119 pages (Paperback), published by Martin Breese
Illustrated with drawings by David Britland
Language: English
69 entries
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Martin Breese Publisher's Foreword
Jerry Sadowitz Smile Away named card is only reversed card on top, gag intro
Inspired by 2
Jerry Sadowitz Discrepancy Transposition: 1
Jerry Sadowitz Discrepancy Transposition: 2 red Aces transpose with two other cards, pair of pseudo duplicates
Variations 5
Jerry Sadowitz Flush Locator Royal Flush is located
Related to 6
Jerry Sadowitz All Change four cards placed on table, they change into Kings
Jerry Sadowitz Spread Laydown Switch as two cards are put on table from spread, one is switched
Jerry Sadowitz Mik Mak Mok Kings lost, Ace of Spaded comes to top, brings the Kings to the top, then they transpose with the Ace
Inspired by 11
Peter Duffie Envelope Prediction after Ambitious Card sequence, an odd-backed card in an envelope turns out to be signed selection
Related to
  • "Black Envelope" (Bob Kohler)
Peter Duffie Apartheid
Peter Duffie Worlds Apart one riffle shuffle, pairs laid out
Variations 17
Peter Duffie Home Computer three packets of ten cards, reverse faros
Peter Duffie Pocket Assembly Ace through Four in pocket transpose with four cards in a packet
Jerry Sadowitz Shuffle Lap at beginning of overhand shuffle
Jerry Sadowitz Stop Sleight cards dealt singly from tabled deck into left hand, spectator stops at selection
Jerry Sadowitz Slip Cut Half Pass
Jerry Sadowitz Paddle Wheel Change card pushed flush with fourth finger
Inspired by 27
Jerry Sadowitz Unambitious Movie in-the-hands, to bottom
Inspired by 29
Jerry Sadowitz A Vanish and a Cull card shown missing (Martin Gardner) and three mates culled in the process
Related to 32
Peter Duffie Box Reversal
Peter Duffie Centre Release Count undercount of coins into coin box
Peter Duffie Drop In Sound Illusion coin apparently put in coin box, with sound effect
Peter Duffie, Bill Hamilton Unreversal Move
Peter Duffie Box Switch one box sleeved
Peter Duffie In-Off Sound Count overcount of coins into coin box
Peter Duffie, Jack Gottlob Up and Over Move one coin hidden in lid as coin box is opened
Inspired byAlso published here 39
Peter Duffie Captured Coin Assembly coins travel from coin box to under cards
Peter Duffie Three as Four Click Count
David Roth Covered Click Pass click pass into coin box
Also published here 42
Peter Duffie Triple Alliance three coins travel from coin box to hand and back one by one
Related to 43
Peter Duffie Tunnel Vision one coin sequence, coin changes, vanishes, then both coins appear, bigger coin finale
Peter Duffie Sleeveless coin dropped from right sleeve into left hand as right hand reaches across
Jerry Sadowitz Courtroom number from one to twelve named, card at that position is only number card amongst picture cards, then situation reverses and there is only one picture card amongst number cards
Inspired by 48
Jerry Sadowitz Covered Jinx Change with slip cut action
Jerry Sadowitz Return of the Burglar four cards chosen, they're all shown as selections, then the four cards change into Aces and selection is back in deck with odd back
Inspired by 50
Derek Dingle No-Lap Switch
Jerry Sadowitz All Alike Sequence with odd-backed extra card
Gordon Bruce Dupli-Count
Also published here 52
Jerry Sadowitz Master-Palm Switch double put on table and face card stolen, one-handed
Jerry Sadowitz Well I'll Be... comedy card to wallet, featuring a jumbo card, writing across the whole deck when spread and an electric deck
Jerry Sadowitz Out of Order OOSOOM
Inspired by 57
Jerry Sadowitz Comfortably Numb four Kings sandwich selection in deck, five-card sandwich then changes into four Aces and Kings with selections are found in wallet
Modified Jordan Count four as five
Jerry Sadowitz D'Amico Sandwich sandwich routine, then tabled sandwich becomes a three-of-a-kind while sandwich is back in deck
Inspired by 64
Jerry Sadowitz, Gordon Bruce Four Card Revelation card rises, changes while outjogged, then changes into third and finally fourth selection
Inspired by 66
Harry Lorayne Push-Though Change
Jerry Sadowitz Lucky Dip half the deck pocketed, card chosen from other half, performer removes card of same color, suit and value from pocket, then selection itself
Jerry Sadowitz Matching Pairs three selections, the three mates are found, then they transpose to follow the exchanged selections, Eight shown as Seven
Jerry Sadowitz Elimination comedy location, all cards eliminated in stages with patter lines except selection
Inspired by 73
Jerry Sadowitz Universal Coin three different coins and an invisible coin, borrowed coin changes to each one when touched
Peter Duffie Easy Triumph
Peter Duffie Quick Change Collectors collector quartet changes into Aces at the end
Peter Duffie Collectors' Seminar
Peter Duffie Hen Party Queen is produced with Christ Cut Force, two selections are found sandwiched between other three Queens
Inspired byVariations 86
Peter Duffie Day Tripper Ace of Spades rises from bottom to top on spectator's hand, selection into pocket
Inspired by 87
Peter Duffie An Optical Departure
Inspired by 88
Peter Duffie Born to Be Wild ungaffed
Peter Duffie No Case to Answer odd-backed mystery card, Jacks produced as well, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 93
Peter Duffie Wraith Aces reverse between two Tens and change to Kings
Inspired byVariations 96
Peter Duffie Hofzinser's Alternative with twisting sequence
Inspired by 98
Peter Duffie Valediction Xs appear on the back of whole deck
Jerry Sadowitz The Push Off Double Deal onto the table
Inspired by 103
Jerry Sadowitz Three, Four, Five Etc undercount deal as placement to named number on second deal
Inspired byRelated to 106
Jerry Sadowitz The Daleks Aces appear between two black Jacks one by one, smiling mule gag phase
Related to 107
Jerry Sadowitz Not Possible two Aces held by performer, two under spectator's hand, performer suddenly has all four Aces and spectator four Kings
Jerry Sadowitz Open Assembly Ace to Three of Spades, two of those cards apparently penetrate hand to join the third underneath, transformation to Hearts in repeat
Jerry Sadowitz Dealer Dem four Aces put on top, instantly four-handed game dealt with four Aces for dealer, repeated after shuffling by spectator
Inspired by 113
Jerry Sadowitz End Notes on the Double Deal comments and application notes
Peter Duffie Bedazzled
Inspired by 116
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2019.