At once
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Restoration in Card Box | 1876 | |||||||
The "Torn Card" | 1876 | |||||||
The Torn-Card Trick | 1889 | |||||||
The Mechanical "Torn Card" | 1889 | |||||||
Die neue Eckkarte | 1896 | |||||||
Die mechanische Eckkarte | 1896 | |||||||
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster | Neuester Kartensteiger | 1896 | ||||||
Die Eckkarten | July 1896 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Die Eckkarten | Aug. 1896 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 12)
The New Card Table | 1897 | |||||||
The Torn Corner Card | 1897 | |||||||
The Improved Torn Corner Card | 1897 | |||||||
The Reunited Card | 1897 | |||||||
Die neue Eckkarte | June 1901 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 7 No. 6)
A. J. | Kartenzauber | May 1904 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 10 No. 5)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser | Das unlösbare Impromptu | 1910 | ||||||
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser | Die drei Kräfte | 1910 | ||||||
Louis F. Christianer | The Card and Orange Trick | 1915 | ||||||
Louis F. Christianer | "Flash" | 1916 | ||||||
Louis F. Christianer | The Card and the Frame | 1919 | ||||||
Louis F. Christianer | The Card and the Plate | 1919 | ||||||
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | Eine magische Restauration | 1927 | ||||||
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | Eine vom Zuschauer zerrissene Karte wieder ganz zu machen | 1930 | ||||||
Lu Brent | The Surprise Reverse Torn Card and Cigarette Trick | 1932 | ||||||
Ralph W. Hull | The New Torn and Restored Card | 1933 | ||||||
Jean Hugard | The Torn and Restored Card, Using a Borrowed Deck | 1935 |
Card Manipulations
(Issue 4)
Laurie Ireland | The Automatic Jig Saw Puzzle Worker | 1935 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1935, "New Card and Coin Manipulation")
Theodore Annemann | The Card Doctor | 1937 | ||||||
Russell Prunier | The Mutilated Card | Jan. 1937 |
The Jinx
(Issue 28)
Stephen Simpson | Corner Restored | Apr. 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue 43)
Theodore Annemann | The Card Doctor | 1939 | ||||||
Ein Kartenkunststück | 1939 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
The Torn and Restored Card | 1940 | |||||||
The Torn and Restored Card with a borrowed deck | 1940 | |||||||
Eddie Joseph | Card Resurrection | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Sensational Card Restoration | 1942 | ||||||
Neal Elias | Torn Corner Card Trick | 1946 | ||||||
Lu Brent | Novel Card and Cigarette Trick | Apr. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 11)
George G. Kaplan | The Kaplan Torn and Restored Card | 1948 | ||||||
Paul LePaul | Impromptu Torn And Restored Card | 1949 | ||||||
U. F. Grant | Grant's Torn Card Trick | Jan. 1949 |
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Bill Simon | The Card That Went to Pieces | 1950 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | The Torn Card Trick | 1953 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Anytime | 1953 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | The Torn Joker | Dec. 1956 |
(Issue 8)
Jerry Andrus | Torn Card | 1957 | ||||||
Charlie Miller | The Torn Card | 1961 | ||||||
Hubert Lambert | Phoenix Phantastique | Sep. 1961 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 361)
Don Tanner | Tearing a Woman in Half | 1962 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1962)
P. Howard Lyons | P. Howard Lyons Routine | 1962 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1962)
Russell Prunier | The Mutilated Card | Mar. 1963 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
John Gannaway | New Wrinkles for Torn Cards | 1964 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Joseph M. White | CATnips | July 1965 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 4 No. 39)
Karl Fulves | Quartet | Jan. 1966 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4
(Vol. 1 No. 3)
George de Ghetto | Four from Eight | Dec. 1966 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Carl Sten | Signature Torn and Restored | 1969 | ||||||
Ace Gorham | Pull Yourself Together | 1969 | ||||||
Edward Marlo, Ralph W. Hull | Fingertip Tear | 1970 | ||||||
Jack Hara | 4th Quarter | Oct. 1970 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8
(Vol. 5 No. 12)
Clark Wirthlin | Signed, Sealed, & Delivered | 1971 |
(Issue 22)
Eugene Laurant | Torn and Restored Card | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Torn Card Effect | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Note | 1972 | ||||||
Double Backer Torn And Restored Card Variation | 1972 | |||||||
John Blunt | Transcornered | 1973 | ||||||
Jeff Busby | Into the 4th Dimension... and Beyond | 1973 | ||||||
Jerry Mentzer | Torn and Restored | 1974 | ||||||
Steve Spillman | Pencil Through Card | 1974 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Solid State | 1975 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Torn And Quartered | 1975 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | The Incomprehensible Destroyed Card | 1975 | ||||||
Paul Harris, Patrick Snowden | "Jigsaw" | 1976 | ||||||
Karrell Fox | "Rip-Off" | 1976 | ||||||
Rick Johnsson | Charley's Aunt | 1976 | ||||||
Paul Harris | The Ultimate Rip-off | 1977 | ||||||
Karrell Fox | The "Signa-Tare" Card Illusion | 1977 |
New Stars of Magic
(Vol. 1 No. 8)
John C. Wagner | Torn and Restored Card | 1978 | ||||||
John C. Wagner | Matrix Torn and Restored Card | 1978 | ||||||
Bob Stencel, Archie Mcintyre, Bill Nagler | Rip It Up | Apr. 1978 |
(Vol. 4 No. 8)
John F. Mendoza | The Ultimate Torn and Restored Card | 1978 | ||||||
Arturo de Ascanio | La "Carta Rota" de Marlo y Le Paul | 1978 | ||||||
Richard Kaufman | Pickin' Up The Pieces | 1979 | ||||||
Walt Lees | Stranger Than Fiction | Jan. 1979 |
(Vol. 5 No. 1)
Dennis Sargent | Rip It Up | Feb. 1979 |
(Vol. 5 No. 2)
Bernard Bilis | Torn Card | 1980 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | The Torn and Fully Restored Card | 1980 | ||||||
Gene Maze | Ripped and Restored | 1980 | ||||||
Ben Harris | Simplified Matrix | 1980 | ||||||
Ken De Courcy | The Clever Lady Trick | 1980 | ||||||
Steve Spillman | Pencil Through Card | 1980 | ||||||
Steve Dusheck | Cornography | 1980 ca. | ||||||
Don England | Flashtoration | 1981 |
Don England's T.K.O.'s
(Issue Hearts)
Don England | 10% Flashtoration | 1981 |
Don England's T.K.O.'s
(Issue Hearts)
Karl Fulves | Midnite Torn Card | 1981 |
(Issue 46)
Gary Ouellet | Threshold | 1981 | ||||||
Jack Hughes | Double Television Frame | 1981 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | The Complete Torn and Restored Card | 1982 | ||||||
Jerry K. Hartman | Whole In One | 1982 | ||||||
Father Cyprian | Torn and Restored Card | 1982 | ||||||
Michael D. Pettitt | Solutions - Card Problem | Sep. 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. 17)
Ivor Notion | Card Problem Solution | Sep. 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. 17)
Colin Linn | The Torn Up Switch | Nov. 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. 19)
Stephen Tucker | Jigsaw | 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Eugene Burger | Torn Card | 1982 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | Ambidextrous | Sep. 1983 |
(Vol. 7 No. 12)
Doug Bennett | Twilight Restoration | 1983 | ||||||
David Britland | Tearing a Lady in Two | 1983 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | The Taleheart | 1983 |
(Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Father Cyprian | Nostalgia Torn & Restored Card | 1983 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Sand Trap | 1983 | ||||||
Ben Harris | Prime-Hole-Card | 1983 | ||||||
Lenny Greenfader, Dr. Ken Louis | Spinning Heal | June 1984 |
(Vol. 7 No. 6)
Roy Walton | I'd Give My Right Hand | Feb. 1984 |
(Vol. 8 No. 4)
David Williamson | Torn and Restored Transposition | 1984 | ||||||
Bob Stencel | Once Torn, Twice Restored | Autumn 1985 |
The Collected Almanac
(Vol. 3 No. 31, 32 & 33)
Danny Korem, Paul Harris | Solo Card Restoration | 1985 | ||||||
Frederick Braue | Torn and Restored Location | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 5)
Ted Biet | Tear-N-Restore | July 1986 |
(Vol. 9 No. 7)
Karrell Fox | Rip Off | July 1986 |
(Vol. 9 No. 7)
Les Scheyer | Suckerip | July 1986 |
(Vol. 9 No. 7)
Gaëtan Bloom | The World's Best 2-Card Tricks | Nov. 1986 |
(Vol. 9 No. 11)
Jay Sankey | The Cardboard Contortionists | 1986 | ||||||
Gaëtan Bloom | S.T.O.W.R.C.T. - The Signed, Torn, Oil, Water, Restored, Card Trick | 1986 | ||||||
Meir Yedid | Born Again Card | 1986 | ||||||
David Britland, Ron Dowse | Lady Notes | 1986 | ||||||
Randy Tanner | No Quarter | Mar. 1987 |
(Vol. 10 No. 3)
Meir Yedid | Demolition | 1987 | ||||||
Pat Conway | The Card and Cigarette Case | 1987 | ||||||
José Carroll | Torn Ambition | 1988 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Non-Working Trix #3 | 1988 |
(Issue 49)
Karrell Fox | The E.C. Card in Wallet | 1988 | ||||||
Ben Harris | Mid-Air Restoration | 1988 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Ultra Torn & Restored Card | 1988 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Propelled Lapping Restoration | 1988 | ||||||
René Lavand | My Grand Illusion | 1988 | ||||||
Peter Wilker | Holiday on Magic | 1988 |
Magische Blätter
(Vol. 2 No. 6)
Jerry Sadowitz | The Healers | 1989 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Not quite perfect Torn & Restored Card | Feb. 1989 |
(Vol. 12 No. 2)
David Williamson | Torn & Restored Transposition | 1989 | ||||||
Howard Wurst | Midnite Card Trick | 1989 | ||||||
Father Cyprian | Fr. Cyprian's Solution | 1989 | ||||||
Father Cyprian | The Act | 1989 | ||||||
Rick Silberman | Torn and Restored Card | Sep. 1990 |
(Vol. 3 No. 5)
Tony Cachadiña | The Torn Card | Dec. 1990 |
(Vol. 3 No. 7)
Stephen Tucker | Simplex Tear & Revelation | Feb. 1991 |
(Vol. 14 No. 2)
Stephen Tucker | Two for the Price of One | Apr. 1991 |
(Vol. 14 No. 4)
Robert Hirsch | Holed Up | Sep. 1991 |
(Vol. 14 No. 9)
Meir Yedid | Wiederhergestellte Karte | 1991 | ||||||
Tony Cachadiña | The Torn Card | 1991 | ||||||
Felix Farrell | Torn and Restored | 1991 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | Simplex Torn and Restored Card and Double Revelation | 1991 | ||||||
Jerry K. Hartman | Whole in One | 1991 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Flash-Restauration | 1991 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Flash-Restauration II | 1991 | ||||||
Tabby "Tabman" Crabb | Torn | Mar./Apr. 1991 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Andrea Baioni | Torn and Quartered | July 1992 |
(Vol. 15 No. 7)
Stephen Tucker | Quartear | Aug. 1992 |
(Vol. 15 No. 8)
Jack Carpenter | Torn, Torn, and Restored | 1992 | ||||||
Steve Dusheck | Cornography | 1992 | ||||||
Karrell Fox, Tom Mullica | Karrell's Kaput Kard | 1992 | ||||||
Tom Mullica | Mullica's Complete Restoration Finale | 1992 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | The Incomprehensible Destroyed Card | 1992 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | "Incomprehensible Destroyed Card" Notes | 1992 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | Card Tearing | 1992 | ||||||
Joe Rindfleisch | Connect Four | Aug. 1993 |
(Vol. 16 No. 8)
Richard Bartram, Jr. | Torn and Reborn Card | 1993 | ||||||
Richard Bartram, Jr. | French Restoration | 1993 | ||||||
René Lavand | My Grand Illusion | 1993 | ||||||
Paul Harris, Tommy Wonder, Christian Scherer | The Ultimate Ripp-Off | 1994 | ||||||
Jerry Mentzer | Torn and Restored - A Versatile Idea | 1994 | ||||||
Yves Carbonnier | Phantom Torn and Restored Card | Aug. 1994 |
(Vol. 3 No. 12)
Darwin Ortiz | The Marker | 1995 | ||||||
Chad Long | Torn & Kinda Restored | 1995 | ||||||
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle | The Immortal Card Trick | 1995 | ||||||
John Carney | Method One | 1995 | ||||||
John Carney | Method Two | 1995 | ||||||
John Carney | Method Three | 1995 | ||||||
John Carney | Method Four | 1995 | ||||||
John Carney | Other Approaches | 1995 | ||||||
John Carney | Bonus Effect | 1995 | ||||||
John Riggs | Other Ideas with the Cold Fold | 1995 | ||||||
Aldo Colombini | Torn-Ado | 1995 | ||||||
Aldo Colombini | One, Two, Three | 1995 | ||||||
Robert E. Neale | Real Jokers | 1995 | ||||||
Terry Lunceford | Silly Is As Silly Does | Sep. 1995 |
(Vol. 5 No. 1)
Alexander de Cova | Flash Restoration | Oct. 1995 |
(Vol. 5 No. 2)
Tommy Wonder | Post-Ultimate Rip-Off | 1996 | ||||||
Paul Harris | The Ultimate Rip-Off | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1
(Issue Super Magic)
Looy Simonoff | Looy's Convincer | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1
(Issue Super Magic)
Paul Harris | Ultimate Rip-Off - Dancing with the Last Piece | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1
(Issue Super Magic)
Michael Kaminskas | Restored | 1996 | ||||||
Peter Duffie, Charles T. Jordan, Dick Zimmerman | Jumbo Jeopardy | 1996 | ||||||
Ray Kosby | Half Right | Apr. 1996 |
The Lemniscate
(Vol. 2 No. 11)
Walter Rollins | Technicolor Torn Card | Jan. 1996 |
(Vol. 5 No. 5)
Mike Rogers | Rogers Method | Jan. 1996 |
(Vol. 5 No. 5)
Frank Zak | Restoration Fuse | Feb. 1997 |
(Vol. 6 No. 6)
Ellis Stanyon | The Reunited Card | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | The "Torn Corner" Card | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | The Envelope Restores a Burnt Card | 1999 | ||||||
Carey Heim | Impossible Closer | 1999 | ||||||
Eugene Burger | Torn Card | 2000 | ||||||
Kenton Knepper | Torn and Restored #1 | Apr. 2000 |
(Vol. 9 No. 2)
Allen Zingg | Ton, Kenton, & Zingg | Dec. 2000 |
(Vol. 9 No. 4)
Simon Lovell | Granama | 2000 | ||||||
Ben Harris | Wink Wink | 2000 | ||||||
Jeff Sheridan | Tearing Up DeLand | Mar. 2000 |
(Vol. 63 No. 3)
Helge Thun | AngeEckt | 2000 | ||||||
Helge Thun | Lückenbüßer | 2000 | ||||||
Barry Price | Torn-Stapled-Restored! | 2000 | ||||||
Barry Price | Price's Protean Pack | 2000 | ||||||
Don England | Holy Tear! | 2001 | ||||||
Mark Lewis | Torn and Restored Card | 2001 | ||||||
Hiroyuki Sakai | Celebrity Torn and Restored Card | July 2001 |
(Vol. 64 No. 7)
Brandon Burton | Hole and Restored Card | Nov./Dec. 2001 |
Mr. Gadfly
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser | The Insoluble Impromptu | 2002 | ||||||
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser | The Three Powers | 2002 | ||||||
Dan Garrett | Torn and Re-Born | 2002 | ||||||
Karl Hein | Heinstein's Dream | 2002 | ||||||
Charlie Frye | Eccentricks | Sep. 2002 |
(Vol. 12 No. 1)
P. Howard Lyons | Confusion | Jan. 2003 |
(Vol. 66 No. 1)
William Duncan | Billy The Vampire Slayer | 2005 | ||||||
Arturo de Ascanio | The Torn and Restored Card of Marlo and Le Paul | 2006 | ||||||
Michael Daniels | Oops! | Feb. 2006 |
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Manuel Montes | Rota y recompuesta a lo Charlie Miller | 2007 |
El Manuscrito
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Miguel Gómez | La carta rota y recompuesta | 2007 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | Restoration (Flash - pocket) | 2008 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | Restoration (Flash - Deck Card Case) | 2008 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | Matrix Restored | 2008 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | It is not a torn and restored card | 2008 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | Plas! | 2008 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | Unique | 2008 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | Instant Recomposition | 2008 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Not Quite Perfect Torn & Restored Card | Mar. 2008 |
(Vol. 71 No. 3)
Guy Hollingworth | Torn & Restored Card | Oct. 2008 |
(Vol. 71 No. 10)
Guy Hollingworth | Method for the Torn and Restored Card | Dec. 2008 |
(Vol. 71 No. 12)
Hiroshi Sawa | Alien | Dec. 2008 |
(Vol. 71 No. 12)
Allan Slaight | Seden-Tear-Y | 2008 | ||||||
Robert E. Neale | Real Jokers | 2009 | ||||||
Rich Aviles | An Ending for Torn & Restored Card | 2010 | ||||||
Charlie Miller, Roberto Giobbi | Torn and Restored Card | 2010 |
Secret Agenda
(Issue May 29)
Román García | La Carta Escupida | 2010 | ||||||
Steve Shufton | Co-Signed | 2010 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Table Talk | 2011 |
(Issue 9)
David Acer | Mad Card Disease 2.0 | 2011 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Torn & Restored Jumbo Card | 2013 | ||||||
Hiroyuki Sakai | Celebrity Torn and Restored Card | 2013 | ||||||
Ricky Smith | The Bear Trick | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Flash-Restauration | 2015 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | Straightforward Torn-and-Restored Card | 2016 |
Hidden Agenda
(Issue Jan 6)
Ricky Smith | The Bear Trick | 2017 |