Written by Rudolf Braunmüller
Work of Various
4,230 pages (Stapled), published by Rudolf Braunmüller
Illustrated with drawings by Various, Rudolf Braunmüller
Language: German
1,905 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Blankokarte prediction is empty, spectator chose a blank card
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 67
Verschwindender Spazierstock fake fingers in vanishing cane, gag
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 67
Ballone ball inside balloon to seal it without a knot
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 67
Geisterschrift writing appears on paper when made wet
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 68
Hosentasche double trouser pocket to show it empty
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 68
  • paper streamer from bottle
  • using Niffin bottle for Multum in Reverse
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 68
Okitoglas water becomes red in glass, then silk produced
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 69
Streichhölzer puzzles and impromptu effects
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 69
Rudolf Braunmüller Tarot Karten two-card prediction with Tarot cards, counting
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 70
George G. Kaplan Der Geistertafel-Magazin-Test two slates shown and placed aside, six cards chosen to locate page in magazine, headline appears on slates
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 71
Nate Leipzig False Slate Display showing all four sides of two slates while hiding one
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 72
Rudolf Braunmüller HaKaMü oder Clippo introduction to collection of ideas, "Hans Katzenstein München"
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 75
Scotty Lang Die Scotty-Lang-Routine clippo
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 75
Joseph J. Kolar Kolars Zauberschere
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 76
Rudolf Braunmüller Der Bändertrick presentation for clippo
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 77
Rudolf Braunmüller Eine Bekanntgabe presentation for clippo with message on paper strip
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 77
Lewis Ganson Kartenpräparation für Manipulatoren preparing cards for stage manipulations
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 78
Rudolf Braunmüller Veranstaltungshinweise
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 81
Peter Warlock Meine Tücherwanderung three silks vanish and reappear knotted onto clear tube inside opaque tube
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 82
Rudolf Braunmüller Plauderstunde
Vol. 23 No. 2 1999 83
Rudolf Braunmüller Trickauswahl intro to collection of tricks by James G. Thompson Jr. and Ned Rutledge
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 94
James G. Thompson Jr. Zwei in die Hand... balls appear, split and change into small skull then into bigger skull, two in the hand one in the pocket
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 94
Push Through Drop Vanish
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 96
Shuttle Pass
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 97
James G. Thompson Jr. Im Dunkeln ist gut munkeln writing of three face down cards is revealed in darkness
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 100
James G. Thompson Jr. Ein kurzer Blick side-jogged card, before riffle shuffling in the hands
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 100
Ned Rutledge Mein Forcieren card put in deck, card above is forced, glide
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 102
James G. Thompson Jr. Reine Angabe twirl cut extension
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 103
James G. Thompson Jr. Kreuz-Abheben cutting procedure with perpendicular configuration
Inspired by Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 104
James G. Thompson Jr. Doppelverwandlung card in spectator's hand transposes with another card, spectator holds selection at the end
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 105
Drop Unload bottom card dropped on deck during gesture when spectator holds out his hand
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 105
Spin Flourish out-jogged card spun around
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 106
Push-In Change
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 106
James G. Thompson Jr. Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern with two quartets
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 107
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Noch ein Gedankenlesen writing on business card divined
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 108
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Mord Incorporated murder game, with ten pieces of information and assistant organizing everything while performer is out of the room
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 109
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Der schreibende Daumen thumb writer tips
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 111
James G. Thompson Jr. Glorpy presentation for glorpy
Also published here
  • Magic to Delight
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 112
Rudolf Braunmüller Anmerkung comment on glorpy
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 114
James G. Thompson Jr. Hoiman, the Spirick comedy presentation for spirit buzzer, spirit bell, rapping hand etc.
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 114
James G. Thompson Jr. Ein dunkles Geheimnis same card is reversed in the deck, spirits turned cards over in the dark
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 115
Hen Fetsch, Peter Warlock Klapp Klapp two miniature slates, two designs by spectator and performer transpose, flap lapped
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 116
Ned Rutledge Die Instant-Dunkelkammer thought of symbol, number and letter appear on blank cards
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 117
James G. Thompson Jr. Was steckt in einem Namen? getting the spectators to remember the performer's name
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 119
Andreas Michel-Andino Guillotinen "Andinos Trickmonographien - Teil 5"
  • Noch einmal die Multi-Pip-Card
  • Nachtrag zum Rubik-Cube
  • Historisches zu Handguillotinen (credit information)
  • Verschiedene Formen
  • Meine Routine zum Handcutter
  • Schopenhauer und die Fingerguillotine
  • Die Guillotine in der Kindervorführung?
  • Ausblick
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 120
Rudolf Braunmüller Plauderstunde
Vol. 23 No. 3 1999 126
Rudolf Braunmüller Visitenkartentricks intro
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 139
Rudolf Braunmüller Der Gefühlsmensch five business cards with emotions on their back, spectator locates the four positive emotions
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 139
Jack Bridwell Voodoo-Zauber with drawn Voodoo doll
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 140
Richard Webster Der Künstlername eight stage names on backs of business card, spectator finds performer's youth stage name, pateo
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 141
Bill Woodfield Automatisches Schreiben automatic writing turns out to be the selected card, way to write in mirror writing
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 142
Milbourne Christopher Der Gedankenabhörer spectator writes name of playing card on a business card, card is divined, business card stolen with case
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 143
Don Tanner Kartenchangier-Kassetten-Tricks
  • skull appears on business card in case, gag
  • "Houdini" written on business card, put in envelope and then in card box, card is then outside
Related to Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 144
Roy Johnson Blitz-Quadrat flash magic square on business card
Related to Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 145
Rudolf Braunmüller Anmerkung tip for flash magic square
Related to Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 147
Gerald Kosky Der trickhafte Mentalist twenty business cards with numbers and words are returned later to correct persons
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 148
Don Tanner Laßt uns die Toten begraben living dead test mixed with haunted pack and business cards
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 149
Kent Arthur Summen-Prophetie twenty business cards, each with a two-figure number by a spectator, then some cards are totaled and total divined
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 150
Tony Griffith Der große Gedächtnistest twenty numbered business cards distributed to spectators, every one names an object, performer recalls all, memory demonstration
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 151
Tony Corinda The Amazing Memory Test German translation
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 151
Paul Rylander Wort und Zahl list of words made on business cards, memory stunt, graphology and prediction in wallet
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 154
Dennis Marks Zuschauer-Auslese business cards, some with X, to select spectator
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 155
Andreas Michel-Andino Der Talerfang "Andinos Trickmonographien - Teil 6"
  • Nachträglicher Nachtrag zum Rubic Cube (Rubik)
  • Korrekturen zur Geschichte der Guillotine (credit information)
  • Gedanken zum Talerfang
  • Hilfsmittel und Techniken
  • Meine Bühnenroutine
  • Finale mit Geldscheinen?
  • Der Talerfang vor oder mit Kindern?
  • Weitere Anwendungen
  • Ausblick
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 156
Rudolf Braunmüller Zauberkerzen-Getrickse about the candles that cannot be blown out
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 162
Rudolf Braunmüller Happy Birthday candle that cannot be blown out, but than it can
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 162
Harry Lorayne - Meine Lieblings-Kartentricks
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 163
Harry Lorayne Das einäugige Bubensandwich card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 163
Pinky Pull Down
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 164
Harry Lorayne Außerhalb meiner Kontrolle standard psychological stop effect, with outs
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 165
Harry Lorayne Überkreuz one phase only, repeated as challenge
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 169
Harry Lorayne Scoop Up Lapping
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 171
R. Sid Spocane II Die königlichen Liebhaber four of a kind appear one by one between sandwich cards
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 173
Robert Orben Wie verfaßt man humoristische Vorträge? how to write humorous patter
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 177
Erhard Liebenow Alternative Voraussage spectator cuts off pile and does tantalizer deal, last card predicted
Inspired by Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 180
Lewis Ganson Die Chinesischen Ringe eight rings
  • Das Fall-Abzählen
  • Das Verketten der Ringe
  • Ich kann es - Sie nicht
  • Die lange Kette
  • Alle in einem
  • Das Fallenlassen der Ringe
  • Anmerkungen
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 182
Rudolf Braunmüller Der unsichtbare Flammenflug flame travels from candle to candle, candle that cannot be blown out
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 189
Rudolf Braunmüller Eine Kerzen- und Streichholz-Kombination gag sequence with candle that cannot be blown out and gag matches
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 189
Horace E. Bennett Ellis-Ring-Kombination shoelace and Ellis ring penetration, second phase, finger ring becomes entangled
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 190
Rudolf Braunmüller Plauderstunde
Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5 2000 192
Lewis Ganson, Percy Abbott Eierbeutel, Beuteleier egg bag routine, with egg on fan
Also published here Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 6
Shigeo Futagawa Eine verblüffende Prophezeiung numbers on both sides of four papers, a total is predicted
Related to Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 11
Harry Lorayne Kleiner Mann - Großer Mann set-up that is redealt multiple times
Also published here Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 12
Andreas Michel-Andino Der Spiegeldurchbruch "Andinos Trickmonographien - Teil 7"
mirror penetration with silk or needle
  • Nachtrag zur Guillotinengeschichte (credit information)
  • Talerfang
  • Das heutige Thema
  • Meine Ausführung
  • Historisches (credit information)
  • Meine Routine
  • Weitere Vortragsanregungen
  • Ausblick
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 14
Rudolf Braunmüller Ein Liebestest
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 18
Rudolf Braunmüller Schwarz-Rot-Mirakel introduction to collection of red-black tricks
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 19
Paul Curry Im Ganzen Leben Nicht two shuffled halves, magician does the same as spectator, both separate cards into red and black
Also published here Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 19
Harry Lorayne Außerhalb dieses Universums some red and black sorting comes out despite real shuffles, not really OOTW effect
Also published here Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 23
Rot-Schwarz Präparation red-black separation during a location effect
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 26
Eine mathematische Banknight counting procedure with eleven envelopes
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 27
Erich Tauer-Turmi Die Getränkefabrikation longer article about the history, credit information
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 28
Ali Bongo Ali Bongos Trinkgeldtip inducing tips
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 32
Gerald Kosky Wieviele? two in the hand one in the pocket with dice, involving blank and large die
Also published here Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 33
Rudolf Braunmüller Plauderstunde
Vol. 24 No. 1 2000 36
Trickparade I
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 46
Robert E. Neale Die Liebenden two spectators both choose love tarot card, counting
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 46
Roy Baker Encore Penetration large silk through neck, using two silks
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 47
Jack Griggs Wenn Schweine fliegen könnten toy pig vanishes behind paravent, close-up
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 49
Bob Read Papiergeld newspaper snippets change to bill, corner missing, newspaper piece from floor changed into missing corner
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 50
John Bourne Außergewöhnliche Produktion three connected pieces, pyramid construction for silk production
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 52
Rudolf Braunmüller Bitte erklären Sie mir einen Trick sausage between fingertips
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 53
Orville Wayne Meyer Magisches Quadrat & Großer Gedächtnistest combination of magic square routine and list of objects memory demonstration
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 54
Rudolf Braunmüller Klassische Flachen- & Flüssigkeitstricks
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 61
Erich Tauer-Turmi Germains Wasservasen in neuer Art cups shown empty by stuffing silk in them, water appears, hindu cups
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 61
Erich Tauer-Turmi Die Wandernde Flasche with liquid production in glass
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 62
Erich Tauer-Turmi Ein Begleitvortrag zur "Flaschen-Vermehrung" patter
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 64
Erich Tauer-Turmi Die Punschmaschine metal apparatus for appearing liquid
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 65
Erich Tauer-Turmi Der Milchglastrick routine for vanishing milk
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 66
Erich Tauer-Turmi Die Rätselhafte Weinflasche bottle, wine poured out alternated with ribbons that are pulled out
  • Varianten
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 69
Karl Seikel Herstellung einer Flasche (Glas) "ohne Boden" making a bottomless bottle
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 71
Zwei meiner Besten!
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 72
Al Koran Mein Symboltest stacked symbol cards, red and black symbols
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 72
Al Koran Überall und Nirgends three cards chosen, performer turns over three cards behind back, all wrong, spectators chose all the same card which is found in pocket, weight hold-ou
  • Effekt Nr. 1 (grifflose Methode)
  • Effekt Nr. 2 (die Griff-Methode)
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 76
Andreas Michel-Andino Das Kubusspiel "Andinos Trickmonographien - Teil 8"
  • Nachtrag zum Spiegeldurchbruch
  • Historisches zum Kubusspiel (credit information)
  • Verschiedene Modelle
  • Anmerkungen zur Horsterroutine
  • Meine Routine für Erwachsene
  • Das Kubusspiel für Kinder
  • Danksagung
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 79
Rudolf Braunmüller Plauderstunde
Vol. 24 No. 2 2000 84
Herbert Bötticher Roulette cards distributed on all field of roulette game, card at rolled number is reversed in another deck
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 95
Peps Zoller Above Suspicion card thought of, spectator deal deck into two piles twice, then deals card according to value of his card, blank cards used
Inspired by
  • "Above Suspicion" (Jack Yates)
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 98
Reinhard Müller, Karl-Heinz Ritter Double Face Spezial intro to tricks with double faced deck with same card on every back
Related to Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 103
Reinhard Müller Prinzess one of several cards thought-of, performer places one aside, it's the thought-of card
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 104
Reinhard Müller Wandernde Karte named card to pocket, double faced deck with same card on every back
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 106
Reinhard Müller Die Wendetechnik Braue reverse variation with double face deck with only one back
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 108
Reinhard Müller Vorhersage double faced deck with same card on every back
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 109
Reinhard Müller Vorhersage II spectator choses several cards which are put in individual envelopes, then one is chosen which matches prediction, double faced deck with same card on every back
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 110
Reinhard Müller Karten verschwinden sichtbar card vanishes on deck
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 111
Reinhard Müller Eine unfehlbare Vorhersage prediction written on face of a card, double faced deck with same card on every back
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 112
Reinhard Müller Die geteilten Spiele on a deck in which half the deck consists of double faced cards with same card on every back
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 113
Karl-Heinz Ritter Schätzologie deck shuffled, top two cards are named by spectator and predicted by another card at a certain position in another deck, double faced deck with same card on every back is openly shown as all-alike deck
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 114
Karl Norman Routine mit Sicherheitsnadeln linking safety pins, safety pin attached to handkerchief and pulled from side to side
Also published here Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 119
Doc Eason Das Farbwechselnde Kartenspiel
Inspired by Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 124
Eugen Höbel, George Carolly Der zweckentfremdete Eierbeutel spectator's wrist watch vanishes in egg bag, then broken pieces shown, then restored watch
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 129
Wolfgang Moser Öl & Wasser 3&3, deck separation kicker
Inspired by Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 131
Toni Forster Bee-Shot spectator drinks special liquid and can then "chose" a predicted location
  • Version 1 (post cards from different places)
  • Version 2 (book test)
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 136
Eckhard Böttcher Oldtimer Schraubenmutter article about the brema nut
  • Grundeffekt (nut off cord)
  • Befreiung ohne Tuch
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 144
Eckhard Böttcher Das Konfutse-Wunder borrowed finger rings, blocked by nut on rope, are freed
  • Das Konfutse-Wunder, diesmal ganz einfach
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 146
Eckhard Böttcher Gordischer Knoten
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 148
Jochen Zmeck Geheimnisvoller Platzwechsel ring and nut on rope, they change position
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 149
Eckhard Böttcher Noch ein Platzwechsel nut on rope, finger ring free, they transpose
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 150
Eckhard Böttcher Noch eine Befreiung nut off ribbon
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 151
Hanns Thielemann, Eckhard Böttcher Sepa-Ring nut (or gaffed ring) through ribbons in envelope
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 151
Mike Porstmann, Leo Behnke Die Nadel im Heuhaufen performer and spectator each choose a card from half the deck, halves exchanged and the cards found with spelling
Inspired by
  • trick in Professional Close-Up (Leo Behnke)
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 154
Wolfgang Moser Die verbogene Münze coin put in spectators hand, then coin in performer's hand is bent, spectator's coin as well and a spoon as well
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 156
J. B. Bobo Bobo Switch
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 157
Eugen Höbel, Ed Keener Zwei Münzen, ein Papierpunkt, ein Kartenspiel
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 159
Jiri Kanzelsberger Buchtest Nr. ??? one of three words forced with several cards that lead to words (page, row, position)
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 161
Eckhard Böttcher, Nursikoglu Eine von 27 card ends up at any position
  • Die neue Variante
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 164
Eckhard Böttcher Zucker zu Würfelzucker sugar poured in fist, changes to sugar cube
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 169
Toni Forster Lexikon-Prophezeiung two words chosen from dictionary (riffle stop) are predicted in envelopes
  • Varianten
Inspired by
  • "Predictionary" (T. A. Waters, 1990 video tape)
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 170
Kurt Herfurt Verrückte Pompoms patter for pom-pom stick
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 174
Eugen Höbel, Herbert von Heldt Mehr als nur ein Kartentrick freely named card changes back color
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 176
Kurt Herfurt Krawatten-Zerschneiden cut and restored necktie
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 178
Günter Puchinger Entwicklung eines Illusionseffektes article about the development of Mini-Kub-Zag
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 182
Dieter Weber Hindu Faden Mirakel 3-Fach torn and restored thread, torn again and "restored" with knotted-together pieces, then proper restoration again
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 186
Carlhorst Meier Meine Drei-Zettel-Routine three names on billets, pseudo-psychometry, last name divined
Also published here
  • "Meine Drei-Zettel-Routine" (Carlhorst Meier, Seminar Carlhorst Meier)
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 190
Eckhard Böttcher Das Geheimnis Neros chip hidden in pill boxes, position divined, multiple phases
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 192
Eckhard Böttcher Danksagung
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 196
Plauderstunde by "Familie Braunmüller"
Vol. 24 No. 3-5 2001 197
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2020.