Written by Christoph Borer
Work of Christoph Borer
51 pages (Paperback), published by Zauberkabinett Shop
Illustrated with drawings by Christoph Borer
Language: German
14 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Christoph Borer Vorwort booklet about ashes on arm routines
Christoph Borer Die Geisterschrift
  • Das Verbrennen der Serviette (burning the napkin)
  • Schmutz (dirt)
  • Wo kann das Symbol aufgetragen werden? (where to put on the symbol?)
  • Wie soll das Symbol erscheinen? (who should the symbol appear?)
  • Wo ist die Geisterschrift vorführbar? ( where to perform the ashes on arm?)
  • Was passiert, wenn das Symbol gar nicht, oder zu schwach erschein? (trouble shooting)
Christoph Borer, Reinhard Müller Historische Notizen historical comments for ashes on arms
Christoph Borer Ein Wunder mit Spielkarten two selections, first is revealed by tearing a paper napkin into shape of card, then napkin is burnt and ashes on arm to reveal second selection
Christoph Borer Das Runenritual chosen rune stone is revealed with ashes on arm
Christoph Borer Allerlei more ideas for ashes on arm effects
  • Münzen (coins)
  • Gegenstände auf dem Tisch (objects on the table)
  • Namen (names)
  • Buchtitel (book title)
  • Sonstiges (miscellaneous)
Christoph Borer Die Sterne lügen nicht zodiac symbols appear on forearm, ashes on arm, various ideas
Markus Gabriel Die Schrift verwandelt sich word is written on arm with ashes, when rubbed word transforms
Christoph Borer Zusätzliche Gedanken
Christoph Borer Another Card Miracle two selections, name of first selection appears on arm then wrong name appears on arm and is changed into correct selection
Christoph Borer Nachhersagen on writing the name during the routine, ashes on arm
Pat Perry Taschenrechner made in Italy result of a calculation appears on arm, ashes on arm
Christoph Borer Es geistert beim Zuschauer ashes on arm, different ideas for making the word appear on spectator's arm
Christoph Borer Nachwort
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2017.