661 entries in Book / Book Test / Routines
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die magische Einwirkung No. 7, card chosen and pushed into book, card and page predicted
1895 95
Die Geisterschrift in Verbindung mit "Hypnose à la Hansen" No. 5, card chosen and pushed into book, name of chosen card and page numbers appear on previously empty slates, book with same page numbers on every double page
1900 120
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die Bibliothek deutscher Poesie - Der Intelligenz gewidmet "Vorträge von J. N. Hofzinser"
patter for book test
Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
John Nevil Maskelyne, Professor Hoffmann The Great Dictionary Trick word appears on arm
Related to 1903 490
Das Geheimnis des Wörterbuches empty billets put in hat, a page chosen in a dictionary, that page opened in another one and counted down to a word that corresponds with a number chosen from a change bag of number cards, that word is suddenly on a billet that's chosen form the hat, using force book with only two numbers to force page
Related to May 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Das Geheimnis des Wörterbuches part two
Related to June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
The Great Book Mystery spectator choses page and word, some calculations are done with page number and word position, then performer finds word
Also published here 1911 598
J. Holt Schooling Number & Word Divination after some calculation
1911 600
The Great Book Mystery spectator choses page and word, some calculations are done with page number and word position, then performer finds word
Also published here 1911 51
J. Holt Schooling Number & Word Divination after some calculation
1911 53
Charles T. Jordan The Book Mystery No. 10, page selected with knife stab, word counted to according to time on watch, word predicted, this book is a forcing book in which the fourteenth word on every page is "magician"
Also published here 1920 22
Edward Bagshawe A Dark Deception paper in envelope, tumbler of ink, ink vanishes gradually, word chosen from dictionary appears as white writing in ink blob on paper
1924 63
Tom Sellers The Book Test word index
1927 17
Oswald Rae A Novel Book Test page selected and line chosen by the aid of playing cards, line from page appears on blank card sealed in envelope
Also published here
  • "A Novel Book Test" in "The Sphinx"
1930 53
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten einer bestimmten Buchstelle book test with medium in other room, using cards
1930 50
Theodore Annemann The Demon-Yogi-Goblin Book Test page determined with cards
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 2)
Theodore Annemann A Thought is Fathomed using deck of cards to force page number, Si Stebbins
Related toVariations 1934 6
Theodore Annemann A Rule of the Thumb book or magazine test with assistent or medium, information secretly written on magazine with nail writer
Also published here 1934 8
Theodore Annemann Despair of the Devil impromptu, with medium
1934 39
Louis Lam When Were You Born? weirdly selected word is disclosed with alphabet cards
1935 18
Locating a Page and Word by Cards force number with stack
1935 18
Doc Mifflin Again a Prediction word chosen with deck of cards
Jan. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 16)
Theodore Annemann Edge Code hidden message on edge of deck as cue sheet
Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
Theodore Annemann Dice and a Book see page 172 for variation by Frederick F. Clark
Also published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Theodore Annemann The Word on the Page using 14-15 card stack
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 25)
U. F. Grant A Book Test forcing word with cards, double-facer
Also published here 1937 135
Theodore Annemann Premier Book Test using deck of cards to force page number, 14/15 stack
Related to 1937 221
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines using deck of cards to force page number
Also published here 1937 221
Theodore Annemann Fathomed Thought using deck of cards to force page number, Si Stebbins
Related to 1937 223
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines book test, using deck of cards in Si Stebbins order for word selection
VariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Eddie Clever The Jaipur Jinnee method for forcing a page, mechanical way of changing position of ribbon between pages
Also published here June 1937
The Jinx (Issue 33)
Theodore Annemann The Oss of Lhasa word predicted, card stack used for force
Variations 1937
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Jean Hugard The Dictionary Trick
1938 887
Clayton Rawson Behind That Door! medium in another room divines cards, color, word with various methods
Also published here 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Peter Warlock The Satchel book test with slates
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Kent Arthur Right Number person in book selected, someone phoned who names this name
Variations July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
David P. Abbott Abbott's Book Test
Also published here July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
Jack Vosburgh Words homonyms principle
Variations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 119)
Eddie Joseph The E. Jay Book Test coin placed inside book by spectator to select page
1940 ca. 12
Sid Lorraine Idea of 40,000 Words dictionary test, hole in book
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 131)
Otis Manning Another Dictionary Effect paper placed in breast pocket, slit in coat
Also published here Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 145)
Jack Vosburgh Monk's Mystery 14-15 stack that forces number
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 150)
Theodore Annemann Stunner No. 5 book or magazine test with assistent or medium, information secretly written on magazine with nail writer
Also published here 1941 3
Franklin M. Chapman Stunner No. 6 medium in other room gets a selected word from a book, secretly written with nail writer inside matchbook
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 4
Tom Sellers Dictionary Test using cards with page numbers
1942 5
Tom Sellers Word Magic book changes into long paper with word
1942 12
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Book Test using playing cards for word selection
1942 14
Bruce Elliott, Theodore Annemann Biblio Thot no force, based on an Annemann Magazine Test
Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 34)
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Primapara with cards
Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 47)
William S. Houghton "Blue Pencil" Book Test spectator opens book behind back near center and makes a cross on the page, another spectator finds that cross and performer divines the word that is closest
1943 17
William S. Houghton Book Test With Playing Card card inserted into book and book opened at that page, card's value then used to count to a word, no card already in book
  • Variation
1943 28
Franklin V. Taylor The Chinese Parrot two selected cards put in book, cards and content of the pages is divined
Also published here Nov. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 73)
Bob Hummer Hummer's Bible Trick bible book test, prediction of word, with playing cards
Also published here 1944 3
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines book test, using deck of cards in Si Stebbins order for word selection
Also published here 1944 65
Theodore Annemann The Yogi Book Test three books, page determined with cards
Also published here 1944 66
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Book Test blindfolded medium divines chosen word from a book
Also published here 1944 68
Theodore Annemann Dice and a Book using dice to select page, with variation by F. Clark
Also published here 1944 71
Theodore Annemann The Word on the Page using 14-15 card stack
Also published here 1944 72
Jack Vosburgh Monks Mystery 14-15 stack that forces number, with slates
Also published here 1944 73
Clayton Rawson Behind That Door! medium in another room divines cards, color, word with various methods
Also published here 1944 78
Eddie Clever The Jaipur Jinnee method for forcing a page, mechanical way of changing position of ribbon between pages
Also published here 1944 81
Sid Lorraine 40.000 Words dictionary test, hole in book
Also published here 1944 83
Otis Manning Another Dictionary Effect paper placed in breast pocket, slit in coat
Also published here 1944 85
David P. Abbott David P. Abbott's Book Test
Also published here 1944 87
Peter Warlock The Schoolbag book test with slates
Also published here 1944 216
Theodore Annemann Like An Open Book No. 5, book or magazine test with assistent or medium, information secretly written on magazine with nail writer
Also published here 1944 13
Franklin M. Chapman Word For Word No. 6, medium in other room gets a selected word from a book, secretly written with nail writer inside matchbook
Also published here 1944 14
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Easy Mark No. 7, book test, assistent divines word, secretly marking word and page with nail writer
1944 15
Richard Himber Transcendental Book Test two page numbers selected and added, that number opened in third book and first word divined, using mathematical addition force and miscalling a page number
Also published here 1945 192
John Hamilton Hamilton's Hoax! four cards are thrown into a book on different places, performer names page number and cards, svengali book
Oct. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 93)
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column several ideas on book tests
  • Best seller book test
  • Bold Book Test
  • Conclusion
Dec. 1946 272
James Auer The N. E. Book Test page force by calculating cross total
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Frederick Mosteller Ambiguous numbers are selected by throwing dice
Jan. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 117)
Stuart P. Cramer Mortmain book test, word is written by a puppet hand, which moves on its own, thread
Also published here Feb. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 119)
Greer Marechal Jr. 500 Ltd. three digits are named to form a number, ruse to break it down to four possibilities
Also published here Mar. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 121)
George Armstrong Miracle - Impromptu Book Test with borrowed book and borrowed deck of playing cards, information glimpsed on the fly and that page number forced with cards
Related to July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 130)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Dictionary Test people write numbers on cards und seal them in envelopes, word appears on signed card locked in a frame
1947 49
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Gaze Into My Eyes luminous paint
1947 71
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Great Book Test electrical method
1947 83
Fricke Fricke's Trick 1089 for book test
Nov. 1947 370
C. L. Boarde 50-50 or 9 Out of 10
Oct. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 162)
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Book Test page selected with rough-smooth deck
1948 10
Jack Yeager The Book Test X chosen card to determine chapter and word of a book, word and card are divined
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Robert Lund Grub Street Telepathy with thesaurus books
June 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 179)
Howard A. Adams A Penny For Your Thoughts! performer is blindfolded divines date of a coin and two selected words from a dictionary
Aug. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 184)
George B. Anderson "Do As I Do" Book Test two books, performer and spectator select the same word, gimmicked
1949 37
George B. Anderson The "No-Hands" Book Test numbers are added, first three digits get a word in a book, last three digits get the same word in another
1949 38
Fred Peterson Puzzle of the Pages word isa selected with the aid of a business card, that has a hole punched through to read one word, card is moved on page and stopped
Variations Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 221)
Dr. Stanley Jaks You Cross As I Cross spectator and performer make a cross on a page in a book with the same title, it's the same page
Also published here Dec. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 245)
Bill Nord Book Test (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
spectator marking X on page
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Theodore Annemann Book Test (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
using hair
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Bob Somerfeld F' Rinstance with card to stab into the book
1952 11
Bob Somerfeld, Eddie Clever Night Owl book test in dark room
1952 15
Aage Darling Instanto Book Test book test, several books first word is divined
1953 7
Al Koran A Word in Thousands carbon paper
1954 247
Howard A. Adams Paged with any book, mathemtical
Apr. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 305)
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Book Test medium divines chosen word from a book
Also published here 1956 8
Greer Marechal Jr. 500 LTD. three digits are named to form a number, ruse to break it down to four possibilities
Also published here 1956 196
Franklin V. Taylor The Chinese Parrot two selected cards put in book, cards and content of the pages is divined
Also published here 1956 216
Stuart P. Cramer Mortmain book test, word is written by a puppet hand, which moves on its own, thread
Also published here 1956 218
Amazing James Randi A Clean Book Test words circled on page of Reader's Digest, page torn out and crumpled up, performer divines words, secret duplicate page under forced page
Related to Mar. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 9)
Tony Corinda No. 10. Two Person Telepathy medium in other room gets a selected word from a book, secretly written with nail writer inside matchbook
Inspired by 1958 19
Tony Corinda, Al Baker The Application of the Mnemonic Number Code
  • (1) for mental arithmetic
  • (2) for coding at the phone (Al Baker)
  • (3) two person act, arithmetic
  • (4) Corinda's "Fourteenth Book Test", coding with medium
Related to 1958 78
Dr. Spencer Thornton Thornton's Impossible Book Test book test, with playing card to chose the page
1958 4
Dr. Spencer Thornton Putting Your One Way Forcing Deck to Use - Simultaneous Discovery-Book Test
1958 27
Charly Eperny Eine überraschende Voraussage different covers, same content
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Tony Corinda Impromptu Book Test Simplified serial number of a bill will define page number, line and word
1959 208
Tony Corinda A Lesson in Mentalism total of six dice leads to a card, value is used for page number, line and word
1959 209
Tony Corinda, Theodore Annemann The Crossword Puzzle page marked with big X, word in center memorized and page torn
Related to 1959 211
Tony Corinda Novel Revelation of a Selected Word page is set on fire, everything burns down except a circle with the selected word
1959 212
Tony Corinda, Robert Harbin Ultra-Modern Mentalism prediction of a word, with tape recorder and assistant
Related to 1959 215
Vivian St. John The Clip Book word from a book is found in a dictionary, muscle reading presentation
1959 218
Tony Corinda The Missing Link book on the table, bowl with billets, one is selected and is found to be a corner the missing corner of the book
Variations 1959 219
Tony Corinda Summary of Book Tests general comments
1959 220
Dr. Spencer Thornton Alphabetical Perception one of several books is selected and a word remembered, performer divines the word with ABC cards
1959 11
Alex Elmsley Dictionary Test dictionary book test with multiple spectators
Also published here 1959 1
U. F. Grant A Book Test forcing word with cards, double-facer
Also published here 1959 30
Dorothy K. Craig The Reading Mind Book Test using cards to determine page and word
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Harry Stanley Unique Book Test flap index
1960 30
Ted Danson Danson's Book Test word index on blackbaord
1960 33
Jochen Zmeck "Perfekt" - ein neuer Buchtest book chosen, two digits named (range force) to select page and word, both predicted
1960 28
Ronald B. Edwards Son of Lhasa word predicted, card stack used for force
Inspired by Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Orville Wayne Meyer Mental Cocktail book test with bartender's guide, thought drinks are served
1961 55
Alan Milan Publicity Dictionary Test gaffed book, as a prediction in a newspaper
1961 67
Fred G. Taylor Book Test with playing cards
May 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 357)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der improvisierte Mentaltrick book test with any book, card to define page number
Also published here 1961 127
Max Malini Book Test riffle force with book, match in pages
Also published here 1962 75
Amazing James Randi The Compleat Reader spectator chooses word on any page, performer names other pages where the word occurs, memory demonstration
Related to Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
David Hoy The Bold Book Test impromptu, glimpsing information on the fly and miscalling page number
Related toVariations 1963 21
David Hoy Pocket Book Miracle three books, gaffed
1963 23
R. A. Church Coin Card Buchtest book test using cards with numbers and a coin
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 5)
Felix Greenfield Bell Book & Candle outline of routine with spirit bell, book test and living and dead test, using fire and a candle
Aug. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Dan Tong Novel Reading spectator marks page behind back with an X, vanishing ink
Oct. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 18)
E. Leslie May This That Those any book opened and finger pointed to a section, word is divined
Nov. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Eugene Gloye Book Test stamp collecting book, using code numbers on stamps
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Don Nielson W.O.W. secret list written "white on white" with empty typewriter
Nov. 1965 2
North Bigbee Bookeroo using white carbon paper, see p. 430 for comments by Eddie Clever
The New Phoenix (Issue 399)
Karl Fulves Little Albert any word from any book, written in red on business card, then named word in blue on other business card, they match
Related toVariations Nov. 1966 63
Paul Siegel Booknow II several books handed out, cards are selected and winner of high card inserts card into book to select a word, index
Variations Mar. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 47)
Tan Hock Chuan, Jochen Zmeck Das Meister-Spiel deck shuffled, when card is removed the performer instantly knows it, rough-smooth pairs in Si Stebbins or other arrangement, also for clean removal of three cards from deck out-of-hand, number force for book test
Also published here 1967 10
Eddie Clever My Word! postcard placed inside book, flashback
Jan. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 57)
Dan Tong, Ken Krenzel Telecoincidence book test with books, flashback principle, performer and spectator select same word from two books
Related to Apr. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 60)
Joseph M. White Tres Ingenue slate a la Mental Epic, 3 words from book are divined / predicted, cards are selected and winner of high card inserts card into book to select a word
Inspired by Oct. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 66)
Al Koran Book Test no additional props, just four books, exchanged covers
Related to 1968 37
Karl Fulves An Approach To Reading using number cards
Variations July 1968 191
James Porter, Karl Fulves Little Albert Slate Variation
Inspired by Oct. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Burling Hull Black Book three-digit number chosen, first word on this page divined, p. 241 for further reference
Dec. 1968 231
George B. Anderson The Bystander Book Test spectator divines chosen word from book by writing it on a slate
1968 18
E. Leslie May Thoughts From Thin Air alphabet cards produced from air that spell out chosen word
1969 52
Leon Maguire Book Test inserted business card forces a page, slot in pages, see p. 265 for further reference
June 1969 263
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Book Tests several strategies, including duplicate books, force books, book opening itself on chosen page, as memory feat
Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
Lee Henneberry E-Z Book Test one of six books is selected, performer divines book, secret assistant
1969 6
Dr. William Weyeneth Das magische Buchzeichen page is selected and ribbon inserted, after ribbon is removed performer finds selected page
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 1)
James Auer Time Bombs on preparing tricks at friends' homes, book tests
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Bascom Jones Warlock four books, named number to select chapter and word
Magick (Issue 4)
William Patterson Legacy of Pi Sheng borrowed book, with cards to determine page
Magick (Issue 27)
Everett Lyda Precognition! word predicted, using cards and Martin Gardner's "Mathematics Magic and Mystery"
Magick (Issue 39)
George Sands Book Test four corners with page numbers are torn from newspaper, one is turned over and numbers added to chose page in a book
1971 ca. 5
Paul Siegel Chronicle Cognition prediction of a word in a chosen book
1972 9
Paul Siegel Book Thought divination of a word on named page and line
1972 24
Paul Siegel Word Plexia word is chosen from book, spectator selects correct prediction out of three
1972 28
Jules Lenier That's the Word! ABC cards selected and word formed, word is found in selected book on chosen page
Magick (Issue 43)
Ron Barry Dimension 'X' bold book test
Magick (Issue 57)
Billy McComb We Go Mental different approaches, pages glued together, card inserted to select page
1972 87
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Swami Book Test No. 254, medium divines chosen paragraph
1972 64
Al Koran The Astral Word impression device in book cover
1972 65
Martin Gardner King James Version book test using two dice and unfaked King James bible, two presentations, see also p. 648
Aug. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Karl Fulves An Approach to Reading using number cards
Inspired by 1973 78
Juan Tamariz Lectura de Pensamiento a Distancia booktest, pin through pages
1973 119
Milbourne Christopher The Devanagari Oracle clever book / magazine test, two people select a word, gaffed magazine
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 76)
Stan Blumenthal One for the Book limited choice, cross sum of named number
Magick (Issue 85)
Al Mann The 'G-3' Phenomena three words from dictionary are divined
Magick (Issue 91)
John D. Pomeroy ABC Book Test using ABC cards and a dictionary
1973 21
John D. Pomeroy The Triple Whammy Book Test three books, divination of chosen page, gaffed book
1973 22
Joseph Dunninger Sixth Sense book test with medium, bee wax
Magick (Issue 101)
Thomas Alan Waters Library Card impromptu, business card in book for riffle force
Magick (Issue 106)
Greer Marechal Jr. 500 Ltd. three digits are named to form a number, ruse to break it down to four possibilities
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Harry Lorayne Rim Shots Feature giving away how Rim Shots is gaffed
1975 7
Dai Vernon Magazine Test - Vernon Way of determining which page spectator opened a magazine / book, gimmicked
1975 152
David Douglas Predicta-Miracle Book Test prediction of gist of a chosen sentence in a book, three books
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 135)
David Douglas Predicta-Miracle Book Test - Part Two
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 137)
Dan Tong Peek-A-Book prepared book, flashback principle
Related toVariations 1975
Magick (Issue 143)
Gerald Kosky Book Test A La Kosky six books, duplicates with different cover ruse
1975 173
Charles T. Jordan The Book Mystery page selected with knife stab, word counted to according to time on watch, word predicted, this book is a forcing book in which the fourteenth word on every page is "magician"
Also published here 1975 218
Charles T. Jordan Premier Book Test using deck of cards to force page number, 14/15 stack
Related to 1975 236
Karl Fulves (5) Electronic Book Test on back of book a display shows which page is open, electronics, no details given
Interlocutor (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Book Tests Doomed on reading and spelling ability of population, with anecdote
Interlocutor (Issue 11)
Dan Tong Empathy "3" cards, a word from a book and a geometrical design are divined blindfolded
Related to 1976
Magick (Issue 144)
Richard M. Hunt Peek-A-Book Impromptu! impromptu, glimpsing page number
Inspired byRelated to 1976
Magick (Issue 145)
Larry Becker World Power dictionary book test, three named numbers to form a page number
Magick (Issue 156)
The Fourteen Fifteen Deck forcing a number, for a book test
1976 96
Burling Hull Volta's "All-Fair" Dictionary Feat numbers written on card or slate are used to arrive at sentence in dictionary, forcing a range of nine numbers
1976 61
U. F. Grant, Burling Hull Grant's "Predicto" Book and Card Test number up to fifty-two named, that card value used to count to a page and word in book, word written on reversed card in deck
1976 65
Burling Hull Volta's Master Book Test Mystery several two-digit numbers on paper, cut out, two pieces chosen and all digits added, first sentence on that page divined
1976 67
Burling Hull Word Divino playing card pushed into book, first sentence on that page divined or predicted, duplicate card secretly in other end of book
1976 73
Burling Hull Word Divino #2 playing card pushed into book, first sentence on that page divined or predicted, duplicate card secretly in other end of book, book cracked open at that spot
1976 74
Burling Hull, Al Wheatley A Clever Book Test luminous paint on every page
1976 75
Gaëtan Bloom Prestidigitational Prediction card is put in a book, card predicted and words on the page divined
May 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Al Mann Thoughts Amock Book Test three books, three words are predicted
1977 14
Al Mann Enchantment - A most Fabulous Book Test three books and three envelopes are passed out to three spectators, each one choses a word which was already predicted in the envelope
1977 9
Al Mann, Joseph Dunninger The Ghost of the Unborn two envelopes predicting a three-letter and a five-letter word, spectator can chose one and a word from a book, word is predicted in envelope, in other envelope is prediction of a word that was not chosen and of the length of word that will be chosen
1977 1
Al Mann The Master of the Word with two words from two books, prediction
1977 4
Al Mann The Adonis Book Test book test, with sensitiv fingertips presentation
1977 7
Al Mann Adonis, Aphrodite and Zeus with three books
1977 8
Al Mann Fifth Row Center Aisle divination of a word and prediction of position on page, several books
1977 9
Al Mann The Shades of Thought freely chosen chapter is predicted
1977 11
Al Mann The Uninvited three books, unknown person is called which names the chosen words
1977 13
Al Mann At the Blackboard prediction of three chosen words from three books
1977 16
Al Mann The Chain of Thought three words are divined from three books
1977 17
Al Mann The Book Mark two books with bookmarks, spectator chose a word and find that bookmarks are envelopes with predictions of the chosen words
1977 18
Al Mann 50'000 Words
Inspired by 1977 20
Al Mann Small Worlds dictionary book test, page is selected with number cards
1977 21
Al Mann The Locked Book with locked book, forcing a limited choice, numbers written in a row and three are encircled
Variations 1977 22
Al Mann The Books in the Locked Chest three books
1977 23
Karrell Fox Doodle Graphy word from a book, spectator doodles with eyes closed and second spectator divines thought of word from doodle
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 174)
Dan Tong Peek-A-Book...Two with four spectators and four books, flashback principle
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 185)
Robert Schwarz Afterthought! quick follow-up for a book test, stopped page and named number for word
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 187)
Gene Nielsen The Pickwick Perplexer! two different books, two book marks placed in books on same number and only first words are the same
Magick (Issue 189)
Robert Cassidy Beating the Book Test a book test with three phases and three different methods
  • The Pencil Point Prophecy
  • The Impromptu Impression
  • The Phone Book Finale
  • A Brief Diversion
1977 15
Roy Johnson Hades Booktests intro
1977 60
Karl Fulves Nielsen-Fulves Book Test Controversy using a stooge in a book test, gag examples
Interlocutor (Issue 23)
Al Mann Test Conditions book is destroyed, down-under-deal with pages of a book
Magick (Issue 210)
Gene Nielsen Bold One minor variation of the Hoy Book Test
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 215)
Karl Fulves The Aftermath Book Test two spectators's words predicted, selected with playing card procedure, 14-15 stack
Inspired byRelated to 1978 1
Al Mann The New Lexicon Phenomena three words are chosen and divined
1978 1
Al Mann The New Lexicon Phenomena - A History
1978 12
Will Dexter Book Tests comments
July 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Al Mann The Book Test prediction of word, billet inside box, Arca system
1978 11
Robert Cassidy The Dictionary Test
Variations Nov. 1978 3
C. L. Boarde Surrounded word circled behind back, with impromptu variation
1978 16
C. L. Boarde Aristeas Redivivus - Variation A using a business card as a marker
1978 19
C. L. Boarde Aristeas Redivivus - Variation B using a marker to select page
1978 23
C. L. Boarde Aristeas Redivivus - Variation C using cards as marker, several pages
1978 26
C. L. Boarde Aristeas Redivivus - Variation D using maker, prepared book
1978 28
C. L. Boarde Bottoms Up two books, double faced cover, fake cover ploy, using a marker
1978 40
C. L. Boarde Tumbling Weed corner is bent to select a page
1978 43
C. L. Boarde Allez-Oop! add-a-number using the book as turnover pad, total to select page and word
1978 45
C. L. Boarde Ex-Spear-Ience using a knife, to select page
Variations 1978 47
C. L. Boarde Do As I Think - Variation A do as I do style, two books and same word
1978 49
C. L. Boarde Do As I Think - Variation B do as I do style, two books using markers and exchanging the books, same word
1978 51
C. L. Boarde Do As I Think - Variation C do as I do style, circling a word behind the back, two books, same word
1978 52
C. L. Boarde Printer's Pleasure - Variation A same pages, Svengali book
1978 53
C. L. Boarde Billets and Books - Variation C using multiple billets
1978 64
C. L. Boarde By the Marker - Variation A marker with extra page, postcard or playing card flap
1978 66
C. L. Boarde Line Up - Variation A several page numbers are named and written on slate, spectator thinks of one and opens the book at that page, ranging force, list
1978 75
C. L. Boarde Line Up - Variation B marked pages, performer sees where book is opened
1978 77
C. L. Boarde Peek-A-Boo using a telephone book
1978 79
C. L. Boarde Roget to Merriam to Webster using a dictionary and a thesaurus
1978 81
C. L. Boarde Under Cover - Variation A using an anthology, fake cover ploy
1978 83
C. L. Boarde By the Numbers - Variation A addition of numbers to select page, range
1978 91