed, for both cards, two cards are found that denote value and suit, one of the pairs reversed
1931 7
Victor Farelli The Marvellous Discovery card removed from pack while performer is not looking, yet he quickly finds two cards that denote the selection by value and suit without looking at the faces
  • First Method
  • Second Method ("Shades")
  • Third Method (Difference in Design)
Related to 1931 12
Riffle Trick No. 1, spectator riffle shuffles once, cuts to a card and remembers a suit, then memorizes the first card of that suit from the face
Also published here 1935 1
W. F. "Rufus" Steele, Earl De Forrest Son John Story No. 38, apparently by Earl de Forrest according to a letter of his to Stewart James (about Charles T. Jordan)
1935 35
Al Baker A Card and A Number - 2nd Method same method, with short cards to mark positions
Inspired byAlso published here 1935 16
Edward Bagshawe The Mind-Reader card is mentally selected from a randomly-ordered list of cards, magician reveals he predicted position of card in deck and the card’s number-position in the list
Related to 1936 ca. 23
Charles T. Jordan Fate and the Joker card selected by stabbing joker, card named, stacked deck
Also published here 1937 109
Charles T. Jordan Transcendental Vision stacked, one-way backs, "do you see a card of the same value in this pile?"
Also published here 1937 161
Charles T. Jordan Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1937 207
Charles T. Jordan Psycholia cards are chosen in different room and order is read aloud, card divined, secret second stacked deck
Also published here 1937 209
Howard Albright Perfect Card Divination free thought of card, stacked, "has one of these the same value?"
Variations 1937 217
Charles T. Jordan Positions Unknown named cards are produced and deck separated into colors, stacked stripper deck
Also published here 1937 273
Jean Hugard The Automatic Deck and Opening Routine complete routine, deck rises from case, then cards are riffle shuffled twice, Hearts are removes and story told matching the cards, then second suit is removed and performer turns over same card spectator, as climax cards are spelled and turned over in an other suit, interlocking chains principle

  • I. The Rising Deck
The Automatic Deck - Routine
  • II. A Card Fairy Tale
  • III. Matching Cards
  • IV. Spelling Extraordinary
Apr. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Billy O'Connor Mix - Cut and Look spectator riffle shuffles once, cuts to a card and remembers a suit, then memorizes the first card of that suit from the face
Also published here 1946 9
George G. Kaplan Information, Please! on the phone revelation with a order of deck secretly used as list by medium
1948 182
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Prime Presentation two decks, one card is selected and both decks dealt until same card is found in other deck, card found at same position as mate of selection is named and its mate is not found in other deck but in envelope, repeated with written prediction inside card case
Related toVariations 1949 1
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Two prediction printed in newspaper
1949 3
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Three cards sent in advance to spectator as prediction
1949 3
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Four two decks, two cards are selected by two spectators and mates are found
1949 3
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Five two decks, two cards are selected by two spectators and mates are found, one deck dealt face up and one face down
1949 4
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Six two decks, two cards are selected by dealing to a chosen number, mates are found at same position, with variation
1949 4
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Seven two decks are cut and placed under hats, 51 cards are dealt and last two cards match
1949 5
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Eight two decks and one is cut by spectator, performer removes same card from other deck
1949 5
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Nine two decks, mate of selection is found in pocket
1949 5
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Ten two decks, same card is found
1949 5
Eddie Joseph Applying Staggered Principle for Two-Person Mental Act Staggered - Prime Presentation done with medium
1949 11
Eddie Joseph The Invisible Influence deck is divided in halves and performer knows matching pairs when cards are dealt, six phases
  • The Patter
  • The Influence in Operation
  • The Principle Explained
  • Details of Working
  • Additional Information
Variations 1951 2
Moe and Sam
1952 53
George Boston The Do Nothing Miracle spectator cuts deck behind back and removes top three cards, performer does the same with a second deck and the cards match
1952 60
Stewart James The Mathematricker a box that apparently solves mathematical questions is presented, first a gag answer appears, then the machine is supposed to give the remainder of an equation done with playing card values, but there is no remainder and nothing appears on the paper
Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #41 full-deck stack, value of top card used to determine which card will be dealt face down
Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Snibbets Rusduck's system for Si Stebbins, speller
Related to Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
P. Howard Lyons High in Denmark cutting the high card with all quartets in descending order
Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Alex Elmsley Auto Prediction three cards are predicted written on another playing card
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Ronald B. Edwards Mazes-Phase Down variation that starts with two honest riffle shuffles (interlocking chains), suits separated, some dealing procedure that affects the red/black distribution
  • Phase II (dealing into chosen number of piles, sympathetic values)
Inspired byRelated to July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Mel Stover Triptych spectator cuts deck in two piles, card cut to is placed aside, down-under-deal with both halves, the remaining cards match, and they also match the card placed aside, fourth card in wallet
Variations July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Sam Randlett Name-O-Card Revisited set-up to produce any named card, jukebox magic, card reversed, or cut short, or found in envelope, ..., incorporating statistics of often-named cards
  • Special Breaks
Inspired by
  • Name-O-Card by Hull
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Stewart James Fourtold spectator cuts deck, four cards of different suits are chosen during a face-up deal, they are predicted, corrected from New Tops write-up
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Fourtold" (Stewart James, Tops, 1937)
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Karl Fulves Fourtold Retold four selections predicted, four different suits
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here July 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 397)
Karl Fulves Fourtold Retold four selections predicted, four different suits
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Paul Swinford Switcharound
1968 23
Karl Fulves ESP + Math ESP cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards, see also p. 728 for comment, p. 840 for comment by Jerry Fulton
Related toVariations Feb. 1968 162
Karl Fulves, Charles Hudson ESP + Math non ESP-version, cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here May 1968 178
Roy Walton Friendly Persuasion separating in suits, unusual procedure
VariationsAlso published here Spring 1970 125
Ian Baxter The "Expert" at the Card Table??? card freely chosen and tabled face down, performer produces the three cards of same value, all quartets grouped together
1970 32
Roy Walton Demi Demon mates are found, faro
VariationsAlso published here 1971 24
Karl Fulves ESP + Math ESP cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Related to 1973 8
James G. Thompson Jr. ESP + Math + Thompson ESP cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
  • Adding Another Factor
  • Phase II
  • Phase III
  • Added Notes by Thompson
Inspired by 1973 92
Gene Finnell The Down/Under Exchange Surprise selection placed aside, packet cut and down/under deal performed until four cards remain, top of those is selection and previously tabled card matches other three cards
1973 55
Orville Wayne Meyer Multi-Mentality Plus with four selections, each thought from a quarter of the deck
Inspired by
  • "Multi-Mentality" (Orville Wayne Meyer, Genii Vol. 4 No. 11, July 1940, p. 342)
Magick (Issue 104)
Karl Fulves White Line Problem no-touch condition definition, spectator upjogs four-of-a-kind and then removes one, performer divines it, two handlings, using different red backs in one deck
Related to Feb. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan The Vanished Card named card vanishes and is found in pocket
Also published here 1975 89
Charles T. Jordan Psycholia cards are chosen in different room and order is read aloud, card divined, secret second stacked deck
Also published here 1975 146
Charles T. Jordan Transcendental Vision stacked, one-way backs, "do you see a card of the same value in this pile?"
Also published here 1975 150
Charles T. Jordan The C. T. J. Detection spectator deals down and remembers next card, dealt packet is replaced and riffle shuffle given, interlocking chains
Also published here 1975 151
Charles T. Jordan Fate and the Joker card selected by stabbing joker, card named, stacked deck
Also published here 1975 157
Charles T. Jordan An Odd Even Experiment deck shuffled twice, any suit removed, performer selects a card from it and deals the rest in four piles and says whether the top cards of each pile is odd or even, performer then knows selection
Also published here 1975 157
Charles T. Jordan Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1975 158
Charles T. Jordan Positions Unknown named cards are produced and deck separated into colors, stacked stripper deck
Also published here 1975 160
Charles T. Jordan Coluria thirty-two-deck of cards is cut and dealt into six piles, two remaining cards pocketed, colors of top cards code bottom cards and cards in pocket, done out-of-room
Also published here 1975 222
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1975 223
Charles T. Jordan Change Your Mind? one of two cards thought-of, replaced, deck dealt into two piles (some face-up, some face-down), performer picks out correct card, four groups are marked with dots
Also published here 1975 224
Charles T. Jordan The Card and Number Mystery spectator deals piles, selects one, adds values, counts down to number and the card there is predicted
Also published here 1975 226
Paul Curry Multiple Thought Power two decks, with three selections simultaneously
1976 1
Think of an Ace No. 37, spectator thinks of an Ace and removes it in his own hands, position of Ace keys suit to performer
1976 57
Burling Hull The Two Fold Miracle spectator shuffles deck and cuts to any card, its value used to count down in second deck, same card found there
1976 49
Jerry K. Hartman More Than One Way "There's More Than One Way To Spin A Cut."
two decks in reverse order
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978
The Chronicles (Issue 12)
Eddie Joseph Ultimate Match No. 58, one card cut to in one deck, matches position in second deck, inverse stacks
Variations 1979 96
Michael Skinner Atom Poker Mal Zwei two phases, set-up
Related toAlso published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Ariel Frailich Roll-Over-Kill Aces cut to in named order, then Rollover Aces with new deck order finish
  • Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Effect
  • Method
Variations 1979 1
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Endless Mindreader after any number of faro shuffles, the spectator removes a card and replaces it somewhere else, performer finds it
Variations Mar. 1979
Ibidem (Issue 36)
Tom Ransom +Oraclu+ six cards chosen, divined by performer
Mar. 1979
Ibidem (Issue 36)
Steve Beam Mating Season II dealing through the halves and spectator stops, mates, different method as in Mating Season I
Related to 1980 35
Gerald Kosky Picture Perfect divination of selected postcard, abc stack
Magick (Issue 278)
Roy Walton Demi Demon mates are found, faro
Also published here 1981 71
Karl Fulves ESP + Math No. 37, packet of cards is shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Related toAlso published here 1984 48
Juan Tamariz Coincidencia Total different method than in Sonata, with deck switch
Related to 1984 79
Jerry Sadowitz Elimination comedy location, all cards eliminated in stages with patter lines except selection
Inspired by 1987 73
Roy Walton Friendly Persuasion separating in suits, unusual procedure
Also published here 1988 87
Peter Kane The Psychic's Game Show five keys, one selected with Kane's Variant procedure and it's the only one that opens the lock to a prize
  • The Stacked Deck Extra (apparently random cards chosen for selection procedure)
1988 ca. 7
Justin Higham Shuffled Deck Finale faro, without rollover phase, whole deck in order at the end, see also page 1
May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Juan Tamariz Total Coincidence first single cards from two decks match, then both decks are in exactly the same order
Related toVariations 1989/91 224
Simon Aronson Simon-Eyes two cards thought of with counting procedure, both cards divined with "No No's Fishing"
  • Reality
  • The Problem
  • No No's Fishing
  • The Simon-Eyes Arrangement
  • The Selection Procedure
  • Fishing in the Simon-Eyes Pack
  • Fishing for the Values
  • Fishing for the Suits
  • The Faro Restacking Simon-Eyes Pack
Related toVariations 1990 123
Paul Hallas Not So Remote Viewing! card is named and performer names its position in the deck
Inspired by 1990 2
Alex Elmsley Arith-Mate-Ic some cards are cut, rest is cut into two piles, number of cut-off cards determines coincidence in two tabled packets
Variations 1991 328
T. Page Wright The Triple Coincidence three cards chosen freely, deck put in pocket, performer finds the three mates by touch, last one found by spectator (hopefully)
1991 184
Jerry K. Hartman There's More than One Way to Spin a Cut two decks in reverse order
Also published here 1991 488
Dany Ray Un Billon de Probabilidades en Contra two decks, two cards at same position, two methods, very similar to Curry's Power of Thought
Related toAlso published here 1992 108
Richard James A Problem Solved? deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Profile (Issue 11)
Roy Walton Fair Play pairs taken from two halves, pairs of same suit give a point, performer wins, reverse Gilbreath
Variations Sep. 1992
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Charles T. Jordan Psycholia No. 28, cards are chosen in different room and order is read aloud, card divined, secret second stacked deck
Also published here 1992 36
Charles T. Jordan C. T. J. Detection No. 34, spectator deals down and remembers next card, dealt packet is replaced and riffle shuffle given, interlocking chains
Also published here 1992 42
Karl Fulves "Wizard's Will" Notes No. 38, triple prediction version with simple stack
1992 45
Charles T. Jordan Recycling by Dealing dealing deck in seven piles, then six, then eight, then seven piles restores order
Also published here 1992 46
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 125, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1992 156
Charles T. Jordan Fate and the Joker No. 130, card selected by stabbing joker, card named, stacked deck
Also published here 1992 162
Charles T. Jordan An Odd-Even Experiment No. 131, deck shuffled twice, any suit removed, performer selects a card from it and deals the rest in four piles and says whether the top cards of each pile is odd or even, performer then knows selection
Also published here 1992 163
Charles T. Jordan The Mysterious Detective No. 132, three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1992 164
Charles T. Jordan The Vanished Card No. 137, named card vanishes and is found in pocket
Also published here 1992 170
Charles T. Jordan The Card-and-Number Mystery No. 144, spectator deals piles, selects one, adds values, counts down to number and the card there is predicted
Also published here 1992 176
Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Change Your Mind? No. 166, one of two cards thought-of, replaced, deck dealt into two piles (some face-up, some face-down), performer picks out correct card, one-way on faces and backs (instead of original dot marks used by Jordan)
Inspired by 1992 199
Peter Duffie Four Play four spectators get five cards and only keep those of the suit that has more than one card in the hand, performer divines the suits
1992 16
Rudolf Braunmüller Si Stebbins à la Rusduck Stebbins variation
Related to Nov. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 2)
David Britland, Marc Russell Cul-de-Stack high/low alternating deck for memory demonstration and bridge deal
Nov. 1993
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Roy Miller The Miller Stack based on Bart Harding's stack, simple mental arithmetic for each card
Nov. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 5)
Alex Elmsley Auto-Prediction three cards are predicted written on another playing card
Also published here 1994 80
Alex Elmsley The Restacking Pack stack whose value distribution is not affected by faro shuffles
Related toVariations 1994 309
Victor Farelli Controlled Coincidence card chosen, spectator stabs to two cards that indicate suit and value, with three variations in which the deck is shuffled:
  • Additions to Controlled Coincidence (Pack Genuinely Shuffled)
Inspired by 1994 1070
Philip T. Goldstein Trisectarian two cards found, one by counting down value of other cards
1994 96
Jackie McClements Pushthru Eliminator card chosen, incomplete faro pushed through a few times to get clues about the color and suit of card, wrong card is determined, still right card shows up reversed in deck
Also published here
  • The Crimp, p. 212
1994 4
Steven Hamilton Thinking Out Loud card built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other, that card turns over, then Triumph with four cards reversed at finale, the constructed card and its mates
Also published here 1994 210
Peter Duffie The Future Packet number of cards cut off by spectator is predicted via the sum in another packet
Inspired byVariations 1994 25
Walter Rollins One For The Boys (Of Summer)
Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Peter Duffie, Arthur Carter Carter's Fooler deck shuffled by spectator, deck cut into four piles, performer removes one from each pile, values are spelled and mates found
Inspired by
  • "Impossible Coincidence" (Arthur Carter, Magigram, Nov. 1975)
1994 9
Simon Aronson The Trained Deck selection cut into deck, three chosen cards added, selection at this position, repeated, then selected card is spelled by spectator in his head while performer deals, performer stops at selection, Multiple Card Sum Stack
Related to 1995 123
Curtis Kam Hard Boiled Detective
1996 71
Ken Krenzel Simulacrum Mirabundum two decks, number and card freely named, another card selected, then in second deck one deals to the selected card and effectively cuts the deck there before counting to named number where the named card is
Inspired by 1997 9
Nick Trost Intuition two reversed selections match / same position in decks
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 161
Peter Duffie Back To The Future Packet sum value of four cards tell you how many cards down selection is
Inspired by 1997 73
Simon Lovell Who Killed Lilly Longlegs?
1997 83
Simon Lovell, Michael Austin Blind Date Bermuda spectator pockets three cards behind his back, performer takes another deck and finds the mates
Inspired by 1997 129
Dieter Ebel Der Elfenreigen oder auch Elfies Rosenkranz mathematical stack
  • Das wohlgeordnete Chaos
  • Die Grundordnung
  • Das Legen des Elfenreigens
  • Das Errechnen der Position
  • Das Errechnen der Karten
  • Hallo, Nachbarn!
  • Über Ihren Umgang mit dem eigenen Genie (spectators are asked mathematical questions so performer doesn't have to calculate himself)
  • Und manchmal reden sie dabei wirklich unmögliche Dinge
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
David Regal Coincidence Deck performer puts down card, then spectator selects one, repeated a few times, all pairs are mates
Related to May 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Jas Jakutsch Divide and Conquer deck is divided and shuffled by eight spectators, all cards can be divined, belly strippers
1999 3
Jas Jakutsch Super Card Memory - With a Kick ("SCAM"- With a Kick) eight people take a card and put them in their pocket, all missing cards are named and assigned to the right person, belly strippers
1999 4
Jas Jakutsch, Bob Farmer "16-Foot Tsunami" multiple cards are divined, impossible conditions, psychic poker, belly strippers
Related to 1999 9
Jas Jakutsch Varius Multiplex Multiformis multiple cards divination, belly strippers
1999 12
Ellis Stanyon Naming Spots on a Card at Any Number in the Pack No. 42, stack for spot cards only, calculation method to know card at any number
1999 78
Ellis Stanyon Forty Cards Dealt Faces Down, to Pick Up the One Named No. 44, cards dealt in square on table, any spot card named and performer knows where it is
1999 79
Margery's Arrangement for a Piquet Pack No. 3, rhyme for thirty-two card deck
Also published here
  • "Magic", 1893
1999 86
Ellis Stanyon Another Arrangement for a Piquet Pack No. 4, mathematical
1999 86
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Two Consecutive Cards No. 3, two consecutive cards chosen, some number of cards added to top, card found
1999 100
Ellis Stanyon Fifteen Consecutive Cards Indiscriminately Drawn from One Pack and One Secretly Chosen, to Produce It from Another Pack No. 4, card from packet chosen, found in second deck, both in same order
1999 101
Ellis Stanyon Special Arrangement of Whist Pack and Tricks with Same No. 6, similar to Stebbins
(a) To Discover the Top Card
(b) To Discover a Card Removed from Either of Two Portions
(c) To Discover the Bottom Card from Either Half of the Pack
(d) Reading the Whole Pack
(e) To Name Either or All of Four Cards Dealt in a Row
(f) To Discover a Card Freely Selected
1999 104
Ellis Stanyon Any Card Noted in One Pack Found at a Given Number in Another No. 9, two decks in same order, number and card chosen, another number predicted, when counting to predicted number starting with named number the card is there
1999 108
Ellis Stanyon The Pack Is "Cut" into Four and the Names of the Cards in Either Part Are Found in an Envelope No. 10, four piles made, one chosen, cards in that pile are predicted or divined, multiple out in envelope
1999 109
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note deck riffle shuffled, top thirteen cards dealt off and four spectators take the cards of one suit each, alls cards divined, interlocking chain principle
Inspired by 1999 120
Steve Beam Bite Me four spectators cut cards and selections are found
Related to 2000 204
Peter Duffie A Stebbish Location two cards chosen with two dice, performer produces one and names the other, variation of Si Stebbins stack
2000 13
Richard Bartram, Jr. Joker Assisted Triumph ends in new deck order, faros
Inspired by 2000 17
Robin Robertson Triple Simon deck cut in halves, one card chosen from each half and stabbed into it, it ends up between two cards of same value and suit as selections
June 2000
Onyx (Issue 11)
Dave Campbell Premonition card not named but built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other
Inspired by
  • "Thinking Out Loud" (Steven Hamilton, The Crimp #10)
Also published here
2000 8
Paul Curry The Power of Thought
Related toVariations 2001 307
Simon Aronson Two Deck Canasta Two cards chosen by two spectators from two decks match, even which pocket the cards are placed in
Inspired by
  • Chan Canasta's performance on the Jack Paar show on TV
2001 149
David Regal The Coincidence Deck performer puts down card, then spectator selects one, repeated a few times, all pairs are mates
Related to 2002 214
Tino Call Think of a Card Spectator looks at any card in the deck and at it's mate, card can be named
Related to 2002 97
Wayne Dobson An Englishman in New York
2002 4
Marty Kane Divide and Conjure! after several full-deck reverse faros, only three cards remain, one settled upon, it is the selection
  • Full Deck Handling
  • Further Notions on Divide and Conjure! (2)
  • External Thoughts (Robin Robertson, Jerry K. Hartman, Peter Duffie)
  • The Trouble with Seven
  • Partial Deck Handlings
  • Full Deck Prearranged Handling (named card)
Inspired by
  • "The Devil and His Disciple" (Robert Neale, Life Death, and Other Card Tricks)
Related toVariations
2003 49
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Paranormalist spectator riffle shuffles once and turns up pairs without the performer seeing them, when a color-matching pair is found the performer names the higher value
Inspired byRelated to 2003 95
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Power of Love
Inspired by 2003 97
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Gilbreath Plays Dominoes after a riffle shuffle domino chain made with cards, end and beginning predicted
Inspired by 2003 66
Iain Girdwood Unicycle Stack values recycle after one shuffle
  • The 16 Card Unicycle Stack
  • The 30 Card Unicycle Stack
Inspired by 2003 68
Jackie McClements Pushthru Eliminator card chosen, incomplete faro pushed through a few times to get clues about the color and suit of card, wrong card is determined, still right card shows up reversed in deck
Also published here
  • The Crimp, p. 212
2004 14
Dave Campbell Dave's Premonition card not named but built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other
Inspired by
  • "Thinking Out Loud" (Steven Hamilton, The Crimp #10)
VariationsAlso published here
2004 47
Steve Beam Mating Season V first two cards match, then entire deck
  • The Really False Count
Related to 2004 212
Steve Beam GPS Stack mathematical stack, knowing amount of cut cards
  • Weighing the Cards
2004 229
Phil Ogden RAM Deck - Random Access Memory Deck expansion of Lewis Jones Memory Deck, with logical system
Inspired by
  • Lewis Jones' "Memory Deck" in "Cardiograms"
2004 230
Peter Duffie Pure Devilry
  • Phase One - Fortuity
  • Phase Two - A Date to Remember
Inspired by 2004 120
George McBride Captives of the Cranium one half is cut and two cards are added to get a number, other half is cut and top card pocketed, using the number one counts down to get the same value, another count with the added digits gets a card of the same suit
Inspired by
  • "Captives of the Brain" (Stewart James, James File Vol. 2, p. 2536)
2005 29
Shoot Ogawa Perfect Order using triumph with faro shuffles to retain stack
Inspired by Mar. 2006
The Penumbra (Issue 10)
Dany Ray One in a Billion two decks, two cards at same position, two methods, very similar to Curry's Power of Thought
Related toAlso published here 2006 132
Stewart James The Robot Deck Stack that allows you to do seven routines in a row

Mental Spell, Straight Poker, Stud Poker, Blackjack, Bridge, Scrambled Spelling Bee, Prophetic Card Discovery
2007 53
Stewart James The Prophet's Choice Card at a number predicted by magician, two decks used, two cards
Also published here
  • Typewritten instructions, Oct 6, 1946
2007 64
Stewart James The Clincher Spelling to thought of cards with a poker theme
Also published here
  • typewritten instructions, Aug 1947
2007 71
Stewart James Ten Nights In A Cardroom Multiple phase routine with ten tricks

  • 1. Shuffled deck, you deal and win a game of draw poker
  • 2. Four spectators name a number each, the cards at those positions have the same value
  • 3. You are able to name every card in a hand of poker as it is being dealt
  • 4. Card to pocket, card is lost in the deck by spectator, then card appears in your previously empty pocket. Effect is repeated.
  • 5. Challenge card location
  • 6. Prediction trick
  • 7. You deal yourself good cards for poker
  • 8. You can predict what cards you will receive for poker
  • 9. Blackjack deal, spectator can name any number of hands and you will always win with a blackjack
  • 10. Shuffled deck, you blindfold yourself, you deal for poker and win once again
VariationsAlso published here
  • Marketed by SJ, 1948
2007 84
Stewart James Pocket of Persistence Deck is placed in pocket unseen, magician can be blindfolded, but is able to extract winning poker hands, and even the mate to a previously selected card
Also published here
  • Typewritten instructions, Apr 1949 and Aug 1958
2007 105
Stewart James Micawber Card is freely named, deck is removed from box and to show one card is reversed in the deck. This reversed card is used to locate the named card.
Also published here
  • Linking Ring Oct 1952
2007 116
Lennart Green Rainman "Except the Seven of Clubs"
VariationsAlso published here 2008 17
Lennart Green XO-Rainman different shuffle sequence
Also published here 2008 19
Lennart Green The 4 Card Bet shuffled deck dealt in four piles, bet on whether the top cards have one of each suit, four-category Gilbreath
2008 33
Lennart Green The Remote Control II version with all four suits
Inspired by 2008 35
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here 2008 36
Nick Trost A "Staggered" Routine two cards removed from two halves, when both halves are turned up in unison, the mates of those cards show up at the same time, three more phases until all pairs match
Inspired by 2009 318
Nick Trost Psychic Ability with Gilbreath
2009 455
Román García Una Partida Entre Tahúres Triumph, Kings are found after each shuffle, deck ends up in new deck order, faros
Related to 2010 35
Burton S. Sperber Find the Mate two cards chosen, performer finds their mates, deck in pairs
2010 91
Pit Hartling, Denis Behr Messy - The Director's Shuffle triumph using faros, can end in full stack
  • With a Stack
Related toAlso published here 2011 39
Karl Fulves Triptych two cards chosen, two piles dealt and performer reads out loud all the cards, spectators name the piles with their selections, performer divines cards, they transpose into other pile and are only odd-backed ones
Inspired byRelated to 2011
Prolix (Issue 9)
William Goodwin Count Back to Count Down spectator eventually forms four piles, numbers of top cards are counted and every Ace is found
Inspired by 2011 35
Pit Hartling, Denis Behr Messy triumph using faros, can end in full stack
  • With a Stack
Also published here 2011 10
Nick Trost Omega Blackjack Aces inserted into table spread to locate good Blackjack hands with Omega Bet Principle
Inspired by 2011 649
Nick Trost Gilbreath at the Races
Inspired by 2011 655
Nick Trost Gilbreath at the Races Again
2011 658
Nick Trost Producing Poker, Blackjack and Gin Hands deck riffle shuffled by spectator, performer takes deck under the table and takes out good hands
Inspired by
  • "Any Card Called For Hanky" (U. F. Grant, D. Robbins & Company's magazine Magic Is Fun, No. 7, Oct.-Dec. 1947)
2011 664
Nick Trost Four-Game Challenge two decks riffle shuffled by spectator, performer takes decks under the table and takes out good hands for different games
Inspired by 2011 667
Benjamin Earl The Any Card Game Control display layout that communicates chaos yet retains stack
VariationsAlso published here 2012 9
Darwin Ortiz Sweating Bullets cutting the Aces, then Aces controlled (faros), then new pack order
Inspired by 2012 207
Allan Ackerman Predetermined Cutting unknown card pocketed, spectator names card, he cuts deck in four piles to a three-of-a-kind and an indifferent card, named card to complete quartet removed from pocket
VariationsAlso published here 2012 65
Karl Fulves Trap Shoot deck cut, value of top and suit of bottom card used to make up composite card, that is caught with other two cards
Inspired byRelated to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Jim Steinmeyer "One Fortune" Think-of-a-Card
  • Conjuring
"is your card among those?", Age Cards
Inspired by
  • "The World's Thinnest Deck of Cards" (Jim Steinmeyer, marketed 1994)
Related to
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Steven Hamilton Thinking Out Loud card built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other, that card turns over, then Triumph with four cards reversed at finale, the constructed card and its mates
Also published here 2013 22
Dani DaOrtiz The Suit Freely Thought Of
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
solution to Hofzinser problem
Feb. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 2)
Jim Steinmeyer The Preternatural Stack: A Deck That Reads Your Mind
  • Conjuring
"is the same value/suit among those?", age cards
Related to Dec. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 12)
Lennart Green Rainman
Also published here 2013
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Lennart Green XO-Rainman different shuffle sequence
Also published here 2013
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Nick Trost Update on Eddie Joseph two decks, one chosen and reversed, when cards are turned over in unison only the chosen one matches
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Oct. 1991
2013 715
Michael Lam 草泥马机率 (WTF Possibility) Tantalizer with deck in new deck order as finale
Inspired by 2014 21
Michael Murray, Stephen Shaw Once Removed deck is divided into three piles, spectator removes a card and its mate, two cards are divined, two different stacks explained
2014 242
Jim Steinmeyer Hamlet, Jack of Denmark
  • Conjuring
Also published here Aug. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 8)
Gabi Pareras Coincidencia Total three phases, solution with just one deck
Inspired byRelated to 2014 34
Gabi Pareras Ordenación de Cuartetos introduction to stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together
2014 38
Gabi Pareras Ia Aleteo card is selected, three mates are found reversed together in the middle of the deck
2014 38
Gabi Pareras 2° Coincidencia card is selected, three mates are found when card is placed back in the deck
2014 40
Gabi Pareras 3° Aparición card is selected and three mates are produced, brief
2014 41
Gabi Pareras 4° Estimación named four-of-a-kind is produced
2014 42
Gabi Pareras 5° Escaleras de Color four Aces controlled in one poker hand, four complete bridge hands as climax
2014 43
Gabi Pareras De Baraja Precintada a Cuartetos en Rosario Aritmetico New Deck Order to stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together
  • a) El orde de palos
  • b) La mezcla por paquetes
  • c) La recogida de paquetes
2014 49
Gabi Pareras De Rosario Aritmetico a Cuartetos Aritmeticos from cyclical stack to stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together
  • a) El orde de palos
  • b) La mezcla por paquetes
2014 51
Gabi Pareras De Cuartetos Aritmeticos a Rosario Aritmetico from stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together to cyclical stack
  • a) La mezcla por paquetes
2014 52
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Contentment-al three coins placed in three envelopes, three hands of seven cards are also placed with an envelope, on each envelope is a prediction describing the coin and composition of hands (matches all three hands)
Inspired by July 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Jim Steinmeyer Just Thinking full deck stack, "do you see a card of the same value here?" (binary divination)
Inspired by 2015 1
Pepe Lirrojo