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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Thoughts Anticipated card and its position remembered, is transferred to another named number
Related to 1933 17
Bob Hummer The Magic Separation face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other, see Collected Secrets for variations
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 3
Edward Marlo Marlo's Think A Card three thought-of cards are predicted on billets, one ahead
Inspired by
  • "Think a Card" (John Scarne, marketed)
Related toAlso published here
1941 5
Eugenia Braue The Miracle Divination ungaffed method
Inspired byRelated to 1943 14
Warren Wiersbe Introduction
1944 1
Warren Wiersbe This Card gets Around! (Wiersbe's version of Everywhere and Nowhere), impromptu
1944 2
Warren Wiersbe What a Coincidence! selection vanishes, another card is selected which happens to be first card
1944 3
Warren Wiersbe Back Up about a dozen cards turn over together in center with selection back up in middle
1944 4
Warren Wiersbe Tell How It's Done selection reverses, then sucker explanation
1944 5
Warren Wiersbe New Ace Control
1944 6
Warren Wiersbe Multiple Control Procedure riffle shuffles
1944 6
Warren Wiersbe The W. W. Color Change
1944 7
Warren Wiersbe Military Mixup
Variations 1944 8
Warren Wiersbe Miracle Discovery
1944 9
Warren Wiersbe Delayed Discovery selection vanishes, performer then finds cards for color, suit, value of selection, selection reappears reversed
1944 10
Warren Wiersbe Numerical Discovery
Variations 1944 12
Warren Wiersbe The Hindu "Slop Shuffle"
1944 12
Warren Wiersbe Instantaneous Four Ace Transposition four aces with four indifferent cards
1944 14
Warren Wiersbe Multiple Master Palm Steal from top of deck
1944 14
Warren Wiersbe Master Palm Switch
1944 15
Warren Wiersbe Perpendicular Hideout cards under four-card-spread
1944 15
Warren Wiersbe The Perfect Card Prediction dealing and open red-black sorting procedure
Related toVariations 1944 16
Warren Wiersbe Tantalizing Thimbles longer impromptu thimble routine, with three different colored thimbles, nested
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Warren Wiersbe Preface
1946 1
Warren Wiersbe Packet Prediction cards cut off top and bottom to show no key cards are in use
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1946 3
Warren Wiersbe Miracle Do As I Do
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1946 4
Warren Wiersbe In My Estimation ... performer cuts off same amount of cards as spectator
Related toVariations 1946 6
Warren Wiersbe Blindfold Poker Deal
1946 7
Warren Wiersbe Stack Shuffle for Blindfold Poker Deal
1946 8
Warren Wiersbe Cardillusion three indifferent cards change into mates
1946 9
Warren Wiersbe, Bob Hummer Double Separation packet shuffled face-up face-down, then statement over condition made and colors separated
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1946 11
Warren Wiersbe Royal Mentalism a selected court card is divined
1946 12
Warren Wiersbe Superstitious Mentalism four key cards thirteen apart
Variations 1946 14
Warren Wiersbe Peek! delayed control with step fan
Variations 1946 15
Warren Wiersbe Divination Supreme cards shuffled face-up face-down in process by spectator
Inspired by 1946 17
Warren Wiersbe, Martin Gardner Think-A-Card - Wiersbe Version
1946 18
Warren Wiersbe A Change in Number card and its position remembered, is transferred to another named number
Related to 1946 19
Warren Wiersbe Fantispell card and its position remembered, selection later spelled out
1946 20
Warren Wiersbe Pasteboard Affinity longer routine with Si Stebbins stack
1946 21
Warren Wiersbe Stacking the Deck poker & dealing routine to secretly get into Si Stebbins
1946 22
Warren Wiersbe Tattle-Tale Cards card whispers chosen selection, Si Stebbins
1946 22
Warren Wiersbe Up to Nine card whispers chosen selection, Si Stebbins
1946 23
Warren Wiersbe Super Spread Effect any four cards in spread turned over, then any other card in spread named
1946 24
Warren Wiersbe Dual Decisions spectator's card is divined with two other cards (suit & value)
1946 24
Warren Wiersbe Wiersbe Super Countdown top card is used to count down to peeked selection
1946 25
Warren Wiersbe Remote Control spectator makes some piles, face cards of all are divined by performer
1946 26
Warren Wiersbe Miracle Peek spectator cuts anywhere and remembers card, estimation, fishing, stack
1946 27
Paul Fleming (reviewer) Action with Cards by Warren Wiersbe 1946 43
Eddie Morton Colors Will Tell dealing and open red-black sorting procedure
Related to 1946 7
Paul LePaul A Paradox Of Pairs classic force face-up
Inspired by 1949 151
Warren Wiersbe, John Scarne Three-In-One Card Trick No. 113, standard version, but ending with cross-cut force for the last card.
1950 217
John J. Crimmins Jr. (reviewer) Tantalizing Thimbles by Warren Wiersbe Jan. 1950 622
Edward Marlo, Warren Wiersbe Sixth Fooler
Inspired by 1958 53
Warren Wiersbe Wiersbie's Double Deal to the left side, see also "Added Technique for Wiersbie Double Deal" on page 85
1959 82
Edward Marlo Blind Date kings and queens place on table alternating by performer and spectator, all suits match
Related to Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Frederick Braue One Pack Triple Do spectator and performer have half the deck each, three cards taken out by each, they match, two handlings
  • Second Alternative
Inspired by May 1973 626
Warren Wiersbe Pressure Fan with step after peek
1978 72
Harry Lorayne A Prediction "Pathway" mathematical dealing thing in which spectator sorts red and blacks to force himself a card, see end notes for fun history information
Inspired by 1979 53
Warren Wiersbe Ribbon Spread Control step in spread
1979 126
Bob Hummer The Magic Separation face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other (1940)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 9
Steve Beam Puzzler two indicator cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 99
Karl Fulves Psykick
Inspired byVariations 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 34)
Karl Fulves Psykick II
Inspired byRelated to 1989 38
Ellison Poland A Mental Case cards cut off top and bottom to show no key cards are in use
Inspired by 1994 17
Steve Beam Puzzler two indicator cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 125
Jon Racherbaumer Don't Be Superstitious typo "Superstition", four key cards throughout deck
Inspired by 1995 23
Nick Trost Weight Guess Spectator pockets cards, magician divines how many, breather at twenty-six
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • New Tops, Feb. 1966
1997 32
Nick Trost The Third Dimension Performer predicts three chosen ESP symbols
Inspired by 1997 281
Warren Wiersbe First Rule of Thimble Manipulation
Also published here
  • Tantalizing Thimbles, 1948
1997 29
Jack Avis Hotel '81
Inspired by 1998 133
Neal Elias Peek & Cut Control peek, then fan with step and cut
Inspired byRelated to 2000 13
Warren Wiersbe Fate Deals the Cards No. 84, cards cut off top and bottom to show no key cards are in use
Also published here 2001 125
Reinhard Müller Feeling the Same court cards and a Joker are shuffled, a four of a kind is chosen and cards put in spectator's pocket, a pile is handed to the performer and he is able to announce how many of chosen quartet are in that pile and if the Joker is there as well
Inspired by
  • Tom Craven's "Selected Suit Divination" in Tony Miller's "Channel One" Vol. 3, #10. 2003
Related to
2006 59
Nick Trost Triple ESP Miracle three selections match predictions
Inspired by 2008 233
Warren Wiersbe, Roberto Giobbi A Condition of Balance performer cuts off same amount of cards as spectator
Inspired by 2008 66
Nick Trost Red and Black Routine routine with ten red and black cards
  • CATO type routine
  • "Double Separation" (Wiersbe)
  • "Unmatch" (Fulves)
  • "Color Scheme" (Oscar Weigle)
Inspired byVariations 2009 347
Nick Trost Total Card-Matching Routine
  • Phase One - Miracle Do As I Do
  • Phase Two - The Power ofThought
  • Phase Three - Swindle Switch
Inspired by 2011 596
Warren Wiersbe, Bob Hummer Follow-Up Trick packet shuffled face-up face-down, then statement over condition made and colors separated
Also published here 2011 728