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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Don Medley, Harry Jordan Circum-Location three cards, odd-even, identities and positions named
The Jinx (Issue 102)
Don Medley This Is It! reading mind over phone, see Back Room #96 for correction
Related toVariations Oct. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 94)
Don Medley Impromptu Routine with a Borrowed Deck combination of several effects, see following items, starts with flourishes
Sep. 1945 150
Don Medley 2. The Sloppy Shuffle
Sep. 1945 150
Don Medley 3. Reversed Card Discovery
Sep. 1945 150
Don Medley 4. Another Reversed Discovery
Sep. 1945 152
Don Medley 5. The Secret Revealed
Sep. 1945 152
Don Medley 6. The Spectator Does It card turns over in deck while it is in spectator's hands, indifferent card palmed onto selection and double replaced as one
Sep. 1945 152
Don Medley Ring A Bell spectator thinks of a card in the fan (several cards are more exposed and the target cards), then he writes his card und a paper along with four other cards, card is divined
Related to Aug. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 111)
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Peter Casson, Richard Himber, The Five-Best Poll (card tricks), Wilbur Kattner, Ernest Partington, Paul Fleming, Charles Hudson, Jean Hugard, Keith Brooks, Frank Werner, Don Medley, Edward Kullman
Feb. 1947 295
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Bert Allerton, Lyle Laughlin, Martin Gardner, Cardini, Dante, The Five-Best Poll (cards), Don Medley, Stanley Collins, Stewart James, Neal Elias, Jack Crimmins, Don Lawton, Bert Fenn, Paul Morris, Frederick Carter and more
Mar. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Al Mann Lorant - Long Range Telepathy reading mind over phone, streamlined version of This Is It!
Inspired by 1977 12
Al Mann The Abstract Thought Lorant, with two thoughts
Inspired byVariations 1977 15
Robert Cassidy Blind Man's Bluff spectator thinks of a name and calls out five names, performer divines thought-of name, no props
Related to 2004 114