439 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Production & Appearance / As a Climax
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die vier Acht four chosen cards turn out to be the Eights, they're lost and four indifferent cards change to Eights, then Jacks are produced
Also published here 1910 15
Victor Farelli Arithmetical Magic Magician divines selected card by going through rest of deck. Then tries again with part of the deck but fails, with a surprise four of a kind production kicker ending
1936 22
Edward Marlo Everywhere and Nowhere (using a borrowed deck and no duplicates.)
Early Marlo (Issue Pasteboard Presto)
Rolf Andra "Bel ami" after selection is returned, performer makes four piles of four cards, one is chosen and it contains selection and mates
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Warren Wiersbe Cardillusion three indifferent cards change into mates
1946 9
Edward Marlo Aces over Kings Aces turn over among other cards, Kings appear
1947 43
Bert Allerton Allerton's Amazing Aces four selections cut to one by one, they change into aces
1948 3
Tony Kardyro T. K's Follow the Leader Supreme performer cuts to selection which shows up reversed, then he cuts to other three matching cards, faro
1955 20
Edward Marlo Additional Climax to Marlo's Hofzinser after the three cards changed to the selection, they change into Aces, four-of-a-kind matching the selection is produced from pocket paper-clipped together
1957 29
Edward Marlo The Climax Phase production of the four Sevens
1958 22
Ronald B. Edwards Edwardian Aces deck is shuffled, some cards taken, down under deal until five cards remain, four Aces and predicted card
Aug. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo A Sixy Effect three cards change into selection (a Six), then selection taken from pocket, card then taken from pocket, deck shown as all selection, all four Sixes produced from pocket, puns in the patter
Related toVariations Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Al Leech A Dishonest Mistake card found reversed in the deck leads to selection, Aces produced as climax
Variations 1959 21
Malcolm Davison You can tell Fortunes reading card trick, with kings kicker
1960 51
Charlie Miller Variation of a Jack Merlin Effect three four-of-a-kinds kicker, bottom deals
Related to 1961 62
Edward Marlo Further Applications of the Reverse Fingering Action with K. M. Move to repeatedly show the same card after it has apparently been dealt to table
1962 8
Peter A. McDonald All Sqare location of selection and finding four-of-a-kind as a kicker, using cross sum force
Also published here
  • "All Square" in Max Andrews' "Magic Magazine" 1955, Vol. 4, Nr. 8.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 1 Aces lost in deck, performer cuts deck in four piles with Aces on top, Kings on bottom, faro
1964 14
Harry Lorayne Aces Only - With Kings Aces are spelled to, then Kings are found as well, faro
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, May 1964
1965 32
Roger Klause Matched Spellout "Chapter Two"
selection spelled out, four-of-a-kind kicker with packets that made during spelling
Related toVariations 1967 17
Harry Lorayne Foursome four of a kind to free selection is produced
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 23
Harry Lorayne Favorite Aces and Kings Aces are spelled to, then Kings are found as well, faro
Related to 1967 122
Dai Vernon The Name Is...? title of trick spelled out to find selection, four-of-a-kind on all piles
Related to Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo Unfaro Match selection is matched, edgemarked deck
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Peter Kane The Faro Finders Six of Spades to Eight of Spades lost and counted to, Aces as kicker
1967 14
Alton Sharpe Merely a Coincidence number arrived at with dice is counted down, heart flush and Twos show up which fits prediction
Related to 1968 72
William P. Miesel Cards & Dice Ace to Four and four dice match up, Aces appear
Related to Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Tom Batchelor From Behind the Back Jacks and Queens are lost in the deck, performer selects one value and performer produces them with one hand, other hand behind back is show to hold the other four-of-a-kind
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Tom Batchelor The Ambitious Kings
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
John Hamilton Down & Out Tantalizer type routine with cut-off packet, card predicted and one of same value is on top of discard pile, see also p. 373
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Allan Ackerman Pokerface while trying to find the selection the four of a kind is produced
Related to 1970 18
Allan Ackerman, John Cornelius Change of Mind one of five, kicker
Variations 1971 5
Dai Vernon, Harry Lorayne, Don Costello The Card Sharp and the Four Gamblers with four Kings kicker and story
Inspired byVariations 1971 11
Harry Lorayne Stranger Card Faro Location Aces are spelled to, then four of a kind to free selection is found as well, faro
Related to 1971 26
Karl Fulves Essential Erdnase demonstrating card control by controlling and producing 4s, aces as kicker
Related to 1971 13
David Lederman Dave-bury Delusion four Ace kicker
Variations 1971 ca. 9
Jim Lee, Edward Marlo Triumph Plus with four-of-a-kind productions
Inspired by 1972 78
Roy Walton Match-a-Matic performer and spectator each take four cards, two mates, rest four Aces
Also published here Nov. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Brother John Hamman Chinese Miracle location of two cards and their four-of-a-kind via spelling, rest of deck sorted into four-of-a-kind groups, impromptu, see also p. 684
Related toAlso published here Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Roy Walton Match-A-Matic performer and spectator each take four cards, two mates, rest four Aces
Also published here 1972 4
David Lederman Dave's Delight four Ace kicker
Related toVariations 1973 31
Frank Garcia Speller Transition one selection, small packet spell, Aces turn up
VariationsAlso published here 1973 110
Jack Avis Topsy Turvy triumph with ambitious phases and four-of-a-kind kicker
July 1973
Epilogue (Issue 18)
Jerry K. Hartman About Face II Hofzinser Ace Problem, all four Aces change to match value of selection
Also published here 1973 22
Jerry K. Hartman A Common Mistake Vernon's Variant type of effect (Do as I do packet trick) where spectator cannot follow instructions, ending is each spectator get an Ace reversed in packet
Inspired by
  • "Kortially Yours" (Milton Kort, Kort is Now In Session, 1962)
Related to
1973 23
Gene Finnell The Down/Under Exchange Surprise selection placed aside, packet cut and down/under deal performed until four cards remain, top of those is selection and previously tabled card matches other three cards
1973 55
Roy Walton Runaround small packet multiple ambition, Aces appear, Joker transposes with four Queens
Also published here 1975 60
Tony Binarelli Fource four of a kind kicker
1975 72
Roy Walton Übereinstimmung performer and spectator each take four cards, two mates, rest four Aces
Also published here Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Gerald Kosky More of the Pocket Princess four cards removed from pocket change into Queens as kicker
1975 63
Frank Garcia Double Header performer finds wrong card and it's mates, wrong card turns into selection and mates of selections are produced
Also published here 1975 ca. 6
Bruce Cervon Now Find My Card! selection is found along with aces
1976 41
Nick Trost Prediction and Location of Four Matching Cards
1976 15
Rolf Andra Ende gut - alles gut location of selection using indicator card, 4 Aces produced as kicker
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 2)
Frank Garcia Speller Transition one selection, small packet spell, Aces turn up, German adaption
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Roy Walton The U.S.A. Trail one of five cards is remembered and then located, the other four cards change to Aces
Related toAlso published here June 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Lewis Ganson Tribute to the Card Stars three or even four four-of-a-kinds show up
Inspired by 1977 22
Stephen Minch A-Ten-Tion prediction on table, three cards removed, two spectators are shown the cards, one sees three Threes of Hearts, the other three Sevens of Hearts, prediction card is Ten and the three cards change to other Tens
VariationsAlso published here 1977 23
Harry Lorayne Prediction Expanded with four-of-a-kind revelation
Inspired by 1977 143
Karl Fulves Four-Card Leaper King of Clubs travels from one half to other, King of Spades in other half is face-up with red Kings on either side
Inspired by 1978 2
John F. Mendoza Impossible Poker Demonstration aces cut to in named order, shuffled back and cut to again (Estimation Aces), roll-over production with Royal Flushes, ten handed deal first with aces, then two royal flushes (Marlo-Gardner principle), optional color changing deck kicker
Inspired by 1978 7
John F. Mendoza The Quick Cull - Effect cards shuffled face-up and face-down, all cards right themselves except for named four-of-a-kind
1978 35
Frank Garcia Double Header performer finds wrong card and it's mates, wrong card turns into selection and mates of selections are produced
Also published here 1978 6
Roy Walton A Changeable Nature red Ace face up in center, changes to other red Ace, then both red Aces, then black Aces, then all four Aces, then Tens, then Kings are reversed in Center
Related toAlso published here 1978 21
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Triple Triumph red black kicker and four king production
Related to June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Paul Gertner Black Jack patter routine with four ace kicker
Related to June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne "Counters" Aces and Kings found by various indicator cards, faro
1979 202
Richard Kaufman Fantasy Cull Ace to Four are lost and found, the Fours appear
1979 30
John Carney Stand Up Miniscule prediction in which only four-of-a-kind remains and deck vanishes
Inspired by 1979 14
Howard Schwarzman Night Riser black Aces on table, half deck on each, they rise to top of other packet, red Aces on bottom
  • Notes By Karl Fulves
Inspired byVariations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 16)
Philip T. Goldstein Immoracle packet cut-off, anti-faro procedure to arrive at Royal Flush, overhand shuffle set-up sequence
Inspired byRelated to 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 18)
Nick Trost Significator Five-Spot Significator Five-Spotface-up five used to count to selection, counted cards are the four Aces
Also published here 1979 6
Philip T. Goldstein Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined, partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Harry Lorayne, Dai Vernon, Don Costello, Martin A. Nash The Card Sharp and the Four Gamblers
Related to 1980 4
Al Leech A Card Trilogy Effect No. 1: Card location with four Aces climax
Effect No. 2: Card location with four Aces climax
Effect No. 3: kings turn into aces
1980 52
Gene Maze That Better Be Your Card!
1980 53
Gene Maze Rising Aces
1980 70
Gene Maze Between the Slices (Everywhere and Nowhere No. 1)
1980 84
Gene Maze Space Age Illusion (Everywhere and Nowhere No. 3)
1980 86
Richard Kaufman Strange Harmony three selections add up to ten which is predicted, they then change to Tens
1980 91
Karl Fulves The Ghost Effect card thought of, five cards removed, one of them is the selection and the other the four aces, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 42)
John F. Mendoza Cutting the Kings Re-Visited Aces produced as kicker
Inspired by 1980 25
Stephen Minch San-Sub
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Impromptu Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined
Inspired by Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Michael Skinner Three Different Ways three selections made in different ways and found in different ways with two four-of-a-kinds along the way
Variations 1981
Arcane (Issue 4)
Jon Racherbaumer, David Solomon Spectator Cuts Off more than he can Choose spectator cuts deck in four packets, after some counting and packet handling aces, queens and kings are turned over
1981 3
Jim Ryan Ryan's Dunbury Delight four ace kicker
Inspired by 1981 10
Allan Slaight Fourth Down spelling to "THE KING OF HEARTS" into four packets, a King on each pile except one which has an indicator card to find last king, credit information
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1981 32
Roy Walton Match-A-Matic performer and spectator each take four cards, two mates, rest four Aces
Also published here 1981 110
Allan Ackerman Ultra Four Spot
1982 183
Harry Lorayne Force Feed Eight two four-of-a-kinds
1982 534
Jerry Sadowitz Vendetta triumph, shuffle type gags, four-of-a-kind found
Aug. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Philip T. Goldstein Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined, partial stack
Also published here 1982 3
David Britland Small Prophet selection is found by placing a coin on a car, two-way out, with four Aces climax or by spelling Ace
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Shiv Duggal Belladonna four Aces are divided in red and black, two cards dealt on top of each pile, then red and black Aces transpose, eventually all aces are found in one pile and Kings in other
Inspired by
  • Phil Goldstein's "Overture" in "Genii" Marchi '81
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Curtis Kam An Ambitious Problem problem posed of culling mates of ambitious card during routine
1982 54
Charles Hudson Abacus III cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted, partial stack, see credit corrections on page 864
Inspired by June 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Father Cyprian Shock Spell spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1983 12
Frank Simon Riff-Spell mate of selection spelled to, then other two cards of same value found as well
1983 112
Michael Powers Quadratic Aces three cards selected, then slow-motion Ace Assembly, then the other three packets are shown to consist of four-of-a-kinds corresponding to selections
1983 41
Ken De Courcy Observant Aces Four cards change into four Aces, as a surprise climax to an observation test
1983 12
Ken De Courcy Gliding Aces Fail to find selection four times. Eventually find selection, the four wrong cards become Aces
1983 13
Terry LaGerould Piano Concerto piano card trick variation with 4 queen kicker
1984 93
Jerry Sadowitz Vendetta
1984 20
Philip T. Goldstein Sottovoce four Ace kicker
Inspired byAlso published here Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Steven Hamilton Count Down to Dunbury with four ace kicker
Also published here 1984 77
Randy Wakeman Five-Way Fours miniature card prediction, other three cards of same vale are found as a kicker
Variations 1984 65
Allan Slaight Sweet, Lorayne! Cutting the Aces, mixture between Lorayne and Christ's routines, with full patter
Inspired byVariations 1984 78
Bob Farmer Gambo Magique
Inspired byRelated to 1984 82
Michael Louis Goin' Fishin' - With Friends revelation of selection, then the 3 mates
Inspired by 1985 212
Edward Marlo, Randy Wakeman Surprising the Seven Suspects multiple cards sandwiched, down under elimination, quartet kicker, faro
Inspired by 1985 57
Ian Land Quaternity
May 1985
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Walter "Waltini" Schällebaum 4 As Produktion reversed card as indicator, four aces production as kicker
Gimmick (Issue 7)
Harry Lorayne Simple Lie Detector faro
Also published here Aug. 1986 8
Dai Vernon Spellout with a Hitch four-of-a-kind kicker
Related to 1987 160
John C. Wagner Would I Lie to You? seven card packet is programmed to find selection, mates are found as well
Related toVariations 1987 141
Randy Wakeman The Force Is With You selection predicted, other three mates found elsewhere
1987 50
Philip T. Goldstein Stax-Volt card produced with reverse faros predicted, number of cut-off cards found by adding values
Related toAlso published here 1987 8
Stephen Minch A-Ten-Tion prediction on table, three cards removed, two spectators are shown the cards, one sees three Threes of Hearts, the other three Sevens of Hearts, prediction card is Ten and the three cards change to other Tens
Also published here 1987 7
Jerry Sadowitz Return of the Burglar four cards chosen, they're all shown as selections, then the four cards change into Aces and selection is back in deck with odd back
Inspired by 1987 50
Harry Lorayne Vierertreff four of a kind to free selection is produced
Also published here Oct. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Jamy Ian Swiss Cultural Influences on Techniques of Card Selection three selections made in different ways and found in different ways with two four-of-a-kinds along the way, presentation for Skinner's routine
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 29
Jamy Ian Swiss The Card Sharp theatrical presentation for Lorayne's routine
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 31
Richard Vollmer Earthly Powers selected card and four Aces are found, anti-faro "programming"
Related toVariations June 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Unearthly Powers
Inspired by July 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Karl Fulves The Parting tabled spread, both hands on the ends, they move apart and spread parts in center to reveal face-up selection, Aces or Royal Flush kicker, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 47)
Edward Marlo The Mental Topper spectator counts to value of thought-of card, card located, optionally matching values found, faro, variations
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Apr. 1966
1988 216
Roy Walton The U.S.A. Trail one of five cards is remembered and then located, the other four cards change to Aces
Also published here 1988 99
Roy Walton A Changeable Nature red Ace face up in center, changes to other red Ace, then both red Aces, then black Aces, then all four Aces, then Tens, then Kings are reversed in Center
Also published here 1988 120
Roy Walton Runaround small packet multiple ambition, Aces appear, Joker transposes with four Queens
Also published here 1988 166
Brother John Hamman Go Fish four selections, performer finds four, three of them change to match fourth
1989 185
Roger Crosthwaite Faro Follow-Ups one out of four, kicker four-of-a-kind production, Si Stebbins & faros
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Philip T. Goldstein Sottovoce four-ace-kicker
Also published here 1989 3
Philip T. Goldstein Stax-Volt card produced with reverse faros predicted, number of cut-off cards found by adding values
Also published here 1989 81
Harry Lorayne Nine, Five, Seven, Five aces are found via 4 locator cards, kings show up as well
1990 63
Harry Lorayne Rhythmic Sandwich Change Routine two selections and four-of-a-kind are found
1990 102
Harry Lorayne Simple Lie Detector faro
Also published here 1990 140
Philip T. Goldstein Sottovoce four-ace-kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 51
Neil Smith Oscillation red Aces find selected King, another one found and Aces change into Kings
Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Aldo Colombini Jumbo airplane is formed with cards, selection is found and four Aces produced as kicker
Inspired by
  • Ken de Courcy's "Airplane"
VariationsAlso published here
1991 14
T. Page Wright A Novelty Spelling Mystery selection lost, "Ace" spelled into one pile, "Spades" into another, then Ace of Spades shown, first pile are other three Aces and second pile all Spades
Also published here 1991 223
Jerry K. Hartman About Face Hofzinser Ace Problem, all four Aces change to match value of selection
Also published here 1991 259
James Swain One in a Million variation where bottom cards of dealt piles also match
Inspired by 1992 11
Justin Higham Complex Turn Of Events version with four Aces
Inspired by 1992
Technomagic (Issue 13)
Justin Higham Worldly Powers selected card and four Aces are found, anti-faro "programming", simplified handling
Inspired by Apr. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 2)
Father Cyprian "Simplicity Speller" Notes No. 74, spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Also published here 1992 88
Peter Duffie The Disoriented Sevens Sevens are lost by dealing cards on them and assembling them, reverse faros, the Sevens find a selection as well as a Royal Flush
1992 20
Doug Edwards No Chances using cyclical stack
Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Edward Marlo, John C. Wagner Revised Lie Detector down under deal, quartet production, set-up, two variations:
  • For Center Dealers
  • For Side-Stealers
Inspired by 1993
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo Black Jack Versus Poker four ace kicker, three methods
Inspired by 1993
The Olram File (Issue 15)
William Goodwin Plunger Sandwich sandwich cards rise out of deck with selection in between, ace production kicker
1993 16
Peter Duffie Rising Crime elevator sequence Ace through Four of Diamonds with robber patter, Kings appear as finale
Inspired by 1993 40
Peter Duffie Glasnost wrong card changes into selection, then cards of same value produced
Inspired by 1993 56
Aldo Colombini A Kick Out Of It Christ force, Six-spot cut to, counting down to selection, the five counted cards are a Royal Flush
Also published here 1993 89
Richard Bartram, Jr. Morella quarter shuffled face up into face down quarter, other half is shuffled into it and face up cards ripped out, with Aces reversed
1993 66
Doug Edwards Spell Motivator Royal Flush Finale
May 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Doug Edwards, Harry Lorayne Captured kings find mates and selection
July 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 7)
Paul Gertner Black Jack Surprise bust blackjack hand changes into four aces
1994 113
Steven Hamilton Thinking Out Loud card built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other, that card turns over, then Triumph with four cards reversed at finale, the constructed card and its mates
Also published here 1994 210
Aldo Colombini Jumbo airplane is formed with cards, selection is found and four Aces produced as kicker
Also published here 1994 67
Edward Marlo Slop Shuffle Or Triumph? slop followed by riffle shuffle, no selection, Aces face-up at end
Related to 1995
Facsimile (Issue 3)
Aaron Fisher, Jack Birnman The Long and Winding Trick Aces lost, four indifferent cards found, their values used to count down to four cards, they are the Kings, Aces found on other side of counted packets
Also published here 1995 2
Richard Sanders, David Acer Four on the Floor card selected, indifferent card changes into mate and other cards of same value are on either side
Inspired by 1995 18
R. Paul Wilson All Backs Queens are printed as finale
1995 50
Aldo Colombini Kick Out Christ force, Six-spot cut to, counting down to selection, the five counted cards are a Royal Flush
VariationsAlso published here 1995 19
Aldo Colombini Knock Spell three cards are spelled to, Royal Flush shows up
Also published here
  • Magigram
1995 140
Jerry K. Hartman Kid Stuffed “kid outsmarted by gambler” presentation, three phases of gambler openly placing Kings on bottom and dealing two hands with exposed Bottom Deal but whether hands are swapped or not gambler always ends up with Kings, finally the kid gets the Kings and gambler’s hand is shown to have Aces
Inspired by 1995 166
Michael Skinner Aces Out of Another Dimension Aces are found via random count downs (bottom deal), Kings as well
Related to 1996 49
Dominique Duvivier Deconstruction Derby Two red Kings change to two red Aces, then change back, before changing into four Aces, and then change back to red Kings
1996 113
James Swain, Edward Marlo Topping the Mental Topper cards freely chosen (or thought of), card and its three mates found, faro
Inspired by 1996 107
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Novelty Spelling Mystery "A Larsen & Wright Gold Seal Mystery"
Further Than That precursor, 1940
Related toAlso published here
  • Page Wright's Manuscript, 1991, p. 223
  • Genii Bonus Number One, Genii, April 1940
Underworld (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie Imogenetic three cards chosen and face up on table, another card made with suit and value of two of those cards, that card found via spelling and other cards from that value as well
Inspired by
  • "Genimo" (Alan Francis, Abacus, Vol. 4 No. 7)
1996 11
Lou Gallo Fourth Down Plus same with four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Precursor II, 1993
1996 91
Jack Carpenter A Potent Presage three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1997 26
Nick Trost Significator Five-Spot Significator Five-Spotface-up five used to count to selection, counted cards are the four Aces
Also published here 1997 134
Karl Fulves Vegas Vampire ten cards dealt into two hands, a selection changes into indifferent card and is then in other packet, jacks show up as finale
1997 130
Marty Kane Modern Day Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is selection and four aces on top of discard piles, with two variations
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1997 1258
Peter Duffie Four to the Fore card spelled to, spelling piles reveal four-of-a-kind
1997 3
Peter Duffie My Fair Lady four wrong cards found, Queen of Hearts waved over them, they become the four Queens and the former Queen is now the selection
1997 4
Peter Duffie Ouija card spelled to, spelling piles reveal four-of-a-kind
1997 14
Edward Marlo Sired Liar seven card packet is programmed to find selection, mates are found as well
Inspired by Jan. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Seth Kramer Kings Cleve, Aces Arrive Kings put on top of four packets, they assemble on top of one packet and then Aces are found on top
Related to Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Scott Cram Sock Hop: The Ultimate Piano Card Trick selected card travels from pile to pile, four Kings show up as climax
Related to Sep. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Roberto Giobbi Dad Stevens, King of the Card Cheats a King is controlled, then all four Kings appear
Variations 1998 657
Joshua Jay Combined Interests combining prediction, spelling, card to pocket, transformation, ace production
Winter 1998 150
Karl Fulves Even Money Aces selected four-of-a-kind mixed with 4 other cards, all cards cut in deck, they're back on top, aces kicker
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1998 19
Karl Fulves Random Access
Inspired byRelated to 1998 23
Karl Fulves Cut-Rate Hummer
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
twenty cards spread, about five are reversed, spectator remembers one and turns it over, something done behind back by performer, selection located and other reversed cards are now Aces
Variations 1998 285
Steve Mayhew Keep Your Hands In Your Pockets with one hand in pocket, performer produces selection on top of deck while it is behind his back, a second card is selected and its three mates are produced behind his back in similar fashion, hand is brought out from pocket and it holds the three mates of first selection, no jacket
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Marty Kane Minor Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is a Seven and other Sevens on top of discard piles
Inspired by July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Andrew Wimhurst Shuffle-tracker shuffle-tracking a selection, ends with four-of-a-kind
Variations 1999 11
Steve Mayhew Freedom Mayhew Poker Deal, face-up cards shuffled in face-down cards, then all reversed cards dealt out, four Ace kicker
VariationsAlso published here 1999 4
Joshua Jay Combined Interests Magicians performs a medley of his favourite tricks all in one trick (spell to selection, prediction, card to pocket (fail), four Ace production)
1999 70
Harry Lorayne, Christian Scherer The Card Sharp and the Four Gamblers
Inspired by 1999 17
Doug Conn Rubber Revelation rubber band wrapped around deck vanishes, around card in center, this and the cards beside it are Aces to match a previous selection
Inspired by 1999 33
Karl Fulves The Flash two selections placed under half the deck each, they rise to top, Ace production finale, Slip Force application
Inspired by 1999 8
Roger Crosthwaite Monaco's Queens Queens lost in four packets that are combined, found again with help of Joker à la Christ Aces, Kings show up as well, using Erdnase's patter for "Exclusive Coterie" with long justification
Inspired by
  • "Ricardo's Aces" (Ricardo's Card Artifice, 1979)
Related to
  • "Roger's Aces" (Linking Ring, July 1994)
1999 165
David Stone Jack the Printer four cards are selected one of them turns to be the selection, others are the mates, then they change backs, card of selection appears on case
1999 23
Jerry Mentzer It Takes A Year Card chosen and lost. Magicians deals the deck, reciting the months of the year, the days of the week and the four seasons of the year. Card is found at the end of the deal, plus four Aces.
1999 25
Philip T. Goldstein The Partagas Spell characteristics of card spelled to, sucker, mates of selections show up as a climax
July 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 7)
Steve Silverman Dunbury Aces performer cuts to cards to help identify features of selection (an Ace), each time failing and one of the cards is actually the selection, a new card is changed into selection and the cut-to cards are changed into other Aces
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Steve Silverman Multi-Level Dealing follow-up to “Dunbury Aces” (p. 22), Aces are interlaced with Heart cards and false deals (second, third, fourth and bottom) are demonstrated, Heart cards change to Kings
Inspired byRelated to 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Joshua Jay Counting On It! Four turns over and is used to count to selection, other three mates of selection show up
Variations Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Aldo Colombini Variations of "Counting On It" Four turns over and is used to count to selection, other three mates of selection show up
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Roberto Giobbi Moracle at the end of a sucessful prediction, the four Aces appear, anti-faro sixteenth card principle
Inspired by 2000 921
Simon Lovell Star Trick aircraft is formed with cards, selection is found and matching cards as kicker
Inspired by 2000 19
Simon Lovell Bonus Trick - Fourplay card chosen and lost, produced with its mates
2000 110
Michael DeMarco Does Spelling Count? Four turns over and is used to spell to selection, other three mates of selection show up
Inspired by Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Simon Aronson Aces Awry (Producing the Aces) Tries to spell suit of selection, but wrong 3 times - finally gets the value (Ace), and produces all four Aces
Variations 2001 198
Simon Aronson The Double Push Off Using the Double Push off to overcome awkward spellings in Aces Awry
Inspired by 2001 204
Simon Aronson Reverse Dealing Variation on Aces Awry
Inspired by 2001 204
Simon Aronson Other Ace Productions Alternative procedure for Aces Awry that disturbs stack but is fast
Inspired by 2001 208
Simon Aronson Four on a Match (Producing the Fours) Finds selection (a Four) through spelling, then finds all Fours
Related toVariations 2001 209
Simon Aronson Four More Alternative procedures for Four on a Match
Inspired by 2001 211
Simon Aronson The Mind Reading Deck, Part 6 (Producing the Sixes) Find selection by spelling, produce all the Sixes as a climax
2001 217
Simon Aronson The Mind Reading Deck, Part 9 (Producing the Nines) Find selection by spelling, produce all the Sixes as a climax
Variations 2001 220
Simon Aronson Mirror Nines Variation of Mine Reading Deck Part 9, with reverse Aronson stack
Inspired by 2001 221
Simon Aronson The Mind Reading Deck, Part 7 (Producing the Sevens) Selection is found in sandwich, produce four Sevens as climax
2001 223
Joshua Jay Joshing With The Threes Finds selection by spelling, then produces all the Threes as climax
2001 236
Karl Fulves, Frank Garcia King Quartet No. 24, card found by spelling "King" multiple times, kings show up as finale
Inspired byVariations 2001 39
Karl Fulves Royal Rescue No. 25, card found from packet of five cards, other cards turn out to be the Kings
Inspired by 2001 40
Gambler vs. Psychic No. 85, spectator thinks of highest card in cut-off packet, other Aces found in pocket
2001 126
Karl Fulves, Art Altman Faces and Aces No. 42, four cards removed, performer turns one over, cards shuffled back, all four reverse and selection is identified, other three change to Aces
2001 95
Harry Lorayne Dig This "I have as many cards as you, plus...", Royal Flush kicker
2001 45
Harry Lorayne Royal HaLo four Ace cutting, count-down with indicator with final Ace, Royal Flush kicker
Inspired by 2001 57
Harry Lorayne Can It be? four-card repeat, selection and Royal Flush finale
2001 165
Harry Lorayne Dealer Wins Extension Daley's Last type transpo, Royal Flush kicker
Inspired by 2001 247
Harry Lorayne Tally-Ho Extended four Aces as kicker, Royal Flush variation
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2001 369
Harry Lorayne Kingly Loc-Ace-Tion Aces are lost and spelled to, then Kings are found as well, faro
Inspired by 2001 433
Harry Lorayne A Far Cry one of five cards thought of, others change to Aces
Inspired by 2001 567
John Cornelius Change of Mind one of five, kicker
2001 137
John Cornelius The F.I.S.M. Act or Every Card Trick in the World in Ten Minutes among other things: shrinking card case, multiple selection, four-of-a-kind production, shrinking deck, card to credit card, jumbo card in wallet as prediction for named card after some byplay
2001 157
Peter Duffie The Universal Base Ace of Spades put on bottom of deck, it changes into the mates of three selections, other Aces show up as climax, bottom deals
2001 7
James Swain Florida Roadkill
  • The Card Expert
spectator cuts off a packet, performer cuts off same size, four Kings are found as well, Penelope's Principle
Inspired by Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Harry Lorayne Tally-Ho Extended four Aces as kicker, Royal Flush variation
Also published here Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
John Bannon Trait Secrets Gemini Twins with four Ace kicker
Also published here Oct. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Aaron Fisher, Jack Birnman The Long and Winding Trick Aces lost, four indifferent cards found, their values used to count down to four cards, they are the Kings, Aces found on other side of counted packets
Also published here 2002 116
Roy Walton, William Goodwin, Shannon Clark Pinkerton's Surprise progressive sandwich with four-of-a-kind production kicker
Inspired by Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Four Eights four chosen cards turn out to be the Eights, they're lost and four indifferent cards change to Eights, then Jacks are produced
Also published here 2002 25
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Starburst packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles
Related to 2002 88
Marty Kane Modern Day Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is selection and four aces on top of discard piles, with two variations
Also published here 2002 76
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie Lie Decktector four of a kind as climax, using the Matsuyama Force
2002 89
David Solomon Just Friends four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets
VariationsAlso published here 2002 135
Jamy Ian Swiss Cultural Influences On Techniques Of Card Selection three selections made in different ways and found in different ways with two four-of-a-kinds along the way, presentation for Skinner's routine
Also published here 2002 25
Jamy Ian Swiss The Card Sharp theatrical presentation for Lorayne's routine
Also published here 2002 27
Iain Moran Triumph With A Twist after the Triumph phase, the mates turn over as well
Inspired by Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Deduction Production selection and rest of four-of-a-kind eventually found, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson 1-2-3 Elevator Aces using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Andi Gladwin Lie Deck-Tector "yes" or "no" spelled as answers to questions, next card is the selection, followed by three mates
June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Peter McLanachan A Total Delusion four-of-a-kind kicker
July 2002
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 13)