238 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to Pocket / Multiple Cards / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
L'Homme Masqué Die vier Buben auf der Wanderschaft No. 6, four cards chosen, they are the four jacks, they are shuffled back and produced from inside the jacket at sleeve opening
1895 93
Der Bube als "enfant terrible" four cards selected, they're the Eights, Eights held by spectator, four other cards placed on table, Eights returned into deck, cards on table turn out to be three Eights and a Jack, jack transformed into missing Eight and four Jacks produced from pocket
Related to 1896 84
Carl Willmann Cards to under Arm four cards travel to under arm twice, duplicates
May 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Arthur Toskana Der Weg zum Herzen four Queens put in deck, they travel one by one to between vest and jacket
June 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Carl Willmann Die vier Buben auf Wanderschaft four cards chosen, they are the Jacks, shuffled back and produced from up the sleeve, duplicates
Apr. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 4)
A. J. Die magischen Asse combination in which an Ace is chosen, it changes to another Ace, vanishes and reappears, then a chosen Ace travels into a wooden card case, then all Aces from deck into a pocket
June 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 6)
A. J. Gedankenerraten mit Hülfe eines Kartenspieles card and its position remembered and later card found and three other selections produced from pocket
Nov. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die drei Kräfte three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 1910 196
Louis F. Christianer The Traveling Cards three selections from ten-card packet to pocket one by one
1919 13
Laurie Ireland Blue and Red Mystery four red and four blue backed cards, one of each color travels to pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1935, "New Card and Coin Manipulation")
The Four Ace Trick crude aces to pocket, basic application of stripper deck
1937 264
Laurie Ireland Blue and Red Mystery four red and four blue cards, one of each travels into pocket
1938 12
Louis Zingone The Zingone Spread three cards, challenge selections conditions
Related toVariations 1940 214
Edward Marlo No Palm Aces to Pocket featuring bottom placement at coat edge move, lapel load
Also published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
R. M. Jamison Birds of a Feather Ace assembly, then a Queen is put in pocket and three Queens in deck, they jump to pocket
1941 35
Edward Marlo No Palm Aces to Pocket featuring bottom placement at coat edge move, lapel load
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 10
Louis Zingone, Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Flying Cards also as poker deal
Inspired by 1942 19
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Good Companions four Kings, one put in pocket, others vanish one by one, removed from pocket, three double facers
1942 2
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Cards from Pocket to Hand six or seven cards from pocket to empty right hand
1943 9
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Fantastic Fan four Aces keep reappearing on bottom of deck, sucker phase, then to shoulder
Related to 1943 23
Roger Barkann The Pluperfect Steal deck is shuffled face up and face down, four cards put in a box, the cards vanish and the deck is in order again, with Duolette
Feb. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 29)
J. Elder Blackledge Twelve Cards to Pocket with selection
Sep. 1943 15
Brooks' Card Trick Herbert Brooks?, several cards selected and they travel into pocket after spectators shuffled them in themselves, narrow deck
1943 6
Edward Marlo Lightning Aces Aces are put in deck and instantly produced from pocket
1945 23
Audley Walsh Six Cards to Pocket with Extras with a bag, a paper crown and six folding boxes (!) as a climax
1945 53
Sid Lorraine The Four Burglars two parts
1945 144
Arthur H. Buckley The Ladies and the Deuces Experiment No. 21 - with cards to pockets climax
1946 174
Number Trick two cards at two positions remembered, they are suddenly no longer there when counted again and found in pocket, lazy man
1946 29
Edward Marlo, George Sands Upside Down Kings turn face up, then down, change to Aces, placed in deck, back to Kings, Aces from pocket
1947 50
Frank Shields Rub-A-Dub-Dub sequence using the move, card to pocket
Feb. 1948 393
Vern Schoneck Bluff & Challenge four aces change into jacks, aces found in pocket of performer, challenge presentation
Oct. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 213)
Purvis W. Miller Both Ways two cards transpose twice and eventually travel to performer's pocket
Feb. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 223)
Tom Ransom Racing Aces! four Aces marked with an X on the back, covered each with three cards, Aces vanish and appear in pocket, vanishing ink
June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 232)
Edward Marlo Cards to Pockets two cards to two different pockets, basic
1952 92
Howard A. Adams Trilemma three phase routine
  • two mentally selected cards change places
  • two mentally selected cards end up in performer's pocket
  • five mentally selected cards are found
Variations May 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 280)
Cy Endfield The Escape of the Musketeers three cards, Biddle Handling
Variations 1955 42
Edward Marlo Square Up Drop Palm two Cards to Pocket
1956 33
Donna Allen The Four Jacks and the Bouncing Ball the four jacks are in the deck and the performer boasts that they will travel in his pocket, then he removes four toy jacks, the cards eventually are found in another pocket
1956 5
Lu Brent Double Trouble Again Same as Double Trouble, but both cards are now in pocket as the finale
Inspired by 1956 19
Laurie Ireland, Carlton King Kidnapped top eleven cards are stacked to tell a story involving a card in an envelope that later shows up elsewhere and transposition and sandwich of various cards, and cards traveling to the performer's pocket
Also published here
  • Exclusive Magic from our Notebook, Ireland & King, ca. 1933
1957 18
Edward Marlo Additional Climax to Marlo's Hofzinser after the three cards changed to the selection, they change into Aces, four-of-a-kind matching the selection is produced from pocket paper-clipped together
1957 29
Brother John Hamman Kings Through the Table one by one, change to Aces, Kings in pocket
Related toVariations 1958 18
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Ein schönes Karten-Kunststück deck in glass is covered by handkerchief, handkerchief removed and placed inside pocket, selections vanish from the deck and when pulled at the corner of the handkerchief cards appear
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Invisible Aces aces from deck to pocket
1959 118
P. Howard Lyons Codicil deck cut into two piles, spectator looks at top cards, top cards are tabled, both transform and are brought from the pocket, with challenge presentation in which spectator must point to originally seen cards
Inspired by
  • "Never Bet on the Other Man's Game" (The Testament of R. W. Hull)
July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Edward Marlo Holograph deck cut into two piles, spectator looks at top cards, top cards are tabled, both transform and are brought from the pocket, with challenge presentation in which spectator must point to originally seen cards
  • 1st Variation
  • 2nd Variation
  • An Original Method
  • Other Thoughts
  • A New Thought
  • Addenda re 3H idea
Inspired by June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Acrobatic Aces four aces travel to top repeatedly, then to pocket
1961 57
Edward Marlo Forgot your Wallet? handling with pocket instead of wallet
Inspired by 1961 28
Cliff Green General Delivery - Cards to the Pockets six cards, red black alternating, vanish and reappear color-separated from two different pockets
Variations 1961 134
Max Malini Malini's Cards from Pocket short comment
Also published here 1961 53
Harry Lorayne, Louis Zingone Zingone Spread Simplified simplified handling
Inspired by 1962 123
Harry Lorayne Push-Through Change - Effect Queens change to Aces, Aces to pocket
1962 206
Harry Lorayne Four-in-Hand four selections found, change to Aces, selections to pocket
1962 245
Edward Marlo Aces to Pocket "Ninth Effect", Aces placed reversed in deck, they change into Kings, Aces from pocket
1962 16
Edward Marlo Chute Method for Cards from Pocket with drop through sleeve
May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Norman Houghton The Extracted Pair two Twos between two face-up Sevens are cut into deck, two more Sevens are cut in deck, the sandwiched Twos in the deck are now the other Sevens and the Twos are in pocket
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Dino Mazza Climatic Flight three selected cards are shown as three times the same card, then they travel to pocket and deck consists only of Jokers
Oct. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 384)
Harry Lorayne Vice Triumphant four jacks vanish from deck, reappear in pocket, story presentation
Related to 1967 135
Edward Marlo, Harry Riser A Logical Procedure Aces cut to, change to Kings, Aces from pocket, inspired by "Riser's Aces" (Expert Hocus Pocus), two methods
1968 132
Frank Pemper PIRA "Pemper's Improved Riser's Aces" (Harry Riser from Expert Hocus Pocus), aces cut to, change to kings, aces from pocket
1969 101
Alan Keith Sock it to Me aces reappear sticking out of four vest pockets (duplicates)
1969 125
Edward Marlo, Louis Histed No Palm Cards to Pocket two selections reverse one by one, then travel to pockets, double facer
Inspired by
  • "Merlinism" (Louis Histed, Abra, Oct. 3 1964)
1970 93
Dai Vernon Two Cards to Pocket
1970 14
Robert (Bob) Hess Spirit Aces black aces rise to top of four-Ace-packet repeatedly, a black ace travels from pocket back to aces, then red aces to pocket
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Juan Tamariz Sensación-Ases McDonald's Aces routine, then three Aces travel to pocket and three cards found reversed in the deck form jumbo card of selection
1970 63
Edward Marlo Logical Challenge Cards to Pocket
  • A Gaffed Version (rough smooth)
Inspired by
  • "Challenge Cards to Pocket" (Larry Jennings, Genii, May 1970)
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Rick Miller, Roger Smith 4 Ace Surprise three cards placed on one Ace, other three Aces change into random cards, fourth Ace and cards on top turn out to be Kings, Aces found in pocket, with Variation by Roger Smith
May 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Gene Nielsen Four Thru one by one, change to Aces, see p. 333 for comments by Hyim Levy
Inspired by Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 46)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Subtlety For A Finish To The Jumping Aces To Pocket Routine No. 205, indifferent card travels to pocket, then all Aces (loaded with first card)
1972 50
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Poker And Pocket Trick No. 274, cards chosen from poker hand later travel to pocket one by one
1972 67
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Simplex Four Ace No. 342, starts like an assembly lay-out, but then Aces vanish and come from envelope or pocket it seems
1972 96
H. Adrian Smith, Dr. Jacob Daley Adrain Smith's Poker Player's Dilemma (Sphinx April 1938) No. 402, "Adrian" misspelled, matching the cards with Royal Flush: four Royal Flush cards in Hearts cut to and tabled, then the last in Spades, all change to Spades
  • Variation (Daley, missing Hearts Royal Flush produced from pocket)
Also published here
  • "A Panicky Poker Player's Problem" (H. Adrian Smith, The Sphinx, Vol. 37 No. 2, Apr. 1938, p. 39)
1972 109
Frank Garcia A Lady In My Sleeve four Queens, two travel up sleeve, two are produced from deck
1973 64
Derek Dingle Riddle's Aces Ace cutting, to Kings transformation, Aces in pocket
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 20)
Heinrich Krauss Rechts oder Links three selections, spectators can always select from which pocket, left or right, performer shall produce the cards, duplicates
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 1)
Eddie Fechter Be Honest What Is It? two cards, one held by spectator and one by performer, change into two totally different cards, other two cards end up in performer's trouser pocket
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 10
Russell T. Barnhart Two Cards to Pocket into both back pants pockets
1975 73
Horace E. Bennett Selected Card to Pocket card to pocket, repeated phase with named card out of two cards
Inspired by 1975 85
Larry Jennings Challenge Cards to Pocket two cards are first placed in jacket pocket, then removed and lost in the deck, then travel into two pockets
Variations 1977 21
Tom Gagnon Visual Finders one of four kings transforms in first then second selection, then back, selections from pocket
1977 150
Karl Fulves Premium Poker five selections are promised to be hole cards in stud poker deal, however they appear from pocket instead, sleeving
1977 14
Karl Fulves (F) Rub It In Aces penetrate into pocket one by one from four-card packet, as finale the three travel back from inside pocket, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 24)
Quartett four cards with same value are lost in the deck and produced from pocket
1978 76
Hannes Höller Gamblers Stolz four selections turn into aces and selections are produced from inner breast pocket
1978 85
David Stahl The General Travelers three cards selected, one is signed, card changes into all three selections one by one, selections vanish and end up in cellophane of card case, under mat and in pocket, duplicates
1978 8
Edward Marlo The Travelling Hours to performer unknown number of cards travel to pocket
1979 367
Richard Kaufman Card to Pocket Climax to a routine from Reginald Scot's "Discovery of Witchcraft"
1979 64
Derek Dingle Riddle's Aces Ace cutting, to Kings transformation, Aces in pocket
Also published here 1980 15
Edward Marlo Borrowed and Face Up interlaced vanish to pocket
1980 118
Edward Marlo Quadruple Fingertip Cards to Pocket four peeked cards to four different pockets, double facer with divided cards on one side
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Juan Tamariz Cartas Viajereas al Bolsillo four cards to pocket, using Multeffect deck
1980 72
Derek Dingle Riddle's Aces Ace cutting, to Kings transformation, Aces in pocket
Also published here 1982 65
Karl Fulves Spectator Aces spectator deals cards on aces, then deals out whole packet, aces are gathered in one packet and placed in spectator's pocket where they change into indifferent cards, aces reproduced from performer's pocket, spectator does almost everything
1982 20
Justin Higham E.Z.2. three Sevens between Kings vanish and appear face up in deck, fourth Seven was previously selected
Variations Oct. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Larry Jennings Duffer's Two Cards to Pocket two thought-of cards from small packet to pocket, no palming, double backer
Also published here June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo Detached Collectors Aces isolated on table or
  • To the Pocket
  • To the Card Case
Facsimile (Issue 1)
Justin Higham E.Z.2. Variation in a letter
Inspired by May 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Ken De Courcy Delayed Action Spectator produces Aces from their own pocket, Aces were loaded previously in context of a trick
1983 9
Edward Marlo Third Method - Cards to Pocket and Wallet three selection, two to pocket, one to wallet
1984 114
Edward Marlo 3 Cards To 3 Pockets steps 11 and 12
1984 127
Edward Marlo Second Effect two cards to pocket with visible vanish from face of deck
1984 143
Edward Marlo Third Effect Ace to Four to pocket
1984 143
Edward Marlo An Effect from the 50's two cards peeked, named from performer, produced from different pockets
1984 299
Peter Duffie Departure Point two signed cards vanish and appear face up in the deck, they vanish again and produced from pockets
1984 55
Peter Duffie Double Fantasy two cards travel into two different pockets, one palm only, pocket ruse
VariationsAlso published here 1984 27
Peter Duffie The Extractors two Jokers placed in in the two side pockets, two cards travel into two pockets to the Jokers, pocket ruse
Variations 1984 28
Larry Jennings Make Me Small cards travel to pocket
Inspired byVariations Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Joey Gallo Qua-Druple face up face down shuffle, aces found, change to kings, aces from pocket
1985 85
Fred C. Baumann Left Face - Right Face two wrong cards found, transform in right card, wrongs from pockets, double facer
1985 123
Red and Blue Mystery four red-backed and four blue cards, one red and one blue card travel to pocket
1985 11
Edward Marlo Olram's Hallucination three people look at top card of rubber-banded deck, everybody sees a different card, top card is shown as Joker and the three noted cards come from different pockets
Inspired byVariations May 1985 3
Edward Marlo Un-Gaffed Hallucination three people look at top card of rubber-banded deck, everybody sees a different card, top card is shown as Joker and the three noted cards come from different pockets
  • Method #1
  • Method #2
  • Method #3
  • Method #4
  • Method #5
Inspired by Oct. 1985 6
Larry Jennings Misdirection Cards To Pocket two cards, loading while removing things from pocket
1986 15
Michael Rubinstein Chicago Opener Topp(it)et with cards to pocket (through topit tunnel) climax
Inspired by May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Jon Racherbaumer Shaded Cards to Pockets two cards to two pockets
  • Second Approach
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1986 6
Karl Fulves Black on Black two cards peeked at and seen to be clumsily loaded into right pocket, they vanishes yet are now in left pocket, then deck vanishes except two selections
1987 37
Jon Racherbaumer Shaded Cards To Pocket two cards to two pockets
Also published here 1987
Inside Out (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo The Spectator Removes Em two cards to pocket, removed by spectator
Also published here 1988 47
Edward Marlo A Routine of Surprises indifferent card changes into two selections one by one and back, selections are in two pockets
1988 159
Edward Marlo Effect two selections lost, one reversed in tabled spread, it changes into the other selection, the travel to pocket
1988 322
Justin Higham Packet Vanish - Pocket Reproduction Aces put in pocket, Kings are in the hands, Aces removed and put between Kings one by one where they vanish, Aces change to Kings as climax and Kings are in pocket
Variations Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
René Lavand Private Conference Aces change to Jokers and Aces found inside pocket
Also published here 1988 26
Jerry Sadowitz The Card that doesn't go to Pocket card to pocket with repeat in which deck except selection travels to different pockets
1989 64
Karl Fulves Sidepockets two selections from the two side pockets, alternative bluff method given
Inspired by 1989 12
Justin Higham Packet Vanish - Pocket Reproduction II Aces put in pocket, Kings are in the hands, Aces removed and put between Kings one by one where they vanish, Aces change to Kings as climax and Kings are in pocket
Inspired byVariations 1989 5
Gary Kurtz A more complex example palmed Aces from pocket as gag as spectator starts shuffling
Also published here 1989 7
Bruce Cervon Repeat Aces to Pocket aces to pocket, to spectator's pocket, to envelope/wallet
1990 47
Bruce Cervon, Alex Elmsley The Fabulous Cards to Pocket three cards, clean without duplicates
Inspired by 1990 59
Michael Ammar The Pocket 'o Mystery three cards to pant pockets and fly
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Jon Racherbaumer Ninety Degrees in the Shade two cards to two pockets
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 184
John Riggs Irritating Cards Across humorous card to pocket, 51 to pocket, gaffed and impromptu
1991 738
John Luka Ladies & Bullets queens twist, one of them travels back face up into deck, they transform to aces, queens are found again and transform to aces again, queens from pockets, deck vanishes
Related to 1992 252
Gary Kurtz Palmed Aces from Pocket as gag
Also published here 1992 15
Terry LaGerould Nail-nick Rick Aces lost, then all at once taken from pocket
1992 35
Terry LaGerould Bill Collectors two Fives are sandwiched between three Jacks, they vanish and come out of performer's pockets, more traveling and sandwich phases
1992 111
Terry LaGerould Blind Date two Queens and Kings change positions, then all change to Queens, Kings from pocket
1992 118
Tom Mullica Pasteboard Overdose four spectators each find their selection, in phase two all cards are lost and then spelt to, in phase three the cards are produced again (Gymnastic Aces), then cards travel to pocket, in the next phase cards travel under ashtray twice, entire routine with lots of byplay using cigarettes
Inspired byRelated to 1992 52
Edward Marlo Honing Homing Ace placed aside comes back, change to Kings, Queen where Aces are suspected, Aces from pocket, method for Duffie-Sadowitz effect
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Eddie Fechter Be Honest - What Is It? two cards, one held by spectator and one by performer, change into two totally different cards, other two cards end up in performer's trouser pocket
Also published here 1993 132
René Lavand Private Conference Aces change to Jokers and Aces found inside pocket
Also published here 1993 67
René Lavand With Just One Hand, For Your Two Hands trick performed with one hand in pocket, Kings vanish and appear in pocket
1993 120
Alex Elmsley Pockets Full of Miracles card is looked at by three people, everybody sees a different card. they all come from different pockets then
1994 211
Alex Elmsley En Voyage Ace to Three travel to pocket one by one, then all to different pockets
Variations 1994 233
Alex Elmsley Processional four Aces oujogged from deck, one by one pushed flush and removed from pocket
Variations 1994 241
Alex Elmsley Daley Double two black Aces change place with one of them in pocket, in repeat phase they turn red and black Aces come from pockets
1994 243
Billy McDonnell Pocket Poker named aces travel to pocket one by one, then they travel again all together
Variations 1994 972
Billy McDonnell Pocketing the Queens
Inspired by 1994 979
John Scarne Thought Cards to Pocket one spectator thinks a red card from a five-card packet, another a black card from another packet, shuffled back in deck, both cards named, then produced from pocket
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Peter Duffie Fantastic Voyage Ace to Three of Clubs travel into different pockets, one palm only, pocket ruse
Inspired by Dec. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Peter Duffie No Fantasy Cards to Pocket two cards to pocket
1994 5
Peter Duffie Caprice two Jokers placed in in the two side pockets, two selections transpose with those Jokers, pocket ruse, then selections travel to the pockets once more
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 119
Aldo Colombini Meeting assembly with the twelve court cards, one value changes to Aces and the missing cards are produced from pockets
Inspired by 1995 116
Jack Carpenter Pocket Interchange one by one the four Aces change into the Kings that were previously placed into pocket, Aces are shown to have jumped to both pockets (two in each), then Kings instantly vanish and are produced from both pockets, all Kings and Aces can be signed
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 3)
Larry Jennings, Steve Ehlers, Eric T. Dockery, Jack Carpenter Pocket Interchange Revisited handling variations of "Pocket Interchange" (see reference)
  • Dockery's Finesse (small touch)
  • Ehlers' Display Sequence (updated handling to set up)
  • Jennings' Reset Sequence (variation of entire Interchange sequence)
  • Final Observations (see p. 12)
Inspired by 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 5)
Takeshi Nemoto It's A $100 Mystery To Me! three cards chosen, one produced from front trouser pocket and placed in a Bendix Bombshell wallet, second from rear pocket, last one from zippered compartment
Nov. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Chester Morris Comedy Cards to Pocket Seven of Spades with bottom two pips cut off, Seven and Five of Spades forced for two-phase routine
1996 4
James Swain The Lost Multiple Shift Aces placed in different parts of deck, instantly removed from pocket
1996 154
Pablo Domenèch Las Cartas Viajeras two selections travel to pocket
1996 55
Peter Duffie Caprice two Jokers placed in in the two side pockets, two selections transpose with those Jokers, pocket ruse, then selections travel to the pockets once more
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 6
Curtis Kam Greensleeves four cards vanish one by one from hand and reappear in different pockets
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 73
Nick Trost, U. F. Grant Three Chances in 26 Updated handling of "One Chance in 26" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, May 1965) with Gilbreath and two more selections
Inspired by 1997 175
George McBride Repulsion two selection rise to the top one by one and are placed among Queens where they vanish, they reappear in pocket
Inspired by 1998 67
Bob King Impossible Four-Card Location four cards are selected and produced from different spots (two pockets, case, one signed from wallet), two spectators unknowingly have the same selection
Inspired by 1998 21
Steve Mayhew A Balloon, a Cartwheel, and a Pony Ride three selection are found three times
  • Phase One (deck is dropped and cards turnover one by one)
  • Phase Two (flashy location, last one in mouth)
  • Phase Three (Cards to pocket, all cards to pocket finish)
Also published here 1999 1
Max Malini Malini's Cards From Pocket "From Letters Written by Charlie Miller to Faucett Ross", Nov. 23, 1936
short comment
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
John Lovick Multiplex Interchange Kings placed in pocket, one by one the Aces change into Kings, they change back to Aces, Kings are produced from both pockets, the Aces instantly vanish and are produced from both pockets
  • Silverman Alternate Display Sequence (p. 38): alternative procedure to get into trick
Inspired byRelated to 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Darryl Harris Cards to Pocket and Case three selections travel to two pockets and case
Inspired by
  • "P.D.Q. Cards To Pocket" (Mike Gallo, 1983 lecture notes)
1999 46
Peter Duffie Internal Ace, Two and Three are pocketed, two selections appear between them
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 61
Ken Simmons Two The Hard Way (A Different Approach) two selections lost, incomplete riffle shuffle is pulled apart, first selection sticks out of one half and is tabled, repeat with pivot production for second selection, then both cards travel to pockets
Inspired by 1999 115
Edward Marlo The Spectator Removes Em brief, two cards to pocket, removed by spectator
Also published here 1999 116
Juan Tamariz, Louis Zingone Trimental three chosen cards are first divined, then produced from corresponding pockets
Inspired by 2000 906
Aldo Colombini, Peter Duffie Imaginary Journey two Kings travel to to of second half of the deck, then two selections appear
Inspired by
  • a routine by Peter Duffie in "21 Card Trick"
2000 5
George McBride Home to Roost two cards travel to two different pockets, repeat
Inspired by 2000 34
John Cornelius Deck in the Round (Pocket Rocket Aces)
Aces to pocket one by one, as climax deck to pocket with secret switch
2001 90
Terry LaGerould Cardboard Sobriety Test picture cards and Aces removed, one chosen, eventually the three matching cards are brought from pocket and other cards shown in order
2001 40
Peter Duffie Collectors In My Pocket Ace, Two and Three put in pocket, two selections appear between them later
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 4)
R. Paul Wilson Challenge Cards To Pocket II two cards are first placed in jacket pockets, then removed and lost in the deck, then travel into the pockets
Inspired by Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Darwin Ortiz Pocket Money two cards, different pockets
2002 72
Darwin Ortiz Smart Money three cards, three pockets
2002 76
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Three Powers three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 2002 146
Tom Stone Mr. Fogg four signed cards travel into one pocket, then in different pockets
Also published here 2002 18
Al Baker Cards up the Sleeve using a duplicate, from deck
2003 693
Al Baker Knockout three cards, different pockets, pocket channel to hip pocket
2003 716
Euan Bingham Coincidental Aces transposition, travelling combo
2003 6
Euan Bingham Abstraction four Aces one by one
2003 14
Jon Racherbaumer Hot-to-Trot Pocket Aces Aces vanish à la Open Travelers and appear in pocket one by one, simplified Jennings routine, Three as Ace pseudo duplicate
Inspired by 2003 5
Dave Campbell Surprise Surprise Sandwich two cards sandwiched and cut into deck, one sandwich travels into pocket and the sandwiched cards transpose
2004 79
Dave Campbell Joker Special two Jokers transform into two selection, Jokers then reproduced from pocket
2004 137
Juan Tamariz Cards Called for to Pocket named card to pocket
  • One Card
  • Two Cards
2004 129
Jamie Badman 2X2 two signed cards are lost, first selection travels to pocket, then the second selection, then both cards to different pockets at once
2005 4
Erik Nordvall MAP - Mental Aces to Pocket Spectator thinks of an Ace, magician correctly divines it, then all the Aces turn into selected Ace, then selected Ace disappears, then in the pocket are the other three Aces and only the selected Ace is left in the hand
2006 4
Michael Powers Expert Cards to Pocket two signed cards, multiple phases, deck vanish phase, card to wallet climax with transposition
Inspired by 2006 33
Joel Givens Givens on Hofzinser Hofzinser Problem at the end the whole suit of the selection is produced from a pocket, see p. 49 for performance
2007 67
Curtis Kam GreenSleeves four cards vanish one by one from hand and reappear in different pockets
Also published here 2008 9
Fred Robinson Hit and Run Palm Technique bottom palm steal with top change type dynamics while right hand holds deck
2009 140
Tom Stone Mr. Fogg four signed cards travel into one pocket, then in different pockets
Also published here 2010 95
Scott Robinson HG's Pocket two cards placed in pocket and returned to deck, they travel back into pockets, time travel presentation
Also published here 2010 18
Ryan Swigert Hancock in Your Pants two signed cards to pocket, with 52-on-1 gag
2010 236
Patrick Page, Chan Canasta The Encore Climax Queens and Aces, spectator can wish which cards travel to pocket, repeated with other value as a kicker
2011 38
Tony Cabral Suit Pocket selection travels to pocket, full suit is also taken from pocket
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Card to Pocket with Kicker" (Jack McMillen ebook, p. 144)
2012 11
Benjamin Earl Wide Awake Scream two of four lost aces travel to pockets, one ace appears in spectator's hands and deck vanishes leaving last ace
Also published here 2014 5
Tomas Blomberg Multiplex Re+Set Re-set routine, three phases:
  • Phase one- Fives transpose with pocketed Queens one by one
  • Phase two- Queens transpose with pocketed Fives all at once
  • Phase three- Fives vanish and appear in four different pockets
Inspired byRelated to 2014 195
Steve Mayhew A Balloon, A Cartwheel, and a Pony Ride three selection are found three times
  • Phase One (deck is dropped and cards turnover one by one)
  • Phase Two (flashy location, last one in mouth)
  • Phase Three (Cards to pocket, all cards to pocket finish)
Also published here 2014 184
Benjamin Earl Finish 52 finding matching cards from pocket for any named card, then taking all cards except selection from pocket, binary five-card set-up that combines to any card
Inspired byRelated to 2015 7
Eric Stevens Expedition four spectators think of a card each in a spread, the cards vanish and appear in four different pockets
2015 33
Pit Hartling The Illusionist performer cuts to named four-of-a-kind one by one, these cards then turn out to be four cards put in pocket in beginning
2016 160
Pepe Lirrojo Firmadas al Bolsillo four cards change into four signed selections, then selections are found in pocket
2016 32
Giancarlo Scalia Il Mazzo Risponde two cards travel, one found sandwiched
2016 13
Tom Stone Three Degrees of Impossibility three cards to pockets, or handbag, wallet, ...
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 10)
Tom Stone Three Degrees of Impossibility three cards to pockets, or handbag, wallet, ...
Also published here 2016 2
Frank Shields Another Rub-a-dub-dub cards to pocket climax, from Hugard's Magic Monthly, Feb 1948
Inspired by 2017
Facsimile (Issue 6)
Benjamin Earl Wide Awake Scream two of four lost aces travel to pockets, one ace appears in spectator's hands and deck vanishes leaving last ace
Inspired byAlso published here 2017 71
Bob Farmer The Bammo Brain Bamboozler two spectators think of a red and a black card, both cards vanish and are removed from the pocket before they are named, using version of John Kennedy's "Mind Power Deck"
Inspired by
  • "The Divine and Conquer Deck" (Leo Reed)
2018 1
Oliver Meech Four for Two Two Jokers rise through packet of four Kings, then asymmetric transposition happens, four Kings end up in different pockets
Inspired by
  • "Ambitious Interchange" (John Carey, Me, My Cards & I)
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Scott Robinson Willy in Your Pocket signed card vanishes between two Kings and appears in pocket, then Kings vanish and appear in different pockets
2018 26
Scott Robinson The Queen Thing selection vanishes from among the Queens, Queens surprisingly appear in pocket and selection is only card in hand
  • variation: see “The Mystery Thing” (p. 55)
Inspired byAlso published here 2018 50
Scott Robinson H. G.'s Pocket two signed cards are openly placed into different pockets and openly removed, then they magically travel back to pockets, time-travel theme
2018 187
Allan Ackerman Almost Like Everywhere and Nowhere Quick Three Way type effect with five cards, two of which are selected, Royal Flush kicker and selections removed from packet
Related toAlso published here 2019 99
Yves Carbonnier 1-2-3 À Pique Ace, Two and Three of Spades outjogged from deck travel to pocket, then change into Hearts and Spades cards are found in pockets again
Inspired by 2019 40
Yves Carbonnier 1,2,3, Soleil Ace of Spades changes into Two of Spades, Ace found in pocket, Ace changes into Two and Ace is found in pocket again, Three Spades change into Hearts and Spades found in different pockets
Inspired by 2019 50
Yves Carbonnier Petit Bonus Qui Mérite Qu'on S'y Attarde three selections between face-up Kings vanish and appear in pocket, Collectors follow up
Also published here
  • in "Yves Carbonnier Passe à Table"
2019 89
Yves Carbonnier 2. As Rouges / As Noir Aces change into Kings as climax, and Aces found in pocket
2019 174
Tom Gagnon Veiled Card Steal Aces lost and deck spread on table, covered with handkerchief and gathered, Aces then produced from pocket
Inspired by 2019 444
Christian Grace, Ollie Mealing, Patrick G. Redford Level Four Spectator names any four of a kind. First card travels to pocket, then half the deck travels to pocket to find second card, then the rest of the cards travel leaving the third card in hand, then last card is on top of the deck in the pocket.
Variations 2019 148
Madison Hagler Cards To Pocket Version using three selections and Level One gimmick by Christian Grace
Inspired by 2019 150
Edward Marlo Visually Changing Sandwich three cards peeked at, black Jacks waved and selection appears between them, changes into second selection, then third, then it vanishes, all three selection brought from pocket
Output (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo Streamlined 007 "aka 007 Stops Counting"
Aces shown, one put on deck and it returns repeatedly, cards in hand change to Kings and cards on top of deck are shown to be Queens, Aces from pocket
Inspired by 2020
Output (Issue 12)
Larry Jennings Smith’s Pocket Myth two thought-of cards from small packet to pocket, no palming, with or without double backer
Also published here 2020 466
Scott Robinson H.G.'s Pocket two cards placed in pocket and returned to deck, they travel back into pockets, time travel presentation, two pseudo-signed duplicates
Also published here 2020 26
Jesús Etcheverry The Zingone Spread My Version three cards, challenge selections conditions
Inspired by 2020 208
John Graham Outta Pocket six selections lost and produced from pocket
2021 30
Brent Braun Finger Count Across two thought-of cards from packet travel to pocket one by one, using Eleven-Finger Count
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 4)
Pedro Lacerda Shooting Cards two cards chosen, first selection travels to trouser pocket and is placed in breast pocket, then same card is pulled out of other trouser pocket and breast pocket card is second selection
2023 162
Allan Ackerman Almost Like Everywhere and Nowhere Quick Three Way type effect with five cards, two of which are selected, Royal Flush kicker and selections removed from packet
Also published here 2024 175
Jack Carpenter No-Palm Queens to Pocket four Queens in the hand, they travel to pocket one by one, possible follow-up for "Jumping Gemini"
Related to 2024 12
Jamie Masterson Jamie's Wild Ride
  • Phase One: Purist Twister
  • Phase Two: Aces to Queens
  • Phase Three: Aerial Queens to Pocket
  • Phase Four: Signed Aces from Pockets Climax
2024 131
Roberto Giobbi Up Mine Ace are not found in deck, they are removed from the sleeve, as intro to Ace routine
Unexpected Agenda (Issue May 23)
Joshua Jay, Eddie Fechter Remember to Be Honest two black Kings change to red Aces in spectator's hand, handling from the top of the Particle Stack
Inspired by 2024 65