Flashy Location
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
To Let all the Cards fall, save the One Chosen | 1876 | |||||||
The Jumping Cards | 1876 | |||||||
Jumping Cards | 1889 | |||||||
The Magic Mirror | 1889 | |||||||
The Charmed Bullet and the Black Cloth Target | 1889 | |||||||
The China Plate and Flying Cards | 1889 | |||||||
Bland | The Card-Catching Plate | 1889 | ||||||
The Black Cloth Target. Another Magic Pistol | 1890 | |||||||
The Magnetic Wand and Walking Card | 1890 | |||||||
Bland | The Enchanted Hand-Mirror | 1890 | ||||||
Die magnetische Karte | 1895 | |||||||
Die materialisierte Geisterhand | 1895 | |||||||
The Acrobatic Cards | 1897 | |||||||
Air Pressure Turnover | Oct. 1897 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 3 No. 10)
Martignoni | Die Anziehungskraft der Erde | Nov. 1898 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 4 No. 11)
Der Kartenteller | 1900 | |||||||
Martignoni | Die Anziehungskraft der Erde | 1900 | ||||||
Catching Two Cards at Fingertips | 1902 | |||||||
L. Graham Lewis | Novel Discovery of a Chosen Card | 1902 | ||||||
Der Kartenfang am Taschentuch | Mar. 1902 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 8 No. 3)
Die drei Kartenakrobaten | Feb. 1904 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 4 No. 2)
L. Graham Lewis | Novel Discovery of a Chosen Card | 1904 | ||||||
Card Discovered by Sense of Touch | 1909 | |||||||
Stanley Collins | Will! | 1915 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | The Pack that Cuts Itself | 1919/1920 | ||||||
Louis F. Christianer | The Divining Cards | 1923 | ||||||
Oswald Rae | New Card an Board | 1926 | ||||||
Jack Merlin | A Routine of Sleights at the Card Table | 1927/28 | ||||||
Tom Sellers | Turn Up | 1931 | ||||||
Tom Sellers | Tips | 1931 | ||||||
Tom Sellers | A Pretty Card Turnover | 1933 | ||||||
T. Page Wright | Card on Silk | 1933 | ||||||
Orville Wayne Meyer | The Ribbon That Made Good | 1935 |
The Jinx
(Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Nate Leipzig | A Novel Reverse Discovery | 1935 |
Card Manipulations
(Issue 4)
The Shipwreck | 1936 |
Card Manipulations
(Issue 5)
The Five Card Fan | 1936 |
Card Manipulations
(Issue 5)
Milton | Sleight of Foot | 1937 | ||||||
The Mene Tekel Deck - 2. | 1937 | |||||||
The Turned Card | 1937 | |||||||
The Blown Card | 1937 | |||||||
Joe Berg | A Surprise Discovery | 1937 | ||||||
New Finishes for Card Tricks: 2. Adaption of the "Spring" Flourish | 1938 | |||||||
Nate Leipzig | The Flying Card | 1938 | ||||||
The Salt Trick | 1938 | |||||||
Paul Rosini | Two Card Location | 1938 | ||||||
Cardini | Method No. 8. The Cardini Rise | 1938 | ||||||
Josef Bauer | Ostracism | Jan. 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue 40)
Blois Houghton | Sensitive Soul | May 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue 44)
Dr. Jacob Daley | Snap!! | 1938 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 1)
Jim Wheeler | Lost and Found | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 107)
G. W. Hunter | Backhanded | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 110)
Springing the Trap | 1940 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 3)
Snap It | 1941 | |||||||
Shaman | Ode to the Sun | 1941 |
The Jinx
(Issue 138)
Joseph Cottone | The Jumping Joker | 1941 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 4)
Al Baker | The Knife Dial | 1941 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Nu Presentation | 1942 | ||||||
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | Dial Divination | 1942 | ||||||
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | The Card Target | 1942 | ||||||
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | A Salted Card | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Jumping Location | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Electrified Card | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Cardiana Roll | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Somersault | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Smacker | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Renegade | 1942 | ||||||
Harry Bertall | La carte enfillée sur la ficelle | Feb. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 2)
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty | La pêche aux cartes | July 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 7)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | A Quick Discovery | 1943 | ||||||
Bill Nord | Card Trick from Sphinx | Mar. 1944 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 55)
Jean Marc Bujard | La carte choisie sort du milieu du jeu | 1944 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 6 No. 1)
Dr. Kolma, Harlan Tarbell | "Snooty Snake" | 1945 | ||||||
Joe Berg | Flip-Up Card | 1945 | ||||||
Audley Walsh | The Jump-Up Card | 1945 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Jab It! | 1945 |
Early Marlo
(Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Frank Dobrina | "Allez Oop" | Oct. 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 5)
Here I Is | 1946 |
Early Marlo
(Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
Out of the Hat | 1946 |
Early Marlo
(Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
Neal Elias | Card From Center | 1946 | ||||||
Jean Hugard | Card Magic | Jan. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 8)
Milbourne Christopher | Shooting a Card | Oct. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 5)
Reverso | 1946 | |||||||
Russell T. Barnhart, Edward Marlo | Clipped | 1947 | ||||||
Leapfrog | 1948 | |||||||
Kangaroo Card | 1948 | |||||||
Milbourne Christopher | The Spinner | Aug. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 3)
Milbourne Christopher | The Cards From Pocket | Aug. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 3)
Milbourne Christopher | The Stick Up | Aug. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 3)
Charles Nyquist | The Ribbonspread Reverse | Aug. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 3)
Gerald Kosky | The Boomerang Card | 1949 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1949)
John Hamilton | POP | Dec. 1949 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 193)
The Amazement | 1949 | |||||||
Joe Stuthard | Card in Hat | 1949 | ||||||
A. Deleport | Pocket It | July 1950 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 207)
The Great Maurice | The Cards and the Handkerchief | Oct. 1950 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 213)
Harry Lorayne | Quinella | Dec. 1950 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 219)
Clayton Rawson | Saltless Sorcery | June 1950 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 8 No. 1)
Paul Rosini | You Put It In | 1950 | ||||||
George Schindler | Sealed Penetration | Sep. 1951 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 237)
Nate Leipzig | Leipzig's Opener | 1952 |
Stars of Magic
(Vol. 10 No. 1)
Harry Lorayne | Saltless | Jan. 1952 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 247)
Bill Simon | The Finger-Stab | 1952 | ||||||
Bill Simon | A Trick with a New Twist | 1952 | ||||||
Don Alan | Surprise Quickie | 1952 | ||||||
Al Leech | The Descending Cards | 1952 | ||||||
Bruce Elliott | A Lesson in Magic | Mar. 1953 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 277)
Mary Kinson, Lewis Ganson | Fan See Card | 1954 | ||||||
Bruce Elliott | A Lesson in Magic | 1956 | ||||||
Al Leech | Case Card | Jan. 1956 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 335)
Jose Diaz, Vynn Boyar, Edward Marlo | Case Card Again | 1956 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 339)
Jerry Andrus | Surprise Turn Over | 1956 | ||||||
Jerry Andrus | Calculating Deck | 1956 | ||||||
Jerry Andrus | A Flourish Discovery | 1956 | ||||||
Jerry Andrus | Namless Flourish | 1957 | ||||||
Jerry Andrus | Double Waterfall | 1957 | ||||||
Jim Walker | The Mechanical Magician | 1958 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 348)
Norman Houghton | The Shower of Aces | Mar. 1958 |
(Issue 13)
Dai Vernon, Al Baker | The Walking and Jumping Card | 1959 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | From Out of Nowhere | 1959 | ||||||
Matt Schulien | The Card in the Hat | 1959 | ||||||
Matt Schulien | One Hand Discovery (One Card) | 1959 | ||||||
Matt Schulien | One Hand Discovery - Two Cards | 1959 | ||||||
Matt Schulien | The Invisible Hair | 1959 | ||||||
Matt Schulien | Matt's Ribbon Spread Trick | 1959 | ||||||
Matt Schulien | The Corner in the Glass | 1959 | ||||||
James Steranko | The Jumping Card | 1960 | ||||||
Karrell Fox | The Constant Jumper | 1960 | ||||||
Jochen Zmeck | Herausgeschüttelt | 1960 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Spin Cut Stunner | 1962 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Salt-less | 1962 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Quinella! | 1962 | ||||||
Max Malini | Card Revelation | 1962 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Latest Presentation | Sep. 1962 |
(Issue 26)
Edward Marlo | The Sometime Miracle | Sep. 1962 |
(Issue 26)
Neal Elias | Self-Cutting Deck | Sep. 1962 |
(Issue 26)
Nate Leipzig | Leipzig's Opener | 1963 | ||||||
Nate Leipzig | Palm Up | 1963 | ||||||
Nate Leipzig | Spring Card Location | 1963 | ||||||
Paul "Mr. Nobody" Schwab | Tagrey's As-Trick | 1963 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 24 No. 1)
Edward Marlo | Spin Out | 1964 |
The Patented Shuffle
(Issue 5 I Shuffled the Cards)
Don Tanner | Airborne Card | Apr. 1964 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 389)
Don Tanner | Flop Revelation | Apr. 1964 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 389)
Douglas Hood | Snapp - A Flash Relevation | 1964 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 25 No. 5)
Karl Fulves | Lock-It | 1965 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 399)
Harry Lorayne | Trampoline | 1967 | ||||||
John Benzais | Bewilderment | 1967 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | Magician vs Pickpocket | June 1967 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4
(Vol. 2 No. 8)
Peter Kane | Exploding Revelation | 1967 | ||||||
Peter Kane | Single Shot | 1967 | ||||||
Marconick | The Jumping Card | 1967 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | As a Disclosure | 1968 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer | Flambeau-Flam | 1968 | ||||||
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) | Flambeau-Flam - String Version | 1968 | ||||||
George Zacharellis | The Hunter and the Hunted | 1968 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Center Control | 1969 |
Faro & Riffle Technique
(Issue Riffle Shuffle Controls)
Karl Fulves | Double Control | 1969 |
Faro & Riffle Technique
(Issue Riffle Shuffle Controls)
Eddie Joseph | Trapped in Space | 1969 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Peculiar Permeation | 1969 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Critical Thrust | 1969 | ||||||
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud | Atsong: Fantasie avec un Jeu Biseaute | 1969 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 30 No. 5)
Dr. Jacob Daley | Incomplete Side Steal | Nov. 1970 |
(Issue 10)
Richard W. Marsh | Snap Out Card | 1970 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Marconick | The Jumping Card | 1970 | ||||||
Joseph K. Schmidt | Educated Fingers | 1971 |
(Issue 18)
Gaylord E. Hill | Fastest Card in the West | 1971 |
(Issue 27)
Persi Diaconis | Die Kartenpistole | 1971 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 32 No. 4)
Tom Batchelor | The Turnover Surprise | 1971 | ||||||
Tom Batchelor | On the Cut | 1971 | ||||||
Tom Batchelor | The Shakedown | 1971 | ||||||
Tom Batchelor | Without a Shuffle, Cut or Deal | 1971 | ||||||
Tom Batchelor | Strangers in Our Midst | 1971 | ||||||
Tom Batchelor | The Timed Out | 1971 | ||||||
Fred Lowe | Card in Glass | 1972 | ||||||
Herb Zarrow | "Trapeze" | 1972 | ||||||
, Theodore Annemann | Flip-Over | 1972 | ||||||
Frank Dobrina | Allez Oop | 1972 | ||||||
The Flying Card | 1972 | |||||||
Paul LePaul | Flip | 1972 | ||||||
G. W. Hunter | G. W. Hunter's Laugh | 1972 | ||||||
The Kick-Back Discovery | 1972 | |||||||
A Startling Transformation | 1972 | |||||||
The Salt Trick | 1972 | |||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Somersault | 1972 | ||||||
William Larsen, T. Page Wright | A Cut with a Coin | 1972 | ||||||
Blois Houghton | Sensitive Soul | 1972 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Jumping Location | 1972 | ||||||
"Snap It" | 1972 | |||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Note | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley - Anneman Salt Trick Wrinkle | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Peek Side Steal Drop Move | 1972 | ||||||
Orville Wayne Meyer | Ribbon Discovery | 1972 | ||||||
Al Baker | Al Baker Finger Tip Thread Knife Magnetism Trick | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. H. Walter Grote | Dr. Grote's Cut Card In Mid-air | 1972 | ||||||
Audley Walsh | Audley Walsh's Location | 1972 | ||||||
Jochen Zmeck, Herbert Paufler | Tsantsa | 1972 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel, Peter Kane | The Bullet Trick | 1973 | ||||||
Carl Newton | Inspiration from the French | Mar. 1973 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8
(Vol. 8 No. 5)
Yutaka Kikuchi | The Two Faces of Kikuchi-san | 1973 |
(Issue 79)
Sid Fleischman | The Jump Card | 1973 |
(Issue 82)
Jerry Andrus | Squeeze Shot Glimpse & Production | 1973 | ||||||
Jerry Andrus | Psychedelic Discovery | 1973 | ||||||
Jerry Andrus | The Balancing Deck | 1973 | ||||||
Steve Spillman | The Carpenter Card | 1973 | ||||||
John Carney | The Backfiring Gun | 1973 (ca.) | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Something Bright | Nov. 1974 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10
(Vol. 10 No. 1)
Calvin Thompson | The Mentaplant | 1974 |
(Issue 115)
Eddie Fechter | Waterfall | 1974 | ||||||
Lou Gallo | Gallo's Addition | 1974 | ||||||
Eddie Fechter | Spring Card Revelation | 1974 | ||||||
Martin A. Nash | The Fastest Location in the West | 1975 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | The Acrobatic Pack | 1975 | ||||||
John F. Mendoza | Simple Shotgun | 1975 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Goin' Fishin' | 1975 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | Side Rise | Mar. 1975 |
(Issue 23)
Karl Fulves | Right-Angle Location | 1975 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Silent Thought Transmission | May 1975 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10
(Vol. 10 No. 7)
Peter Kane, Ken Krenzel, Francis Carlyle | The Gun | 1975 | ||||||
Roger Smith | The Faro Drop Out and Notes | 1975 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | The Pack That Cuts Itself | 1975 | ||||||
Bruce Cervon | Now Find My Card! | 1976 | ||||||
Mark Weston | The Spinners | July 1976 |
(Vol. 2 No. 11)
Paul Harris | Open Revelation | 1976 | ||||||
David Berglas | Caught Card | 1976 | ||||||
Jumping Joker | 1976 | |||||||
Karrell Fox | Bullseye Card Trick | 1976 | ||||||
T. G. Murphy | The Triple Cut | 1976 | ||||||
Marconick | Face the Selected Card | 1976 | ||||||
A. Berkeley Davis | Double Barrelled Shotgun | 1977 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | The Acrobatic Deck | 1977 | ||||||
Roy Johnson | Bullseye | 1977 | ||||||
Jay Malbrough | Ready, Aim, Faro! | 1977 | ||||||
Jay Malbrough | Genie's Flashlite | 1977 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | The Magic Bullet | 1978 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | Caught Red-Handed | 1978 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | Rip-Off | 1978 | ||||||
Erhard Liebenow | The Card In the Center | 1978 | ||||||
Die Karte aus dem Hut | 1978 | |||||||
Sleight of Foot | 1978 | |||||||
Don Tanner | Cards | 1978 | ||||||
Card and Target | 1978/76 | |||||||
Tony Binarelli | The Card Remaining in the String | 1979 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Rip Away | 1979 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Rug Beater | 1979 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Center Fold | 1979 |
The Chronicles
(Issue 17)
Tony Slydini | Self-Cutting Deck | 1979 |
The Chronicles
(Issue 21)
Die Katapult-Daumenspitze | Aug. 1979 |
(Vol. 6 No. 2)
Nick Trost | Pop-Up Card | 1979 | ||||||
Jochen Zmeck | Eingefangen | 1979 | ||||||
Marconick | Retournement magique de la carte choisie | 1979 | ||||||
Marconick | La carte sauteuse | 1979 |