155 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Phone Effects / For normal phone conversations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Long Distance Mind Reading No. 2, card trick performed via mail, deck riffle shuffled once and cut in two halves, one card moved from one half to the other and either half mailed back
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 12
Charles T. Jordan Long Distance Mindreading stacked deck mailed to friend with selection procedure, crib sheet at home
1937 174
Al Baker, Audley Walsh Number Please
  • Audley Walsh Method (spectator remembers bottom card, moves that many cards from top to bottom and reads off some cards)
  • Al Baker Method (above method disguised by using a cut and half the deck)
Related toVariations 1937 325
U. F. Grant U-Do-It Ace Trick spectator loses Aces and deals out four hands to find them again, no-touch by magician (telephone trick?)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 349
Louis Lam The El-El Telephone Test
Also published here 1939 5
Oscar Weigle Thought on the Line card thought amongst a group found over telephone
1939 27
Charles T. Jordan Forty-Nine 21 card trick with 49 cards and two dealing rounds, see also page 524 for idea to do it as telephone trick by Lloyd Jones
Related toAlso published here Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 78)
Al Baker, Audley Walsh Telephone Mystery
Variations 1942 210
William H. McCaffrey Variation of the Telephone Mystery
Related to 1942 211
Ted Heuber, William H. McCaffrey Variations for "Number Please"
  • Ted Heuber (setting a key card over phone)
  • Bill McCaffrey (version of Baker's routine, value of bottom card used to count to a selection)
Inspired by 1943 8
L. Vosburgh Lyons Telepsyche location of the card
Jan. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 75)
Jack Miller Dis-Cards spectator puts amount of cards on the table and removes some again, the rest is named by the performer
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 96)
Jack Miller Count Ten! on from ten cards is divined, also possible over the phone
Nov. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 96)
Harold J. Kelly Magic by Telephone single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card, over phone
Inspired by
  • R. W. Hull's "Detective Card Trick" in "Testament of R. W. Hull".
Related to
June 1946 226
Eddie Joseph Mail Mentalism trick performed as mailed instructions or over phone, spectator takes all odd cards, adds top and bottom value, counts down to card in rest, eventually located with spelling and dealing
1949 1
Paul Dienst Aus meiner Zauberkiste with 32 or 52 cards, version with 32 cards over phone
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Audley Walsh Calling All Cards half the deck counted, digits added and card remembered, reading off the order
1949 52
Audley Walsh Walsh's Long Distance Card Trick No. 67, Divine number of pocketed cards over phone
Also published here 1950 123
John Scarne Scarne's Phone Miracle No. 115, spectator locates card thought of by magician
Also published here 1950 223
Eddie Joseph Joseph's Repeat Telephone Trick deck shuffled and dealt in two piles, cards counted from both piles, a card remembered and a pile read off to performer who identified the selection, two repeats with different selection procedures, performer makes secret chart during conversation
1950 2
Eddie Joseph India Calling spectator has two piles and after some counting a card is lost, names of all cards read off to performer who names selection
Variations 1950 10
Eddie Joseph Over the Wire spelling of spectator's name to locate card
1950 10
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Tele Teaser
Variations Dec. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 244)
  • Die Atlaskarte (balancing glass on playing cad)
  • Ein Telephontrick
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Bob Somerfeld Good Deal bunch of cards in two piles face up and face down, same amount of face up cards
1952 9
Charles "Chic" Schoke, Bert Allerton On the Phone as a phone trick
Inspired by 1952 51
Eddie Joseph Imposible "Impossible" probably misspelled, deck cut in half, card chosen by throwing a die and counting down in one pile, all assembled and deck cut in thirds and another card chosen with same number, all assembled and cut, half counted off, the two selections show up at the same number, no-touch
Variations 1952 1
Aage Darling Telephotrix card is divined over phone
1953 19
Dr. Stanley Jaks "Oskar findet die Karte" card selected by cutting and counting cross sum, selection is found by spelling a sentence, over phone
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Jack Miller Discard spectator puts amount of cards on the table and removes some again, the rest is named by the performer
Also published here 1956 105
John Scarne Phone Miracle spectator finds card performer was thinking of, over the phone
Also published here 1956 118
Charles T. Jordan Magic by Mail Divination of selected card by mail, deck is sent through the post, deck is shuffled and card is selected, only half the cards are sent to the magician, yet card is divined. Uses interlocking chains
Also published here 1956 27
Die Fernsehkarte
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Telephone Test
  • #2 of "3 Mental Effects"
over telephone or from another room, spectator deals cards one at a time and calls them out and thinks of one of them, performer divines it, repeat with two cards (one thought of, another selection placed besides it, then the order called out), optional ideas for further phase
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
P. Howard Lyons Telephone Extension different handling for second phase of Marlo's routine
Inspired by Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
John Scarne Phone Miracle spectator locates card thought of by magician
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 4)
Alan Milan Long Distance Telephone Test selection is divined
1961 72
Eddie Fields Silent Transmission Telephone Mystery spectator deals cards over the phone, magician stops deal on selected card, Waikiki Location
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1968 30
Eddie Fields Field's Version of an Oldie Telephone trick, magician able to divine selection
1968 70
Louis Lam, Rolf Andra The El El Telephone Test slightly varied by Andra
Also published here 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 3)
Ken Krenzel Tele-Spell via telephone, see also p. 246 & p. 270 for reference
Inspired by Mar. 1969 247
Eddie Joseph A Person to Person Call spectator choses card via cutting of packets and counting, it is located over phone
1969 48
Nick Conticello The Non-Telephone Telephone Trick small packet, spectator selects a card, does some rearranging and is left with card
Variations 1972 137
Al Baker, Audley Walsh Number Please two methods
Also published here 1972 31
Ray Grismer Mind Ray spectator deals card on table according to some instructions
May 1973 620
Orville Wayne Meyer The Being at the Other End card divined over phone
Related to 1973
Magick (Issue 73)
Karl Fulves Call A Card "Fone Trix", not 100%
Apr. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Charles T. Jordan Long-Distance Mind Reading card trick performed via mail, deck riffle shuffled once and cut in two halves, one card moved from one half to the other and either half mailed back
Also published here 1975 122
Audley Walsh Long Distance No. 47, spectator selects a card with some counting and numbers and reads of the cards of a packet, performer names card and the number of cards in spectators pocket
Also published here 1976 71
James G. Thompson Jr. The Phone Miracle No. 48, card selected with some counting and numbers
1976 72
Nathan Stark Ultimate Phone Test card is divined, clever method
Magick (Issue 163)
Karl Fulves Tele-Poker No. 9, person phoned, he deals two hands of any number of cards, after some discarding only two cards remain in one hand, which is predicted
Inspired by 1979 11
Sam Schwartz Long Range Telepathy over the phone method for mathematical three-card monte
1980 65
Father Cyprian Time Zoned over the phone method for mathematical three-card monte
Also published here 1980 66
Karl Fulves Shylock card divination over the phone, instruction game
Also published here 1980 67
Karl Fulves Linear Blackjack game of Blackjack over the phone, performer knows which card to select to win
VariationsAlso published here 1980 69
Howard A. Adams Over the bRRAINBOW chosen color is divined using playing cards, over the phone variation of bRAINBOW
OICUFESP (Issue 4 - esp card & mental miracles RETURN)
Edward Marlo Ma Bell Ringers over telephone or from another room, spectator deals cards one at a time and calls them out and thinks of one of them, performer divines it, repeat with two cards (one thought of, another selection placed besides it, then the order called out), optional ideas for further phase
Also published here 1981 20
Danny Korem Ma Bell Ringers - Korem Variation of Telephone Test additional ideas for Marlo's routine, four phases
Inspired by 1981 22
Karl Fulves The Parallel Principle shuffled deck split in two halves, performer and spectator remove card and put it in other half, divined in illogical way with both selections being the same
1982 33
Karl Fulves Digital Diamonds Ace, Two and Jack mixed according to rules over phone
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1982 3
Paul Fox Telephone - Tel-A-Card done over the telephone
1983 28
Paul Curry Matchmaker - Telephone Version version of previous item over the telephone, five ESP cards are torn in half, matching routine
Also published here 1984
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Terry LaGerould Looker turning the head of a lady used for mating effect
Variations 1984 85
A Remote Miracle No. 25, spectator deals some cards to select one and later calls off order of cards, performer on phone names selection
1984 35
Karl Fulves Shylock's Card No. 27, one of three Kings selected and divined over phone
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 37
Richard Himber No Questions Asked No. 28, location over phone
1984 39
Karl Fulves Linear Blackjack No. 30, game of Blackjack over the phone, performer knows which card to select to win
Also published here 1984 41
Father Cyprian Time Squared No. 32, over the phone method for mathematical three-card monte, spectator removes cards according to current time
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 43
John Scarne Telephon-Mirakel spectator finds card performer was thinking of, over the phone
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Noch ein Telephon-Trick spectator makes two rows of cards on table, cards removed according to instructions until as many remain as the performer has predicted
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Steve Beam Leftovers on an idea for finding a check with muscle reading, a very risky idea to find a selected card over the phone, John Riggs
1985 120
David Regal Mind On The Line location
1987 217
Karl Fulves "Forty-Nine" Notes No. 6, doing "Forty-Nine" over the telephone, see also Lloyd Jones reference in Jinx reference
Inspired byRelated to 1992 5
Charles T. Jordan Long-Distance Mind Reading No. 92, card trick performed via mail, deck riffle shuffled once and cut in two halves, one card moved from one half to the other and either half mailed back
Also published here 1992 116
Tom Craven The Custom Card Trick card is found and spelled to at impossible conditions, possible over phone
Inspired by 1993 24
Jim Steinmeyer The Nine Card Problem small packet spelling discovery, no-touch
Inspired by
  • "Remote Control" (Jim Steinmeyer, The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
May 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer Remote Control small packet spelling discovery, no-touch
Also published here
  • The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988
May 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Chuck Smith Phone Trick
1994 20
Die Zuschauer zaubern spelling routine with eight cards
Related to
  • Roy Johnson routine in Abacus, ca. 1993
May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Karl Fulves The Wizard of Odds No. 31, nine cards used for "three-card poker", hand with Ace of Spades wins, includes spelling of names, inspired by the Copperfield/Steinmeyer television trick
Related to 1995 55
Doug Canning Telephone Lying spelling lie detector over the phone
Inspired by
  • "Remote Control" (Jim Steinmeyer, The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988)
Related to
1995 14
Richard Vollmer Einstein's Favorite Trick spectator locates his own card
1995 32
Ron Cohen Calling From Waikiki location with back turned or over phone
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Bob King, Jim Steinmeyer, Jon Racherbaumer Tele-Mental
Also published here 1996 23
David Solomon A Telephone Mystery telephone version
1997 21
Eddie Fields Silent Transmission Telephone Mystery spectator deals cards over the phone, magician stops deal on selected card, Waikiki Location
Also published here 1997 68
Ron Cohen Calling From Waikiki location with back turned or over phone
Also published here 1997 69
Eddie Fields Tell A Phony "Fields' Version of a Classic"
divination of playing card over the phone with dealing procedure
Inspired byVariations 1997 111
Peter Duffie Phone Zone No. 1 card location over phone
Variations 1998 9
Peter Duffie Phone Zone No. 2 card location over phone
Inspired by 1998 10
Roy Johnson Telamit performer has to make notes at home
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Bob King, Jim Steinmeyer, Jon Racherbaumer Telemental
Also published here 2000 20
Doug Canning, Steve Beam Five Card Stud chosen card is located by the use of a down-under deal and by spelling the locator card
Inspired by
  • Gene Castillon's " Computer Telephone Mystery" in "The Linking Ring" June, 1999.
2000 27
Steve Beam Up & Over the Down & Under two ways
  • Up & Over
  • Lucky Card
2000 33
Paul Cummins Phone Home over phone
Inspired by 2000 12
Marty Kane The Jack Queen King Ace Trick over phone, involving spelling, down-under deal
Inspired by 2000 25
Paul Curry, Howard A. Adams Matchmaker five ESP cards, torn in half, matching routine, two versions, one with telephone
Related toAlso published here 2001 147
Steve Beam Phony Card Trick card is found by spelling word, over phone
Also published here 2001 47
Brother John Hamman Honest Transposition three phases, Buffalo'd, card change at the end and original cards are found in pocket, second phase can be done over phone
May/June 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Steve Beam Phony Card Trick card is found by spelling word, over phone
Also published here June 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Jim Steinmeyer The Nine Card Problem small packet spelling discovery, no-touch
Also published here 2002 5
Jim Steinmeyer The Full Deck Problem Nine Card Problem version with deck
Variations 2002 8
Jim Steinmeyer Three Card Monte spectator mixed three cards according to instructions, possible over phone, mathematical
2002 25
Steve Beam The Phony Card Trick card is found by spelling word, over phone
Also published here 2002 18
Steve Beam Support Your Local Magician card is found by spelling two sentences, humorous presentation, can be performed over the phone
2002 21
Lewis Jones Right on Q half the deck used, card chosen by making three piles, card found by spelling, can be performed over the phone
Inspired by 2002 23
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Alphanumeric card is found by spelling some sentences
2002 25
Steve Beam Doing Your Nails with half the deck, nine force
Related to
  • Tony Koynini's "Any Number" in "Card Miracles"
  • Stewart James' "The Card is Up" in "The James File"
2002 26
Audley Walsh Number, Please - Audley Walsh Method
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Number, Please - Al Baker Method
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Doug Canning Excalibur thought of card, spectator has to do some spelling and performer can divine card over phone
Related to 2004 34
Lewis Jones Close Call one card divination over phone
2004 37
Marty Kane Survivor TV Series with sixteen cards
Inspired byRelated to
  • Marty Kane's "Jack Queen King Ace Card Trick" in Peter Duffie's "Virtual Magic"
2004 38
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Telephony with deck and three dice
Inspired byRelated to 2004 40
Jim Steinmeyer The King's Coronation spelling thing with Kings packet, Clubs is forced, no-touch
Related toVariations 2006 1
Jim Steinmeyer The Princess in a Crowd fifteen card matrix trick, no-touch
Variations 2006 5
Jim Steinmeyer, Stewart James Five Cards on the March mathematical spelling trick with row of five coins, based on Stewart James "Stranger in a Strange Land"
Variations 2006 10
Ramón Riobóo Mystery of the Kabbala thought of card, spectator has to do some spelling and eventually card is divined
Related toAlso published here
  • Ramón Riobóo's "The Mystery of the Kabbala" in Rafael Benatar's "Sleight of Phone"
2006 46
Michael Powers The 7 Card 21 Card Trick
  • Telephone Method
Inspired by 2006 125
Michael Powers The 7-Card 21 Card Trick with spelling
  • Telephone Method
2007 52
Rajneesh Madhok Tell A Phony Too divination of birth month and playing card over the phone with dealing procedure
Inspired by Nov. 2009
The Penumbra (Issue 11)
Ken Krenzel AUTOMACAAN 100% no-touch, card selected instead of named, impromptu, possible over telephone
2009 227
Jim Steinmeyer Eleven Roads to Heaven eleven cards, one selected with dealing procedure, located, no-touch
2010 1
Ken De Courcy 1654 card chosen from quarter of deck, spectator finds it himself via down under deal
Inspired byRelated to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Jim Steinmeyer Eight Cards Espial no-touch selection with Ace through Eight of Clubs packet, selection named in the end
2013 1
Jim Steinmeyer Seven Cards Examined no-touch selection with Ace through Seven of Hearts packet, selection named in the end
2013 3
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Automatic Ace Triumph hands-off, dealing procedure, sixteen cards
Also published here 2013 5
Sveroni Profiler card divination over phone
Inspired by
  • "Von Mensch zu Mensch" in "Magigramm", September, 1988
2013 36
Michael Weber, Tim Trono "Tell"-a-Phone Poker version of twenty-one card trick over phone with lie detector and poker theme
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Nov. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Jim Steinmeyer Wishing & Making it So any card thought of, counting procedure with small packet, over phone
2014 1
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph Chicagoism packet, spelling, also over phone
Inspired by
  • "Jasonism" (Eddie Joseph, Sphinx Sept. 1946)
2014 5
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph Hacer lo Imposible two selections in two piles show up at same position, hands-off
Inspired by 2014 17
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph Invoking Margery
Inspired by 2014 22
Patrick G. Redford Memory Prison memory demonstration performed over phone, order noted down
Related to
  • “Memory Prison” (Patrick G. Redford, Heptagon+, 2010, n. p.)
2014 52
Michael Weber Pencil Poker Ten Card Poker Deal performed over phone with notepad on both ends
2015 35
Jim Steinmeyer The Irresistible Force from three cards (Six, Seven, Queen) the Seven is forced via elimination counting procedure
Variations 2015 7
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph, Alan Stockwell A Study in Scarlet and Black as phone effect
Inspired by 2015 21
Jim Steinmeyer Four-Card Monte No. 5, Queen and three other cards mixed according to rules, Queen eventually found
2017 13
Eugene Burger Telephone Magic card from seven-card packet is chosen and found by spectator himself, Nine Card Problem
  • Spanish Language Version
Inspired by 2017 125
Marty Kane, Michael Powers, Colm Mulcahy, Chris Wilcox BTTP Revisited
  • The Bottom to Top Principle" (Colm Mulcahy)
  • Three-Peat Deceit by Marty Kane (spectator spells name of card three times, then it is on top)
  • Try This (three spectators simultaneously)
  • Telephone/Radio Version
  • Last Minute Addition (restoring original order)
Inspired by
  • "Bottom to Top Principle" (Colm Mulcahy, Mathematical Card Magic)
2019 237
Marty Kane Ascend-Sation! dealing and spelling to end up at selection, over phone
Inspired by
  • Martti Siren's "Off-Center Bottom to Top Principle" in Colm Malucahy's "Mathematical Card Tricks"
2020 207
Stephen Hobbs Zoomatic II revelation with one suit
Related to
  • "Further Ideas with a Packet of Twelve Cards: 'The Hotel Mystery'" (Juan Tamariz, Verbal Magic, 2005)
Sep. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer One Exceptional Card card selected from five-card packet, found after some counting procedure
2020 3
Jim Steinmeyer The "I Forgot of Something"
2020 9
Jim Steinmeyer The Nine Card Enchantment top and bottom cards change places after spelling three words
2020 16
Jim Steinmeyer Thurston's Coin two rows of coins or other objects, some are removed, final number divined by performer
2020 17
Jim Steinmeyer Zeitgeist three piles of cards, some mixing, then number of cards in a pile is known by performer without looking
Inspired by 2020 12
Jim Steinmeyer Subversive Math
2020 14
Jim Steinmeyer Tour de Force forcing one of ten cards, mathematical
2020 17
Jim Steinmeyer The Lie That Tells the Truth
Inspired by 2020 18
Jim Steinmeyer Red-Scarlet spectator has four red and four black cards, with some spelling and counting he eventually arrives at alternating cards, can be done over phone
2020 21
Jim Steinmeyer French Dressing 3&3, no-touch oil & water
2020 23
Nancy Colwell New Horizon card signed and torn into quarters, quarters placed on table in a mis-aligned layout, when turned over they align again
2021 84
Eugene Burger Einstein's Card Trick card remembered and name spelled, then down-under-deal to find selection
  • Interview Discussion
Inspired by 2021 138