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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Arthur H. Buckley The Strip injog and strip-out
Related to 1946 12
Edward Marlo Aces over Kings Aces and Kings, third quartet comes in, should be named "Aces, Kings & Tens"
Related toVariations 1947 52
A Poker Player's Picnic no-touch, little bit of dealing involved
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 16
George G. Kaplan The Calcutta Mystery (First Version) two card prediction written with different colored pencils, one ahead
Inspired by
  • "The Bombay Mystery" (George Kaplan, marketed)
1948 148
Al Leech Ace Sandwich sandwiched card transposes with another card, happens in deck
Related toVariations 1953 6
Edward Marlo Buffalo'd transposition with bluff display
Variations Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Jay Ose Ose's Cut triple cut to table
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1962 93
Ron Ferris Royal Aces Aces put on deck, dealt for two players, performer gets Aces, in repeat spectator gets Aces and performer straight flush
Variations 1969 82
Lin Searles Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles, see also p. 486 for comment by Charles Hudson
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1971 430
Peter Kane Jazz Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1971 8
Sydney Bergson Another Force bottom slip force with beveled deck
Related to 1972 112
Derek Dingle Twisting the Aces color changing back kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Flip Hallema Flip's Wild Card
Variations Apr. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Jerry K. Hartman R. S. Bluff Controls Simple procedure to control a selection to either top or bottom
VariationsAlso published here 1973 3
Paul Curry Swindle Switch
Variations 1974 8
Ken Krenzel Multiple Mexican Switch as tabled packet is flipped over with single card
Variations 1975
Epilogue (Issue Special No 2)
Bob Farmer Hand O' Doom Triumph with thought-of card, card vanishes and travels into spectator's pocket to some other cards already there, cue card on card with a hand design on it
VariationsAlso published here 1975 1
Edward Marlo Flexible Switch Out in the deck, spread switch
Related toVariations 1976 15
Edward Marlo The Synchronized Clock card at chosen Hour matches with value
Related to 1976 174
Philip T. Goldstein Counter Revolution four red cards on the table, four blacks in the hand, the blacks reverse one by one and change place with the red
VariationsAlso published here 1976 14
Nick Trost, Stewart Judah Matched Picture Cards picture cards shown to be mixed, then later all paired up in mates
VariationsAlso published here 1976 3
Roger Smith Maxi-Twist 1-2-3-4 transformation kicker into Ace through Four
VariationsAlso published here 1976 2
Roy Walton The Smiling Mule two parts, first gag then surprise twist, named card ends up sandwiched between aces in the middle of the deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 13
Jerry Sadowitz The Whisperers four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Related toVariations 1982 8
Meir Yedid Thirteen Less One all cards of same suit as selection turn over in order, selection is missing and comes from pocket "or what have you"
Related to 1982 247
Michael J. Gerhardt Super Triumph
Inspired by
  • "Triumph im Triumph" (Ernst Schösser, ZauBerlin, 1979, issue 2)
Related toVariations
1982 251
Roxy Surprise Follow the Leader with four four-of-a-kinds and a transformation kicker
Variations 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Paul Harris Mixed-Up Perfectionist reds and blacks mix themselves
Related toAlso published here 1983 64
Paul Cummins Counting On It number named, this many cards are rapidly produced, with selection
Related toVariations 1984 132
Karl Fulves The Open Prediction No. 7, using cut-deeper force
Variations 1984 9
Bob Stencel The Stencel Aces
Variations Summer 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 28, 29 & 30)
Brother John Hamman The Magic Cards four cards change to three selections one after another, gemini counts (general cards with packet)
Related toVariationsAlso published here Summer 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 28, 29 & 30)
Terry LaGerould Lost And Found backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force"
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1985 560
John Bannon Introduction
John Bannon Yin-Yang Sandwich card pushed into center, it appears between sandwich cards on top, card is also divined
1986 3
John Bannon Out-jog Switch Control
Inspired by 1986 3
John Bannon New Mutant Sandwich reversed sandwich cards are in one half, selection made from other half, spectator places halves together and selection is sandwiched in the center, uses one-hand top palm
1986 8
John Bannon Turnover Replacement as deck is turned over
1986 8
John Bannon Hard Roll card travels from deck to between tabled sandwich cards
1986 10
John Bannon Side Steal Reverse deck turned around and reversed card added to top
Related to 1986 11
John Bannon Eight is Enough spectator cuts into four piles, Queens shown as top cards, then Aces as well
1986 17
John Bannon Maximum Revolution four Queens on the table, four Aces in the hand, the Aces reverse one by one and change place with the Queens
Inspired byVariations 1986 18
John Bannon The Cleaved Deck intro on faro fan ideas
1986 22
John Bannon I. Shake Well Before Using red-black-separated cards instantly mix, faro fan
Also published here 1986 22
Alex Elmsley, John Bannon False False Shuffle faro fan
  • False False Shuffle Notes
Also published here 1986 23
John Bannon II. The Cleaved Deck Location red and black cards openly separated, one card chosen and replaced in other half, halves shuffles together to apparently lose it, performer names card, faro fan
Variations 1986 24
John Bannon III. Impromptu Stooge Swindle variation in which a spectator names the selection, faro fan
Inspired by 1986 25
John Bannon IV. The Cleaved Deck Discovery combination of previous routines, openly red-black separated deck, card location, instant mixing finale, faro fan
1986 25
John Bannon V. Other Applications faro fan applications
  • a. Svengali throw-off
  • b. credits
1986 26
John Bannon Cinderella
1986 26
John Bannon In-the-Hands Multiple Mexican Switch as packet is flipped over with single card
Inspired by 1986 28
John Bannon Three-Card Moxie three spectators remove a card from the deck that is at a chosen number with shuffles in between, all cards are divined
1986 29
John Bannon Be-Bop Deluxe transformation kicker
Inspired by 1986 31
John Bannon Discrepant Reverse Elmsley Display Count DRED Count, showing both sides, hand turns at every beat
1986 32
John Bannon Mirage Assembly
Variations 1986 37
Larry West, John Bannon Mirage Count Variation Rhythm count alternative
Also published here 1986 42
John Bannon Menage a Quatre with four Jokers
Related to
  • "Going Nowhere" (Stephen Tucker, Cardiac Stimulation)
1986 45
John Bannon Defectors with four Jokers
1986 50
John Bannon Noblesse Oblige with four Jokers, transformation into Aces in leader packet as finale, other packets have rest of court cards
1986 52
John Bannon A/K/A Reset using Rising Crime Display
Variations 1986 56
John Bannon Secret Subtraction Handling
1986 56
John Bannon Zen Cards of Mystery routining of the two previous effects
1986 58
Ron Wilson The Highland Hop signed red selection travels into other half with black cards
VariationsAlso published here
  • "The Highland Hop" in "Genii" May, 1968
1987 20
Bruce Cervon Cervon's Invisible Reverse card is reversed in center as deck is turned over
Related toAlso published here 1988 149
Karl Fulves Eventual Ace Cutting progressive matching, spectator cuts to Ten, then to a Jack and first Ten becomes Jack, then to a Queen and first two cards become Queens, and so on, posed as problem
Variations 1988
Interlocutor (Issue 47)
John Bannon Real Secrets card to card box, then folded to small box
1989 1
John Bannon Misdirection Card Steal choreography to palm off a card
1989 2
John Bannon, Tom Batchelor Creased Lightning II fourths, spelled "Tom Bachellor", for credit correction see reference, page 140
Related to 1989 4
John Bannon Creased Lightning III fourths
1989 5
John Bannon Ambitchin' ambitious card routine with wallet finale
1989 7
John Bannon OZ Deposit card changes to $100 bill, card in wallet
Variations 1989 11
John Bannon Steel Convergence card stabbed out of shower with knife, impromptu method for John Kennedy's "Mid-Air Card Stab"
1989 14
John Bannon, Rick Johnsson Vacuum Packed folding coin, removed with tweezers, two handlings
Also published here 1989 1
John Bannon One is the Onliest one coin routine with signed coin and jumbo finale, coin to nest of boxes
1989 4
John Bannon I/O Holdout Input/Output, clip for stealing and retrieving flat body loads
1989 4
John Bannon Trick Shot Production producing eight ball from card case
VariationsAlso published here 1989 8
John Bannon Single Bullet Theory large steel bearing from paper bag after routine with small steel bearing and bag
1989 9
John Bannon Metal Epic (pt. 1) three half dollars appear one by one, placed in hand, coins appear again and in fist is bill and 2 quarters
1989 11
John Bannon Matrix Motivator coin sequence with purse frame, used as Matrix introduction by Bannon
1989 14
Dick Cook Twilight's Last Gleaming with copper and silver coins
Inspired by Dec. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Ray Kosby Never The Twain Shall Mix 4&4, spectator and performer mix cards together
VariationsAlso published here 1990 41
John Bannon Foreword
1990 v
John Bannon Play It Straight (Triumph) ordered suit reversed & distributed as finale
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1990 1
John Bannon Discrepancy City Prediction three mates used to predict free selection
Variations 1990 4
John Bannon Discrepancy City Display showing four cards as four-of-a-kind even though there are only three and one indifferent
1990 5
John Bannon The Unreal Work queens placed on top, they jump to bottom, middle, top, sleeve
1990 6
John Bannon, Jerry Sadowitz Cries and Whispers four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byVariations 1990 8
John Bannon Oh Calcutta thought of and dealt-to card are predicted, one ahead
Inspired by 1990 11
John Bannon Card Box Billet Switch see also page 16
1990 13
John Bannon End Grip Bottom Deal bold, from small packet
1990 14
John Bannon Twilight Zone Assembly four blank cards, progressive assembly with backfire
1990 17
John Bannon Twixt The Devil
Variations 1990 22
John Bannon Tourist Class Travellers
Related to 1990 25
John Bannon Travelling Jack's Sideshow Aces jacks vanish from their packets, fourth packet transforms into aces, jacks from pockets
1990 28
John Bannon Wild in the Straights Monte Routine with five cards (four Jokers & selection), transform to royal flush as climax
1990 33
Larry West, John Bannon Mirage Count Variation Rhythm Count alternative
1990 34
John Bannon A Little T, T, & A "Topsy Turvy and Aces"
1990 37
John Bannon Shock Treatment thought-of-card placed in pocket as prediction, another selection is found
Related toVariations 1990 42
John Bannon Creased Lightning into fourth or eighth under the deck, also right after convincing control
Variations 1990 45
John Bannon Terrorist Card Vanish combining "Homing Card" with folded card in box
Inspired by 1990 50
John Bannon Revolutionary Penetration coin with hole frees itself from shoelace, ungimmicked
1990 59
John Bannon The Brass Zero ring rope penetration
1990 63
John Bannon Chop2
1990 66
John Bannon Glass Reunion four coins from hand to glass on table
1990 72
John Bannon Shanghai Surprise silver coin to copper, silver appears again as well, both change to chinese
1990 76
John Bannon Of Cups and Fuzzballs
1990 82
John Bannon The Trick Pick - Something New ball removed from cup and reloaded at same time
1990 84
John Bannon Shuttleball - Another "New" Sleight
1990 85
John Bannon The Big Loads - A Few Words On Timing
1990 86
John Bannon Triple Threat three coins, without table, also through table possible
1990 100
John Bannon Silver/Silver Transposition half dollar and quarter transpose
1990 104
John Bannon DeManche Change Variation
1990 106
John Bannon Photologic on slip of paper, image of selection appears magically (spirit photography)
1990 113
Jack Birnman The Birnman Revelation performer cuts deck swiftly into four piles, Ace on top of each, including a handling by John Bannon
1990 118
John Bannon Split-Braue Reversal cards are reversed but also distributed to two different positions
1990 118
John Bannon One-Handed Buckle Slip Cut
1990 121
John Bannon Coins Across the Water three coins vanish one at a time, reappear in sealed envelope in wallet
1990 123
John Bannon Shriek of the Mutilated torn and restored cigarette paper
1990 128
John Bannon Real Men Don't Carry Purses concepts and ideas for a purse called "Coin Pouch":
  • Introducing the Coin Pouch
  • The Action Load
  • The Action Steal
  • Not so Secret Compartment
1990 131
John Bannon Coin of Voodoo marked coin with hole vanishes from cord, reappears in coin pouch/purse
1990 136
Emile Clifton, John Bannon Clifton's Ring Move Variation
1990 136
John Bannon Pouched Copper/Silver one coin in pouch/purse
1990 138
John Bannon, Al Koran Five-Star Engraved Prediction four cards selected, reduced to one, this is engraved on brass disc in purse, inspired by Al Koran's "Five-Star Prediction"
1990 139
John Bannon Endpapers
1990 142
John Bannon, Larry West Strangers' Gallery
1990 3
John Bannon (Mystery On The) Orient-Aztec Express routine for Connie Haden's Two Copper/One Silver or Presley Guitar's Copper/Silver/Brass set
1990 13
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from Two Copper/One Silver or CSB set
Also published here 1990 15
John Bannon Adjective Dancing "Fred"/"Oscar"/... version with adjectives on the back instead of names, rough smooth, including "A non-rough-smooth handling"
1990 20
John Bannon The End
1990 24
Gary Ouellet The Touch Force
VariationsAlso published here 1990 171
David Jones (reviewer) Impossibilia by John Bannon May 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Impossibilia by John Bannon May 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 3)
John Bannon Heart of the City card spectator cuts to is predicted, another signed selection travels to envelope which has been on table
Also published here 1990 2
John Bannon Discrepancy City Display showing four cards as four-of-a-kind even though there are only three and one indifferent
1990 3
Edward Marlo, John Bannon "Signed Card" Switch tabled card is placed between apparent mates and switched for one of them
Also published here 1990 4
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Impossibilia by John Bannon Sep./Oct. 1990
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Alex Elmsley Bare-Aced Hofzinser clean handling with Aces in possession of spectator from the start
Variations 1991 253
John Bannon Acknowledgements
John Bannon Foreword
1991 11
John Bannon Heart of the City card spectator cuts to is predicted, another signed selection travels to envelope which has been on table
VariationsAlso published here 1991 13
John Bannon Discrepancy City Display showing four cards as four-of-a-kind even though there are only three and one indifferent
1991 15
Edward Marlo, John Bannon "Signed Card" Switch tabled card is placed between apparent mates and switched for one of them
Related toAlso published here 1991 17
Edward Marlo On The Marlo Switch tabled card is placed between apparent mates and switched for one of them
Related toAlso published here 1991 19
John Bannon On The Elmsley Count brief
1991 19
John Bannon, Bob Farmer Clock O'Doom clock trick with small packet triumph sequence, selection travels from packet to deck, see Racherbaumer reference for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1991 20
John Bannon Divided Biddle Steal alternative do Marlo's "Bold Face-Up Switch"
1991 25
John Bannon On Sid Lorraine's Slop Shuffle
1991 25
John Bannon Shake Well Before Using red-black-separated cards instantly mix, faro fan
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 26
Alex Elmsley, John Bannon False False Shuffle faro fan
Also published here 1991 27
John Bannon One is the Onliest one coin routine with signed coin and jumbo finale, coin to nest of boxes
1991 29
John Bannon I/O Holdout Input/Output, clip for stealing and retrieving flat body loads
1991 30
John Bannon Fat City whole deck travels between isolated sandwich cards, leaving selection behind
Variations 1991 35
John Bannon Tattoo You spectator's initials are transferred from red to blue card, red/blue double backer
Variations 1991 38
John Bannon Minus One Force here credited to Sid Lorraine
Related to 1991 39
John Bannon Masquerade four jokers assemble and change to aces
1991 44
John Bannon Broken Flushtration Count
1991 47
John Bannon Outer Limits spectator cuts off half the deck and thinks of any number card, fishing
Related toVariations 1991 51
John Bannon Beyond the Pale no totally free choice
1991 51
John Bannon "Double No" Fishing Binary-Majority Sort in Bob Farmer's terminology
1991 54
John Bannon Alternate Indexing Schemes index methods for eight cards
1991 57
John Bannon Alternate Fishing Systems commentary
1991 58
John Bannon Trick Shot Production producing eight ball from card case
Also published here 1991 59
John Bannon Bottom Bluff Force see also page 61
Also published here 1991 59
John Bannon (The Mystery on the) Aztec-Orient Express routine for Connie Haden's Two Copper/One Silver or Presley Guitar's Copper/Silver/Brass set
1991 61
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from Two Copper/One Silver or CSB set
Also published here 1991 63
John Bannon, Larry West Strangers' Gallery
Related toVariations 1991 68
John Bannon, Richard Himber The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Card Trick in case all cards are shredded to pieces by themselves except selection
Inspired by
  • Richard Himber's "Surprise Stab"
1991 74
John Bannon Single Bullet Theory large steel bearing from paper bag after routine with small steel bearing and bag
1991 79
John Bannon Reversal of Fourtune
Related toVariations 1991 82
John Bannon, Bernard Bilis Biddle Grip Bilis Switch
1991 84
John Bannon Boogie Woogie Aces royal flush kicker
1991 87
John Bannon The Ace-Man Cometh progressive matching the cards with transformation after every phase
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 92
John Bannon, Ron Wilson Hop Two It two cards from red half to black half, two-card variation of Ron Wilson's "Highland Hop"
Inspired by 1991 96
John Bannon Detour de Force humorous prediction effect with obviously but wrongly marked cards
1991 102
John Bannon Directed Verdict actually "Directed Verdict IV"
Related toVariations 1991 106
Gary Kurtz Overhand Shuffle Placement set-up
Inspired by 1991 106
John Bannon SWAK - Swindled With A Kiss transferring a card from packet in end grip to packet in other hand
1991 107
John Bannon, Edward Marlo "Bold Control" Bottom Deal
1991 108
John Bannon Directed Verdict II
1991 109
John Bannon Directed Verdict III
Related to 1991 110
John Bannon Directed Verdict V
1991 110
John Bannon Duet To It two cards transform to resemble other cards, then become two previous selections, two handlings with and without duplicates
Inspired byVariations 1991 113
John Bannon, Jerry K. Hartman On The Secret Subtraction Switch see also page 114
1991 117
John Bannon Steel Convergence impromptu method for John Kennedy's "Mid-Air Card Stab"
1991 118
John Bannon OZ Deposit card changes to $100 bill, card in wallet, with variations:
  • Way Ahead Variation (Bob Kohler)
  • Compromise Variation
  • No-Palm Variation
  • The OZ Envelope and Remote Change
  • OZ Recombinant
1991 122
John Bannon Return of the Magnificent Seven ungaffed
Variations 1991 127
John Bannon Ton-Toid royal flush ending, ungaffed close-up handling for Ton Onosaka's "Tonte"
1991 133
Larry West, John Bannon Mirage Count Variation Rhythm count alternative
1991 136
John Bannon Creased Lightning Again Creased Lightning III, also right after convincing control
1991 138
John Bannon Real Secrets card to card box, then folded to small box
1991 141
John Bannon Misdirection Card Steal choreography to palm off a card
1991 142
John Bannon Underhanded
1991 144
John Bannon, Rick Johnsson Vacuum Packed folding coin, removed with tweezers, two handlings
Also published here 1991 148
John Bannon Care And Feeding of Folding Quarters
1991 151
John Bannon Vicious Rumors
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 153
John Bannon Assisted Switch Elmsley Count type switch in the spectator's fingers
VariationsAlso published here 1991 155
John Bannon Do the 'Twixt
Inspired by 1991 157
John Bannon Timely Departure three cards are thought-of via "packet is cut off and counted..." procedure, they disappear and reappear face up
Related toVariations 1991 160
John Bannon Vicious Rumors
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
John Bannon Assisted Switch Elmsley Count type switch in the spectator's fingers
Also published here Sep. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Smoke and Mirrors by John Bannon Sep. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
John Bannon Playing The Nines four Nines found with counting, Countdown Force
Inspired by Nov. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Chris Kenner JBO selection removed, three cards chosen to find out about color, suit, value of card, they change into mates of the selection
Inspired byVariations 1991
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jack Birnman Dragnet Queens are tossed in deck, they split up and sandwich two selections, Birnman's original sleights replaced with standard sleights
Variations 1992 222
James Swain Shocked prediction card in pocket finds one selection by spelling and matches another thought of selection
Inspired by 1992 37
John Bannon, James Swain John Bannon's Discrepancy City Prediction
Inspired by 1992 71
Larry Becker Power of Suggestion with the power of suggestion the selection becomes invisible for the spectator, then chosen card is divined
Inspired by 1992 205
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Smoke and Mirrors by John Bannon Jan./Feb. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Roy Walton Pass at Red spectator selects three red cards from black half, classic pass application
Related toAlso published here May 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Call of the Wild by John Bannon Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Vallarino Rumba Count explanation of the move and packet trick where four Jokers change into Aces
Variations 1993 9
John Bannon Twisted Sisters two duplicate four-of-a-kinds from different decks, thought-of suit transposes
  • First Scenario: Apparent Transposition
  • Second Scenario: Implied Transposition
Variations 1993 1
John Bannon Kiss Placement
1994 88
Allan Ackerman Almost Consistent Cries and Whispers no mental presentation
Inspired byRelated to 1994 163
Alex Elmsley The Mexican Prediction free selection is predicted with two cards (value and suit)
Related toVariations 1994 37
Billy McDonnell Tuned Fortune card put in box then two black queens change into red queens and card in case turns out to be selection
Inspired by 1994 971
Justin Higham Spectator Cuts, Magician Delivers
Related to 1994 72
Philip T. Goldstein Positive Negative invisible coin and is flipped into the air, coin and heads/tails is predicted
Related toVariations 1994
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Twisted Sisters by John Bannon May/June 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 23)
Stephen Hobbs (reviewer) John Bannon's Twisted Sister by John Bannon June 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 10)
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from hand with a gaffed one
Also published here Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Darwin Ortiz Kartenkunste
Related toVariations 1995 65
John Bannon Introduction
Simon Aronson, John Bannon Simon's and John's proof of the Red-Black Relationship Principle
1995 18
Simon Aronson Suit Yourself one deck mixed face-up/face-down, other deck shuffled twice and named suit removed, in first deck this suit is reversed in same order
Inspired by 1995 144
Aldo Colombini Trifle ungaffed Twisted Sisters version, two duplicate four-of-a-kinds from different decks, named suit transposes
Inspired by 1995 57
Jerry K. Hartman Class Cut spectator cuts off four piles, top card of each is an Ace, extension of Harry Riser subtlety
Inspired byRelated to 1995 143
Jerry K. Hartman, John Bannon Duet for Three two cards transform to resemble other cards, then become two previous signed selections
Inspired by 1995 252
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Stranger's Gallery by John Bannon Nov./Dec. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 32)
John Bannon Beyond Fabulous Royal Flush kicker
Also published here Spring 1996 56
Allan Ackerman, John Bannon Impromptu Tattoo You performer signs back of odd-backed card, spectator front of other card, signature jumps on odd-backed card
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 4
Michael Kaminskas Rainbow Connection rainbow deck climax
Inspired by 1996 24
Roger Smith, John Bannon Maxi Twist - Bannon Handling transformation kicker
Also published here 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Michael Close (reviewer) Strangers' Gallery by John Bannon
reviewed together with Mac King
Related to Feb. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Don May Stinger Monte four piles, top cards shown, spectator should follow Queen, suddenly there are Queens on all packets
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Kevin Bird, Steve Pepoon, Craig Stone Product Review
  • Letters
Related to Apr. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Jack Carpenter A Potent Presage three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1997 26
Nick Trost Double Shock! Two spectators find each other's card
Inspired by 1997 141
Nick Trost Trost on Reset Easy handling with clean finish
Inspired byVariations 1997 172
John Bannon Discrepancy City Display
1997 66
David Solomon, Steve Draun S/D Location key starts 20th from top, quarter cut off and shuffled, top card remembered, another packet cut off and put on top, this packet examined by performer
Variations 1997 137
Pete Ottaviano Back to the West four Three of Diamonds are cut to in a deck, then their backs change color as well as the backs of the rest of the deck
Inspired by
  • Larry West's "Backgambit" in "Lecture 2"
Related to
1997 25
Simon Aronson, John Bannon ExtraChicagothinks idea to incorporate "spectator sits on card"
1997 60
Simon Lovell Super Quick Simey Fold into fourth at deck
Inspired by 1997 71
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from Two Copper/One Silver or CSB set
Also published here 1997 18
John Moran Sloppy Triumph in the hands version of Play It Straight, slop shuffle
Inspired by 1998 1464
Jack Carpenter Blind Lemon Aces Aces lost in deck and produced from right hand ("not this hand, the other hand")
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1999 10
Joshua Jay Trumped Triumph ends with kicker after Triumph effect in which all the cards of the same suit appear reversed distributed in the deck
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1999 61
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from hand with a gaffed one
1999 46
Paul Gordon ITHEC "In The Hands Elmsley Count"
Elmsley Count type switch in the spectator's fingers
Inspired by Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)