339 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Quartet transposes with Quartet
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Four Kings being placed under the Hand of one Person, and the Four Sevens under the Hand of Another, to make them Change Places at Command
1876 48
To make Four Aces change to Four Kings, and Four Kings to Four Aces four double facers, using hat
1876 90
The Four Queens changed to Kings Queens under hat transpose with Kings on deck, double facers
1889 142
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Grosses Kartenmanöver Jacks, Queens and Kings travel and transpose with two plates, heavily gaffed
Related to 1896 221
Die wandernden Könige Kings placed underneath a hat or plate, four cards on the top of the deck transpose with the Kings, four double facers
Feb. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Die gehorsamen Asse Aces put in center, spectator choses how many Aces should appear on top and bottom, Conus Aces gag sequence, four Aces under spectator's hand transpose with four other cards, deck changes into all-Aces
Nov. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Arthur Toskana Vae victis! "(Wehe dem Besiegten)"
Kings placed in envelope, Jacks placed under four newspaper pieces, then Jacks are in envelope and Aces under newspaper, Kings found elsewhere
Mar. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Die Verwandlung der vier Point-Achtkarten four cards chosen, they are the Eights and tabled, then they transpose with the four Sevens (three Eights with a cover Seven fanned and vice versa)
July 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Seventh Method Aces put in one envelope, Kings in another, they transpose, using two cards with cloth on back
1909 221
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Allvermögen der Damen four cards chosen, they're the Queens, they transpose with four indifferent cards, Queens change one by one and back to Queens
Also published here 1910 105
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Täusche deinen Nächsten wie dich selbst! four cards chosen, four Queens on table, they transpose one by one, then back
Also published here 1910 118
The Four Queens changed to Kings four double facers
1911 111
Charles T. Jordan The Amazing Aces No. 1, four face-down cards put aside, Aces placed into four piles, they vanish and are the face-down cards
Also published here 1920 2
The Homing Belles four of a kind matching selection turns over, removed, transpose with four other reversed cards in deck, four duplicate Queens
1933 26
T. Page Wright Aces and Queens Transposition Aces on top, Queens on bottom, they transpose
1933 23
Kings and Aces four double facers, backfire
Related to 1937 133
Die vertauschte Hammelherde Aces change place with Kings, three and three at once
Related to
  • "Magikeren"
  • Johannes Steinweg in "Magie" April, 1939.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Henry Christ Aces and Kings a bit procedure heavy
Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 74)
Edward Victor The Kings and Tens transpo of Kings in middle of deck and Tens on top, Joker on bottom as convincer of no manipulation, uses above Pass
1940 ca. 8
Edward Marlo Annemann's Aces Disregarded transpo, transformation combo
Inspired by 1942 19
Tom Sellers Ace-King Passe Passe four Aces in one glass transpose with four Kings in another, eight duplicates with backs that match the tray surface
1943 17
Warren Wiersbe Instantaneous Four Ace Transposition four aces with four indifferent cards
1944 14
Arthur H. Buckley Transition Experiment No. 22 - four Kings with four Aces
1946 175
Arthur H. Buckley, Karrell Fox, Dai Vernon The Chivalrous Kings and The Four Ladies Experiment No. 36 - four duplicates, one set in case
Inspired by 1946 203
Carl Hunkins Four Ace Routine four aces are put into the deck, four indifferent cards change places with aces
Nov. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 115)
John A. M. Howie + or - ? using two four of a kinds, transformation kicker
Related to June 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 153)
Arthur H. Buckley Transposition Extraordinary four Kings in envelope, four selected cards on floor, they transpose
1948 66
Arthur H. Buckley The Sympathetic Cards Ace to Three of Spades are used to find Aces, Twos and Threes and make them transpose and change to match
1948 111
Paul LePaul Transposition of the Four Aces
Variations 1949 194
Al Leech Ace King Transposition Aces under spectator's hand, transpose with the kings in the deck.
1949 5
Al Leech Alternate Method for "Ace King Transposition"
1949 7
Al Leech Ace-King Turnover
Related to 1949 8
Al Leech, Edward Marlo Ace-King A La Marlo
Related to 1952 26
Bill Simon A Transposition ace to four of clubs transpose with four random cards one by one
1952 111
Bill Simon Night Club Card Assembly four cards of the same value in spectator's pocket transpose with four random cards, one by one
1952 158
Harold G. Beaumont Clean Cut Transposition four Aces in one glass transpose with four spot cards in another
1952 79
Al Leech Eight Card Transposition
1953 3
Edward Marlo Visual Transposition
Variations 1953 121
Al Honeycutt Honeycutt's Honeycutter Aces transpose with Kings, à la follow the leader
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 289)
Bill Simon The Impulsive Ladies three queens and three aces transpose when fourth queen is place with queens, half pass method
1954 19
J. Stewart Smith The Four Queens four Queens and four indifferent cards on table, one Queen transpose with indifferent card, then all cards transpose
1955 14
J. Stewart Smith Sevens and Jacks two cards are exchanged, then four of a kinds are complete again
1955 19
Don Alan It Can't Be... three phase routine
  • Aces on table, spectator thinks of Ace, Ace pocketed, it's thought Ace, other aces are also
found in pocket, cards on table are indifferent cards
  • McDonalds Aces, spectator sits on fourth packet
  • four Aces in performers pocket change places with four indifferent cards in spectators pocket
Related to 1956 12
Jerry Andrus Four Aces four Aces transpose with four indifferent cards, one-at-a-time repeat
1956 183
Jack Avis Cards of Sympathy four quartets show up, transform, transpose
1957 11
Edward Marlo Duts presentation for Kings and Aces transposition
Related to July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Jack Avis Seven and Eleven Transpo four Aces and three Sevens, when Ace is put with Sevens the other three cards transpose
Also published here 1960
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Edward Marlo Four and Four Transposition four Aces with four indifferent cards
1961 48
Edward Marlo The Four Ace and Four King Transposition
1962 12
Edward Marlo 4 and 4 Transposition "Third Effect", two fours-of-a-kind, some cards lost, follow the leader type effect
1962 10
Verne Chesbro Up and Down four cards in hand transpose with four tabled cards one by one
1963 31
Verne Chesbro Switcheroo four cards in hand transpose with four tabled cards one by one
1963 32
Verne Chesbro Bottoms Up reds over blacks, blacks come to top as block, using Veeser Concept
1963 32
Verne Chesbro Old Rocking Chair four cards in hand transpose with four tabled cards, using Veeser Concept, featuring transfer of a card from in-the-hand packet to tabled packet
1963 33
Verne Chesbro Shocker Finale four cards in hand transpose with four tabled cards one by one
1963 34
Verne Chesbro Strange Interlude four cards in hand transpose with four tabled cards one by one, Elmsley counts
1963 37
Tom Batchelor Across Come the Kings two phases
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Ian Baxter Quadruple Transmigrationalism four quartets from different decks transpose while inside deck, odd-backed
Variations 1969 69
Edward Marlo Hop - Skip - Jump
1969 42
Art Spring 11 & 1 Aces & Jacks removed and Jacks given to spectator, he suddenly holds Aces, see p. 288 for suggestions by Peter McDonald
Variations Apr. 1969 253
Robert (Bob) Hess Never Underestimate four Kings and three Queens, but no real unequal transposition
Mar. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 8)
Jon Racherbaumer Almost Making It four blank cards, four Aces, change place one by one, see page 169 (of Tannen's Reprint) for correction
Variations Summer 1970 213
Derek Dingle Super Interchange four red-backed Aces change place with blue-backed Kings buried in red deck one by one
VariationsAlso published here 1971 217
Gerald Kosky Transpose & Follow
Mar. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 11)
Karl Fulves Aces To Win packet trick with gambling presentation
Related to 1971 20
Peter Kane Red - Blue - Transpo four red red-backed & four black blue-backed spot cards
1971 5
Jon Racherbaumer, Roy Johnson Jon's Gem four blank cards, four Aces, change place one by one
Inspired by 1971 75
Martin Lewis, Roger Smith, Bruce Cervon Case Of Transferance Aces transpose with Kings both quartets sticking out of a packet, with two variations
Apr. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Edward Marlo The Pickups Queens produced from incomplete riffle-shuffled deck, Triumph with Kings, then Queens transpose with Kings
Related to 1972 64
Brother John Hamman Underground Transposition
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Sam Schwartz Odd-Even-Odd four odd and four even cards on two piles, on the odd side are then the even cards and on the other side the four kings
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1972 505
Roy Walton A Switch in Time four red cards and four blacks cards, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate, as a climax the packets transpose
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 1
Jerry K. Hartman Four a Change Aces and Kings transpose
  • Alternate handling on p. 11 (“Update”)
Related toAlso published here 1972 10
Jerry K. Hartman Numbers Up transposition of Aces and Threes (e.g.)
1972 65
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Knaves And Aces No. 212, Jacks lost and found and put in "prison", they transpose with Aces
Related to 1972 52
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Four Ace Mix Transpose Trick No. 228, description sketchy, seems to be a routine in which Aces are lost and found, then Sevens are found and they transpose with Aces
Related to 1972 56
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Combination Transposo And Comedy Of Errors For Finish No. 609, doing matching the cards as follow up to a transposition
Related to 1972 169
Ken Beale For A Transposition
1973 110
Edward Marlo Another Triple Transpo four variations
1974 166
Edward Marlo A Beautiful Illusion blue backed Aces with red backed Aces
VariationsAlso published here
  • M-U-M, Dec. 1959, p. 281
1974 212
Edward Marlo Impromptu Chamele Aces red backed and blue backed Aces transpose, long routine, about hundred additions and notes
1974 214
Edward Marlo Color Transposition red backed Queens and blue backed Kings, backs change places, not faces
Related to 1974 229
Edward Marlo Marlo Note January 20, 1971
Related to 1974 231
Edward Marlo Without a Gaff blank card with Aces, two versions, version of "Almost Making It"
1974 232
Edward Marlo The Gaff Makes It four blank cards with four Aces, one at a time, differend backs
1974 235
Stewart Judah Aces & Jacks three Jacks transpose with three Aces one at a time
Related toVariationsAlso published here Autumn 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 10th Folio (Part One))
Ian Baxter Supertransportation Kings and Aces on table, one switched, rest follows
Also published here May 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Ian Baxter Super Transposition Kings and Aces on table, one switched, rest follows
Also published here 1975 50
Jerry K. Hartman Fourleapover Four Kings and four Queens change places
VariationsAlso published here 1975 31
Jerry K. Hartman Fourleapover II Four Kings change places with four Queens
Inspired by 1975 32
Roy Walton Standortwechsel four picture cards and four number cards, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate, as a climax the packets transpose
Also published here Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Gerald Kosky Transpose & Follow four Aces changes to Kings one by one, followed b y a Follow the Leader sequence
1975 61
Charles T. Jordan The Amazing Aces four face-down cards put aside, Aces placed into four piles, they vanish and are the face-down cards
Also published here 1975 76
Charles T. Jordan The Bewitched Aces four Aces and four Sevens removed, two Aces and Sevens each are placed on the deck, the other two Aces and Sevens on the table, then the four tabled cards are the Aces and all Sevens on the deck
Also published here 1975 88
David Solomon Surprise Transposition one Quartet changes at the end
1976 61
Edward Marlo Direct Transposition
1976 64
Edward Marlo "Packet for Packet Transpositions" three Methods
1976 67
Bruce Cervon Puzzling Aces
Inspired by 1976 28
Philip T. Goldstein Counter Revolution four red cards on the table, four blacks in the hand. the blacks reverse one by one and change place with the red
Also published here Dec. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Counter Revolution four red cards on the table, four blacks in the hand, the blacks reverse one by one and change place with the red
VariationsAlso published here 1976 14
Philip T. Goldstein Colors in Sequence - Aces And Jacks Jr. Ace to Three of Clubs and Hearts, transpose one at a time
Inspired by 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #4)
Jerry Andrus Absolute Aces
1976 45
Harvey Rosenthal Odd-Even-Odd Again four odd and four even cards on two piles, on the odd side are then the even cards and on the other side the four kings
Inspired by 1976 12
Roy Johnson Instant Aces Kings and Aces transpose, four double facers, sbs joker
1976 2
Edward Marlo The Extended Transposition
1977 309
Gene Maze No-Cover Aces
1977 338
Faucett Ross Impromptu Matching two four-of-a-kinds, pair exchanged, they transpose back, then ready for Matching the Cards
1977 15
John Brown Faster Than the Eye Can See four red cards transpose with four black cards
1978 17
Edward Marlo The Knoxville Knockout one at a time, method starts on page 3
Related to 1979 1
Harry Lorayne Follow The Leaders with two four of a kinds
1979 36
Paul Harris Black Jack Challenge four blackjacks are produced, Kings and Aces transpose, Aces change into royal flush
  • Cutting for Black Jacks
  • Black Jack Exchange
  • Royal Black Jack
Related toAlso published here 1979 24
Frank Simon About Faces Aces Kings put in Deck, Aces twist and then change into Kings, Aces now in deck
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1979 43
Nick Trost Hamman's Aces and Kings transposition, then follow the leader
Inspired by 1979 16
Darwin Ortiz Ultimate Interchange four red-backed Aces change place with blue-backed Kings buried in red deck one by one
Inspired byAlso published here 1979 16
Ken Beale, Ralph W. Hull Positive & Negative Cards using two four of a kinds, transformation kicker
Related to 1980 46
Gene Maze Boxing named four-of-a-kind in box, penetrates table, Aces in box instead
1980 36
Karl Fulves Vertical 4 four reds transpose with 4 blacks
1980 31
Steve Beam Visual Transposition combination of the Maeb-y Veeser Variation and the Twister change
Also published here 1980 60
Michael Close Wild Underground Transposition all eight cards change to jokers as climax
Related to 1981
Arcane (Issue 3)
Gene Castillon Colorful Cased-in Transpo odd-backed
Oct. 1981
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Royal Flash
  • Poker Problem #5
variation of the Card Puzzle with Poker theme, and Ace transposition with poker theme
1981 44
Ken Simmons Interlaced Transposition three selections between Kings travel to between Aces, then in repeat the quartets transpose
Variations 1981 25
Roy Walton A Switch in Time four red cards and four blacks cards, swap one, two, three cards around, always remain separate, as a climax the packets transpose
Also published here 1981 106
Jerry Sadowitz Come Together transposition with transformation climax
Related toVariations 1982 4
Jerry Sadowitz Walkabout one by one, Joker Kicker
1982 12
Derek Dingle Super Interchange four red-backed Aces change place with blue-backed Kings buried in red deck one by one
VariationsAlso published here 1982 90
Peter Marshall Flying Reds four blacks, four reds, one by one
Nov. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Jerry K. Hartman Four-a-Change four Aces turned over one by one on a packet of Kings, then they transpose
Also published here 1982 32
Peter Kane Chameleon Quartet Ace through Four of Clubs tabled, then Ace through Four of Spades found, Spades change into Clubs and Clubs into Queens
Related to 1982 136
Edward Marlo Barroom Poker strange Follow the Leader Variation with aces, five phases
Inspired by 1983 50
Ross Bertram Aces in Transit four aces transpose with four indifferent cards
1983 122
Frank Simon About Faces Aces II "(the other version)"
Kings put in deck, Aces twist and then change into Kings, Aces now in deck
Inspired byVariations 1983 61
Michael Powers Deduce is Wild four Twos put in case, three cards signed and put on table, one Two removed and it changes into each selection one by one, then selections transpose with remaining three Twos in case
1983 1
Michael Powers Counter-Intuitive Transpo Matching the Cards meets Reset in a weird effect combination
1983 11
Jon Racherbaumer Really Here! Kings and Queens, little assembly, Kings change to Aces
Inspired byVariations Summer 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. Summer Extra)
Jerry Sadowitz Come Again story presentation with royal flush climax
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1984 4
Jerry Sadowitz Monkey Feathers kings distributed in deck transpose with aces on top
1984 11
Jerry Sadowitz Sparrows Tears spectator touches four cards: kings, four other selections turn out to have red backs, back color switches places then
1984 37
Stephen Tucker Doppelganger Four red cards transpose with four black cards. Selection (actually amongst the black cards) transposes with a red card in the red packet
1984 12
Randy Wakeman Ascension Transposition Queens on table, four spot cards in hand, one by one Queens are placed among spot cards and vanish, then a spot card is put on table, transposition finale
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 4
Edward Marlo A Card Cheating Story odd-backed
Variations 1985 54
Louis Falanga The Feud color changing backs
Inspired by 1985 32
Ben Harris Coming Together Again quartet transposition with transformation climax
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 100
Stewart Judah Asse und Buben three Jacks transpose with three Aces one at a time
Also published here July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Justin Higham Interl(Ace)d King Transposition three selections between Aces, Kings in other hand, Aces and Kings transpose
Variations Sep. 1985 5
Ben Harris Coming Together Again No. 2, quartet transposition with transformation climax
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 2
Lawrence Frame Together Again Come Together done with jumbo cards - with extra climax of Kings travelling to envelope
Inspired by 1986 24
Edward Marlo Adding a New Idea four kings on table transpose with four Aces on top of deck
Variations 1986 23
Edward Marlo An Extension
Inspired by 1986 25
Eine Vier-As-Routine Aces transpose with indifferent cards in wallet, getting double facers in and out of play for Assembly, Himber wallet
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Justin Higham Streamlined Interl(Ace)d King Transposition three selections between Aces, Kings in other hand, Aces and Kings transpose
Inspired by Jan. 1986 24
Justin Higham Buffalo'd Interl(Ace)d King Transposition three selections between Aces, Kings in other hand, Aces and Kings transpose
Inspired byRelated to Jan. 1986 24
Reinhard Müller Schwindel-Duo story presentation with royal flush climax, jumbo cards
Inspired byVariations 1986 2
Reinhard Müller Öl-Party handling without gambling patter, jumbo cards
Inspired by 1986 3
John Bannon Maximum Revolution four Queens on the table, four Aces in the hand, the Aces reverse one by one and change place with the Queens
Inspired byVariations 1986 18
William Goodwin Slap Exchange quartet distributed face up in deck changes places with another four-of-a-kind on top of deck once deck is slapped
Variations 1986 8
John C. Wagner Twisted Underground Transposition
Variations 1987 34
John Carney Kings & Aces Change Places
Also published here 1987
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Uncovered)
Peter Duffie Pocket Assembly Ace through Four in pocket transpose with four cards in a packet
1987 20
Karl Fulves Follow Up four quartets
Related to 1987 18
John Carney Kings & Aces Change Places
Also published here 1987 24
Bruce Cervon "LLL" Transpo
1988 249
Darwin Ortiz Ultimate Interchange four red-backed Aces change place with blue-backed Kings buried in red deck one by one
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 153
Dai Vernon, Fred Kaps Out of Uniform
1988 109
Edward Marlo Multiple Transposition using Multiple Illogical Curry Change (page 144)
1988 145
Edward Marlo Detailed Slow Motion Aces ace of spades tabled with three x cards, other aces outjogged in deck, four methods, ungaffed and with duplicate
1988 285
Edward Marlo The Sorceress Queen aces transpose with deuces
1988 304
Karl Fulves Game Plan stacking with named four-of-a-kind, then cards transpose with spectators hand, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 51)
Justin Higham Packet Vanish - Pocket Reproduction Aces put in pocket, Kings are in the hands, Aces removed and put between Kings one by one where they vanish, Aces change to Kings as climax and Kings are in pocket
Variations Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Roy Walton Round and Round five indifferent cards and four Kings are used, one indifferent card is put with the Kings and the rest transpose
1988 47
Jerry Sadowitz Consolation four aces from bottom of deck transpose with four cards on the table
1989 31
Brother John Hamman The Axes and the Jaxes jacks and aces produced, then they transpose
1989 195
Brother John Hamman The Underground Transposition
Related to 1989 200
Christoph Borer Twisting the DF Underground twisting the aces, then aces change places with kings
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 26
Randy Wakeman Ascension Transposition Queens on table, four spot cards in hand, one by one Queens are placed among spot cards and vanish, then a spot card is put on table, transposition finale
Also published here 1989 106
Bob King Holdout odd-backed
Inspired by 1989 26
Roy Johnson Instant Aces
1989 82
Justin Higham Pseudo Ace Transposition repeat transposition of Aces with indifferent cards
May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Justin Higham Packet Vanish - Pocket Reproduction II Aces put in pocket, Kings are in the hands, Aces removed and put between Kings one by one where they vanish, Aces change to Kings as climax and Kings are in pocket
Inspired byVariations 1989 5
Justin Higham Four Aces, One by One tabled Aces transpose with indifferent cards on other side one by one
  • First Method
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
Variations 1989 13
Philip T. Goldstein Counter-Revolution four red cards on the table, four blacks in the hand. the blacks reverse one by one and change place with the red, resembles Paul Harris' Reset
Also published here 1990 103
Larry Jennings Flawed Transposition Aces and Kings removed, transposition begins, all eight cards become Kings
Also published here 1990 23
Justin Higham Two Packet Transpo Finesse two cards openly exchanged
Related to July 1990
Technomagic (Issue 1)
Justin Higham Interlaced Transpo Finesse three selections between Aces, Kings in other hand, Aces and Kings transpose
Inspired by Dec. 1990
Technomagic (Issue Extra No. 2)
Michael Close Dancers at the End of Time Aces vanish from top of deck, trap kings, transposition with quartets, all change into jokers
Inspired by 1991 29
John Carney Kings and Aces Change Places
1991 94
Scott Robinson Quick Kings & Aces
1991 653
Jerry K. Hartman Four a Change four Aces turned over one by one on a packet of Kings, then they transpose, more detailed description than in Packet Magic
Also published here 1991 187
Jerry K. Hartman Fourleapover four Kings and four Queens change places, more detailed description than in Card Fare
Also published here 1991 189
Jack Carpenter The Seattle Switch poker hands with aces and kings transpose one by one, one changes to royal flush
Variations 1992 114
Edward Marlo After Pierce odd-backed transposition of quartets, one by one
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
James Swain New Wave named four-of-a-kind from blue deck transposes backs with four red backed jokers, examinable
1992 83
Yuji Wada Imported Kings to Aces as Yugi Wada, quartet transposition
1992 765
Arturo de Ascanio, Jaime Morella Zekri Acerca de un Efecto de Ed Marlo Aces over Kings version, Aces and Kings transpose, third quartet comes in
Also published here 1992 93
Jerry Sadowitz Magic Hands four Kings transpose with four indifferent cards, two pairs of pseudo duplicates
Inspired by Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Terry LaGerould Make a Wish three cards under spectator's hand, one of them signed, four Queens change into Threes, Queens under spectator's hand and signed card in pocket
1992 76
Charles T. Jordan The Amazing Aces No. 107, four face-down cards put aside, Aces placed into four piles, they vanish and are the face-down cards
Also published here 1992 133
Charles T. Jordan The Bewitched Aces No. 108, four Aces and four Sevens removed, two Aces and Sevens each are placed on the deck, the other two Aces and Sevens on the table, then the four tabled cards are the Aces and all Sevens on the deck
Also published here 1992 135
Ernest Earick Jack Syna(ps)ces Jacks distributed face up in deck change places with Aces on top of deck once deck is slapped
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1993 27
Alex Elmsley Separating the Men from the Boys Kings and Jacks alternated, Queens change place with Jacks
1994 161
Paul Gertner Those are the Aces, Those are Not aces between spectator's palm, selection added, selection vanishes and reappears reversed in deck, repeat but this time aces travel to deck and indifferent cards are left behind
Inspired by 1994 106
Karl Fulves Crime Pays Naught four Kings and four Sevens, one card exchanged but nothing changed, then two and three
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Jackie McClements Them Or Us two four-card packets transpose
1994 14
Justin Higham Interlaced Transformation three cards between Aces in center, Kings on top, Aces now on top and Kings in center with the three cards
Inspired byVariations 1994 160
Allan Ackerman, Jerry Sadowitz, Roy Walton Kings in the Corner transposition with transformation climax, four Kings in square formation, Queen put on every King, four Kings shown to be in inner corners, outer four cards are Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 12
Yuji Wada Expressway four Aces put on table and four cards are selected, Aces turn into Kings and selection into Aces
1995 1050
Jack Birnman The Bermuda Triangle Aces transpose with quartet, Aces found reversed in the dek
1995 118
Chad Long Trans-Assembling Jokers named four-of-a-kind put under ashtray, four Jokers put under three-card packets for an assembly, after assembly the Jokers transpose with quartet under ashtray
1995 27
Jerry K. Hartman Over Acey similar to previous trick, but other three Aces are isolated in a packet and then shown to have changed into indifferent cards and the three indifferent cards with the fourth Ace are the Aces
1995 27
Jerry K. Hartman Kid Stuffed “kid outsmarted by gambler” presentation, three phases of gambler openly placing Kings on bottom and dealing two hands with exposed Bottom Deal but whether hands are swapped or not gambler always ends up with Kings, finally the kid gets the Kings and gambler’s hand is shown to have Aces
Inspired by 1995 166
Paul Harris Blackjack Challenge four blackjacks are produced, Kings and Aces transpose, Aces change into royal flush
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Dominique Duvivier Fantastic Journey Underground Four blank cards and four Kings change places one by one, clean
Inspired by 1996 102
Dominique Duvivier Color-Fusing, Criss-Crossing, Double-Cross Four blue backed Aces and four red backed Kings repeatedly change places, flying back and forth from packet to packet
1996 106
Jon Racherbaumer While Waiting For Godot Aces change to Kings and back, kings to pocket, followed by more routines, see below
Related to 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Roger Smith, John Bannon Maxi Twist - Bannon Handling transformation kicker
Also published here 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Lee Freed A Bondian Collusion combination of three cited routine
Inspired by 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
James Swain Bluff Control Routine aces lost, kings put in table, they transpose
1996 106
Peter Duffie Flouncing Kings in pocket, Aces in hand, first one King transposes with an Ace, then the others at once
1996 8
Roy Johnson Blitztransposition
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Simon Lovell The Gambler's Move Kings and Aces, repeated
Variations 1997 43
Bruce Cervon Preset
1998 75
Bruce Cervon The Twenty-five Dollar Ace Trick one at a time, double facer
1998 98
Lee Asher Trey Sheik
1998 8
Guy Hollingworth Transposition Kings and Aces transpose, Quartet gimmick
1999 11
James Swain Birds of a Feather three Phases
1999 37
Milton Kort Heir to the Throne four Kings change places with four Aces, then three Kings and three Aces, then two, then one. Combination of four different tricks.
Inspired by 1999 19
Ellis Stanyon Four Kings Change Places with Four Sevens No. 15, Eights pose as Sevens
1999 41
Ellis Stanyon Four Red Cards Change Places with Four Black Ones No. 2, double facers
1999 123
Theodore DeLand Nox-Em-All No. 13, two Aces and two Sevens placed in hat, they change into all four Sevens, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
1999 131
Ellis Stanyon Contrario Aces No. 21, Aces transpose with random cards under handkerchiefs
1999 138
H. G. Cleveland Cleveland's "Presto Fly" Card Trick No. 31, Ace to Three of Hearts transposes with Four to Six of Clubs
Variations 1999 145
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note combination with Cleveland's "Canadian Wonder"
Inspired by 1999 145
Ellis Stanyon The Twelve Ubiquitous Court Cards No. 38, Jacks on top and Kings on bottom of deck, Queens under plate, the quartets travel and transpose around
1999 151
Ellis Stanyon Aces versus Kings No. 1, Aces and Kings are put in envelopes labeled with whats inside, they transpose and spectators can remove the cards
1999 154
James J. Morgan Aces versus Blank Cards and Pocket No. 20, four blank cards in pocket of spectator transpose with Aces held by spectator
1999 166
Justin Higham West End Aces tabled Aces transpose with indifferent cards on other side one by one
Inspired by 1999 95
Steve Silverman Kings' Castle follow up to Steve's "Multi-Level Dealing" (see reference), Kings are dealt down into diamond formation, Aces placed in center, they change places
Related to 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 11)
Fredric P. Lamazor Twist Follow-Ons/Amenities
Related to 1999 51
Fredric P. Lamazor, Philip T. Goldstein Counter Revolution four red cards on the table, four blacks in the hand, the blacks reverse one by one and change place with the red
Inspired by 1999 55
Roberto Giobbi, José Carroll Flash Transposition three indifferent cards change places with three of the four aces
Inspired by 2000 855
Irv Weiner, Roberto Giobbi Three-way Excursion first four Aces and four Kings change places with themselves, then with a chosen + three indifferent cards
Related to 2000 859
Jerry K. Hartman Sham on You the Aces are inserted out-jogged into the deck and spectator takes the deck, he deals off the top to the magician and “middle-deals” the out-jogged cards to himself, it turns out he has the four Twos and magician has the Aces
Inspired by
  • "The Linking Ring", in the "Havenly Close-Up" column (Vol. 80, No. 2, February 2000, p. 102)
Also published here
2000 22
Gavin Ross On My Way Up Aces placed on top of Kings, Kings rise to top
2000 43
Karl Fulves Eleven and One No. 9, Aces transpose with Jacks, drawn-out handling
2001 19
Peter Duffie Spectator Cuts to the Aces...Plus! four Kings placed aside, spectator cuts four packets, Kings on top, cards placed aside are now Aces
2001 5
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Carney fooled Hugard four red cards transpose with four black cards
2001 10
Aldo Colombini Roller Coaster! seven Joker and Eight of Clubs, they change into seven Eights and one Joker, then four each, they transpose and mix, 4&4
Sep./Oct. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 3)
David Regal Flash Flight one quartet is pocketed
2002 78
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Omnipotence Of The Ladies four cards chosen, they're the Queens, they transpose with four indifferent cards, Queens change one by one and back to Queens
Also published here 2002 95
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Deceive Your Neighbor four cards chosen, four Queens on table, they transpose one by one, then back
Also published here 2002 101