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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Eine Nachricht aus Polen on the KSAI, Salvano
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 2)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston Editorial Blackpool, Ken Dodd, Tommy Wonder, Salvano
May 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston (reviewer) Salvano Lecture Video by Salvano May 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Salvano Vorwort
1994 2
Salvano Palmieren einer Daumenspitze thumb palming a thumb tip
1994 4
Salvano Erscheinen eines Seidentuchs silk appears from borrowed handkerchief
1994 5
Salvano Durchdringen silk penetrates borrowed handkerchief
1994 6
Salvano Die Magische Hand silk vanishes and reappears in empty hands
Variations 1994 7
Salvano Hier! - Dort! silk vanishes in hands and reappears in paper tube that the spectator holds
1994 8
Salvano Unmöglich! silk vanishes inside borrowed handkerchief, handling with spectator
1994 9
Salvano Die Verschwindende Zigarette vanishing cigarette in silk or in bare hands
  • 1. In einem Taschentuch
  • 2. In der bloßen Hand
1994 10
Salvano Das Pulver, das Dinge Wegzaubert silk pushed in fist, washing powder sprinkled on top, silk shrinks, then vanishes
1994 11
Salvano Das Indianische Notizbuch knot pulled off rope and thrown in air
1994 20
Salvano Das Salvano-Durchschneiden
1994 22
Salvano Die Blitzwiederherstellung flash restoration
1994 27
Salvano Das "Aufbrauchen" der Reste repeat restoration
1994 29
Salvano Der Magische Kreis I rope tied into circle, cut at opposite side of knot, restored under handkerchief
1994 31
Salvano Der Knoten, der Verschwindet restoration handling
1994 38
Salvano Der Wandernde Knoten restoration handling
1994 39
Salvano Wiederholte Seilreparaturen method to access small rope loop for repeat restoration
1994 40
Salvano Das Wunder extra piece in thumb tip
1994 42
Salvano Erklärung? loop piece on thread on pencil, through sleeve, cut pieces vanish completely
1994 44
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) A Day with Salvano (Losander's Recollection Series, Part 1) by Salvano June 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 6)
Richard Kaufman Salvano (Tomasz Chelminski, 1929-2006)
June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Alexander de Cova Trumponium silk vanish using a cork
Inspired by 2017 89