117 entries in Billet / Index
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Billet Index
1889 232
Kunststück à la Cumberland three cards removed by spectators and placed in handkerchief, predicted on three billets in goblet, they travel back into deck, billet index
1896 61
Theodore Annemann Nickles on the Brain date of coin is predicted
1934 39
Theodore Annemann The Lady and the Gentleman two card prediction with billet index
Related to 1934 40
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker The Master Mind two decks, three cards are predicted
1935 16
Theodore Annemann The New Double Telepathy Routine uses the box from Mental Masterpiece + Index, spectator and performer think of a card and try to guess the card of the other
1935 7
The Marvelous Prediction No. 19, a card and its position from the top are predicted, 1-0-1 with Hearts run
1935 22
Joe Berg An Unbelievable Prediction one of five cards thought of, performer writes a prediction and removes one of the cards, both put in pocket, other four cards lost in deck, selection is missing from deck and prediction and card in pocket match
1937 7
Franklin M. Chapman In the Fourth Dimension suit chosen, deck shuffled and first card of that suit removed, repeat for second card, prediction of suit and both values in Brema bill tube
Inspired by
  • idea by Rolland Hamblen
1937 5
Robert Brethen As in a Mirror Darkly billet index on back of cards
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 76)
Theodore Annemann Pocket Prophecies including thoughts on predictions and the pocket index in general, see also p. 818
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Theodore Annemann The Original Effect straight card prediction using billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Theodore Annemann Lady and Gentleman two card prediction with billet index
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Orville Wayne Meyer Twin Prediction partial set-up and ten-card billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Orville Wayne Meyer, Arthur H. Buckley Twin Prediction - The Improved Buckley Method full deck stack and billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Theodore Annemann Ballot Box Divination fifty lotto type counters in revolving ballot box
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 92)
Don Diavolo, Stuart Towne Tomorrow's Card prediction written, six cards from shuffled deck selected, then one of those, matches prediction, five-billet index
Related toAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 116)
Charles Hopkins 53 - Billet index.
1940 71
Simplex Pocket Index Files
Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 146)
Theodore Annemann A Torn Letter paper with letter of alphabet is torn and restored between slates, pocket index
VariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 147)
Franklin V. Taylor, Bruce Elliott "Visible But Unseen" Or " The Pocket Index That Ain't" card prediction, index in deck, switch in hat
Inspired by Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 50)
Theodore Annemann Pocket Prophecies including thoughts on predictions and the pocket index in general
Also published here 1944 91
Theodore Annemann Construction of the Annemann Billet Index also for playing cards
Related to 1944 92
Theodore Annemann The Original Effect straight card prediction using billet index
Also published here 1944 94
Theodore Annemann Lady and Gentleman two card prediction with billet index
Also published here 1944 95
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here 1944 95
Orville Wayne Meyer Orville Meyer's Twin Prediction partial set-up and ten-card billet index
Also published here 1944 96
Theodore Annemann, Arthur H. Buckley, Orville Wayne Meyer The Improved Buckley Method full deck stack and billet index
Also published here 1944 97
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Ballot Box Divination fifty lotto type counters in revolving ballot box
Also published here 1944 98
Theodore Annemann Final Notes on pocket billet index
1944 99
Clayton Rawson Tomorrow's Card prediction written, six cards from shuffled deck selected, then one of those, matches prediction, five-billet index
Also published here 1944 100
Theodore Annemann A Torn Letter paper with letter of alphabet is torn and restored between slates, pocket index
Also published here 1944 181
Robert Brethen As in a Mirror Darkly billet index on back of cards
Also published here 1944 301
Theodore Annemann The Master Mind stack, billet index
1945 69
Henry Weisl, Robert Greene Letters of Fire card value burns itself into paper stretched in a frame, paper index on back of cards
Related to Nov. 1945 166
Cyril Marriott Affinities thought of card and unknown selection in envelope are predicted, with mental masterpiece card case and Pop-Eyed Popper cards
Related to June 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 107)
Ronald B. Edwards Box Fight Prediction with bill tube
Oct. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 113)
C. L. Boarde The Pocket Index model
1947 55
C. L. Boarde Question and Answer - Variation C answer to question appears on billet
Variations 1947 78
C. L. Boarde Telephone Tests - Variation C prediction of chosen ESP symbol, calling random person
1947 92
C. L. Boarde Projection - Variation B spectator divines projected symbol, written on billet
1947 94
Ned Rutledge Rutledge Card and Billet Indexes
  • The Card Index
  • The Billet Index
July 1949 557
Ned Rutledge In the Spectrum predictions of two chosen cards written in chosen colors on billets
Aug. 1949 467
Greer Marechal Jr. Coloss-Index ideas for an index, with bigger billets than usual
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 205)
Nelson A. Demers Animal, Vegetable and Mineral three big sheets with animals, vegetables and objects, predictions on billets in hat
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Theodore Annemann The Master Mind 14-15 card stack, two decks
1952 8
Eddie Joseph The Menu Mystery prediction of chosen course, written on pellet
1954 20
Tony Corinda, Patrick Page, Al Baker (6) The Billet Index Patrick Page's Q.5. Pocket Index for billets
Related to 1958 92
Jon Tremaine, Tony Corinda (7) The Cigarette Packet Pellet Index
1958 93
Tony Corinda (10) Mind Over Matter prediction pellet is put on any card, which is the same as prediction
1958 114
Tony Corinda (17) The Matchbox Mystery amount of matches are removed, the reminder is predicted
1958 121
Dr. Spencer Thornton Mind Over Mind chosen symbol is predicted in a clip, bulldog clip to switch billet
1958 8
Bobby Bernard Original Close Up Magic. Demonstration Effect. Magic Music. brief, chosen tune on paper cannot be burnt
1958 7
Jochen Zmeck Prediction as Jochini, prediction of one of ten chosen symbols
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 2)
William P. Miesel A Day at the Races prediction of imaginative horse race
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Edward Marlo R.R.B.M.T. Handling with Wallet & Coins card chosen from deck, spectator covers any coin with it, an odd-backed prediction is produced from wallet and coin is predicted on rolled-up cigarette paper
Inspired by Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Henry Durkin Prediction #3,469,897 prediction of named card inside locked tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Punx The 100% Prediction geometrical figure and number are predicted on a billet
1960 5
Gerry Findler Lucky Bag numbers from one to twelve are put in a bag, named numbers are drawn by performer, egg bag with index
1960 72
Jochen Zmeck Prediction one of ten symbol cards is chosen, prediction on a stand matches, pocket index
1960 25
Robert A. Nelson Color Vision Outdone die with different colors placed in box, selected color is predicted, with Nelson Mental Gimic
1961 13
Felix Greenfield The Time Will Come when someone asked the time performer points to watch and a piece of paper is apparently printed with the exact time
Mar. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Paul Siegel Mystery of Eleusis prediction in envelope in stand
Apr. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Ben Christopher Multiple Out Billet Slate four billets
Apr. 1966 30
Tony "Doc" Shiels The Sorcerer's Signature piece of paper with various names, one is selected and paper burnt, performer reaches into ashes and produces paper with selected name
May 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 49)
Tony "Doc" Shiels Nightmares chosen nightmare is predicted in envelope and with letter
June 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 50)
David Kaput TimeCapsule ESP prediction, prediction in two part container
Magick (Issue 25)
Jesse J. Langston Jr. ESPecially for You prediction of chosen symbol, bulldog clip to switch billet
Magick (Issue 31)
Paul Siegel Tabagie pencil and paper are sealed into envelope, slogan of named cigarette brand appears on paper
1972 12
Stephen Minch The Lonely One card from the Major Arcana is predicted
1974 20
Philip T. Goldstein Your Choice prediction of a number between one and six, interesting presentation
Also published here Nov. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Middle Telepathy ESP card, shape and name are divined
1976 21
Cardboard Billet Index
1976 23
Matchbox Index
1976 23
Orville Wayne Meyer Psychic Paper chosen ESP symbol appears in chosen color on cigarette paper
Magick (Issue 155)
Paul Rylander The Ultra Effect prediction on slip, for five card mental force
Inspired by 1976
Magick (Issue 169)
Philip T. Goldstein Your Choice prediction of a number between one and six, interesting presentation
Also published here 1977 13
Danton Voodoo Doll voodoo doll in box, body part is pierced by spectator, five pellets are contacted with lighter and four disappear in a flame, written on the fifth is the selected body part
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 171)
Philip T. Goldstein Hot Message prediction of chosen ESP symbol, on billet with invisible ink which appears with fire
Inspired by 1977
Magick (Issue 176)
Philip T. Goldstein Odd Man Out! seven poker chips, two have an X on one side, spectator selects three and performer predicts how many marked chips are among them
Magick (Issue 185)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Force Field matching ESP, symbols drawn on paper and rolled up, spectator choses pellets and card with same deisgn
Magick (Issue 214)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Bingo prediction held with bulldog clip, number on bingo cards
Magick (Issue 221)
Philip T. Goldstein Quindex
1979 17
Philip T. Goldstein Modern Dart card is chosen by tossing a dart, five-way
Inspired by 1979 18
Basil Horwitz Triple Choice with ESP deck, prediction on billet
The Talon (Issue 6)
Thomas Alan Waters No. 2: On the Wired Thought random person phoned, name divined and the person names a year which is divined too, combination of two Annemann effects
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters No. 3: The Prediction Reading for one person, stock answer index to basic questions
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Additional Notes variations and ideas on the switch, pocket writing and indexes
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Gene "Phantini" Grant The Obedient Mind five cards dealt on table, spectator puts prediction on right card
1981 24
Peter Isaacs Time Capsule prediction of an object on billet in tube
Magick (Issue 289)
Peter Adrian Devlyn ESPecially Yours using Box with ESP cards, prediction of chosen symbol in envelope
Feb. 1983
Magick (Issue 315)
Thomas Alan Waters Synwitch with Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cars
Inspired by
  • Leslie May's "Its On the Cards" in "Pentagram" Vol. 11, No. 6 1957. P. 45.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Mike Porstmann Billet Hold-Out Pocket Divider chosen ESP symbol is predicted on billet, billet inside cut tennis ball
1991 57
Peter Warlock Your Fate in a Teacup color, card and word from book predicted on three billets, reprinted from Pentagram Vol. 1 No. 1, 1946
Mar. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Larry Becker Descripto slip in envelope contains description of one of five chosen spectators, using Becker Coin Purse
1992 357
Ted Lesley Guiding Star prediction slip in pill box of spectator's zodiac sign
1994 251
Don Diavolo Tomorrow's Card Billet Index
Related to 1996 53
Richard Bartram, Jr. Forethunk prediction of a card, billet attached with paper clip
1997 79
Richard Bartram, Jr. A Tribute to Hoffman miniature flag on cigarette paper is burnt and restored
1997 116
Mark Strivings ESP in my Pocket prediction of named ESP symbol, on billet in envelope, using Window Double Envelope
Related to Jan./Feb. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 39)
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Alhambra prediction of named cigarette brand, words appear on flash paper
Also published here 2000 9
Juan Tamariz Sympathy (Tamariz's Version of a Classic) spectator selects number and performer name of a card, card is found at exact position
  • First Variation - Through Pencil Reading
  • Second Variation - With a Nail-Writer
  • Third Variation - With a Billet Index
  • Fourth Variation - Using a Pass
  • A Presenation - Muscle Reading (Oscar Hugo)
Related to 2004 133
Robert Cassidy The Clipboard Index
2004 219
Robert Cassidy The Boys of October Or, How to Capitalize on a Baseball Strike outcome of a sport event is predicted, enclosed inside two boxes
2004 245
Mark Strivings ESP In My Pocket IV prediction of named ESP symbol, on billet in envelope, using Window Envelope
Related to 2004 76
Bob Ostin Dice Prediction prediction in bulldog clip, dummy is dragged inside the clip
2005 179
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Alhambra prediction of named cigarette brand, words appear on flash paper
Also published here 2006 18
Docc Hilford Hey Mr. DJ spectators form list with songs, some are selected using numbered billets and divined by performer, last song is divined by DJ by playing it
2008 5
Robert Cassidy The Matchbook Cover Prediction - One Man Billet Routine #2 prediction of playing card or Tarot card, written on matchbook cover, index of covers
2013 168
Robert Cassidy The Universal Book Test using borrowed books
  • Variation One (spectator circles word without looking)
  • Variation Two (spectator circles word without looking, prediction)
2013 246
Robert Cassidy The Universal Billet prediction of a drawing, common pictures as index
2013 256
Robert Cassidy Beyond the Universe 13 red and 13 black cards shuffled together, spectator deals two piles, prediction of amount of red and black cards in each pile
2013 258
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Good Fortune an event when dining out (wrong order, dropped plate, ...) is predicted on fortune cookie slip
June 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Steve Spillman Munchies spectator choses a restaurant and different courses and writes them down, performer divines all of them, as a kicker spectator gets a gift certificate of chosen restaurant, in wallet
2019 98
Kyle Leon Ten-Star Prediction spectator stops at a card, it is predicted on folded business card in paper clip, Frixion pen, index on card case
Inspired by
  • Al Koran's "Five Star Prediction"
Apr. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Kyle Leon All Star Prediction spectator stops at a card, it is predicted on folded business card in paper clip, Frixion pen, index on card case (twenty-five outs)
Inspired by Dec. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 12)