144 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Skill Demonstration / Magician cuts to the Aces / Hands
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
John Scarne Ace-Cutting four packets cut to and dropped, top Ace turns over, daubed edge
Variations 1938 72
The Migratory Aces with travelers finale
1940 252
Edward Marlo, Hank Nowoc Four Aces Again Aces lost in deck, four packets cut to and dropped, top Ace turns over
Inspired by 1940
Early Marlo (Issue Pasteboard Presto)
The Four Aces Are Tops
1940 21
Edward Marlo Sensitive Fingers Aces are located apparently by sense of touch, using a short card with broken corner
Also published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Eddie Joseph "I Get The Aces" Aces shuffled into deck by spectators, red or black Aces produced as chosen
1941 4
Edward Marlo Sensitive Fingers Aces are located apparently by sense of touch, using a short card with broken corner
Also published here 1941 20
Paul Morris Are You Sure? - A Quick Trick with a Novel Finish four Jacks are cut to, then one Jack transforms into selection
Also published here Dec. 1943 26
Warren Wiersbe New Ace Control
1944 6
Edward Marlo One Hand Control Aces are lost with charlier cuts and found using one hand only, two crimps
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 78)
Edward Marlo Impossible to Follow crimp
Related to 1947 27
Edward Marlo Under the Table crimp
1947 28
Edward Marlo General Ace Opener using crimp and Charlier Cut
1948 136
Al Leech Super Ace Control finding the Aces by their sound, while riffling through the deck, riffle count
1949 22
Edward Marlo Cutting the Aces Routine Charlier Cuts, last Ace from pocket
1951 4
Bill Simon The Gambler Controls the Aces cutting the Aces (jogged Aces), then all Aces turnover in the deck at once
Variations 1952 54
Edward Marlo One Hand Control Aces are lost with charlier cuts and found using one hand only, two crimps
Also published here 1953 6
Edward Marlo Effect Seven magician cuts to Aces, three cards on each, Aces vanish, reappear in deck, three double facers
1953 24
Al Leech No Crimp Ace Cutting with the charlier cut
1959 24
Everett Lyda Cutting to the Aces
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Edward Marlo The Cut Estimate cutting off the same number of card, tabled or in-the-hands, Ace cutting application
Variations 1962 19
Al Leech Cut the Aces face-up double cuts
1965 46
William P. Miesel Passe-Passe Aces two red Aces cut to one by one, then two indifferent cards, red Aces change to black and indifferent cards to red Aces
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Frank Garcia, John Scarne TV Aces production where thumb digs in and pulls out aces, bridge
Variations 1972 59
Jim Surprise Magician Cuts the Aces
1972 93
Jerry K. Hartman Uppercutting the Aces Aces are cut to one at a time, last Ace changed from an indifferent card, two variations
  • Same as original, flourishy production of Aces (Lorayne move)
  • Jokers to Aces (see p. 2)
Variations 1972 1
Jerry K. Hartman Overskill spectator cuts to the Aces after they are openly lost, for a climax they are separated throughout deck and magician finds them all in a group with one Charlier cut
Related to
  • "A Problem Posed, 38th Method" (Edward Marlo, The New Tops, March 1965, p. 24)
1972 39
Alex McKeown Chopping the Aces deck consists of four solid blocks with Ace on face, telephone as giant magic want anecdote
1972 129
Three Steps To Yogi Routine No. 481, Aces found on faces of four packet
Related to 1972 134
Three Steps To Yogi Variation No. 515, perhaps a production of Aces and Queens followed by some transformation or transposition of the quartets, unclear
Related to 1972 144
Three Steps To Yogi (better setup) No. 516, perhaps a production of Aces and Queens followed by some transformation or transposition of the quartets, unclear
Related to 1972 145
Dr. Jacob Daley Four Ace Side Crimp Routine No. 534, Aces crimped
Related to 1972 150
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp Ace Routine No. 546, snap crimping Aces in borrowed deck
Related to 1972 153
Harry Lorayne HaLo Aces using HaLo Cut
VariationsAlso published here 1973 131
Harry Lorayne HaLo Again four Ace production
Variations 1973 138
Lin Searles Countdown Aces performer cuts to Ace, Two, Three and Four on top, counting down to the Aces according to values, inspired by Ed Marlo routine
Variations Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Edward Marlo The Quick Cull Miracle three methods
Also published here 1974 245
Derek Dingle Riddle's Aces Ace cutting, to Kings transformation, Aces in pocket
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Ein-Hand Kartenkontrolle Aces are lost with charlier cuts and found using one hand only, two crimps
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Joseph K. Schmidt Actually Cutting the Aces nailgauge
Related to 1975 82
Horace E. Bennett Am I Blue cutting to four Aces, different colored back kicker
Inspired by 1975 83
Stewart Judah Cutting to the Four Aces similar to Vernon's routine, cutting to the last Ace
1975 8
Bruce Cervon Puzzling Aces
Inspired by 1976 28
Philip T. Goldstein Charlier Cut Production
1976 5
Frank Thompson Phase 1 - The Flash Ace Opener four Aces cut to one by one, with variations on p. 6
Variations 1976 1
Martin A. Nash The Electric Aces see p. 449 for additional crediting
1977 242
Martin A. Nash Telstar Aces Charlier type
1977 249
Erhard Liebenow Your Favorite Value, Please! spectator names a value, performer cuts to the Aces, then the Aces transform into his selected value
1978 10
Jerry K. Hartman Easy Reader Magician cuts to four Aces one by one, then show that Aces have odd colored backs
Inspired by
  • "My Friend The Gambler" (Father Cyprian, Lecture Notes #2)
Also published here
1978 34
Ken Krenzel Look Ma, Just One Hand! Aces lost and cut to one-handed
Variations 1979 67
Richard Kaufman HaLo Changes Color Again Ace cutting with color changing deck kicker
1979 78
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Les As "Saute-Moutons" deck shuffled face up into face down, performer cuts to four Aces, slip cuts
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Ace Cutting Effect bottom slip cut application
1980 241
Kevin Davie Highly-Skilled Aces cutting the Aces, everytime the same wrong card is cut to and changes into an Ace
Apr. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Richard Kaufman Triple Slice Popup Aces in-the-hands Ace cutting
Variations 1981 28
Derek Dingle Riddle's Aces Ace cutting, to Kings transformation, Aces in pocket
Also published here 1982 65
Stephen Tucker Under Control Aces are cut to, two selections are found instead of the othe Aces, transposition
Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Aurelio Paviato Cutting the "Coins" Aces cut to and tabled, coin appears under each Ace
Related to 1983 105
Pascal Monmoine Ace Cutting magician cuts to the Kings, then they transform into the Aces
May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Harrison Carroll Face Up Cutting the Aces
Also published here 1984 1
Allan Slaight Sweet, Lorayne! Cutting the Aces, mixture between Lorayne and Christ's routines, with full patter
Inspired byVariations 1984 78
Bob Farmer Gambo Magique
Inspired byRelated to 1984 82
Paul Rosini Four Ace four Aces lost and found
1985 2
Frederick Braue Slidearound Aces
Related to 1985 24
Roger Crosthwaite Stereophonic Aces Aces lost and cut to one-handed
  • Variation One: Any Ace Called For
  • Variation Two: Subtle Control Aces
Inspired by 1985 44
Gary Ouellet ProAces using the ProControl card
1986 41
Karrell Fox "Simply-Difficult" Aces Aces shuffled back and found by performer
1986 63
Roberto Giobbi Ouvertüre für vier Damen four Queens cut to one by one
Inspired by 1987 10
Darwin Ortiz Slick Aces with transpo follow up
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1988 106
John Quine Slider Aces concept, faro a packet into the deck and push it through, being in control of cards, for a Cutting the Aces routine
Inspired by Feb. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Tom Craven End Over Aces four Ace cutting, in the hands
Sep. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Tom Craven End Over Extra End Over Aces, with location of selection as the climax
Sep. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Alex Elmsley Apprentice Aces two cards found by performer, two by spectator
1991 236
Karl Fulves Ace Apparent one-handed cutting to Aces, they're levered over one by one and left outjogged in different positions
1991 37
Jerry K. Hartman Easy Reader Magician cuts to four Aces one by one, then show that Aces have odd colored backs
Also published here 1991 420
Terry LaGerould Las Vegas Final Exam Matching the Cards with Aces and Kings, then Aces cut to by magician
Variations 1992 49
Karl Fulves "Downs Slip Cut" Notes No. 27, cutting to the four Aces
1992 34
Eddie Fechter You Would Lose performer cuts to four Aces, slip cuts
1993 49
Roger Crosthwaite Free Count Aces Aces cut into deck, found again
  • Variation One: Faro Shuffle
  • Variation Two: Overhand-Faro Combination
Inspired by 1994 109
Justin Higham Phantom Aces position of Aces announced after spectators shuffle the deck, one-by-one production, last one stabbed with another card by spectator
Inspired by 1994 166
Darwin Ortiz Blind Aces performer blindfolded by spectator's hands from behind (human blindfold)
Inspired by 1995 95
As You Like It magician cuts to named four-of-a-kind
1995 192
Peter Duffie Marraid four Kings cut to, then suits spelled to find Queens
1996 1
Doug Edwards Estimation Proof Cut to number of cards chosen by spectator multiple times, also able to cut to Ace
Related to 1997 163
Edward Marlo Marlo's Tilt Undercut (Plus Ace Effect) slip cut handling with tilted top card, Ace cutting application
Related to Oct. 1997
Onyx (Issue 1)
Bruce Cervon A Tinge of Color
Related toVariations 1998 146
Gerald Kosky Face-Up Ace Cutting
Inspired by 1998 152
Bruce Cervon King Kut face up Cutting to Four of a Kind with Transformation Kicker
1998 155
Bruce Cervon A Tinge of Color II
1998 158
Bruce Cervon Impact Aces or Simple Face-Up Ace Cutting
1998 160
Harry Lorayne, Christian Scherer The Card Sharp and the Four Gamblers
Inspired by 1999 17
Chad Long Convincing Cut one-hand cut à la beginning of Charlier cut, then reaching in to pull out an Ace, reverse tilt
Inspired by 1999 155
Fredric P. Lamazor Twist Follow-Ons/Amenities
Related to 1999 51
Harry Lorayne Royal HaLo four Ace cutting, count-down with indicator with final Ace, Royal Flush kicker
Inspired by 2001 57
Terry LaGerould Up the Down Staircase performer cuts to Queens, face-up and face-down packets shuffled together, all one way except Queens
2001 18
Harrison Carroll Face Up Cutting The Aces
Also published here Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Pit Hartling An Impossible Bet performer finds straight flush to fit selection, then changes the card to make a Royal Flush to fit second selection, for half Tamariz stack
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 10)
Chris Hurlbert Royal Flush & Joker Revelation performer cuts to Royal Flush cards and tables them face down one by one, they change to alphabet cards spelling the selection "Joker"
Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Eric Mead 3 Piece Combo Aces cut to, lost and found again, color separation kicker with Aces in wrong halves
Also published here 2003 21
Joseph K. Schmidt One Hand Ace Cutting in the hands, royal flush kicker
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2005
Charlatan (Issue 9)
Jerry K. Hartman J. K. Hartman addition to Schmidt's routine and Popover Move usage in it
Inspired by 2005
Charlatan (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves addition to Schmidt's routine
Inspired by 2005
Charlatan (Issue 9)
Frank Garcia Throw Cut Aces throw-cut production of four-of-a-kind, then two more quartets show up
Inspired by
  • Al Koran routine from The Wizard
Discoverie (Issue 10)
Eric Mead Three-Piece Combo Aces cut to, lost and found again, color separation kicker with Aces in wrong halves
Related toAlso published here 2006 65
Jack Avis The "Professional" Cuts the Aces
2006 112
Bruce Cervon King Kut
Related to 2007 13
Bruce Cervon A Tinge of Color cut Aces face-up
Related to 2007 14
Bruce Cervon Cutting the Aces shuffle Aces into pack and cut to them
2007 30
Edward Marlo One-Hand Bottom Slip Cut from left hand to table
  • Extremely Delicate Ace-Cutting
Also published here 2007 54
Harry Lorayne HaLo Aces
  • Hidden Gems
using HaLo Cut
Also published here Dec. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Cull Quickie three methods
Also published here Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Allan Slaight Sweet Lorayne! Cutting the Aces, mixture between Lorayne and Christ's routines (see FFFF reference), with full patter
Inspired by 2008 79
Luke Jermay Mixing Mentalism with Other Genres
  • The New Mind
spectator shuffles deck, performer runs through it and apparently memorizes its order, then cuts to four Kings followed by dealing a full house
Related to Jan. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 1)
Patrick Page Ace and Jumbo Coin Production Aces produced, then Jumbo coin from Aces
Nov. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 11)
Pit Hartling Una apuesta imposible spectator selects a card and performer cuts four piles, cut cards form a straight flush with selected card, repeated
Also published here 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 17)
John Bannon Bullet Catcher performer reverses four cards in the deck out-jogged with cuts, they're the Aces
Related toAlso published here 2011 26
Shiv Duggal Four Will Ride order apparently remembered, card chosen and lost, performer cuts to selection and its three mates
Sep. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 9)
John Bannon Bullet Catcher performer reverses four cards in the deck out-jogged with cuts, they're the Aces
Also published here 2013 131
Harry Lorayne The Card Sharp & The Four Gamblers one-handed Ace cutting, with four Kings kicker and story, simplified
Inspired by 2015 172
Karl Fulves The Bicycle Thief four Kings signed on back are placed in different pockets, then performer cuts to four Kings in deck which do not have signatures, then the signatures appear on them, they are lost and then removed from the pockets
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Pit Hartling The Illusionist performer cuts to named four-of-a-kind one by one, these cards then turn out to be four cards put in pocket in beginning
2016 160
Pit Hartling Quick Change performer finds straight flush to fit selection, then changes the card to make a Royal Flush to fit second selection, for Tamariz or Aronson stack
Inspired by 2016 200
Sungwon Kim Swing Cut Aces four Aces appear face up, while cutting the deck in the hands
Also published here 2016 7
Benjamin Earl Clean Cutter in-the-hands Ace cutting
Variations 2017 80
Benjamin Earl Clean Cutter 2 in-the-hands Ace production
Inspired by 2017 87
Sungwon Kim Swing Cut Aces four Aces appear face up, while cutting the deck in the hands
Also published here 2018 8
Harry Lorayne HaLo Aces
Also published here 2018 41
Steve Forte strip-dump dropping cards at break during running cut, also for off-the table Ace cutting (see p. 773)
2020 771
Steve Forte Four Aces - Direct one by one with three false cut, in the hands or tabled
2020 787
Steve Forte Off-the-table Base-cut hand to table, left thumb grips over deck
2020 788
Steve Forte The Optical Cut featuring clean spin cut at a break
2020 789
Steve Forte Running Aces four cards jogged during in-the-hands running cuts, they are the Aces
2020 801
Steve Forte Charlier Cuts deck cut on table, then packets are picked up and given one-handed Charlier cuts to reveal Aces
  • charlier cuts #2
  • charlier cuts #3
  • charlier cuts #4
2020 817
Steve Forte Jagged Aces unsquared deck cut into four piles flourishy to reveal Aces
2020 827
Steve Forte Location Unknown cutting the Aces after legitimate spectator riffle shuffle, in context of imaginary game "Aces in the Middle"
Also published here 2020 831
Steve Forte Overhand Shuffle Scarne cutting the Aces and knowing the number of cut-off cards each time
2020 836
Steve Forte Location Unknown cutting the Aces after legitimate spectator riffle shuffle, in context of imaginary game "Aces in the Middle"
Also published here Mar. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 3)
Larry Jennings Magician and Spectator Cut to the Aces performer cuts to three Aces from hand to table, spectator then to last one
2020 360
Frank Thompson, Larry Jennings Frank Thompson’s EZ Ace Cut
Inspired by 2020 440
Steve Reynolds The T-Town Lesson Matching the Cards with Sevens and Kings, then Sevens cut to by magician, then Aces found as well
Inspired by 2022
Output (Issue 21)
Dave Forrest Flush Aces performer cuts to four Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush with five cards
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, June 2008
2022 740
Jason Alford Flush Aces Variation performer cuts to four Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush with five cards
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2009
2022 826
Harapan Ong Double Slip Production performer cuts to the four Kings, Aces found as well
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2012
2022 1168
Pedro Lacerda Aces 0 to 10 small numbers are named at the performer cuts the deck that many times, each time at the wanted number an Ace shows up face up on the last cut
2023 102