437 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / Number Prediction
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Deviner d'avance le paquet de cartes qu'une personne choisira number of cards from a chosen packet is predicted
1786 153
Two Heaps of Cards, unequal in Number, being placed upon the Table, to predict beforehand which of the two the Company will choose ambiguous prediction, two handlings (number of cards or values in pile & odd/even pile with palming)
1876 103
Two Heaps of Cards having been placed upon the Table, to Predict with Certainty which Heap a Spectator will choose ambiguous prediction, two handlings (number of cards or values in pile & odd/even pile with palming)
1889 79
Das Vorherbestimmen menschlicher Gedanken No. 6, spectator choses one of two piles, selection is predicted with "eight", one pile contains Eights, the other eight cards
1895 8
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Hypnose card chosen and inserted anywhere in a book, card and page number predicted, alternative method with forcing book by Conradi
1896 53
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Des indischen Marabuts Sehergabe three numbers named and cards counted to, numbers and cards predicted, prepared envelope, faced deck
Related to 1896 57
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Prädestinationsgabe two decks, spectator remembers one and its position in one deck, then he counts down in second deck from position to previously predicted number, selection is there
Related toAlso published here 1896 111
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Prädestinationsgabe two decks, spectator remembers one and its position in one deck, then he counts down in second deck from position to previously predicted number, selection is there
Also published here July 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 11)
The Divination Of Thought three cards and their positions are predicted
Related to 1897 174
Das Vorherbestimmen der Gedanken spectator stops during deal, number of dealt cards matched prediction, long card under predicted number, excess cards palmed and transferred
Nov. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVIII. Prädestination (Vorherbestimmung)
  • 1. Die Karten (prediction of chosen pile, cards can be divined, Koran type)
  • 2. Die Blumen (name of chosen flower appears on paper in sealed envelope, half forcing deck)
1903 174
A. J. Das Vorherbestimmen menschlicher Gedanken oder "Die Sehergabe des indischen Marabus" three selections and their positions in the deck predicted, faced deck, two methods with or without an off-stage assistant, pocket writing of numbers with stencil
Aug. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die sympathetischen Zahlen spectator stops while performer deals cards on table, then four people select a card, selections are the four Tens which match amount of dealt cards, number is also predicted on a piece of paper
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1910 4
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gedanken-Assoziation twenty cards on table, six-spot chosen, twenty cards become twenty-six, repeated with named number, amount of dealt cards also predicted
Also published here 1910 11
Donald Holmes Holmes' "Mystery" Problem card chosen from Svengali deck, deck dealt into two piles and card replaced in indifferent half, multiple deals to control card to seventeenth position, card and position are predicted, clean-up switch of half the deck
1913 19
Charles T. Jordan Mephisto's Prediction position of selection is predicted
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Sequel position of two selections is predicted
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Psychic Prediction total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Prophesied Spot Total stack that will force the number 69
VariationsAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Jack McMillen The Prophecied Leaper prophesied, selection made in one half, it travels into cased half at predicted position
Variations 1928 19
Dual Detection two cards chosen by stabbing another card in the deck, deck dealt into four piles and assembled, deck cut and both cards found at two previously predicted numbers
1928 8
Mathematical Trick Al Baker's date addition force, result predicted with digits of four cards
Related to 1928 26
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Bestimmung des Wertes von vier vom Zuschauer entnommenen Karten deck is cut and eight cards are dealt, sum of chosen hand is predicted
1930 63
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Kartenzahl des mittleren von 3 Kartenhäufchen zu erraten
1930 70
Al Baker Al Baker's Wonderful Prediction position of card, pocket-writing
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Pack)
Louis Lam Tower Bridge "A New Bridge Effect", number of cut of cards is divined by value of another selection
1935 11
Sequel No. 12, two cards remembered next to a stabbed-in indicator card, deck dealt into four piles, position of the selections has been predicted
1935 15
The Marvelous Prediction No. 19, a card and its position from the top are predicted, 1-0-1 with Hearts run
1935 22
Edward Bagshawe The Mind-Reader card is mentally selected from a randomly-ordered list of cards, magician reveals he predicted position of card in deck and the card’s number-position in the list
Related to 1936 ca. 23
Edward Bagshawe Sealed Mystery spectator names number and counts to that number in deck, magician predicted card arrived at
1936 ca. 26
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, positions predicted, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 85
Charles T. Jordan Mephisto's Prediction position of selection is predicted
Also published here 1937 86
Charles T. Jordan The Sequel position of two selections is predicted
Also published here 1937 86
Charles T. Jordan Psychic Prediction total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1937 200
Charles T. Jordan Prophesied Spot Total stack that will force the number 69
Also published here 1937 201
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1937 251
Ralph W. Hull The Fourteen Deck set-up to force the number fourteen that can be shuffled, rough-smooth
1937 299
Newton Hall Controlled Luck fifty-two numbered cardboards & cards are shuffled and read one by one until performer tells to stop, card and number combination is predicted
Also published here Mar. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 30)
Dai Vernon Up and Down selections end up at predicted positions, anti-faro trick
Related to Nov. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 38)
Max Holden A Master Card Trick selection appears at predicted number
1938 232
Bob Hummer Face Up Prediction spectator and performer turn cards over in the deck, number of reversed cards is predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 4
Ich hab's ja gewusst! two packets, chosen one is predicted, amount or values
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Triple Prediction predicted are number of cigarettes in packet, card and its position
1941 39
Franklin M. Chapman Stunner No. 1 two decks shuffled and then dealt in unison, two cards match at a certain position (percentage trick), card and position predicted on back of business card
Also published here 1941 1
Walter B. Gibson Pay Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 1)
Dai Vernon Up and Down selections end up at predicted positions, anti-faro trick
1943 8
Jean Marc Bujard Il est minuit photo with watch is signed, two cards are chosen to form an hour, handles on photo moved to match cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Newton Hall Controlled Luck fifty-two numbered cardboards & cards are shuffled and read one by one until performer tells to stop, card and number combination is predicted
Also published here 1944 309
Stewart James "Swastricka" through calculation the number 28 is arrived at and predicted with a swastika symbol, 14/15 force stack
1944 3
Stewart James Memo-Graphia two cards and their positions remembered, they transpose and a calculated number is predicted
1944 4
Franklin M. Chapman Identical Twins No. 1, two decks shuffled and then dealt in unison, two cards match at a certain position (percentage trick), card and position predicted on back of business card
Also published here 1944 11
Roger Barkann Follow the Leaders routine with red/black effects
  • prediction of red / black relationship (Phoenix No. 1)
  • Out of this World (not explained)
  • Follow the Leader (not explained)
  • Slop Shuffle Color Separation
Related to Mar. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 102)
Rowland Brandwem Matchbook Discovery card is selected and shuffled back in the deck, second selection is placed unseen on the table, then 13 cards placed in a row and matchbox held over each card and one card sticks to it which turns out to be selection and unseen card's value matches position
Oct. 1946 261
Ronald B. Edwards Remainder? card is selected and the value used to calculate a result which is predicted
Jan. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 118)
Paul Curry Two Minutes from Now spectator thinks stop at his selection when performer names the cards, position is predicted too
May 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 125)
Herb Runge Hi-Lo as Herb Rungie, prediction of two amounts of cards and selection is found
Oct. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 162)
Arthur H. Buckley The Mystic Paper Slips two predictions made, number chosen and that card counted to, number and card predicted
1948 157
Dr. William T. Palchinas Skill-Nil! combination of several routines, here as Palchanis
  • Pay Off (Walter Gibson)
  • One Good Trick (Walter Gibson)
  • A Total Mystery (Tony Kardyro)
  • Total Mystery / Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Tony Kardyro)
  • Card-Incidence (Charles Terraneau)
Related to Aug. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 183)
You Can't Lose Predict that when spectator's cards and magician's cards are added together, there will be an even number or odd number
1949 16
A Baffling Card Stunt The Trick That Fooled Einstein with cards
1949 18
U. F. Grant Another 15 Diamonds Gag gag with Fifteen of Diamonds, calculation
May 1949 10
My Number, Your Card position of card predicted by writing the number on the face of a card in the deck
1949 45
Bob Hummer Face-Up Prediction spectator and performer turn cards over in the deck, number of reversed cards is predicted
Also published here 1949 48
George Blake Your Deal
Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 197)
Ronald B. Edwards Problems in Prophecy
Nov. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 216)
Clayton Rawson Magic Scheme No. 48, Mathematical prediction
1950 85
Bob Short The Puzzler No. 70, Mathematical Procedure, add up to twelve
1950 129
Dai Vernon Up and Down No. 81, Prediction cards give final positions of two selections after mixing procedure
Related to 1950 148
Paul Morris, P. C. Sorcar The Magic Four-Spot No. 82, Prediction effect using two different mathematical forces
1950 150
John Scarne Scarne's Six-Way Baffler No. 107, Magician can divine number of cards, and red and black cards in two spectators' packets
Related to 1950 206
George G. Kaplan Variation on Six-Way Baffler No. 108, simplified version of trick
Related to 1950 210
Bill (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
cut cards match date on bill, Belchou Aces method
Related to Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Stewart James Card and Number Prediction card and total of two cards are predicted
1954 5
Stewart James Double Time in Spiritland performer puts four cards in a glass, spectator chooses any card, performer removes cards that add up to its value form the glass, remaining cards in glass added and that number counted down and the arrived-card added, that number predicted
Inspired byVariations 1954 16
Stewart James The Square Deal 4x4 layout, one row selected, a number generated from its values, that many cards taken from rest and a down-under-deal done with them, final card and a number are predicted
Variations 1954 18
Stewart James Coloracle combination of previous two tricks
Inspired by 1954 20
Norman MacCleod MacCleod's Miracle! four hands of Bridge, spectator and performer turn cards over in each hand, total is predicted
Inspired by
  • a trick in "The Last Testament of R.W. Hull"
Also published here
The New Phoenix (Issue 328)
Mel Brown The Straight Prediction total of some selected cards match prediction, with poker chips
Nov. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 333)
Walter B. Gibson Pay-Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Also published here 1956 97
The Estimated Cut Trick That Fooled Einstein
1956 5
Martin Gardner The "One Two Three" Trick three sets of Ace to Three are removed, one set put in a face-up row on table, one set put face down under those cards in the row, last three cards are distributed by spectator so they don't match the face-up cards, face-down cards either predict the placement, or each set has an Ace, Two and Three, also suggestion with other objects (different-sized cups of three colors)
Variations July 1956
Ibidem (Issue 6)
Jack Avis Delayed Brownwave card selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and at one point a prediction card appears with the message "count ten more cards", that's where the selection is
Inspired by Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Julian J. Proskauer, Dai Vernon Prediction prediction of the location in the pack of two cards
1959 17
Stewart James Quiz Biz stack with thirty-six cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always an Ace, Two and Six, Quiz presentation
Variations Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) More Biz stack with forty-eight cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always an Ace, Two,Six and Ten
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Edward Marlo 7-5-2 values of three cards are used to count down to fingertip peeked at card
1962 50
Dick Koester Nuchromancy 3 spectator select cards, total and amount of red and black cards is predicted
Aug. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 40)
Karl Fulves Penultimate Prophecy two cards and positions predicted with amusing prediction
May 1966 33
Harry Lorayne, Thomas Alan Waters The Card Pyramid mathematical layout of spot cards, end result is predicted, for Waters credit see reference
Related toAlso published here 1967 45
Bruce Cervon Triangle Card Trick card version, final value predicted
Related to Mar. 1967 88
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control
  • Part One: pairs attract each other after riffle shuffle (RBBR-RBBR-...)
  • Part Two: spectator lays out pairs on table, performer knows which ones are black and which red
  • Part Three: number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1967 111
Karl Fulves Double Up two selections from topsy-turvy deck, position and identity are predicted, riffle shuffle method
July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Martin Gardner More Monge more notes on the Monge Shuffle:
  • References
  • Recycling the Deck
  • The M/S Shuffle
  • Tricks (position of selection predicted & Do as I Do)
  • Analog of the M/S Shuffe
Related to Nov. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves The Rue Morgue Problem cards riffle shuffled by spectators and dealt in pairs to players, they remove red or black poker chips according to red-black distribution, chip values and cards added, the total is 28 and predicted
1968 54
Edward Marlo Impromptu Repeat Miraskill Miraskill effect with face-up/face-down cards instead of red/black cards
July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Roy Walton Predicted Galbreath "Predicted Gilbreath", deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Jean Marc Bujard La Magie du nombre cyclique 142857 using cards and dice, number is multiplied and performer places result on table using cards, oddity of the number 142857
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Bruce Cervon, Michael A. Perovich, Martin Lewis The Unholy 3 Predict! (as a magazine insert), three spectator cut piles from a deck, predictions if piles or odd or even and final prediction if total of cut packet is odd or even, predictions in cardboard folder
July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 19)
Henry Christ, Harry Lorayne The Difference & The Sum spot cards are used for calculations multiple times, outcome predicted
1971 105
Henry Christ The HC Difference & Sum original handling, spot cards are used for calculations multiple times, outcome predicted
Related toVariations 1971 113
Edward Marlo The Predetermined Hour clock trick, selection divined, hour predicted as card value, including four impromptu versions
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Edward Marlo The Predetermined Hour clock trick, selection divined, hour predicted as card value, including four impromptu versions
Also published here 1971 12
Charles Hudson Hummer - 4 four cards mixed face up face down by spectator, values of face up cards predicted, CATO
Related to Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Roy Walton Informer four quarters on table with an unknown indicator card in front of each, spectator cuts off a pile of each quarter, the indicator cards predict how many cards have been cut off of each pile, in second phase two poker hands are constructed from two piles
Also published here Dec. 1972 575
Peter A. McDonald, Rolf Andra Four Square Prediction prediction of amount of red and black cards , two less than other spectator
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 5)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Sympathetic Numbers Or Lucky No. 277, spectator stops while performer deals cards on table, then four people select a card from four piles, selections are the four Nines which match amount of dealt cards, number is also predicted on a piece of paper
Inspired byRelated to 1972 69
Card At Predicted Number No. 472, position filled in with nail writer
1972 132
John Scarne Scarne's Guess Red Or Black No. 674, number of red and black cards in cut-off packet from shuffled deck predicted, guessing and false count
1972 184
Karl Fulves Mini Miraskil eight cards, two methods
1973 44
Jon Racherbaumer Humming with Hummer card at thought-of number signed on face, later it is the only odd-backed card with the thought-of number on its back
July 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted after riffle shuffle
Also published here 1973 4
Karl Fulves Double Up two selections from topsy-turvy deck, position and identity are predicted, riffle shuffle method
1973 26
Edward Marlo Impromptu Repeat Miraskill Miraskill effect with face-up/face-down cards instead of red/black cards
Related to 1973 74
Robert E. Neale Number Hummer four cards mixed face up face down by spectator, values of face up cards divined or predicted
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1973 600
Karl Fulves Close Call four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • "Close Call" (Linking Ring, Sept. 1974)
1974 12
Robert Parrish Mental Opener spectator names number and that card is counted to face-up, number and card predicted, mirage deck, miscalling number
Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
Karl Fulves Pharo Here incomplete faro position, stopped at card controlled
  • The Placement
  • The Revelation
1975 102
Jerry Mentzer Double Mental Test one of four borrowed coins chosen, two chosen cards added, coin and sum predicted in wallet, two methods
Also published here 1975 13
Jerry K. Hartman Thirtween two cards used to sandwich block of cards, sum of the two cards equal to the number of cards, block of cards shown to be perfect bridge hand
Inspired byVariations 1975 41
Jerry K. Hartman Bunched Hunch Two cards used to sandwich block of cards, sum of the two cards equal to the number of cards
Inspired by 1975 43
Gerald Kosky The Dream prediction of chosen pile, chosen word and relation of black cards in a pile to red cards in another pile
1975 174
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toAlso published here 1975 31
Charles T. Jordan Mephisto's Prediction position of selection is predicted
Also published here 1975 34
Charles T. Jordan The Sequel position of two selections is predicted
Also published here 1975 34
Charles T. Jordan Prophesied Spot Total stack that will force the number 69
Also published here 1975 102
Charles T. Jordan Psychic Prediction total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1975 156
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1975 169
Charles T. Jordan Mephisto's Prediction position of selection is predicted
Also published here 1975 220
Nick Trost Predicting the Total Spectator chooses and adds three numbers chosen from number cards, performer predicts total
1976 35
Bob Hummer Personality No. 60, eight-card packet, spectator reverses cards and shuffles, at the end, three are one way and five the other which was predicted, doesn't work always
1976 91
Jerry Mentzer Double Mental Test one of four coins chosen, number formed by adding card values, both predicted in wallet, originally in Linking Ring (Feb. 1971), two methods
Also published here 1977 70
Harry Lorayne Ultra Location & Prediction deck cut in thirds, one third turned over and top and bottom cards remembered, all put together and one riffle shuffle done, selections divined and number of reversed cards predicted
1977 107
Harry Lorayne It's Impossible! automatic placement, position of card predicted, or other ideas:
  • Spell a Name
  • Lie Detector
  • Think Stop
Variations 1977 146
Dan MacMillan Close Call four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1977 21
Jerry K. Hartman Thirtween II Two prediction cards placed into the deck, total value of the two cards equal to number of cards between them, the cards between them shown to be Ace to King of Hearts
Also published here 1978 45
Larry Becker Predict-a-Mania II amount of cards cut and card are predicted
Inspired by 1978 45
Al Mann Strange Coordinates deck inside box, billet on top with number predicts position of chosen card, Arca system
1978 6
Roy Walton Card School
Inspired by June 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 6)
John Rule Premium position of selection is predicted on another card
The Chronicles (Issue 21)
Larry Becker Ghost Image deck of blank cards, prediction of amount of cut cards and thought of card
1979 140
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) More Quiz Biz Faro faro method
Inspired by Mar. 1979
Ibidem (Issue 36)
Philip T. Goldstein Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined, partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Richard Kaufman Strange Harmony three selections add up to ten which is predicted, they then change to Tens
1980 91
Bob Hummer Face Up Prediction spectator and performer turn cards over in the deck, number of reversed cards is predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1980 9
Juan Tamariz Predicción Efecto N°4, three spectators cut packet, prediction if packet is odd or even
1980 27
Simon Aronson Controlled Shuffle-Bored number of reversed cards can be predicted
Also published here 1980 10
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Impromptu Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined
Inspired by Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Stephen Tucker Numero selections added equal room number in hotel
May 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Kate Shiels Witch Craft prediction/ divination of relation of cards cut to and put in pocket
Magick (Issue 298)
Howard A. Adams Matheight Prediction eight cards, after some procedure, three cards are added up, sum prediction in envelope
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Charles Hudson Sum Hummer Ace to Ten packet, mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Variations 1982 105
Philip T. Goldstein Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined, partial stack
Also published here 1982 3
Simon Aronson Countdown Triple Prediction two cards and number of cards in pile predicted
Variations 1982 80
Howard A. Adams Twentytwo Phorce spectator removes two cards among ten cards and performer does the same, total of cards matches prediction
OICUFESP (Issue 9)
Howard A. Adams Thirtythree Phorce spectator removes three cards among ten cards and performer does the same, total of cards matches prediction
OICUFESP (Issue 9)
Howard A. Adams Newsy Phorce follow up for Thirtythree Phorce, total of four remaining cards is predicted in newspaper add
OICUFESP (Issue 9)
Peter Kane The Red/Black Blues after a riffle shuffle the deck is separated in packets, red/black distribution predicted
Inspired by 1982 77
Peter Kane The Swindle Slice two pieces of paper are inserted in deck by spectator, section between them removed, number and a cards predicted, when counted down in that section the card lies there
1982 106
Edward Marlo 14-14-14 Prediction two added up values predicted, with amusing surprise
1983 173
Charles Hudson Abacus III cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted, partial stack, see credit corrections on page 864
Inspired by June 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Stewart James Half Open Omen number prediction with cards using cyclical stack (Si Stebbins, Eight Kings), featuring comedy patter "Heinz Across the Sea"
Arcane (Issue 10)
Roy Walton The 229-224 Trick with playing cards
Inspired by Apr. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Philip T. Goldstein, Stewart James Reduz card and number predicted, elaboration on Stewart James' "Heduz" (Case For Cards)
1984 8
Thomas Alan Waters Twinner card is secretly written down, deck dealt and position of card predicted
Related to 1984
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Thomas Alan Waters Twindow two decks, one is cut and card turned over, both deck are dealt until face up cards, same card on same position in other deck, position is predicted
Inspired by 1984
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control No. 42, number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted after riffle shuffle
Also published here 1984 54
Karl Fulves On the Lam No. 57, number prediction on card gives position of later selection
Inspired by 1984 82
The Prediction Deck No. 60, number of face-down cards after face-up/face-down shuffle predicted
1984 89
Stephen Minch Card Prediction No. 6, during routine envelope with number and card prediction is opened, when counted down to number it is correct, performer genuinely blindfolded
1984 17
Norman MacCleod Mac Cleod's Wunder four hands of Bridge, spectator and performer turn cards over in each hand, total is predicted
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Basil Horwitz, Rich Bloch Soul Search two decks, one card is selected and performer predicted position of same card in second deck, see p. 1774 for credits
Aug. 1985
Magick (Issue 355)
T. Page Wright Worth Repeating prediction if packet is odd or even, knife placed inside deck, repeated
Nov. 1985
Magick (Issue 360)
Karl Fulves Magic with Paper Magic No. 81, this book is a force-book with "tricks" as every fourth word at the start of each chapter, complicated force with cards, word and a card value predicted
1985 146
Bruce Bernstein Impromptu Number Prediction numbers from one to nine written on business cards, cards are mixed and used to form two two-digit numbers, prediction of total, swindle switch
Also published here 1985 12
John C. Wagner Prediction Out Of This World impromptu, number of mistakes predicted
Related to 1987 16
Philip T. Goldstein The Schizoid Rosary two piles created from deck, number of red card in one and court card in other pile predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1987 1
Ron Wilson Way Out of this World spectator shuffles, number of mistakes are predicted
Also published here
  • The New Tops, April 1965
1987 25
Harry Lorayne, Thomas Alan Waters Die Kartenpyramide mathematical layout of spot cards, end result is predicted, for Waters credit see reference
Also published here Feb. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Roy Walton Informer four quarters on table with an unknown indicator card in front of each, spectator cuts off a pile of each quarter, the indicator cards predict how many cards have been cut off of each pile, in second phase two poker hands are constructed from two piles
Also published here 1988 2
Roy Walton Future Shock two prediction cards tell suit, value and position of a selection that is chosen with ten-twenty force, mates show up as well
  • With a Borrowed Deck
Also published here 1988 40
Roy Walton Count Me In three four-card packets as predictions, three packets made, spectator assigns them packets to the prediction groups which add up to the amount of cards in the packets
VariationsAlso published here
  • Danny Tong's lecture notes
  • Abra, Dec. 1975, Vol. 60 No. 1558, p. 444
1988 73
Roy Walton Palmist's Prophecy number of cards chosen from top of deck is predicted via sum of playing card values
  • The Repeat
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, June 1973
1988 80
Roy Walton Another Prediction Trick deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here 1988 94
Philip T. Goldstein, Robert E. Neale Toddler packet mixed face-up/face-down, values added up is force number
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
1989 3
Philip T. Goldstein The Schizoid Rosary two piles created from deck, number of red card in one and court card in other pile predicted
Also published here 1989 87
Ken Simmons A Double Prediction spectator cuts off packet, amount of cards and card cut to are predicted, three methods
1990 18
Michael Powers Whether Forecast spectator deals into two piles and stops anywhere, sum of top cards predicted, each pile dealt into two piles, top cards are Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush, re-deal principle
1990 21
Jon Racherbaumer What About Hummer's Number? cards shuffled face-up/face-down with some procedure, result predicted
Inspired by 1990 44
Jon Racherbaumer The Dreamy Dream Clock mate of clock-selection predicted in pocket and hour reversed in deck
Variations 1990 101
Edward Marlo, Ken Simmons Not Only the Number, but... spectator cuts off cards, number of cards and card cut to predicted, fifteen memorized cards, prediction index, for correction see Ricochet reference, three handlings
Inspired by
  • "Finally" (Ken Simmons, Lecture Notes 1990)
Related to
Apr. 1991 3
Roy Walton School Daze two cards chosen, sum and difference of those values, number of cards as prediction
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
T. Page Wright Cut at Any Number cutting to thought-of number, false count
1991 165
T. Page Wright Odd Prophecies spectator inserts knife, cards above knife counted, it is predicted by performer or spectator if that number will be odd or even
1991 180
Jerry K. Hartman Thirtween Two prediction cards placed into the deck, total value of the two cards equal to number of cards between them, the cards between them shown to be Ace to King of Hearts
Also published here 1991 595
Peter Duffie Eleven Plus chosen pair of cards adds to eleven which is predicted, using dealing into two piles repeatedly (stay stack principle)
VariationsAlso published here 1991 17
Chris Kenner Sybil The Trick number up to twenty named, packet of that size produced with flourish cut, previous selection is on the bottom of that packet, number also predicted
Variations 1992 157
Philip T. Goldstein Some Indifference two cards chosen, sum and difference of those values, number of cards as prediction
Inspired byRelated toVariations June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Roy Walton A Note from Roy Walton idea
Inspired by Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Charles T. Jordan The Projected Thought card thought of, dealing procedure multiple times with full deck, card and its position predicted
Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Peter Duffie A Sense Of Freedom four packets formed and turned over, in the end the sum of values is predicted
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction No. 8, two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toAlso published here 1992 6
Charles T. Jordan Mephisto's Prediction No. 9, position of selection is predicted
Also published here 1992 7
Charles T. Jordan The Sequel No. 10, position of two selections is predicted
Also published here 1992 9
Charles T. Jordan Psychic Prediction No. 31, total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1992 39
Charles T. Jordan Prophesied Spot Total No. 139, stack that will force the number 69
Also published here 1992 172
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem No. 186, position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1992 222
Steve Beam Quadruple Prediction four predictions, four aces are put in the deck at several places, prediction name amount of cards above aces, see p. 171 for additional credits
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1993 31
Wayne Kyzer Open and Shut cards cut and dealt by performer and spectator number and cards are predicted
1993 75
Karl Fulves Early Indications sixteen cards used, cut and several milk build shuffles done, two cards at two positions are predicted
Verbatim (Issue 8)
Peter Duffie The Static Deck Prediction card and its position remembered, later the card is found at predicted position, two phases
1993 17
Peter Duffie Eleven Plus, Plus
Feb. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Pile-Up six-card pyramid layout, top card switch consecutively downwards to base, total of bottom row predicted "with reasonable accuracy", inspired by Drop Case carnival con game
Variations 1994 124
Meir Yedid Extra for Experts additional ideas for Predict-Perfect
1994 19
Karl Fulves Chance Encounter dealing procedure used arrive at numbers, when added two numbers are calculated, they are the key numbers of two hotel keys, using 14-15 stack
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Little Nothings - part one two packets dealt until the Ace of Spades is seen in one pile, remaining cards are twelve cards, number is forced
Inspired by 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Peter Duffie The Future Packet number of cards cut off by spectator is predicted via the sum in another packet
Inspired byVariations 1994 25
Jack Carpenter A "Quickie" Revisited number of cards cut off and card selected are predicted, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) for more references
Inspired byRelated to 1994
Labyrinth (Issue 1)
Simon Aronson Controlled Shuffle-Bored number of reversed cards can be predicted
Also published here 1994 156
Lyndon B. Wainwright Lucky Number Divination crossing-out with 5x5 square of numbers, some of which where decided upon by spectator, remaining sum predicted, matrix force
Inspired by
  • "A Prediction Square" (Martin Gardner Presents, 1993)
Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Bruce Bernstein Impromptu Number Prediction numbers from one to nine written on business cards, cards are mixed and used to form two two-digit numbers, prediction of total, swindle switch
Also published here 1994 21
Peter Duffie Eleven Plus chosen pair of cards adds to eleven which is predicted, using dealing into two piles repeatedly (stay stack principle)
VariationsAlso published here 1995 170
Peter Duffie Eightsum
July 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 7)
Simon Aronson Point Spread red/black game in several phases played by two spectators, performer predicts difference between number of red and black cards, repeat, shuffle-bored finale
1995 3
Simon Aronson Signs zodiac sign cards specify one's lucky number, color, symbol..., cross-index index with example effects
1995 271
Simon Aronson A Short Routine: Colorful Countdown spectator selects card, lucky number on zodiac chart is looked up, at that position is selection
1995 297
Simon Aronson A Long Routine: Three is a Charm three spectators, card, color and symbol selected, position of card and color and symbol written on zodiac chart when spectator's signs are looked up
1995 298
Scott Robinson Chance by Choice four cards are cut to, sum is predicted in envelope
Related to 1995 89
Steve Beam Location, Location, Location three spectators cut some cards and chose a card, amount and selections are predicted and located, nine-force
Inspired byVariations 1995 172
No Guesswork No. 1, spectator cuts off some cards from a pile, prediction in the form of "the same as you and enough to make them twelve, ..." (The Trick That Fooled Einstein)
1995 1
Karl Fulves Secret Thought No. 2, position of card predicted, selection via cutting some cards off and remembering card at that number
1995 2
Karl Fulves, Henry Christ Sum and Difference No. 5, highest and lowest card from a packet removed, sum and difference of those values calculated and added, result predicted
Inspired by 1995 6
Karl Fulves I've Got Your Number No. 6, packet mixed face-up and face-down, half given to performer behind back, number of face-up cards in one half plus face-down in other half predicted three times
1995 7
Karl Fulves Stock-Market Magic No. 7, three spectator each have the same number of cards, cards are removed and exchanged according to instructions, final number of cards divined and predicted
1995 8
Paul Harris Bat Fishing borrowed dollar bill, eight cards selected, their values are serial number of bill
Variations 1996 37
Allan Ackerman Another Anyone Anywhere thought of card's position predicted, then spectator divines position of performer's card, partial memorized deck and prediction pocket index (twelve items)
Also published here 1997 53
Nick Trost Seven Card Draw Prediction predicted number of red/black cards selected, taking cards from top and bottom
1997 123
Peter Duffie, George McBride All The Fives! Packet of four cards set aside as prediction, spectator eliminates cards until two cards left, values added together equal five, four cards are the four Fives (variation, first published in Abracadabra no. 2590)
Variations 1997 72
Peter Duffie Acquiescence two spectators lay out pairs, red-black matching total predicted
Variations 1997 1
Peter Duffie Psychic Calculator George Sands's Prime Number Principle
1997 16
Steve Beam Quadruple Prediction four predictions, four aces are put in the deck at several places, prediction name amount of cards above aces
Also published here 1997 1
Aaron Fisher The "Eight Four" Trick value of designated card in one half of deck dictates position of selection in other half of deck
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Ken Simmons Predicting the Cut two cards placed aside, selection lost, two cards from beginning added, performer cuts off that many cards, last card is selection
Inspired by Oct. 1997
Onyx (Issue 1)
Sam Schwartz Kings Can Count two piles, spades and hearts counted in one packet, prediction about difference made
1998 245
Karl Fulves The Pluto Bet red black sorting procedure, outcome predicted
Related to 1998 273
Peter Duffie Predict deck cut, nine cards counted off, some added, total predicted
1998 7
Peter Duffie Auto-Match Prediction 2 blank cards with different mixed backs, eight pairs made, three of them match which is predicted
1998 6
Karl Fulves The Exemplar three-digit number chosen with packet of cards is predicted on calculator
Variations 1998 74
Karl Fulves Four-Digit Version four-digit number chosen with packet of cards is predicted on calculator
Inspired by 1998 76
Karl Fulves And The Winner Is spectators choose four cards face up from group of sixteen cards, values added and number predicted, Matrix Force application
  • Notes & References (credit information)
Variations 1998 122
Roy Walton How Odd spectator chooses group of cards for performer and for himself, performer predicted whether those packets are odd or even
  • First Variation
  • Underhanded Cheater's Alternative
June 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 10)