405 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transformation / Printing & "Unprinting"
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Card and Smoke Trick borrowed handkerchief on glass, card fired with pistol and pips appear on handkerchief, also smoke appears in glass
variation in which blank card in glass becomes printed
Related to 1889 225
Die wandernden Points No. 32, number card in glass, covered with handkerchief, smoke travels into glass and pips travel onto handkerchief, chemical
1895 36
Die Points auf der Glasplatte No. 11, card becomes blank, points appear on previously examined glass sheet, switch behind table after accidentally dropping wrapped glass sheet
1895 101
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Eine Spielkarte verwandelt sich in eine Blancokarte card to blank card
1896 164
Die Mohrenwäsche card placed in glass with plate on top and borrowed handkerchief, smoke blown towards glass, smoke appears in glass, card is now blank and its image on the borrowed handkerchief
1896 198
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Séparation mystérieuse pips vanish from cards (leaving blank cards) and appear on glass sheet
1896 205
Die wandernden Kartenpoints selection in glass, borrowed handkerchief on glass, smoke blown onto glass, pips appear on handkerchief and card is now blank, also smoke appears in glass (chemical)
Jan. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann, Carl Willmann Röntgenstrahlen-Phantasien image of card appears on white cardboard in card case prop, set-up with three stands and x-ray patter, also an image of spectator's hand appears as x-ray on white cardboard, more variations
Apr. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 4)
The Vanishing Pips Nine changes into Five, then Three, then Ace, then blank on both sides, Multi Pip Card
1897 260
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Gedanken-Photographie spectator writes card on paper, two blank business cards put in box, on one appears image and on other name of selection
Dec. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Die Vermehrung der Points Three of Diamonds, point number changes multiple time to Five, Ace, Nine, then blank, using sleight-of-hand as well as multi-pip card and powdered pips
Nov. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Louis F. Christianer The Traveling Spots blank paper is folded and put in handkerchief, Six of Hearts changes first to a Three, then Ace, then a blank card, spots are found on folded paper, spots travel back on card in envelope
1916 13
Ralph W. Hull Hull's "Magic Picture Book" Deck "The Ever Changing Deck"
cards are printed on all-backs deck, all-backs/faces spread display, natural bow and every other card reversed
1933 16
T. Page Wright Blow Transformation spectator blows on card, face now blank and pips are on back
1933 17
Eddie Clever Only an Image some card names written down by spectators that think of any one, one of them selected, blank card first becomes wrong card (re. Elmsley gag, someone might be thinking of that one or not), then right card, fainted card (Larsen idea), see page 166 for credit correction
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 26)
Franklin M. Chapman Blank spectator selects a card and writes name on slip of paper, later spectator has a blank card and name on slip of paper vanished
1936 6
U. F. Grant The Funny Deck card travels back from pocket, leaving behind a blank card, double facer
1937 130
Anthony Ross Card Silk Routine corner torn off selection, becomes blank, white silk has card on it, printed corner still fits
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Bob Haskell "I'll Take Coke" card chosen and put aside, the name of the card appears in the bottle cap and chosen card is blank
1937 2
Harry Blackstone Spirit Cartography selected card appears on initialed "photographic paper"
1938 500
Reverse Blank Fan
1939 31
Tom Sellers, Val Evans Forced Prognostico selection appears on blank card
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 79)
Verne Chesbro The Magician and the Judge a card becomes blank, story presentation
The Jinx (Issue 109)
Tom Bowyer "My Card, Sir!" double blank card changes into business card
The Jinx (Issue 131)
Frank Stobbart Sympathetic Pips blank card with loose pips placed in envelope, pips arrange themselves onto card to match selection (which for no reason travels to pocket)
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 141)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Magic Imprint card signed on back, card in glass covered with signed handkerchief, card becomes blank and pips appear on handkerchief, also smoke appears in glass
Related toVariations 1942 11
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Three of Spades writing appears on face of selection
1942 14
Blank Deck to Regular Deck reverse fan
1943 213
Francis Carlyle Carlyle's Card idea by Fred Braue on page 214, see reference, for credit information see also "Informant" reference
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 48)
Tom Sellers, Val Evans Forced Prognostico selection appears on blank card, with Tom Sellers' Forcing Gaff
Also published here 1944 288
Eddie Clever Only an Image some card names written down by spectators that think of any one, one of them selected, blank card first becomes wrong card (re. Elmsley gag, someone might be thinking of that one or not), then right card, fainted card (Larsen idea)
Also published here 1944 306
The Flying Pips two pieces of black cardboard are fastend together with rubber bands, with toy pistol pips of selection are shot away and they are correctly arranged between cardboards
June 1945 128
Clayton Rawson Merlini's Magic pack with blank faces becomes a normal deck, humorous presentation
Mar. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Bill Simon Minicam image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
Also published here Sep. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 159)
Cy Endfield Sub Aqua image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Robert Greve Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung blank deck gets faces and backs
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Francis Carlyle Carlyle's Card printing of a business card
Also published here 1953 50
Cy Endfield Sub Aqua image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
1955 35
Don Alan A Pretty Sneaky Nudist...Routine
Related toVariations 1956 19
Bill Simon Minicam image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
Also published here 1956 146
P. Howard Lyons The Negative Miracle any card slid out of red-backed deck and shown, in second deck all cards are in new deck order and the selection is blank
  • Finger Flinger Method (one deck only, chosen card becomes blank card)
Related to Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
John Derris The Slow Motion Nudist Pack double blank deck cut into four piles, four faces are printed on a card from each pile, then each pile has the faces of the full suit, then backs are printed on all cards, normal deck with a few blank-backed cards, ends clean
Related to
  • "New Nudist Deck" (Edward Victor, Harry Baron's "My Best Card Trick", 1953, p. 20)
1956 3
Bert Allerton The Aspirin Box photograph of selected card appears on miniature card, includes a neat way to write a name
Related toVariations 1958 62
Ken Brooke Dizzy Nudist Pack Routine ends clean, blank-faced and blank-backed cards
1959 7
Howard Albright Blankety Blank Routine back vanish and become blank, then faces, then normal again, using only one blank-backed card
1959 21
1962 12
Tom Ransom The Presto Press four blank cards are printed on both sides
  • Variations in effect
Variations Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Tom Ransom More Faces of Eve four blank cards are printed on both sides
Inspired by Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Paul Morris The Camera Coin coin between two double blank cards vanishes and leaves behind print, print becomes silver confetti
1966 423
Harry Lorayne, Bob Hummer Mental Photography blank deck, spectator thinks of any card and goes through some dealing procedure, thought of card appears, all others blank, card index
Variations 1967 105
Peter Kane The Blank Thought Deck blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, performer removes a blank card, all cards get faces and isolated card is thought-of one
Variations 1967 1
Aldini Gedankendrucken nudist deck variations
  • Methode 1: Das Rasputin-Spiel
  • Methode 2: Aldinis Spielkarten-Presse (named card is printed)
Also published here
  • "Rough Stuff" (Al Aldini & Joe Berg)
1967 23
P. Howard Lyons What... Both? four double-blank cards are printed
Inspired by July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Wild Card one red-backed AS, blue-backed blank cards, condition reverses (red-backed blank card and blue aces), two methods
Variations 1968 120
Edward Marlo Wild Selections three blank cards change to three selections one by one
1968 125
Edward Marlo Transmutation double blank card becomes selection, selection becomes double blank, seven methods
1968 134
Edward Marlo Borrowed Transmutation double blank card becomes selection, selection becomes double blank
1968 139
Alton Sharpe, Billy McComb Blank Surprise all cards become blank except selection
1969 141
Edward Marlo Blank Thought any named card appears in otherwise blank deck, with two variations
Variations 1969 189
Karl Fulves Example 15 blank card is inserted in card packet, it becomes a card according to spectator's wishes (more or less), gray code and faro
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves In The Beginning blank card is inserted in deck, it becomes a card according to spectator's wishes, gray code and faro, see also reference for further references, for set-up correction see page 56
Related to July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Bruce Cervon Printout three blank cards are printed to match selection, see also Peter Bailey's idea of combining it with Roy Walton's Three Card Monte Routine (Devil's Playthings) on page 64
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 7)
Aldini ESP-GONE Selected ESP card in packet of five ESP cards turns blank
1969 20
Aldini Aldini's Nature Deck Mental Photography Deck type of routine, blank deck prints and unprints
1969 31
Aldini Super Nudist Deck Nudist Deck, but can show deck to have faces and backs without riffling, but by just spreading
Inspired by
  • "Nudist Deck" (R. W. Hull)
1969 43
Ellison Poland Handling for The Four Blacks image of selection appears on black plastic card leaving behind a blank card, application of the previous switch
Inspired by 1969 35
William Zavis Beginning Again odd-backed blank card is inserted in deck, it becomes a card according to spectator's wishes, gray code and faro, full-deck version
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Karl Fulves The Interrogation Technique packet of blank cards is faro shuffled, one printed card is then seen which matches what the spectator wanted (color, odd/even,...)
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Allan Ackerman On Kane's Blank Thought Deck blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, performer removes a blank card, all cards get faces and isolated card is thought-of one
Inspired by 1970 1
Alan Shaxon Ultimate Nudist Deck
Inspired by
  • "New Nudist Deck" (Edward Victor, Harry Baron's "My Best Card Trick", 1953, p. 20)
Related to
1970 19
Marconick Impossible Cards three blank cards get printed with text that reveals selected card
VariationsAlso published here 1970 1
Harry Lorayne The Magic Eraser deck in new pack order, card named, its face vanishes leaving a blank card
Related to 1971 42
Edward Marlo Those Wild, Wild Aces one red-backed AS, four blue-backed blank cards, condition reverses (red-backed blank card and all four blue aces), two methods
Inspired by 1971 1
Edward Marlo The Wild Deck "Bonus Effect", four aces removed from deck and changed to blank cards, then whole deck becomes blank
1971 5
Gaylord E. Hill The Touch of White Magic! picture of selection appears on one of four blank cards
Magick (Issue 21)
Gene Nielsen Replication three blank cards are printed to match selection
Inspired by Mar. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 2)
David Bornstein El Blanco four blank cards get faces
Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Karl Fulves Instant Printing blank card between jokers transforms into named ace, several approaches, including ace with three different indices
1972 30
Brother John Hamman Out Of Print two selections on table turn blank on both sides as they are repeatably turn over and back to normal, same with full deck
Also published here Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Shigeo Takagi Blank Card Routine five blank cards change to match prediction
Variations 1972 10
Earl Keyser Faro Again with rough-smooth
Inspired by Mar. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 17)
Karl Fulves Mark Of The Reader selection becomes blank, performer divines selection
Related to 1973 31
Jean Garance Les cartes nudistes Nudist Deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 4)
Roy Walton Imprint blank cards become duplicates of selection
Also published here July 1974
Epilogue (Issue 21)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Trick #4 backs change from red to blue, cards become blank and back to normal
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974 789
Roy Walton Offset Aces four blank cards become aces when Ace of Spades is introduced
Also published here 1975 56
Karl Fulves Blank to Blank card becomes blank
1975 213
Ken Krenzel Incredible Card Tunnel double blank card
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Stewart Judah Jack's Gone fan of three cards shown, center card turns over, then changes to blank card, see also p. 856
Inspired by
  • "The Bashful Queen" (Joe Berg)
Related to
Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Roger Smith The Chicago Opening Blank Chicago Opener type routine in which odd-backed card becomes blank as finale
Also published here 1975 3
Michael Boden Boden's Wild Card Routine eight blank cards become duplicates of selection
Also published here 1975 6
Gerald Kosky Blanks, Backs, Faces printing of nine blank cards
1975 38
Karl Fulves Jumping Spot Variation card becomes blank
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
Jon Racherbaumer Blankwave blank deck shown, spectator stabs blank card next to a card which changes into named card, then they all are printed
Variations 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Michael Boden Boden's Wild Card Routine brief
Also published here 1976 14
Karl Fulves Carte Blanche cards become blank
1977 322
Jerry Mentzer, Bill Okal Variation on "All the Same" three blank cards transform to selections
1977 10
Frank Garcia Factory Rejects blank cards are printed
1977 71
Frank Garcia, Fred Kaps Something Special wild card with signatures on blank cards
Variations 1977 87
Flip Hallema Transfo Transpo blank card turns into selected card
Mar./Apr. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 7&8)
Jean Faré New Blank Thought Handling Handling of "Blank Thought" by Ed Marlo - freely named card appears in blank deck, then disappears
Inspired by 1977 9
Karl Fulves Stop At Nothing selection shuffled back and number named, there appears a blank card and selection is gone
1977 42
Karl Fulves The $30 TV Set gag message appears on blank card
1977 145
Allan Ackerman Easy Off Pips at the end the card is blank and vanishes, gaffed
Inspired by 1978 13
Philip T. Goldstein Prints Charming three cards, hand acts as a printing press
1978 6
Philip T. Goldstein Flushing five blank cards are printed on both sides, royal flush
Related to 1978 3
Philip T. Goldstein Flushing five blank cards are printed on both sides, royal flush
1978 2
David Britland Instant Printing four blank cards printed, different versions
1. Two by Two
2. All together
3. A Spanner in the Works (face pips are accidentally printed on back)
Inspired by
  • Peter Kane's "Blank Amazement"
1978 4
Jerry K. Hartman Lost Face Four Jokers turn blank one by one
Inspired by
  • "5 Card Polka" (Phil Goldstein, marketed)
1978 29
Jerry K. Hartman Ghost Right Blank card stabbed into deck between two cards, the names of the two cards appear written on the blank face
Also published here 1978 43
Jerry K. Hartman Betricks and Between Card placed between two Jokers turns blank, card placed aside previously is now the card
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 56
Jerry K. Hartman Bold Over Four Jokers, two change backs, two become blank
Inspired by 1978 63
Roger Smith The Five Card Bonus Stunner Ace through Five reverse one by one, one put in pocket, other four become blank cards and pocketed is blank also
Inspired byRelated to 1978 11
Stephen Tucker The Polaroid Wallet card is plastic inside plastic wallet, picture of performer and miniature of selection appear on card, camera presentation
1978 7
Der Kartenvertreter patter for nudist deck
Dec. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
José de la Torre, Tony Slydini 5th Variation: Slydini Variation Five of Diamonds becomes blank, then th Ace of Diamonds, suggested by Slydini
1978 76
José de la Torre 6th Variation: The Erasing Color Change two finger move over card and it changes apparently gradually
1978 78
Don Tanner Cards blank card placed in cloth bag, pips sprinkled in, blank card changes to selection
Also published here 1978 8
Richard Kaufman Snapshot photography presentation, using "negatives" (think Black Tiger)
1979 132
Richard Kaufman The Crystal Ball card appears on blank card in stages (Apparition)
Related to 1979 178
Bob Hamilton For Nudists Only presentation for nudist pack
Dec. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Philip T. Goldstein Lassie with four aces, all cards are blank as a climax
Also published here 1979 3
Shigeo Takagi Takagi Turnover Count
Also published here 1979 9
Marconick Les cartes impossibles three blank cards get printed with text that reveals selected card
Also published here 1979 18
Walt Lees Four Blank Cards four blank cards are printed on both sides, four Kings
Related to 1980 13
Richard Kaufman The Ultimate Invisible Assembly using only the four Aces and a blank card, at the end all Aces turn blank, different handlings, see reference for credit information
Related to 1980
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Notes By Karl Fulves camera card presentation, blank card or joker "develops" into selection
Inspired by 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 28)
Roy Johnson Printex four blank cards get printed
Also published here
  • Feature 3, 1979
1980 35
David Lederman Holaroid packet trick
Sep. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Philip T. Goldstein Printing History four blank cards, four times one King among three blanks, then four Kings
Also published here Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Don Tanner Cartes blank card placed in cloth bag, pips sprinkled in, blank card changes to selection
Also published here 1981
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 1)
Jon Racherbaumer Drawing a Blank tips on the reverse fan
1982 58
Philip T. Goldstein Prints Charming three cards, hand acts as a printing press
1982 5
Stephen Tucker Eraser Blazer four kings are produced then deck turns white and kings too, face of selection appears on eraser
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Ron Massey "All-Backs" - An Introduction to a Card Routine with all blank phase
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Instant Cards some blank cards are printed
1982 60
Peter Kane The Nudest Nudist Deck with card case transformation kicker
  • Printing the Card Case
1982 130
Roger Smith The Chicago Opener Reopened Chicago Opener type routine in which odd-backed card becomes blank as finale
Also published here 1982 1
Ken Beale The Ken Beale Display showing apparently all 4 sides of two blank cards while hiding one surface
Dec. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Edward Marlo All Blank Wild Card regular cards are made to change blank on both sides, examinable
1983 1
Edward Marlo Second Routine regular cards change to blank and back to regular
1983 14
Edward Marlo Simplex All Blanks several cards change to blank
1983 19
Karl Fulves Blank Brainwave thirteen double-blank cards shown, Diamond value named, it appears and has back, no method
1983 109
Karl Fulves Sand Trap ideas posed as a problem:
  • small packet counted, quarter card appears within packet, on next count half card, and so on until full card
  • also in reverse as vanish
  • cannibals
  • quarters assemble and restore
  • progressive unprinting (Sam Schwartz)
Variations 1983 39
Michael Powers Thought Photography two blank cards are signed on the back, their faces become two previous selections
1983 33
Marconick Ein unmöglicher Karteneffekt three blank cards get printed with text that reveals selected card
Also published here 1983 22
Barry Stevenson The Leeds Miracle blank deck, one of the blank cards changes into named card
Nov. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Walt Maddison Twist and Show five double backed cards get faces and then become blank
Nov. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein Short Circuit four blank cards transform into selection
Related to Feb. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Mike Bornstein The Photostatic Dollar Bill copying a part of a bill on a blank card
1984 15
Paul Harris Blue Tattoo changing back color of deck one by one
Variations 1984 87
Paul Harris Bleached Blonde a Queen is "bleached" blank and changed back to a queen, no gaffs
Variations 1984 117
Steve Beam The Human Printing Press printing of a business card, also business card gag, variation of paddle move
Inspired byRelated to 1984 47
Jerry Sadowitz An Unpacket Trick four cards chosen, they are the four Fours, then they become blank cards, then they become Ace through Four of mixed suits, other three Fours are reversed in deck
1984 12
Peter Duffie Point Blank Assembly four Kings and three blank cards, one by one, then instant phase, then all become blank cards
  • The General Assembly
  • Instant Recall
  • The Final Conflict
  • Notes by David Britland
Related toAlso published here 1984 1
Larry West It Would Have Been One Hell of a Trick deck shown blank, card named, two blank cards taken, they transpose and are shown to be printed
1984 (ca.) 4
Geoffrey Latta, Jamy Ian Swiss Point Blank face card is transformed (picking off the pip), deck becomes blank and normal again
VariationsAlso published here 1985 104
Dick Christian Transequential printing and pip moving
Nov. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Louis Falanga The Tahoe Deck printing blank faces
1985 22
Martin Lewis Snowbird three blank cards print to match randomly chosen card, then all change into a four of a kind
1985 49
Martin Lewis Specdeck Markings on back of card appear when special spectacles are worn
1985 71
Martin Lewis Rabbit Test Rabbits appear on blank cards
1985 90
Albert Goshman Nudist Deck deck with no faces or backs have faces and backs appear and disappear.
1985 91
The Mystic Star No. 72, two blank cards, a star appears on one visibly when held against light
Also published here
  • "The Mystic Star" (Great Magicians' Tricks, Will Goldston, 1931)
1985 127
Ben Harris Instant Ink deck shown blank, blank card progressively transforms into picture card (Apparition), faces appear and backs change color
Related to 1985 31
Edward Marlo Not So Obvious three blank cards change into Kings, then Aces
Also published here 1986 51
Peter Duffie Wildlife eight blank cards become Kings and Queens
  • Stage One (The Four Suitors)
  • Stage Two (The Preparation)
  • Stage Three (The Big Day or Till Death Us Do Part)
Also published here 1986 1
Bert Allerton, Eugene Burger The Bert Allerton Aspirin Tin Routine photograph of selected card appears on miniature card
Related to 1987 23
John C. Wagner Factory Misprints four blank cards are printed one by one
Inspired by
  • Peter Kane's "Blank Amazement"
Also published here
1987 113
Dave Walker Vision Test four cards, first all Ace of Hearts, then Queens of Clubs, then all blank
1987 11
Philip T. Goldstein Public Image cards are sandwiched between two double-blank cards one by one and become blank as well, then whole deck becomes blank
Inspired by
  • "The Image Takers" (Justin Higham, Precursor XIV, Jan. 1987)
Related toVariations
Inside Out (Issue 2)
Jamy Ian Swiss, Geoffrey Latta Point Blank face card is transformed (picking off the pip), deck becomes blank and normal again
Also published here 1987 38
Bruce Cervon Print Out three blank cards are printed to match selection
Also published here 1988 215
Darwin Ortiz The Lucky Deck blank Deck gets Faces
1988 120
José Carroll Red and Black full act, cards turn blank (pips fall off), red and black gloves change to white
VariationsAlso published here 1988 89
Justin Higham Extended Image Takers some cards get blank, then whole deck as well
Inspired by Apr. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 4)
René Lavand The Little Martian nudist deck presentation
Also published here 1988 92
Roy Walton Offset Aces four blank cards become aces when Ace of Spades is introduced
Also published here 1988 127
Roy Walton Playmate blank cards print to match a selection, some other blank cards match as well
Inspired by
  • Stewart Judah effect
1988 137
Roy Walton Imprint blank cards become duplicates of selection
Also published here 1988 143
Brother John Hamman Out of Print two cards become blank, then whole deck, then normal again
Also published here 1989 208
Sam Schwartz Torn Up card torn in quarters vanishes, on a blank card in packet of blanks the card reappears a quarter at a time
Inspired by 1989 51
Karl Fulves Stamp Collector the same stamp stamps different cards on blank cards, posed as problem
1989 48
Bruce Cervon Take Me to Your Printer two selections, four blank cards, they change into duplicates of one selection when it is added to packet, then selection changes to second selection
  • Variation
1989 143
Philip T. Goldstein Lassie with four aces, all cards are blank as a climax
Also published here 1989 25
Philip T. Goldstein Overdose two blank cards with question marks on them print themselves into two selections
Variations 1989 43
Peps Zoller Kartendrucken am Stammtisch card printing routine with humorous presentation and gag cards (Fifteen of Diamonds, Three and a Half of Clubs, Fifty-Two on One)
Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Jay Sankey Wild Thing selection turns over in deck, between two cards and inside out when folded, Jumping Gems with a folded playing card
1990 13
Philip T. Goldstein Lassie with four aces, all cards are blank as a climax
Also published here 1990 62
Philip T. Goldstein Printing History four blank cards, four times one King among three blanks, then four Kings
Also published here 1990 68
Jean Garance Eine zauberhafte Bedruckung three blank cards become backs and faces and turn blank again
1990 21
Ben Harris Click Click Click some blank cards change into three selections
Inspired by 1990 1
Michael Powers Photo Surrealism four blank faced cards change one by one into the first selection, then all at once into the second selection
1990 57
Michael Powers Unexpected Development performer cuts to four blank cards, they print to the Aces
1990 78
Bob Farmer Headhunter seven blank cards and Jack of Hearts, Jack travels from packet to packet, repeated twice, then all blank cards become Jacks of Hearts
1990 1
Shigeo Takagi The Wild Blanks five blank cards, one is signed by performer and signature transfers to other cards
Inspired byVariations 1990 24
Jamy Ian Swiss, Geoffrey Latta Point Blank face card is transformed (picking off the pip), deck becomes blank and normal again
Also published here 1990 9
Skip Sansoucie Changeling Cards two double blank cards change into two selections one by one and back
Nov./Dec. 1990
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Alex Elmsley The Four Blanks blank cards get faces
1991 242
Sveroni Der radfahrende Joker und die Münze joker on card vanishes, then complete card, then a card shrinks and a coin transforms into a jumbo coin
1991 37
Tony Cachadiña The Nudist Deck special design for gaffed deck
1991 1
The Pressure Fan also as reverse fan and for printing a blank deck
1991 146
René Lavand Poker Bagatella Jacks to blank cards and back to Jacks
Also published here 1991 67
Jerry K. Hartman Betricks and Between card placed between two Jokers turns blank, card placed aside previously is now the card
Also published here 1991 179
Jerry K. Hartman Image Maker blank card changes to selection, in steps, selection is found blank as kicker
Related to 1991 646
Jerry K. Hartman Ghost Right blank card stabbed into deck between two cards, the names of the two cards appear written on the blank face
Also published here 1991 649
Bobby Bernard The Business Card Trick selection appears on back of business card, selection is blank instead
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Mar. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 9)
Jonathan Townsend Transferink actually ink transfers from normal to blank card
Jan. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Justin Higham Blankjack
Apr. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 4)
William A. Morales Spot Remover using blank cards with spots which travel around
July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Jack Carpenter Jack's Backs four double backed cards are printed, ungaffed
Also published here 1992 45
Steve Ronson Spectral Image selection placed between two transparent sheets, all put on mirror, image of selection seen in mirror through sheet, vanishes again, card now blank, dotted transparent sheet (Ton Onosaka)
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Philip T. Goldstein Prints RE: Gent packet printing, four kings
Mar. 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Instant Credit blank cards print credit card faces and backs
1992 67
Bob Filips Presentation for Instant Credit printing credit cards from blank cards
1992 72
Helmut "Kalanag" Schreiber Cartas Nudistas as shown to Ascanio by Kalanag in 1949
Also published here 1992 153
Arturo de Ascanio Cartas Nudistas
Also published here 1992 56
Arturo de Ascanio Azul, Rojo, Blanco (Análisis de una Construcción) all backs, normal, color changing back and nudist deck as climax
Also published here 1992 125
Edward Marlo Not So Obvious three blank cards change into Kings, then Aces
Also published here 1992 19
Muneo Yokoi Wild Wild Wild Wild Four blank cards change to four Fives
1993 10
Muneo Yokoi Pointer Deck Arrow suddenly appears printed on the selected card's face, pointing to the index
1993 13
Tenkai Matsuura そろいました (Almost) Words appear on side of deck, matching selected card's name
1993 35
Philip T. Goldstein Prink four blank cards printed with Jokers one by one
1993 109
Philip T. Goldstein Prink II four blank cards printed with Jokers one by one
1993 110
Justin Higham Blankjack six blank cards change to three blackjack hands
1993 8
Justin Higham Blank And You'll Miss It packet trick with blank cards
Variations 1993 24
René Lavand The Little Martian deck turns blank
Also published here 1993 162
René Lavand Poker Bagatella (The Greek) Jacks to blank cards and back to Jacks
VariationsAlso published here 1993 172
Gene Maze Wild Card Nos. 1 & 2 No. 1: front and backs change
No. 2: routine with three selections
1994 158
Alexander de Cova Blank Thought Surprise blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, performer removes a blank card and it becomes named card in mirror
Inspired by 1994 26
Paul Gertner The Peter Pan Trick "(The Shadow Cards)"
packet trick in which three cards turn blank and back
1994 110
Joel Givens Super Duper instant camera, blank card gets face of chosen card inside case, both are signed
VariationsAlso published here June 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein Kartendruck four blank cards, four times one King among three blanks, then four Kings
Also published here July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Gary Ward Thunk Cards one of four blank cards changes into duplicate of selection and back to blank
1994 98
Alexander de Cova Blank Thought Surprise blank deck, spectator thinks of any card, previously tabled card is named card
Variations 1994 17
Darwin Ortiz Museum Piece
Inspired by 1995 103
The Reverse One-handed Fan with blank application
1995 182
Van McGee Sticking Together pictures of four coins on four cards travel on one card à la matrix
Inspired byRelated to 1995 1018
Tom Craven Joking Queens four blank cards, some change into a queen, then all change into jokers
Dec. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Laser Printing No. 33, X drawn on Joker transfers to a Two
1995 62
David Acer Cartes Blanches three blank cards print into three-of-a-kind, then fourth card prints to complete the quartet and it is the selection
1995 28
Claude Rix, Hervé Pigny Le jeu qui disparait all cards but thought of selection turn blank
1995 95
Jack Carpenter Jack's Backs four double backed cards are printed, ungaffed
Also published here 1995 23
Oliver Erens Blanko - in Zeitlupe card becomes blank, then another card becomes blank in stages (reverse Apparition)
1995 46
Thomas Fraps Pips Desease cards are removed from case and are shown blank while pips fall from case, pips are replaced and blank cards turn into to normal deck
Inspired by 1995 1
Aldo Colombini Paramount card signed and lost in blue-backed deck, three blank red-backed cards are taken out, one of them has the back erased and printed blue, then the face appears, then the signature
Also published here
  • marketed through Mamma Mia Magic
1995 127
Jerry K. Hartman Which and Switch three selections face down on table, three Jokers are placed onto each selection and removed and then performer can name them, then the three Jokers change into the selections and the three tabled cards are Jokers
  • simplified handling
  • alternate ending: the three tabled cards do not become Jokers, they become blank
Inspired by 1995 90
Jerry K. Hartman Think Blank faces of double-blank cards in a packet print to match face of selection, then change back to blank, then selection turns blank as well on both sides leaving all the cards blank on both sides
1995 261
Joel Givens Super DUPEr instant camera, blank card gets face of chosen card inside case, both are signed
Also published here 1995 2
Paul Harris Blue Tattoo (revised) changing back color of deck one by one
Inspired by 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Seductions)