200 entries in Cards / Sleights / False Display / Spread which hides cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das Erscheinen mehrerer Karten nacheinander an den Fingerspitzen der rechten Hand "Die Kartenschule"
single card production routine, hand shown empty after temporarily loading back-palmed cards perpendicularly behind fan of already produced cards à la Thurston Five Card Routine
Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Hofzinser Hide Out showing spread between the hands and hiding a card at back
1910 41
Charles T. Jordan Fan Display hiding cards between third and fourth card
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Perpendicular Hide-Out behind Fan
1938 505
Charlie Miller Spread Hide-Out four as three
1940 257
Stuart Towne, Don Diavolo Diavolo Hide-Out Fan hiding packet underneath one-handed fan
The Jinx (Issue 96)
Don Diavolo, Stuart Towne Diavolo Hide-Out Fan brief, hiding packet underneath one-handed fan
The Jinx (Issue 116)
Warren Wiersbe Perpendicular Hideout cards under four-card-spread
1944 15
Don Diavolo, Stuart Towne Diavolo Hide-Out Fan fanning six cards as five
1947 35
Frederick Braue Fan False Count glide
1948 11
Clayton Rawson The Merlini Fan Switch cards hidden behind fan
Related to Dec. 1950 729
Tenkai Ishida One-Hand Turnover and Fan small packet, with one double
Also published here 1953 16
Edward Marlo First Example packet is spread out and cards are hidden, triple buckle substitute
1959 38
Edward Marlo Fourth Example spreading five as four
1959 40
James Steranko Five as Four Spread
1960 88
Edward Marlo Marlo's Lengthwise Spread spreading two or three cards while hiding an extra card, buckling
Nov. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 374)
Push-Off Count into fan configuration
1962 54
Harry Lorayne Lorayne Force Display to hide a card in a fanned packet
Related to
  • "Forcing a Card" in Peter Warlock's "Book of Magic", 1956. p.80
1964 20
Dai Vernon Spreading Six Card as Five
1967 165
Russell T. Barnhart Barnhardt Card Add On card perpendicular behind fan
Related toAlso published here 1968 33
Edward Marlo As a Card Addition
Related toVariations 1968 37
Eddie Fields Field's Add-On adding top card of the deck on top of a fan of five cards during squaring up of the fan
Related toAlso published here 1968 62
Allan Ackerman Added Thoughts on the Minuscule Deck Method 1: Deck from lap into pocket
Method 2: Packet changes into complete deck
1971 9
Roger Smith Basics of K-S Move ("Klondike Shuffle"), packet in right-hand End grip, left hand pulls away top and bottom cards, rest as one card placed on top forming three-card fan
Related to 1971 1
Roger Smith K-S Handling - Five Cards & More reverse count of cards from end grip into left hand fan, then K-S with top-bottom-pull at end with last four cards
Also published here 1971 4
Roger Smith K-S Notes on how the order of the packet is affected and the orientation of the hands and cards
1971 7
Karl Fulves Four As Three The Basic Count, pullback action
Related to 1972 1
Karl Fulves Modified Count simplified "Four As Three"
1972 3
Karl Fulves Front and Back showing both sides while hiding a card
1972 4
Karl Fulves Five As Four pullback action
1972 10
Karl Fulves Reverse Five As Four pullback action
1972 16
Karl Fulves Combination Count
1972 17
Karl Fulves One Hand 4-As-3 one-handed spread
1972 29
Dai Vernon Vernon's Four Ace Show With Two Extra Cards No. 25, no details how to get into spread configuration
1972 11
Karl Fulves Snap Count hiding center card of five
Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
Karl Fulves Seven As Four false count which ends in a fan of three doubles and a single card
July 1974
Epilogue (Issue 21)
Tenkai Ishida One-Hand Turnover and Fan small packet, with one double
Also published here 1974 130
Roy Walton Five-Card Ascanio Spread
1975 49
Partial Ascanio three cards visible
1975 120
Ken Krenzel Pressure Spread
Epilogue (Issue Special No 2)
Bob Ostin Fan Hide Move one handed fan hides card
VariationsAlso published here May 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Peter Kane Card Transfer Move from packet to packet, with card perpendicular under small fan
1975 14
Karl Fulves The Phantom Count four as three, five as four, ...
1975 128
Dai Vernon The Vernon Touch card hidden in pressure fan
1975 73
Charles T. Jordan Fan Display hiding cards between third and fourth card
Also published here 1975 98
Karl Fulves Snap Count hiding center card of five
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
Edward Marlo Super Spread Ascanio type spread showing more than four cards and hiding some
1976 26
Doug Alker Display Fan two methods
Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Bernard Bilis One Handed Snap Display display two cards in end grip using index finger to pull back top card, "snapping action"
1976 5
Roger Smith K-S Move #3 very similar to Ascanio spread, ends with four-card fan
Also published here
  • "K-S Supplement"
1976 1
Roger Smith K-S Move #1 reverse count of cards from end grip into left hand fan, last card double
1976 1
Roger Smith K-S Move #2 five-card packet spread as four cards from right-hand end grip into left hand
Also published here 1976 2
Bob Ostin Fan Hide Move one handed fan hides card, also as glimpse
Also published here 1976 ca. 5
The Simple Spread hiding cards under bottom card
1977 61
The Back Spread hiding cards under top card by spreading from bottom
1977 63
Roger Smith K-S Move #3 very similar to Ascanio spread, ends with four-card fan
1977 1
Roger Smith K-S Move #1 reverse count of cards from end grip into left hand fan, last card double
1977 1
Roger Smith K-S Move #2 five-card packet spread as four cards from right-hand end grip into left hand
1977 2
Roger Smith K-S Move #3 similar to Ascanio spread, ends with four-card fan
1977 18
Roger Smith Basic K-S Move
1977 18
Allan Ackerman Tabled Spread method to lay down four Aces with extra card
1978 31
Stanley Collins Collins Glide Display
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Bruce Cervon, Father Cyprian Cervon False Display
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
John F. Mendoza The D'Amico Spread also for more cards
1978 37
Roger Smith Again K-S Move five-card packet spread as four cards from right-hand end grip into left hand
1978 4
José Souza Souza's Count four as three, pullback action, same idea as Fulves
Related to 1978 109
Edward Marlo The Razor's Edge concealing large block under fanned quartet
1979 56
Karl Fulves Contact Spread using a card with hole, rough-smooth substitute
1979 10
Steve Beam The Maeb-Y Count (Pronounced "Maybe") right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left, Veeser concept
Also published here 1979 13
Ron Hicks The Texas Twist showing two as three and four as two cards, pivoting small packet in the hands diagonally, similar to step break
1979 5
Bernard Bilis The Bilis Spread four cards as three
Related to 1980 3
Arturo de Ascanio 3-1-2-2 Vorzeigen
1980 6
Steve Beam Maeb-Y Veeser Variation right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left
Related to 1980 16
Ken Simmons Pivot Steal right hand palm as small packet is displayed
1981 14
Count in Fan shown by Mike O'Brien, cards snapped singly and arranged in fan, one is double
1981 31
Bob Farmer The Twirl Spread spreading a small packet while hiding cards
Dec. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Steve Beam Maeb-y Count right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left
1982 25
Karl Fulves Snap Count hiding center card of 5
Aug. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Christian Scherer Der Scherer Spread
  • 1. Die Entwicklung des Scherer spread
  • 2. Grundhaltung und Grundgriff
  • 3. Der Scherer spread
  • 4. Der Scherer spread Variation I
  • 5. Der Scherer spread Variation II
  • 6. Der Scherer spread Variation II als Falschzählmethode (as false count)
  • 7. Der Scherer spread Variation III
  • 8. Der Scherer spread von 6 als 4 Karten
  • 9. Das Ablegen der Karten aus dem Scherer spread (lay down)
  • 10. Anmerkungen zur Handhabung von spreads und counts
Related to 1982 23
Ken Krenzel Pressure Hideout
1982 41
Edward Marlo Non-Saliva Vanish
1983 40
Edward Marlo Reverse Count Fan with double
1983 118
Ralph W. Hull, Edward Marlo Hide-Out Move Variation card underneath fan of cards
1983 2
Edward Marlo Olram Spread seven cards are spread into a fan of three doubles and a single, credit information
VariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring
1983 22
Steve Beam The Maeb-y Count right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left
Related to 1983 5
Yoshio Hirose Action Change four jokers change to kings when thrown one-handed onto table, using triple buckle
Also published here 1983 34
Bernard Bilis Snapping Move first finger snaps top card so it springs forward
Related to 1983 125
Edward Marlo The Spectator Lays Out The Aces angly display
1984 190
Edward Marlo Olram's Tabled Spread hiding cards
1984 197
Harry Lorayne Lorayne Force to Hide Card in fan
1985 98
Pressure Spread
1985 124
Frederick Braue Braue Fan Display four as three
1985 30
Frederick Braue Buckle Fan
1985 12
Yoshio Hirose Action Change four jokers change to kings when thrown one-handed onto table, using triple buckle
Also published here Sep. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 9)
Hippie Torrales Krazy Kount hiding a card
Oct. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Bob Stencel Circular Subtlety
1986 40
Edward Marlo Simplified Olram Spread seven cards are spread into a fan of three doubles and a single
Inspired by Mar. 1986 32
John W. McClure Mirror Count four as three
Feb. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Peter Pellikaan Utility Spread
Nov. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne Utility Spread Plus five as four, several methods
Nov. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Davide Costi One Hand Spread same function as ascanio spread
Also published here 1987 31
Davide Costi Floating Count
Also published here 1987 36
Double Buckle Spread spreading five as four
1987 25
Edward Marlo Triple Buckle spreading five as four
1987 26
Reverse Count Spread
1988 24
Brother John Hamman Small-Packet Reverse Fan Display
1989 37
Brother John Hamman, Arturo de Ascanio The Hamman Ascanio Spread
Also published here 1989 42
Hiding Cards Display
1989 67
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio's Honest Display hiding two cards, showing palms
Also published here 1989 10
Arturo de Ascanio Las Vegas Ascanio Spread
1989 11
Arturo de Ascanio Las Vegas Ascanio Spread
1990 55
Edward Marlo Reverse Fan Count with a double
Aug. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 2)
Ken Krenzel Pressure Hideout
1991 130
Bob Stencel Circular Display
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
Vanni Bossi The Vanni Bossi's Buckle Fan (1971-72) one-handed fanning of small packet with one double card, with lay-down, two handlings
Also published here 1991 16
Vanni Bossi A Further Idea: "4 As 3" in the Hands and on the Table with one-handed lay-down
Also published here 1991 18
Edward Marlo Pivot Spread from Deck with top cards of deck
1992 66
Ken Krenzel Pressure Hideout brief
1992 4
Tenkai Ishida One-Hand Turnover and Fan small packet, with one double
1992 136
Harvey Rosenthal Reverse Fan Count
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Jerry Mentzer One Hand Spread three as two
1993 98
Double Buckle Spread
1993 12
Quadruple Buckle Spread six cards as five
1993 30
Carmen D'Amico D'Amico Spread
1994 113
Bob Stencel Circular Subtlety
1994 73
Bernard Bilis One Hand Card Spread double pivots out of center of four-card packet
1994 99
Edward Marlo Injogged Hide-Out packet spread with injogged cards hidden
1995 88
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Display spreading out five cards as four
1996 37
David Solomon Bottom Deal Spread Count
1997 25
Eddie Fields Subtle Fan Add-On adding top card of the deck on top of a fan of five cards during squaring up of the fan
Also published here 1997 48
Multiple Buckle with small packet
1998 567
Reinhard Müller The Ascanio Spread Fan
Related to 1998 598
Arturo de Ascanio, Ken Krenzel The Open Display five as four
1998 599
Bernard Bilis One Handed Snap Display one-handed, top card snapped off with first finger
1998 617
Russell T. Barnhart Barnhardt Card Add On card perpendicular behind fan
Also published here Jan. 1998
Onyx (Issue 2)
Ken Krenzel Pressure Hideout
1999 191
Baltazar Fuentes Fuentes Spread Hide-Out
1999 9
Edward Marlo Casual Spread Display cards fanned towards spectators, back card spread to the left
1999 102
Small Packet Triple Buckle brief
2000 856
Harry Lorayne Six-as-Five Display
2001 505
The Back Spread pressure hide-out
Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Hofzinser Hide Out showing spread between the hands and hiding a card at back
2002 46
Edward Marlo The Display Count
2002 52
Dejada por extensión spreading five cards as four on the table
2002ca. 43
David Ben Tabled Biddle Spread
2003 63
Buckle Spread spreading five as four
2003 7
Davide Costi The Floating Count
Also published here 2004 49
Davide Costi One-Hand Spread same function as ascanio spread
Also published here 2004 53
Dave Campbell Take and Turn Move displaying more cards as only two
2004 138
Bob Ostin The "Fan Hide" Move one handed fan hides card, as a glimpse, to load card
Also published here 2005 26
Arturo de Ascanio The Vegas Spread
  • The Vegas Spread Variation
2006 42
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio's Honest Display showing five as four cards, on open palms
Also published here 2006 208
Jack Parker The Zen Spread one handed Ascanio-like spread to display four cards as three
Also published here June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Anthony Brahams AA (Anthony's Ascanio) even spread
2006 94
Edward Marlo Razor's Edge Technique Hiding thickness of packet in spread
2007 22
Jack Parker The Zen Spread One handed Ascanio-like spread to display four cards as three
Also published here 2007 52
Arturo de Ascanio Open Display
2007 58
Hideout Move card hidden behind fan
2007 62
Steve Beam The Third Finger Buckle packet held in right-hand end grip, third finger buckles bottom card
  • The Partial Packet Switch (Veeser type switch)
Also published here 2008 7
Steve Beam Unbuckled Count third finger buckle applied to buckle count
Related to 2008 15
Brother John Hamman Packet Reverse Fan Display
Mar. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 3)
Patrick Dessi Le Dess-Spread messy spread to hide red/black arrangement
2009 37
Rich Aviles The Upscanio Spread
2010 64
David Williamson Throw-Switch Addition underneath fanned cards
Oct. 2010
Gambit (Issue 2)
Steve Reynolds S. P. Hideout hiding cards à la ribbon-spread hide-out when spreading small packet on the table
  • First Technique
  • Second Technique
  • Multiple Concealments
Also published here 2010 4
Harry Lorayne No-Force Lorayne Force card hidden behind fan, spectator thinks of card and its position in twelve-card packet, card vanishes and reappears reversed in packet
2011 100
Bob Farmer The Sprawl
Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Gabi Pareras Extensión en mesa con doble five as four, spread on table
2012 97
Ken Krenzel Pressure Hideout Move
2013 30
Benjamin Earl Spread Display spreading through deck with faces towards audience and hiding a number of cards
2015 16
Arturo de Ascanio Open Display brief
2016 51
Vertical Ascanio Spread
2016 49
Vanni Bossi Buckle Fan Hideout one-handed fanning of small packet with one double card, with lay-down, two handlings
Also published here 2016 76
Vanni Bossi The Bossi Four-as-Three Display with one-handed lay-down
Also published here 2016 80
Karl Fulves The One-Handed Reveal spreading four as three, center is double
Related to 2016 15
Steve Beam The Third-Finger Buckle
  • The Partial Packet Switch
Related toAlso published here 2017 19
Peter Pellikaan Pelli Spread
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Johnny Thompson On Buckling buckling with fourth finger, double and triple buckle
2018 135
Ken Krenzel Pressure Hideout Fan
2018 33
David Solomon Bottom Deal Spread Count spreading more cards as four
2018 9
Pedro Bryce Culebreo Bryce Las Vegas Spread type
2018 56
Steve Beam The Table Spread spreading cards on the table to hide a pattern, apparently mixing
2018 238
Karl Fulves The One-Handed Reveal spreading four as three, center is double
2018 4
Fan hide-out reversed card in fan is positioned so it is unseen on either side of fan
2018 203
Giancarlo Scalia Culebreo a una Mano one-handed Ascanio Spread
  • Four cards as three
  • Five cards as four
Also published here 2019 46
Lorenz Schär Flipover Hideout hiding cards in ribbon spread
2019 78
Helder Guimarães The Spread Replacement also for small packet which is instantly spread
2019 104
John Carney The Spread and Display
2020 142
Dai Vernon Buckle Count
2020 43
Double Buckle three-card spread
2020 253
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio’s Honest Display showing five as four cards, on open palms
Also published here 2020 122
Reinhard Müller Ascanio Spread Fan uncredited
Related to July 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Steve Reynolds S. P. Hideout hiding cards à la ribbon-spread hide-out when spreading small packet on the table
Also published here 2022 789
Giancarlo Scalia One-Handed Ascanio Spread
  • Four as Three
  • Five as Four
Also published here 2022 88
Roger Smith K.S Move of K-S Move ("Klondike Shuffle"), packet in right-hand End grip, left hand pulls away top and bottom cards, rest as one card placed on top forming three-card fan
Related to 2022 ca. 27
Push-Off Count with comment that buckle count is bad
Also published here
  • Genii, Nov. 1962
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)
Pedro Lacerda In-the-Hands Spread-Out packet is turned over and spread out, bottom cards stay as one
2023 92
Pedro Lacerda D'Amico Spread Variation with four cards which are spread out as three with a double in the center
2023 93
Bob Stencel Circular Subtlety brief
2024 75
Alexander Hansford Five-as-Four Fan-Out
2024 153