126 entries in Dark Room Effects
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
How to terrify such as are entirely unacquainted with the Nature of Phosphorus writing and drawing on walls, glowing in the dark, lighting a match
1784 96
Das ausgetrunkene Getränk, genannt das Geisterwasser glass placed on table, isolated with paper strip construction, lights out, then glass is empty
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Die Geisterstimme performer tied on chair, lights out, from different part of room comes a voice and talks or answers questions
Nov. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Ein X-Strahlen-Zauberabend hand, violins and objects float and glow in dark room
Apr. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 70
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Dark Test light out, in dark two spectators pocket cards from one half each, performer names both
1928 12
Theodore Annemann Help Wanted in the Dark ads are cut from newspaper and sealed in envelopes, light is out and content of two ads is revealed
1934 4
Theodore Annemann Greta Annemann's Eyes of the Unknown writing of three face down cards is revealed in darkness
Variations 1935 8
Theodore Annemann Get It! deck is handed to three spectators in the dark, everyone selects a card and when the light is on again, performer reveals all three cards, three forcing decks
VariationsAlso published here 1935 15
Naming Cards in the Dark cards are divined by touch with lights out
1937 33
Do As I Do In The Dark to be done with lights out
Also published here 1937 72
U. F. Grant The Midnight Marvel four of a kind reversed itself in dark room, duplicates
1937 295
Theodore Annemann Get it in the Dark deck is handed to three spectators in the dark, everyone selects a card and when the light is on again, performer reveals all three cards, three forcing decks
Also published here 1937 297
Arthur Monroe Voodoo hole coin on string is put in box and hidden, lights turned out, in glowing light performer is seen to have box again and coin drops off cord, combined with card divination on blank card
Related toAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Paul Curry Nyctalopia spectator writes name in dark with lights out, performer divines it, carbon paper
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 37)
Hen Fetsch Travel Thought cities on map are thought of and written on paper, divined by medium in the dark, carbon paper
Also published here Dec. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 51)
Eddie Clever Encore Voodoo card is put in envelope with ribbon band and hidden by spectator, lights out, performer suddenly has card and mutilates it, when spectator retrieves card it has same appearance, dressed up Chinese Laundry Ticket
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 51)
George Delaney A Magnetic Personality
  • magnetic/mesmerised cards
  • buzzing sound when touching metal
  • fire flash in the dark
Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 61)
Henry Hardin Trance Vision flashlight in bag to put over head to read in the dark
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Paul Curry Blackout deck is handed to two spectators in the dark who select cards, performer finds mates
Inspired by 1941 12
Guarding the Line rope tied on wrists of two spectators, knots appear when light is turned out
1941 ca. 24
Syl Reilly Ghostly Card in the Dark card image appears in dark room, luminous paint
1942 373
Syl Reilly Date on a Borrowed Coin date appears as image in dark room, luminous paint
1942 375
Syl Reilly A Selected Word word appears as image in dark room, luminous paint
1942 375
Syl Reilly Spirit Answers word appears as image in dark room, luminous paint
1942 375
Edward Saint Spirit Lights under Test Conditions seance style, luminous paint
1942 383
Tom Sellers Through the Eye of a Needle needle threaded in dark while wrists held
1942 3
James G. Thompson Jr. Blackout Magic writing of three face down cards is revealed in darkness
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
Bruce Elliott Blackout Magic - Adam's Apple wrists of performer held by spectator's, apple travels from one hand to the other
Related to Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
James G. Thompson Jr. Builder-Upper revelation of a writing, luminous paint
Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
James G. Thompson Jr., Bruce Elliott The Coin Dowser coin is found with a dowsing rod in the dark
Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
The Black-Out Switch forced card found with lights out, stuck to spectator's forehead
1943 2
William S. Houghton The "Blackout" Double Prophecy two cards chosen in the dark are predicted, two one-way forcing decks
1943 62
Paul Curry Nyctalopia spectator writes name in dark with lights out, performer divines it, carbon paper
Also published here 1944 59
Hen Fetsch Travel Thought cities on map are thought of and written on paper, divined by medium in the dark, carbon paper
Also published here 1944 118
Arthur Monroe Voodoo hole coin on string is put in box and hidden, light turned out, in glowing light performer is seen to have box again and coin drops off cord, combined with card divination on blank card
Also published here 1944 127
Eddie Clever Encore Voodoo card is put in envelope with ribbon band and hidden by spectator, light out, performer suddenly has card and mutilates it, with matching corner
Also published here 1944 129
Jos. Kellar Ghost Eyes cards and billets are put in a bag and read in the darkness
1945 30
Paul Curry A Period of Darkness selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
VariationsAlso published here June 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 86)
Edward Clinkscale, Franklin V. Taylor Shades of Houdini selection is put back and deck hidden in other room, performer is tied to a chair and lights turned off, after some seconds the spectator gets the hidden deck and found the selection reversed and signed by the performer
Feb. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 171)
U. F. Grant Cover Picture about U. F. Grant (on cover of this issue), image materializes in luminous paint in the dark
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther Dark Thoughts thoughts on the center tear, reading the piece in the dark
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
George Schindler Lights Out lit cigarette goes out
Also published here Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 196)
Ormond McGill Ectoplasmic Lights luminous paint, two versions
1951 8
Nelmar Eyes in the Dark eyes glow in the dark
Related to
  • Nelmar's "20 Hypnotic Tricks"
1951 6
Bob Somerfeld, Eddie Clever Night Owl book test in dark room
1952 15
Tony Corinda (3) Astral Signs signs in mid air in the dark, luminous paint
1959 281
Tony Corinda (4) The Spirit Hand hand appears and tries to grasp at the audience, luminous paint
1959 281
Tony Corinda (5) Carboard Skeleton luminous paint
1959 281
Tony Corinda (6) Fire Balls table tennis balls and luminous paint
1959 281
Tony Corinda (7) "It" luminous appearance, paint
1959 281
Tony Corinda (10) Spirit Lights small sparks of light, wire wool and battery
1959 281
Tony Corinda (8) Ectoplasm producing ectoplasm, luminous paint
1959 282
Tony Corinda (9) Apports tapping noises in the dark
1959 282
Tony Corinda (11) The Icy Hand weird touches in the dark, wet and cold
1959 283
Tony Corinda (12) The Message in Mid Air writing appears in mid air then it vanishes, luminous paint
1959 283
Tony Corinda (23) Corinda's Ghost Walk ghost appears, luminous paint
1959 294
Tony Corinda (24) Spirit Moulding ghost mould his hand in wax, as a proof
1959 295
Punx (30) Strike a Light match is marked an put back in matchbox, light goes out and performer strikes the initialed match and gives it to the right person, luminous paint
1959 300
Loel Nelson Spirit Kisses spectators feel kisses in the dark
Variations 1959 20
Harry Lorayne Blackout! spectator finds card that is marked on back, can only be performed in totally dark room
1962 183
Karl Fulves The Black Room silk/tissue of chosen color travels from glass tumbler behind spectator's back to wrapped tumbler
Related to
  • p. 20 for idea by Sid Lorraine
Nov. 1965 4
Paul Curry A Simple Spirit Séance
1965 224
Karl Fulves Method for Madness medium in other room, card cut to in borrowed deck in darkness with flashlight, medium divines card, then has actual card in hand
Related to Feb. 1966 22
Ralph Gironda A Stitch in Time small needle on black thread, big needle on white thread, change places after lights are out
Apr. 1966 32
Victor "Astor" Jamnitzky Unmöglich spectator has another spectator pick a card and replace it behind the back (one-way reversal), it is located again in a dark room or without looking, whole deck corner-shorted
1967 (ca.) 10
Don Nielson, Karl Fulves Time Out of Mind medium divines setting on watch in bag in dark room, then actually wears the spectator's watch
Nov. 1968 218
Ben Christopher Pendragon Rings rope rings move from spectator's arm to his head in dark room
Also published here Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Peter Alexis Triple Telepathy two spectators write word on face-up deuces in deck, "ghostlike piece of paper" appears in almost dark room from cased deck, performer divines words
Dec. 1968 231
Paul Maurer, Paul Curry Der Mitternachtstrick selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
Inspired by 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 2)
Jay Weiler Blackout box with two cards hidden in dark room, performer takes on out in the dark, flap box
Aug. 1969 275
Robert Gysel Lights Out way to prove that performer is standing at the wall in dark room when he is actually free to move around
June 1970 341
Stewart James Psycho-Dyne dark room, card travels to chosen location
1972 26
John D. Pomeroy Spook Bat dark room piece, bat with luminous paint flies inside the room
1973 29
Ben Christopher Pentragon Ringe rope rings move from spectator's arm to his head in dark room
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1975 223
Olof Jonsson, Al Mann Clairvoyance spectator puts cards in envelopes and those envelopes in a bigger envelope, light is turned off and performer names the cards
1976 31
Burling Hull Close Work or Clairvoyant Methods
  • Sealed and Burned
  • Hull Box and Ashes Reading
  • Hull Folded Question Reading
  • Clairvoyant Envelope Reading
  • Hull's Dark Seance Reading Method
  • The Dr. Q. Dark Readings
  • Clairvoyant Writing Table Method
  • Clip Board Method
  • The Cardboard Clipboards
  • The Hull-Pool Universal Sealed Reading Act
1976 159
Jean Hugard Im Finstern to be done with lights out
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 1)
Jean Hugard Dans l'obscurité to be done with lights out
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Stage Method solo levitation in the dark with glowing shoes and hands, shoes stick together
1978 1080
Rolf Andra Black-Out-Bluff card is divined in the dark, then performer locates it and puts card into pocket
1978 117
C. L. Boarde Give Away - Variation A spectator opens book in the dark and looks at a page using a flashlight, luminous paint
1978 110
Karl Fulves Darknot rope tied around table leg, people distributed around and on top of table, lights out and on, now rope suddenly around another table leg
Also published here 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 21)
George Schindler The Darkroom Séance No. 64, lit cigarette goes out
Also published here 1979 108
U. F. Grant Ein Tip für Trickspiritisten spectators apparently hold on to both thumbs of the performer through a cloth
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
George B. Anderson A Daylight Darkroom Seance routine for just one spectator on stage, à la Power of Darkness, Hermann rope tie to imitate a Dark room Seance
1980 9
Thomas Alan Waters Demon Key demon appears in the dark, monkey
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Chris Kenworthy The Cicardi Mosaic ESP symbols drawn on business cards, chosen one is divined in the dark
Oct. 1982
Magick (Issue 311)
Karl Fulves, Charles T. Jordan The Up-Down System out-of-room four spectators seal cards in envelope, performer divines them in dark room, featuring stacking system
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1983 7
Many Ghosts! No. 19, ghosts appear near mouth of bottle
1983 6
Fingertip Ghosts No. 20, luminous paint
1983 6
Diabolical Eyes No. 21, light shoots from eyes of medium in dark seance room
1983 7
Luminous Eyes No. 22, eyes on poster glow in the dark, luminous paint
1983 7
Al Mann Causing Beutifull Explosions in the Seance Room No. 25, glowing bubbles explode when set on fire
1983 7
Al Mann Apparitions No. 27, face of ghost appears, gets bigger and smaller and eventually disappears
1983 8
The Spirit Snooperscope! No. 29, using night vision goggles in a seance room
1983 8
The Tongues of Hades No. 91, flames are seen in dark seance room
1983 26
The Spirit Violin No. 96, violin starts to play in dark room
1983 27
The Spirit Harmonica No. 97, harmonica plays on its own
1983 27
The Spirit Trumpet No. 98, trumpet plays on its own
1983 27
Thomas Alan Waters, Sydney Bergson Glowsure spectator finds container with object, in the dark
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Karl Fulves Darkroom Effect No. 52, napkin moved from one one table leg to another in dark room
Also published here 1985 91
Eugene Burger 17. The Dark Room with lists of seance effect examples
1986 107
Watch the Watch No. 65, borrowed watch appears on wrist of performer despite him being tied up
1990 138
Robert Gysel Gysel Spirit Tie No. 66
Also published here 1990 140
Bruce Elliott Adam's Apple No. 70, wrists of performer tied, apple travels from one hand to the other
Related to 1990 147
Michael Weber Sight of Hand reading in the dark
1991 110
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 125, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1992 156
Karl Fulves "Satan's Trance" Notes No. 126, out-of-room four spectators seal cards in envelope, performer divines them in dark room, featuring stacking system
Also published here 1992 158
The Dark Seance at the Table things with tambourine, bell, and the like happen in the dark
1993 22
Docc Hilford Mephisto's Journey Spectator writes name of a card on billet, seals it with empty billet and deck of playing cards in envelope, envelope is hidden in other room, then light goes out and green light can be seen, performer holds envelope, reads slip and removes card. Everything vanishes again is back at the secret location, card is missing and message on empty billet. With borrowed objects.
Related to 1998 3
James G. Thompson Jr. Im Dunkeln ist gut munkeln writing of three face down cards is revealed in darkness
Also published here 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Paul Curry A Period of Darkness selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
Also published here 2001 258
Docc Hilford Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper seance at private home, phone rings to answer questions, knife moves and note appears in pocket of spectator, Jack the Ripper presentation
2002 5
Docc Hilford A Study in Scarlet while performer is in other room a member of the audience is chosen to play Jack the Ripper and he writes his initials on a match, performer divines murder, while lights are out
2002 18
Docc Hilford The Last Experiment various effects to finish story presentation, paper wrapped in map is found coated with slime, pouch falls of table, amulet vanishes, appearing eyeball
  • The Map
  • The Pouch
  • The Vapor
  • The Stengh
  • The Broken Amulet Cord
  • The Sogoroth
  • Madness
2002 16
Steve Bryant, Leo Kostka Have Ghosts Will Travel: Leo Kostka's Portable Séance seance routine with various effects and manifestations
  • Rear View of Table
    • Tips for Performing Leo Kostka's Portable Séance
    • The Tracy Austin Ghost
Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Burling Hull, Karl Fulves Mid-Nite Marvel performer finds a four-of-a-kind below table, those transpose with some card in the deck, changed from dark room effect to below table
  • Second Approach (involving the location of a selection)
Inspired by
  • "Mid-Nite Marvel" (Burling Hull, Clever Card Collection of 1932)
2005 403
Mark Levy Bux Vision random cards are named, can only be performed in totally dark room
2007 463
Mark Levy Pitch Black Triumph can only be performed in totally dark room
2007 466
Angelo Carbone Dark Transpo item in one hand, both wrists held by spectator who has to close his eyes, item then found in other hand
Mar. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 3)
Max Maven, T. Page Wright, William Larsen Materialization of a Rose rose appears on lap of spectator in dark room, with additional thoughts by Max Maven for alternative effect
Inspired by
  • "Materialization of a Rose" (Genii, May 1955)
Oct. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 10)
Max Maven Poe-ltergeist
  • Lost Horizons
several manifestations happen in a seance in the dark, paw-prints of a cat appear on signed newspaper sheet
Also published here
  • Seance, issue 12, Summer 1991
Mar. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 3)
Roberto Giobbi Dr. Rodolfo Roll Triumph presentation
Hidden Agenda (Issue June 11)
Ben Hart A Shot in the Dark in a dark room a spectator lights the only fresh match from a matchbox of burnt matches
2020 9