Written by Theodore Annemann
Work of Theodore Annemann
62 pages (Hardcover), published by Max Holden
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
26 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Al Baker Introduction
Also published here 7
Theodore Annemann Foreword...
Theodore Annemann The "Really New" Locator Card broken corner
Related to 10
Theodore Annemann An Original Set-Up Discovery way to easily set-up the eight kings stack
Related to 11
Theodore Annemann One in Fourteen deck is cut, card remembered and shuffled among thirteen other cards, selection is found
Theodore Annemann A New Thought Card Spelling Effect
Theodore Annemann Whichever You Please
Theodore Annemann Count Your Card! spectator stops dealing, uses this value to count down twice, third time selection shows up
Related toVariations 17
Theodore Annemann Telepathy in the Audience spectator looks through the deck and removes a card, it's the card another spectator had chosen
VariationsAlso published here 19
Theodore Annemann The Red-and-Blue Back Mixup two decks shuffled together and dropped in hat, six cards removed via named numbers, three matching pairs
Theodore Annemann The Gambler in Person pick-up stack
Also published here 22
Theodore Annemann The Gambler is Back Again
Theodore Annemann Psychic Sympathy two decks, spectator cuts his deck and looks at one, performer removes same card from his deck, trick is repeated
  • Method Number Two
Theodore Annemann The Four-Pile Location one-way backs
Theodore Annemann The Genii Cut-Deck Location deck cut behind performer's back, one-way pack
Related to 33
Theodore Annemann The Mystery Card Reading Method pack behind back, performer names cards
Theodore Annemann, Dr. Edward G. Ervin A New Apparatus for the Pellet Switch with a matchbox
Theodore Annemann Find the Lady a Queen and four Aces are put in five envelopes, performer finds envelope with odd card
Also published here 41
Theodore Annemann The Improved Magic Square Presentation
Theodore Annemann The One-Man 'Genuine' Magazine Test three magazines, fake cover ploy
Related toVariations 46
Stuart Robson Mental Coloring Telepathy in Silk six handkerchiefs, one is selected, medium enters room and knows which one
Theodore Annemann The Color-Tell Billiard Balls several different colored balls, one is placed in a box and held by performer behind back, he divines the color
Theodore Annemann Seeing in the Dark reading in the dark
Theodore Annemann Seven Keys to Baldpate
Theodore Annemann A Prophecy of the Koran multiple prediction on business cards, sealed in envelope
Theodore Annemann Jimmy Valentine Opens a Safe performer cracks the code of a safe where his assistant is locked
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2016.