This search includes results that are not relevant to tricks or sleights (e.g. columns, reviews, articles, ...). Click here to hide these results.
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul LePaul There It Is! visual thing, drawing on cover of Dover Reprint..., for credit information see references
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 167
Terry Lynn The Lynn Pennies seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, repeated twice
Related toVariations 1948 83
J. B. Bobo The Bobo Switch
Related toVariations 1952 10
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Pennies Point Transfer
VariationsAlso published here 1953 10
Dai Vernon Ball, Cone and Handkerchief
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1957 197
Cliff Green General Delivery - Cards to the Pockets six cards, red black alternating, vanish and reappear color-separated from two different pockets
Variations 1961 134
Howard Schwarzman Shuttle Pass pick-up shuttle pass, cards can be dumped in other hand
Variations 1966 419
Dick Zimmerman Slippery Rocks stick with jewels
Variations 1967 134
Rick Johnsson Kamikazee Koins one of two coins (copper and silver) penetrates table, see p. 786 for credit information
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Scotty York Three Coins and A Ring two phases, coin assembly (to ring) and coins across
Variations 1975 3
Allan Ackerman EvaporACEtion
Variations 1978 24
David Roth Hanging Coins
VariationsAlso published here June 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Bill Voss Relentless four silver and four copper coins transpose one by one, using c/s coin
Variations Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Dai Vernon, Frank Garcia Spellbound for Experts see p. 1300 for comment
Related to 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 16)
Daryl Martinez The Mysterious Cross of India based on routine by Tagaki, four coins in each hand
Related toVariations 1980 70
Larry Jennings The General Card ungaffed, three selections
VariationsAlso published here June 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Sol Stone One-Hand Triple Spellbound No. 1
Variations 1981 102
Paul Harris The Vacuum Cleaner Card Case case stuck to deck
Variations 1981 5
Meir Yedid, Paul LePaul There It Is Variation double card and unload, as a change
Inspired byRelated to 1982 48
Curtis Kam All The World's A Stage...
Curtis Kam ...And All Stages, Worlds
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1982 1
Curtis Kam Snap Back Vanish in Purse
1982 3
Curtis Kam Tenkai Tossover coins shown in both hands, they are secretly switched, one a copper/silver
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 4
Curtis Kam Inverted Spellbound spellbound routine, including an "inverted" (filed-down) coin, nine changes
Related to 1982 10
Curtis Kam Flat on Fingers Change
1982 16
Curtis Kam Relentless, But Honest three Chinese coins transpose with half dollars one by one
Inspired byRelated to 1982 18
Curtis Kam Out any number card thought of is divined
1982 21
Curtis Kam "E-Z Magic" Between your Palms ungaffed method
Inspired by 1982 24
Curtis Kam, Chris Kam The VCCC Cleans Up Its Act case stuck to deck, gag routine with case as vacuum cleaner
Inspired by 1982 30
Curtis Kam Condens-ace-tion
Inspired by 1982 33
Curtis Kam Overdunn indicator cards change into mates of selection, missing sucker element
1982 36
Curtis Kam Inverted Matrix I
1982 38
Curtis Kam Pick-up Move Variation coin slided in finger palm
1982 40
Curtis Kam Inverted Matrix II using two coins glued together
1982 46
Curtis Kam Frozen Concentrate chapter intro
1982 49
Paul Taylor Flip-Down Vanish
Related toVariations 1982 49
Curtis Kam Flipdown-Popup combination with pop-up move
Inspired by 1982 51
Curtis Kam In the Side Pocket
1982 52
Curtis Kam Half-Baked section intro
1982 54
Curtis Kam The Cannibal Closer idea
1982 54
Curtis Kam An Ambitious Problem problem posed of culling mates of ambitious card during routine
1982 54
Curtis Kam Inferential C/S Transposition off-beat use of copper-silver-coin
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) All the World's a Stage by Curtis Kam Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Curtis Kam Coffee & Dough using mug and crumpled bills
Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Louis Falanga Jazz Fusion Jazz Aces variation with O. Henry kicker, double backer
Variations 1985 84
Harry Lorayne Curtis Kam mini bio
1985 174
Curtis Kam Jack In The Box joker vanishes from card case visibly and reappears inside
1985 175
Curtis Kam Palm to Case Transfer palmed card is loaded under case in gesture
1985 176
Curtis Kam Case Extraction
1985 178
Curtis Kam "Lonely" Coins Through Table getting rid of superfluous couting
1985 180
Mike Gallo, Curtis Kam Coins Through Table Kicker
1985 183
Curtis Kam A Cardcase Vanish cardcase gaff with flap
1985 185
Ken Krenzel, Curtis Kam Ken Krenzel's Suggestion card case and selection vanishes, reappear in pocket
1985 188
Martin Lewis Cardiographic
Variations 1985 67
Larry Jennings Coins and Handkerchief silk is held by spectators as table
VariationsAlso published here 1986 107
Bruce Burrell Apocalypse Variations or Additions
Inspired by Jan. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Mark Vincent The New York Magic Symposium 1986 on the convention in Tokyo, Adam Fleischer, Max Maven, Curtis Kam, Jay Sankey, Maki Kitami, Bill Spooner, Gene Matsura, Tommy Wonder, David Roth, John Kennedy, Hiroshi Sawa, Jeff McBride, Lisa Menna
Gimmick (Issue 8)
Darwin Ortiz The Dream Card odd-backed "signed card" type effect, card to wallet
Related toVariations 1988 81
Dai Vernon All Sound and Fabric through table done with silk
Variations 1989 128
Gary Kurtz Trio long combination
Related toVariations 1990 67
Alex Elmsley Between Your Palms card between spectator's palm turns out to be a later signed selection, using stranger card
VariationsAlso published here
  • Abracadabra, Vol. 13 No. 335, June 28, 1952, p. 361
1994 246
Curtis Kam Fortunate Break ring vanishes and appears in chosen fortune cookie, other cookies are smashed with a hammer
Mar. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Curtis Kam Dedication
Curtis Kam Twisted Trio
  • Three Coin Production
  • Visible Coins Across
  • The Reproduction of Three Coins
  • The One-at-a-Time Vanish of Three Coins
Inspired by 1996 5
Curtis Kam Twist Production hands twisted back and forth, suddenly coin appears
1996 6
Curtis Kam Twist Shuttle Pass coins turned over between hands a few times
Variations 1996 8
Curtis Kam Utility Switch one of a fan of coins
1996 11
Geoffrey Latta, Curtis Kam French Pop One Handed French Drop Vanish
1996 13
Curtis Kam Rolling Shuttle Pass coin roll as shuttle pass
1996 14
Curtis Kam Downs Palm Transfer to finger palm of other hand
1996 19
Curtis Kam Framed Wild Pocket three coins from purse frame, smaller Chinese coin contacts coins and they change one by one to Chinese, then one shrinks
1996 22
Curtis Kam Twist Change Twist Shuttle Pass as transformation
Inspired by 1996 27
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1996 29
Curtis Kam Snap Back Vanish in Purse
1996 30
Curtis Kam Tenkai Tossover coins shown in both hands, they are secretly switched, one a copper/silver
Related toAlso published here 1996 32
Curtis Kam The Flying Shuttle Pass
Also published here
  • "Make Your Money Work for You" lecture notes, 1993
1996 36
Curtis Kam Chick-a-Chink diamond layout
1996 38
Curtis Kam Copper/Silver Flurry copper coin given to spectator, flurry routine with silver coins, then transposition
  • Handling A
  • The Flurry Sequence
  • Handling B (gaffed coin)
1996 43
Curtis Kam Hopping Half Hopping Half routine with only copper/silver coin, guessing game, with pocket
Also published here 1996 45
Curtis Kam Kamnibal Cards
1996 51
Curtis Kam Shrink a Card diminishing cards in stages, miniature card removed from fan which is selection, deck grows again
1996 59
Curtis Kam Timing Hindu Shuffle Force not the usual bluff
1996 61
Curtis Kam Move to the Front of the Glass signed card travels to face of deck that is in glass with handkerchief cover, repeat, card appears in stages (blank, faded, ...), SBS
Variations 1996 64
Curtis Kam About Face! deck with selection handed to performer behind his back, when performer turns around he has the card on his forehead
1996 68
Curtis Kam Hard Boiled Detective
1996 71
Curtis Kam Greensleeves four cards vanish one by one from hand and reappear in different pockets
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 73
Curtis Kam A Girl's Best Friend Jumping Gems stick routine, made to look like ear rings
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 85
Curtis Kam Ring, Ring & Rope using extra ring with slit
1996 93
Curtis Kam The Twenty One Cent Murder Mystery presentation for 21 cent trick
Also published here 1996 103
Curtis Kam Tablehopper's Salt Trick idea for getting a tip for salt vanish from hand
1996 105
Curtis Kam The Las Vegas Dream Routine one of three cards chosen, multiple out prediction
Also published here 1996 105
Curtis Kam Coffee and Dough bill torn and both halves crumbled up for short cups and balls routine, restoration and load of coins
1996 107
Curtis Kam Hawaiian Pop-Up Move
Jan. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 1)
Jay Sankey Leaving Home key penetrates visually on shoe lace
VariationsAlso published here June 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 6)
Gordon Bean (reviewer) Palms of Steel: I by Curtis Kam Oct. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 10)
Michael Close (reviewer) Palms of Steel by Curtis Kam Dec. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Lee Asher, Allan Ackerman The Losing Control Light Reft Spread Pass, out-jogged card feature by Ackerman, credit information
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2001 6
Reed McClintock Seven The Hard Way in-the-hands production of seven coins
Related toVariations 2002 17
Curtis Kam No One to Four four coin production
2003 7
Reed McClintock Freedom Flight three coins travel between fingertips
Variations 2004 4
Curtis Kam "What's all this, then?"
2004 4
Curtis Kam "Shirley, you can't be serious" on performance style with many effects, hallucination effect
2004 5
Curtis Kam Spectators, Silk and Silver some comments on plot and transfers
2004 6
Curtis Kam Bending The Chinese Coin giant coin, bending gag
2004 7
Curtis Kam Fingertip Wildcoin: Seeing what's not there comment on the effect
2004 7
Curtis Kam Beijing Coins: The Standing Coins Across three coins across sequence
Also published here 2004 7
Curtis Kam The In Closing Steal coin in left hand tapped with coin in right hand and left hand closes, coin stolen out, edge grip
2004 8
Curtis Kam Fan Drop Retention Vanish coin fan in right hand, bottom coin is apparently dropped into left hand, mime
2004 9
Curtis Kam "Watch the Birdies" credit information and various tips
  • Following the Last Coin
  • Going a Little Further...
  • ...or Further...
  • ...or All the Way
  • Just a Moment
2004 11
Curtis Kam Tales of the Wandering Magician - Part 1
2004 14
Curtis Kam "Whatever Happened To..." on triple transpositions
2004 15
Curtis Kam Triple Alliance 2.0
Inspired by
  • "Triple Alliance" (Curtis Kam, Palms of Steel 3: Silverado)
2004 15
Curtis Kam Tales of the Wandering Magician - Part 2
2004 18
Curtis Kam "Excellent Birds" two rows, three coins on one side and two on the other, Flying Eagles
  • First Flight: By Way of the Extra Coin
  • Second Flight: The Shuttle-Click procedure
  • Third Flight: The Payoff
  • Mr. Harbottle's Bonus (Kainoa Harbottle)
2004 19
Curtis Kam "Reality Check Please" with folded handkerchief on table, working behind
Inspired by
  • "Three Coins In the Hat" (Andrew Galloway, The Ramsay Legend, 1969)
2004 23
Curtis Kam Tales of the Wandering Magician - Part 3
2004 26
Curtis Kam Stories, Lectures & Games on scripting tricks
Related to 2004 28
Curtis Kam The Las Vegas Dream one of three cards chosen, multiple out prediction
Also published here 2004 33
Curtis Kam A Girl's Best Friend Jumping Gems stick routine, made to look like ear rings
Also published here 2004 35
Curtis Kam The Twenty One Cent Murder Mystery presentation for 21 cent trick
Also published here 2004 38
Curtis Kam Half-Gaffed Hopping Half Hopping Half routine with only copper/silver coin, guessing game, with pocket
Also published here 2004 40
Curtis Kam Money Talks patter themes for coin magic
2004 43
Curtis Kam Praise The Load cup shown empty, then final load appears, no small ball sequence at all
2004 46
Curtis Kam This is not the End
2004 48
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) The Rat Pack by Curtis Kam Apr. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 4)
Curtis Kam Curtis Kam
2006 1
Curtis Kam About These Notes
2006 2
Curtis Kam Overview & Toolbox following routines are meant as one long set, on the flipper coin
2006 2
Curtis Kam Production Sequence: Three Coin Monte production sequence using Twist Production
2006 4
Curtis Kam First Verse: The Dance of the Thumbs three coins across sequence
Also published here 2006 5
Curtis Kam The In Closing Steal coin in left hand tapped with coin in right hand and left hand closes, coin stolen out, edge grip
2006 5
Curtis Kam Second Verse: Seeing Things
  • First Flight, Freedom Flight
  • Second Flight, Test Flight
  • Third Flight, Delayed
Inspired by 2006 7
Curtis Kam Third Verse: Dance with Coins flurry that starts with three coins, ends with one
2006 11
Curtis Kam Fourth Verse: Leave 'em Laughing comment on "Thru and Thru", no details
Related to
  • "Thru and Thru" (Curtis Kam, Palms of Steel 3: Silverado)
2006 13
Curtis Kam Onward
2006 14
Curtis Kam Our story so far... on presentation and scripting
  • Step One: Find an Interesting Premise
  • Step Two: Communicate your premise effectively
2006 2
Curtis Kam Edgy New York Spellbound applying edge grip techniques to the routine
Inspired by
  • "New York Spellbound" (Curtis Kam, Palms of Steel 1)
2006 3
Curtis Kam Edgy Triple Spellbound using edge grip
Inspired by 2006 5
Curtis Kam Foolish Consistencies on consistency in magical routining
2006 9
Curtis Kam Tablehopper's Trio three coins, mix between coin through table and coins across
2006 10
Curtis Kam Continuity on Continuity in Coins through Table routines
2006 12
Curtis Kam Koans Through the Table three coins through table, with a Chinese coin in the handling
2006 13
Curtis Kam Standing Lap one arm under table
2006 14
Curtis Kam Casting Shadows on shadow zones, misdirection
2006 16
Curtis Kam Manipulating Silence on holding out
2006 18
Curtis Kam Triple X three coins appear at once openly on the table under misdirection, then they vanish and reappear, one openly on table again, repeat
2006 19
Curtis Kam End Games on the production of a jumbo coin
  • Super Size Me?
  • Or Have It My Way?
2006 25
Curtis Kam Tablehopper's Jumbo jumbo coin appears as climax of a routine, then vanishes again
2006 25
Curtis Kam The Dime Machine three dollar coins shrink as climax of a routine, anti-theses to jumbo coin finale
2006 28
Curtis Kam And so...
2006 30
Curtis Kam Curtis Kam In Print, Out of Print & Not Print
2007 1
Curtis Kam By All Means, An Introduction
2007 3
Curtis Kam Remain in Light Hanging Coins routine with a small flashlight as part of the routine
Inspired by 2007 4
Curtis Kam Plural Pushthrough Variation
Inspired by
  • "Plural Pushthrough" (Kainoa Harbottle, Cointopia, 2003, p. 3)
2007 10
Curtis Kam Silk de Soleil routine comprised of the following parts
2007 12
Curtis Kam Transfer to Third Finger Curl Palm with handkerchief, nowhere palm
2007 12
Curtis Kam Seven the Hard Way slight rehandling, in-the-hands production of seven coins
Inspired by 2007 13
Curtis Kam High Flying Coins Across six coins across à la balls and net with stretched-out handkerchief
2007 16
Curtis Kam Going Down coins through stretched-out handkerchief held by spectators
Inspired by 2007 18
Curtis Kam Take Us Home coins change to set of keys, gypsy switch
2007 19
Curtis Kam Minimillion three coins taken from purse, they change to brass, three gold coins are in purse, then they come out of a pen, three red coins in purse, silver coins come out of pen
  • Who Ordered Chinese?
  • The Teller's Pen
  • Seeing Red
  • A Bic Finish
Inspired by
  • "Tiannamen Square" (Curtis Kam, Palms of Steel 2: Fists of Fury)
2007 20
Curtis Kam Fingerpalm-to-Fingerpalm Change with two stacks
Also published here
  • Palms of Steel 2: Fists of Fury
2007 23
Curtis Kam Tales of the Wandering Magician
2007 27
Curtis Kam Move to the Front of the Glass simplified handling, signed card travels to face of deck that is in glass with handkerchief cover, repeat, card appears in stages (blank, faded, ...), SBS
Inspired by 2007 28
Curtis Kam Spot, The Wonder Shell card ends up folded inside of sea shell
2007 33
Curtis Kam Coin through Hand
Mar. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Curtis Kam A View of the Stage on close-up vs. stage magic
2008 3
Curtis Kam Cup One with coffee cup and rolled-up napkin, two final loads
Inspired by 2008 5
Curtis Kam GreenSleeves four cards vanish one by one from hand and reappear in different pockets
Also published here 2008 9
Curtis Kam On Story Decks
2008 15
Curtis Kam Play It Again Sam recommended with jumbo cards for stage
2008 16
Curtis Kam Dreamographics presentation for Cardiographic
Inspired by 2008 22
Curtis Kam Close Hangers
Inspired by 2008 26
Curtis Kam Shuttle Pass Variation pick-up shuttle pass, cards can be dumped in other hand
Inspired by 2008 26
Curtis Kam A Kiss Goodnight
2008 29
Curtis Kam Introduction
2008 3
Curtis Kam Choice of Coins, Care and Feeding
2008 5
Curtis Kam Books: the "Big Three" discussion of the following three books
2008 7
Curtis Kam (reviewer) 1. Modern Coin Magic by J. B. Bobo by J. B. Bobo 2008 8
Curtis Kam A False Placement is not a "Vanish" comment on Bobo's terminology
  • Using a different method is not doing a differente effect
2008 8
Curtis Kam The "Bobo" Switch comments and credit information
Related to 2008 9
Curtis Kam The Click Pass comment
2008 10
Curtis Kam (reviewer) 2. CoinMagic by Richard Kaufman 2008 11
Curtis Kam (reviewer) 3. David Roth's Expert Coin Magic by David Roth (written by Richard Kaufman) 2008 12
Curtis Kam Coin Sizes
2008 13
Curtis Kam Classic Palm discussion, practice techniques
2008 15
Curtis Kam Click Pass discussion
2008 17
Curtis Kam Ditching
  • Ditching that extra coin
  • Digging Ditches? Check These Out
  • Deeper Ditches
2008 19
Curtis Kam Effects list of 52 coin effects
2008 21
Curtis Kam Endings on endings for coin routines
  • Vanish the coins
  • Changing them into your keys
  • Shrink them to dime size
  • Closure
2008 29
Curtis Kam Examination about having props examined
2008 31
Curtis Kam False Transfers general tips
2008 33
Curtis Kam Finesse
  • When performing a Utility Switch
  • After a false transfer
  • Use the move that fits the moment
2008 35
Curtis Kam Finger Palm comments, on accessing top and bottom of a stack
2008 37
Curtis Kam Framing
2008 39
Curtis Kam Gaffs on the use of gaffs
2008 41
Curtis Kam Getting Caught
2008 43
Curtis Kam Handwashing
2008 45
Curtis Kam Important Moves That Are Not In MCM "Published before 1952 i.e. Pre-Modern Coin Magic"
2008 47
Curtis Kam Important Moves That Are Not In MCM "Published after 1952, i.e. Post-Modern Coin Magic"
2008 49
Curtis Kam Listening on listening to the audience
  • Important things I've learned from listening
2008 51
Curtis Kam Muscle Pass comments and tips
2008 57
Curtis Kam Naturalness
2008 59
Curtis Kam Nomenclature: speaking proper "Coinese" list of technical terms with explanations
2008 61
Curtis Kam Presentation
2008 63
Curtis Kam Repetition
2008 65
Curtis Kam Retention Pass
2008 67
Curtis Kam Routining
2008 69
Curtis Kam Sleeves and their use in coin magic
2008 71
Curtis Kam Ten Tells in coin magic
2008 73
Curtis Kam Books Beyond the "Big Three"
2008 75
Curtis Kam Works by the Author
  • Video
  • Print
2008 81
Curtis Kam Acknowledgements
2008 83
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Cashablanca: Palms of Stell 4 by Curtis Kam Nov. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 11)
Brian Roberts, Curtis Kam Rotating Throw Switch with copper/silver coin
2010 134
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Palms of Steel 5: Pirates of the Rising Tide by Curtis Kam July 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 7)
Curtis Kam Delta Force "cross-cut in the hands", reverse spreading
Inspired by June 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 6)
Steve Mayhew The 50 Card Deal playing with five spectators simultaneously
Variations 2015 88
Curtis Kam Shooting Fish In A Barrel
Inspired by 2015 91
Curtis Kam Introduction
2015 3
Curtis Kam Experience Trumps Theory
2015 3
Curtis Kam Kayfabe
2015 5
Curtis Kam The essential skills of a magician list of five points
2015 10
Curtis Kam What is a magician, anyway?
2015 11
Curtis Kam Naturalness is only one way to be invisible. Invisibility is just one way to deceive.
2015 12
Curtis Kam The lesson of the Cigarette through Quarter
2015 14
Curtis Kam Being likable is not the most important thing. likeable
2015 16
Curtis Kam Endings
2015 18
Curtis Kam The Three Presentations
  • Stories
  • Lectures
  • and Games
Related to 2015 19
Curtis Kam Stuff that doesn't "always" make a trick better
2015 25
Curtis Kam A Magic Show is a Conversation
2015 26
Curtis Kam So where do I find some Tricks? on Kam's output
2015 27
Curtis Kam Ring on Chain borrowed ring through chain
Inspired by Sep. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 9)
Miguel Ángel Gea Inferential Wild Coin four coins change one by one and are put in spectator's closed fist instead of a cup
  • Post-Meta-Thoughts (by Kainoa Harbottle)
Related to Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Curtis Kam Quartermaster six quarters and one copper coins put in spectator's hand, three travel to performer's hand one by one, copper coin transposes with a quarter
Inspired by Jan. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 1)
Curtis Kam Pair False Count coins counted in pairs
Inspired by Jan. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 1)
Curtis Kam Coin False Count counting coins into spectator's hand
Jan. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 1)
Curtis Kam Ten Card Texas Hold 'Em version
2019 8
Bob Farmer Contents of the DVD
  • Even Up + 3-Phase Routine (Allan Ackerman)
  • The Tim Card Poker Deal (Tim Ellis)
  • Ten Card Texas (Curtis Kam)
  • Porstmann's Paladin Stage Routine (Mike Porstmann)
2019 36
Curtis Kam, Jonathan Friedman Zooming In photo taken of coin, performer zooms in on photo and real coin becomes jumbo coin
Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
William A. Wells (reviewer) Curtis Kam Penguin Live Act by Curtis Kam May 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 5)
Michael Rubinstein Purse-Palm Subtlety hiding coin in purse palm while showing other coins
Related to
  • "Front Finger Hideout" (Curtis Kam)
Also published here
  • Coinvention Lecture Notes, 2003
2020 62
Curtis Kam French Pop Variation
2020 205
Curtis Kam Inferential Copper-Silver Move off-beat use of copper-silver-coin
Also published here 2020 414
David Regal (reviewer) Dinglish Deck by Curtis Kam Apr. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 4)
Curtis Kam Ring Fling finger ring on thumb, it is dumped into other hand and travels back
July 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 7)
Curtis Kam CoinRoll three coins in one hand, one by one a small silver ball is seen rolling over the table from that hand to the other where it changes back to a coin
Apr. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Richard Hucko TripSwitch three different coins are distributed in pocket, left fist, right fingertips, they switch/transpose around, ungaffed
Variations May 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Curtis Kam Modern Coin Mentalism spectator makes decisions about placements of three coins (on hand, in hand, pocket) which are wrongly predicted and the magically corrected, "TripSwitch" presented as prediction
Inspired byVariations May 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 2)