Written by Paul Cummins
Work of Doug Conn
195 pages (Hardcover), published by FASDIU Enterprises
Illustrated with drawings by Tony Dunn
Language: English
104 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Paul Cummins Paul's Acknowledgements
Doug Conn Doug's Acknowledgements
  • Doug's Theory Section
Jon Racherbaumer Foreword
Paul Cummins Introduction
Doug Conn Chameleon Sandwich sandwich effect followed by color changing deck surprise
Also published here 1
Center Hindu Shuffle retains bottom stock
Overhand Slip Shuffle
Edward Marlo Tilt brief
Reinhard Müller 3-Card Catch
Doug Conn Triumph Tools some finesses for Triumph
Dai Vernon Triumph Shuffle
Doug Conn Tight Triumph Display four packets
Inspired by 10
Up-The-Ladder Cut as Triumph display, credit information on p. 14
Doug Conn The Inflated Deck as a Triumph convincer, credit information on p. 14
Doug Conn ESJoker odd-backed Joker pushed in deck, cards on either side divined and actually written in talk-bubble on Joker
Related to 15
Bill Simon Business Card Prophecy Move
Paul Cummins Credit Information
Doug Conn Particle Press invisible particles apparently collected and pressed into a coin
Inspired byAlso published here 21
Doug Conn Fit to be Tie'd coin folded into bottom of tie vanishes
Also published here 24
Doug Conn Taking it Dice and Easy three tricks with dice and cards, see the following three items
Doug Conn Coincidice four dice rolled, each number counted off top of deck, last cards match all four numbers
Also published here 27
Doug Conn Fourtunate four dice used to count down to cards, they are the four Aces
Also published here 29
Doug Conn Criss Cross Force Handling involving dribbling the cards
Doug Conn Random Specificity three selections shuffled in deck, two dice used to arrive at numbers which are counted down, selections are found there
Diagonal Insertion brief
Pinky Count brief
Doug Conn Rubber Revelation rubber band wrapped around deck vanishes, around card in center, this and the cards beside it are Aces to match a previous selection
Inspired by 33
Riffle Force break
Doug Conn Ambush in Blue odd-backed collector cards
Edward Marlo ATFUS
Carmen D'Amico Multiple Shift
Also published here 39
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Rhumba Count
Bottom Slip Cut brief
Doug Conn Copper, Silver, Brash copper and silver coins transpose three times, hands, then with table or spectator, then with coin purse
Also published here 43
Paul Gertner The Flick with thumb under purse
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from hand with a gaffed one
Jay Sankey Palm-Up HPC-CPH
Doug Conn Purse Ploy Switch Out
David Roth Palm Change brief
David Williamson Striking Vanish as transposition, with purse
Also published here 49
Doug Conn Three-Peat empty coin purse, three coins produced, vanished, reproduced
L'Homme Masqué Hand Load
Jay Sankey Slick Splits Move coins production
Related to 52
Jay Sankey Drop Out
Also published here 52
Chester Woodin Woodin Click Pass
Doug Conn Tic Tac Turnover flourishy turnover of card between the two first fingers in the air by blowing on it
Also published here 56
Doug Conn Spongology sponge bunnies routine intro
Doug Conn Smoke Poke cigarette pushed into eye socket, reappears between lips when performer turns around
Related toAlso published here 63
Doug Conn Weighing the Aces performer cuts to the Aces, performer cuts off same amount as spectator cuts off and as spectator names, breather
Bob Irons Bottom Running Cut placing a key card above the top stock during running cut, bottom strip
Related to 66
Edward Marlo Faro Check Procedure
Slough-Off Faro
Edward Marlo Kick Out Count
Breather Crimp
Doug Conn Tabled Slip Cut as production of two cards
Also published here 73
Doug Conn Diamond Mine with Ace through Seven, named number changes suit, then all cards change to reverse situation, two handlings
Variations 75
Doug Conn Conn Gets Purse'n'l collection of purse frame ideas, see following items
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Vanish coin vanishes in purse frame
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Production coin appears from purse frame
Jay Sankey Aerial Shuttle Pass brief
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Change coin grows to jumbo coin, with purse frame
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Load silk from purse frame
Inspired byAlso published here 83
Doug Conn Cornered Coins four coins vanish from hand and appear visible in corners of close-up surface one by one, misdirection
Variations 86
Han Ping Chien brief
David Roth Pop-Outs tabled under finger tip
Related to 88
Doug Conn Long Distance Call to the Colors with full deck separation climax
Doug Conn The Pincher Change sandwiched card switched for top card of deck, in-the-hands and tabled handling, quick transformation application
Doug Conn Tabled Alignment Move
Doug Conn Flush Brush triumph with four Royal Flush climax, which are "painted" on rubber back of close up pad
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 99
Doug Conn Impossible 21 Card Trick spectator pockets card, it is named
Inspired byAlso published here 105
Doug Conn Scramble chink-a-chink with scrabble letters
Also published here 111
Doug Conn Pip Trip the four pips on a Four value assemble in one corner of the card
Gary Kurtz Erdnase's First Transformation Variation
Also published here
  • Annotated Erdnase
Marc DeSouza Shapeshifter Change brief
Doug Conn An Artistic Application colored sections on card transform, art theme, named color
Inspired by 127
Dribble Force brief
Doug Conn Rubber Room Change rubber banded deck, face card changes, Erdnase first transformation
Doug Conn Tricked Traveler every suit named before travel
Inspired byAlso published here 134
Arthur Finley Tent Vanish
Matt Corin Spin Flourish outjogged card spins around pivot point of first left finger
Related toAlso published here
  • in "The Time Machine" (Genii, Sept. 1996, p. 922)
Paul Cummins Historical Comments credit discussion and bibliography
Doug Conn Three Lumps coins to glass with coffee cup
  • The Non-Gaffed Version
  • The Gaffed Version
Related to 146
Doug Conn Spin Load cup is spun on the table with a hand from above as coin is dropped in
Also published here 146
Doug Conn Three Peace's - Peace spectator cuts deck into piles, top card of chosen pile is put in case, some answers are spelled and another card chosen, the cards give color, suit and value of card in case
Doug Conn Conn's Opener adding cards to packet from underneath cellophane, see also p. 165 and p. 173 for applications
Doug Conn Peace At Any Time selection lost in deck, then cards produced that match color, suit and value of card, finally those three cards change into selection, blendo
Also published here 157
Eddie Fechter Cutting Stop Force timing, see p. 165 for Fechter's out
John Cornelius Spring Set brief
Frank Thompson, Doug Conn Thompson False Cut Variation
Inspired by 159
John Benzais Spinning Slip Cut
Looy Simonoff Flippant brief
Doug Conn Brute Peace two decks, spectator names color and from one deck a card of this color is produced, repeated with suit and value, the resulting card is reversed in second deck
Doug Conn Double Play selection produced, changes into second selection
Doug Conn Side-Steal Strategy gag to cover two side steals
Doug Conn The Double Play Production also with double
Related toVariations 167
Doug Conn Conn's Fusion two cards marked on back fuse into double backer
Also published here 170
Two-Card Monte Move with double backer and double facer
David Williamson Case Hold-Out holding out small stack while spectator shuffles
Paul Cummins Fusion Bibliography
Doug Conn Evening Up The Odds small cards on coins, the cards assemble
Inspired byRelated to 175
Doug Conn Quadruple Bypass sandwich effect, center card penetrates à la Close-up Illusion, it stretches and finally shrinks
Related to 182
Larry Jennings Close-up Illusion
Related to 185
Paul Cummins Final Remarks
Paul Cummins, Doug Conn Conn in Print
Data entered by Denis Behr, June 2018.