118 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Prediction
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
John Northern Hilliard A Date Divination with cards the date of a borrowed coin is divined
1938 686
Jack Vosburgh Pay Day coins distributed to envelopes with mathematical procedure, predicted, see page 746 for correction
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 128)
Del Cartier Weird Coin coin borrowed, half deck dealt in four piles, top card correspond with year of coin, sum counted down, card predicted
The Jinx (Issue 132)
Syl Reilly Date on a Borrowed Coin date appears as image in dark room, luminous paint
1942 375
Jack Vosburgh Pay Day coins distributed to envelopes with mathematical procedure, predicted
Also published here 1944 241
Ralph W. Read Via Telephone No. 19, a prediction is made, then any person is called via telephone and the amount of money he has in his pocket is predicted, different nail writing based methods
Also published here
  • Ralph Read's instruction sheets for nail writer gimmick
1944 22
Al Baker Chicken-Feed amount of change in spectator's pocket, pocket writing, spiked billet
Related toAlso published here 1949 50
Ronald B. Edwards Two Quickies
  • transposition of two cards
  • forcing a number with coins
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 277)
The Nine Mystery coins placed in a Q shape, spectator counts clockwise and anticlockwise, predict the endpoint of the count
VariationsAlso published here 1956 59
Edward Marlo R.R.B.M.T. Handling with Wallet & Coins card chosen from deck, spectator covers any coin with it, an odd-backed prediction is produced from wallet and coin is predicted on rolled-up cigarette paper
Inspired by Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
P. Howard Lyons Small Choice adding the digits of the dates on a coin as a number range force
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
The Amazing Maurice on Satan's Seal one of four coins chosen, predicted
Inspired by Oct. 1966 61
Al Koran Black Magic number appears on smoked tin plate
1968 49
Ken Krenzel Koin-A-Kinesis performer predicts head or tails as often as desired
June 1969 261
Billy McComb The Date on the Coin
1972 67
Robert Parrish Cups & Coins four different coins and cups, spectator drops coin in any cup, under cup is prediction of that coin, bottomless paper cups
Related to Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
David Hardy McDonald's American Lady three coins, one placed on one of three cards, prediction
Magick (Issue 107)
Ronald B. Edwards Small Change Prediction forcing 2010 with coins
Inspired by Aug. 1975 1043
Philip T. Goldstein Geometric Coin prediction of a shape and a coin
1976 15
Philip T. Goldstein Coin Prediction equivoque
1976 3
The Nine Mystery coins placed in a Q shape, spectator counts clockwise and anticlockwise, predict the endpoint of the count
Also published here 1977 96
Marvin Miller Heads Up! all spectators throw coins, and are eliminated until one remains, coin and date is predicted
Magick (Issue 222)
Karrell Fox An "Epic" Force forcing one from several coins, can be used as final choice in Mental Epic routine
1979 126
Geoffrey Buckingham Die Gezwungene Wahl equivoque routine with coins
Also published here
  • Genii, Oct. 1976
Apr. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Arthur Day A Tuppenny One one of five coins

Jan. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
  • Gaffed Box Version (Corinda Money Box)
  • No Gaff Version (verbal ploy, spectators assume there are more coins)
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Paul Maurer Mentalmagie Eröffnungseffekt baby gag, person and amount of money in spectator's pocket is predicted on business card, nail writer with a pen / ink
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 4)
Ronald B. Edwards Die Münzen-Zahlenforce forcing a number with coins
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein Heads or Tails change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up
VariationsAlso published here 1981 7
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1982 4
Steve Dusheck, Thomas Alan Waters Coin-Nection chosen coin is predicted in a box, another chosen coin vanishes and reappears in box, magnets
1984 90
Robert Cassidy The Religious Coin prediction of date of coin, gag
1984 77
Gary Kurtz The Anticipator performer removes same coin as spectator from pocket
1990 49
Ray Grismer The Janus Prediction three phases, two-sided coin
1990 135
Larry Baukin Quartermaster Date on Coin is predicted
Apr. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Cross Roads cross made from two rows of different coins, marker moved on coins, final position predicted
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Chuck Fayne This Trick is Dated date written on paper and folded up, it matches the year of spectator's coin
1993 6
Bob Gill Invisible Choice dice rolled, number predicted with coins
Jan. 1994
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Bob Gill Boxing Match three coins in box, chosen one predicted
Jan. 1994
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Philip T. Goldstein Positive Negative invisible coin and is flipped into the air, coin and heads/tails is predicted
Related toVariations 1994
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Terry Nosek A Penny For Your Thoughts one of three coins is selected and predicted on business card
1996 46
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1997 5
Tony Bartolotta A Mind For Money five envelope with some coin change, four chosen, content added, amount predicted
Related to 1997
Underworld (Issue 5)
Roy Johnson Münzenlotto II Miraskill and Einstein routine with coins and two cups
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein All Shook Up change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up, both dates are predicted in envelope
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1998 33
Jas Jakutsch "IOU" AKA "The Serpent" spectator jots down any amount and performer divines it by placing the exact amount of money from his wallet and purse on the table, then he shows, that he did not have more money, so he predicted the amount beforehand
1999 25
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1999 5
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
1999 3
Kenton Knepper, Larry Becker Kenton's Ghost Coins invisible change from spectators is added, prediction of total in performer's pocket
May 2000
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 2
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 5
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 3
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2000 3
Karl Fulves Tric Trac nine coins in square, one chosen, date predicted
Variations 2001 15
Karl Fulves Trac Two coin chosen from matrix with only two instructions
Inspired by 2001 17
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2001 2
Jim Steinmeyer Dimes & Pennies calculation stunt with coins
2002 10
Jim Steinmeyer A Quarter to Nine calculation stunt with coins
2002 11
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2002 5
Al Baker Chicken Feed amount of change in spectator's pocket, pocket writing, spiked billet
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Five Nickels shell
2003 713
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2003 2
Bryce Kuhlman Accentuate the Positive invisible coin and is flipped into the air, coin and heads/tails is predicted
Inspired by 2003 313
Alain Nu Future Influence prediction of named coin(s), in hand
Inspired by
  • Terry Nosek's "Impromptu Influence" from his lecture notes.
2003 4
Alain Nu Flipped Out II two coins borrowed, one chosen and flipped, prediction is unfolded to predict coin, throw and date
Related to
  • Alain Nu's "Flipped Out" in "M-U-M" December, 1999.
Also published here
2003 7
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2004 3
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2004 3
Philip T. Goldstein Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
2004 3
Wayne Dobson Unique Prediction three coins on table, one card chosen, outcome predicted, "Free Will"
Related to
  • "Physiological Coin" (Peter Nardi)
2004 16
Alain Nu Flipped Out 2 two coins borrowed, one chosen and flipped, prediction is unfolded to predict coin, throw and date
Inspired by
  • version in MUM, Dec. 1999
Also published here
Mar. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Barrie Richardson Net Worth handful of coins grabbed, some exchanged, end result predicted
Also published here
  • Club 71, Holiday 2002
2005 105
Jim Steinmeyer, Stewart James Coins in a Strange Land mathematical spelling trick with row of four coins, based on Stewart James "Stranger in a Strange Land"
2006 8
Jim Steinmeyer Piles of Money mathematical spelling trick with row of four coins
2006 9
Gene Taylor Force of State using double-tailed state quarter to force a state
Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Max Maven Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
Also published here 2009 3
Steve Beam A.F. Taft Prediction spectator places three coins on three piles of cards, order predicted
Inspired byRelated to 2010 80
Steve Beam Knee-to-the-Groin Prediction
2010 83
Max Maven Precoinition box with (apparently many but only four) different coins shown, chosen one is predicted
Also published here 2010 2
Ted Karmilovich The Dime & Penny spectators have to guess if performer holds dime or penny in the hand, person who's correct most is predicted as well as amount of correct guesses
2011 5
Bruce Bernstein Heads and Tails change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up
Also published here 2012 43
Bruce Bernstein All Shook Up change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up, both dates are predicted in envelope
Also published here 2012 45
Sveroni Doppelte Münzenvorhersage selection of coins, two events are predicted, with post-it pad and names written on predictions
Inspired by 2013 14
Wayne Dobson Best Friends prediction about which two coins end up being selected
2013 6
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Wager of the Month Club Einstein trick with change money, Real Secrets Team
Oct. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 10)
John Bannon Ion Man one of three imaginary coins is chosen and flipped, coin and heads/tails predicted
Inspired by 2013 253
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Beat the Guesser Trick that Fooled Einstein with coins, predicting the change a spectator removes from his pocket and an amount of coins matches the performer's weight
Related to Oct. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Pocket Change I Ching three coins mixed according to rules printed on a card, coin that ends up in spectator's hand is predicted
Inspired by May 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Contentment-al three coins placed in three envelopes, three hands of seven cards are also placed with an envelope, on each envelope is a prediction describing the coin and composition of hands (matches all three hands)
Inspired by July 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Mail Dominance Miraskill with copper and silver coins
Sep. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 30)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Einstein at the ATM Trick that Fooled Einstein with coins, prediction embossed on ATM card
Related to Dec. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 33)
Michael Weber Bonus Effect version of "The Tricks that Fooled Einstein"/"Jackpot Coins" ("I have exactly as much as you, plus...")
2015 12
Karl Fulves B. Granny's Purse spectator picks a coin of three pairs of number coins, the value always adds up to a number on a list, repeated
Inspired byVariations 2015
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Grandma's Game variation, spectator picks a coin of three pairs of number coins, the value always adds up to a number on a list, analogue with six cards, picking up cards from two piles
  • Parajack
  • Two More Notes
Inspired byRelated to 2015
Errata (Issue 1)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono The Trick That Fooled Einstein with coins, prediction on Zoltar Medaillon
Mar. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Jim Steinmeyer The Nickel Under Your Foot presentation for mathematical number force leading to the date on a coin
2015 2
Tyler Wilson Cranium prediction of chosen coin with date, "muscle writing"
2017 24
Matt Baker Hive Mind spectators help create a prediction about the number of coins held by two spectators (pennies, quarters, nickels and dimes), mathematical principle based on red/black relationship principle
Inspired by
  • "The Intuition Test" (Dr Larry Hass, Deep Mental Mysteries)
2019 135
Paul Vigil ICON Redux "A Multi-Phase Mental Coin Routine"
  • Phase 1: Spinning is Everything (heads or tails predicted)
  • Phase 2: A Penny for your Thoughts (coin after elimination process predicted)
  • Phase 3: Heads Up (date on a chosen coin predicted)
  • Phase 4: Eye-Con (coin bends)
  • Phase 5: A Supplementary Continuation
  • Phase 6: Folie à Plusieurs
  • Afterthoughts
  • Further Thoughts (incorporating Yigal Mesika's "Electric Touch")
  • Notes
2019 1
Michael Powers Flipped Out three imaginary coins, chosen one predicted and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired by 2019 286
John Lovick Eliminate the Negative three imaginary coins, chosen one predicted and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired by May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 2 (Spring #2))
Michael Rubinstein My the Force Be With You types of coins are printed on poker chip, one chip chosen and the coin on it is force
2020 355
Michael Rubinstein My Coin Collection coin prediction involving poker chips with coin images on them
2020 363
Michael Rubinstein Conviction Prediction three coin prediction involving poker chips with coin images on them
Related to 2020 367
Michael Rubinstein Conviction Prediction, and Some Magishin' three coin prediction involving poker chips with coin images on them
2020 369
Michael Rubinstein The Famous Three Coin Trick three coins chosen from multiple coins in envelopes match three predictions on poker chips, coins travel to purse, then to under chips
2020 370
John Carey, Michael Powers Simplex Positive Negative three coins, chosen one predicted and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired by
  • "Positive Negative" (Max Maven, Video Minds videos)
2020 444
Curtis Kam Modern Coin Mentalism spectator makes decisions about placements of three coins (on hand, in hand, pocket) which are wrongly predicted and the magically corrected, "TripSwitch" presented as prediction
Inspired byVariations May 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dibya Guha Predicto Coin prediction shown at the beginning, coin selected, prediction changes to match chosen coin
Nov. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 10-11)
John Carey Equicoins one of five coins predicted
Inspired by
  • "Equivox" (Christian Chelman, Capricornian Tales)
Feb. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nick Diffatte Double Date coin in cardboard coin holder, any date named, it is predicted on the coin (holder)
Related to 2022 135
Joshua Jay EquivoKat snacks and prices are shouted out and noted down by performer, one chosen, price is predicted and snack produced from empty envelope, miswriting
2022 72
Alain Nu Flipped Out 2 two coins borrowed, one chosen and flipped, prediction is unfolded to predict coin, throw and date
Inspired by
  • version in MUM, Dec. 1999
Also published here
2022 276
Giorgio Tarchini State of Mind state on chosen coin predicted with X on map
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2005
2022 409
David Parr Proof Positive three imaginary coins, chosen one predicted with real coin in hand and also whether it is heads or tails up
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2005
2022 437
John George Plus Minus invisible coins, one chosen, coin and heads/tails is predicted
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, June 2006
2022 507
Martin Gardner Can't Loose Change game with coin row that can be predicted
Inspired by
  • opening problem in Peter Winkler's Mathematical Puzzles, 2004
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2007
2022 624
Harrison Carroll Einstein Coins number prediction with bowl of coins
2022 200
Tyler Wilson The Trick That Fooled Weinstein Jackpot Coins handling, with hole in one coin to humorously make prediction correct
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)