170 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Cards / Step gaff
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Spirit Aces No. 1, four Sevens and four Aces in piles on table, two Sevens put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Sevens on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff
Also published here 1920 3
Charles T. Jordan Pedro Monte No. 7, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find card
Also published here 1920 14
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Bathing Beauties four Queens, one in hat three in glass of water, the one in hat vanishes, then all from glass, then all back in hat, using step gaff and clear celluloid card
Related to 1942 3
Leonard Austin No Beer sucker trick with three cards, one with a glass, one with a bottle and one with an bottle opener, glass apparently vanishes in handkerchief, version of Stung
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
North Bigbee Instant Brain-Wave entire deck, one gaffed card
Magick (Issue 10)
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela El holandes errante multi-phase monte routine, in the hands
1970 115
Partial Step Gaff partial back glued on face card
1971 35
Allan Ackerman The Palm Switch sandwiched card (really only a step gaff) exchanged for palmed card
  • The No Palm Approach (from right-hand deck, Bottom Placement)
Related to 1971 40
Edward Victor, Frank Butler Perfected Prophecy six cards in row, backs numbered, spectator rolls die, this card predicted, step-gaff and die with missing number, see also p. 415
Related to
  • Edward Victor (Magic of 1936)
  • Frank Butler ("Mental Magic Compendium", Magic Wand, March 1947)
Feb. 1971 404
Charles T. Jordan Spirit Aces four Nines and four Aces in piles on table, two Nines put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Nines on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff, see p. 424 for correction
Also published here May 1971 417
Karl Fulves One As Two gaffed
1973 44
Karl Fulves Reunion gaffed
Related to 1973 96
Lin Searles Crossroader five-card poker hand spread face-down, center card is red-backed Queen of Spades, one card exchanged, now all have different colored backs
Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Charles T. Jordan Etad-Ot-Pu unknown card placed in pocket, card and its position remembered by spectator, when he counts again it is no longer there (Lazy Man's Card to Pocket) and is shown to be card previously placed in pocket
  • Method 1
  • Method 2 (with gaffed card)
Also published here 1975 33
Charles T. Jordan The Poker Shark - Method #1 performer's hand transforms repeatedly to beat the other players, gaffed
Also published here 1975 166
Charles T. Jordan The Spirit Aces four Sevens and four Aces in piles on table, two Sevens put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Sevens on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff
Also published here 1975 188
Charles T. Jordan Pedro Monte three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find card
Also published here 1975 200
Brother John Hamman Fan Gaffs cards with stepped fans
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 1)
José de la Torre A Brief History of Kitson Miracle credit information, monte type routine with part of back glued on one card, 1930s, Enardoe, Ken Brooke's Dutch Looper
1976 3
José de la Torre How to Make the Gimmicked Card step gaff
1976 5
José de la Torre The Simple Jumping Back three cards, one has an odd-colored back, then the odd-backed card is another card, back vanishes and more
Related to 1976 7
José de la Torre Double Back Surprise
1976 12
José de la Torre The Elevator odd-backed card travels upwards step by step in three-card packet
1976 14
José de la Torre Self Important Card card travels upwards step by step in face-up three-card packet
1976 18
José de la Torre All Alike Jumping Back
1976 21
José de la Torre The Master Jumping Back three cards, one has an odd-colored back, then the odd-backed card is another card, back vanishes and more, version with more sleights
  • A Better Finale
  • Another Finale (David Lederman)
  • Patter
Related to 1976 23
José de la Torre The Basic Move three cards spread out with one double and a step gaff, hand turned over and sliding switch made
Related to 1976 26
Lin Searles The Color-Blind Crossroader five cards, one has different back, all backs change, gambling story
1978 7
David Solomon The One At A Time Reverse Assembly using gaff with two Aces on one card (named Castillion gaff)
Related to 1979 16
Larry Becker Network ESP three tv-networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) cards put in envelopes as spectator wishes, ABC card form name of network
1979 150
Bernard Bilis Collectors using overlap gaff
1980 14
Bernard Bilis Open Travelers Again using overlap gaff
1980 25
Paul Harris The Time Machine using a black piece of cardboard as time machine three Kings vanish and reappear in deck
Also published here 1980 1
Karl Fulves Fooled & Fooled Again No. 3, three different-colored cards under handkerchief, two removed, last one transforms, sucker element
1980 3
Ken Brooke The Dutch Looper routine with multiple phases
Also published here 1980 134
Ken Brooke "L'Estrange" cards turn over in nine-card packet
1980 142
Gene Castillon Succession Aces of a Different Color odd-backed, gaffed
  • A. Five-Card Ace Packet Approach
  • B. Four-Card Approach
1981 27
Gene Castillon Successful Succession
  • A. Full Deck Approach
  • B. Packet Approach
1981 31
Stephen Tucker Geiger Find selection is found by using other card as Geiger Counter, deck ends up blank and geiger card becomes "52 on 1" card
Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Edward Marlo Eidetic Aces visual appearance at once in leader packet
1982 185
Karl Fulves Hocus Poker IV
1982 11
Karl Fulves Hocus Poker V
1982 16
Karl Fulves Hocus Poker - Again using step gaff with four indices, including variation "With A Borrowed Deck"
1982 20
John Ramsay The Five Fly Cards five cards travel to pocket, one by one
1982 27
John Ramsay, Andrew Galloway The Forgotten Card Trick among four cards one vanishes and one turns over, with remember and forget presentation
1982 55
Alf Goodwin The Magician's Four Aces using two unusual gaffs
Feb. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 8)
David Britland June - The Second Effect two cards with narrow open slits, signed chosen card sandwiched and penetrated with other card
Inspired by 1984 6
Don England Losers Weepers using Step Gaff for clean handling
Variations 1985/93 13
Terri Rogers Smaller'n That deck becomes smaller twice, bottom of close-up pad shown as giant selection
Also published here 1986 44
Doug Edwards Joker Poker using "Step Gaff"
May 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Philip T. Goldstein Shinkansen cards across with four red and four blue cards, chosen card travels
Also published here 1988 5
Theodore DeLand, Brother John Hamman Fan Gaffs cards with stepped fans
1989 180
Terri Rogers Noch Kleiner? deck becomes smaller twice, bottom of close-up pad shown as giant selection
Also published here Apr. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Shinkansen cards across with four red and four blue cards, chosen card travels
Also published here 1990 4
Philip T. Goldstein Shinkansen cards across with four red and four blue cards, chosen card travels, created in 1988
Also published here 1990 83
Philip T. Goldstein Shinkansen cards across with four red and four blue cards, chosen card travels
Also published here 1991 5
Ken Brooke The Dutch Looper routine with multiple phases
Also published here Dec. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 4 & 5)
Steve Dusheck Phantom Cards five cards shown, two removed from under handkerchief, other vanish
1992 4
Steve Dusheck Me Three monte, winning card changes and is removed from pocket
1992 113
T. Nelson Downs T. N. D. Latest Ace Trick four piles made with an Ace in each, spectator freely chooses a pile, other Aces vanish from deck and transpose with the chosen pile, heavily gaffed
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Charles T. Jordan The Spirit Aces No. 78, four Sevens and four Aces in piles on table, two Sevens put on top of deck followed by two Aces, yet Aces are on table and all four Sevens on top of deck, two extra Aces and step gaff
Also published here 1992 95
Charles T. Jordan Pedro Monte No. 83, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find card
Also published here 1992 103
Charles T. Jordan Etad-ot-Pu No. 167, unknown card placed in pocket, card and its position remembered by spectator, when he counts again it is no longer there (Lazy Man's Card to Pocket) and is shown to be card previously placed in pocket
  • Method 1
  • Method 2 (with gaffed card)
Also published here 1992 201
Charles T. Jordan Poker Shark II No. 189, performer's hand transforms repeatedly to beat the other players, gaffed
Also published here 1992 226
Bob Farmer Three-Card Monte with gaff/flap
1994 28
Meir Yedid Flight Fantastic two cards from red-faced packet travels to black-faced packet
Inspired by 1994 41
Baltazar Fuentes Fuentes Gaff hollow card from which a step-gaff à la Fan-2-See slides out to simulate a four-of-a-kind
1996 23
Lou Gallo New Signed Card gaffed or ungaffed
1996 65
Peter Duffie Get Back! King placed amongst the four Fours travel back to the King packet (jumbo cards)
1997 113
Richard Bartram, Jr. Group Session several spectators think a card in a spread deck, all are divined
1997 72
Richard Bartram, Jr. Short Changed Thoughts thought of cards in deck vanish, selected from spread display
1997 74
Richard Bartram, Jr. Compressed Thoughts deck shrinks, and mental selections turn over
1997 76
Jack Avis Useful Jokers chosen card appears between two Jokers
Inspired by 1998 137
Theodore DeLand The Phantom Card Trick No. 8, five cards shown fan, three remembered by spectators, two removed from under handkerchief and rest vanishes, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Variations 1999 128
Theodore DeLand Improved Phantom Cards No. 9, same effects but backs can be shown, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Inspired byVariations 1999 128
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note more details on the gaffs and handling
Inspired by 1999 129
Ellis Stanyon Two Cards Pass from One Plate to Another No. 11, four cards on one plate, none of another, two cards travel over, newspaper-backed cards and step gaff
1999 130
Theodore DeLand The "Knock-out" Card Trick No. 29, card from packet vanishes and joins cards in handkerchief
Variations 1999 144
Theodore DeLand The "Best Ever" Card Trick No. 30, same effect
Inspired by 1999 144
Theodore DeLand The Surprise Card Trick No. 34, Queens in hat, King of Spades in hat as well, performer finds King without looking and puts it in deck, then Queens and King transpose and only the King is in hat and Queens in deck
Related toVariations 1999 147
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on handling and different values
Inspired by 1999 147
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note variations of the gaff and some applications, also in combination with step to change amount of card, multiple changes, handling ideas
Inspired by 1999 178
Ellis Stanyon The "Tokio" Card Trick No. 55, cards penetrate hat
1999 187
Chris Wardle The Laserdisc Prediction one of five cards chosen, it is predicted on the label of a laserdisc, credit information
2000 7
Bob Kohler The Multiback Gaff divided back with step-gaff spread on one half
2001 4
Iain Moran I Dreamed A Dream signed card vanishes between the four Queens, it turns out to be previously tabled card
Inspired by
  • "Dream Wonder" (Jean-Pierre Vallarino, marketed through Camirand Academy)
Oct. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Joshua Jay The Overlap
  • Talk About Tricks
intro on the overlap gaff, credit information
  • Overlap Overview
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay The Homing Card
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay Scatter Jacks put in different parts of the deck come to top, they then vanish and distribute in deck, repeat phase
VariationsAlso published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay Assembly and Reverse assembly with reverse surprise ending
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay Spectator Cuts to the Jacks first spectator cuts to the Jacks, then performer tries but really they all come to the top and he cuts off three single cards as gag
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay Overlap Gambling Jacks put on top, immediately dealt out for four hands, repeat with three more four-of-a-kinds
  • Alternate Handling
Related toAlso published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay Open Travelers
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay Card Jack-King Jacks turn over one by one, then change to Kings
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Joshua Jay Overlap Aftermath
  • Talk About Tricks
more on the overlap gaff
Related toAlso published here Oct. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Joshua Jay Jumbo Homing Card Homing Card plot with jumbo cards and Overlap gimmick
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Mark Aspiazu Overlap Hofzinser
Related toAlso published here Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Al Baker Monte Surprise transformation kicker, part of card glued on other card
Also published here
  • marketed 1930s
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Karl Fulves Elusive Colors Ace to Four of Clubs in hat, spectator takes one out - Two of Clubs, the other three cards change in other deuces, credit information
Inspired by 2003 61
Joshua Jay Overlap Hitchcock
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 5)
Joshua Jay Overlap Twisting visual, instant turnover as kicker ending
Also published here Mar. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 7)
Wesley James Birthday Aces "alpha", hinged flaps
2004 451
R. Paul Wilson How to make your own Fan-2-C gaffs step gaff, small triangle format
  • Setting the gaff openly
2004 6
R. Paul Wilson Flash The Spread! different usage of the Fan-2-C step gaff to show different cards in a fan or spread
  • Face-on spread
2004 42
R. Paul Wilson Cards Across
2004 44
R. Paul Wilson Devilish Miracle Outdone? short outline of using the Fan-2-C step gaff
2004 46
R. Paul Wilson Oil and Water short comment on using the Fan-2-C step gaff, no details
2004 47
R. Paul Wilson Princess Card Trick short comment on using the Fan-2-C step gaff, no details
2004 47
R. Paul Wilson In Their Hands! fan of cards changes in spectators hand under cover of bill
2004 48
R. Paul Wilson Magnet-2-C shimmed gaff version
Inspired by 2004 50
Joshua Jay Overlap Twisting Twisting the Jacks routine with Overlap gaff, instant turnover as kicker ending
Also published here 2005 45
Joshua Jay Jumbo Overlap Homing Card Homing Card plot with jumbo cards and Overlap gimmick
Also published here 2005 50
Bob Ostin The Multi-Card Gimmick multi card to force one out of six cards
2005 90
Joshua Jay Credits overlap credit information
2005 7
Joshua Jay Part One: Overlap Gaff Basics
  • The "Shared Artwork" Principle
  • Two-Handed Spread
  • One-Handed Spread
  • A Light Touch
  • Orientation
  • Spreading Distance
  • As a Short Card
  • The Locking Overlap Gaff
  • False Signatures
  • Transitions
2005 21
Joshua Jay Overlap Homing Card
Also published here 2005 39
Doc Eason Simplified Overlap Homing Card
2005 45
Joshua Jay Jumbo Overlap Homing Card with jumbo cards
Also published here 2005 46
Joshua Jay Overlap Hitchcock
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 48
Joshua Jay Assembly and Reverse assembly with reverse surprise ending
Also published here 2005 53
Joshua Jay Scatter Jacks put in different parts of the deck come to top, they then vanish and distribute in deck, repeat with change into Aces
  • Phase One: The Jacks Assemble
  • Phase Two: The Jacks Scatter
  • Phase Three: The Jacks Assemble...Again
  • Phase Four: The Jacks Change to Aces
Inspired by 2005 61
Joshua Jay Overlap Twisting visual, instant turnover as kicker ending
Also published here 2005 68
Joshua Jay Overlap Jacks to Kings Jacks turn over one by one, then change to Kings
Also published here 2005 72
Joshua Jay, Andi Gladwin Overlap Jacks to Aces Jacks turn over one by one visually, then change to Aces
2005 77
Joshua Jay Overlap Jack Cutting first spectator cuts to the Jacks, then performer tries but really they all come to the top and he cuts off three single cards as gag
  • Phase One: The Spectator Cuts to Four Jacks
  • Phase Two: The Magician Cuts to Four Jacks (Sort of)
Also published here 2005 81
Joshua Jay Overlap Gambling fake Center Deal demo, repeat with Ace kicker
  • Phase One: Four Jacks Dealt into a Chosen Hand
  • Phase Two: The Double Duke
Related to 2005 88
Joshua Jay Overlap Open Travelers
Also published here 2005 95
Joshua Jay, Mark Aspiazu Overlap Hofzinser
Related to 2005 103
Joshua Jay Overlap Travelers
2005 107
Joshua Jay Deuces are Wild four Twos and the Ace of Spades change into Royal Flush
2005 115
Joshua Jay Overlap Transposition transformation kicker
2005 118
Joshua Jay Four Card Tunnel Change
2005 122
Joshua Jay Collectors and Back Again three selections in case, they appear between the Aces, then Aces vanish and are found in case
2005 127
Charles T. Jordan The Mystic Self-Arrangers packet of Ace to Five arranges itself in order, with gaff that has a partial fan that can be pivoted away, perhaps by Arthur Finley
Also published here
  • marketed in 1923
2007 18
Jörg Alexander Weber Casino using red and black poker chip
Inspired by 2008 76
Troy Hooser Three Eyed Jacks Four jacks and selected card changes places
2010 102
Robert Parrish About Face two odd-backed cards, only the faces transpose
Prolix (Issue 9)
John Born, Tatanka Tan Card under Spectator's Shoe Signed selection appears under spectator's shoe, can be done with memorized deck or impromptu, includes variation where deck appears under magician's foot, using Aaron Fisher's Panic gimmick
Inspired by 2012 182
Tom Stone Dr. Griffin's Palm
  • Lodestones
Also published here July 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 7)
Tom Stone Packet Rub-a-Dub Vanish with step gaff
Also published here July 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 7)
Nick Trost Gambler's Dream five-card poker hand shown, one card discarded for a joker, then all change to jokers
Inspired by
  • "In-Space" (Joseph Zering, marketed by Don Lawton in 1961)
Also published here
  • marketed in 1964
2013 777
Tomas Blomberg, Axel Adlercreutz Cardpool with clean vanishes and reappearances
2014 288
Tom Stone Dr. Griffin's Palm
Also published here 2014 22
Tom Stone Packet Rub-a-Dub Vanish with step gaff
Also published here 2014 24
Brother John Hamman Fan Gaffs cards with stepped fans
2015 84
张国洲 Jojo Color Change Deck Blue deck changes to red step by step, first a few cards, then with slow motion change, then whole deck changes, gimmicked
2017 11
Leo Reed H.I.P. (Hofzinser Inspired Plot) Aces in spread on table, selection changes into Ace of matching suit, on the table are now three Aces and the selection and the spread changes into a permanently glued spread
Aug. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 8)
Theodore DeLand Eureka Card Trick four Kings and an Ace are placed in spectator's pocket, the Ace is removed and put back in deck, Kings then change to Aces in spectator's pocket
Dec. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 12)
Larry Jennings In Space one of five cards thought of, correct one pocketed, others change to Aces
  • Version One (Ungimmicked)
  • Version Two (Gimmicked) (a bit like fan-2-c gaff)
Inspired by
  • "In Sp-Ace" (Ken Allen, marketed mid-1960s)
Related to
2020 240
Joshua Jay The Overlap intro on the overlap gaff, credit information
  • Overlap Overview
Related toAlso published here 2022 93
Joshua Jay The Homing Card
Also published here 2022 94
Joshua Jay Scatter Jacks put in different parts of the deck come to top, they then vanish and distribute in deck, repeat phase
Also published here 2022 97
Joshua Jay Assembly and Reverse assembly with reverse surprise ending
Also published here 2022 99
Joshua Jay Spectator Cuts to the Jacks first spectator cuts to the Jacks, then performer tries but really they all come to the top and he cuts off three single cards as gag
Also published here 2022 100
Joshua Jay Overlap Gambling Jacks put on top, immediately dealt out for four hands, repeat with three more four-of-a-kinds
  • Alternate Handling
Also published here 2022 102
Joshua Jay Open Travelers
Also published here 2022 104
Joshua Jay Card Jack-King Jacks turn over one by one, then change to Kings
Also published here 2022 106
Joshua Jay Overlap Aftermath more on the overlap gaff
Related toAlso published here 2022 125
Joshua Jay Jumbo Homing Card Homing Card plot with jumbo cards and Overlap gimmick
Also published here 2022 133
Mark Aspiazu Overlap Hofzinser
Also published here 2022 143
Joshua Jay Overlap Hitchcock
Also published here 2022 154
Joshua Jay Overlap Twisting visual, instant turnover as kicker ending
Also published here 2022 172
Andi Gladwin Les Cartes Overlap
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2013
2022 1231
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Ultimate MacDonald’s Aces “designed to fool magicians”
2022 53
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Visual vanish for MacDonald's Aces face-up Ace is used to flip three tabled cards face up, immediately upon flipping them over only three cards are seen and Ace is gone, see also p. 174
2022 57
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Neutrino Aces signed selection lost in deck, leader Ace is dealt onto table face down with three indifferent cards on top of it, other three Aces are lost in deck, Aces reappear in pile with leader Ace together with signed selection
2022 64
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Left or Right selection jumps from middle to top of deck and then tabled, four Aces tabled beneath card case change into selection and Aces are now where selection was
2022 109
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Dream Wonder mystery card on table, signed selection is placed among four blank cards and instantly vanishes, mystery card is shown to be signed selection, see p. 177 for alternative idea that does not need a Force
2022 173
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Visual card vanish signed selection is used to turn tabled blanks face up and instantly vanishes as they flip over, see also p. 57
2022 174
Friedrich Roitzsch Magic Squared deck of number cards used, four cards put aside as prediction, number named, four-card groups produced that add up to that number, prediction cards also add up, all groups form a 4x4 magic square
  • The First Coincidence
  • The Second Coincidence
  • The Third Coincidence
  • The Prediction
  • The Finale
Inspired by
  • "The Grid" (Richard Wiseman, DVD, 2012)
  • "Square Deal" (Karl Hein, The Heineous Collection Volume 2)
2023 75