Written by P. Howard Lyons
Work of P. Howard Lyons, Various
1,028 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Pat Patterson Lyons
Language: English
1,051 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem on the new magazine and the content of the first issue
1 June 1955 1
Stewart James Parlay
  • A Card Avenue
two cards chosen, two times twelve cards are dealt out, the difference of the values of the chosen cards is used to count into the twelve-card rows, the resulting cards are the same two values as the chosen ones
1 June 1955 2
Amazing James Randi A Record Prediction headline prediction on record disc that is signed on both sides and given to the spectator until the performance
1 June 1955 3
Norman Houghton Colour Blind "Color Blind", four red-backed cards and one blue-backed card change into four blue-backed cards and one red-backed card
Inspired by 1 June 1955 8
Dr. Jacob Daley Odd-Backed Second Deal dealing stud seconds with odd-backed cover card, all cards apparently have the back color of that cover card
1 June 1955 8
Norman Houghton Flushtration Count with packet, "old principle of repeatedly showing the back of the same card"
1 June 1955 9
P. Howard Lyons Cheating at Cheating No. 1, intro to column
1 June 1955 12
P. Howard Lyons Middle Deal faking center deal with all Aces in the center together, then turnover pass and bottom deal
1 June 1955 12
P. Howard Lyons No Switch Switch fake deck switch demo with different-colored decks
1 June 1955 12
P. Howard Lyons Double Dealing Second Deal fake second deal demonstration with a duplicate, or a mene-tekel deck
1 June 1955 13
Mel Stover T-E-L-E-M-A-T-H-Y "Telemathy", one or multiple cards thought of, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure twice, with cue sheet matrix
  • Special Effects (revelations when the card ends up at a position for down-under deal or similar)
VariationsAlso published here 1 June 1955 14
Ten-Twenty Force card starts at position nine
1 June 1955 15
Mel Stover Herman the Hobo number puzzle with story about the maximum cigarettes one can smoke
Related to 1 June 1955 15
P. Howard Lyons Infallible Coincidence deck cut, half the cards counted into a pile, cards turned up simultaneously, one match occurs which is previously announced by value and position
Inspired by
  • "The Frequent Miracle" (Tom Boyer)
1 June 1955 16
P. Howard Lyons Infallible Force deck cut, half the cards counted into a pile, cards turned up simultaneously until stopped, the two cards add up to fourteen
1 June 1955 17
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
2 Aug. 1955 1
Stewart James Atlantic Avenue card thought of, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure twice, without the cue sheet
Inspired by 2 Aug. 1955 3
Amazing James Randi Filler on Impression Pads shampoo substance, Prell Shampoo
Related to 2 Aug. 1955 4
Tom Bowyer Flat Rabbit Gag Comment
Related to 2 Aug. 1955 4
Tom Bowyer Maybe Make Three shuffled deck cut in half, performer takes three values out of one half, three cards chosen freely from other half, most of the time some values match, proposition bet
Related to 2 Aug. 1955 5
Mel Stover Puzzle Solution: Herman the Hobo
Related to 2 Aug. 1955 6
Ken Beale Half a Headache card removed from half the deck is divined, then with other half, cards laid out on table in pattern that does card counting, also suit, parallel principle
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2 Aug. 1955 7
Mel Stover Betcha bet about multiplying a set of lengths by two, then dividing it by two again
2 Aug. 1955 10
P. Howard Lyons Double Up "The laziest ambitious card in history"
  • Part I: two decks dealt in unison until stopped, the two values are added and counted down in a third deck to a predicted card
  • Part II: the two selections are then buried in their decks and rise to the top
2 Aug. 1955 11
P. Howard Lyons M. C. Bit gag in which MC is interrupted by escape artist multiple times
2 Aug. 1955 12
Amazing James Randi Deliver the Billets getting billets with envelope switch, window envelope, Q&A routine application
Inspired by 2 Aug. 1955 13
P. Howard Lyons Songs of Tom Lehrer discussion of Tom Lehrer's album and its songs
2 Aug. 1955 14
Mel Stover Puzzle: Lewis Carroll puzzle about the length of a walk with general information about speed given
Related to 2 Aug. 1955 16
Michel Noayme A Letter, Strictly (sic) on Dr. Dahesh from the Orient, see following article
2 Aug. 1955 17
Michel Noayme Some Miraculous Manifestation of Dr. Dahesh describing some seemingly impossible stunts/effects
2 Aug. 1955 18
Amazing James Randi Mentalism Tip on presenting mind-reading
2 Aug. 1955 21
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
3 Aug. 1955 1
Stewart James Fifty-One Faces North conditions are spelled out
3 Aug. 1955 1
Stewart James The Open Prediction effect description reproduced from The Cardician
  • Major Points
  • Analysis of Motivation
  • Open Prediction Variants
  • Basic Card Prediction Principles
    • 1. Force
    • 2. Multiple Revealment
    • 3. Delayed Action
  • Approaching the Problem
Related to 3 Aug. 1955 2
Stewart James The Open Prediction #1 card predicted, another card selected and replaced, the card after that selection is then dealt as only face-down card, with reverse cull under-the-spread force
Variations 3 Aug. 1955 4
Stewart James The Open Prediction #2 reverse-cull placement after dealing procedure
3 Aug. 1955 5
Stewart James The Open Prediction #3 reverse-cull placement after dealing procedure, card can be removed cleanly
3 Aug. 1955 5
Stewart James Multiple Touch Force more than one card is reverse-culled, credit information
Related to 3 Aug. 1955 5
Stewart James The Open Prediction #4 similar to #1
3 Aug. 1955 6
Stewart James The Open Prediction #5 two-step switch after dealing procedure
3 Aug. 1955 6
Stewart James The Open Prediction #6 spectator stops dealing from face-up deck, then cuts deck face down and deals top card face down, using Henry Gavin's New False Cut
Related to 3 Aug. 1955 7
Stewart James The Open Prediction #7 card is chosen and lost, the card after that selection is then dealt as only face-down card later
3 Aug. 1955 7
Stewart James The Open Prediction #8 card is chosen and lost, the card after that selection is then dealt as only face-down card later
3 Aug. 1955 8
Stewart James The Open Prediction #9 after the card is dealt face down, the remaining cards are put face-down on top making a faced deck
3 Aug. 1955 8
Stewart James Master Solo Move Bottom Placement in which bottom card of right-hand half is inserted under top card of left-hand half, credit information
3 Aug. 1955 8
Stewart James The Open Prediction #10 starts with a free cut, halves are placed back-to-back, card at separation is only card dealt face down
Inspired by 3 Aug. 1955 8
Stewart James Cardboard Addition deck dropped on table as cardboard is removed that has extra cards under it
3 Aug. 1955 9
Stewart James The Open Prediction #11 similar to previous method with back-to-back deck after cut, ungaffed, prediction written on face of another card
3 Aug. 1955 9
Stewart James The Open Prediction #12 similar to previous method with back-to-back deck after cut, prediction written on face of another card
3 Aug. 1955 10
Stewart James The Open Prediction #13 deck cut with slip force, halves are placed back-to-back, card at separation is only card dealt face down
3 Aug. 1955 10
Stewart James The Open Prediction #14 reverse-culling a double facer next to the only face-down indifferent card
3 Aug. 1955 11
Stewart James The Open Prediction #15 prediction shown after the deal, dealt cards dealt once more to check for prediction, glide as switch
3 Aug. 1955 11
Stewart James The Open Prediction #16 double facer ends up next to face-down card, fake explanation (for cleaning up) with another prediction and first card changes into second card
3 Aug. 1955 12
Stewart James Behind-the-Spread Cull as spread is lifted upwards, one card is pulled out of sight
3 Aug. 1955 12
Stewart James The Open Prediction #17 blank-backed card with prediction written on its back, kind of SBS, prediction (written on blank card) is in glass and chosen card is added to it
Inspired by
  • "Lejun" (Stewart James, Linking Ring, Aug. 1954, p. 88)
3 Aug. 1955 13
Stewart James The Open Prediction #18 with stranger card
3 Aug. 1955 13
Stewart James The Open Prediction #19 with stranger card
3 Aug. 1955 14
Stewart James The Open Prediction #20 with stranger card
3 Aug. 1955 14
Stewart James The Open Prediction #21 indicator card stabbed into deck behind back and card next to it is later dealt face down
Inspired by 3 Aug. 1955 15
Stewart James The Open Prediction #22 indicator card stabbed into deck behind back and card next to it is later dealt face down
Inspired by 3 Aug. 1955 15
Stewart James The Open Prediction #23 indicator card stabbed into deck behind back and card next to it is later dealt face down
Inspired by 3 Aug. 1955 15
Stewart James The Open Prediction #24 psychological stop force, with out by Arthur Carter (different effect really)
Related to
  • out by Arthur Carter in The Pentagram, Feb. 1953
3 Aug. 1955 16
Stewart James Sharing Shuffle two spectators shuffle half the deck each so it is not noticed that a portion is missing
3 Aug. 1955 16
Stewart James The Open Prediction #25 stacked deck shuffled (briefly) by spectator, card named, next card predicted and should be dealt as only face-down card
3 Aug. 1955 17
P. Howard Lyons The Lyons Share intro to Open Prediction methods by Lyons
3 Aug. 1955 18
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #26 prediction written on face of another card (which is used to hold out the force card), turnover pass
3 Aug. 1955 18
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #27 prediction card palmed to bottom of deck after the deal, double deal turnover
3 Aug. 1955 18
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #28 prediction written on sticky double facer
3 Aug. 1955 19
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #29 under-the-spread force and cards above and below are turned over, then dealing through cards without turning anything over
Inspired by 3 Aug. 1955 19
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #30 bold discrepancy spread touch force, top card forced
3 Aug. 1955 19
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #31 stooge
3 Aug. 1955 20
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #32 prediction written on double facer, using a move from the Hastings routine
Related toVariations 3 Aug. 1955 20
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #33 prediction written on double facer, variation of previous routine
Inspired by 3 Aug. 1955 20
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #34 switch with Turnover Change after deal
3 Aug. 1955 20
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #35 double facer and turnover pass
3 Aug. 1955 21
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #36 palmed-in double facer and Downs Change
3 Aug. 1955 21
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
4 Nov. 1955 1
Stewart James The Mathematricker a box that apparently solves mathematical questions is presented, first a gag answer appears, then the machine is supposed to give the remainder of an equation done with playing card values, but there is no remainder and nothing appears on the paper
4 Nov. 1955 3
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 22
  • p. 24
4 Nov. 1955 4
P. Howard Lyons, Tom Ransom, Norman Houghton Divination of Two Mentally Chosen Cards two selections made from two halves with "counting pile and remember card at that position" procedure
Inspired byVariations 4 Nov. 1955 5
Stewart James An Addition and a Teaser
Inspired byRelated to 4 Nov. 1955 6
Tom Ransom Crazy Tom Ransom Reads Books two number puzzles
  • The Huckster
  • Color Poker
4 Nov. 1955 7
P. Howard Lyons Break Even card peeked at, two halves made, performer shows written prediction, both cards are dealt simultaneously and performer shouts stop, next cards are selection and predicted card
Related toVariations 4 Nov. 1955 8
Alfred Korzybski quote from "Science and Sanity"
4 Nov. 1955 9
Charles Sanders Peirce Some Amazing Mazes dealing trick with red and black cards in numerical order, dealing into any number of piles, anti-faro rules, see also p. 2
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two (mixing procedure, then number named, value of card at that position is used to count to a card that matches named number)
Related toVariations 4 Nov. 1955 10
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 25
  • p. 36
  • p. 65
4 Nov. 1955 12
Amazing James Randi The Torn Off-Centre tips on the center tear
  • (1) pieces never burned
  • (2) when using a newspaper
  • (3) when using a telephone book
4 Nov. 1955 13
Francis Haxton The Marlo-Curry Prediction
4 Nov. 1955 14
More Approaches to The Open Prediction
4 Nov. 1955 15
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #37 prediction written on double facer, prediction later inserted in spread after deal
4 Nov. 1955 15
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #38 card with prediction written on it is shuffled into deck ("mildly", risky), the card after that one is left face down in dealing process
4 Nov. 1955 15
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #39 spectator cuts and turns that part over and deals through it, first face-down card left face down
Variations 4 Nov. 1955 15
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #40 spectator cuts and turns that part over and deals through it, first face-down card left face down, marked instead of stacked
Inspired by 4 Nov. 1955 16
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #41 full-deck stack, value of top card used to determine which card will be dealt face down
4 Nov. 1955 16
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 112
4 Nov. 1955 16
P. Howard Lyons Dirty Deal five spectators remember a card in a poker hand each, those cards eventually end up in one poker hand in a later deal
4 Nov. 1955 17
Magazine Extracts quote from Sphinx, Aug. 1903, and form MUM
4 Nov. 1955 18
P. Howard Lyons Cheating at Cheating No. 2
4 Nov. 1955 19
P. Howard Lyons Prak-Tekel Hand Control dealing two hands from a Menetekel deck, cards chosen from one hand are divined or located by touch in pocket
4 Nov. 1955 19
Ken Beale No-Switch Switch #2 fake hole card switch
4 Nov. 1955 20
Mel Stover Puzzle Solution: Lewis Carroll
Related to 4 Nov. 1955 22
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
5 Apr. 1956 1
Stewart James So Nero spectator loses Jacks and deals out four hands to find them again, no-touch, story presentation, with spelling strategy to force one of four piles
Inspired byVariations 5 Apr. 1956 3
P. Howard Lyons Information Wanted Departed requesting information about Dai Vernon's Exclusive Card Mysteries manuscript
Related to 5 Apr. 1956 4
Tom Ransom Brown Study two spectators cut off a small pile, shuffle and remember the bottom card, all replaced and done with the performer's back turned, cards are found
Inspired byRelated to 5 Apr. 1956 5
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 36
5 Apr. 1956 5
Mel Stover Okosa card thought from sixteen-card packet, top eight shown and asked whether selection is there, faro, repeat, ...
Related to 5 Apr. 1956 6
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 75
  • p. 77
5 Apr. 1956 7
P. Howard Lyons Out of This Mind gag out of this world version in which one pile is all e.g. Sevens of Diamonds and the other all Six of Clubs duplicates
5 Apr. 1956 8
Tom Ransom Puzzle: Shear Madness puzzle about cutting out a Greek cross of a folded paper with one cut
Related to 5 Apr. 1956 9
Ken Beale Setting Up Exercise method to set up Eight Kings quickly at home
Related toVariations 5 Apr. 1956 10
Quote from Number, The Language of Science (Dantzig)
5 Apr. 1956 11
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mentrick six-digit number that is not divisible by seven is named and used to fill out a grid with a blank diagonal, numbers must be filled in to make the rows divisible by seven
5 Apr. 1956 12
P. Howard Lyons Cheating at Cheating - Number Three
5 Apr. 1956 14
Ken Beale Pseudo Seconds fake second dealing and stacking demonstration, Tantalizer deal with red Aces, black Aces show up as well, then stacking with the Aces, four duplicate Aces
  • Let's Get Fancy (half-deck gambling stack preserved during deals and Tantalizer deal for finale)
Related to 5 Apr. 1956 15
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 206
  • p. 289
  • p. 301
5 Apr. 1956 17
P. Howard Lyons The Negative Miracle any card slid out of red-backed deck and shown, in second deck all cards are in new deck order and the selection is blank
  • Finger Flinger Method (one deck only, chosen card becomes blank card)
Related to 5 Apr. 1956 18
Norman Houghton Stranger of Another Colour "Stranger of Another Color", blue-backed card fuses to the face of a red-backed selection, no signatures
Related toVariations 5 Apr. 1956 19
Norman Houghton HiLo a blue-backed King is placed low in red-backed deck, a blue-backed Three high, they transpose within the deck
5 Apr. 1956 20
Knight's Tour Challenge
5 Apr. 1956 20
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
Related to 6 July 1956 1
Peter Warlock Warlock's Way double facer at bottom after deal, slid next to reversed card with under-the-spread handling
6 July 1956 3
Mel Stover Puzzle: Sugar Lumps
Related to 6 July 1956 3
Mel Stover Two Cues three different-colored envelopes and paper cards, spectator puts cards in envelopes so the colors do not match, envelopes distributed by spectator in two pockets and one left on table, performer picks up tabled envelope and divines location of all colored cards, Free Will
Variations 6 July 1956 4
P. Howard Lyons Ambiguous Cards three different-colored envelopes and paper cards, spectator puts cards in envelopes so the colors do not match, envelopes distributed by spectator in two pockets and one left on table, performer picks up tabled envelope and writes down the color distribution (with ambiguous statements)
Inspired by 6 July 1956 4
Martin Gardner The "One Two Three" Trick three sets of Ace to Three are removed, one set put in a face-up row on table, one set put face down under those cards in the row, last three cards are distributed by spectator so they don't match the face-up cards, face-down cards either predict the placement, or each set has an Ace, Two and Three, also suggestion with other objects (different-sized cups of three colors)
Variations 6 July 1956 5
Paul Curry In His Cups three different-colored cups and balls, spectator puts balls under cups so that the colors are mis-matched, moves according to instructions are made, now all cups and balls are matched
6 July 1956 7
Martin Gardner Principles Only! divination of a picture card of which the center has been hole-punched to hang it on the wall, application idea for Dai Vernon principle (centers of all picture cards are different)
6 July 1956 9
P. Howard Lyons Blood is thicker than Oil 4&4, face-up mix
6 July 1956 11
P. Howard Lyons On an Article "How to Magically Vanish an Elephant" on Foster Terrell article in Linking Ring
6 July 1956 11
P. Howard Lyons On an Article "How to Magically Vanish an Elephant" on Foster Terrell article in Linking Ring
6 July 1956 11
Faucett Ross Background on the DeeVee Manuscript information about Dai Vernon's early card manuscripts
Related to 6 July 1956 12
Faucett Ross Follow the Leader History credit information
6 July 1956 13
Tom Bowyer Follow the Leader Method brief outline
6 July 1956 13
Tom Ransom Puzzle Solution: Shear Madness
Related to 6 July 1956 14
Mel Stover, Tom Ransom, Norman Houghton Puzzle: Cubes arranging five objects to make a cube
Related to 6 July 1956 14
Tom Ransom Redundant two cards chosen from two halves, both dealt simultaneously, one face up and one face down, face-up spectator thinks stop and performer stops at card, second selection is at same position in face-down pile
Related to
  • "Simultaneous Coincidence" (Reading Is Believing, Trevor Hall)
6 July 1956 15
Amazing James Randi New Keys presentation for Hen Fetsch method
Inspired by
  • "Master Lock" (Hen Fetsch, Magic at Your Fingertips)
6 July 1956 16
Bruce Posgate Ribbon-Spread Cards Suspension spread remains suspended in mid-air, combined with arm spreads, lazy tongs gimmick
6 July 1956 17
P. Howard Lyons Cheating at Cheating No. 4
6 July 1956 21
Ken Beale Blindfold Stud remembered hole cards in the poker hands end up in same hands again, Aces for performer
6 July 1956 21
Tom Ransom Tom Ransom Letter quotes from a letter
6 July 1956 22
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
7 Sep. 1956 1
Edward Marlo The Time Machine 3&3, three reds and blacks are alternated, Ace of Spades put in center of one half, the other half shuffled upside-down, all things are undone when traveled back in time, writing of time written on a business card vanishes
Variations 7 Sep. 1956 2
Tom Bowyer One Way the Hard Way out-of-the-room selection, spectator has to remove a card from tabled spread, walk somewhere and replace card from other side, described by Faucett Ross
Related to 7 Sep. 1956 7
L. Vosburgh Lyons Heavenly Sevens Ace through Seven, spectator removes any card and from the rest places two in a row, performer completes the row with the remaining four digits so that the resulting six-digit number is always divisible by seven
7 Sep. 1956 8
Norman Houghton Movable Marker stab force handling, card stabbed in deck, break at force card slightly below center
Variations 7 Sep. 1956 12
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 68
7 Sep. 1956 12
Martin Gardner Flexa Tube Puzzle flexagon-related puzzle about folding a tube inside out in a certain way
Related to 7 Sep. 1956 13
Bill Simon Simon-Chanted Evening small packet cut off by spectator, performer deals rest until spectator says stop, value of stopped-at card corresponds with number of cut-off cards
7 Sep. 1956 14
Bill Simon Simon-Chanted Evening small packet cut off by spectator, performer deals rest until spectator says stop, value of stopped-at card corresponds with number of cut-off cards
7 Sep. 1956 14
Bill Simon Psychological Stop Force Handling
7 Sep. 1956 14
Mel Stover, Tom Ransom, Norman Houghton Puzzle Solutions: Cubes
Related to 7 Sep. 1956 15
Bill Elliott TNUOC skill of writing numbers from one to nine upside-down while reciting them in reverse order
7 Sep. 1956 16
Mel Stover OGNIB "Bingo in reverse", number grid, calculation with age, year of birth comes out
7 Sep. 1956 17
P. Howard Lyons Wildroot 4&4 with extra card
Related toVariations 7 Sep. 1956 18
Mel Stover Puzzle Solution: Sugar Lumps
Related to 7 Sep. 1956 19
Ken Beale Take Nine spectator remembers card and its position from the top, performer takes the cards behind the back and brings them back out, the card's value at the original position is used to count down to selection
Inspired byVariations 7 Sep. 1956 20
Martin Gardner Puzzle: Smith's Dilemma number puzzle in which the word "smith" is coded into digits
7 Sep. 1956 21
P. Howard Lyons Money Maker mis-made bills come out of money maker prop
7 Sep. 1956 22
Norman Houghton Suggestion Box suggesting the trick title "Psi Stebbins", challenge to come up with a trick
Variations 7 Sep. 1956 23
John Murray Hole Punch Billet Reading idea of punching through the written information to hang the billet on a nail or so
7 Sep. 1956 24
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
8 Dec. 1956 1
Edward Marlo An Ed Marlo Bibliography
8 Dec. 1956 2
Edward Marlo Separating Aces (4th Method) four Aces are placed in the center face-down, deck spread and Aces have distributed in the deck and turned face-up
Inspired by 8 Dec. 1956 3
Edward Marlo Same Methode, Different Effect Aces removed, they change to Kings, Aces found reversed distributed through deck
8 Dec. 1956 3
Edward Marlo Repeat Transposition two cards selected, sandwiched Ace of Spades away from deck transposes with the selections one by one, Ace found face up in center after each transposition
  • First Method
  • Second Method
  • Third Method (only one selection and transposition)
  • Fourth Method (using four Aces, no selections)
  • Fifth Method (using four Aces, no selections)
Related to 8 Dec. 1956 4
Edward Marlo Covered Hit Break right first finger gets break under top cards under cover of spread packet
8 Dec. 1956 4
Edward Marlo Secret Addition Release during display sequence, the extra cards are dropped
8 Dec. 1956 4
Edward Marlo The Torn Joker performer wants to find selection but finds Joker twice, then tears it up, Joker is found again and torn pieces of Joker are shown to be selection
Related to 8 Dec. 1956 8
Edward Marlo Key Card Placement card replaced on lower half, Charlier cut, right hand cards are placed above and below
8 Dec. 1956 8
Mel Stover Puzzle: Twin Matching number puzzle about percentages
Related to 8 Dec. 1956 9
Edward Marlo On the Memorized Deck
  • four spectators each cut off a packet, remember the bottom card and shuffle the whole packet, after seeing the faces of the packets for a few seconds, the performer names the cards in all packets leaving the selection to last
  • then any number is named and performer names card at that position and vice versa
  • second deal and poker deal demo if Ireland stack is used
Variations 8 Dec. 1956 10
Edward Marlo A Miracle with Cards four spectators each cut off a packet, remember the bottom card and shuffle the whole packet, performer looks at each packet and finds the selections, secretly counting the packets, last card from pocket
  • alternative in which the last wrong card changes into selection
Related toVariations 8 Dec. 1956 11
Edward Marlo For a Single spectator cuts off a packet, remembers the bottom card and shuffles the packet, performer takes packet and finds card, repeats, optional re-stack during location
8 Dec. 1956 12
Edward Marlo Faro Shuffle as False Shuffle preparing by giving the deck six out-faros before performance
8 Dec. 1956 13
Norman Houghton Puzzle Solution: Cubes
Related to 8 Dec. 1956 13
Edward Marlo New Oil and Water Routine 4&4, fan insertion mix, two black extra cards
8 Dec. 1956 14
Edward Marlo Oil and Water Climax 4&4, face-up fan mix, two black extra cards
Related to 8 Dec. 1956 15
Edward Marlo All One Way eight cards mixed face-up/face-down, then all one way again, repeat, two extra cards
  • Notes to All One Way (with roughed deck idea)
Variations 8 Dec. 1956 17
Edward Marlo Wedge Break Displacement
Related to 8 Dec. 1956 18
Edward Marlo Table Tap Half Pass Cover
8 Dec. 1956 18
Edward Marlo Cased-In Shuffle reds and blacks separated, deck is cased, shuffle mimed, deck is uncased and shown mixed
  • First Method (rough-smooth)
  • Second Method (packet handling)
Related toVariations 8 Dec. 1956 20
Edward Marlo Solutions to a Problem deck is cut and put face-to-face, number named and card in lower half remembered, card in upper half at same or different number also remembered, the card transpose, Thomas Wright problem
  • Solution No. 1
    • Notes on the Above (half pass suggestion)
  • Solution No. 2 (cards transpose and also turn over)
  • Solution No. 3
  • Solution No. 4
  • Solution No. 5
Variations 8 Dec. 1956 21
Edward Marlo Notes On The Turnabout Pass cards from the top or center are pulled around the deck reversed to bottom, optional riffle cover
8 Dec. 1956 26
Stanyon Advertisement
Also published here
  • Stanyon's Magic, Dec. 1903
8 Dec. 1956 26
Edward Marlo Mexican Solitaire shuffled deck, deck dealt into four piles according to rules, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, all four-of-a-kinds together or controlled, can be followed by poker deals:
  • Progressive Poker
    • First Game
    • Three-Handed
    • Four-Handed
    • Five-Handed
    • Second Play of Five-Handed Poker
  • Royal Flush Control
    • Second Royal
    • Third Royal
    • Fourth Royal
    • Alternative Procedure for Four Royals
Variations 8 Dec. 1956 27
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 210
page number is guessed
8 Dec. 1956 30
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
9 Mar. 1957 1
Amazing James Randi A Clean Book Test words circled on page of Reader's Digest, page torn out and crumpled up, performer divines words, secret duplicate page under forced page
Related to 9 Mar. 1957 3
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 206
9 Mar. 1957 3
Francis Haxton Three More three cards taken from one pile, one chosen, all three replaced reversed in one half, only chosen card travels reversed to other half
  • First Variation
  • Second Variation
  • Third Variation
Inspired by
  • "Take Three" in Peter Warlock's Pentagram, July 1955
9 Mar. 1957 4
Resurrectionist Dept.
9 Mar. 1957 7
Tom Bowyer A One-Man Impossibility? spectator with cloth over him divines chosen cards, cue sheet and force, originally published under Bowyer's stage name "T. Van Russell"
Also published here
  • marketed 1923
9 Mar. 1957 7
Tom Bowyer "Sucker" Effect spectator under cloth apparently divines cards, rest of audience plays along, originally published under Bowyer's stage name "T. Van Russell"
Also published here
  • marketed 1923
9 Mar. 1957 7
P. Howard Lyons Three Up Ace-Two-Three rise from middle of deck to top individually
Related toVariations 9 Mar. 1957 9
P. Howard Lyons Covered Secret Addition bottom card of several slipped into break near top
Related to 9 Mar. 1957 9
Don Tanner Royal Box image of skull appears on blank card in a box, spectator has thought of any dead president, gag
9 Mar. 1957 10
Sid Lorraine On Openings
9 Mar. 1957 10
P. Howard Lyons Final 3 Cardmanship sequence for last three cards
Related to 9 Mar. 1957 11
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 27
9 Mar. 1957 11
Tom Ransom Flexa-Tube Solution
Related to 9 Mar. 1957 12
Edward Marlo Latest Oil and Water 4&4, no extra cards
  • First Phase
  • Second Phase
  • Third Phase
  • Fourth Phase
9 Mar. 1957 13
Edward Marlo Swindle Aces Display four cards shown one by one and tabled, one shown twice and one hidden
Related to 9 Mar. 1957 13
P. Howard Lyons 2 with 6 3&3
  • Method 1
  • Method 2
9 Mar. 1957 16
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 104
  • p. 167
9 Mar. 1957 17
Norman Houghton Poor Mixers 3&3, spectator mixed cards and they separate, repeat
Variations 9 Mar. 1957 18
Mel Stover Puzzle Solution: Twin Matching number puzzle about percentages
Related to 9 Mar. 1957 20
P. Howard Lyons Clown Version 3&3, one color is never shown after the initial display (& switch), all one color at the end
Variations 9 Mar. 1957 21
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 74
9 Mar. 1957 21
P. Howard Lyons Slipduc six-card spread held with both hands, hand separate with half the cards each, center two cards are switched secretly, 3&3 oil and water application
Variations 9 Mar. 1957 22
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 176
9 Mar. 1957 22
Tom Ransom Mixmaster 4&4, no extra cards
9 Mar. 1957 23
Edward Marlo Miracle Transposition card on top of packet transposes with card on table, using Miracle Change No. 1
9 Mar. 1957 24
P. Howard Lyons Department Dept. comments on the different columns of the magazine
  • Principles Only
  • Titles Only
  • Cheating at Cheating
  • Suggestion Box
  • Effects Only
9 Mar. 1957 26
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
10 June 1957 1
Hungarian Mutus Nomen Mnemonics
10 June 1957 2
Mel Stover Unanswerable Propositions
10 June 1957 2
Edward Marlo Red Black Locations two-card location with divided deck, faro
  • Second Phase (red-black-alternating)
  • Third Phase (red-black-alternating in pairs)
  • Fourth Phase (divided deck)
Variations 10 June 1957 3
Edward Marlo Cull Separation Shuffle deck alternates in pairs, after overhand shuffle sequence the colors are separated
10 June 1957 5
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 231
  • p. 237
10 June 1957 5
P. Howard Lyons Athlete's Fool spectator stabs Joker in deck and remembers card above it which is cut to bottom, Joker whispers card to performer, deck dropped on Joker, Joker rises to top and whispers top card
Inspired by 10 June 1957 6
P. Howard Lyons On the Sound Switch comments on a switch that is activated by a loud sound, dog whistle
10 June 1957 7
P. Howard Lyons Puzzle for Marks spectator stabs Joker in deck and remembers card above it which is shuffled back in, performer divines card, spectator then pushed out any card which is selection
10 June 1957 8
Principles Only
10 June 1957 9
Martin Gardner Looped!!! spectator draws intersecting curve on floor, pair of mates placed on each intersection, cards picked up according to rules, packet cut, top and bottom cards remembered and exchanged and later divined, exploiting topological curve properties
10 June 1957 9
Elmer Biddle Biddle Diddle challenge location of peeked card
10 June 1957 10
Elmer Biddle Elmer's Spell running cut to place peeked-at card at certain position from top
10 June 1957 10
P. Howard Lyons Here There & Everywhere with Hofzinser's presentation, one duplicate
10 June 1957 11
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 115
10 June 1957 12
William P. Miesel Ambitious Ten with Ace through Ten of Clubs
10 June 1957 13
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 181
10 June 1957 14
Edward Marlo Double Buckle Vanish card vanishes from packet
  • With all Five Cards Face Down
  • With all Cards Face Down
  • With all Cards Face Up
  • To Show all Cards and Reverse the Selection During the Process
  • Devilish Miracle Handling
  • The Triple Buckle Vanish
10 June 1957 15
John A. M. Howie No Latin Needed
Inspired by 10 June 1957 16
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 177
10 June 1957 17
Norman Houghton The Compleat Angler word play in which cut-out paper angles are found in deck when talking about new angles
10 June 1957 18
Edward Marlo Skipping Elevator with Ace through Four, two ahead
10 June 1957 19
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
11 Sep. 1957 1
P. Howard Lyons Jumping Jehosophat three cards taken from one pile, one chosen, all three replaced reversed in one half, only chosen card travels reversed to other half
Inspired by 11 Sep. 1957 2
Norman Houghton Shears invisible scissor is used to cut off two strips from a piece of paper, sight gag, two applications:
  • design of chosen card is cut from newspaper
  • ribbon in change bag is cut invisibly into as many pieces are the spectator chooses
Related to 11 Sep. 1957 4
Norman Houghton Bubble Spectacle performer blows at lens of his glasses, stream of bubbles shoots out
11 Sep. 1957 5
Mel Stover Puzzle: Bananastand
Related to 11 Sep. 1957 5
P. Howard Lyons Psi Stebbins - Method I spectator cuts off a packet, remembers the bottom card and shuffles the whole packet, then reads out all the cards and performer names selections, spectator shuffles packet, remembers new bottom card, puts packet on deck and reads off cards, performer stops at selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 11 Sep. 1957 6
P. Howard Lyons Psi Stebbins - Method II deck cut in half, two spectators each remember top card of their half and cut, performer looks at one half and names both cards
Related to 11 Sep. 1957 6
P. Howard Lyons Psi Stebbins - Method III several cards are peeked at by spectators, performer divines all, consecutive peek riffle force
Related to 11 Sep. 1957 7
P. Howard Lyons High in Denmark cutting the high card with all quartets in descending order
11 Sep. 1957 7
Tom Ransom A Puzzle From The Future! puzzle about which year a company was founded
Also published here 11 Sep. 1957 7
Edward Marlo 3 Mental Effects intro
11 Sep. 1957 8
Edward Marlo New Tail of the Q
  • #1 of "3 Mental Effects"
back-count force with Q-shaped layout, two cards and a number are divined
Related to 11 Sep. 1957 8
Edward Marlo Telephone Test
  • #2 of "3 Mental Effects"
over telephone or from another room, spectator deals cards one at a time and calls them out and thinks of one of them, performer divines it, repeat with two cards (one thought of, another selection placed besides it, then the order called out), optional ideas for further phase
VariationsAlso published here 11 Sep. 1957 10
Edward Marlo Majority Fishing
11 Sep. 1957 10
Edward Marlo Mental and Physical
  • #3 of "3 Mental Effects"
card thought of, another selection placed next to it, both found
  • Additional Ideas for Mental and Physical Choice
    • 1. Force
    • 2. Marked Deck
    • 3. Stacked deck
    • 4. One way deck on faces
Inspired byRelated to 11 Sep. 1957 11
P. Howard Lyons Telephone Extension different handling for second phase of Marlo's routine
Inspired by 11 Sep. 1957 13
P. Howard Lyons Psi on the Telephone telephone version
Inspired by 11 Sep. 1957 13
Tom Ransom Piano Music piano card trick featuring a pure rhythm false count for six as seven, and eight as seven
Related to 11 Sep. 1957 14
Alex Elmsley A Letter from Alex intro to following tricks, presenting mathematical tricks
11 Sep. 1957 15
Alex Elmsley Royal Flush Control Variation
Inspired byRelated to 11 Sep. 1957 15
Alex Elmsley Through Darkest Peirce cards are dealt out multiple times to mix them, yet they are mated, relation to Sympathetic Cards
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 11 Sep. 1957 16
Alex Elmsley Card Position Formula After Dealing calculating position of any card in a packet of any size, after dealing cards out
Also published here 11 Sep. 1957 18
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 289
  • p. 290
  • p. 293
11 Sep. 1957 18
Alex Elmsley Late Night Location spectator cuts off a pile, remembers bottom card and shuffles, packet returned and deck faro shuffled, selection found, stay stack with duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here 11 Sep. 1957 19
William P. Miesel 33 Up Ace-Two-Three rise from middle of deck to top individually
Inspired by 11 Sep. 1957 19
Alex Elmsley Choosey card chosen and lost, packet removed, spectator removes one card from it and it is selection or leads to it
Related toAlso published here 11 Sep. 1957 20
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 231
11 Sep. 1957 20
Alex Elmsley Work in Progress faro mathematics, defining Out- and In-Faro, then the Binary Translocations:
  • 1) to bring top card to any position with faros
  • 2) to bring card to top with 2^x cards
  • 3) edge-marked deck with 2^x cards, bringing any card to top
Related toAlso published here 11 Sep. 1957 21
Norbert Wiener Quote from "The Human Use of Human Beings"
11 Sep. 1957 21
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
12 Dec. 1957 1
Edward Marlo Hummer-Marlo packet mixed with cato procedure by spectator under table, one card remembered, performer sorts all except selection, faro
Related to 12 Dec. 1957 2
Mel Stover Puzzle Solution: Bananastand
Related to 12 Dec. 1957 3
Edward Marlo The Backward Faro out-jogging every other card, with some properties, also for setting up for a "false" shuffle
Related toVariations 12 Dec. 1957 4
Jack Avis Tip for "Shears" invisible scissor sight gag
Related to 12 Dec. 1957 4
Edward Marlo The Faro Calculator getting into stack with faros, reverse-principle
Also published here 12 Dec. 1957 5
Quote from "In Search of the Miraculous" p. 372 from George Gurdjieff's "In Search of the Miraculous"
12 Dec. 1957 6
Alexander F. Kraus Sum Total Kruskal count procedure, challenge of having the face-up cards add up to 52, posed as a problem
Variations 12 Dec. 1957 7
Tom Ransom Puzzle Solution: Puzzle From The Future!
Also published here 12 Dec. 1957 7
L. Vosburgh Lyons Cubeb puzzle with cubes that have six different colors in different arrangements
Related toVariations 12 Dec. 1957 8
Reg Holden Stop and Go Ideas obedient ball
12 Dec. 1957 8
P. Howard Lyons Somerset card chosen and lost, performer removes a few cards, selection remains after elimination procedure
Inspired by 12 Dec. 1957 11
P. Howard Lyons Department Page
12 Dec. 1957 12
Royal Vale Heath Number Challenge two-digit number divided by three, left-over named to performer who then works out the number
Related to
  • "Zangbar Zackelback" (Wallace Lee, Genii, June 1958, p. 364)
12 Dec. 1957 12
Jack Avis On the Seven-Principle
12 Dec. 1957 12
Alex Elmsley 1002nd Aces spectator can freely choose the leader packet
Related toVariationsAlso published here 12 Dec. 1957 13
Arthur Hastings Comments on the DFC Move Two Card Monte idea with a double facer and a regular card
Related to 12 Dec. 1957 13
Arthur Hastings Aces, Red & Black red and black Aces transpose, red Aces change to Kings
Variations 12 Dec. 1957 14
Jack Avis A Short Brownwave card selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and the selected card is at same position as card with a message
Inspired byVariations 12 Dec. 1957 15
Jack Avis A Simple Brownwave card selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and the selected card is at same position as card with a message
Inspired by 12 Dec. 1957 15
Jack Avis Delayed Brownwave card selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then divided in two halves, both deal in unison and at one point a prediction card appears with the message "count ten more cards", that's where the selection is
Inspired by 12 Dec. 1957 16
Norman Houghton OWOOOooo-o-o-o! routine with "wolf pack" (erotic images), spectator repeatedly selects the Joker in different ways, spectator names card which is taken out and given to spectator, performer takes named card out of his pocket and spectator has Joker again, another card is selected and given to the spectator in an envelope as souvenir (it's normal when he looks)
12 Dec. 1957 17
Norman Houghton The Run Under the Fan force card starts near the top under a break
12 Dec. 1957 19
Norman Houghton Production of Palmed Card from the Shirt Pocket only thumb and first finger enter pocket
Related to 12 Dec. 1957 19
P. Howard Lyons Stripper Trick picking-off-the-pip ends with cards from "wolf pack" (erotic images) with line "Now I'll take everything off"
12 Dec. 1957 19
P. Howard Lyons Martin Gardner Force Book comment that Martin Gardner's "Mathematics, Magic And Mystery" is a force book
12 Dec. 1957 20
Tom Ransom Magical Principles four diagrams, puzzle what they represent
Related to 12 Dec. 1957 20
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
13 Mar. 1958 1
P. Howard Lyons Stough comments and "departments"
Related to 13 Mar. 1958 2
Alex Elmsley On the Presentation of Coincidence Effects
13 Mar. 1958 2
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Improved Clown Version fifty-one red cards, as a gag
Inspired by 13 Mar. 1958 2
Alex Elmsley Auto Prediction three cards are predicted written on another playing card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 13 Mar. 1958 3
Alex Elmsley 7-16 down under deal, Ace of Spades remains, game presentation
Related toVariationsAlso published here 13 Mar. 1958 4
Tom Ransom Puzzle: Fist Through Cigarette Paper walking through a playing card variation
13 Mar. 1958 4
Alex Elmsley Pierce Arrow unusual game in which one deals through twelve cards and tries to predict position of reversed card, actually "Peirce Arrow"
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 13 Mar. 1958 5
Martin Gardner Two Puzzles
  • arranging seven cigarettes so they all touch
  • arranging four matches into a square that becomes smaller and smaller
Related to 13 Mar. 1958 5
Tom Ransom Heat-Sensitive Paper Comment challenge of finding magical applications
13 Mar. 1958 5
Edward Marlo Mental Disclosure
  • First Method (one of ten memorized cards thought of, fishing and showing piles and asking whether the card is among them)
  • Second Method (shuffled, one of nine, asking whether the card is among them)
Variations 13 Mar. 1958 6
Tom Ransom Sibling two prediction cards, spectator stabs a card reversed into deck behind his back, prediction cards predict the card above the stabbed card via suit and value, and also the one below
13 Mar. 1958 8
Mel Stover MelMath on mixing/controlled shuffling, especially with faro shuffles
Related to 13 Mar. 1958 9
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) On Binary Translocations on having a formula for getting a card to the top with faro shuffles with not 2
Related to 13 Mar. 1958 10
Tom Crane On the Piano Music False Count spectator and performer count simultaneously
Related to 13 Mar. 1958 10
Ronald B. Edwards No Two Ways 2&2, presented as a puzzle in which the cards cannot be put in an alternating order from the faces and the backs simultaneously
Variations 13 Mar. 1958 11
Stewart James, H. E. Dudeney, Max Katz Nic's Trick two-digit number divided by three, left-over named to performer who then works out the number
Inspired by 13 Mar. 1958 12
Alexander F. Kraus Sum Total Kruskal count procedure, at the end all face-up cards add up to 52, solution to the problem
Inspired by 13 Mar. 1958 13
Tom Ransom Sum More Kruskal count procedure, at the end all face-up cards add up to 52
Inspired byRelated to 13 Mar. 1958 17
Max Katz Sum More Kruskal count procedure, at the end all face-up cards add up to 52
Inspired by 13 Mar. 1958 17
Norman Houghton Two Little Houghtons intro, two stripper deck tricks from "Entertainment Novelties"
13 Mar. 1958 18
Norman Houghton The Shower of Aces Aces lost in deck, deck held under handkerchief, Aces drop out and onto table
13 Mar. 1958 18
Norman Houghton Honest Weight performer cuts deck into three piles, performer tells number of cards in chosen packet by weight
13 Mar. 1958 18
Norman Houghton Hollow Mockery green silk changes into egg, then red silk is pulled from egg, magician's gag
13 Mar. 1958 19
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
14 Sep. 1958 1
Edward Marlo Thoughts on Piano on the piano card trick
  • First Method (two roughed pairs)
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
14 Sep. 1958 2
Tom Ransom Australian Poker three cards placed on each Ace, packets combined, after down-under deal performer ends up with the Aces
Related toVariations 14 Sep. 1958 4
Thomas M. Harris On the Mind two-digit number divided by three, left-over named to performer who then works out the number (is this "Tom Harris"?)
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Zangbar Zackelback" (Wallace Lee, Genii, June 1958, p. 364)
14 Sep. 1958 5
Yarborough Problem probability of getting no card higher than Nine in a quarter of the deck, quote from "Mathematics and Logic" by Sir Edmund Taylor Whittaker
14 Sep. 1958 5
Ric Schonblum When You Can't Face It gag when a magician gets handed a "wolf pack" (erotic images), chosen card is still normal
14 Sep. 1958 7
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Tips from Ravelli: Brown Study tip for Brown Study (two spectators cut off a small pile, shuffle and remember the bottom card, all replaced and done with the performer's back turned, cards are found)
Related to 14 Sep. 1958 7
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Tips from Ravelli: Binary Translocations not necessary to shuffle perfect faros in certain cases
Related to 14 Sep. 1958 7
Norman Houghton No Two Ways (Second Way) 2&2, presented as a puzzle in which the cards cannot be put in an alternating order from the faces and the backs simultaneously
  • Third Way
Inspired by 14 Sep. 1958 8
Norman Houghton Angle Buckle for buckle count, buckling with left thumb at left edge
14 Sep. 1958 9
Gerald Kosky A Blue Prediction spectator selects only card with blue back, cross sum force
Also published here 14 Sep. 1958 10
Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Bowyer Trick Brain Tumors annotations to "The Trick Brain"
  • p. 248
  • p. 248
14 Sep. 1958 10
P. Howard Lyons For He's a Jolly Good Follow ten reds and ten blacks
14 Sep. 1958 11
P. Howard Lyons Reverse Stud hand with Aces changes into Royal Flush
Related to 14 Sep. 1958 12
Tom Bowyer A Letter to Faucett letter to Faucett Ross, Chester Miller, Dunninger
Related to 14 Sep. 1958 13
Chester "Dr. DeMille" Miller Phone Divination person phoned who calls any card, it is the only reversed card in the deck
14 Sep. 1958 13
Tom Bowyer Phone Book Test based on Grant idea, index
14 Sep. 1958 13
Tom Bowyer Book Riffle Force
14 Sep. 1958 14
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mindreading two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here 14 Sep. 1958 14
Alex Elmsley Auto Discovery two cards are used to divine a very free selection that's pocketed by spectator, stacked
Also published here 14 Sep. 1958 15
Alex Elmsley Double Control transposing top card with selection at certain position with faro shuffles
VariationsAlso published here 14 Sep. 1958 15
Alex Elmsley Chance & Choice strange selection process involving down-under-deal, three cards
Also published here 14 Sep. 1958 16
P. Howard Lyons The Problem of A, B, C and D on a logic problem concerning lying
14 Sep. 1958 16
Alex Elmsley Mathematics & Mentalism one of sixteen cards thought of with its position, during reverse faros the spectator says in which half his card is, selection ends up on top (and force card brought to original position)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 14 Sep. 1958 17
P. Howard Lyons Why-Believe-Its taken from Ripley books
14 Sep. 1958 17
Alex Elmsley Switchy-Coo card a chosen number is reversed, then changes to previous selection
Also published here 14 Sep. 1958 18
P. Domain Whose World? with shuffled deck, Grant
14 Sep. 1958 19
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
15 Dec. 1958 1
Edward Marlo Ladies Looking Glass Application
15 Dec. 1958 1
Edward Marlo Quick 3-Way three-alike display
Related toVariationsAlso published here 15 Dec. 1958 2
Edward Marlo In Lieu of the Hindoo Shuffle all alike display for deck
  • First Method (sequence of under-cuts and shows)
  • Second Method (swing cuts in the hands)
  • Third Method (swing cuts onto the table)
  • Fourth Method (packets cut from top to bottom with pull-down of bottom card)
  • Fifth Method (deck face up, packets dropped onto table face down with slip cut action)
  • Sixth Method (deck face up, slip cuts with face towards performer)
Related to 15 Dec. 1958 3
Edward Marlo Mini-Classic (1st method) selection lost, it is shown on top, bottom and reversed in center, the three cards are shown as all alike, card then taken from pocket, deck shown as all selection
15 Dec. 1958 5
Edward Marlo Mini-Classic (2nd method) three cards change into selection, then selection taken from pocket, card then taken from pocket, deck shown as all selection
Related to 15 Dec. 1958 6
Edward Marlo A Sixy Effect three cards change into selection (a Six), then selection taken from pocket, card then taken from pocket, deck shown as all selection, all four Sixes produced from pocket, puns in the patter
Related toVariations 15 Dec. 1958 7
Edward Marlo A Variation to a Sixy Effect variation of the ending with a pocket transfer sequence, passing a Nine as a Six
Inspired byRelated to 15 Dec. 1958 8
Edward Marlo Buffalo'd transposition with bluff display
Variations 15 Dec. 1958 9
P. Howard Lyons Everyone is a Magician quote from 1533 book Book One of "Gargantua and Pantagruel"
15 Dec. 1958 9
Edward Marlo Jack and Ace Transposition two extra phases after Dai Vernon's "The Jumping Jack", clean-up with pocket phase
Inspired by 15 Dec. 1958 10
Martin Gardner Puzzle Solution: Seven Cigarettes arranging seven cigarettes so they all touch
Related to 15 Dec. 1958 11
Edward Marlo Oil & Water - Water & Oil - Oil & Water intro
15 Dec. 1958 12
Edward Marlo First Routine: Using 3 jacks and 3 tens 3&3, extra card, three phases
Variations 15 Dec. 1958 12
Edward Marlo The Second B and R Routine 3&3, from the backs, three phases
15 Dec. 1958 14
Edward Marlo Sleightless Sleight oil & water fan with 3&3 is separated in display gesture, two cards switched/displaced
15 Dec. 1958 15
Edward Marlo All Face Up Oil and Water Routine 3&3, also suggestion of using three cards face up and three face down
15 Dec. 1958 16
Edward Marlo Add Note to P. M. handling with stay stack
Inspired by 15 Dec. 1958 17
Edward Marlo Progressive Miracle using the Half & Half Principle memorized deck as stay stack with calculations, Marlo calls "Stay Stack Principle" the "Half & Half Principle"
Inspired by 15 Dec. 1958 18
Edward Marlo To Tell the Truth deck faro shuffled, then one half placed face up and one face down on the table, face-up cards key the performer so he can name the face-down ones one by one, memorized deck as stay stack
15 Dec. 1958 18
Edward Marlo Calculating Removed Card from memorized deck, card removed and eight faros shuffled in total
Related to 15 Dec. 1958 19
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
16 Mar. 1959 1
Bill Elliott 3 Card Monkey Business packet trick with story presentation, blank card finale, or card with green face
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 16 Mar. 1959 3
Edward Marlo, Neal Elias, Bert Fenn Observation Test see also p. 1 for notes on presentation
Variations 16 Mar. 1959 5
Martin Gardner Piano Mover piano card trick, one double lift
Related to 16 Mar. 1959 8
P. Howard Lyons Phonograph Gag song normal on one side and backwards on the other side
16 Mar. 1959 8
Neal Elias Mental Count Three-spot card pushed in reversed in deck, it is next to peeked-at selection or used to count to it
  • Alternate Procedure (a card reversed in the center, it's the selection or leads to it)
  • Stab Trick - a variation (card stabbed to in paper-wrapped deck)
Variations 16 Mar. 1959 9
Neal Elias Center Key Card Shuffle red/black shuffle around center to retain key card there
16 Mar. 1959 9
Neal Elias Double Selection two cards peeked at in two halves are found, faro
Inspired byVariations 16 Mar. 1959 10
Martin Gardner Puzzle Solution: Matches arranging four matches into a square that becomes smaller and smaller
Related to 16 Mar. 1959 10
Tom Ransom You Did It!!! deck riffle shuffled once, dealt into two pile (one face up, one face down), one spectator follows the dealing of reds and blacks with the face-down pile and thus separates his cards
Inspired by
  • "Magnetic Colors" (Normal Gilbreath, Linking Ring)
Related to
16 Mar. 1959 11
P. Howard Lyons Dream of a Dream cards dealt according to thought-of card, without reference book
Inspired by 16 Mar. 1959 13
Tom Ransom Puzzle: Big Casino
Related to 16 Mar. 1959 13
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #1 "Discovery of two freely chosen cards", two cards chosen with down-under deal from an eight-card packet
16 Mar. 1959 14
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #2 "Performer apparently finds four selected cards. Shows an idea in Re-Forcing", down-under deal with an eight-card packet
16 Mar. 1959 14
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #3 "As a double prediction effect.", down-under deal with an eight-card packet
16 Mar. 1959 15
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #4 "A two deck effect of a Do As I Do nature.", down-under deal with an eight-card packet
16 Mar. 1959 15
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #5 down-under deal double force with a nine-card packet
16 Mar. 1959 16
Edward Marlo Ten-Card Packet Triple Force down-under deal
16 Mar. 1959 17
Edward Marlo Reverse Faro Terminology
16 Mar. 1959 17
Tom Ransom From the Subliminal to the Ridiculous one-way forcing deck as gag force
16 Mar. 1959 18
Jack Stone Prell Centre Prell Shampoo
Related to 16 Mar. 1959 18
Norman Houghton Two Faces of Eve four blank cards shown, two pictures of women appear with humorous presentation
Inspired by
  • Paul Estee packet trick
16 Mar. 1959 19
Theodore Annemann Double-Blank Display Sequence four cards apparently shown from both sides, diminishing turnovers
16 Mar. 1959 19
P. Howard Lyons Ring Off
Related to 16 Mar. 1959 20
P. Howard Lyons Down!!! coin dropped into two nested glasses, handkerchief cover, coin travels into bottom glass, secret third glass
Inspired by
  • Gene Shelly problem in "Future Magic" in Linking Ring
16 Mar. 1959 21
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
17 July 1959 2
Bill Elliott Layman's Choice two rings on a shoelace or string, chosen ring penetrates string
17 July 1959 3
Ronald B. Edwards Mazes-Phase Down variation that starts with two honest riffle shuffles (interlocking chains), suits separated, some dealing procedure that affects the red/black distribution
  • Phase II (dealing into chosen number of piles, sympathetic values)
Inspired byRelated to 17 July 1959 5
Arthur Hastings Two For The Show two selections are peeked at, one turns over, other is counted to, see "Fan Letter" for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations 17 July 1959 6
P. Howard Lyons Codicil deck cut into two piles, spectator looks at top cards, top cards are tabled, both transform and are brought from the pocket, with challenge presentation in which spectator must point to originally seen cards
Inspired by
  • "Never Bet on the Other Man's Game" (The Testament of R. W. Hull)
17 July 1959 7
P. Howard Lyons Scarne Envelope Challenge
17 July 1959 8
Edward Marlo World's Best? spectator's chosen card ends up next to thought-of card, same card is reversed in a second deck
  • alternative method with memorized deck
17 July 1959 9
Edward Marlo Technical Variation of the Henry Christ Force cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition, three handling variations
  • Number 1
  • Number 2
  • Number 3
Inspired byVariations 17 July 1959 9
P. Howard Lyons Resurectionist Dept.
17 July 1959 12
Friedrich Wilhelm Frikell, W. H. Cremer The Unfaithful Knave counting sides in square
Also published here
  • "The Secret Out", W. H. Cremer, 1891
17 July 1959 12
Edward Marlo Duts presentation for Kings and Aces transposition
Related to 17 July 1959 13
Edward Marlo The Worm Turns telling number directly in Einstein trick
Related to 17 July 1959 13
Ken Beale, Francis Carlyle Erl & Water 3&3, three-card spread in each hand, bottom card of right-hand spread switched with top card of left-hand spread in top change action
Inspired by 17 July 1959 14
Ken Beale Apartheid 3&3, one extra, with handling variation by P. Howard Lyons
Inspired byRelated to 17 July 1959 14
Mel Stover Triptych spectator cuts deck in two piles, card cut to is placed aside, down-under-deal with both halves, the remaining cards match, and they also match the card placed aside, fourth card in wallet
Variations 17 July 1959 15
Ken Beale Four Browners see following items
17 July 1959 16
Ken Beale Brown Transpo two selections made from two halves with "counting pile and remember card at that position" procedure, one counted from the top and one from the bottom, they change position
Inspired byVariations 17 July 1959 16
Ken Beale Brown Coincidence two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then dealt in two halves, both are dealt in unison and the selected cards are at the same position
Inspired byVariations 17 July 1959 16
Ken Beale Brown Out packet removed and counted, cards at that position remembered, performer finds card and names number
17 July 1959 17
Ken Beale Simple Coincidence two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, deck then dealt in two halves, both are dealt in unison and the selected cards are at the same position
Inspired byRelated to 17 July 1959 18
P. Howard Lyons On Derek Vernon
Related to 17 July 1959 18
Neal Elias A Reversed Location two cards peeked at in two halves, halves shuffled together, one selection is reversed and the other found next to it, faros
Inspired by 17 July 1959 19
Mel Stover Puzzle: V. A. Hospital
Related to 17 July 1959 19
P. Howard Lyons Noughty Crosses prediction
Related to 17 July 1959 20
P. Howard Lyons Departments
  • Principles Only Department
  • Review Department
  • Additional Explanation Department
  • Stick It Department
17 July 1959 21
Edward Marlo Heat Crimp leaving a card in the heat so it warps
17 July 1959 21
Ronald B. Edwards Flat Flexible Folding Reversible Four Dimensional Die flexagon idea
17 July 1959 21
Sam Randlett Plunger Rise Set-Up faro with small packet into deck
Inspired by 17 July 1959 21
Ed Mellon, Robert Lund, Mel Stover, Glenn Davidson Letter Department
17 July 1959 22
P. Howard Lyons (reviewer) Slow Motion Poker Deals by Lin Searles 17 July 1959 22
P. Howard Lyons (reviewer) Houdini by Harry Houdini (written by William Lindsay Gresham) 17 July 1959 22
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
18 Oct. 1959 1
Ronald B. Edwards 1/2 and 1/2 selection travels from one half to the other
18 Oct. 1959 2
The Compleat Gardner
18 Oct. 1959 3
Martin Gardner Hummering Off
  • Second Version
Related to 18 Oct. 1959 3
Martin Gardner Odd! Monty Hall discussion, bet with three cards
Variations 18 Oct. 1959 3
Martin Gardner Glass House both hands hold a glass and set it down reversed, really only one glass is turned over, two applications:
  • 1. old three-glass trick parity puzzle
  • 2. parity puzzle with six glasses
18 Oct. 1959 4
Martin Gardner Cardless but Glassy Hummer-inspired trick with rows of six glasses, some up some down
18 Oct. 1959 4
Martin Gardner Lull's Ars concentric movable circles with effect and prop categories to generate trick ideas, Trick Brain, "The Ars Magic Inventorium"
Inspired by
  • Ramon Lull, medieval Spanish mystic around 1300
18 Oct. 1959 5
Martin Gardner Brewer's Gold ideas using Ken Beale's two ring and cord principle
Related to 18 Oct. 1959 5
Martin Gardner Pop Up Cube cryptic, perhaps production cube
18 Oct. 1959 6
Martin Gardner, Fred Kaps Capp's Cubes pencil line on sugar cube so two cubes look like three, "Kap's Cubes"
Variations 18 Oct. 1959 7
Martin Gardner Stick Up bar bet with bent paper clip and paper match, creator unknown
18 Oct. 1959 7
Bill Elliott Hyp Hip spectator cannot move his foot
18 Oct. 1959 8
L. Vosburgh Lyons, P. Howard Lyons Cubeb solution to puzzle with cubes that have six different colors in different arrangements
Inspired by 18 Oct. 1959 9
Mel Stover Puzzle Solution: V. A. Hospital
Related to 18 Oct. 1959 10
Edward Marlo Oil & Water Climaxes 4&4, reds and blacks instantly alternate, credit information
  • First Method
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
  • Fourth Method
  • Fifth Method
18 Oct. 1959 11
Edward Marlo Bottom Deal Count Credit Information
18 Oct. 1959 11
Edward Marlo Small Packet Displacement
Also published here 18 Oct. 1959 12
Edward Marlo M.S. Two Hand Loading Move displacements with buckling, see page 13 for credit information
18 Oct. 1959 14
Edward Marlo Using the Glide for Oil and Water credit information
18 Oct. 1959 16
Edward Marlo Double Deal Count in-the-hands
18 Oct. 1959 16
From Reason and Nature by Morris R. Cohen quote from that book
18 Oct. 1959 17
P. Howard Lyons Stuff Page
  • proposition bet in which spectator writes nine different numbers on nine cards and turns them up one at a time, performer calls stop before the highest number is turned up
  • 5x5 magic squares
Related to 18 Oct. 1959 18
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck Thinks on the reverse faro
  • suit separation by going through the deck only once
  • reverse faros to pre-set a stack
  • poker deal application
Inspired byRelated to 18 Oct. 1959 19
Edward Marlo For The Magic Seven "The In Between Phase" (should be done between phases four and five of original routine)
selection reversed in face-up portion travels down into lower face-down portion into seventh position
Inspired by 18 Oct. 1959 21
Edward Marlo Spread Cull Placement from near top to specific position in lower half
18 Oct. 1959 21
Mel Stover Puzzle Solution: Big Casino
Related to 18 Oct. 1959 22
Bill Elliott The O. H. Puzzle layout puzzle with geometrical shapes
Also published here 18 Oct. 1959 23
Stewart James Quiz Biz stack with thirty-six cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always an Ace, Two and Six, Quiz presentation
Variations 18 Oct. 1959 25
Stewart James Party Line stack with thirty-six wod cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always the same three
Inspired by 18 Oct. 1959 26
Stewart James Skip Tracer same spelling principle, applied to murder mystery plot with clue cards
Inspired by 18 Oct. 1959 26
Quote from Menlo Park Reminiscences, Vol. 1 (Francis Jehl)
18 Oct. 1959 27
Stewart James The Message of Didah card chosen by spelling a random item, red and black cards in deck code the selection via morse alphabet
  • First Alternative
  • Second Alternative
18 Oct. 1959 28
Nathan Mendelsohn Whilst Demonstrating to the Company A Game at Poker, To Deal the Cards in Such a Manner that a Card Known to be at one Position from the Top will, at the Performer’s Pleasure, Be Found at any other rules about dealing in piles, see page 34 for more information on author
Related to 18 Oct. 1959 29
P. Howard Lyons They're Really Marked performer sorts deck into reds and blacks from the back, procedure to get a mixed-up one-way deck into the right configuration by dealing once from the back and once from the face, borrowed deck is apparently marked
18 Oct. 1959 30
Bicycle Rider Back One Way Marks
18 Oct. 1959 30
Norman Houghton Norm Houghton on phobias
18 Oct. 1959 30
Ken Beale Jackpott three Jacks deal (three Jacks are laid alternated with indifferent cards and come to the top), ending in full house and royal flush
Inspired by 18 Oct. 1959 31
Edward Marlo Business Card Prediction two cards predicted on business card which is inserted into deck, cards on either side are the predicted ones, duplicate business move, without prophecy move
Inspired by 18 Oct. 1959 32
P. Howard Lyons Neater Penetration odd-backed, two packets of four Aces each, thought Ace transposes
Inspired by 18 Oct. 1959 33
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem All-Marlo issue
19 Dec. 1959 1
Edward Marlo A Rough Prediction Open Prediction methods using a roughed forcing deck, performer deals
  • First Presentation (spectator stops as performer deals)
  • Second Presentation (spectator thinks of a number and then stops dealing at the number, "Did you think of number x?")
  • Third Presentation (spectator thinks of one of the indifferent cards, predicted card is next to it)
  • Fourth Presentation (two cards end up in the same position in two halves)
  • Fifth Presentation (prediction card made with another deck)
19 Dec. 1959 2
Edward Marlo Premonition Not card vanishes from deck and is reproduced from pocket, using deck of double facers with same card on each back (à la Hofzinser), spectator deals through double-faced deck, title taken from reprint
  • First Method (named card vanishes)
  • Second Method (touched card vanishes)
  • Third Method (touched card vanishes, using only a bank of double facers)
  • Fourth Method (named card which is marked and replaced vanishes)
Variations 19 Dec. 1959 4
Edward Marlo Flexible Move whole deck turned over under cover card, one-handed
Also published here
  • The Gen, Feb. 1959
19 Dec. 1959 6
Edward Marlo Atomic Deck Card Vanish peeked card vanishes, using the Atomic Deck (mis-indexed double facer deck)
Related to
  • Joe Berg's Atomic Deck
19 Dec. 1959 7
Edward Marlo Roughed Mene-Tekel Coincidence card thought of in blue deck matches card chosen from red deck
Related to 19 Dec. 1959 8
Edward Marlo R.R.B.M.T. "Roughed Red/Blue Mene Tekel"
card named from deck, an odd-backed prediction is produced from pocket, card case or wallet (or elsewhere)
Variations 19 Dec. 1959 9
Edward Marlo Timing Pocket Load inside pocket opened so spectator can reach in and remove card, card secretly thumbed into it before that
19 Dec. 1959 10
Edward Marlo Card from Case with dummy card glued in, as prediction, see step 11
19 Dec. 1959 10
Edward Marlo R.R.B.M.T. Handling with Wallet & Coins card chosen from deck, spectator covers any coin with it, an odd-backed prediction is produced from wallet and coin is predicted on rolled-up cigarette paper
Inspired by 19 Dec. 1959 11
Edward Marlo Vanishing Card Deck touched card vanishes, spectator counts through deck, it is found in pocket, using a bank of nine double facers
Inspired by 19 Dec. 1959 12
Edward Marlo Easy Vanishing Card fifty-one cards roughed on faces, one card on back
Also published here 19 Dec. 1959 15
Edward Marlo The Named Transposition named card travels from one deck to another, roughed deck, and roughed red/blue menetekel
Also published here 19 Dec. 1959 16
Edward Marlo The Named Reverse named card removed from blue deck, same card then shown reversed in red deck, roughed red/blue menetekel
Also published here 19 Dec. 1959 16
Edward Marlo The Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected hand for an unexpected number of players, Aces vanish as finale
Variations 19 Dec. 1959 18
Edward Marlo Technicolor Thought named card is only odd-backed card, it is shown to have transposed with the duplicate in a deck with another back color, roughed red/blue menetekel
19 Dec. 1959 20
Edward Marlo A Monte Vanish during a Three Card Monte the money card vanishes and appears in pocket, it then transposes with one of the other cards
19 Dec. 1959 21
Edward Marlo The Returning Jack four Aces and a black Jack, tabled cards change to red Kings then, with fake index cards, see also p. 44 for handling detail on count
  • Added Kicker (color changing backs kicker)
19 Dec. 1959 23
Edward Marlo The Three Roughskeeters three roughed cards
Inspired by 19 Dec. 1959 25
Edward Marlo Double Out Presentation any card named, it is either odd-backed or missing à la premonition, using Ed Marlo's marketed Phantom Deck
Related toVariations 19 Dec. 1959 27
Edward Marlo Rough/Smooth Memorized Deck pairs, deck can be shuffled, any removed card can be identified by other card of the pair, also as set-up for brainwave deck
19 Dec. 1959 28
Edward Marlo Vanishing Thought spectator names a card he sees, it vanishes
19 Dec. 1959 28
Edward Marlo Paging a Stranger red and blue deck, any card named, it is removed from one deck, when other deck is counted that card is seen missing and the removed card has a different back
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Stranger in Paradise" (Peter Warlock, marketed 1955)
Also published here
19 Dec. 1959 29
Edward Marlo Double Out named card is either missing or odd-backed
Related toAlso published here 19 Dec. 1959 30
Mel Stover Puzzle: Junior Chemist puzzle with weights
Related to 19 Dec. 1959 31
Mel Stover Puzzle: Black Chinese Checkers
Related to 19 Dec. 1959 31
Edward Marlo New Touch Predictions using a deck with the same card on all the backs
19 Dec. 1959 32
Edward Marlo Double Touch Prediction handling with two prediction, using Joe Berg's Atomic Deck (mis-indexed double facer deck)
19 Dec. 1959 32
Edward Marlo Svengali's Double Prediction two predictions written on faces of two cards match selections
Variations 19 Dec. 1959 33
Edward Marlo Double Impromptu Touch two predictions written on faces of two cards match selections
Inspired by 19 Dec. 1959 34
Edward Marlo Roughly a New Approach intro on ideas with pairs of rough/smooth cards to form impromptu double facers or backers
19 Dec. 1959 35
Edward Marlo Two Card Monte DeLand's Two Card Monte with pairs of roughed cards
19 Dec. 1959 35
Edward Marlo The New Touch Predictions rough/smooth methods for Touch
  • 1st Method (red/blue roughed deck)
  • 2nd Method (one back color)
  • 3rd Method (Ultramental deck)
19 Dec. 1959 36
Edward Marlo The Spectator Coincidence physical selection matches mental (named from face-up spread) selection, using "Double Face Mente Tekel in red and blue cards", suggesting an SBS deck as well in intro
Inspired byVariations 19 Dec. 1959 38
Edward Marlo Tis Rough on Hofzinser
Variations 19 Dec. 1959 40
Edward Marlo The Rough Magician vs the Gambler
19 Dec. 1959 42
Edward Marlo Rough Handling
  • handling for a rough-smooth deck, overhand shuffling, also by spectator (Hull), description by Bill Simon, regular sleight demonstrations as throw-offs
  • handling of rough-smooth pairs
19 Dec. 1959 43
Edward Marlo Roughed False Dealing Demonstration fifth dealing with roughed Aces, also suggestion of using a paper clip
19 Dec. 1959 43
Edward Marlo Rough Markers roughed pairs, bottom cards are marked, divining removed cards by reading marks on bottom card of pair
19 Dec. 1959 44
Data entered by Denis Behr, July 2023.