228 entries in Cards / Sleights / Crimps / Corner Crimp
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Hocus Pocus Junior Conveyance of Cards and Dice mentioning card tricks and principles without details
  • divided cards
  • advantage dice by cutting off a strip
  • "nipping" (punch?), corner crimp, dots
1634 51
Französische Methode corner crimp
1896 132
Corner Crimp
Feb. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Corner Crimp
1897 54
Second Method crimping card underneath fan when card is returned
1909 41
Corner Crimp in Spread
1909 98
Corner Crimp
1910 87
Louis F. Christianer A Clever Card Trick selection fairly replaced in center of spread by spectator, spectator deals cards face up onto table one by one, performer calls stop before the selection
Related to 1919 7
Jack Merlin Finger Crimp From the Side crimping corner while card is put back in deck
1927/28 18
Jack Merlin Finger Crimp From the End variation
1927/28 19
Jack Merlin The Royal Finders selection ends up between the two black kings
Also published here 1927/28 20
Oswald Rae Cutting A Pack of Cards performer cuts any number of cards, four corner crimps
1928 7
Ernando Veneri The Veneri Discovery crimping selection as it is pushed into deck
1933 65
Disposal of Card Located various ways of controlling an injogged card
1933 68
El Ray The Fan Location crimp below fan
Aug. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 11)
George Pughe The Third Fan Location card is crimped as spectator removes it from fan
1938 30
The Crimp Location - First Method. (With both hands) in the spread
1938 46
Yank Hoe Location with Crimp magician inserts card
1938 47
Second Method. (With one hand) as card is pushed in deck
1938 49
Theodore Annemann Sixth Method. (Crimp and table spread) crimped distant key
1938 55
Jack Merlin Jack Merlin Crimp Technique crimping selection while pushing spread forward
1938 57
The Little Finger Crimp
1940 90
The Regular Crimp Corner Crimp while spreading
1940 90
The Peek Crimp
1940 91
Corner Crimp in Fan selection secretly crimped from behind
The Jinx (Issue 114)
14 - Fan Crimp. Crimping corner in a fan of cards
1940 28
15 - The "Deck Crimp".
1940 29
Clayton Rawson No Corpse for the Coffin crimping selection, then "There It Is" with unload for transformation of wrong card into selection
Inspired byVariations July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 14)
Arthur H. Buckley Retaining the Stock with crimp during shuffle
1946 102
G. W. Hunter No. 7 "Think of a Card" card is thought of and spectator counts to find out position, deck is cut and when old position is named, performer names new position of the card
1946 91
Paul Ebling The Ebling Crimp one-handed with flesh of fourth finger
1947 29
Bottom Card Corner Crimp
1948 170
The Crimp putting crimp into single card that is held in hand
1948 92
The Fan Crimp while spreading through card
1948 100
Vynn Boyar Blind! blindfolded card location
Nov. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 190)
Clayton Rawson Crooked Corners on using crimps in different corners for two cards
Nov. 1949 600
Clayton Rawson The Weight of Thought two cards are located, see p. 611 for corrections
Nov. 1949 600
Eddie Joseph Through the Beat of the Pulse selection is lost and deck divided into two piles, performer knows in which pile card is and also exact position
1949 ca. 1
Clayton Rawson The Missing Card card is removed, mates are found
Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Clayton Rawson Double Thought two card location
May 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Method for Crimping bottom card corner crimp
1953 64
Card Control with a Crimp
1953 15
Al Leech The Crimp
1954 4
The Spread Crimp
1954 4
Edward Marlo Putting in the Work corner crimping aces
1959 70
Matt Schulien The Crimp Location and Steal corner crimp of card that is inserted at an angle
1959 16
Dai Vernon Corner Crimp Corner Crimp with forefinger in Dealing position
1960 57
Dai Vernon Top Card Crimp Corner Crimp while Overhand Shuffling
1960 57
James Steranko The Crimp bottom right corner with left fourth finger
1960 16
Edward Marlo The Injog Glimpse also multiple cards
1961 56
Edward Marlo Insertion Crimp as selection is pushed in deck
1961 21
Cliff Green The Peek Crimp in context of card to pocket/wallet/...
1961 75
James G. Thompson Jr. The Peek Crimp with inserted card in deck, top card
1961 9
Gerald Kosky Double-Cut Poker Run-Up
Also published here Mar. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 378)
John Benzais The Crimped Card Location selection crimped in middle of deck
Also published here Feb. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Crimp under Spread
Apr. 1966 29
Fred Lowe Palm Crimp corner Crimp, inner left
Also published here
  • The Gen, 1966
1967 193
John Benzais The Crimped Card selection crimped in middle of deck
Also published here 1967 60
Edward Marlo Insertion Crimp as card is inserted into deck or packet
Also published here 1968 10
Martin A. Nash A Control for Selected Cards with crimp and riffle shuffles
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Hideo Kato Sleight of Finger cutting same amount of cards as spectator
Oct. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 33)
Edward Marlo Marlo One-Hand Crimp bottom left corner with base of thumb
Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Steve Spillman Coincidental Occurance
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Corner Crimp while Spreading
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Corner Crimp index corner, while showing card in spread to spectator
Magick (Issue 58)
Deluxe Transposition at certain position
1972 73
Jack Merlin The Royal Finders selection ends up between the two black Kings
Also published here 1972 132
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Crimp Location No. 184, crimped key card, selection cut to with Charlier cut
1972 45
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Forced Cut No. 191, crimp that the spectator will hopefully cut to
1972 46
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Crimp Location No. 601, card next to selection is crimped on return
Related to 1972 167
Corner Crimp
1972 30
Harry Lorayne Quick Crimp corner crimp of bottom card
1973 20
Harry Lorayne One-Hand Instant Crimp of isolated card
1973 84
Jerry Mentzer MPT Crimp "multiple push through", crimping injogged card with left fourth finger
1973 14
Jerry Mentzer MPT Thumb Crimp "multiple push through", crimping injogged card with right thumb
1973 15
Steve Spillman The Calico Crimp crimping corner of card, in spread, while showing the card to spectator
Also published here 1973 3
Steve Spillman The Hijackers
Also published here 1973 4
Steve Spillman Coincidental Occurence cards are fanned and each think of a card, both remove one and it's the thought of card
1973 28
Steve Spillman You Do As I Do - One Deck using the Shiner Card Case
1973 30
Roger Smith Four Card -- One Riffle Shuffle Stack four Aces in one shuffle
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Steve Spillman Calico Crimp crimping corner of card, in spread, while showing the card to spectator
Also published here 1974 35
Insertion Crimp Control card corner crimped as it is inserted
Also published here 1974 55
Martin A. Nash Corner Crimp Removal
1975 85
Karl Fulves An Infinity Of Footnotes application of the Stevens Control with crimps (1), edge marks (2), stabbing (3), as a cull (7), and more
1975 108
Nick Trost Divining the Total of Three Bottom Cards Performer divines total number of bottom cards of three piles
1976 18
David Berglas Spot On wrong card changes to selection, when performer shakes deck
1976 35
Corner Crimp
1976 23
Ken Krenzel The Peek Corner Crimp
1978 77
Edward Marlo Optional Center Card Transfer peek from incomplete faro position, selection transferred in lower half
  • Option 1 (controlling card without break)
  • Option 2 (controlling card with break)
  • Option 3 (corner crimp)
  • Option 4 (crimping different corner)
  • Option 5 (angle jogging card)
Related to 1978 14
Christian Scherer Zweimal two apparently different cards are selected and found by spelling the name, sucker element
1978 20
Jay Ose The Easiest Stack in the World two methods of shuffle stacking
1978 2
Basic Method under spread
1978 42
Method Two behind spread that is held up
1978 43
Edward Marlo Out of Control Control "How It Appears" one handed peek, instantly given out for shuffling, using one handed center crimp
1979 50
Edward Marlo A Flexible Crimping Technique bottom card(s)
1979 52
Spread Crimp crimping a card beneath spread
1979 31
Steve Beam The Non-Sandwich Jack Trick two Jacks places into the deck, number is called and performer cuts deck into two piles, both Jacks are found at named number
1979 16
Corner Crimp bottom card
1980 11
Jeff Busby Thotography II
Inspired byRelated to 1980 93
Bob Hummer Night Moves
1980 94
Steve Beam Talk About Your Nice Locations values of two cut to cards are added and total leads to selection
1980 37
Steve Spillman The Calico Crimp crimping corner of card, in spread, while showing the card to spectator
Also published here 1980 64
Steve Spillman The Hijackers
Also published here 1980 64
Edward Marlo Crimp Removal
1981 12
Corner Crimp
1981 10
Derek Dingle Corner Crimp while spreading
1982 143
Corner Crimp as single card is displayed
1982 34
Corner Crimp Removal
1982 37
Ted Biet Overhand Shuffle Crimp
Aug. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Edward Marlo For Crimp's Sake inner left corner
1983 26
Under-the-Spread Crimp
1983 123
Edward Marlo More Punchless Approaches two methods using crimps
1984 27
Edward Marlo Refined Ace Cutting from "Lost Shuffle Manuscript", using crimps or raised surfaces
Inspired by 1984 216
Edward Marlo Crimp of Center Card
1985 51
Immediate Shuffle Control card hit on front so it comes out at back, corner crimped
1985 23
Hand Out Crimp corner as selection is returned
1985 15
Frederick Braue Braue Crimp Control featuring "enlarging a break", also with short card (see following item)
Related to 1985 20
Frederick Braue Braue Crimp technique for inner left corner, starts with bottom buckle
Also published here 1985 23
Frederick Braue Crimping a Card technique for inner left corner, starts with bottom buckle
Also published here 1985 13
Frederick Braue Bottom Crimp
1985 13
Heel Crimp
1986 211
Bascom Jones Control Plus naming position of selected card
May 1986
Magick (Issue 370)
Overhand Shuffle Crimp
1987 63
Darwin Ortiz Corner Crimp bottom left
Related to 1988 27
Dai Vernon Corner Crimp
1988 4
Corner Crimp in Fan
1988 5
Terri Rogers Single Handed Top Crimp top card crimp with one hand
Also published here 1988 76
Inner Corner Crimp with base of thumb
1989 124
Terri Rogers Einhand-Topcrimp top card crimp with one hand
Also published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
Darryl Rose The Rose Control one-handed crimp of bottom card of packet in right-hand end grip
Feb. 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Crimp Unseen bottom card corner crimp while spreading
1990 110
Fan Crimp card in small fan
1990 118
Gary Ouellet The Small Packet Principle several piles, card controlled under crimp
1990 139
One-Handed Crimp upwards
1992 95
クリンプカードによるコントロール (Crimped card control)
1993 38
クリンプI (Crimp I) From a spread
1993 101
クリンプII (Crimp II) Top of deck, with index finger
1993 102
クリンプIII (Crimp III) From spread
1993 102
Insertion Crimp Control card corner crimped as it is inserted
Also published here 1993 163
Sid Fleischman A Crimpmeister's Crimp crimping isolated card in hand
1993 193
Bottom Card Crimp with packet
1994 87
Roger Crosthwaite Method Seven: Cull-Crimp deck face-up in dealing position, left thumb riffles, desired cards corner crimped down
1994 132
Roger Crosthwaite Method Eight: Cull-Crimp deck face-up in dealing position, left thumb riffles, desired cards corner crimped up
1994 132
Gene Maze Old Wine setting and corner crimping a key card under the spread
1994 138
Darwin Ortiz Corner Crimp Handling index corner
1995 149
Lawrence Leyton Corner Crimp
1995 ca. 13
Roberto Giobbi The Crimp introduction
1996 345
Crimping with the Index Finger
1996 347
Crimping with the Heel of the Thumb
1996 347
Dai Vernon Crimping with an Overhand Shuffle
1996 348
Cutting to a Crimped Card
1996 349
Applications for the Crimp
1996 349
Michael Kaminskas Triumphant Return red/black separation kicker
Variations 1996 7
Corner Crimping
1996 39
Edward Marlo Flexible Crimping Technique bottom left corner
1997 42
Aaron Fisher The "Eight Four" Trick value of designated card in one half of deck dictates position of selection in other half of deck
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo Insertion Crimp as card is inserted into deck or packet
Also published here 1997 21
Edward Marlo Corner Crimp bottom card, first finger in dealing position
1997 91
The Spread Crimp
1998 561
Frederick Braue, Christian Scherer Braue Poker Deal four aces, faro stacking
Inspired by 1999 12
Roger Crosthwaite The Second Fingertip Crimp top card slightly pushed off and crimped
Inspired by
  • "Fingertip Crimp Control" (Matthew Bogle, Abra #472, 1955)
1999 143
Ellis Stanyon The Bent Corner No. 3, card replaced in spread and bottom corner bent with right fingers
1999 2
Corner Crimp in Spread
Apr. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 4)
Corner Crimp of Jogged Card
Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Neal Elias A Crimp Control using crimped card like corner short, riffling to it
2000 6
Crimp under Spread
Dec. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 12)
John Scarne Double Play two spectators cut deck and remember bottom card while performer's back is turned, performer shuffles, names both cards and their positions, then cuts to two Aces, risky, exploiting corner crimp property when cutting from ends or sides
Charlatan (Issue 6)
Corner Crimp
Charlatan (Issue 6)
Corner Crimp inner left
2002 15
Doug Canning Dealer's Choice sone card location
2002 154
Dai Vernon Corner Crimp
2004 355
Crimp Technique #1 deck in riffle shuffle position on table
2004 9
Crimp Technique #2 bottom card with fourth finger
2004 10
Milton Kort Corner Crimp Removal while displaying card
2005 7
Ron Bauer Putting in the Work
2005 16
Jack Carpenter Bottom Card Crimp as deck is spread
2006 5
Ramón Riobóo The 52 Card Trick approach for the 21 card trick, using complete deck
2006 34
Ramón Riobóo Stock Pile approach for the 21 card trick, using more cards, similar to The 52 Card Trick
2006 35
Joel Givens Bottom Deal Crimp crimping the dealt card
2007 231
Arthur Finley Corner Crimp as top portion is replaced
2007 9
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio's Crimp
2008 198
Roberto Giobbi Crimping during riffle shuffle
Oct. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 10)
Docc Hilford Twin Swans "Secret #156 - Repeated Action", spectator thinks of a card, one selects a card, both are the same and they also match prediction on paper
Inspired by 2008 12
Crimp in Fan
2010 29
Dai Vernon, Roberto Giobbi Cutting to a Crimp
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 24)
Scott Grossberg I'm Committed card crimped while spectator remembers it from a packet
2010 46
The Spread Crimp
2011 21
Tom Gagnon Subterranean Crimps crimping card while deck is cased
Also published here 2011 38
Tom Gagnon Cased Crimp crimping card while deck is cased, another method
Also published here 2011 41
Crimping Index Corner in Fan of Cards out-jogged card crimped from behind fan
Related to 2011 20
Corner Crimp below Spread
2011 21
Darwin Ortiz Corner Crimp inner left
2012 149
Darwin Ortiz Removing a Corner Crimp
2012 164
Corner Crimp inner left, two-handed
2013 85
Joaquín Matas ¿Dónde Está la Carta de...? with name of spectator in spelling, arrow
Inspired by 2014 241
Gabi Pareras Las Damas Voladoras with signed cards, last signed queen transposes with card signed by performer
  • Ia Fase - El monton de las cuatro damas
  • 2a Fase - Los cuatro montones indiferentes
  • 3a Fase - El reparto de las damas
  • 4a Fase - La reunió de las cuatro damas
  • 5a Fase - La elección y posterior transposición de la dama de corazones y el tres de picas
2014 28
Gabi Pareras Las Almas Errantes with signed cards, with blank cards, similar construction as Las Damas Voladoras
2014 42
Allec Blanco Crimped Fan Corner crimp during one handed fan
2015 4
Corner Crimp under Spread
Jan. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 1)
Anson Chen Elevator Crimp Control
2016 70
Under-the-Spread Crimp brief
2018 58
Cutting to a Crimp brief
2018 13
Darwin Ortiz Corner Crimp bottom left
Related to 2018 207
Corner Crimp Removal
2018 221
Corner crimp multiple cards, applied in real time
2018 99
Corner crimp putting in the crimp on bottom card of deck
2018 277
Tom Gagnon Subterranean Crimp crimping card while deck is cased
Also published here 2019 374
Tom Gagnon Cased Crimp crimping card while deck is cased, another method
Also published here 2019 376
Edward Marlo Overhand Shuffle Action-Crimp
2019 75
Steve Reynolds On the Tip-Up Cover
  • Angle Jog
  • Crimp
  • Break/Step
Output (Issue 2)
Ramón Riobóo The Good-Old Crimp Handling on corner crimp
2019 3
Spread Corner Crimp of out-jogged card in in-the-hands spread
2020 87
Steve Forte crimps - in and out with corner crimp removal and crimping method for upper right corner of top card
2020 762
Steve Forte One-handed Crimp Cut clean cutting to the last Ace after a spectator's strip cut, one-handed crimp enlargement
Inspired by 2020 822
Ramón Riobóo Flexible Force cutting three piles and adding values of top cards of one pile to get a number
2020 146
Ramón Riobóo Mind Bender
2020 149
Corner Crimp in Spread
2020 97
Corner Crimp of Jogged Card
2020 464
Corner Crimp under deck
2020 484
Cutting to a Corner Crimp cutting above or below it
2020 485
Spread Corner Crimp with thumb while spreading with faces towards performer
2021 69
Eugene Burger The Crimp on the corner crimp, crimping the bottom card and using a crimp for the control of a selection
2021 121
Below-the-Spread Crimp with fingers
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part Two)
Geoffrey Williams Behind-the-Spread Crimp with thumb
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part Two)
Under-the-Spread Crimp
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Gary Plants Card Control 10: Corner Crimp on putting in, using and removing a corner crimp
2024 25
Dai Vernon Cutting to the Crimp enlarging the break after dribbling the cards
Related to 2024 25
Ignacio López Naipes a través del pañuelo three selections penetrate handkerchief one by one, in the end all cards penetrate silk but one
Related to 2024 5