Written by David Harkey
Work of Eric Anderson, David Harkey
90 pages (Hardcover), published by Clandestine Productions
Illustrated with photographs and drawings by David Harkey
Language: English
30 entries
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Cover photograph
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David Harkey Acknowledgements
David Harkey Preface
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Fingerling thumb of child pulled off and re-attached
Inspired by 9
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Torque coin gets hot, is dropped into drink which boils, bends
Variations 12
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Torque II coin gets hot, is dropped into drink which boils, becomes lump of silver
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Scatterbrain page of newspaper torn according to spectator's wishes until piece remains, word chosen on it, predicted, bluff
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Acidus Novus Handling
Inspired by 16
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Airlock car unlocks itself when performer points on the door, set-up with arm and pullover
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Twins two cards stapled face-to-face on table, they turn out to be two later signed selections
  • Twinterior Design (handling variation)
David Harkey, Eric Anderson K.M. Move Handling
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Squink! dollar in shot glass splits into two half dollars when heated, then into four quarters
David Harkey, Eric Anderson DBA business card changes into another one
Inspired by 34
Eric Anderson Shufflesque
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Zuzu's Petals at the end an additional petal appears to complete "loves me, loves me not"
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Wingding butterfly sticker vanishes from sheet and appears on back of spectator's hand
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Flashpack flash paper ignited, deck appears in flame
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Bottom Feeder cased sandwiched card turns out to be later selection, featuring a strip-out addition type handling to add cards from deck to cards that are taken out of case
VariationsAlso published here 50
Allan Ackerman Ackerman varies Kelly
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Feeding Frenzy three cards thought-of, performer puts three cards in case, they are the thought-of cards
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Schmobius rubber band is impossibly tangled with a knot in it
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Bonfire matches in shot glass start to burn by themselves, chemical
Related to 60
David Harkey, Eric Anderson, Jay Sankey East meets West meets South pencil through bill
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Tour de Cartes card fans brought out of pocket and added to deck, deck still has the same amount of cards, as deck switch
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Petrified deck becomes solid block that breaks when dropped
Front Tilt
Rub a Dub Vanish
David Harkey, Eric Anderson If Looks Could Kill billet reading system for Q&A
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Billet Switch under envelope
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Outsmart named card spelled to, twenty-six phrases for every card
Keith "Kip" Pascal Fooling Pavlov dog eats food or not at will
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2018.