Written by John Bannon
Work of John Bannon
58 pages (Stapled), published by Kee-West Productions
Illustrated with drawings by Amado Narvaez
Language: English
40 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Larry West Foreword
John Bannon Introduction
Section I: Menu Driven
John Bannon Yin-Yang Sandwich card pushed into center, it appears between sandwich cards on top, card is also divined
John Bannon Out-jog Switch Control
Inspired by 3
J. C. Doty Side Steal a la Doty covered side steal
Also published here 5
John Bannon New Mutant Sandwich reversed sandwich cards are in one half, selection made from other half, spectator places halves together and selection is sandwiched in the center, uses one-hand top palm
John Bannon Turnover Replacement as deck is turned over
John Bannon Hard Roll card travels from deck to between tabled sandwich cards
John Bannon Side Steal Reverse deck turned around and reversed card added to top
Related to 11
Ken Krenzel, Trevor Lewis Monte Plus Plus out-jogged handling
Also published here 12
Section II: Combinations and Permutations
John Bannon Eight is Enough spectator cuts into four piles, Queens shown as top cards, then Aces as well
John Bannon Maximum Revolution four Queens on the table, four Aces in the hand, the Aces reverse one by one and change place with the Queens
Inspired byVariations 18
Jack Vosburgh, Edward Marlo Packet Switch
Also published here 19
John Bannon The Cleaved Deck intro on faro fan ideas
John Bannon I. Shake Well Before Using red-black-separated cards instantly mix, faro fan
Also published here 22
Alex Elmsley, John Bannon False False Shuffle faro fan
  • False False Shuffle Notes
Also published here 23
John Bannon II. The Cleaved Deck Location red and black cards openly separated, one card chosen and replaced in other half, halves shuffles together to apparently lose it, performer names card, faro fan
Variations 24
John Bannon III. Impromptu Stooge Swindle variation in which a spectator names the selection, faro fan
Inspired by 25
John Bannon IV. The Cleaved Deck Discovery combination of previous routines, openly red-black separated deck, card location, instant mixing finale, faro fan
John Bannon V. Other Applications faro fan applications
  • a. Svengali throw-off
  • b. credits
John Bannon Cinderella
John Bannon In-the-Hands Multiple Mexican Switch as packet is flipped over with single card
Inspired by 28
John Bannon Three-Card Moxie three spectators remove a card from the deck that is at a chosen number with shuffles in between, all cards are divined
John Bannon Be-Bop Deluxe transformation kicker
Inspired by 31
John Bannon Discrepant Reverse Elmsley Display Count DRED Count, showing both sides, hand turns at every beat
Section III: Serious Implications
John Bannon Mirage Assembly
Variations 37
Edward Marlo Olram Subtlety
  • Olram Tip (hiding index with first finger)
Larry West, John Bannon Mirage Count Variation Rhythm count alternative
Also published here 42
John Bannon Menage a Quatre with four Jokers
Related to
  • "Going Nowhere" (Stephen Tucker, Cardiac Stimulation)
Brother John Hamman Flushtration Count
John Bannon Defectors with four Jokers
Larry West Mirage Count
Related to 50
Jack Avis Siva Count
John Bannon Noblesse Oblige with four Jokers, transformation into Aces in leader packet as finale, other packets have rest of court cards
John Bannon A/K/A Reset using Rising Crime Display
Variations 56
John Bannon Secret Subtraction Handling
John Bannon Zen Cards of Mystery routining of the two previous effects
Data entered by Denis Behr, March 2022.